How long does erythropoietin withstand heat? The importance of erythropoietin in the body and ways to regulate its level

Erythropoietin is a glycopeptide hormone produced by the adrenal glands and in small amounts by the liver. It is involved in regulating the formation of red blood cells synthesized in the bone marrow. The task of red blood cells, in turn, is to supply cells with oxygen. The effect of erythropoietin on a person’s hematopoietic capacity is of interest to scientists and sports trainers, as this makes it possible to increase the resources of the human body.

Erythropoietin or, as it is commonly referred to in medicine, EPO begins to be produced even with the slightest oxygen deficiency. The hormone is transported throughout the body by a complex iron-containing protein, hemoglobin.

Oxygen is used by the body for the most different functions. Without it, the synthesis of cholesterol, bile acid, and steroid hormones would be impossible. The constituent elements of amino acids and so on. In addition, oxygen breaks down into harmless elements, toxins, poisons, and unnecessary drugs.

With hypoxia and oxygen starvation, internal organs, the cardiovascular system, and most importantly, the brain are destroyed. That is, severe cases of hypoxia end in human death.

The hormone erythropoietin, entering the blood, converts reticulocytes into red blood cells, significantly increasing their number, accordingly increasing the oxygen they carry. As oxygen levels rise, pressure rises in the arteries and the blood becomes more viscous.

EPO is produced not only during hypoxia; glucocorticoid, synthesized by the adrenal gland, also becomes a stimulator of its release in a stressful situation. This feature of the body allows it to increase the strength and speed of muscle tissue in a few seconds, and the influx of acid ensures endurance.

Metabolism working in this way allowed humans to survive as a species, since there were plenty of natural enemies in the wild, primitive nature. When attacked by a predator, a person managed to escape or win a fight with a strong animal.

True, such a surge in the activity of blood cell synthesis leads to depletion of iron, copper, vitamins B9 and B12, therefore, after a stressful situation, it is necessary to restore the balance of these substances in the body. Ancient man replenished the supply of iron and copper by eating the defeated animal.

Reasons for deviation from the norm

In the human body, the levels of various hormones are extremely precisely balanced, the same applies to erythropoietin. The normal range for women is the hormone content range from 8 to 30 IU/l. In men, respectively, 5.6 to 28.9 IU/l. If there is a deviation from the norm to a greater or lesser extent, this may mean the presence of some pathologies.

  1. At elevated level erythropoietin, the number of red blood cells should be high, but if it is low, then this indicates anemia, which suppresses the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow.
  2. Erythropoietin levels may be reduced by exposure to environment, for example in high altitude conditions, poor in oxygen.
  3. Oxygen depleted, despite high level Erythropoietin deficiency can occur as a result of smoke poisoning, such as from cigarettes.
  4. Decreased erythropoietin levels may be caused by renal failure or the presence of a cyst or tumor in the adrenal glands. The kidneys also stop producing the necessary hormone in case of urolithiasis or the presence of multiple cysts in the parenchyma of the organ.
  5. Tumors can also affect the bone marrow, so high levels of erythropoietin in this situation do not cause an influx of red blood cells.
  6. Bone marrow is susceptible to a variety of pathologies from various forms anemia to leukemia and all of them are accompanied low level red blood cells, white blood cells or platelets.
  7. If, with elevated levels of erythropoietin, oxygen in the blood still does not rise, this may be a disease of the lungs or cardiovascular system.
  8. Damage to the brain by hemangioblastoma leads to disruption of the level of erythropoietin in the blood.
  9. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
  10. After transplantation of any organ, especially bone marrow, there is a significant hormonal disbalance accompanied by a deficiency of red blood cells.
  11. Blood donation leads to a deficiency of red blood cells, despite high levels of erythropoietin.

The presence of all the mentioned pathologies and diseases becomes the reason for long-term and labor-intensive therapy, during which not only the hormonal and oxygen balance in the body is brought into order, but the very reason for the occurrence of such a situation is eliminated.

The use of erythropoietin in therapy

Many diseases and conditions can be treated with hormonal therapy, including drugs with erythropoietin. Any treatment in this direction is prescribed by an endocrinologist, since even the slightest deviation in the dosage of the drug can lead to a dangerous excess or, conversely, an underestimation of the number of red blood cells.

Treatment is carried out using both subcutaneous and intravenous drugs. During treatment, the patient is regularly checked for blood composition, hemoglobin level and erythropoietin content in the blood.

It is important to understand that the course of treatment with erythropoietin involves a gradual reduction in the amount of the drug taken, so that the body itself restores the required amount of hormones. As a result correct application drugs, the functioning of the endocrine system is completely restored.

For your information, the normal hemoglobin level is from 110 to 120 g/l, and the ratio of red blood cells to other blood elements should be at 30 -35%.

Along with medications containing erythropoietin, the patient should take medications containing iron, folic acid and B vitamins, this restores the level of substances used by the hematopoietic system in the body.

Erythropoietin in sports

Erythropoietin has found widespread use in sports. Its synthetic analogues are used to give muscles the ability to long time do hard work. Drugs that thus affect the athlete’s body are called doping.

An athlete taking erythropoietin-based doping is capable of for a long time without feeling tired, run, ride a bike or row with oars. In other words, such doping has found application in those sports that require long, uniform effort. But it is not very suitable for heavyweight athletes.

The price to pay for being able to run or pedal for a long time is accelerated metabolism and the burning of all iron reserves, folic acid and other elements of the hematopoietic system.

Several fatalities were recorded, specifically among cyclists, after which drugs with erythropoietin were officially recognized as dangerous doping and their use was banned. All athletes found using erythropoietin were disqualified for the rest of their lives.

Doping with erythropoietin is very difficult to determine from an athlete's blood or urine test. Therefore, since 1990, anti-doping laboratories have been developing methods for detecting a prohibited drug in athletes' samples. Since the synthetic hormone, in its composition and action, is identical to the natural one, and its presence in the blood is explained by the stressful situation caused by the competition, it is extremely difficult to detect.

Therefore, it was decided not to measure the amount of the hormone in the athletes’ blood, but the level of oxygen and hemoglobin. Although this method of measurement is quite subjective, because some were calm before the start and rested the day before, while others trained for a long time and are very nervous.

Despite the controversial methods for determining doping in an athlete’s blood, the conclusion in connection with the use of a drug with erythropoietin can be made simple - its effect can be fatal.

But there is another opinion, born in the light of recent events related to sports competitions of world significance, namely the Olympics. The main thing for sports officials is not to identify an athlete who uses doping, but to remove athletes from competitions from countries with a policy that is incorrect from their point of view. And few people in such a situation are interested in what effect the drug creates on a person.

Erythropoietin – important element in organism. This hormone performs many important functions. So, it is involved in the production of red blood cells in the blood and in maintaining their work, this process is called erythropoiesis. The synthesis of the hormone in an adult occurs directly in the kidneys, in newborns in the liver. A healthy body produces an almost identical volume of red blood cells on a constant basis, so the slightest change in their concentration can be harmful to the patient. Erythropoietin what is it?

The hormone erythropoietin helps increase the production of red cells, and this is especially important in cases of large blood loss, hypoxia and stressful situations. At in good condition destruction of red blood cells may occur in the body; in the case of sufficient synthesis of erythropoietin, strong destruction will not occur, erythropoiesis will be active. The lifespan of blood cells increases to 120 days.

In addition, the hormone affects the release of additional required quantity from their depot. As a result of modern research, it has been found that this hormone also has a positive effect on platelet synthesis.

The hormone that is produced in the human body is called endogenous erythropoietin. The kidneys produce up to 90% of all erythropoietin. About 10% is synthesized in the liver tissue, but the fetus in the womb produces this hormone 100% by the liver.

The production of erythropoietin follows a certain pattern. According to the most simplified system, hormone synthesis occurs, first starting with oxygen starvation or hypoxia, then the kidney tissues begin to be irritated from lack of nutrition and the production of prostaglandins begins in the glomeruli, and finally erythropoietin is released into the blood.

The above diagram does not fully disclose the entire system of erythropoietin formation. In addition to the above principles of formation, the synthesis of this hormone is influenced by several substances:

  1. Testosterone.
  2. Cortisol.
  3. Prolactin.
  4. Thyroxine.
  5. Adrenocorticotropic hormone.
  6. Somatotropic hormone.

Estrogens have been proven to directly affect low erythropoietin levels. The level of this hormone can change under the influence of certain factors and diseases.

Reasons for deviations from the norms

The concentration can be increased by diseases of various organs and systems in the human body. It can be increased by various reasons: pathologies of the circulatory system, diseases of the kidneys, lungs, heart.

Hormone-producing kidney tumors often cause the hormone to be elevated. This phenomenon also occurs with pheochromocytoma and hemiangioblastoma. Erythropoietin is used as a doping in sports; a blood test will help find out; when deciphered, the erythropoietin level will be significantly increased.

A decrease in the hormone occurs as a result of certain pathological processes such as diseases of the kidneys or other organs, causing chronic or renal failure, polycythemia vera. Therefore, to exclude the development of pathology, it is necessary to take a biochemical blood test to determine the level of erythropoietin. Based on a blood test, as a rule, additional differential diagnosis of all body systems is required in order to find out which system is affected.

Kidney disease is the most common cause of decreased erythropoietin concentrations. A deviation from the norm occurs when diagnosing the following kidney pathologies: renal artery stenosis, polycystic kidney disease, kidney stones, a condition in which the blood supply to the kidneys is reduced.

In kidney disease, it is the deterioration of blood circulation that causes increased production of erythropoietin. Red blood cells and erythropoiesis in the blood are controlled by special receptors that are responsible for the perception of these components. With reduced blood circulation, the receptors do not perceive red blood cells in full concentration, and to replenish, a hormone is actively produced that will actively stimulate erythropoiesis.

Polycythemia vera is characterized by the fact that erythropoietin is produced in minimal quantities. All components of the blood with this pathology are produced at increased levels. In this case, erythropoietin does not control erythropoiesis, and they are increased even without an increase in this hormone.

Other diseases

Pathologies of the blood system often cause an increase in the volume of erythropoietin in the blood. The most common disease provocateurs are anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome at the first stage, leukemia, and red bone marrow aplasia.

Diseases of this type lead to varying degrees of reduction in red blood cells. Therefore, the body, as a defense, has to produce the hormone in an enhanced mode in order to restore red cells in the required quantity.

Various respiratory diseases can also cause changes in erythropoietin levels. Such diseases are: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, silicosis and pneumoconiosis.

Pathologies of the respiratory system reduce the volume of oxygen and the blood becomes less saturated with it; accordingly, cell nutrition becomes insufficient. This is hypoxia and causes increased production of the hormone, which will be elevated when tested in the blood.

Those heart diseases that are directly related to a decrease in oxygen in the blood also cause an increase in the concentration of erythropoietin. Heart defect or congestive heart failure is characterized by mixing of arterial and venous blood, resulting in oxygen deficiency. This pathology is most typical for people in old age.

In medicine

After visiting a general practitioner or hematologist, the patient may receive a referral for a blood test for erythropoietin. This examination is prescribed to a patient if he has signs of anemia. And also if, when conducting a blood test to determine the level of red blood cells, folic acid and vitamin B 12, a decrease in these indicators is revealed.

At the same time, it is important to exclude from the patient the fact that the level of red blood cells is lowered not due to large blood loss and he does not suffer from hemolysis, that is, massive destruction of red blood cells. However, there are established indicators that must be considered normal for men, these are indicators at the level of 5.6 to 28.9 IU/l, and for women - from 8 to 30 IU/l.

The female body loses a certain amount of blood every month during menstruation, so the norm is higher for women than for men. Even the loss of such a small volume of red blood cells, as during menstruation, is felt by the body, so it is necessary to make up for this decrease.

The development of modern medicine is at a stage when treatment of patients with impaired production of this hormone is much easier. In the past, treatment relied on red blood cell transfusions. At the moment, recombinant human erythropoietin is the main substitute. For this purpose, a special therapy technique is used.

This type of substitute is produced from animal tissues containing the genetic code of human EPO. There are several types of this hormone, which do not differ in their effect on the patient - erythropoietin alpha and beta. This type of hormone is absolutely identical to those that are formed naturally in the tissues of the liver and kidneys, so no rejection reactions occur, so in some cases alpha can be replaced with beta, but only with the agreement of a doctor. The composition of the drugs includes the components epoetin alfa, beta.

It is strictly prohibited to use this hormone in sports, no matter what type is used, alpha or beta. Cases of death after taking recombinant erythropoietin are known for certain. The use of any method that will artificially produce additional erythropoietin is strictly prohibited for athletes and threatens with disqualification.


What is erythropoietin in medicine? Several drugs that contain recombinant erythropoietin are used in medicine. Medications are produced in ampoules, as it is administered subcutaneously or intravenously. The following synonyms of erythropoietin, which are INNs, are most often used in treatment:

  1. Epoetin.
  2. Erythrostim.
  3. Recormon.
  4. Vero-epoetin.

All drugs contain the same recombinant erythropoietin alpha, beta and the indications for use do not differ, however, they have different names, but the instructions for use practically do not change in any case.

Main indications for use:

  1. Chronic renal failure.
  2. Renal neoplasms of benign origin.
  3. Rehabilitation after chemotherapy used to treat malignant lesions.
  4. Anemia.
  5. Postoperative recovery period.
  6. For premature babies weighing less than 1.5 kg.

This medicine cannot be used for all groups of patients. Thus, the following features are contraindicated: uncontrolled arterial hypertension, unstable angina, decreased iron concentration in the blood, individual intolerance to some components of the drug.

It is also necessary to take into account possible risks when using such drugs by pregnant women. If the reception is advisable and does not entail negative influence on the fetus, then such treatment is possible, but it should only be carried out under the supervision of specialists in a hospital setting.

For some patients, taking the drugs goes away without a trace, however, cases of side effects have been reported. The most common manifestations are: headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, joint pain, asthenic condition, diarrhea, cramps, swelling and redness after the injection, fever. The specialist will warn you about possible manifestations, however, if side effects are present when visiting a doctor, you must notify them about this.

Dosage form:  solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration Compound:

1 ml of solution contains:

Active substance:

Recombinant human erythropoietin 500ME or 2000ME.


Albumin solution 10% (in terms of dry albumin) - 2.5 mg.

Isotonic citrate buffer: sodium citrate -5.8 mg, sodium chloride -5.84 mg, citric acid - 0.057 mg, water for injection - up to 1 ml.


Transparent colorless liquid

Pharmacotherapeutic group:hematopoiesis stimulator ATX:  

B.03.X.A Other hematopoiesis stimulants


Epoetin beta is a glycoprotein that specifically stimulates erythropoiesis, activates mitosis and maturation of erythrocytes from erythrocyte precursor cells. Recombinant is synthesized in mammalian cells into which the gene encoding human erythropoietin is embedded. According to its composition, biological and immunological properties are identical to natural human erythropoietin. The administration of epoetin beta leads to an increase in hemoglobin and hematocrit, improving blood supply to tissues and heart function. Most pronounced effect from the use of epoetin beta is observed in anemia caused by chronic renal failure. In very rare cases, with long-term use of erythropoietin for the treatment of anemic conditions, the formation of neutralizing antibodies to epoetin beta may be observed with or without the development of partial red cell aplasia.


With intravenous administration of Erythropoietin in healthy individuals and patients with uremia, the half-life is 5-6 hours. With subcutaneous administration of Erythropoietin, its concentration in the blood increases slowly and reaches a maximum in the period from 12 to 28 hours after administration, the half-life is 13-28 hours. When administered intravenously, the half-life is 4-12 hours. The bioavailability of Erythropoietin when administered subcutaneously is 25-40%.


Treatment of anemia of renal origin in patients with chronic renal failure, incl. on dialysis.

Prevention and treatment of anemia in adult patients with solid tumors receiving chemotherapy with platinum drugs, which can cause anemia (75 mg/m2 per cycle, 350 mg/m2 per cycle).

Treatment of anemia in adult patients with multiple myeloma, low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia receiving antitumor therapy with a relative deficiency of endogenous erythropoietin (defined as a serum erythropoietin concentration that is disproportionately low relative to the degree of anemia).

Increasing the volume of donor blood intended for subsequent autotransfusion. At the same time, the benefits of using epoetin beta must be weighed against the increased risk of thromboembolism with its use. For patients with moderate anemia (hemoglobin level 100-130 g/l or hematocrit 30-39%, without iron deficiency), the drug is prescribed only if it is not possible to obtain a sufficient amount of canned blood, and a planned major surgery may require large volumes of blood (>4 units for women or >5 units for men).

Prevention of anemia in premature newborns born with a body weight of 750-1500 g, up to 34 weeks of pregnancy.


Hypersensitivity to the drug or its components, partial red cell aplasia after previous therapy with any epoetin beta, uncontrolled hypertension, failure to receive adequate anticoagulant therapy, myocardial infarction within a month after the event, unstable angina, or increased risk of deep vein thrombosis and thromboembolism in as part of a pre-deposit blood collection program before surgery, porphyria.

Carefully:in patients with thrombosis (history), with malignant neoplasms, with sickle cell anemia, with moderate anemia without iron deficiency, with thrombocytosis, with refractory anemia, epilepsy, chronic liver failure, nephrosclerosis, in patients with body weight less than 50 kg to increase volume donated blood for subsequent autotransfusion Pregnancy and lactation:

Since there is sufficient experience with the use of erythropoietin during pregnancy and during breastfeeding in humans, no, Erythropoietin should be prescribed only if the expected benefits from its use outweigh the possible risk to the fetus and mother.

Directions for use and dosage:

Treatment of anemia in patients with chronic renal failure,

P/c or i.v. When administered intravenously, the solution should be administered within 2 minutes; for patients on hemodialysis - through an arteriovenous shunt at the end of the dialysis session. For patients not on hemodialysis, it is preferable to administer the drug subcutaneously to avoid puncture of peripheral veins.

The goal of treatment is to achieve a hematocrit level of 30-35% or eliminate the need for blood transfusion. The weekly increase in hematocrit should not exceed 0.5%. Its level should not exceed 35%. In patients with arterial hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the weekly increase in hematocrit and its target values ​​should be determined individually, depending on the clinical picture. For some patients, the optimal hematocrit is below 30 %.

Treatment with Erythropoietin is carried out in 2 stages:

Initial therapy (correction stage). For subcutaneous administration, the initial dose is 20 IU/kg body weight 3 times a week. If the increase in hematocrit is insufficient (less than 0.5% per week), the dose can be increased monthly by 20 IU/kg body weight 3 times a week. The total weekly dose can also be divided into daily administrations in smaller doses or administered in one go.

When administered intravenously, the initial dose is 40 IU/kg body weight 3 times a week. If the hematocrit does not increase sufficiently after a month, the dose can be increased to 80 IU/kg 3 times a week. If there is a need to further increase the dose, it should be increased by 20 IU/kg 3 times a week at monthly intervals. Regardless of the route of administration, the highest dose is no more than 720 IU/kg body weight per week.

Maintenance therapy.

To maintain the hematocrit at 30-35%, the dose should first be reduced by half from the dose in the previous injection. Subsequently, the maintenance dose is selected individually, with an interval of 1-2 weeks. With subcutaneous administration, the weekly dose can be administered once or in 3-7 injections per week.

In children, the dose depends on age (as a rule, the younger the child, the higher doses of epoetin beta he needs). However, since it is not possible to predict individual response, it is advisable to start with the recommended regimen.

Treatment with Erythropoietin is usually lifelong. If necessary, it can be interrupted at any time.

Prevention of anemia in premature newborns.

SC at a dose of 250 IU/kg body weight 3 times a week. Treatment with epoetin beta should begin as early as possible, preferably from the 3rd day of life, and continue for 6 weeks.

Prevention and treatment of anemia in patients with solid tumors.

SC, dividing the weekly dose into 3-7 injections.

For patients with solid tumors receiving platinum chemotherapy, treatment with Erythropoietin is indicated if the hemoglobin level before chemotherapy is not higher than 130 g/l. The initial dose is 450 IU/kg body weight per week. If after 4 weeks the hemoglobin level does not increase sufficiently, the dose should be doubled. The duration of treatment is no more than 3 weeks after the end of chemotherapy.

If during the first cycle of chemotherapy, the hemoglobin level decreases by more than 10 g/l despite treatment with epoetin beta, further application the drug may not be effective.

An increase in hemoglobin by more than 20 g/l per month or to a level above 140 g/l should be avoided. If hemoglobin increases by more than 20 g/l per month, the dose of epoetin beta should be reduced by 50%. If the hemoglobin level exceeds 140 g/l, the drug is discontinued until it drops to the level<120 г/л, а затем возобновляют терапию в дозе, наполовину меньшей предшествующей недельной.

Treatment of anemia in patients with myeloma , low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Patients with multiple myeloma, low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, or chronic lymphocytic leukemia usually have a deficiency of endogenous erythropoietin. It is diagnosed by the relationship between the degree of anemia and the insufficient concentration of erythropoietin in the serum.

Relative deficiency of erythropoietin occurs:

At hemoglobin level, g/l

Serum erythropoietin concentration, IU/ml

> 90 <100

< 100

> 80 < 90




The above parameters should be determined no earlier than 7 days after the last blood transfusion and the last cycle of cytotoxic chemotherapy.

The drug is administered subcutaneously; The weekly dose can be divided into 3 or 7 injections. The recommended starting dose is 450 IU/kg body weight per week. If after 4 weeks the hemoglobin level increases by at least 10 g/l, treatment is continued at the same dose. If after 4 weeks hemoglobin increases by less than 10 g/l, the dose can be increased to 900 IU/kg body weight per week. If after 8 weeks of treatment the hemoglobin level has not increased by at least 10 r/l, a positive effect is unlikely and the drug should be discontinued.

Clinical studies have shown that in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, the response to epoetin beta therapy occurs 2 weeks later than in patients with multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and solid tumors. Treatment should be continued until 4 weeks after the end of chemotherapy.

The highest dose should not exceed 900 IU/kg body weight per week.

If within 4 weeks of treatment the hemoglobin level increases by more than 20 g/l, the dose of Erythropoietin should be reduced by half. If the hemoglobin level exceeds 140 g/l, treatment with the drug should be interrupted until it decreases to the value<130 г/л, после чего терапию возобновляют в дозе, наполовину меньшей предшествующей недельной. Лечение следует возобновлять только в том случае, если наиболее вероятной причиной анемии является недостаточность Эритропоэтина.

Preparing patients for the collection of donor blood for subsequent autohemotransfusion.

IV or SC twice a week for 4 weeks. In cases where the patient’s hematocrit (>33%) allows blood sampling, it is administered at the end of the procedure. Throughout the entire course of treatment, the hematocrit should not exceed 48%.

The dose of the drug is determined by the transfusiologist and the surgeon individually, depending on the volume of blood that will be taken from the patient and his erythrocyte reserve. The volume of blood that will be taken from the patient depends on the estimated blood loss, available blood conservation techniques and the general condition of the patient; it must be sufficient to avoid a blood transfusion from another donor. The volume of blood that will be taken from the patient is expressed in units (one unit is equivalent to 180 ml of red blood cells).

The possibility of donation depends mainly on the blood volume of a given patient and the initial hematocrit. Both indicators determine the endogenous erythrocyte reserve, which can be calculated using the following formula:

endogenous erythrocyte reserve= blood volume (ml) x (hematocrit - 33): 100

women: blood volume (ml) = 41 (ml/kg) x body weight (kg) + 1200 (ml)

men: blood volume (ml) = 44 (ml/kg) x body weight (kg) + 1600 (ml) (for body weight >45 kg).

Indications for the use of Erythropoietin and its single dose are determined by nomograms, based on the required volume of donor blood and endogenous erythrocyte reserve.

The highest dose - with intravenous administration is no more than 1600 IU/kg body weight per week; with subcutaneous administration - 1200 IU/kg body weight per week.

Side effects:

Adverse reactions are listed according to the following gradation: often (>1%,<10%); нечасто (>0,1 %, <1 %); редко (>0,01 %, <0,1 %); очень редко (<0,01 %), включая отдельные сообщения.

From the cardiovascular system: in patients with anemia with chronic renal failure, the most common is an increase in blood pressure (BP) or an increase in existing arterial hypertension, especially in the case of a rapid increase in hematocrit. In this case, it is recommended to prescribe drug antihypertensive therapy; if there is no effect, it is recommended to temporarily interrupt therapy with epoetin beta. In some patients (including those with previously normal or low blood pressure) - a hypertensive crisis with symptoms of encephalopathy (headaches, confusion, sensory and motor disorders - speech disorders, gait, up to tonic-clonic convulsions), requiring emergency medical attention care and intensive care. Particular attention should be paid to sudden migraine-like pain.

Patients with solid tumors, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia may rarely experience headaches and increased blood pressure, which can be relieved by the administration of drugs.

From the hematopoietic organs: in patients with renal failure and anemia, a dose-dependent increase in the number of platelets (not beyond the normal range and disappearing with continued therapy) may occur, especially after intravenous administration. Thrombocytosis develops very rarely. Due to increased hematocrit, it is often necessary to increase the dose of heparin during hemodialysis. Inadequate heparinization may result in blockage of the dialysis system. Shunt thrombosis may develop, especially in patients with a tendency to hypotension or with complications of an arteriovenous fistula (for example, stenosis, aneurysm, etc.). In such situations, early revision of the shunt and timely prevention of thrombosis (acetylsalicylic acid) are recommended.

In most cases, along with an increase in hematocrit, the serum ferritin level decreases. In some cases, in patients with uremia - increased levels of potassium and phosphate in the serum.

Some patients with solid tumors, myeloma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, or chronic lymphocytic leukemia have decreased serum iron metabolism. Clinical studies have shown that the incidence of thromboembolism in cancer patients treated with Erythropoietin is slightly higher than in the absence of such therapy or when using placebo; however, a clear causal relationship with the drug has not been established.

In premature newborns, in most cases there is a decrease in serum ferritin, and there may be a slight increase in the number of platelets, especially at 12-14 days of life.

In patients preparing to donate blood for subsequent autotransfusion and receiving, there is an increase in the number of platelets, usually not beyond normal limits, and a higher incidence of thromboembolic complications, although their causal relationship with the use of the drug has not been established.

Other: rarely - allergic skin reactions in the form of rash, itching, urticaria or reactions at the injection site. Isolated cases of anaphylactoid reactions have been described. However, in controlled clinical studies, the incidence of hypersensitivity reactions did not increase.

In some cases, especially at the beginning of therapy, flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, pain in the limbs and bones, and malaise were noted.

These reactions were mild or moderate and disappeared within a few hours or days.


Symptoms: hypertension, erythrocytosis, hyperhemoglobinemia, sharp increase

hematocrit values.

Treatment: symptomatic. In case of hypertension, it is necessary to avoid excessive hydration. In the presence of erythrocytosis and hyperhydration, measures to remove excess fluid are necessary.

If hemoglobin and hematocrit levels are high, phlebotomy is indicated.

Interaction: With the simultaneous use of Erythropoietin and cyclosporine, it may be necessary to adjust the dose of the latter due to an increase in its binding to erythrocytes. Experience in the clinical use of Erythropoietin to date has not revealed evidence of its pharmacological incompatibility with other drugs. However, to avoid possible incompatibility or reduced activity. Erythropoietin should not be mixed with solutions of other drugs. Special instructions:

Since anaphylactoid reactions have been reported in some cases, the first dose of the drug should be administered under the supervision of a physician.

Inappropriate use of the drug by healthy people (for example, as doping) can cause a sharp increase in hematocrit, accompanied by life-threatening complications from the cardiovascular system.

During treatment, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure weekly and perform a complete blood count, including determination of hematocrit, platelets and ferritin. In the first 8 weeks of therapy, weekly counts of formed elements and especially platelets are necessary. If the platelet count increases above normal or by more than 150 109/l from the initial value, treatment with Erythropoietin should be interrupted.

In patients with uremia undergoing hemodialysis, it is recommended to monitor blood pressure, incl. between dialysis sessions. Due to an increase in hematocrit, it is often necessary to increase the dose of heparin; in addition, timely prevention of thrombosis and early revision of the shunt are necessary. In the pre- and postoperative period, hemoglobin should be monitored more often if its initial level was less than 140 g/l. During treatment with Erythropoietin, it is necessary to periodically monitor the level of potassium and phosphate in the blood serum. If hyperkalemia occurs, Erythropoietin should be temporarily discontinued until potassium concentrations normalize.

In most cases, along with an increase in hematocrit, serum ferritin levels decrease. Therefore, all patients with anemia of renal origin and with a serum ferritin level of less than 100 mcg/l or transferrin saturation of less than 20% are recommended to take oral iron supplements at a dose of 200-300 mg/day. Patients with oncological and hematological diseases are treated with iron supplements according to the same principles, while patients with multiple myeloma, low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia with transferrin saturation less than 25% can be given 100 mg of iron per week IV.

For premature infants, oral iron therapy at a dose of 2 mg per day should be prescribed as early as possible (no later than the 14th day of life). The dose of iron is adjusted depending on the level of serum ferritin. If it persistently remains at a level below 100 mcg/ml or there are other signs of iron deficiency, the dose of iron supplements should be increased to 5-10 mg/day and therapy should be continued until the signs of iron deficiency are relieved.

When using Erythropoietin in women of reproductive age, menstruation may resume. The patient should be warned about the possibility of pregnancy and the need to use reliable methods of contraception before starting therapy.

Given the possible more pronounced effect of Erythropoietin, its dose should not exceed the dose of epoetin beta used in the previous course of treatment. During the first two weeks, the dose is not changed and the dose/response ratio is assessed. After this, the dose can be reduced or increased according to the scheme presented above.

During the treatment period, until the optimal maintenance dose is established, patients with uremia should avoid engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions, due to an increased risk of increased blood pressure at the beginning of therapy.

Release form/dosage:Solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration 500 IU/ml or 2000 IU/ml Package:

In ampoules of 1 ml. 5 ampoules in a blister pack, 1 or 2 blister packs and instructions for use in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions:

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Best before date:

2 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: On prescription Registration number: LS-001854 Registration date: 19.12.2011 Owner of the Registration Certificate: BINNOPHARM, CJSC Russia Manufacturer:   Information update date:   15.11.2015 Illustrated instructions

Erythropoietin is a renal hormone that controls and regulates the process of red blood cell formation (erythropoiesis) in the red bone marrow. 90% of erythropoietin is synthesized in the capillary cells of the renal glomeruli and 10% is produced by liver cells. The release of erythropoietin into the blood is subject to a circadian rhythm; its level in the blood is higher in the morning than in the afternoon or evening. The production of this hormone increases under conditions of hypoxia (lack of oxygen). In pregnant women, the level of erythropoietin in the blood is increased. Some hormones regulate the synthesis of erythropoietin.

Hormones that enhance erythropoietin production:

  • Somatotropic hormone(GH, growth hormone) is a pituitary hormone (the pituitary gland is the main endocrine gland, located at the base of the brain, regulates the action of the hormonal system).
  • Adrenocorticotropic hormone(ACTH) – pituitary hormone
  • Prolactin– pituitary hormone
  • Thyroxine (T4) – thyroid hormone
  • Cortisol– hormone of the adrenal cortex (the adrenal glands are a pair of small endocrine glands located above the kidneys)
  • Testosterone– male sex hormone

Hormones that cause a decrease in erythropoietin production

  • Estrogens– female sex hormones

Erythropoietin stimulates the formation and maturation of not only red blood cells (erythropoiesis), but also platelets (blood cells that participate in blood clotting). Determining the level of erythropoietin in the blood is important for differential diagnosis between primary (true) and secondary polycythemia.

  • - Primary polycythemia, true - a malignant disease of the hematopoietic system, leukemia, with an increase in the content of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood, cherry red coloration of the face and other signs
  • - Secondary polycythemia is not associated with disorders of the hematopoietic organ. The number of red blood cells in the blood can be increased due to loss of water due to heavy diarrhea, oxygen deficiency in the mountains, as well as heart defects and pulmonary emphysema.

In primary polycythemia, the level of erythropoietin is reduced, in secondary polycythemia it is increased.

A decrease in erythropoietin levels can be detected:

  • - in patients with anemia developed as a result of oncological and hematological diseases (hematological diseases are a large group of diseases associated with impaired function or structure of blood cells)
  • - in patients with anemia due to chronic inflammatory diseases
  • - in patients after extensive surgical interventions
  • - in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
  • - in patients with chronic renal failure

Due to a lack of the hormone erythropoietin, patients develop severe normochromic anemia (with a low number of red blood cells in the blood, but a normal hemoglobin content in the red blood cells). Due to the low number of red blood cells, the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases to 50-80 g/l, while the norm in women is 110-152 g/l and men 120-172 g/l. Such patients are indicated for treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin preparations. The effectiveness of such treatment decreases with iron deficiency in the body.

An increase in erythropoietin levels can be detected:

  • - in patients with various types of anemia (iron deficiency, folate deficiency, B12 deficiency, aplastic)
  • - in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (obstructive - associated with narrowing of the lumens of the cavities)
  • - in patients with tumors that secrete erythropoietin, such as kidney tumors, pheochromocytoma(benign adrenal tumor), cerebellar hemangioblastoma (tumor originating from blood vessels).
  • - in patients with polycystic kidney disease (a disorder of the development of renal tissue, leading to the appearance of cysts in it; combined with pathology of the urinary system).

Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein hormone that controls the rate of erythropoiesis in the human body. The substance presented is synthesized mainly in the kidneys, a small amount (about 10 percent) is formed in the liver. The hormone erythropoietin activates the division and differentiation of erythroid precursors. The level of endogenous hormone in the blood plasma of healthy people varies over a wide range and is inversely related to the concentration of hemoglobin and the degree of tissue oxygenation. The work on isolating and producing this hormone for medical purposes is very useful.

Structure and significance of the hormone

The hormone molecule consists of amino acids. With a deficiency of endogenous erythropoietin, a sharp decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood is observed, and the so-called erythropoietin deficiency anemia develops. Until recently, drug correction of such anemia remained impossible due to the lack of appropriate pharmaceuticals. Nowadays, when there is a deficiency of the above hormone in the human body, doctors prescribe recombinant erythropoietin. The drug is obtained from animal cells into which the gene code for human EPO is introduced. Recombinant human erythropoietin is identical in amino acid and carbohydrate composition to the natural hormone, increases the number of red blood cells, reticulocytes, and activates hemoglobin biosynthesis in cells. The biological activity of the resulting substance is no different from the endogenous hormone. Recombinant erythropoietin does not exhibit cytotoxic effects and does not affect leukopoiesis. Scientists suggest that EPO interacts with specific erythropoietin-sensitive receptors that are localized on the cell surface.

Method for purifying recombinant human erythropoietin

Recombinant human EPO is one of the most common proteins produced by many biological and pharmaceutical companies around the world for drug therapy. The presented compound is synthesized by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells using the recombinant DNA method. One polypeptide chain of recombinant EPO contains 165 amino acids, the calculated molecular weight of which is 24,000 Da, and the observed molecular weight of the glycosylated protein is 30,400 Da. Separation of erythropoietin from impurities is carried out using ion exchange and Human recombinant EPO has a purity of 98%.

Recombinant erythropoietins and their analogues

To stimulate the processes of erythropoiesis, doctors use different drugs:

  • "Aranesp";
  • "Aeprin";
  • "Epobiocrine";
  • "Bioein";
  • "Vepox";
  • "Binocrit";
  • "Epocrine";
  • "Gemaks";
  • "Epogen";
  • "Eprex";
  • "Epovitan";
  • "Epomax";
  • "Hypercrit";
  • "Eralfon";
  • "Erytrostim";
  • "Recormon";
  • "Epostim";
  • "Eposino";
  • Epoetin Beta.

Before replacing recombinant erythropoietin with analogs, you should consult with your doctor.

Indications for use

Medical practitioners quite often have to deal with erythropoietin deficiency anemia (EDA). This group includes the following pathologies:

  • anemia in malignant neoplasms;
  • early anemia of premature babies (up to 34 weeks of pregnancy) with body weight from 750 to 1500 g;
  • nephrogenic anemia;
  • anemia in chronic diseases (hepatitis C, rheumatoid arthritis, HIV infection, diseases of the digestive canal).

A distinctive feature of the above anemias is that they are not treated with iron supplements. Until recently, the only effective treatment method was blood transfusions. Due to the fact that this type of therapy has a huge number of side effects and a high risk of transmitting pathogens of a number of dangerous infectious diseases (HIV, hepatitis viruses, etc.) through the blood, this method is practically not used in modern medicine. Recombinant human erythropoietin helps improve the quality of life of patients diagnosed with erythropoietin deficiency anemia. The biosynthesis and introduction into practice of recombinant human EPO has opened a new era in the treatment of erythropoietin-dependent anemia.


  • thromboembolism;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • inability to carry out effective anticoagulant therapy;
  • previous cerebral stroke or myocardial infarction;
  • unstable angina;
  • uncontrolled arterial hypertension;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • refractory arterial hypertension.

Dosage regimen

The dosage, regimen and duration of treatment are established on a strictly individual basis, depending on the severity of anemia, the general condition of the patient and the nature of the pathology. The drugs are intended for parenteral use. Initial doses range from 50 to 150 IU/kg. The dose must be adjusted depending on the age of the patient. Recombinant erythropoietin is usually administered 3 times a week. With an overdose of the drug, increased side effects are observed. The result becomes more or less noticeable after 2-3 weeks of use.

Side effect

Are you prescribed recombinant human erythropoietin? Instructions for use do not exclude the development of side effects. This:

  • myalgia;
  • dizziness;
  • hyperthermia;
  • drowsiness;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • arthralgia;
  • hypertension;
  • chest pain;
  • thrombocytosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • convulsions;
  • hepatosis;
  • increased activity levels of AST, ALT in the blood;
  • erythrocyte lineage aplasia;
  • eczema;
  • angioedema;
  • skin rash and itching;
  • asthenia;
  • urticaria, hyperemia and burning at the injection site;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • decreased concentration of ferritin protein in blood plasma;
  • hyperphosphatemia.

Erythropoiesis stimulants in sports

Recently, the drug Epovitan (recombinant human erythropoietin) is often used. The presented product is often used in sports (athletics, bodybuilding, swimming, biathlon). This drug activates the biosynthesis of red blood cells, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the oxygen content per unit volume of blood and, accordingly, to an increase in the oxygen capacity of the blood and the delivery of O 2 to organs and tissues. This mechanism of action increases the athlete’s aerobic endurance. A similar effect is observed when an athlete trains in mid-altitude conditions, when a lack of O 2 in the air provokes the development of hypoxia, which, in turn, activates the biosynthesis of endogenous erythropoietin. EPO preparations are used in combination with insulin, somatotropin (GH, growth hormone) and stanazolol.

Excessive, uncontrolled use of the drug "Erythropoietin" in sports can provoke the formation of blood clots, which is usually fatal. It is quite difficult to detect recombinant EPO, since the structure of the synthetic compound is identical to its physiological counterpart, therefore this biocompound is still used illegally in professional sports as a doping.