Gas filter with pressure drop indicator. Differential pressure indicators ipd

The Stream-Gas company is ready to supply you with a high-quality differential pressure indicator IPD at the manufacturer’s price. Our offer includes the full range of services - from model selection to equipment servicing. As a specialized supplier of equipment for gas supply and metering systems, we provide customer support at all stages and give fairly favorable conditions, which include favorable price, guarantee, service maintenance and repairs. Working with us allows the client to select and purchase high-quality, modern and well-proven equipment. We are ready to accept your application if you need to buy a differential pressure indicator inexpensively - the price guarantees you an acceptable budget, and the confirmed quality of the equipment will give you confidence in the right choice. Send a request for the IPD 16 indicator of the model you need and we will quickly resolve the issue of supplying these reliable products to your address. We guarantee prompt delivery of equipment to any region of the Russian Federation with a guarantee and reliable service support. And now we will talk about the features of this equipment, give its characteristics and a description of the scope of application.

Differential pressure indicator IPD 16: reliable, accurate and easy to use

This type of equipment has proven itself to be effective when working in different conditions– it provides simple and reliable control of the pressure drop across gas filters. The pressure difference monitored by the pressure difference indicator on the filter is determined by the degree of filter contamination. Depending on the type of IPD model, a different drop across the filters is controlled. Depending on your filter, you can choose one or another indicator model.

Purpose: The differential pressure indicator IPD 16 is installed on gas filters, which are used to purify non-aggressive gases from various mechanical impurities. The developers recommend using this equipment at an operating gas pressure in the range from 0 to 1.6 MPa. In this case, the temperature regime should be in the range from minus 40°C to plus 70°C. An indicator mounted on the filter clearly indicates the pressure drop. Let us remember that the pressure drop depends on the degree of contamination of the gas filter.

The design of the differential pressure indicator IPD 16-10, 16-5 has been proven over years of use in various systems and showed herself well. The basis of this device is a scale and an arrow that indicates the degree of contamination. The scale is divided into 2 segments: green and red. Depending on the segment where the arrow points, the degree of clogging is determined. gas filter.
When choosing, you should know that the segment dividing line indicates different pressure and particle filtration rates. So, for example, if a gas filter provides filtration of 99.5% of particles with sizes up to 0.07 mm, then the segment dividing line corresponds to a pressure drop of no more than 5 kPa. And such a model as the differential pressure indicator IPD 16-10 is designed to work with filters that provide filtration of 99.5% of particles with sizes up to 0.005 mm and the dividing line, in this case, corresponds to a pressure differential of no more than 10 kPa.

To monitor the degree of clogging of the gas filter, you need to monitor which sector the indicator arrow is located in. If this is a green sector, then the filter is clean, and if it is a red sector, then the filter element, in in this case, polluted. Accordingly, a decision is made about the need to clean or replace the filter. Thus, the gas differential pressure indicator IPD, with minimal operating costs, provides reliable control over the degree of filter contamination, which makes it possible to quickly respond to the presence of contamination. This device is inexpensive, reliable and easy to use. We recommend purchasing it for use in conditions where gas filters are used - it does not require operating costs and has proven to work well.
Below is the design of the indicator, its characteristics are shown in tabular form.

Dimensions and connecting dimensions:

General technical characteristics:

Contact Stream-Gaz - our conditions guarantee you the opportunity to inexpensively and quickly buy a pressure drop indicator on a filter - the price is reasonable, the build quality is excellent, the reliability of the equipment has been tested in operation.

Gas filters FG 16-50-DPD are designed to purify gas from impurities of solid particles, dust, rust and are installed before measuring instruments, shut-off and control valves, gas-burning devices of boilers and other gas-burning devices. High-quality gas purification makes it possible to increase the reliability of the devices and increase the time between repairs by reducing wear.

Marking of the gas filter FG:

Overall dimensions of gas filters FG 16:

Principle of operation:

Unpurified gas passes through the inlet further along a channel in the filter housing, which has a configuration that allows large particles and other inclusions to accumulate in the storage chamber located in the lower part of the filter housing. To clean the camera, there is a hole in the lower part of the case that is hermetically sealed with a plug. After passing through the channel with the storage chamber, the gas enters the chamber with the filter element. The filtered gas exits the filter into the gas pipeline.

The degree of contamination of the filter element is monitored by a differential pressure indicator type DPD 16, installed on the filter housing. One side of the indicator communicates with the inlet part of the filter housing, the other with the outlet. The indicator is equipped with a scale divided into two segments: green and red. If the indicator arrow is in the red zone, it indicates that the filter element is clogged and needs to be either cleaned or replaced.

Recommended IPD indicators for use:

DPD16-50 - the limit value of the pressure drop on the indicator is 5 kPa and the permissible pressure drops when calculating kPa P ≤ 3.5

Distinctive features:

Die-cast housing made of high-strength aluminum.
- The presence in the housing of a bumper and a chamber for catching large mechanical particles, which protect the filter element from damage and significantly increases the service life of the filter element.
- The presence of a mesh filter element providing sufficient high degree cleaning and having the possibility of its high-quality sedum mechanical, by chemical means or regeneration with hot steam.
- The presence of a differential pressure indicator type DPD16, designed for continuous monitoring of the degree of clogging and integrity of the filter element.
- The presence of an additional pair of holes on the filter housing, hermetically sealed with plugs, for additional monitoring of the pressure drop and using a differential pressure gauge.
- Location of fittings and threaded holes for connecting a differential pressure indicator and a differential pressure gauge, both from the front side and from the reverse side filter housings, which allows them to be conveniently positioned in the direction of gas flow both from right to left and from left to right.
- Large range of working pressures up to 1.6 MPa.
- Wide range of operating and environment(from minus 40 o C to plus 70 o C).
- Full maintainability. The filter element is replaced without removing the filter housing from the gas pipeline.
- Simplicity and ease of maintenance.
- Aesthetic appearance, high quality powder coating of body parts.
- Possibility of installation in explosive zones of all classes in accordance with PEU clause 7.3, in which the formation of mixtures of gases and vapors with air classified as categories IIA and IIB GOST R IEC 60079-11-2010 is possible. There is permission for use No. RRS 00-38692.
- Operational safety is confirmed by the declaration of agreement of the customs UNION CU No. RU D-RU.MM04.V.00591.
- The quality guarantee is confirmed by the presence of the ISO 9001 quality system at the enterprise (certificate of conformity No. ROSS RU. IK01.K00083).
- Availability of a certificate of conformity No. YuACh0.RU.1402.H000

Differential pressure indicators are used to monitor the degree of gas filter clogging. This allows you to high accuracy determine the need to replace or clean the filter element without quantitative assessment.

The differential pressure sensor is equipped with a scale, which is divided into 2 segments. If the indicator needle is in the “green” zone, it means that the pressure drop across the filter element is within acceptable limits. If the indicator arrow is in the “red” zone, it is necessary to replace or clean the filter element.


  1. Maximum operating pressure is 1.6 MPa.
  2. The indication accuracy is ±10%.
  3. Wide range of ambient and working environment. The differential pressure sensor can be operated at temperatures from -40°C to +70°C.
  4. Durability. The sensor is made of strong and durable materials protected from corrosion, which significantly increases service life.
  5. Low weight and small overall dimensions. Allows differential pressure indicators to be easily transported and installed.
  6. Low cost. The price depends on the specific manufacturer and technical characteristics, but we offer the most favorable terms of cooperation for our clients.
  7. Easy to install. The process takes a minimum of time and does not require the use of complex equipment.

Documentation Prices Consultation and order

This section provides a description of such equipment as differential pressure indicator IPD 16-5, IPD 16-10. Teplokom-Service Moscow LLC supplies these models to companies and individuals in all regions of the Russian Federation. The offer is attractive, both in terms of price and taking into account the reliable warranty service. If you have a need to purchase these products, you can contact us and fill out an application for them - all the benefits of our offer are available to you.
We offer:

  • manufacturer's price;
  • reliable warranty and post-warranty service;
  • consultations on selection, installation and maintenance;
  • prompt delivery to the customer's address.
In order to buy an IPD differential pressure indicator at the manufacturer's price, send an order from this section or call us at the numbers listed on the website. Our company has its own equipment warehouse - we are direct suppliers of these products, which guarantees you good conditions and quality. We serve both wholesale and retail customers - it is possible to supply any quantity of equipment. We hope that in our person you will find a reliable supplier and be able to good conditions purchase quality equipment.
Here is a description of the models that you can purchase from us.

The differential pressure indicator IPD is reliable and efficient in operation

These models have proven to work well in a wide variety of conditions - they accurately indicate the degree of clogging of gas filters, which causes changes in gas pressure drop. The differential pressure indicator on the filter has great potential for use, since it operates in the temperature range from - 40°C to plus 70°C. They can be effectively used in any region of the country. The manufacturer recommends using them at operating pressures from 0 to 1.6 MPa. These are fairly reliable models - their service life is at least 5 years.

The manufacturer produces 2 models of this type for operating pressures:

  • 10 kPa: differential pressure indicator IPD 16-10;
  • 5 kPa: IPD 16-5.
The first model filters 99.5% of particles with sizes up to 0.005 mm, and the second - 99.5% of particles with sizes up to 0.07 mm.

The operation of these devices is based on the indication of 2 filter states:

  • green sector: filter is clean;
  • red sector: filter is clogged.
Thus, the user can get information about whether the filter is dirty or not by assessing the position of the arrow. Using it, as we see, is quite simple. Simplicity and reliability attract specialists who want to buy a differential pressure indicator gas filters. Models IPD 16-5 and IPD 16-10 are popular and in great demand.

Check out the product sizes:

The differential pressure indicator 16 has good characteristics. Check out the main ones.

General technical characteristics:

Order a consultation, or send a request to purchase a differential pressure indicator IPD 16-10 or IPD 16-5. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Gas differential pressure sensors DPD 16-5 are designed to monitor the differential (loss) of pressure across gas filters, which allows one to judge the degree of filter clogging and promptly wash or replace the filter element.

Differential pressure sensor DPD 16-5 installed on gas filters for which the maximum permissible pressure drop is 50 mbar (500 mmH2O)

Wednesday: natural gas, nitrogen, argon, air and other non-aggressive gases.

The principle of operation of the sensor is based on the use of movement in a piston cylinder, on both sides of which different pressures act. In the case when the pressures acting on the piston from opposite sides are different in magnitude, it is acted upon by a force proportional to the magnitude of the difference in these pressures.

This force is counteracted by a balancing spring interacting with the piston. When these forces become equal, the piston takes a certain position corresponding to the difference in pressure supplied to the sensor inputs. The movement of the piston through a magnetic connection is converted into rotational movement of the axis on which the indicating arrow is fixed. The differential pressure sensor scale is divided into two segments. The presence of the indicating arrow in the green segment of the scale indicates that the pressure drop across the gas filter equipped with this sensor is within acceptable limits. The presence of the indicating arrow in the red scale segment indicates that the pressure drop across the gas filter has exceeded the maximum permissible value.

Distinctive features:

The permissible pressure difference supplied to the sensor inputs, which does not lead to its failure, is up to 1.6 MPa (16 kgf/cm2);

The presence of a filter mesh with a clear cell size of 0.054 mm installed at the inputs to prevent solid particles from entering the internal cavity of the sensor;

Easy to mount the sensor on the filter without the use of additional mounting brackets.


Parameter name

Product type



Working environment

Natural gas according to GOST 5542-87

Ambient range, °C

minus 40°C to +60

Working environment range, °C

minus 30°C to +60

Maximum operating pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2)

1,2 (12,24)

Nominal differential pressure response, kPa (kgf/cm2)

5,01 (0,051)

10,2 (0,102)

Permissible error of the nominal difference, kPa (kgf/cm2)

±0.5 (±0.005)

±1.0 (±0.010)

The maximum permissible value of the pressure difference at the inlet and outlet of the indicator that does not lead to failure, MPa (kgf/cm2)

1,8 (18,36)

dimensions LхВхH, mm, no more


Construction length, mm

140 ±1


Union nuts 8-22A GOST 13957-74

Weight, kg

Warranty period, years

Service life, years

Buy differential pressure sensorDPD-16-5You can find out the price, connecting dimensions, characteristics, and request a diagram from our managers.


To select and order equipment, request permits (quality certificate, permission to use, product passport, Gazsert certificate, clarify characteristics, clarify production deadlines, request dimensional, functional diagram, passport for- contact the equipment selection department