Tarot divination Celtic cross love. Fortune telling with Tarot cards, layout: Celtic Cross

Celtic cross, probably the oldest pattern for tarot divination. Its popularity is due to the fact that, having a simple layout, it has a powerful effect. Fortune telling Celtic cross for the future is one of the most famous fortune telling layouts. But it is also one of the most complex layouts Tarot for correct interpretation.

Alignment and interpretation of the Celtic cross

The Celtic Cross is often used by tarot beginners, and people interested in fortune telling want to know what this reading can do. Of course, you can read each Tarot image one at a time, but you also need to master the connection between them.

There are many versions of the Celtic Cross, including differences in the layout. The option below shows the best results. So experiment and choose the one that suits you best.

That, What do the cards mean in a Tarot cross spread?, is very important for reading a possible future and a specific situation. The connections between meanings have a great impact on the interpretation of subsequent elements in the layout:

Mastering the dynamics of the layout

This is where things get interesting! Many people first learn to read Tarot by interpreting each card.

First, let's imagine that the Celtic Cross was divided into two main sections: the "Circle/Cross Section" on the left (cards 1 to 6) and the "People" section on the right (7 to 10).

Circle/Cross shows what happens in the life of a fortuneteller during reading. This section consists of two crosses - the central one (cards 1 and 2), nested in a large cross (from 3 to 6). The smaller cross represents the core of matter, that which is most important to the fortuneteller during the reading. Grand Cross consists of two lines that overlap a smaller cross.

The horizontal line, cards 1, 3 and 4, shows time moving from the past on the left to the future on the right. The vertical line (1, 5 and 6) is the consciousness of man moving from the unconscious at the bottom to the conscious mind at the top. Together these six cards are a snapshot of the inner and external environment while reading.

"People" section shows the relationship between the fortuneteller and the environment in which they work, and can give a better idea of ​​what is happening in the wider context.

Second, start looking at the following tarot combinations to build a "story":

Interpretation of the prediction

If fortune telling is difficult, then you need to appreciate it in its entirety. That is, not only certain values, but also their connections. Pay attention to how many direct and inverted values ​​are in the layout. Evaluate fortune telling as a whole. What other images? What's suitable? What are the meanings indicating a person? Reflect everything you see. Only then read the meaning of all the images.

Secure in notebook meaningful phrases and connect them with personal feelings.

Personal card

This is a card that tells about you. There are two methods for selecting it:

  • The first is to settle on a card that you prefer over others. It should reflect your feelings and expectations.
  • The second method is astrological.

We choose:

  • swords - signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini);
  • wands - fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius);
  • cups - water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces);
  • pentacles - earth (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus).

Now choose a card based on gender and age. Males are kings, females are queens.

How to turn fortune telling to your advantage

Most people are afraid of negative answers, because they are confident that the prediction will happen in any case. However, we must remember that fortune telling does not give absolute answers. This is just a tool to help you understand yourself. In any case, you need to understand what you can change to prevent a negative situation. In the end, the answer was no, given the current state of affairs. But what happens next depends only on you. Fortune telling is useful because it helps you look at a problem from all sides and evaluate the hidden potential.

Scheme of the “Celtic Cross” layout.

Attention, TODAY only!

Tarot card spreads are very popular. Using symbols, you can find the answer to a problem situation and learn about upcoming events. Fortune telling Celtic cross has come to us since ancient times, there are several versions of the layout. In the article we will consider a layout option with which you can find out both about the future for yourself and learn about the attitude of a friend to the situation of interest.

In its ancient form, the layout consisted of six lassos, which were laid out in the shape of a cross. In more late times 4 more lasso were added to the Celtic cross, which ultimately provides more complete and accurate information on the essence of the issue.

For the reading, you need to shuffle the major arcana of the tarot, tuning in to the question of interest. For example, what will the work situation be like? Having abandoned all other problems, you need to draw 10 arcana from the deck and lay them out on the fortune-telling cloth as follows:

The layout positions answer the following questions:

  1. the reason for the current situation;
  2. the forces that stand behind and set events in motion;
  3. assessment of the situation by the questioner;
  4. the emotional state of the questioner regarding this situation;
  5. events that occurred before the situation;
  6. events that will happen in the near future;
  7. the consequences of the developing situation for the questioner;
  8. description of the situation and persons involved in the event;
  9. surprise that may occur in connection with this event;
  10. the result of the development of the situation - how the matter will end.

The first two arcana are considered together. One of them symbolizes the consciousness of the questioner, and the second - the subconscious.

The third and fourth lasso characterize the powers of the soul of the questioner.

The fifth and sixth are the past and the near future, respectively.

The seventh lasso is the questioner’s attitude towards himself, the eighth is the attitude towards the environment and situation.

The ninth position represents mysterious forces that can influence the development of the situation. This is the surprise that people don’t think about. However, it can radically change the current situation or prevent its development in favor of the questioner.

When interpreting the tenth arcana, you need to summarize all positions of the alignment, put together the meaning of all arcana and logically justify the final answer.

Example of interpretation

Let's say you need to find out how a mysterious person relates to a situation that interests you. Or you want to know how his affairs will turn out in a certain area of ​​life. After shuffling you have the following arcana:

  1. Sun;
  2. Priestess;
  3. Hermit;
  4. Justice;
  5. Death;
  6. Lovers;
  7. Strength.

The sun speaks of a person’s positive attitude in connection with the current situation. The magician confirms the first position of the alignment - the person is disposed to take decisive action, his willpower will lead to victory.

Third and fourth positions. Here a woman can help a person (inspire, support). Subconsciously, he perceives the situation as a game (Jester). Perhaps such an attitude to circumstances will allow him to emerge victorious.

Fifth position - in the past a person resolved his issues independently (hermit), in the future (sixth position) circumstances will develop quite successfully - fair reward for the efforts expended (Justice).

In the seventh position is the lasso of Death. However, the symbol of this lasso should not be taken literally - death speaks of change and rebirth. A person will reconsider his attitude towards himself, change something in his behavior or self-esteem.

The eighth position is the lasso Judgment. This lasso shows the attitude of the questioner towards environment and people. As we see, a person does not like what surrounds him in this situation. Conflicts and breakdowns in relationships are possible.

Ninth position - lasso Lovers. The meaning of the lasso symbolizes the problem of choice. Perhaps the situation will develop depending on what choice the questioner makes. To clarify, you can select an additional card from the deck (minor arcana) to clarify the situation.

The tenth position is the lasso of Strength in the end. This lasso says that a person will overcome any adversity and obstacles. Everything is in his own hands.

Order of interpretation

To get a comprehensive answer to asked question, there is no need to consider the meaning of each lasso “in a column” in order. We begin the interpretation from the fifth position, which shows the prerequisites for the development of the situation. Then consider the ninth position - the questioner’s attitude to the situation. In this way we will get a first idea of ​​events.

Next, you need to consider the first two positions, which will show the emotional and mental attitude of the questioner to the situation - what worries and hurts him in it. After that, we look at what he thinks on this issue (position 3) and what his intuition tells him (position 4).

Then we consider the person’s attitude towards himself in connection with this situation, how he perceives his role in it (position 7). After this, we look at how he relates to his environment (position 8).

In conclusion, we consider the positions of the future - the 6th and 10th arcana. After this we summarize.

The result of the situation

If we combine all the meanings of the arcana together, we can draw the following conclusion. The questioner has every chance of emerging victorious from the current situation (lasso strength). He is able to independently overcome all the problems along the way, despite the resistance of the environment (Arkan Judgment).

In achieving his plans, he will be helped by a certain female person (Arcanum Empress), who will provide friendly support. To achieve success, a person must reconsider his own attitude towards everything and change something in himself (Arcanum Death).


The Celtic Cross layout is focused on the future, but in connection with a specific situation. That is, you can only know your future relative to the development of a specific event. In order to find out the future in all areas of life, you need to make a large layout with several positions on the entire tarot deck.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

One of the most common layouts. It combines event and psychological levels, is simple and universal.
Basic situation.
Influences that interfere with or push the main situation (crossing the main situation). Completes the picture completely.
What you consciously strive for.
The area of ​​the subconscious.
Past influences, the root causes of the current situation.
Future influences, or what is just beginning.
You yourself. Your attitude and approach to this issue or situation. (Be sure to compare this position with the 6th and 10th.)
Energies coming from the outside world. Something to be reckoned with and listened to. (Location or influence of others characters to the situation.)
Your hopes and fears.
Result, outcome, key. Climax. The highest point of events to which the development of this topic will ultimately lead.
When interpreting positions 3 and 4, there is a certain space for associations, depending on the issue. But usually these cards reflect what a person’s head (3) and heart (4) are telling them. (Option: 3 - Guardian Angel, 4 - Tempter Serpent). The interpretation of the layout usually begins with the 5th and 9th cards, the 6th and 10th complete the analysis of the situation. It is imperative to find the relationship between the cards. Their meaning is tied into one knot, which softens or redirects the action of one card. Build an overall picture of influences, intentions, and you will understand the meaning of the process.

ADDITION to the Celtic Cross Layout.
If the picture is unclear, you can examine each card individually, as if under magnification. To do this, lay out the cross with the desired card in the center, along new scheme. This layout will show more fully what is happening with this force affecting your situation. Find the connection between this layout and the main one, linking them according to the original role of the highlighted card.
Card values: 0 - the original card from the main layout.
- How do you see its development? internal sensations and desires, goals, tasks. An idea of ​​what is happening, a map “in the head”.
- the actual course of events, results and practical experience. This path is more consistent with the world around us. The card is "at the feet".
- obstacles and complementing the picture to the real situation. What hinders or helps, what must be taken into account.
- the best way development of the situation of the main map, resulting opportunities.
- the worst path of development, mistakes, temptations, it’s so easy to destroy card 0.
If the layout is dominated by cards of any suit, then these situations and areas of interest predominate in the issue. Explore in which direction and how each suit develops in the layout. If there are many courtiers, the opinions of others greatly influence and the role of interaction with others will be important. If there are many cards of the Major Arcana (more than 4-5), then the events are quite deep and significant, many objects in the mind are re-evaluated.


After studying the meanings of the cards, it is advisable to move on to acquiring practical experience - telling fortunes on Tarot cards for yourself and clients, collecting feedback, make adjustments to your working values. We looked at how to read Tarot cards correctly in my last article. Today I want to tell readers about one of the most popular layouts - the Celtic Cross layout and how to tell fortunes on Tarot cards using this layout.

What is the Celtic Cross

For the first time in literature, this layout is mentioned in Waite’s work “The Illustrated Key to the Tarot.” According to the author, this arrangement is very ancient and has existed for quite a long time. This may be so, but in earlier literature, at least to me personally, he was not encountered. But from book to book, from forum to forum, from article to article I came across various options Celtic Cross layout, starting from the sequence of positions, the number of positions, the geometry of the layout and, most importantly, the meaning of the cards in the layout.

Over the course of several years of practice, trial and error, consultations and feedback from clients, I have chosen for myself the optimal scheme and position values ​​for a given layout, which allows me to quickly and accurately answer most questions.

The most convenient for me was the diagram presented in the figure above; it unfolds “automatically” and the order of positions makes sense and is internally easy to use for me personally.

If everything is more or less clear with the choice of layout geometry and the number of positions in the layout, then with the names of the positions themselves - it’s just terrible!

For example, I will cite the text from Waite’s “Pictorial Key to the Tarot”: “1 - What is on it; 2 - What is in his way; 3 - What a crown for him; 4 - What's underneath; 5 - What's behind him; 6 - What is in front of him; 7 - Himself; 8 - His house; 9 - His hopes and fears; 10 - What will happen.” How simple, practical and comprehensive are these positions?

Further in Waite's original text there are transcripts, but they do not add much clarity. How can we be here? Various authors of books, articles, and forums offer their interpretations, sometimes clarifying the original text, and sometimes completely departing from the “canon.” Over several years of fortune-telling practice, I tried most of the proposed interpretations, but something did not coalesce, there was a lack of clarity and inner comfort from the alignment.

Around 2015, having begun my acquaintance with the RCT and the materials of Sergei Valentinovich, I finally supplemented my vision of the Celtic Cross with its meanings, and everything came together into a coherent picture.

Here are the meanings of the positions that I use in my practice: “1.2 - internal component of the question/situation; 3.4 - external component of the issue/situation; 5 - past or root cause of the situation; 6 - near future (dates should be discussed in advance before fortune telling); 7,8 - assessment/synthesis of internal (1,2), external (3,4) positions, respectively, 9 - fears, hopes, apprehensions (in a word, a hint of what to hope for and what is better to avoid) and 10 - distant future or the final outcome of the situation."

These interpretations of positions may seem, at first glance, no less confusing, however, when practical work These item designations cover almost 90% of possible customer questions.

Which decks are best to use for the Celtic Cross layout?

The answer to this question is extremely simple - for any. In this situation, all restrictions on choosing a deck for a reading are only in the head of the practitioner and can only be solved through individual selection of the deck, internal comfort during fortune telling. However, for those who are in the first stages of learning, getting their hands on in the practice of fortune telling, I would recommend using the classic Waite deck or his clones. Why?

Yes, because the simplicity of interpretations and everyday drawings contribute to easier learning and more effective fortune-telling on the cards of the Celtic Cross layout for the near future, as well as for distant events, which in the future makes it easy to track feedback and make appropriate adjustments to the meanings of the cards, if necessary. .

What are the possibilities of the Celtic Cross layout?

The Celtic Cross layout can answer absolutely any question and reveal absolutely any situation! You can read Tarot readings using the Celtic Cross spread for love, health, money and even past lives! It all depends on the formulation of the question and the correct distribution of the players in the alignment into positions. Don't believe me? Let's look at a couple of examples of this alignment in matters of the heart.

Celtic Cross spread for Love

Let's consider the first version of the layout on this topic. A young man contacted me, whose relationship with his girlfriend had reached a bad point. He is interested in what are the future prospects for the relationship? We indicate in advance that the near future is up to 6 months, the distant future is up to a year. Let's make a schedule:

IN in this case, the questioning young man corresponds to positions 1,2,7, his soulmate corresponds to positions 3,4,8, respectively; at position 5 there will be a card describing the beginning of a black streak in the relationship. Reading the layout, we understand that the root of the problem is in the behavior patterns of our participants - they reflect each other’s behavior patterns (Queen of Cups, Water component of Water), thereby aggravating the current situation. The 9th position of the layout in this case gives us recommendations for those involved - Page of Swords (Earth of Air) - we need to eliminate old patterns of behavior, erase them into dust, build new ones in order to allow existing relationships to develop harmoniously (a small digression - in my practice I use card interpretations differing from those generally accepted in the Russian Sht, especially when it comes to reading the Figured Arcana).

A deeper study of the alignment cards is beyond the scope of this work; I will only note that the discovery of the behavior patterns of both persons involved and subsequent recommendations allowed them to harmonize their relationships.

What should a girl do, for example, who doesn’t have a partner and is looking for a partner? The Celtic Cross alignment for love will also help to clarify the situation here. With this option, positions 1 and 2 will characterize the girl herself, 3 and 4 her potential partners or relationship models that she needs, position 7 will tell her what she needs to work on in herself, position 8 will indicate what exactly to pay attention to when choosing a partner, but position 9 will give general recommendations on the question you are looking for. It's simple!

The main thing is to be able to correctly formulate a question and see the keys to finding information in the proposed positions of the layout.

Tarot reading for the future with the Celtic Cross reading

It would seem unreasonable to use such a voluminous layout as the Celtic Cross for fortune telling for the near future. But no, with this scenario you can predict a situation that will happen either tomorrow or in a few hours. To do this, it is enough just to designate position 6 as “the state of affairs here and now,” and position 10 as “the result” or the state of affairs for the specified period.

The remaining positions of the layout will only reveal all the nuances of the matter of interest in order to better prepare for it. That's it, nothing extra. Fortune telling with the Celtic Cross for the distant future using this scheme is even easier.

Can the alignment show damage?

Can the Celtic cross show damage...

The Celtic Cross layout, in addition to typical themes, also brilliantly reveals all sorts of signs of damage or atypical situations. For example, if a person has negative magical effects(damage, evil eye, programs, etc.). To do this, the positions outlined earlier will help us.

1,2 - internal state, human energy in general, 7 - whether there is a self-evil eye, self-programming, but positions 3,4 will show whether there is an externally induced magical effect on a person, and position 8 will tell you the type of influence. The 9th position of the layout, in this case, can give a hint on how to get rid of the identified negativity.


In this work, I have touched only the tip of the iceberg on this issue; it is simply impossible to review the Celtic Cross Tarot layout in one article! The possibilities of this arrangement are extremely great. I have given you some outlines, guiding signs that will help you move along your chosen path more confidently. Subtleties come with practice.
Write in the comments your additions, suggestions for the article, sign up for consultations. I'll be glad to see you.

Interpretation of the layout:

What's in the past.
10 clubs You have been through a lot in the past. Failures follow you. But you worked hard and never stopped treating people well. Faith in the triumph of goodness and justice did not leave you. Life's adversities did not manage to embitter and embitter you. Your benevolence will one day bear fruit, but you are sure of this even without my words. Recently you were busy with something very important. Unpleasant news about a person you know should not sadden you too much. People often tell lies, and in this case, not everything you hear is true.

What's in the present.
Ace of Diamonds Yours financial situation It's unenviable now. No wonder you are always looking for ways to improve it. All your meetings and conversations are aimed at this. Your plan alone should bring in quite a lot of profit. Don't despair, your persistent efforts will lead to victory.
9 peak You have made the decision to change your life. Your plans include moving and changing your profession. These changes in your life should please your loved one.

Future Events
Jack of clubs A strong love interest awaits you. Your feeling will be mutual and strong. But love is sometimes easy to win, but difficult to keep. In addition, illness awaits you, but it will not be serious.