Finnish sled drawings dimensions. DIY Finnish sled

Publication date: 3-12-2014, 18:11

In the previous article we discussed where to buy Protherm FS B400 S floor-standing water heaters at a low price, in this article we will discuss how to make a Finnish sled. Sleds are still very popular in our country, but not many people have heard of Finnish sleds, and by the way, they can be easily made.

The design of such a sled consists of three parts: runners, a chair and a backrest, which also serves as a handle.

So, in order to make the runners of a Finnish sled, you will need the following materials:

Aluminum pipe round section diameter 30 and 22 mm;
sheet aluminum 4 mm thick;
ribbed porous rubber.

In order not to suffer when making runners, you need to prepare a pipe bender in advance, which will greatly facilitate the task. You will also need argon arc welding.

The first step is to bend the runners, namely their base. It must be bent from a pipe with a diameter of 40 mm. Then you need to drill holes in the bent element exactly as shown in the image above. The diameter of the holes should be 20 mm, that is, the same as the diameter of a thin aluminum tube.

Then you need to insert pre-cut guides into the holes until they stop. Then they need to be fixed using argon arc welding.

The footrests must be inserted into the holes that are drilled near the ends of the runners and secured by welding. In this case, you will also need ribbed rubber, which needs to be arranged between the guides by gluing it to a strip cut from sheet aluminum.

At the end, all that remains is to make a frame from a tube with a diameter of 40 mm, and then drill holes in it and place it on the previously installed guide tubes, and then fix it using the same welding.

To make a handle you will need:

Aluminum tube with a diameter of 22 mm;
wooden board measuring 25x50x450 mm;
wooden or rubber handle.

You must first bend two handles from the pipe, which then need to be placed on the pipes extending from the upper frame using rivets.

Then between the handles you need to arrange a crate that will play the role of the back of the sled. Rubber handles must be placed on the ends of the handles, in this case glue should be used as a fixative.

Afterwards, you can start making a chair, which will require a certain number of planks and the same tube as in the case of handles.

The whole task is to first cut off the necessary pieces of pipe, then bend them using a pipe bender, and then fix them in place, again using rivets, only before direct fixation you must first arrange the seat using planks.

On fixation individual parts carried out using rivets must be stopped separately. In principle, everything is simple here.

In this case, you will need a metal rod 15 mm thick, in which two through holes with a diameter of 8 mm are drilled at a distance of 80 mm.

This rod is inserted into the pipe and then fixed with a threaded rod, which is passed and released through the holes in the sled frame tube, which, by the way, must be drilled in advance.

Finally, bolts are screwed onto the stud to secure it in place. In this simple but very reliable way, all parts of the sled are connected.

This type of vehicle used to be widespread in the North-West of Russia, in particular in Leningrad region, where “finks” were sometimes even sold in stores, but mostly homemade ones were used. Finnish sleds are very convenient for moving on ice and compacted snow. They are a chair mounted on two runners placed on edge.

To make “finks” (Fig. 1), you will need two steel strips 0.5 cm thick, 4–5 cm wide and 2.5 m long. The front part of each runner must be smoothly bent in the vertical direction, and holes must be made at the ends for a rod that will fasten the runners to each other. The rod is a metal rod 12–15 mm thick, 40 cm long with threads at both ends.


It is advisable to make the frame of the seat and backrest from hardwood - birch, oak, beech. You will need 3x4 cm bars: 2 horizontal - 100cm long, 2 vertical - 80cm, 2 transverse - 40cm each and one top - 60cm. For the sides of the seat you need a 3cm thick board. The seat and back are made of 2×3cm bars. The wooden parts of the sled are fastened together with tires, bolts or screws.

To attach the seat to the runners, use 8 metal plates 4x10cm 3–5mm thick: 4 for attaching horizontal bars to the front rod (2 pieces for each bar) and 4 more for fastening vertical racks. To attach the vertical posts, the pads should be welded on both sides of each runner at a distance of 85 cm from the front curve with a slight slope back and the welding points should be well treated so that they do not cling to the snow. A block cut into a cone is inserted between the linings and fastened with bolts. On the back of the back you can attach a hook for carrying a bag or briefcase.

For greater stability, the distance between the runners can be increased by 10cm.

I give a description and size of the “finks” for use by adults. If you are not going to ride down the slides and carry adult passengers, the proportions and cross-section of the bars can be changed, but in all cases the conditions must be met: the runners must be strictly parallel to each other and stand on edge. The back should have a slight tilt back. Top bar the backrest should be less than the distance between the runners.

The most reliable and durable are considered to be “finks” made from sanded and dried birch trunks without knots.

There is a second version of simplified Finnish sleds. To make them, you will need a metal rod with a cross-section of 12–16 mm and a length of 10 m (for adult sleds). The rod should be bent and if it is elastic enough, the sled can be immediately used for movement. But it’s better, of course, to do it as shown in Fig. 2.


To do this, you just have to resort to the services of a welder. Vertical and transverse posts are welded to the runners using “kerchiefs” - triangular pieces of metal - followed by careful cleaning. The seat can be woven from strong nylon cord. Before manufacturing, it is advisable to put a plastic hose on the part of the rod where the seat and back will be. If this is not done in advance, you can put on a cut one and then secure it with electrical tape.

They move on “finks”, like on a scooter - a passenger is on the seat, and the second person behind him holds on to the back with his hands: one leg is on the runner, the other pushes off. When turning, the runners bend in the desired direction with the movement of their legs.

When moving on loose snow, some craftsmen attach skis to the runners using clamps and screws.

Inventions, technologies, ideas in the review of the Network Overseer. (Part No. 30)

Some of us still know what a Finnish sled is and what it looks like. For those who don’t, let’s explain - this is such a tricky cross between a sled, skis, skates and a scooter. You stand on the runner with one foot, push with the other and forward! And it should be noted, very much even with the breeze ahead... Especially if we're talking about O classic version sled on skating runners and moving on ice. To move on snow, Chukhonians (this is the original name of today's Finns) either put the entire structure on skis or install special “ski-like” pads on skates. In general, when moving more or less long distances under your own power, the thing is very practical and effective - I tested it personally. But they don’t have much space for cargo... Well, you can’t expect much comfort when fishing from them...

But, as they say: “Finland has not yet perished!” There are intellectual titans in this harsh snowy country! For example, in 2007, our Finnish colleague Pekka Mehtonen from Milliniemi distinguished himself in this regard. From the illustrations attached to his patent (in the original, naturally, made on birch bark), at the moment of creative ecstasy, our younger brother in mind was obviously worried about three problems:
A) Secondary: how to protect the stern part of the Finnish body from the piercing northern winds...
B) Home: where to put that huge pile of fish that Pekka usually catches “with one left hand”...
C) Additional: how to organize the process of returning home from fishing so that the carcass of his always dead-drunk friend-neighbor Ukko no longer falls from the seat of a traditional sleigh, which means the need to tie the sufferer with tape to the vehicle would have disappeared by itself. Note: at the same time, naturally, the idea of ​​​​not taking fire water with you on fishing was not even considered theoretically...

The solution, which illuminated the darkest recesses of the mental gyrus of our “draugs”, was so original that I involuntarily suspected “romantic” in reference to those times when in the forties of the last century Russian soldiers were billeted in the plague with his grandmother... Put the wheelbarrow on skis? – for such an explosion of creativity in the blood of Pekka (Petrukha in our opinion) there clearly had to be ancestors who, in addition to skis and dog exercise, at least also saw the wheel and the wheelbarrow itself!...

Here it is - the living embodiment of the thesis that all people are brothers! The truth is still only in the form of drawings... But I believe that somewhere out there - far, far away - in the land of eternal snow, a working prototype of the Chukhonian (not to be confused with Finnish) sleds is already being tested, which means that in the evenings (and sometimes even before lunch...) you can see a touching picture when one courageous Finn, through the blizzard and wind, time after time saves his insensitive friend from terrible death on the ice... In general, the Finns don’t abandon their own people in battle! Or are they Russians?...

DIY Finnish sleigh, folding design, made of aluminum pipes, which can be easily and quickly disassembled or assembled.

On the sled in question, it is easy to move on ice or compacted snow.

The presented design consists of three separate parts (assemblies):

  1. Skids.
  2. High chair.
  3. Back (handle).


Material used:

round aluminum pipe without heat treatment 30x4
aluminum sheet metal 4 (mm) thick
porous ribbed rubber

To make parts from pipes, we will also need argon arc welding.

Additionally, you can watch a video on how to properly cook aluminum:

Assembly order of the unit:

  1. From a pipe measuring 30x4 (mm) we bend runners - the basis of a Finnish sled.
  2. As shown in the drawing, we will drill holes with a diameter of 22 (mm).
  3. IN drilled holes insert the guide tubes all the way (from below, the guide tube is cut to a radius of 11 (mm), which corresponds to the internal radius of the pipe 30x4 (mm)) and secure them with argon arc welding.
  4. We will insert the footrests into the drilled holes and secure them with argon arc welding (we will glue porous ribbed rubber on top of the footrests).
  5. On top of the guide tubes, through through holes, insert the frame and secure it with argon arc welding (the frame will add rigidity to the structure).


Material used:

round aluminum pipe without heat treatment 22x3.5 GOST 18482-79
planed wooden board 25x45x450 (mm)

Assembly order of the unit:

  1. We bend the legs from a pipe measuring 22x3.5 (mm).
  2. On straight sections of the pipe, using , we secure wooden planks 25x50x450 (mm).
  3. On the curved sections of the pipe, using rivets, we fix wooden planks 25x45x450 (mm), with inside planks, first select grooves of the appropriate radius.
  4. We drill through holes with a diameter of 8 (mm) from the bottom of the legs.


Material used:

round aluminum pipe without heat treatment 22x3.5 GOST 18482-79
planed wooden board 25x50x450 (mm)
rubber or wooden handles

Assembly order of the unit:

  1. We bend two handles from a pipe measuring 22x3.5 (mm).
  2. Using rivets, we secure wooden planks 25x50x450 (mm) on top of the pipes.
  3. Place rubber or wooden handles on the glue.
  4. From the bottom of the backrest posts, drill through holes with a diameter of 8 (mm).
Finnish sleigh made by hand,

A real, experienced fisherman always has additional equipment. For winter fishing It is advisable to have a tent, ice screw, fishing rod, box, and so on. In this case, a lot depends on the fishing conditions of a particular region. If a body of water is somewhere nearby, then there are no special problems. In such conditions, you can hide from bad weather at any time and return to take what you accidentally left at home.

If it takes a long time to get to a reservoir, then you need to have a device that could facilitate the process of movement.

The fact is that moving in winter, especially with all the equipment, is very difficult. Not only does clothing restrict movement, but you also need to carry equipment. But if you have a sled for fishing in winter, then this problem can be solved. In addition, if you approach this problem correctly, the sled can have more advanced functionality. For example, a sled can serve as a stool or a tent.

There is a huge amount various designs sled specifically for fishing. Sleds on metal runners are widely popular. Sleds can be either folding or solid. Unfortunately, such sleds move well on ice, but on snow, and even with a load, this is a problem. Alternatively, instead of runners, you can use children's skis, then there will be no problems with moving on the snow.

In this regard, many anglers began to switch to plastic structures with wide runners that do not fall through the snow. At the same time, such structures have low sides, which can be considered a disadvantage, since the load has to be secured additionally. Despite this, this factor suits many winter fishing enthusiasts.

How to make a fishing sled with your own hands

Anyone can assemble such a structure. The main thing is to decide what kind of sleds you need and with which ones. functionality. If you need a sled to deliver to the fishing spot fishing equipment, then they can be made from wood, plastic, aluminum or iron. It all depends on the capabilities of the fisherman and the purpose of the sled.

Metal sleds can be made either collapsible or non-collapsible. More recently, other designs simply did not exist. The metal structure is a rigid and durable base, on top of which there is a platform made of wooden boards or from plywood. This is the so-called cargo area, which is used for transporting cargo. Their only drawback is the difficulty of operating in snowy areas. Due to the fact that the runners are narrow, they sink in the snow and a person needs to expend a lot of effort to move them, and even when loaded.

Similar plastic sleds are made in the form of a trough. They have good performance characteristics. They move without problems both on ice and snow. In this case, you should pay attention to the dimensions of the structure and workmanship. Although many argue that such a design is not difficult to make on your own.

They are widely popular wooden sled. This is the most affordable and easily processed material, and structures made from it will last long years. The main thing is to have the following tools and materials on hand:

  • pine boards;
  • wood glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • jigsaw;
  • electric drill, etc.

Manufacturing technology

  1. You need to take two boards from which two runners will be made. The appropriate shape should be drawn on them and cut out with a jigsaw.
  2. The runners need to be fastened together. For this, cross bars of the appropriate size are used. The connection may consist of glue and round tenons.
  3. To strengthen the structure, additional transverse strips are attached to the front and back of the runners, mounted with glue and spikes.
  4. For a more aesthetic appearance, all excess is cut off and cleaned well.
  5. The board, which will later serve as a cargo platform, is prepared for subsequent fastening by cutting out all the necessary grooves and drilling the corresponding holes.
  6. An additional bar for fastening is attached to the back of the 2 runners.
  7. The places where the runners are rounded are reinforced with strips of aluminum or iron. This is necessary so that various obstacles do not damage the runners of the sled.
  8. Before final assembly It is better to check all the parts for proper size. At the same time, you need to make sure that all elements are sanded and coated with waterproof varnish.

After the sled is assembled, it should be tested for strength by placing on it all the equipment that is used in winter fishing. Only after this does it make sense to take them with you.

Factory made fishing sled

For those who do not want to spend their time making sleds, there is the opportunity to purchase ready-made ones at a retail outlet.

  • This is a light and, at the same time, durable sled, weighing 10.4 kg.
  • They are roomy and have dimensions: 165x81x43 cm.
  • Relatively high sides.
  • Transports well on icy surfaces.

This is a very light sled, weighing 3.6 kg, which is easy to transport by hand. They are made of polyethylene, which is not afraid subzero temperatures. Thanks to the presence of wide skids, as well as a low center of gravity, they are stable under all operating conditions.

Some anglers use baby sleds for their fishing needs. If they are available, there is no need to specially make or buy sleds. Unfortunately, in the presence of noticeable snow cover, problems arise with their operation. In addition, these sleds are not intended for fishing and you will have to come up with additional elements.

This is the most simple design, which are very easy to transport as they take up very little space. Unfortunately, such sleds do not fit many accessories necessary for winter fishing. In addition, inflatable parts are not particularly reliable.

Such sleds have a number of advantages. Firstly, they are quite spacious, and secondly, they will pass over any surface without problems, due to the wide contact plane. The main material is plastic, which is not afraid of frost. They are easy to move on ice or snow using a regular rope. These sleds have high sides, which securely holds the load inside the structure.

Due to application of lung material, the sleds themselves are not heavy, which means they are easy to use. There are structures that are attached to the snowmobile. This is especially true when there is a long hike ahead. Naturally, such conditions require more spacious sleds, up to 2 meters long.

How to make a drag sled with your own hands

Dragging sleds are not at all difficult to make with your own hands. For this you can use any available material, from wood to metal. The simplest design is wooden. This is what is being done for wooden frame, consisting of two runners and two bars connecting these runners. A sheet of plywood is attached to the top of the beams or stuffed regular boards. A metal handle or hitch must then be attached to the structure so that the sled can be moved by the snowmobile. If you use metal instead of wood, the structure will be much stronger, considering that you will have to move quite far.

In this case, special attention should be paid to the strength of the coupling mechanism. To make it, you can use two pieces of pipe, one of the ends of which should be attached directly to the frame of the sled.

Option for attaching to sleds

  • Holes are made around the entire perimeter of the sled.
  • Metal cables with a special fastening should be inserted into each of the holes. Moreover, rubber bands must also be used for fastening, which always guarantee reliable fastening of the entire contents of the sled.
  • For ease of use, you will need a rope, which is attached to special bolts attached to the sled frame. The rope can be folded in four, and its length can reach about 20 meters.

Finnish fishermen widely use such sleds, while domestic fishermen do not really recognize them. The design consists of a chair, which is located on runners. Its advantage is that you can sit on it both while driving and while fishing. They are very convenient for moving fishing equipment.

First you need to provide yourself with tools and materials:

  • Prepare sheet steel.
  • Wooden blocks made of pine or other wood.
  • A metal rod with threads on both sides.
  • Metal linings.
  • Tires.
  • Bolts.
  • Screws.

Assembling the sled contains the following steps:

  1. The steel leaves bend on both sides.
  2. In front of the resulting runners, two holes are made for a metal rod.
  3. At the back, where the angler will stand with his feet, rubber pads are mounted. They will prevent slipping under the influence of snow.
  4. The dimensions of the structure must be proportional. The upper bar, in size, should be shorter than the distance between the runners.
  5. At a distance of 1 meter from the curved edge, weld on both sides along the strip. To do this, you need to use beveled beams with self-tapping screws.
  6. Horizontal posts should be welded to the rod, in the center of the metal sheets.
  7. It is better to make the seat and back wooden. If you use your imagination and ingenuity, you can do a real masterpiece for winter fishing.

If you have a snowmobile, then you also need a sled. Many fishermen have become convinced that a sled is a useful thing. The main thing is to determine which design is more suitable for specific fishing conditions. It can be a drag sleigh or a classic sleigh with two runners.

As mentioned above, such sleds can be made at home. By the way, if you try, you can make a snowmobile. There are a lot of interesting and simple designs on the Internet that can be easily replicated at home.

Purchased sleds, as a rule, require some modifications, although not significant:

  • To prevent ice from collecting on the inner surface of the sled, they should be treated with a silicone-based lubricant or with a special ski wax.
  • For driving in the dark, reflective elements should be attached to the sides of the sled.