Eustoma planting and care at home. How to grow a beautiful eustoma - complete technology: from seedlings to planting in the ground Eustoma root system

Among indoor crops, the main competitor of the rose is the eustoma flower. Planting and care at home has its own difficulties. The efforts made pay off handsomely, abundantly and long flowering. Before purchasing or planting eustoma, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of its cultivation.

Herbaceous perennial, belongs to the Gentian family. The flower was brought to us from the southern part of the USA. In the wild, eustoma or lisianthus settles in damp places - in lowlands and along the edges of reservoirs.

The height of the flower is 30-90 cm, the stems are branched, the leaves are characterized by a grayish tint. Unopened flowers resemble a rose in shape, while bloomed flowers resemble a poppy. The characteristic color of nature is purple or blue. Up to 20 large flowers bloom in turn on each plant.

As a houseplant, eustoma is more multifaceted. Almost all varieties grown in apartments are artificially bred by breeders. Varieties with pink, peach, white, and yellowish flowers are popular. There is a two-color color of the petals. The latest achievement of breeders is terry eustoma.

In the wild it is a biennial plant. It is often grown in flower beds as a beautiful-flowering annual. How a potted crop can “live” longer when favorable conditions are created.

Interesting! The beginning of flowering depends on the planting date. When sown in late autumn, flowering will occur in July; in mid-winter, the plant will bloom only by August. With proper care, flowering lasts until the end of October. Plants planted in a flowerbed are not afraid of the first frosts - flowering stops when the snow falls.

Types and varieties

About 60 species have been discovered and studied. Only Russell's lisianthus is grown as a pot crop, and eustoma grandiflora as a garden crop. They differ mainly in size - for indoor growing, preference is given to low-growing varieties. The most popular and widespread are:

  • Mirmaid.
  • Little Bell.
  • The name translates as “little bell.” The height of the bush is no more than 15 cm. The flowers are small, simple funnel-shaped. The colors are different. The bush is compact, abundantly branched.
  • Loyalty. A taller plant up to 20 cm. Blooms abundantly, flowers are simple, white. They are arranged in a spiral on the peduncle.

Florida Pink. The eustoma flowers of this variety are simple, pink, and numerous. A lush, even bouquet is formed on the peduncle. Advice! Light plastic containers of 2-2.5 liters are suitable for eustoma. Up to 3 plants can be planted in one pot at a time. When growing tall varieties in a pot, support is provided - thin stems droop under the weight of the flowers. Withered flowers are immediately cut off, stimulating the formation of new ones.

flower buds

. During flowering, complexes with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus are added.

  • Features of care
  • Eustoma is a difficult indoor plant to care for. For healthy growth, the plant requires certain conditions.
  • Lighting. Loves bright light, the sun, but suffers from its direct rays. Place it on a south window and shade it in hot weather. It grows well outdoors - in summer the flower is taken out to the balcony or buried directly in a pot in the garden. In the fall they are moved back into the house.
  • Watering. The soil is moistened when it dries 2 cm deep. Water moderately, avoiding waterlogging and stagnation of moisture. Water is used either settled or rainwater. Avoid complete drying out of the earthen coma.
  • Humidity. Neutral to any air humidity. It is not recommended to spray the flower.
  • Feeding.

During the period of green mass accumulation, complex nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used. During the period of budding and flowering, fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus are applied.

The soil. The soil in which eustoma will grow well is a homemade mixture of peat and rotted bark. Most ready-made store-bought soils are not suitable for growing it.

The most common way to grow eustoma is from seeds. You can get them at home, but the plants lose the characteristics of the variety. It is preferable to use seed material purchased in specialized stores. Sometimes a method of dividing a bush is suggested. This is theoretically possible, but the fragile root system of the plant often leads to death after planting. Cuttings rarely take root even with the use of “Kornevin” and “Heteroauxin”, so propagation of eustoma by cuttings is not practiced. When growing a flower from seeds, strictly adhere to the recommended agricultural practices.

Sowing seeds begins in late autumn and continues throughout the winter. The seeds are laid out on the substrate and lightly pressed down without burying them in the soil. The container is covered with film, leaving a hole for air flow into the greenhouse.

For rapid germination, the flower needs increased daylight hours - 11-12 hours. Seedlings are provided with additional lighting. The temperature is maintained at 20°C, and at night it is not allowed to drop below 15°C. When the soil dries out, spray it with a spray bottle.

Shoots appear in about 2 weeks. Without waiting for the formation of true leaves, the seedlings are sprayed with a weak solution of phytosporin. Subsequently, the procedure is repeated from time to time. After the formation of two true leaves, they are picked into separate containers. To avoid repeated transplantation, they are immediately planted in large pots.

Advice! Soil dampness is the main factor to which eustoma is sensitive. The pot must have a thick layer of drainage. Growth accelerators are not used for seeds - the plant dies from them.

Growing problems

Eustoma grows well in the garden. Tall varieties with abundant flowering are more suitable for flower beds. Looks impressive both on its own and as part of flower arrangements.

There are many legends and beliefs associated with this flower: they are all beautiful, poetic and, of course, about love. Eustoma is similar, at the same time, to poppy, rose, carnation, tulip and bell. This is already enough to decorate the facade of the house an extraordinary flower, but the proud and charmingly delicate eustoma amazes, in addition to everything, with a variety of colors and shapes. True, in nature it looks much more modest, and breeders from all over the world have worked on the splendor of the created varieties.

The discovery and naming of eustoma is somewhat similar to medieval knightly tournaments. Carl Linnaeus, the botanist from Ireland Patrick Brown, the Frenchman Jean Baptiste Christian Oblet, sent to the American colony that once belonged to France and located in the northeast of the continent, and a dozen other famous naturalists and biologists of the eighteenth century fought for the right to consider it their discovery and come up with a name. . This is where many names arose: Irish or Japanese rose, lisianthus, rose of love, gentian tulip and many other poetic names, one way or another connected with botanical classification and origin.

Genuine interest in the plant forces flower growers and ordinary connoisseurs of beauty to look for answers to questions about its cultivation. We are happy to share our secrets!

Subtropical climate conditions are ideal for the plant, and therefore lisianthus is well cultivated in open ground in all countries located in the subtropical zone. The plant also does well in temperate climates. Other fans are content with growing eustoma in greenhouses or closed greenhouses, in greenhouses or at home, on window sills, where a suitable microclimate can be created.

In nature, eustoma is a perennial herbaceous plant. It presumably came to the territory of Russia and Western Europe from Japan and is grown as an annual crop. The Latin name of Eustoma is Lisianthus, which indicates that the plant belongs to the Gentian family, a class of dicotyledonous plants. In addition to the generally accepted Latin name, there is an American classification that more indicates the geographical origin of the Texas bluebell - Texas bluebell, and its original appearance.


to his appearance Lisianthus, like any plant, seems to tell you what conditions it needs in order for it to delight with lush flowering. Therefore, studying the secrets of flower propagation, the diversity of species and varieties should begin with a step-by-step study of its botanical description, gradually moving on to issues of breeding and agricultural technology.

Ground units

In nature, the “blue eustoma” flower indeed resembles a bell, having single flowers, with large blue petals, irregular oval shape, narrowed at the base (sepals). Cultivated varieties and hybrids bred on its basis have a varied range of colors: many shades of pink, white, lilac, light green and yellow color, as well as varieties with a two-color pattern on the petals. Both natural species and garden plants form 15-20 buds on the stem, which bloom alternately. The diameter of the flowers, depending on the variety, is 5-8 cm.

The stem is herbaceous, up to 60 cm high, green, with a bluish tint, erect, thin. Selected varieties have different stem lengths: short, up to 30 cm - for potted crops, tall, reaching 60 - 80 cm - for greenhouse cultivation and cutting. The stems of the herbaceous plant are single, but in the middle they form peduncles on long petioles, which gives the impression that the flower has the shape of a bush.

The leaves are narrow, elongated, without petioles, like a carnation, up to 8 cm from the base to the pointed tips. A light waxy coating on the leaves gives the flowers not only an additional decorative appearance, but also performs additional protective functions. The bluish tint on the green parts of the plant indicates that in the recent evolutionary past, eustoma grew in the harsh conditions of the prairies, and the protective waxy shell of the leaves was necessary for the flower to save moisture and escape from the scorching rays of the sun. The narrow and elongated shape of the leaves indicates economical consumption of moisture.

Not much time has passed since the flower came to Europe and Asia, where it is propagated in greenhouse conditions - about four hundred years. During this time, breeders have developed various shades and shapes of petals, improving their decorative qualities and leaving the main genetic characteristics unchanged.

Root system

Gardeners who want to plant lisianthus should pay attention to the structure of the root system. Thin fibrous, highly branched roots grow in the upper layers of the soil without forming strong rods. From these structural features the following conclusions can be drawn:

eustoma does not reproduce by dividing the bush. The thin fibrous roots of an adult plant die at the slightest mechanical damage, without having time to “get over it” and gain a foothold in the soil. For the same reason, eustoma requires extremely careful handling when planting seedlings.


There will be no shortage of seeds when growing eustoma. In one ripe box there are up to 15,000 small black grains. True, due to the size of the seed material, growing eustoma from seeds at home is a difficult process.

box with seeds

To get eustoma seeds, choose the largest and beautiful flower, which will bloom first, wait until it fades. In its place will appear a box similar to the pericarp of a poppy. Leave the testicle on the stem, trying to keep it as long as possible so that the seeds ripen. Cut the dried box over a saucer and carefully shake out the seeds. It is better for novice gardeners to purchase pelleted seeds.

Growing and care

To grow eustoma from seeds, be patient for at least six months. Although, the shoots appear quite quickly, but after that they seem to freeze in thought: to grow or not to grow? In total, the growing season of eustoma of garden and greenhouse varieties lasts six months. Eustoma from seeds grown in a pot indoors, under certain conditions, can bloom again in a year.

But about all the conditions and secrets - in order, with step-by-step instructions for planting and care.

Soil preparation

Every flower collector tries to choose the best soil for his pets. But remember again that you are going to tame a prairie flower, think about creating conditions close to the natural environment.

Eustoma in pots

To grow low-growing varieties indoors, prepare low pots, taking into account the superficial location of the roots. Place drainage on the bottom. Combine peat, sand and humus in equal parts. In order to ensure lightness of the soil and oxygen saturation, you can add pine sawdust to the mixture. A ready-made mixture for cacti, which can be easily purchased in specialized stores, is suitable.

For garden varieties

Eustoma prefers light and very fertile soils, with a neutral acidity level. Preparing the soil in the area where the lisianthus is supposed to be planted should be done in advance. In the formula for success in growing Irish roses, be sure to include each step of the step-by-step instructions:

Site selection

The plant needs a lot of light, light and fertile soil. When lying close groundwater, take care of soil drainage and drainage of rainwater from the site. Remember that the plant has leaves that help retain moisture and high humidity will only hurt him. Try to place the flowers on the site so as to protect them from cold winds and drafts.

Fertilizer application, liming

Each gardener has to proceed from the existing conditions of the site, but taking into account the botanical characteristics of the crops. Again, we pay attention to the “pedigree” of eustoma, its origin, and prepare soil similar in composition to the fertile prairies of the Great Plains.

The soil must be prepared in such a way that before sowing, the applied manure and compost have time to rot - in the fall, during digging. If necessary, lime is also added in the fall. In the spring, before sowing, it is necessary to loosen the fertile layer to a depth of 20 cm, while simultaneously adding phosphorus and potassium. These minerals can be added as part of complex fertilizers a week before sowing or planting seedlings.

Soil disinfection as prevention

Take care in advance to protect your flowers from harmful microorganisms and pests. To do this, it is enough to prepare a two percent solution of potassium permanganate. The powder must be diluted in ten liters of hot water (50 0). Pour the hot solution over the area at the rate of 10 l/1 m2. A hot disinfectant solution has a double effect: in addition to killing germs, it expels pests.

Additional agrotechnical measures

If the soil needs to be warmed up, then after the measures have been taken, cover the spilled area with black agrofibre. Leave the area under the film for 7-10 days. This technique allows you to sow eustoma seeds in early dates, even in the conditions of the Urals and Siberia. The protective properties of the film allow you to get rid of weeds and pests, and the black color, attracting sunlight, ensures rapid heating of the soil.


When growing eustoma in a greenhouse method, in addition to preparing the soil, it is necessary to disinfect the internal space of the greenhouse, ensure the necessary ventilation, temperature and air humidity (no more than 75%).

Landing dates

When to plant eustoma? This is the question most gardeners ask. The following factors are important to determine planting dates:

  • Eustoma growing season: shoots appear in 10-14 days, subject to the rules of agricultural technology; 2.5 months pass before seedlings are transplanted, and another 8-10 weeks before flowering begins. Flowering continues for 1.5-2 months - the buds open alternately, starting from the bottom of the stem.
  • Growing method: in a greenhouse, in open ground, on a windowsill. With the greenhouse method, you can collect cut flowers 2 times a year. For spring cutting, for example, in early March, the seeds should be sown in the first half of November; for cutting in May-June, seeds are sown in January; summer planting, At the beginning of June.
  • Climatic conditions (when planting in open ground): maximum number of days with a temperature of 20-24 0 C. Please note that with more high temperature, up to 30 0 C, seedlings bloom only in the second year.

Before planting eustoma seedlings for further cultivation in open ground, study the calendar: the length of daylight should increase at the time of planting to 11-12 hours, and the night temperature to 18 0 C. Such conditions occur depending on the climatic zones, at different times. Optimal timing planting seedlings when the specified conditions coincide: the end of March or the first ten days of April - for southern latitudes; from late April to mid-May - for temperate latitudes.

In the regions of Siberia and the Urals, plant three-month-old seedlings on permanent place You can use film covers in the first half of May to get flowering in July.

Growing seedlings

Taking into account the peculiarities of the root system and the difficulties with uniform distribution of seeds, each of the chosen methods is painstaking work that requires patience and accuracy.

How not to damage tender seedlings? The only, albeit somewhat expensive, way is to grow eustoma in peat tablets. This kind of forcing of seeds eliminates damage to the root system, because the sprouts immediately, from the first days, take root in the tablet, which is also a nutrient soil. How to grow eustoma seedlings in peat tablets?

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Place a grate or any suitable stand with holes in the tray to hold the peat tablets above the water.
  • Fill the pan with water or a solution containing biosporin, growth stimulants, other microfertilizers and protective preparations. The liquid level should barely touch the grate.
  • Place the tablets on the rack, leaving a small space between them, and leave to swell.
  • After this, put 2-3 seeds on each tablet. After emergence and rooting, it will become clear which shoots will be weak. They will have to be removed so that they do not interfere with the development of stronger shoots.
  • The tray with peat tablets and seedlings must be covered with film or any transparent, airtight material. Seeds need to be provided with moisture and diffused sunlight (or artificial lighting).
  • Ventilate the seedlings daily for an hour. Always maintain the necessary temperature regime, avoid drafts. If necessary, add room temperature water to the tray and monitor the moisture content of the tablets.
  • In the phase of appearance of two pairs of true leaves, tablets with seedlings can be placed in prepared soil for growing.
  • When the seedlings get stronger and the third pair of leaves appears, the young seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, along with a lump of soil, into moist soil. Land in the evening.


When transferring tablets into the soil, do not bury the above-ground part of the seedlings. Eustoma does not tolerate picking.

Further care consists of timely but moderate watering. Air humidity must also be maintained at 70-75%, but the plants should not be irrigated - it is enough that there is always water in the pan, which will gradually evaporate at 20-24 0 C. The roots should not reach the water in the pan. Seedlings should be fertilized 10 days after transplanting into the soil.

Sowing seeds in open ground

How to prepare the soil for sowing eustoma and determining planting dates is described above. The second method of propagation is sowing seeds in open ground. This option is suitable for the southernmost regions of the country, where warm weather sets in by mid-March. True, even in the south of Russia, when sowing seeds in the ground, it is impossible to do without the use of film covers.

If it is necessary to decorate the facade of the house using the seedless method, then you need to prepare covering material in case of return frosts. Until the seedlings get stronger and begin to grow, they will have to be kept under film. In such a shelter with a warm bed, the plants will be reliably protected, and the absence of the need for replanting allows the plants to quickly take root and bloom a couple of weeks earlier. Eustoma sown in open ground will be in conditions as close as possible to natural ones, will strengthen more easily and will be less susceptible to disease.

With this method of planting, special emphasis should be placed on the autumn preparation of warm beds. How to do it?

  • In the fall, dig the designated area deeply (at least 40 cm).
  • Under fertile layer spread manure and compost.
  • Spray the bed with warm water and cover it with lutrasil or spanboard, securing the material to the bed. Please note that the density of the covering fabric is selected in accordance with the average level of temperature drop in the region: the lower the winter temperatures, the higher the density of the material should be.

When creating such a bed, a greenhouse effect occurs. On the one hand, manure, when heated under a layer of soil, releases nitrogen and protects the ground from freezing. The covering material allows you to maintain the temperature during the winter. Black agora fiber additionally attracts the sun's rays and warms the earth, while simultaneously destroying seeds and vegetative parts of weeds, preventing their reproduction.

In the spring, with the onset of positive temperatures, the following remains:

  • remove the black film, add additional fertilizer, and water the selected area;
  • make shallow furrows to mark the planting site; embedment depth – no more than 0.5 cm;
  • using a dispenser, sow seeds at a distance of 5-10 cm; when the shoots appear and true leaves form on them, it will become clear which shoots are weaker; they need to be removed so as not to interfere with the development of stronger specimens;
  • the bed needs to be covered again, but this time with a white film that will retain moisture, provide warmth and diffused light until the threat of return frosts has passed.

Modern technologies help gardeners provide proper care for lisianthus, so do not forget about them. In addition, growing seedlings takes up a significant area in the apartment, which is not very convenient for the owners.

Diseases and pests

Eustoma is attacked by pests: aphids, whiteflies, slugs. Although insects do not really like the taste of the flowers and leaves of the gentian family, their danger lies in the fact that all insects are carriers of viral and bacterial diseases.

Unfortunately, infections such as powdery mildew, fusarium, gray mold affect any plants. Eustoma is no exception. Flower growers and gardeners themselves are most often to blame for plant diseases, because they forget about preventive measures or violate the rules of agricultural technology.

Reason infectious diseases is increased soil and air humidity at low temperatures. It is also necessary to avoid mechanical damage to plants - most known viruses and bacteria easily penetrate plant tissue during cutting. The worst thing is that the infected area becomes unsuitable for the cultivation of many plants within 3-5 years.

Therefore, for prevention, use any systemic fungicidal preparations, do not forget to carry out preventive treatment after cutting, and also follow the rules of agricultural technology.

Rest period

When growing eustoma in open ground as a two-year crop, pruning should be done in the fall, leaving 2-3 buds. In winter, cover with mulch or other covering materials.

For indoor flowers, after flowering, you need to move the pots to a cooler place and store them at a temperature of 10-15 degrees, slightly moistening the soil so that the roots do not dry out.

The popularity of eustoma in Russia is only gaining momentum. It is enough to take an interest in the ratings of flower varieties in the most famous specialized stores, and you can understand which flowers of this type attract the most attention. Just to begin with, you need to decide which growing method is an acceptable option.

So, the top 9 most popular varieties of eustoma:

Low-growing varieties, for pot growing, border decoration:

  • Carmen F1 Ivory(stem height 25 cm);
  • Sapphire F 1, white-pink, height 20 cm;
  • Little Mermaid F1 – all colors.

Medium-sized varieties and hybrids for garden decoration:

  • Twinkies F 1 (white, cream, purple, yellow, pink);
  • Cinderella F1.

The greatest demand is for cut flowers, with a stem length of 70-100 cm. Therefore, they are most widely represented in every flower shop and well-known agricultural company:

  • Magic F 1 terry (the hybrid is available in a series of different colors);
  • Hybrid Green Alley with an unusual pistachio shade;
  • Flamenco F 1;
  • Terry apricot.

Flowers - for every taste! True, we must not forget that hybrids, while decorating the garden during the season, will not produce full-fledged seed material. Therefore, you will have to buy the seeds of the type you like rather than collect them.

​Similar articles​ Nowadays, growing lisianthus from seeds at home can be considered a fairly easy process if you do everything clearly and competently. Other types of reproduction in practice turn out to be less effective and not as successful. Basic principles include respecting the timing of sowing and subsequent watering.​

Description of lisianthus (eustoma)

​When grown in greenhouses for cutting, eustoma artificially creates favorable conditions that allow the plant to be cultivated throughout the year. After cutting the first flower stalks, the plants are pruned. 3-4 months after this, the lisianthus begins to bloom again.

​As they grow, eustoma seedlings need to be gradually adapted to film-free conditions.​

  • ​Sprouts that look like tiny dots appear in about 2 weeks. After this, watering is significantly reduced and, if possible, the plants are moved to a cool (14-17 degrees) place.

In general, the rules for growing eustoma in open and closed ground are almost the same.

​beginning of July​

​B normal conditions apartment or house, when it is warm, dry and there is not enough air flow, the plant will most likely die.​

​When planting for the first time, eustoma seeds can be purchased in the departments of flower and garden stores, and subsequently the seeds can be collected independently.​

After 2 months, the young shoots need to be planted in separate pots. This procedure is very scrupulous. It is best to use a thin awl for this, which can be used to carefully pry young plants. In new pots or cups, you need to make indentations with a pencil and plant tiny sprouts. They need to be buried to the very leaves, lightly pressing the soil. The soil should be well moistened. Then the planted plants should be covered again with polyethylene and left alone for a couple of weeks. Eustoma reacts very well to such pickings; it immediately begins to grow rapidly.​

Seed propagation of eustoma

​Eustoma is a very attractive plant with bluish leaves and funnel-shaped double flowers various shades. Pink, white, lilac, purple and two-color large inflorescences can be 7-8 cm in diameter. These beautiful flowers, when half-open, are very reminiscent of a rose.​

The result of pollination are boxes with a large number of seeds with increased germination rates. Seeds are sown between approximately February and August. Superficially distributing the seed particles onto a sterile substrate, they are identified under glass or film. At first, the air temperature in the room should not exceed 25 degrees plus. Seedlings can be observed after ten to twelve days, and as the seedlings grow, they are gradually adapted to film-free conditions.​

Diseases and pests of eustoma.

Lisianthus is picked 6-8 weeks after sowing. When the shoots grow to 1.5-2 cm, I pick them in bunches (3-5 pieces each) into seedling pots with a diameter of 6-7 cm. After picking, the shoots must be shaded, the temperature is maintained at 18 degrees.​

​or Lisianthus is a perennial flower, but in gardens eustoma is grown as an annual. Its homeland is Mexico. The plant is of particular interest to gardeners because of its beauty and difficult cultivation. It is often called the Texas bluebell. Its flowers are incredibly beautiful and graceful. The seeds of the flower are small, but they can be granulated, which makes sowing easier. Seeds must be planted in moist soil. When growing in pots, you should use purchased soil. To avoid the ingress of various debris and large lumps, it should be sifted. Seeds are sown in mid-January in separate containers according to variety, covered with plastic bags and placed in a warm, bright place. To prevent mold, the bags are periodically opened and the seedlings are ventilated, and care must also be taken to ensure that the soil does not dry out. With good seed germination, the first sprouts will appear in the period from 10 to 21 days. When the cotyledon leaves unfold, the dishes with the seedlings are removed from the bags and placed under a fluorescent lamp. When two pairs of true leaves appear, the lisianthus eustoma is planted in a separate container (for example, in 100-gram plastic cups) and placed on a windowsill or window shelf for seedlings on the south side. At the end of April, when they reach about 15 cm in height, they can be transplanted into pots with a capacity of 2 - 2.5 liters of three plants each. The ideal temperature for growing eustoma is about 25 degrees during the day, and about 15 degrees at night. The flower is very sensitive to overhead watering and waterlogging of the soil, so it must be watered in a tray using warm water. When the soil becomes waterlogged, the plant's root system rots very quickly. Growing eustoma from seeds is extremely exciting and interesting. True, it grows too slowly, it feels like growth has stopped. But if the sprouts have sprouted, then there is no need to worry, they will grow. And when the plant gives delicate beautiful flowers, it will be impossible to refuse it.​

Then the seedlings grow slowly, only after 1.5 months, when 2-3 pairs of true leaves appear, can picking be carried out. In this case, the eustomas are placed in separate small pots. For good branching, the tops of the seedlings are pinched when 3-4 pairs of leaves form on them, and after 3 months they, along with a lump of earth, are transplanted to a permanent place in the garden or in a separate pot for home maintenance. Planting in the garden can be done after the last frost; in the middle zone this is the end of May - beginning of June.​

Caring for eustoma seedlings

​A lot of diffused light; plants need to be shaded from direct sunlight.​


​. They are planted with seedlings; it is better to use purchased ones, since growing your own is quite difficult (how to do this is described below). By the beginning of July, seedlings acquire sufficiently developed shoots and roots and the best way is taking root. Just at this time, the plants begin to bloom and continue to bloom almost until frost.​


​Eustoma or lisianthus - beautiful flowering plant, which is grown both in the garden and at home. It began to gain wide popularity among flower growers relatively recently. There is


​The seeds are planted superficially in slightly moistened soil under film or glass. The time for planting eustoma seeds is the end of February. If this is done later, the plant will have time to form a bush, but there will be no flowering. The temperature during seed germination should be 20 – 25°.​

​At the beginning of spring, grown plants can be transplanted into pots with a diameter of 7-8 cm, using the method of transferring an earthen clod. But before that, you need to put good drainage at the bottom of the pot. For this you can use expanded clay or crushed foam.​

​Fully opened inflorescences look like poppies. Look at the photo of this beauty, and you will certainly want this plant to appear in your garden, especially since planting and care are not difficult.​

Planting seedlings in open ground

​Approximately 6-8 weeks after sowing, the plants are picked. After this procedure, the sprouts are once again planted, 5 at a time, into special seedling pots, shaded, and the air temperature does not drop below 18 degrees. Slightly older flowers are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 10-11 cm, without disturbing the earthen ball. Almost any lisianthus, which is grown for a year (less often, two) does not need more transplants.​

​Despite the plant’s demanding growing conditions, eustoma / lisianthus is rarely affected by pests; they do not like the “bitter flower”. When pests appear (aphids, whiteflies, miners, fungus gnats, slugs), the eustoma is treated with appropriate preparations from the commercial network. When plantings are dense, the soil is waterlogged, and also at low temperatures, diseases may develop: fusarium wilt, gray rot, powdery mildew. To prevent the development of these infections, plants are periodically treated with antifungal drugs.​

Then I transplant the grown young plants using the transshipment method, without disturbing the earthen coma, into pots with a diameter of 10-11 cm.

​Source Here​

​The elegant flowers of double varieties of eustoma resemble rose flowers, so the “folk” names Irish, French, Japanese, Chinese, and Mexican rose are firmly attached to it.​

​When grown in the garden, eustoma can tolerate heat and drought, although, of course, it looks better with regular watering. When grown in pots, overdrying can destroy the plant; moisture must always be present in the soil. At the same time, eustoma is afraid of waterlogging, so the next watering should be done only after the top layer of soil has dried.

When planting in the garden, eustoma is placed in partial shade; direct sunlight is contraindicated for it. The distance between plants is 15 cm from each other.​

  • A huge number of varieties of eustoma
  • ​Within 2 - 3 weeks, the seeds germinate and, when the stem reaches a height of 2 cm, they are carefully, without disturbing the earthen ball, transplanted into seedling pots. After the seedlings grow to 15 cm in height, the eustoma can be sent for cultivation in open ground. This is acceptable if frosts are no longer expected on the ground. The optimal period is considered to be May - early June.​ It is recommended to place the planted plants in a well-lit place, periodically removing the polyethylene and accustoming the flowers to the sun. Eustoma has strong stems reaching 80-90 cm in length. Thanks to the dense branching from the middle of the shoot, each branch of the plant looks like a formed bouquet. Eustoma or lisianthus began to be grown as a crop quite recently. At first, this flower was grown only as a houseplant. Then flower growers adapted it to open ground. Now eustoma growing in the garden is often grown as annual plant. Absolutely all varieties of eustoma are suitable for cutting and last for a very long time when cut. They give very beautiful and long flower stalks. Thanks to these qualities, this plant quickly gained popularity in Europe.​
  • In any case, plants need to be replanted as carefully as possible, since the eustoma root system is delicate and vulnerable. For the same reason, propagation of a flower by division is extremely rare and most often not the most good option. All resulting root divisions are in most cases doomed to death.​


Eustoma - planting and care

​With one-time use of lisianthus, i.e. Growing as an annual plant, they do not require more transplants.​

Reproduction and planting of eustoma

​Eustoma, lisianthus, “Irish rose” - this is an incomplete list of the names of this beautiful plant, which can really be mistaken for an extraordinary rose.​

​Another name for it is “prairie bell”; in nature it grows in Mexico, the American states of Texas, Colorado, Nebraska and in the northern part of South America.​

​When watering you need to be careful. Water the plant at the root and

At the end of August the shoots can be pruned, leaving two pairs of leaves on the stumps, then at the end of September - beginning of October

​, differing in color, flower size and bush height.​

If the eustoma is a potted type, it is transplanted into a flowerpot. The soil mixture should have good drainage. An earthen mixture for Saintpaulias is perfect for the flower.

How to care for eustoma?

​The period of filmless content is coming. In such conditions, flowers remain until they are planted in open ground.​

Today, many varieties of this colorful flower have been bred. When purchasing seeds, you should take into account that there are two types of plants:

​The bright, pretentious lisianthus, the care of which requires compliance with certain rules, is, on the one hand, unpretentious. On the other hand, improper care of lisianthus can lead to the most undesirable consequences. The main points for growing an ornamental plant are:


​It must be borne in mind that eustoma has a small fibrous root system, which is very vulnerable. Therefore, replant plants carefully.

Eustoma can be cultivated as a perennial, biennial or annual plant.

​Eustoma - flowers of extraordinary beauty...​

Make sure that moisture does not get on the leaves

​new flowering will begin

​Eustoma is transplanted both into the soil and into the flowerpot using the transshipment method, without disturbing the earthen lump at the root of the plant.​

​Planting of seedlings in the garden occurs in mid-May. If the plant has 6-8 leaves, then it is ready for replanting. Eustoma planted in open ground is characterized by intensive growth. It is recommended to plant plants in the evening. To do this, you need to dig holes approximately the size of the pot where the eustoma grows. Water the dug holes well. Planting is done by transferring an earthen clod. After planting, each flower should be covered with half a plastic bottle or a transparent jar. Such a shelter will protect the flowers from frost and also retain the moisture they need. As soon as the threat of the last frost has passed, the covering material can be removed.​

​short (dwarf);​

Wintering eustoma

​Location. It should be a cool place with sufficiently bright and at the same time indirect light. In enclosed spaces, it is advisable to place the pots on the east or west side, and in the warmer summer months, take them out into the yard or onto the balcony. When placing them on the south side of the building, you need to make sure that the leaves are not burned by direct rays of the sun. Optimal conditions modern greenhouses and conservatories are considered for plants.​

​forum on growing eustoma (exchange of experience, step-by-step photo report...)​

Eustoma or Lisianthus. Planting, growing, care at home. Photo. | We grow plants!

Flowering of eustoma, depending on the characteristics of the hybrid used, as well as on growing conditions, occurs approximately 15-20 weeks after germination. Therefore, amateur gardeners planning to plant lisianthus seedlings in the garden begin sowing this plant in winter. industrial conditions Lisianthus is grown for cutting. In this case, the agricultural technology of eustoma resembles the cultivation of remontant carnations. The plant is brought to flowering, cut, and then a new generation of flower stalks grows from the roots.​ ​Eustoma - flowers of extraordinary beauty​

​, in cool weather this can provoke fungal diseases. For the same reason, eustoma is not sprayed.

Subtleties of growing and using eustoma (lisianthus)

Eustoma grandiflora

​Discussion of the topic:​ ​From here​ At home, lisianthus flower stalks are removed after flowering, and the process of plant renewal is the same.

The optimal temperature for growing lisianthus is 20-25 degrees during the day, and about 15 degrees at night. In winter, if possible, you need to move the plant to a room with a temperature of 10-12 degrees. As mentioned above, eustoma is usually grown as an annual plant. However, if you want to save the eustoma bushes for next year, you can dig them up, transplant them into pots and take them home for the winter. Some gardeners initially plant plants in pots and dig them in in the garden in the summer to make it more convenient to take them indoors in the fall.​ ​1. The varieties of the “Echo” or “ABC” series are best suited for growing in the garden. And in pot culture it is convenient to grow compact varieties of the “Florida” or “Mermaid” series.​

Growing eustoma

Planting and caring for eustoma in the garden

​Eustoma is enough capricious plant. In order for the flowers to be large and bloom for a long time, the lighting should be bright, but diffused. It is best if the sun hits the plant from the south, east or west. The same applies to indoor eustoma. Watering is carried out as the soil dries. Timely care of plants during the fertilizing period is very important. Once the eustoma is well rooted, it can be fertilized. This will be a month after planting in open ground. The best fertilizer for these flowers is specialized complex preparations for flowering plants. They should be well soluble in water, for example Plantafol, Kemira or Kemira Lux. Tall varieties are intended for growing in gardens, and dwarf varieties are intended for propagation indoors and on the balcony.

​Earth. The plant thrives in well-drained soil with a pH level of 6.5-7. Purchased universal soil or a mixture of sand + peat + compost-turf-leaf soil can be used as a substrate.​

​***​​At self-cultivation eustoma / lisianthus, seeds are sown in February or March superficially under film or glass. Crops are kept in a bright and warm place at a temperature of +20-25 oC. For eustoma, use light sandy soil with a neutral reaction (pH 6.5-7.0). The seeds are lightly pressed into the soil, adjusted with a match or toothpick, and sprayed with a sprayer. Typically, eustoma seeds are sold in granules. When sowing, you need to ensure that the granules and soil do not dry out. Granules with seeds are periodically sprayed from a spray bottle, the substrate is moistened, and the crops are ventilated once a day or grown under a film with small holes. You can sow eustoma seeds in peat tablets, placing them along the edge of the depression in the center, one seed per tablet. This will facilitate subsequent eustoma transplantation. When growing on peat tablets, a microgreenhouse is also initially arranged. After the first cotyledon leaves appear, usually after two weeks, the glass is removed. summer period eustoma can be grown as garden culture, placing it in partial shade.​

Wintering eustoma or how to extend its life

​Eustoma or lisianthus is fabulously beautiful and graceful! When the buds begin to open they resemble a rose, the flower in full bloom resembles a poppy. I bought eustoma seeds, granulated seeds. This is my first time trying to grow eustoma.​

Plants are usually not replanted because lisianthus has very fragile roots. If necessary, this can be done by transshipment, preserving the earthen ball, so as to disturb the roots as little as possible.​ However, the process of establishment of plants from open ground indoors does not go smoothly,​2. Eustomas bought in a store can also be tall varieties, but they are treated with special substances - retardants that suppress growth, so they remain low.

​The flower loves wet air. It is for this reason that it is often grown in greenhouses and greenhouses, and in an apartment they try to transfer it to the loggia. It is important to remember that for feeding eustoma it is recommended to use a lower concentration than indicated in the instructions. Lisianthus can be an annual or biennial plant. This should also be indicated on the seed bag. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced gardener to grow a two-year-old plant. Therefore, it is better to choose an annual flower.​

​Feeding. The plant needs the necessary amount of phosphorus and calcium for its growth. During this period, as well as during flowering, lisianthus needs regular feeding. For this purpose, it is necessary to fertilize the flower weekly with complex mineral fertilizer, but not more than the amount indicated on the package.​

​The first attempt was unsuccessful,​

Eustoma as a houseplant

Eustoma is very sensitive to light and belongs to long-day crops. Its seedlings (like indoor and greenhouse plants) are grown with additional illumination with fluorescent lamps (for seedlings: in February-March). Weekly, the seedlings are fed with instant complex fertilizer for flower seedlings. In a dormant state, eustoma tolerates a lack of light. But during the growth period, with a lack of lighting, the stems become pampered, which affects the number of buds laid, reducing the productivity of the plant. Some of the subsequent buds may not open and dry out.​ ​Eustoma or lisianthus from the gentian family is also called a cowboy flower or a beautiful cup for its unique flowering. In nature, it grows in warm climates with intense sunlight and moderate humidity, this is a classic greenhouse plant. And in our cool summer conditions, we will try to grow it in a greenhouse or as a houseplant.​

​Feed the eustoma with complex fertilizer for the first time 10-14 days after planting in a permanent place, then, while active growth continues, 2 times a month, and also during the period of bud formation and flowering with fertilizer for flowering plants.​

​Adaptation to a new place can take up to 1 month​

Basic rules for caring for eustoma


​3. In open ground, the plant is usually cultivated as an annual, although by nature it is perennial. In temperate climates, eustoma does not always overwinter well.​



Eustoma blooms in July, and this process ends in October. Up to 30 buds can form on one densely branched branch. Flowers on one shoot may not fade for two months. But, if you cut it, it will begin to grow again and give new flowers. After pollination, the plant produces seed pods. The seeds have high germination rate. Until the third generation mother plants almost completely pass on their characteristics to their offspring. Double eustoma flowers are much more beautiful than ordinary ones. And if we are talking about choosing the shade of a flower, then there is no need to think about it - they are all very beautiful. Watering. After the soil has clearly dried out, the Irish rose is watered with soft, well-settled water. Watering is done abundantly, and after 15 minutes the excess water is drained from the pan. It is extremely important to avoid overfilling. The flowers do not need spraying; in addition, when watering, you also need to prevent drops from getting on the leaves and stem - this is fraught with unpleasant fungal diseases.​


​after which I sowed it in PURE vermiculite (without soil and fertilizers)​


​After 3 true leaves appear (usually after 10 weeks of cultivation), the eustoma is planted in separate pots or disposable cups. When transplanting, they try not to disturb the roots; the seedlings are taken together with a lump of earth. When growing in pots, the plants are planted immediately in a permanent place, for example, 3 plants are planted in pots with a diameter of 15 cm. After transplantation, the temperature is temporarily reduced to +16-20 oC, the plants are shaded, and watering is especially carefully monitored. Feeding is resumed after 2 weeks. Although eustoma is a very light-loving plant, it does not tolerate direct sunlight and prefers diffused light. On the south window, the seedlings are shaded from the midday sun. Growing on a north window, on the contrary, can... In the photo: Growing eustoma / lisianthus seedlings. require additional lighting.​

Top dressing

During the period of active growth and flowering, the most optimal temperature for maintaining eustoma is 20-25 degrees. In winter, lisianthus should be kept cool (10-15 degrees).​


​The main thing to remember when growing eustoma is to be patient, since the growing season from germination to flowering is quite long, it reaches 6-8 months.​ Vegetative propagation of eustoma​. With a sharp change in temperature from cool outside to warm room, as well as a decrease in lighting, plants begin to weaken and wither. Therefore, you need to start moving them indoors early, in late August - early September, when the temperature outside and at home is approximately the same. It is also advisable to place the plants first on a closed loggia, and only after some time in the room to give the eustoma time to get used to the lack of light. In addition to this, you need to limit the watering regime until the plant gets used to the new conditions; it will not be able to absorb large amounts of water.​

Growing eustoma from seeds at home

​4. Eustoma flowers remain fresh for a long time (up to three weeks) when cut. Therefore, it is often used when making bouquets and is actively grown on an industrial scale for sale.​

When growing eustoma in the garden, you need to carefully monitor the soil. During periods after watering, especially if the air is humid, the soil should remain moderately dry. It is better to water the plant with warm water.

​Caring for this plant is not at all difficult, the main thing is to show desire and timely care for the flower, and it will delight you with its decorative flowering.​

​Today, eustoma Mermaid is in high demand. This low growing plant 15 cm height.​

​in a transparent plastic tray with a cake lid. She sealed it and placed it under the lamp that we never turn off (daylight). Honestly, I just FORGOT about her. And I forgot for a long time. For a whole month. And when I came to my senses and went to check, to my great amazement, the eustoma was already sitting with two strong, pretty leaves, and a lot of it had sprouted. After another 2 weeks of keeping it in this greenhouse, I took it out and moved it to a cooler place, where it was still dark at night and removed the lid. Eustoma has grown and become stronger. Just recently I planted it into normal seedling soil. Now she feels great. I'm going to use this method to grow plants with similar slow seedling development.​

Eustoma is a moisture-loving plant. In the dry climate of the apartment, it requires frequent spraying. The eustoma is watered as the top layer dries, excess water is drained from the trays, preventing the soil from becoming waterlogged; excess moisture is detrimental to the eustoma. Despite this, the substrate in which eustoma grows must be constantly moist.

​When growing eustoma, you should not use dishes large sizes. A layer of drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot.​

​It is important to sow the seeds correctly - they are practically dust-like, very small, and take a long time to germinate. They are often sold in granular form so that the seeds can be easily distributed over the surface of the substrate. For sowing, choose wide and low dishes. Good drainage is made at the bottom in advance; pieces of foam plastic can be used for this purpose. The soil should be light, sufficiently moisture-absorbing and breathable.​

​almost impossible​

Some flower growers practice cutting the bushes almost to the root before replanting them in a pot and sending them to winter in this form. Often after such pruning on a plant

​5. Lisianthus can be grown indoors throughout the year if it is provided with comfortable lighting conditions and the correct temperature conditions. Part of the stem with a flower is cut off, leaving two or more pairs of leaves on the lower part; after a while (about a month) they produce new shoots with flowers.​

The diameter of flowers of various colors reaches 6 cm. Based on this variety, many hybrids with white, pink and purple flowers have been bred. No less popular is perennial eustoma. Look at the photos of these varieties.​

​To protect lisianthus flowers from diseases and harmful insects, plant treatment is periodically necessary insecticides based on deltamethrin. This will be a salvation from spider mite, whiteflies, thrips. And benzimidazole fungicides will help in the fight against white mold.​

Eustoma is very sensitive to fresh air and responds well to ventilation. If there is stagnant air in a room or greenhouse, the plants develop worse, reducing the number of flowering buds.​

The soil for lisianthus should be light, peaty, with the addition of pieces of charcoal. Ready-made soil for Saintpaulias is suitable from purchased substrates.​

​The seeds are covered with a very thin layer of earth, as if powdered, then moistened with a fine spray so that the granular shell dissolves. The crops are covered with glass, it is raised several times a day for ventilation. Germination will take an average of 2 weeks.​

​. Cuttings do not form roots, and when dividing a bush, the plants will most likely not be able to take root, because roots are easily injured.​ ​basal shoots are formed​The most spectacular, and therefore widespread among gardeners, is eustoma grandiflora or Russell's lisianthus. Its beautiful lush skirt flowers on long peduncles are very good both in flower beds and in bouquets. The colors are very diverse: soft white with lilac edges, blue, pink, lilac, purple-red, violet, beige, light yellow. And this is not a complete list! Depending on the variety, flowers can be


Beautiful eustoma cup


Flower propagation occurs using seeds. Attempts to propagate eustoma by dividing the bush failed. This plant reacts very poorly to the process of disrupting the root system. After division, all parts of the flower simply die. Therefore, the seed method is the most reliable.​

​Despite the variety of varieties, the most common type of these flowers is Lisianthus eustoma - a perennial plant with a height of 30 cm to 1.5 meters. One and a half to two dozen bell-shaped flowers can form on one stem. The diameter of each flower can be from 5 to 15 centimeters. Eustoma in many countries is the second name for an ornamental plant. Well, other cultivars deserve close attention. I planted eustoma in peat tablets at the end of February. But they didn't come up. At the beginning of March, I planted it on humus soil again. This time 7 pieces sprouted. I planted it without covering it with soil, on the surface. ​Care in spring and summer.​

​The most difficult and responsible task in caring for eustoma is to establish the correct watering regime. The substrate must be constantly moist, but waterlogging must not be allowed. Here you need to navigate by the drying of the top layer of soil.​

​It is better to water the crops from a tray. They grow very slowly, as soon as the seedlings grow 4 true leaves, they are transplanted into separate pots. The soil should be nutritious, the pots should be placed in a warm and sunny place so that direct sunlight hits the plants several hours a day. The earthen ball should be moderately moist.​

You can grow lisianthus yourself from purchased seeds. It is unlikely that you will be able to collect your own, since, as a rule, hybrids that do not produce seeds after flowering are sold.
​terry and non-double

Any fertilizer that is highly soluble in water is suitable for eustoma. It is worth feeding once every two weeks, but only during periods of active flower growth.​

​Growing this way requires a little effort at the seed germination stage. Further care of the flower is not at all difficult. Sowing of eustoma seeds begins in winter on the assumption that the plant begins flowering approximately 20 weeks after the appearance of the first shoots. Therefore, if you plan to sow eustoma in the spring, it simply will not have time to bloom. The optimal period for planting will be November-February.

​The active, coordinated work of breeders around the world has contributed to the emergence of a large number of varieties of this plant. The most popular variety series of this type are:

With the onset of warm days in April, the seedlings begin to gradually harden, taking them out onto the balcony for a while. Eustoma / lisianthus are planted in open ground after the threat of frost, usually at a distance of 15-30 cm from each other. To obtain cuttings, eustoma / lisianthus is grown in greenhouses and greenhouses.​
Watering of eustoma is done only from the top of the pot.

The first buds will appear about six months after seed germination. By this time, the plants reach a height of about half a meter.​

​Independently growing eustoma from seeds is a long and labor-intensive process, but many gardeners successfully cope with it.​
​When taking plants from the garden, it is advisable to treat them from possible diseases and pests, so as not to infect indoor flowers.
​. The leaves of the plant are gray-green, covered with a light waxy coating.​
​Diseases and pests​

For growing, you can use peat with the addition of a small amount of sand and perlite. Then the soil will be looser and more permeable.​
​Mirage F1 is one of the new varieties, with straight stems up to one meter high. Quite rare flowers with a diameter of 8 cm have an original color - snow-white or with an amazing bluish border.​

​you let them bloom, for me they bloomed until the end of January, then cut the stems to the third axil from the ground, in winter keep the soil moist, but do not water it, and at the end of February (at least it was like that for me) they began to grow from the stem and from the sinuses, and in the first ten days of March the buds began to swell. These eustomas are still blooming so luxuriantly. In the summer I simply dumped them into the ground. I plant it in pots and containers, bring it into the house in the fall, there they grow in the winter, I already wrote that in February it is necessary to trim the stems, new growth will appear and the eustoma will bloom again

For eustoma, a bright place with diffused light is allocated, protected from the winds, away from iron and brick structures quickly heated by the sun, the heat from which can burn the leaves of the eustoma. The soil is prepared nutritious, loose, well-drained, with the addition of peat and sand. On acidic soils, eustoma grows extremely slowly, so lime or ash must be added to such soils. When growing in containers, choose light-colored pots that reflect the sun's rays, as well as containers that retain moisture well. For example, they prefer plastic rather than clay pots. The tall and thin peduncle of eustoma cannot support multiple large flowers that form at its end. When growing tall varieties, a decorative support is installed for the eustoma. Water the eustoma, like seedlings, as the soil dries with warm water. Twice a month I combine watering with fertilizing with a complex of fertilizers. During flowering, watering increases, reduces the amount of nitrogen and increases the content of potassium and phosphorus components. Faded eustoma buds are removed to prolong its flowering. If flowering is early, a few buds can be left for the seeds to ripen.​

​During the period of active growth of lisianthus developing plants watered more abundantly, and in winter watering should be careful.​

​The opening of an elegant bud is a stunning sight. Each bud opens up to 2 weeks, the petals are curled so that the flower resembles a rose.​

Lisianthus seeds are small, so they are sold in the form of granules. In addition, the special composition from which the granules are made improves germination. In general, eustoma seeds do not germinate very well. A germination rate of 60% is considered good.

​But even with long-term cultivation, after 4-5 years you have to part with the plants; by this time, fewer and fewer flowers begin to form on the lisianthus, the flowers themselves become smaller, and sometimes the plants die completely, despite good care.​

​Also, depending on the variety, the plant can be large - up to 1.5 meters in height or miniature, from 12 cm, which is convenient for growing at home.​

​Eustoma, as garden flower, susceptible to attack by mealy mites.​

You can also use specialized soil for Saintpaulias. Sowing is best done in disposable small cups.​

​Echo F1 - plants up to half a meter high. They have many quality advantages - gorgeous buds from 7 cm in diameter can be yellow, white, pink, lilac. Multi-colored options or those bordered with pink and white especially attract attention. Early flowering of lisianthus at home and long time standing after cutting can also be considered worthy advantages of the species.​


​Reproduction of eustoma / lisianthus.​

​Eustoma requires regular addition of nutrients for good flowering. Lisianthus is fertilized with complete mineral fertilizer during the growth period weekly, but at a lower concentration than indicated in the instructions.​

​The bud is always white.​

​Seed sowing is carried out from January to March in light soil that allows air and moisture to pass through well. You can prepare it at home from garden soil, peat or vermiculite and sand in equal quantities. The soil is well soaked, the seeds are poured on top without covering. Press it in a little and spray it with a spray bottle. Cover with a transparent film (bag) and place in a warm (20-25 degrees) and bright place.​

If you want to grow eustoma as a houseplant, it is better to place it on an east or west window so that the scorching sun does not fall on it and try to move it closer to the glass to provide at least a small

Eustoma blooms magnificently; about 20 flowers can form on one plant. Their size can be from 5 to 15 cm, and they bloom gradually as they bloom, so

During the period of growing eustoma from seed, care includes systematically spraying the plant with anti-blackleg preparations. If you neglect this, the plant will most likely disappear.​


​Seeds should be sown superficially, slightly pressing into the soil. You can put several seeds in one glass. They are then covered with polyethylene, creating a greenhouse effect. They remain in this state until seedlings emerge. The ideal temperature for seed germination is 20-25 degrees. Under such conditions, seedlings should sprout within two weeks. In the first months they grow quite slowly.​ ​ABC F1 - plants up to one meter high, cut for quite a long time. Buds with a diameter of ten centimeters have a wide variety of color variations- from yellow and white to dark lilac exotic.​

​One of the popular representatives of the modern plant world is lisianthus - this flower in normal home conditions reaches a height of 45 centimeters, and growing in the wild it can reach 70 centimeters. Lisianthus flowers or eustoma are plants with long, moderately branched stems and ellipsoid green-bluish leaves. During flowering, they look original and attractive - the blossoming flowers are simpler, small (cup-shaped or bell-shaped) and large, bright, similar to a real rose. The color ranges from white and apricot to purple and violet shades. Often the color of the bud is diluted with a colorful border. In bouquets, the Irish rose in all its glory looks presentable, and its cost is quite high.​

​Dried eustoma seeds can be used for sowing next year. The exception is F1 hybrids. Their seeds do not transmit parental properties. By the way, seeds are the only way eustoma is propagated. The fibrous root of eustoma is very vulnerable and does not tolerate division at all, which is why the plant is replanted only with a lump of earth. Usually, when the rhizome is divided, the plant dies. It was also not possible to cut eustoma. This is fully compensated by the great ability of eustoma for seed propagation. 1 gram of its seeds contains 15,000 pieces. In warm climates, seeds that fall into the soil germinate on their own the next year. There, eustoma often behaves like a biennial plant. In the first year it forms a rosette of leaves, and if wintering is favorable, it blooms the following summer.​ ​Eustoma is easily pollinated and produces capsules with many small seeds with high germination rate.​​Long flowering is a remarkable property of lisianthus. The diameter of the inflorescence is 8-9 cm, the thin petals are slightly curved down, with a beautiful wavy edge. If sowing is done in January-February, additional lighting will not be amiss, ideally when the seeds receive light for 12-14 hours a day. It is also good if it is possible to transfer the container with the planted seeds to a cool room with a temperature of 14-17 degrees overnight. These are the recommendations of experts, but often, sharing their experience, flower growers say that they are able to grow eustoma seedlings without additional lighting and nighttime temperature drops.​

​difference between day and night temperatures​​the flowerbed remains decorative for a long time

​Blooming​​Eustoma, planting and care of which are described in more detail in the video story - this wonderful decoration your garden!​​They do not need watering because they are covered with polyethylene, which retains moisture. They need to be ventilated periodically, at least once a week. This is required in order to remove condensation, and just to see if young plants should be watered. If necessary, water the seedlings with a light stream of water along the edge of the cup, then cover them again with film.

Lisianthus flowers (eustoma): photo, growing from seeds at home, planting and care

​Matador F1 – unpretentious plants up to 20 cm with large flowers edged with a blue, pinkish or white tint. They are considered the best option for growing in pots and are used to decorate gazebos, balconies, and open spaces.​

​Growing lisianthus from seeds at home allows you to create a unique decoration for your apartment or office. Planting and care should be carried out according to certain rules which are described in this article. Be sure to look at the photo of lisianthus flowers with different types of petal colors:​

Lisianthus flowers - an organic decoration for home and celebrations (with photo)

​In the photo: Lisianthus / Eustoma - various varieties.​

Lisianthus seeds are sown superficially on a sterile substrate, under film or glass. The temperature during seed germination should not exceed 25 degrees.​

Basic principles of growing lisianthus from seeds at home

​For eustoma to germinate, light is needed, the temperature should be 20-21 degrees. Shoots appear in a week, if the seeds are not in granules, then in two weeks. After 3-4 true leaves appear, the plants are pruned and then placed in a cooler place. When the plants have at least 5 pairs of leaves, they can be transplanted into pots with a diameter of 12 -14 cm, several in each. To keep plants compact, they need to be pinched. Such a plant will bloom more abundantly, but the flowering period will be delayed for several weeks. Optimal temperature for the growth of eustoma at night -15 degrees, during the day about 25 degrees, water in a tray - it is very sensitive to waterlogging of the soil and overhead watering; when waterlogged, the root system quickly rots. Remember that eustoma is very sensitive to high concentrations of salts, so feed it with a weak solution of mineral and organic fertilizers. After the threat of frost has passed, the grown plants are planted in the ground or continue to be grown in pots.​

​It has been noticed that with more late boarding, in March-April, the plants produce flower shoots earlier, but the rosette of leaves is less well formed and the bushes are less lush.​

High-quality care for lisianthus

Eustoma is a plant native to Central America. In terms of the beauty of its flowers, it is ready to compete with the roses so beloved by gardeners. In addition, eustoma has another advantage - it does not have thorns. We will discuss further how to grow eustoma, how to care for it, and whether it is possible to achieve perennial flowering of the plant in our latitudes.​

  1. ​In the first months, seedlings need timely and competent care. To prevent them from stretching out, they need to be provided with diffused lighting. Artificial light is used for this. At the end of February, the seedlings can be placed on the windowsill on the south side. With the advent of solar heat, eustoma sprouts begin to grow more actively.​
  2. ​Mellow F1 - plants whose height is no more than half a meter attract attention with flowers up to 12 cm in diameter and silk petals. The main advantages are early flowering, drought resistance, long standing period after cutting. Wide range of petal colors.​
  3. The homeland of eustoma, which belongs to the Gentian family, is Central America with its humid, warm climate. If previously lisianthus flower seeds were available only to professional flower growers, now any variety of lisianthus can be purchased in every flower shop or on a specialized website. In fact, lisianthus flowers are an organic decoration for any celebration and home interior. Look at the photo of lisianthus flowers various options Applications: If you want to purchase a specific variety of flowers, you can consult with specialists or view photos of lisianthus on the Internet with the names signed under them. It is also worth considering that for a home business, growing different varieties of these bright, non-standard representatives of the flora can be a real financial boon. Low-growing varieties are used as potted decorations, while tall varieties are used for making bouquets.​
  4. ​Care in autumn and winter.​

​Eustoma shoots appear after 10-12 days; at first they develop slowly. The daytime temperature of the crops should be about 22-25 degrees, and the night temperature 20-21 degrees.​

Eustoma (the second name is lisianthus) has very small dust-like seeds, which are sown superficially in well-moistened soil, the crops are covered with glass and placed in a warm place in the light (+22 degrees). Sowing for seedlings is like snapdragons (January 1-10) .The crops must be ventilated by removing the glass for 1 hour, watered very carefully and along the edge of the pot (bowl). Eustoma germinates very slowly, at this time the main thing is not to overwater! The seedlings must be ventilated often. When the seedlings can be picked up, they are dived, preserving com, one at a time in plastic cups and water very carefully. When the plant has 5 pairs of leaves, it can be planted in a box. If you are still tempted to plant it in the garden, then choose the hottest and most permeable place with light but nutritious soil. Eustoma does not even winter in Crimea, because... It does not tolerate winter dampness at low temperatures very well. You can try to preserve it in the winter by transplanting it with a lump into a pot, on a warm windowsill (+22+24 degrees), always in the light, and watering it very sparingly.​

Variety of varieties - lisianthus eustoma and others

The seedlings need to be ventilated about once a day. The soil must be kept moist by spraying.​

​Usually, at home, eustoma is grown as a “disposable” plant; after flowering, it is thrown away if the goal is not to preserve the plant for later planting in the garden.​

  • The best time to plant eustoma in the ground is
  • ​For the winter hut, a plant from open ground should be transplanted into a flowerpot using the method of transshipment and sent to a landscaped loggia or winter garden. If the flower does not have enough natural sunlight, you can turn on additional lighting in the form of fluorescent lamps. Thus, by constantly replanting the plant, you can grow perennial eustoma.​
  • The main type of propagation of the plant is by seed; sometimes gardeners give recommendations for propagating eustoma by cuttings, but in practice this method fails, since the cuttings do not take root. It should also be remembered that eustoma does not reproduce by division. The root system of the flower is easily damaged and is damaged during division. A bush transplanted in this way soon dies.
  • Caring for seedlings also implies the mandatory implementation of disease prevention. For the first two months, it is recommended to water the young seedlings with a solution of foundationazole - half a teaspoon per half liter of water. For active growth and strengthening, seedlings can be periodically sprayed with Epin or Zircon.​
  • The main classification of plants is made into double and non-double series. These flowers are popular all over the world, allowing you to create bright, vibrant pictures on balconies and window sills. Cut lisianthus is grown in greenhouses and greenhouses, after which it is sold in bright, original bouquets.​

​Compositions from such bright, original colors florists often serve as interior decoration and decorative elements for various celebrations. Lisianthus can also play an important role in a wedding bouquet.​

It is no coincidence that eustoma is one of the popular ornamental plants. Its beauty can be judged by the bluish leaves and double funnel-shaped flowers with a rich color palette. During the flowering period, eustoma appears inflorescences of various shades - pink, white, lilac, purple, reaching a diameter of 7-8 cm. They look especially beautiful in a half-bloomed state, when they resemble a rose.

When eustoma flowers fully open, they look very similar to poppies. It is enough to see a blooming eustoma just once for a gardener to want to plant it in his own garden. And you shouldn’t give up on this idea, considering that caring for this plant is quite simple.

Description of eustoma

During the growing season, eustoma forms strong stems 80-90 cm long. From about the middle of the shoot, it forms many strong branches, which represent formed bouquets. Eustoma began to be considered as cultivated plant not so long ago. At first, it was considered only as a plant for growing indoors. However, subsequently the opportunity arose to cultivate this crop in open ground conditions.

Today, in relation to eustoma, agricultural cultivation techniques are used that are applicable to annuals. Its distinctive feature is that it stays blooming for a long time, even if you cut it and place it in water. It looks most vibrant during the flowering period, when it has very beautiful and long peduncles. These features contributed to the widespread spread of eustoma in Europe.

Over the past years, breeders have managed to develop many different varieties that are not similar to each other in all respects. Therefore, gardeners who decide to purchase eustoma seeds need to remember that there are only two types of this plant:

  • short;
  • tall.

It is not difficult to guess that the first ones are intended for growing indoors and on the balcony. As for tall varieties, they are usually cultivated in gardens.

Known to many as lisianthus, this plant can be grown as an annual or biennial. As a rule, this information is provided on the seed packet. Growing eustoma, which belongs to the group of biennials, does not always end successfully. Therefore, for beginner gardeners best choice there will be annuals.

Look the brightest double eustoma flowers(lisianthus). You shouldn’t think too much about the shade of the flowers, because regardless of the variety, any plant will look beautiful during the flowering period.

Featuring a diverse color scheme, these flowers usually reach a diameter of 6 cm. Eustoma has served as a base plant for the development of many different hybrids, which are similar to each other except for the shade, which can be white, pink and purple. Many gardeners often grow perennial eustoma, which also has many advantages.

Typically, to grow this plant use seed sowing. The method of dividing a bush has not gained popularity due to the fact that this event rarely ends successfully. This is due to the fact that disruption of the root system severely injures the plant, after which it is very difficult for it to recover. As a result, this method leads to the death of all parts of the plant. For this reason, if you want to be guaranteed to grow eustoma at home, then you should use the seed sowing method.

However, not everything is so simple here either. First of all, difficulties may arise during seed germination. Otherwise there shouldn't be any special problems. You can sow seeds even in winter, remembering that his eustoma begins to bloom approximately in the 20th week from the moment the first shoots appear. So you should not delay sowing until spring, otherwise you will not be able to achieve flowering in the early stages. To wait for the flowers to appear on time, it is recommended to start sowing seeds between November and February.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare a suitable soil mixture, which is peat with the addition of a small amount of sand and perlite. This substrate has the most loose structure and can provide best absorption moisture.

You can also replace this mixture with specialized soil for Saintpaulias. It is recommended to use disposable small cups as a container for sowing.

Prepared seeds placed on the soil surface, after which they need to be slightly buried into it. There may be 2-3 seeds per glass. After sowing, polyethylene is stretched over the cups to provide a greenhouse effect. After this, you need to be patient and wait for the shoots to appear. To accelerate seed germination, it is necessary to maintain a favorable temperature, which should be within 20-25 degrees. If this condition is met, the seeds will begin to germinate in about two weeks. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the seeds will grow extremely slowly in the first month.

It is not necessary to water while the seeds are under the film, since it retains moisture well. Caring for seedlings at this stage of cultivation requires ventilation at least once a week. As a result of regular intake of fresh air condensate will be discharged. Also, during this operation, you can once again make sure that young plants have enough moisture. If there are signs of drying out of the soil, you can water it with a light stream of water along the edge of the cup, after which the cups are again covered with film.

Caring for eustoma seedlings

It is necessary to care for seedlings especially carefully in the first months of life. When grown indoors, they can often stretch out, which can be avoided by providing them with diffused lighting. Artificial light makes this possible. At the end of February, the seedlings can be transferred to a windowsill located on the south side. As the sun begins to warm up more strongly, the seedlings will receive more heat and respond to this with more active growth.


In order for Irish rose (eustoma) seedlings to be strong and healthy, it is necessary to take measures to protect them from diseases. Once in two months carry out treatment with a foundation solution, for the preparation of which you need to take half a teaspoon of the drug and dilute it in 0.5 liters of water. An effective measure to stimulate the growth of seedlings is spraying with Epin or Zircon.


Two months after planting, the seedlings reach a state where diving into individual pots. However, you should be extremely careful here.

Usually, eustoma seedlings tolerate picking without consequences, so they begin to grow quite soon.

Transplanting flower seedlings

In spring, seedlings of Irish rose flowers become quite large, so you can think about transplanting them into larger pots. For this you can use cups with a diameter of 7-8 cm. Transplantation is carried out by transferring an earthen clod. However, first the bottom of the pot should be filled with suitable drainage. This can be either expanded clay or crushed foam.

After transplanting, the pots with seedlings are transferred to a well-lit place. Gradually they adapt to sunlight, leaving for several hours without film. Subsequently, they are grown without polyethylene. They are grown in this state until a favorable moment arises for transplanting into open ground.

Planting Irish rose seedlings in open ground

Favorable conditions for planting seedlings in a permanent place arise already in mid-May. This can be determined by the presence of 6-8 leaves in the seedlings. When grown in open ground conditions, eustoma begins to rapidly increase in size. It is best to transplant in the evening, when the sun is not so hot. For transplanting seedlings, pits are prepared, which should correspond in size to the pots with seedlings.

The finished holes must be watered. Transplantation of seedlings is carried out by transferring an earthen clod. Upon completion, it is necessary to install a shelter on each hole - half a plastic bottle or a transparent jar. It will be needed in case there are return frosts, and will also reduce moisture evaporation. After the last wave of frost has passed, the shelter is removed.

In order for the seedlings to immediately begin to grow and bloom profusely after transplantation, they need provide maximum illumination. The quality of soil fertility also affects the development of this plant.

When determining the frequency of watering for Irish rose flowers, they are guided by the condition of the soil. After transplantation, even before flowering, eustomas begin to fertilize. You can determine the right moment to apply fertilizer by its active growth. This means that the seedlings are well rooted. This usually takes about one month. To provide young Irish rose flowers with the necessary microelements, it is recommended to use specialized complex preparations for flowering plants. So, the following easily soluble in water products are suitable for this:

  • Plantafol;
  • Kemir;
  • Kemira Lux.


Many experienced flower growers are very interested in such a plant as eustoma, because it looks very beautiful, so it can become an excellent decoration not only for an apartment, but also summer cottage plot. Growing a two-year-old eustoma in open ground is not so difficult. However a lot depends on the quality of the seedlings. Therefore, sowing seeds of Irish rose flowers must be carried out at a suitable time - usually this is done in the interval from November to February.

This race in time allows you to get the first flowers in the spring. However, this is only possible with proper care during growing seedlings and after transplanting young eustoma plants.

General information about the plant

​Similar articles​

​In the photo: Lisianthus / Eustoma - various varieties.​

​Eustoma requires regular addition of nutrients for good flowering. Lisianthus is fertilized with complete mineral fertilizer during the growth period weekly, but at a lower concentration than indicated in the instructions.​

The first buds will appear about six months after seed germination. By this time, the plants reach a height of about half a meter.​

You can grow lisianthus yourself from purchased seeds. It is unlikely that you will be able to collect your own, since, as a rule, hybrids that do not produce seeds after flowering are sold.

​basal shoots are formed

​5. Lisianthus can be grown indoors throughout the year if it is provided with comfortable lighting conditions and the correct temperature conditions. Part of the stem with a flower is cut off, leaving two or more pairs of leaves on the lower part; after a while (about a month) they produce new shoots with flowers.​

​Terry Rosie. The plant reaches a height of 25 cm. The petals are blue, white and pink;

Popular varieties of eustoma

​When grown independently, planting takes place in February under film. In this case, the seedlings are kept in a warm place - the temperature should reach +20 degrees. It is better to choose light and sandy soil. Periodically spray with warm water. The seeds should not be deeply buried. You can plant eustoma in peat tablets. IN in this case The transplant will be much easier. Care consists of providing the plant with long daylight hours and carrying out complex fertilizing.​

​Eustoma is the main competitor of the roseEustoma (lat. Lisianthus) is a delicate plant. Its other name is lisianthus, which is the name given to all cultivated eustomas. The plant's homeland is Central America or Mexico. Cultivation occurs both by seeds and seedlings.​

It should be taken into account that flowering occurs approximately 15-20 weeks (3-4 months) after germination. In order to see lisianthus flowers this season, sowing seeds must be planned for the winter months. If you sow later, you can only wait for flowers next season.​

Eustoma is a fairly well-known plant of the Gentian family. For example, in a number of European countries this flower is one of the ten most popular “bouquet” plants. Like many flowering flowers, it has several names: lisianthus, Irish rose, and Texas bell. Eustoma is native to Central America.​

  • ​Care in autumn and winter.​
  • ​Eustoma is easily pollinated and produces boxes with many small seeds with high germination rate.​
  • ​The opening of an elegant bud is a stunning sight. Each bud opens up to 2 weeks, the petals are curled so that the flower resembles a rose.​
  • ​Independently growing eustoma from seeds is a long and labor-intensive process, but many gardeners successfully cope with it.​

Planting eustoma: soil, sowing time

​The most spectacular, and therefore widespread among gardeners, is eustoma grandiflora or Russell's lisianthus. Its beautiful lush skirt flowers on long peduncles are very good both in flower beds and in bouquets. The colors are very diverse: soft white with lilac edges, blue, pink, lilac, purple-red, violet, beige, light yellow. And this is not a complete list! Depending on the variety, flowers can be

Loyalty. It is distinguished by a large number of spiral-shaped white flowers. In height - up to 20 cm;​

​"Irish Rose" is included in the Gentian family. It will certainly become a decoration of your garden. The flowers are double or funnel-shaped, big size, have a delicate color. The leaves are glaucous and waxy. When half-bloomed, the flowers resemble a rose. When opened - poppies. The stems are strong, branching approximately from the middle. One independent plant resembles a real bouquet; up to 35 buds can be formed. Peduncles, regardless of the variety, are long. Cut eustoma remains fresh for a long time.​

To grow lisianthus for industrial purposes (in greenhouses), seeds are sown at different times, even year-round.

Method of planting seeds, first shoots, picking

Eustoma is considered a large-flowered plant - the diameter of one flower reaches 7-8 cm.

​Eustoma is usually grown as an annual plant. Its flowering lasts from July to September. If the eustoma grew in a pot, if there is a threat of autumn frosts, it can be brought into the house. There it will continue to bloom. For winter, the stems of eustoma are cut off, leaving 2-3 internodes. Overwintering eustoma is stored in a pot at a temperature of +10-15 °C, possibly on a windowsill. In winter, the plant is rarely watered and not fed. Care is resumed as new shoots grow with the onset of warm days. After the threat of frost, the plant is planted in open ground.

Lisianthus seeds are sown superficially on a sterile substrate, under film or glass. The temperature during seed germination should not exceed 25 degrees.​

​The bud is always white.​

Lisianthus seeds are small, so they are sold in the form of granules. In addition, the special composition from which the granules are made improves germination. In general, eustoma seeds do not germinate very well. A germination rate of 60% is considered good.

​When taking plants from the garden, it is advisable to treat them against possible diseases and pests, so as not to infect indoor flowers.​

Growing eustoma in open and closed ground

​terry and non-double

​Riddle. The flowers are pale blue, semi-double. Plant height - up to 20 cm;​

After 3 leaves are formed, the seedlings are placed in separate pots. Then the boarding takes place immediately at the chosen place. Plants are shaded and watered periodically. Care involves constant spraying, especially in dry areas. However, excess moisture should be avoided. Important! The air in the greenhouse must be fresh, otherwise eustoma will develop poorly.​

​Initially, eustoma was grown only at home. But now it is gradually being transferred to gardens. In Europe, the flower is very famous due to its high decorative qualities. So, in Holland it is actively used for cutting, and in Poland the plant is quite expensive.​

​For the successful development of eustoma seedlings, moderate heat is required: daytime temperatures are about 22-25 degrees, night temperatures are about 20 degrees.​

​Attractive in appearance, eustoma is successfully grown not only by professionals, but also by amateur flower growers. But at the same time, cultivation has its secrets.

​When grown in greenhouses for cutting, eustoma artificially creates favorable conditions that allow the plant to be cultivated throughout the year. After cutting the first flower stalks, the plants are pruned. 3-4 months after this, the lisianthus begins to bloom again.

​Eustoma shoots appear after 10-12 days; at first they develop slowly. The daytime temperature of the crops should be about 22-25 degrees, and the night temperature 20-21 degrees.​

​Long flowering is a wonderful property of lisianthus. The diameter of the inflorescence is 8-9 cm, thin petals are slightly curved downwards, with a beautiful wavy edge.​

Reproduction of eustoma: which method is more reliable?

​Seed sowing is carried out from January to March in light soil that allows air and moisture to pass through well. You can prepare it at home from garden soil, peat or vermiculite and sand in equal quantities. The soil is well soaked, the seeds are poured on top without covering. Press it in a little and spray it with a spray bottle. Cover with a transparent film (bag) and place in a warm (20-25 degrees) and bright place. But even with many years of cultivation, after 4-5 years you have to part with the plants, by this time fewer and fewer flowers begin to form on the lisianthus, the flowers themselves become smaller, and sometimes plants even die, despite good care. The leaves of the plant are gray-green, covered with a light waxy coating.​

Eustoma: how to grow “Irish Rose” on your own

Eustoma involves cultivation in compliance with certain rules. So, in April the plant needs to be hardened off. To do this, it is taken out onto the balcony or veranda. Eustoma can be transferred to open ground only after the threat of frost has passed. The distance between flowers should be 15 cm.​

​Eustoma seeds are quite small, and therefore, for convenience, they are most often sold in pilled form.​

Features of growing from seeds

​In different phases of flowering, a lisianthus flower resembles either a half-blooming rose or a poppy that has opened in full force. At the same time, eustoma is considered a large-flowered plant: the diameter of one flower reaches 7-8 cm. The leaves have a bluish color with a waxy coating, and a fully grown plant looks like a highly branched bush on a fairly strong stem. Lisianthus reaches a height of 90 cm. One such plant can have up to 35 buds!​

  • Diseases and pests of eustoma.
  • ​As they grow, eustoma seedlings need to be gradually adapted to film-free conditions.​
  • ​For eustoma to germinate, light is needed, the temperature should be 20-21 degrees. Shoots appear in a week, if the seeds are not in granules, then in two weeks. After 3-4 true leaves appear, the plants are pruned and then placed in a cooler place. When the plants have at least 5 pairs of leaves, they can be transplanted into pots with a diameter of 12 -14 cm, several in each. To keep plants compact, they need to be pinched. Such a plant will bloom more abundantly, but the flowering period will be delayed for several weeks. The optimal temperature for the growth of eustoma is -15 degrees at night, about 25 degrees during the day, watered in a tray - it is very sensitive to waterlogging of the soil and overhead watering; when waterlogged, the root system quickly rots. Remember that eustoma is very sensitive to high concentrations of salts, so feed it with a weak solution of mineral and organic fertilizers. After the threat of frost has passed, the grown plants are planted in the ground or continue to be grown in pots.​
  • ​If sowing is done in January-February, additional lighting will not be amiss, ideally when the seeds receive light for 12-14 hours a day. It is also good if it is possible to transfer the container with the planted seeds to a cool room with a temperature of 14-17 degrees overnight. These are the recommendations of experts, but often, sharing their experience, flower growers say that they are able to grow eustoma seedlings without additional lighting and nighttime temperature drops.​
  • If you want to grow eustoma as a houseplant, it is better to place it on an east or west window so that the scorching sun does not fall on it and try to move it closer to the glass to provide at least a small
  • ​Also, depending on the variety, the plant can be large - up to 1.5 meters in height or miniature, from 12 cm, which is convenient for growing at home.​
  • The place should be moderately lit, protected from the wind. There should be no quickly heating elements nearby that could burn the leaves of the flower. The soil should be nutritious, loose, well-drained, and consist of a mixture of sand and peat. If the soil is acidic, add ash or lime, otherwise the growth of eustoma will stop.
  • ​Seeds are planted from February to August. Flowering occurs after 6 months. When growing at home, you can use any soil purchased in a store.​
  • ​The seeds are sown on the surface of the soil, then covered with glass or film.​

​There are also low-growing varieties lisianthus, up to 30 cm in height.​

​Despite the plant’s demanding growing conditions, eustoma / lisianthus is rarely affected by pests; they do not like the “bitter flower”. When pests appear (aphids, whiteflies, miners, fungus gnats, slugs), the eustoma is treated with appropriate preparations from the commercial network. When plantings are dense, soil is waterlogged, and at low temperatures, diseases may develop: fusarium wilt, gray rot, powdery mildew. To prevent the development of these infections, plants are periodically treated with antifungal drugs.​

Lisianthus is picked 6-8 weeks after sowing. When the shoots grow to 1.5-2 cm, I pick them in bunches (3-5 pieces each) into seedling pots with a diameter of 6-7 cm. After picking, the shoots must be shaded, the temperature is maintained at 18 degrees.​

Growing seedlings

Eustoma (the second name is lisianthus) has very small dust-like seeds, which are sown superficially in well-moistened soil, the crops are covered with glass and placed in a warm place in the light (+22 degrees). Sowing for seedlings is like snapdragons (January 1-10) .The crops must be ventilated by removing the glass for 1 hour, watered very carefully and along the edge of the pot (bowl). Eustoma germinates very slowly, at this time the main thing is not to overwater! The seedlings must be ventilated often. When the seedlings can be picked up, they are dived, preserving com, one at a time in plastic cups and water very carefully. When the plant has 5 pairs of leaves, it can be planted in a box. If you are still tempted to plant it in the garden, then choose the hottest and most permeable place with light but nutritious soil. Eustoma does not even winter in Crimea, because... It does not tolerate winter dampness at low temperatures very well. You can try to preserve it in the winter by transplanting it with a lump into a pot, on a warm windowsill (+22+24 degrees), always in the light, and watering it very sparingly.​

​It has been noticed that with later planting, in March-April, the plants produce flower shoots earlier, but the rosette of leaves is less well formed and the bushes are less lush.​

​difference between day and night temperatures​

Eustoma blooms magnificently; about 20 flowers can form on one plant. Their size can be from 5 to 15 cm, and they bloom gradually as they bloom, so

​Mirmaid. The leaves have a waxy coating and are bluish. The flowers are simple, the color is lilac, white, pink. The plant reaches a height of 12 cm. It is often grown at home due to its compactness;

How to properly care

When grown in pots, eustoma from seeds is placed in light containers that drain moisture well. It is better to take plastic pots rather than clay ones. If the varieties are tall, it is worth providing support, since the flowers are large and the thin stem is not able to support them. Watering is done only with warm water as the soil dries. During the flowering process, the amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is increased, and nitrogen fertilizers are reduced. If the buds have faded, they are removed. During early flowering, they can be left to produce seeds.​

​Put the soil in a cup.​

If you sow lisianthus directly into the ground, then the seeds are also placed on the surface of the soil, maintaining a distance between future plants of 15 to 30 cm.

​Tall varieties of eustoma are used for cutting. Grown in industrial conditions, they retain their original appearance for quite a long time. But the low-growing ones are good as border and potted plants.​


Then I transplant the grown young plants using the transshipment method, without disturbing the earthen coma, into pots with a diameter of 10-11 cm.

Variety of varieties


  • The seedlings need to be ventilated about once a day. The soil must be kept moist by spraying.​
  • ​the flowerbed remains decorative for a long time

​Florida Blue. The flowers are blue, delicate, large in number;

  • ​Compact and moisten with water.​
  • ​The first shoots appear after about 1.5 - 2 weeks. Further growth of seedlings is quite slow. For successful development, they require moderate warmth: daytime temperatures are about 22-25 degrees, night temperatures are about 20 degrees.​
  • ​Eustoma flowers are grown both in open ground and at home, as well as in greenhouses.​

Low growing varieties

  • ​HERE​
  • ​With one-time use of lisianthus, i.e. Growing as an annual plant, they do not require more transplants.​
  • ​or Lisianthus is a perennial flower, but in gardens eustoma is grown as an annual. Its homeland is Mexico. The plant is of particular interest to gardeners because of its beauty and difficult cultivation. It is often called the Texas bluebell. Its flowers are incredibly beautiful and graceful. The seeds of the flower are small, but they can be granulated, which makes sowing easier. Seeds must be planted in moist soil. When growing in pots, you should use purchased soil. To avoid the ingress of various debris and large lumps, it should be sifted. Seeds are sown in mid-January in separate containers according to variety, covered with plastic bags and placed in a warm, bright place. To prevent mold, the bags are periodically opened and the seedlings are ventilated, and care must also be taken to ensure that the soil does not dry out. With good seed germination, the first sprouts will appear in the period from 10 to 21 days. When the cotyledon leaves unfold, the dishes with the seedlings are removed from the bags and placed under a fluorescent lamp. When two pairs of true leaves appear, the lisianthus eustoma is planted in a separate container (for example, in 100-gram plastic cups) and placed on a windowsill or window shelf for seedlings on the south side. At the end of April, when they reach about 15 cm in height, they can be transplanted into pots with a capacity of 2 - 2.5 liters of three plants each. The ideal temperature for growing eustoma is about 25 degrees during the day, and about 15 degrees at night. The flower is very sensitive to overhead watering and waterlogging of the soil, so it must be watered in a tray using warm water. When the soil becomes waterlogged, the plant's root system rots very quickly. Growing eustoma from seeds is extremely exciting and interesting. True, it grows too slowly, it feels like growth has stopped. But if the sprouts have sprouted, then there is no need to worry, they will grow. And when the plant gives delicate beautiful flowers, it will be impossible to refuse it.​
  • ​Sprouts that look like tiny dots appear in about 2 weeks. After this, watering is significantly reduced and, if possible, the plants are moved to a cool (14-17 degrees) place.
  • ​Usually, at home, eustoma is grown as a “disposable” plant; after flowering, it is thrown away if the goal is not to preserve the plant for later planting in the garden.​

​.​​The Little Mermaid. The petals resemble a spiral. Plant height - up to 15 cm. Petals are white, pink, pale blue;

  • Eustoma, which is grown as an annual, blooms from July to September. If there is a threat of frost, and the plant is planted in a pot, it is brought into the house. For the winter it is necessary to prune, leaving only a few internodes. Storage in winter is in a pot, the temperature should reach +15 degrees. Watering in winter is rare and fertilizing is not done. After the frost has passed, the eustoma is planted again in open ground.
  • ​Take 5 seeds and lightly bury them in the soil using a toothpick.​
  • ​When the plants grow a little, namely after the appearance of the third permanent leaf, the eustoma can be pricked. This must be done extremely carefully, since the root system of the plant is very sensitive to damage. By the time of diving, the plants reach the age of 6-8 weeks. Further cultivation of lisianthus comes down to proper care of the plant.
  • ​What do you need to know to successfully grow eustoma?​

Combination with other plants

​forum on growing eustoma (exchange of experience, step-by-step photo report...)​

Eustoma (video)

​It must be borne in mind that eustoma has a small fibrous root system, which is very vulnerable. Therefore, replant plants carefully.

Eustoma or Lisianthus. Planting, growing, care at home. Photo. | We grow plants!

​Source Here​​Next, the seedlings grow slowly, only after 1.5 months, when 2-3 pairs of true leaves appear, can picking be done. In this case, the eustomas are placed in separate small pots. For good branching, the tops of the seedlings are pinched when 3-4 pairs of leaves form on them, and after 3 months they, along with a lump of earth, are transplanted to a permanent place in the garden or in a separate pot for home maintenance. Planting in the garden can be done after the last frost, in the middle zone this is the end of May - beginning of June. In general, the rules for growing eustoma in open and closed ground are almost the same.

The best time to plant eustoma in the ground is

​Sapphire. The petals are white with a blue or pink border. Plant height - no more than 15 cm.​

Subtleties of growing and using eustoma (lisianthus)

Flowering of eustoma, depending on the characteristics of the hybrid used, as well as on growing conditions, occurs approximately 15-20 weeks after germination. Therefore, amateur flower growers planning to plant lisianthus seedlings in the garden begin sowing this plant in winter. varieties of eustoma resemble rose flowers, so the “folk” names Irish, French, Japanese, Chinese, and Mexican rose are firmly attached to it.

​A lot of diffused light; plants need to be shaded from direct sunlight.​

​beginning of July​​Eustoma is liked by both florists and gardeners. The plant looks great in mono bouquets and flower beds. The best neighbors for it will be lilies, roses, tulips, chrysanthemums.​ ​There are many varieties of plants. Let's look at the most popular ones.​

Growing eustoma

Planting and caring for eustoma in the garden

​Every day it is necessary to ventilate, for this purpose the film is slightly opened for a couple of minutes.​​The most suitable for growing at home are eastern and shaded southern placement of pots.​ ​As with any plant, growing lisianthus begins with choosing seeds. ​

​From here​ Eustoma can be cultivated as a perennial, biennial or annual plant.​Another name for it is “prairie bell”; in nature it grows in Mexico, the American states of Texas, Colorado, Nebraska and in the northern part of South America.​

Wintering eustoma or how to extend its life

​When grown in the garden, eustoma can tolerate heat and drought, although, of course, it looks better with regular watering. When grown in pots, overdrying can destroy the plant; moisture must always be present in the soil. At the same time, eustoma is afraid of waterlogging, so the next watering should be done only after the top layer of soil has dried.

​. They are planted with seedlings; it is better to use purchased ones, since growing your own is quite difficult (how to do this is described below). By the beginning of July, the seedlings acquire sufficiently developed shoots and roots and take root in the best way. Just at this time, the plants are already beginning to bloom and continue to bloom almost until frost. Eustoma is the main competitor of the rose. It can be grown both from seeds and seedlings. The plant has requirements for soil, light levels, watering and fertilizing. Due to the wide variety of varieties, each gardener has the opportunity to choose the type that will meet exactly his requirements. Flowers are grown both for cutting and for decorating the garden in flower beds.​ ​Wine red. The flowers are large, fragrant, and resemble bells. Ideal for cutting. Petals are red;

Occasionally spray with warm water. ​When planting plants, you need to maintain a distance of 15 to 30 cm between them. In recent years, many varieties and hybrids have appeared, which are combined into separate variety series with different flower colors in each. In addition, lisianthus flowers are double and non-double.

​The first attempt was unsuccessful,​

​When growing eustoma / lisianthus on your own, the seeds are sown in February or March superficially under film or glass. Crops are kept in a bright and warm place at a temperature of +20-25 oC. For eustoma, use light sandy soil with a neutral reaction (pH 6.5-7.0). The seeds are lightly pressed into the soil, adjusted with a match or toothpick, and sprayed with a sprayer. Typically, eustoma seeds are sold in granules. When sowing, you need to ensure that the granules and soil do not dry out. Granules with seeds are periodically sprayed from a spray bottle, the substrate is moistened, and the crops are ventilated once a day or grown under a film with small holes. You can sow eustoma seeds in peat tablets, placing them along the edge of the depression in the center, one seed per tablet. This will facilitate subsequent eustoma transplantation. When growing on peat tablets, a microgreenhouse is also initially arranged. After the first cotyledon leaves appear, usually after two weeks, the glass is removed.

Eustoma as a houseplant

​In industrial conditions, lisianthus is grown for cutting. In this case, the agricultural technology of eustoma resembles the cultivation of remontant carnations. The plant is brought to flowering, cut, and then a new generation of flower stalks grows from the roots.​ ​Eustoma - flowers of extraordinary beauty...​​When watering you need to be careful. Water the plant at the root and

When planting in the garden, eustoma is placed in partial shade; direct sunlight is contraindicated for it. The distance between plants is 15 cm from each other.​

Eustoma or lisianthus is a beautiful flowering plant that is grown both in the garden and at home. It began to gain wide popularity among flower growers relatively recently. There is

Basic rules for caring for eustoma


​Mariachi lime. The flowers resemble roses. The height of the peduncles reaches 100 cm. The color of the petals is light green;


​After 14 days, the seeds will hatch.​

The plant is light-loving, but diffused light is preferable. But the soil for constant cultivation of lisianthus must be chosen rich nutrients. In addition, do not forget about regular, approximately once every two weeks, feeding. ​Here are just some of the most famous variety series:​​after which I sowed it in PURE vermiculite (without soil and fertilizers)​


Eustoma is very sensitive to light and belongs to long-day crops. Its seedlings (like indoor and greenhouse plants) are grown with additional illumination with fluorescent lamps (for seedlings: in February-March). The seedlings are fed weekly with instant complex fertilizer for flower seedlings.​


At home, lisianthus flower stalks are removed after flowering, and the process of plant renewal is the same.

Top dressing

Eustoma - flowers of extraordinary beauty


​make sure that moisture does not get on the leaves​​ At the end of August, the shoots can be cut off, leaving two pairs of leaves on the stumps, then at the end of September - beginning of October​ ​a huge number of varieties of eustoma​

Growing eustoma from seeds at home

​Flamenco. Early flowering variety. The color of the petals ranges from pale blue to pale yellow. Stems reach 70 cm. Petals are satin;

​After they grow, the film is removed.​

Growing eustoma at home also has a number of rules. The most suitable for cultivation are eastern and shaded southern placement of pots with this plant. Lisianthus flowers feel best in warm wet areas, and therefore are successfully grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. For replanting, you should not use a large pot right away. A small container, approximately 5-6 cm in diameter, will be quite enough for a young plant.​

​"Mermaid" F1 (single-double flowers, color - white, blue, purple, soft pink, lilac-pink);​

​in a transparent plastic tray with a cake lid. She sealed it and placed it under the lamp that we never turn off (daylight). Honestly, I just FORGOT about her. And I forgot for a long time. For a whole month. And when I came to my senses and went to check, to my great amazement, the eustoma was already sitting with two strong, pretty leaves, and a lot of it had sprouted. After another 2 weeks of keeping it in this greenhouse, I took it out and moved it to a cooler place, where it was still dark at night and removed the lid. Eustoma has grown and become stronger. Just recently I planted it into normal seedling soil. Now she feels great. I'm going to use this method to grow plants with similar slow seedling development.​

After the appearance of 3 true leaves (usually after 10 weeks of cultivation), the eustoma is planted in separate pots or disposable cups. When transplanting, they try not to disturb the roots; the seedlings are taken together with a lump of earth. When growing in pots, the plants are planted immediately in a permanent place, for example, 3 plants are planted in pots with a diameter of 15 cm. After transplantation, the temperature is temporarily reduced to +16-20 oC, the plants are shaded, and watering is especially carefully monitored. Feeding is resumed after 2 weeks. Although eustoma is a very light-loving plant, it does not tolerate direct sunlight and prefers diffused light. On the south window, the seedlings are shaded from the midday sun. Growing on a north window, on the contrary, can... In the photo: Growing eustoma / lisianthus seedlings. require additional lighting.​

In summer, eustoma can be grown as a garden crop, placing it in partial shade.

​, in cool weather this can provoke fungal diseases. For the same reason, eustoma is not sprayed.

​new flowering will begin

​, differing in color, flower size and bush height.​

Watering is done as the soil dries. Water the eustoma exclusively from above. The water should be at room temperature. At home, the plant especially needs regular feeding. During the period of growth and flowering, this is done every week.

​"Kyoto" F1 (non-double flowers, varieties "White", "Picot Blue", "Picot Wine Red", "Picot Pink");​


Eustoma is a moisture-loving plant. In the dry climate of the apartment, it requires frequent spraying. The eustoma is watered as the top layer dries, excess water is drained from the trays, preventing the soil from becoming waterlogged; excess moisture is detrimental to the eustoma. Despite this, the substrate in which eustoma grows must be constantly moist.

At rest, eustoma tolerates a lack of light. But during the growth period, with a lack of lighting, the stems become pampered, which affects the number of buds laid, reducing the productivity of the plant. Some subsequent buds may not open and dry out.​

​Eustoma or lisianthus is fabulously beautiful and graceful! When the buds begin to open they resemble a rose, the flower in full bloom resembles a poppy. I bought eustoma seeds, granulated seeds. This is my first time trying to grow eustoma.​

The optimal temperature for growing lisianthus is 20-25 degrees during the day, and about 15 degrees at night. In winter, if possible, you need to move the plant to a room with a temperature of 10-12 degrees.​

Mineral supplements are added.

Beautiful eustoma cup

​The secret of abundant and long-lasting flowering of eustoma is warm and moist Fresh air indoors.​

​"Echo" F1 (double flowers, varieties "Champagne", "Blue Picoti", "White", "Pink", "Lavender", "Yellow");​

​I planted eustoma in peat tablets at the end of February. But they didn't come up. At the beginning of March, I planted it on humus soil again. This time 7 pieces sprouted. She planted it without covering it with soil, on the surface.​ ​Eustoma is very sensitive to fresh air and responds well to ventilation. If there is stagnant air in a room or greenhouse, the plants develop worse, and I reduce the number of flowering buds. During the period of active growth and flowering, the most optimal temperature for maintaining eustoma is 20-25 degrees. In winter, lisianthus should be kept cool (10-15 degrees).​

​Eustoma or lisianthus from the gentian family is also called the cowboy flower or the beautiful cup for its unique flowering. In nature, it grows in warm climates with intense sunlight and moderate humidity, and is a classic greenhouse plant. And in our cool summer conditions, we will try to grow it in a greenhouse or as a houseplant.​

Plants are usually not replanted because lisianthus has very fragile roots. If necessary, this can be done by transshipment, preserving the earthen ball, so as to disturb the roots as little as possible.​

​As mentioned above, eustoma is usually grown as an annual plant. However, if you want to save the eustoma bushes for next year, you can dig them up, transplant them into pots and take them home for the winter. Some gardeners initially plant plants in pots and dig them in in the garden in the summer, so that in the fall it is more convenient to take them indoors.​
​Interesting facts​
​Twinkie. Petal color is light purple, white, pink or yellow. The peduncle reaches a height of 50 cm. The flowers resemble unopened roses;

​After the active flowering period ends, the plant needs rest. At this time, watering and fertilizing are reduced, and the air temperature is reduced to 10-15 degrees.​

​"Cinderella" F1 (wonderful terry mixture).​

​Care in spring and summer.​
​When growing eustoma, you should not use large containers. A layer of drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot.​
​The main thing to remember when growing eustoma is to be patient, since the growing season from germination to flowering is quite long, it reaches 6-8 months.​

​Feed the eustoma with complex fertilizer for the first time 10-14 days after planting in a permanent place, then, while active growth continues, 2 times a month, and also during the period of bud formation and flowering with fertilizer for flowering plants.​

However, the process of establishment of plants from open ground indoors does not go smoothly,
​1. The varieties of the “Echo” or “ABC” series are best suited for growing in the garden. And in pot culture it is convenient to grow compact varieties of the “Florida” or “Mermaid” series.​
​Cinderella. Height up to 50 cm. Flowers pale pink or yellow;
​After a month, the eustoma is transplanted into plastic pots. In May you can put them on the veranda.​

Eustoma flowers are also grown in a greenhouse. By the way, for industrial purposes, that is, for cutting, the agricultural technology of this plant is reminiscent of the agricultural technology of growing remontant carnations: after the first blossoming buds are cut off, new flower stalks grow from the roots, which bear a new batch of beautiful flowers.​
By the way, in nature the flower of this plant has only purple shades.
​you let them bloom, for me they bloomed until the end of January, then cut the stems to the third axil from the ground, in winter keep the soil moist, but do not water it, and at the end of February (at least it was like that for me) they began to grow from the stem and from the sinuses, and in the first ten days of March the buds began to swell. These eustomas are still blooming so luxuriantly. In the summer I simply dumped them into the ground. I plant it in pots and containers, bring it into the house in the fall, there they grow in the winter, I already wrote that in February it is necessary to trim the stems, new growth will appear and the eustoma will bloom again

With the onset of warm days in April, the seedlings begin to gradually harden, taking them out onto the balcony for a while. Eustoma / lisianthus are planted in open ground after the threat of frost, usually at a distance of 15-30 cm from each other. To obtain cuttings, eustoma / lisianthus is grown in greenhouses and greenhouses.​

The soil for lisianthus should be light, peaty, with the addition of pieces of charcoal. Ready-made soil for Saintpaulias is suitable from purchased substrates.​

​It is important to sow the seeds correctly - they are practically dust-like, very small, and take a long time to germinate. They are often sold in granular form so that the seeds can be easily distributed over the surface of the substrate. For sowing, choose wide and low dishes. Good drainage is made at the bottom in advance; pieces of foam plastic can be used for this purpose. The soil should be light, sufficiently moisture-absorbing and breathable.​

Vegetative propagation of eustoma

​Adaptation to a new place can take up to 1 month​

​2. Eustomas bought in a store can also be tall varieties, but they are treated with special substances - retardants that suppress growth, so they remain low.

​Echo. The most popular variety. Petals are light pink, yellow, white or lilac. Stems up to 70 cm. Flower diameter - 6 cm.​

The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, so it must be covered and sprayed during the hot period. Liquid fertilizers are applied weekly.

Not only the cultivation, but also the propagation of this plant has its own characteristics. Eustoma is propagated exclusively by seeds. Numerous attempts to divide an adult plant end with not a single part of the plant taking root.​

The soil mixture for planting this plant should contain 1 part garden soil, 1 part perlite or coarse sand, 1 part humus, and also a little lime. If you intend to use a ready-made mixture, then the one intended for Saintpaulia will be suitable.

For eustoma, a bright place with diffused light is allocated, protected from the winds, away from iron and brick structures quickly heated by the sun, the heat from which can burn the leaves of the eustoma. The soil is prepared nutritious, loose, well-drained, with the addition of peat and sand. On acidic soils, eustoma grows extremely slowly, so lime or ash must be added to such soils. When growing in containers, choose light-colored pots that reflect the sun's rays, as well as containers that retain moisture well. For example, they prefer plastic rather than clay pots. The tall and thin peduncle of eustoma cannot support multiple large flowers that form at its end. When growing tall varieties, a decorative support is installed for the eustoma. Water the eustoma, like seedlings, as the soil dries with warm water. Twice a month I combine watering with fertilizing with a complex of fertilizers. During flowering, watering increases, reduces the amount of nitrogen and increases the content of potassium and phosphorus components. Faded eustoma buds are removed to prolong its flowering. If flowering is early, a few buds can be left for the seeds to ripen.​

​The most difficult and responsible task in caring for eustoma is to establish the correct watering regime. The substrate must be constantly moist, but waterlogging must not be allowed. Here you need to navigate by the drying of the top layer of soil.​

​The seeds are covered with a very thin layer of earth, as if powdered, then moistened with a fine spray so that the granular shell dissolves. The crops are covered with glass, it is raised several times a day for ventilation. Germination will take an average of 2 weeks.​

​almost impossible​

​. With a sharp change in temperature from cool outside to warm room, as well as a decrease in lighting, plants begin to weaken and wither. Therefore, you need to start moving them indoors early, in late August - early September, when the temperature outside and at home is approximately the same. It is also advisable to place the plants first on a closed loggia, and only after some time in the room to give the eustoma time to get used to the lack of light. In addition to this, you need to limit the watering regime until the plant gets used to the new conditions; it will not be able to absorb large amounts of water.​

​3. In open ground, the plant is usually cultivated as an annual, although by nature it is perennial. In temperate climates, eustoma does not always overwinter well.​

​Tenderness. Petals are satiny and pink. Peduncles are low - up to 20 cm;

​Eustoma has been cultivated recently - since the 1980s. At first she was only indoor plant, but then the gardeners became interested in it and gradually moved it to their plots.​

​This happens because the eustoma root system is extremely sensitive to any type of damage.​

​Particular attention both during planting and further cultivation should be given to the condition of the soil: it should be slightly moist, but not swampy.​ ​Eustomas and roses are difficult to preserve in winter; they need cool, fresh air, and the room is dry and warm.​

​Reproduction of eustoma / lisianthus.​

Watering of eustoma is done only from the top of the pot.​It is better to water the crops from a tray. They grow very slowly, as soon as the seedlings grow 4 true leaves, they are transplanted into separate pots. The soil should be nutritious, the pots should be placed in a warm and sunny place so that direct sunlight hits the plants for several hours a day. The earth ball should be moderately moist.​​. Cuttings do not form roots, and when dividing a bush, the plants will most likely not be able to take root, because the roots are easily injured. Some gardeners practice, before replanting into a pot, cutting off the bushes almost to the root and sending them for the winter in this form. Often after such pruning on a plant

​4. Eustoma flowers remain fresh for a long time (up to three weeks) when cut. Therefore, it is often used when making bouquets and is actively grown on an industrial scale for sale.​ ​Florida Pink. Petals are lilac, white or pink. The variety is excellent for growing in pots;

​In June, you can buy ready-made plants in stores. They are immediately planted in the garden. In this case, planting is done first in containers. The flowering of the plant lasts until frost. Lisianthus cuttings cannot be rooted either. Therefore, another secret to success in breeding eustoma is propagation by seeds. This remains the most reliable way to obtain a beautiful flower. In open ground, eustoma can be grown as an annual or biennial plant. This depends on the timing of planting seeds and the conditions for growing seedlings.​

The lower leaves of indoor eustoma are withering! what could this be from?

Mikhail Tokarev

​Yes, apparently it definitely needs coolness in winter, since I had it in the greenhouse for the summer and only bloomed at the end of August, the cold weather began, it brought it into the house and suddenly began to wither, I cut it off and still continue to keep it, maybe the roots are not lost.​


​Dried eustoma seeds can be used for sowing next year. The exception is F1 hybrids. Their seeds do not transmit parental properties. By the way, seeds are the only way eustoma is propagated. The fibrous root of eustoma is very vulnerable and does not tolerate division at all, which is why the plant is replanted only with a lump of earth. Usually, when the rhizome is divided, the plant dies. It was also not possible to cut eustoma. This is fully compensated by the great ability of eustoma for seed propagation. 1 gram of its seeds contains 15,000 pieces. In warm climates, seeds that fall into the soil germinate on their own the next year. There, eustoma often behaves like a biennial plant. In the first year it forms a rosette of leaves, and if wintering is favorable, it blooms the following summer.​
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