Fortune telling with Celtic cross cards. Fortune telling with Tarot cards, layout: Celtic Cross

The Celtic Cross is probably the oldest pattern for Tarot divination. Its popularity is due to the fact that, having a simple layout, it has a powerful effect. Fortune telling Celtic cross for the future is one of the most famous fortune telling layouts. But it is also one of the most complex layouts Tarot for correct interpretation.

Alignment and interpretation of the Celtic cross

The Celtic Cross is often used by tarot beginners, and people interested in fortune telling want to know what this reading can do. Of course, you can read each Tarot image one at a time, but you also need to master the connection between them.

There are many versions of the Celtic Cross, including differences in the layout. The option below shows the best results. So experiment and choose the one that suits you best.

That, What do the cards mean in a Tarot cross spread?, is very important for reading a possible future and a specific situation. The connections between meanings have a great impact on the interpretation of subsequent elements in the layout:

Mastering the dynamics of the layout

This is where things get interesting! Many people first learn to read Tarot by interpreting each card.

First, let's imagine that the Celtic Cross was divided into two main sections: the "Circle/Cross Section" on the left (cards 1 to 6) and the "People" section on the right (7 to 10).

Circle/Cross shows what happens in the life of a fortuneteller during reading. This section consists of two crosses - the central one (cards 1 and 2), nested in a large cross (from 3 to 6). The smaller cross represents the core of matter, that which is most important to the fortuneteller during the reading. Grand Cross consists of two lines that overlap a smaller cross.

The horizontal line, cards 1, 3 and 4, shows time moving from the past on the left to the future on the right. The vertical line (1, 5 and 6) is the consciousness of man moving from the unconscious at the bottom to the conscious mind at the top. Together these six cards are a snapshot of the inner and external environment while reading.

"People" section shows the relationship between the fortuneteller and the environment in which they work, and can give a better idea of ​​what is happening in the wider context.

Second, start looking at the following tarot combinations to build a "story":

Interpretation of the prediction

If fortune telling is difficult, then you need to appreciate it in its entirety. That is, not only certain values, but also their connections. Pay attention to how many direct and inverted values ​​are in the layout. Evaluate fortune telling as a whole. What other images? What's suitable? What are the meanings indicating a person? Reflect everything you see. Only then read the meaning of all the images.

Pin in notebook meaningful phrases and connect them with personal feelings.

Personal card

This is a card that tells about you. There are two methods for selecting it:

  • The first is to settle on a card that you prefer over others. It should reflect your feelings and expectations.
  • The second method is astrological.

We choose:

  • swords - signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini);
  • wands - fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius);
  • cups - water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces);
  • pentacles - earth (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus).

Now choose a card based on gender and age. Males are kings, females are queens.

How to turn fortune telling to your advantage

Most people are afraid of negative answers, because they are confident that the prediction will happen in any case. However, we must remember that fortune telling does not provide absolute answers. This is just a tool to help you understand yourself. In any case, you need to understand what you can change to prevent a negative situation. In the end, the answer was no, given the current state of affairs. But what happens next depends only on you. Fortune telling is useful because it helps you look at a problem from all sides and evaluate the hidden potential.

Scheme of the Celtic Cross layout.

Attention, TODAY only!

Celtic cross– fortune telling online- This is the most famous classic Tarot card layout that came to us from the depths of time.

The fame of this online fortune telling due to the versatility of its application. Celtic cross suitable for any questions and answers relating to any areas of life, situations and problems.

This ancient layout is especially well suited for describing the direction of development of a situation, for highlighting the causes of a particular problem, for studying the past that has influenced what is happening in the present. This free online fortune telling can also be used to predict the future.

Scheme and meanings of card positions in the “Celtic Cross” layout

  • Card No. 1 indicates the essence of the matter, the initial situation.
  • Card No. 2 shows an additional factor that can either strengthen or weaken the original one.
  • Card No. 3 reveals what is being realized. What is already clear to the fortuneteller on the given question. What he knows or sees is perhaps what he consciously strives for.
  • Card number 4 describes what the fortuneteller feels. The world of the unconscious, deep inner confidence. Something that is difficult to change or weaken.
  • Card #5 indicates what led up to the present. Past. The card indicates events that were particularly painful. They are usually the causes of the current situation.
  • Card #6 predicts how this will continue. The first card in a spread that indicates the future. Predicts the near future.
  • Card number 7 talks about how the fortuneteller sees this. Symbolizes the questioner, his attitude towards the situation or what he feels about the question asked.
  • Card #8 gives a clue as to how others see it, or where it is happening. Environment. The place where events take place, as well as how other people influence the situation. If the question concerns relationships, then this card can symbolize a partner.
  • Card number 9 reveals what the fortuneteller hopes or fears. Hopes, expectations and fears. The card reflects the fortuneteller's assessment of the situation, including his hopes and fears.
  • Card number 10 gives a forecast of what this will lead to. The second card in the layout, which speaks of the future. Indicates distant prospects. The map can also show the outcome of the situation.

If the fortuneteller does not know which Tarot layout to choose, which one best suits his question or situation, then you can always stop at fortune telling Celtic cross .

Cards are ready for fortune telling online “Celtic Cross”

Select 1st card

Card No. 1. The crux of the matter. Initial situation.
Card No. 2. Additional factor, which can either strengthen or weaken the original one.
Card No. 3. That which is realized. What is already clear to the fortuneteller on the given question. What he knows or sees is perhaps what he consciously strives for.
Card No. 4. What is felt by fortunetellers. The world of the unconscious, deep inner confidence. Something that is difficult to change or weaken.
Card No. 5. What led to this. Past. The card indicates events that were particularly painful. They are usually the causes of the current situation.
Card No. 6. The way it will continue. The first card in a spread that indicates the future. Predicts the near future.
Card No. 7. The way the fortuneteller sees it. Symbolizes the questioner, his attitude to the situation or how he feels regarding the question asked.
Card No. 8. The way others see it, or where it happens. Environment. The place where events take place, as well as how other people influence the situation. If the question concerns relationships, then this card can symbolize a partner.
Card No. 9. What the fortuneteller hopes or fears. Hopes, expectations and fears. The card reflects the fortuneteller's assessment of the situation, including his hopes and fears.
Card No. 10. Where it leads. The second card in the layout, which speaks of the future. Indicates distant prospects. The map can also show the outcome of the situation.

Tarot is quite an interesting activity. It is unique and has a number of its own features. But we will not talk about this, but about one layout, which is probably the most popular among practitioners of this system, the “Celtic Cross” Tarot layout.

General scheme

This layout was proposed by the author of one of the most popular decks in the world - Arthur Waite. He claimed that this was an ancient method, the authorship of which belongs to the sages of the past. But this is most likely a legend, invented by him, like the scheme itself. Nevertheless, the “Celtic Cross” Tarot layout is quite convenient, practical and really allows you to make a high-quality analysis of almost any situation.

In this case, he uses only ten cards and, accordingly, has ten semantic positions. It must be said right away that there are countless options for this layout, since each master, in the end, comes to his own, individual understanding of cards, positions and their relationships. Therefore, the following explanations serve only as examples of how it can be, and not as strict, unchangeable rules.

With experience, tarot readers begin to build their own logical connections between cards and change their original positions accordingly. This means that the interpretation of the Celtic Cross Tarot is a fairly flexible practice, based more on intuition than on formally given meanings. General scheme The layout can be seen in the picture below.

Position No. 1

This card is called the significator. Its task is to represent the questioner in the layout, that is, the one who orders the layout and for whom it is made. The significator is usually chosen from the minor arcana among the court cards. For young people and children it becomes a page, for women - a queen, for middle-aged men - a knight, and for older men - a king. The last card can also represent the father of the family, boss, teacher or any other person of authority, regardless of his age.

The topic within which the “Celtic Cross” Tarot layout is being done will tell you which suit to choose from. If the question concerns love, feelings and relationships, then it will certainly be the question of cups. If the question is about career and achievements, then the suit of staves is used (some tarot readers, changing the correspondence of elements with suits, use cards of the suit of swords here, and where swords are used, they use staves).

When it comes to science, education, communication and some non-romantic, but also non-business relationships, the significator is the suit of staves. Finally, the suit of pentacles is chosen when the issue concerns money, material security or physical health. Some masters, when making the “Celtic Cross” Tarot layout, choose the significator differently, correlating certain cards with certain appearance features. For example, cups mean black eyes are hidden behind swords. But there is no longer a single criterion - each fortuneteller has his own system of correspondences. And therefore, nothing can be stated unambiguously here.

When the significator is chosen, it is placed face down in the center of the table. Then the deck is shuffled, shifted with the left hand, and cards from No. 2 to No. 10 are laid out one by one in the above order.

Position No. 2

This card is called the root of the layout. On the one hand, it summarizes the entire situation. Some masters believe that in her face there is a complete answer to the question posed, while all other cards are comments to her. It can, however, be perceived as a factor characterizing the essence of the stated issue. In this sense, she can play the role of a key issue or figure a certain person. Whatever card appears in this position must be understood in the context of the entire layout, and especially the arcana in positions No. 5 and No. 10. Why exactly them will become clear later.

Position No. 3

The past behind this card tells us where the problem started in the first place. This is not the past at all and you should always remember this when doing fortune telling with Tarot cards. The Celtic Cross is no exception in this regard, especially since it contains another card that reveals the past.

Position No. 4

This card speaks about the immediate past - about what happened in the life of the questioner immediately before he sought advice. Here the Celtic Cross Tarot spread can provide useful information, some information that is worth taking into account when interpreting subsequent cards. Since it is the events of the past that often help to more accurately determine what will happen in the future, since they are its direct or indirect cause.

Position No. 5

The lasso in this position in the Celtic Cross Tarot reading shows how the matter will end. This is a logical result, as distant in time as expected in the wording of the question. Of course, this is not a verdict, but only the most likely development of the situation. When interpreting a card in this position, it is especially important to pay attention to the lasso at No. 10, since No. 5 shows only the actual result, and only the card at position No. 10 can make a full assessment of it. But more on that below. It is also important to consider how #5 fits with #2. Most often they represent one whole and are interpreted in the context of each other.

Position No. 6

IN in this case shows what will precede the fulfillment of the prediction expressed by the card in position No. 5. In other words, this lasso speaks about the near future, that is, about events that will occur between the time when the session is held and the time when the outcome in the card comes true. It should be noted that sometimes a good outcome is preceded by serious problems, and, on the contrary, an unfavorable end can be preceded by very positive events. Therefore, you need to be more careful. It should also be noted whether the lasso in position No. 6 is the cause of the final result or not. How the questioner behaves further and reacts to upcoming events depends on this.

Position No. 7

This is a very simple position, which, however, helps make Tarot fortune telling significantly more accurate. The “Celtic Cross”, the interpretation of which is largely based not only on the prediction of events, but also on the emotional description of a person, here gives a very important information. This card shows how the questioner sees himself from the outside. It reveals his true view of himself, and, accordingly, the true nature of his intentions.

Position No. 8

Unlike the previous card, this position shows how other people see the questioner. First of all, these are, of course, his loved ones and those who are directly related to the essence of the question asked. For example, it can talk about the attitude of his enemies or passion towards the questioner. Sometimes it reflects the view of the person hiding behind card No. 2, if it represents a person and not a situation. This is possible, but not necessary.

Position No. 9

Tarot reading "Celtic Cross" at this stage can talk about two things - about the most tormenting fears of the questioner or about his hopes. What exactly the lasso shows in each layout usually becomes clear from the meaning of the card itself. Of course, negative cards will reflect fears, and positive cards will reflect hopes. There are, however, nuances, but they cannot be described in a manual and made part of the fortune-telling technique - such things come with time and experience.

Position No. 10

This is one of the most important positions in the entire layout. In accordance with our version, it means how the questioner will internally experience the fulfillment of the prediction in position No. 5. More often than not, the cards surprisingly correlate with each other. In other words, positive events correspond to a positive assessment, and, on the contrary, negative events are experienced tragically. But it also happens the other way around. For example, when asked whether a person with current work, a card may appear, meaning that they will definitely be fired. This would seem to be bad. But at the same time, the situation that will accompany the dismissal will be such that by the time this happens, the questioner himself will be happy with this outcome of the matter. And therefore, in position No. 10 there will be a card of joy and good luck. It is also necessary to remember the connection of this lasso with position No. 2.


In conclusion, we need to give a small warning to those who read Tarot online. The “Celtic Cross” gives answers to the future, and indeed to all questions, based on the interpretation algorithm programmed in it. It may not coincide with the system outlined above, and therefore it is not recommended to interpret layouts in online services using our methodology.

Interpretation of the layout:

What's in the past.
9 diamonds yours past life cannot be called successful. Hard work was not rewarded. The reason for this is your generosity and naivety. You trusted people too much, and they deceived and betrayed you at the first opportunity. Your kindness was simply used by unscrupulous people. Therefore, your efforts have benefited others, but not you. I advise you to more soberly evaluate your friends and business partners. Your recent noble deed saved several people from serious trouble. They are grateful to you, and I advise you not to forget that these people may be useful to you in the very near future. Don’t be shy to ask for help, remind others that you too have problems that they can solve. Recent news about a person you know is false. Don't let this bother you.

What's in the present.
10 hearts Your matters of the heart are as good as ever. Love is mutual, and nothing overshadows your relationship with your loved one. It is not surprising that you are cheerful and happy, you can even say: “You are happy.”
Jack of diamonds You're angry at yourself for missing out on an opportunity. One event prevented you. Even though it’s not your fault, frustration overwhelms you. There was only one step left to get what you wanted, and that’s what they prevented you from taking.

Future Events
8 clubs You will get what you wanted. But you will have to make an effort to keep happiness in your hands. This will be a serious test for your character. In the near future you will feel unwell, but you should not attach much importance to it.


After studying the meanings of the cards, it is advisable to move on to acquiring practical experience - telling fortunes on Tarot cards for yourself and clients, collecting feedback, make adjustments to your working values. We looked at how to read Tarot cards correctly in my last article. Today I want to tell readers about one of the most popular layouts - the layout Celtic cross and how to read Tarot cards using this layout.

What is the Celtic Cross

For the first time in literature, this layout is mentioned in Waite’s work “The Illustrated Key to the Tarot.” According to the author, this arrangement is very ancient and has existed for quite a long time. This may be so, but in earlier literature, at least to me personally, he was not encountered. But from book to book, from forum to forum, from article to article I came across various options Celtic Cross layout, starting from the sequence of positions, the number of positions, the geometry of the layout and, most importantly, the meaning of the cards in the layout.

Over the course of several years of practice, trial and error, consultations and feedback from clients, I have chosen for myself the optimal scheme and position values ​​for a given layout, which allows me to quickly and accurately answer most questions.

The most convenient for me was the diagram presented in the figure above; it unfolds “automatically” and the order of positions makes sense and is internally easy to use for me personally.

If everything is more or less clear with the choice of layout geometry and the number of positions in the layout, then with the names of the positions themselves - it’s just terrible!

For example, I will cite the text from Waite’s “Pictorial Key to the Tarot”: “1 - What is on it; 2 - What is in his way; 3 - What a crown for him; 4 - What's underneath; 5 - What's behind him; 6 - What is in front of him; 7 - Himself; 8 - His house; 9 - His hopes and fears; 10 - What will happen? How simple, practical and comprehensive are these positions?

Further in Waite's original text there are transcripts, but they do not add much clarity. How can we be here? Various authors of books, articles, and forums offer their interpretations, sometimes clarifying the original text, and sometimes completely departing from the “canon.” Over several years of fortune-telling practice, I tried most of the proposed interpretations, but something did not coalesce, there was a lack of clarity and inner comfort from the alignment.

Around 2015, having begun my acquaintance with the RCT and the materials of Sergei Valentinovich, I finally supplemented my vision of the Celtic Cross with its meanings, and everything came together into a coherent picture.

Here are the meanings of the positions that I use in my practice: “1.2 - internal component of the question/situation; 3.4 - external component of the issue/situation; 5 - past or root cause of the situation; 6 - near future (dates should be discussed in advance before fortune telling); 7,8 - assessment/synthesis of internal (1,2), external (3,4) positions, respectively, 9 - fears, hopes, apprehensions (in a word, a hint of what to hope for and what is better to avoid) and 10 - distant future or the final outcome of the situation."

These interpretations of positions may seem, at first glance, no less confusing, however, when practical work These item designations cover almost 90% of possible customer questions.

Which decks are best to use for the Celtic Cross layout?

The answer to this question is extremely simple - for any. In this situation, all restrictions on choosing a deck for a reading are only in the head of the practitioner and can only be solved through individual selection of the deck, internal comfort during fortune telling. However, for those who are in the first stages of learning, getting their hands on the practice of fortune-telling, I would recommend using the classic Waite deck or his clones. Why?

Yes, because the simplicity of interpretations and everyday drawings contribute to easier learning and more effective fortune telling on the cards of the Celtic Cross layout for the near future, as well as for distant events, which in the future makes it easy to track feedback and make appropriate adjustments to the meanings of the cards, if any are required .

What are the possibilities of the Celtic Cross layout?

The Celtic Cross layout can answer absolutely any question and reveal absolutely any situation! You can read Tarot readings using the Celtic Cross spread for love, health, money and even past lives! It all depends on the formulation of the question and the correct distribution of the participants in the alignment into positions. Don't believe me? Let's look at a couple of examples of this alignment in matters of the heart.

Celtic Cross spread for Love

Let's consider the first version of the layout on this topic. A young man contacted me, whose relationship with his girlfriend had reached a bad point. He is interested in what are the future prospects for the relationship? We indicate in advance that the near future is up to 6 months, the distant future is up to a year. Let's make a schedule:

In this case, the questioning young man corresponds to positions 1,2,7, his other half corresponds to positions 3,4,8, respectively, at position 5 there will be a card describing the beginning of a black streak in the relationship. Reading the layout, we understand that the root of the problem is in the behavior patterns of our participants - they reflect each other’s behavior patterns (Queen of Cups, Water component of Water), thereby aggravating the current situation. The 9th position of the layout in this case gives us recommendations for those involved - Page of Swords (Earth of Air) - we need to eliminate old patterns of behavior, erase them into dust, build new ones in order to allow existing relationships to develop harmoniously (a small digression - in my practice I use interpretations of cards, differing from those generally accepted in the Russian Sht, especially when it comes to reading the Figured Arcana).

A deeper study of the alignment cards is beyond the scope of this work; I will only note that the discovery of the behavior patterns of both persons involved and subsequent recommendations allowed them to harmonize their relationships.

What should a girl do, for example, who doesn’t have a partner and is looking for a partner? The Celtic Cross alignment for love will also help to clarify the situation here. With this option, positions 1 and 2 will characterize the girl herself, 3 and 4 her potential partners or relationship models that she needs, position 7 will tell her what she needs to work on in herself, position 8 will indicate what exactly to pay attention to when choosing a partner, but position 9 will give general recommendations on the question you are looking for. It's simple!

The main thing is to be able to correctly formulate a question and see the keys to finding information in the proposed positions of the layout.

Tarot reading for the future with the Celtic Cross reading

It would seem unreasonable to use such a voluminous layout as the Celtic Cross for fortune telling for the near future. But no, with this scenario you can predict a situation that will happen either tomorrow or in a few hours. To do this, it is enough just to designate position 6 as “the state of affairs here and now,” and position 10 as “the result” or the state of affairs for the specified period.

The remaining positions of the layout will only reveal all the nuances of the matter of interest in order to better prepare for it. That's it, nothing extra. Fortune telling with the Celtic Cross for the distant future using this scheme is even easier.

Can the alignment show damage?

Can the Celtic cross show damage...

The Celtic Cross layout, in addition to typical themes, also brilliantly reveals all sorts of signs of damage or atypical situations. For example, if a person has negative magical effects(damage, evil eye, programs, etc.). To do this, the positions outlined earlier will help us.

1,2 - internal state, human energy in general, 7 - whether there is a self-evil eye, self-programming, but positions 3,4 will show whether there is an externally induced magical effect on a person, and position 8 will tell you the type of influence. The 9th position of the layout, in this case, can give a hint on how to get rid of the identified negativity.


In this work, I touched only the tip of the iceberg on this issue; it is simply impossible to review the Celtic Cross Tarot layout in one article! The possibilities of this arrangement are extremely great. I have given you some outlines, guiding signs that will help you move along your chosen path more confidently. Subtleties come with practice.
Write in the comments your additions, suggestions for the article, sign up for consultations. I'll be glad to see you.