Dmitry Smirnov about HIV and AIDS. Priest's statement about HIV sparks scandal

Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov supported the petition to ban HIV prevention programs.

Activists of parent organizations “All-Russian Parents’ Assembly”, “In Defense of Childhood”, Novosibirsk Coordination Council for the Defense of Public Morality, Culture and Traditional family values, “Family and Children” to ban HIV prevention programs among adolescents, which are conducted in the city by the NGO “Humanitarian Project”. , lectures on sexually transmitted infections corrupt minors, provoking early sexual intercourse.

Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov on air NSN supported the petition:

“Exactly, every word. I am very glad that there is finally some activity among our people. AIDS kills 800 people in Russia. From tuberculosis – 100 thousand. Nobody is talking about any prevention of tuberculosis. And these “AIDS carriers” are constantly interfering with schools and children. This is exactly what is being done, all this propaganda. I remember about 25 years ago, schoolchildren in the Yaroslavl region passed through these programs. And the number of sexually transmitted diseases increased significantly immediately,” he said NSN.

The cleric explains sexual education by the machinations of the West.

“Then, where do all these innovations come from? They are coming from the West. Is there at least one friend of Russia there? No. And those who promote these programs here are the kind of NGOs that are given the “honorary” title of “foreign agent.” Is it really not clear? Their goal is not the fight against AIDS, but exactly what these concerned parents are talking about. To avoid getting AIDS, you need to lead a chaste life. That's all. And this must be taught. Both at school and parents,” he emphasized.

Dean of the Faculty Orthodox culture Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces supported the petition of Orthodox and patriotic parent committees to ban HIV prevention programs.

The clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church and the chairman of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood, Dmitry Smirnov, spoke in support of social activists opposing AIDS prevention, which, in their opinion, corrupts minors in the interests of the LGBT community. Smirnov stated this in an interview with the National News Service.

Dimitry Smirnov (center)

“I am very glad that some activity has finally appeared among our people. AIDS kills 800 people in Russia. From tuberculosis - 100 thousand. Nobody is talking about any prevention of tuberculosis. And these “Aids carriers” are constantly interfering with schools and children. This is exactly what is being done, all this propaganda. I remember about 25 years ago, schoolchildren in the Yaroslavl region passed through these programs. And the number of sexually transmitted diseases increased significantly immediately,” he said.

According to the archpriest, in order to avoid getting AIDS, it is enough to “lead a chaste life.” At the same time, the representative of the Church explains sexual education with the political motives of the West.

Archpriest Smirnov has consistently spoken out about the problem of HIV and AIDS in the past. In the program of the Spas TV channel, Archpriest Smirnov stated that AIDS is deliberately spread by doctors themselves, and the human immunodeficiency virus does not exist - it was allegedly invented to manipulate society.

Director of the AIDS Center Foundation Anton Krasovsky, in turn, advised Dimitry Smirnov to “be more modest”:

“You don’t need to listen to Father Dimitry Smirnov. He himself needs to lead a chaste life. Mentally chaste life. And in general, be a little more modest. First of all, I would like to recommend that Comrade Smirnov study the list of trinkets that he wears to official patriarchal receptions. I think this is a much more important activity for him than getting involved in the prevention of HIV infections, which he understands nothing about. However, he doesn’t understand anything at all about anything.”

Novosibirsk City Council caused indignation among Orthodox social activists public organization"Humanitarian Project", which won a grant in the amount of 7.4 million rubles. for capacity development non-profit organizations, working with family and community in programs for maintaining health and preventing socially significant diseases, write "News of Siberia".

The letter was signed by the leaders of the regional branch of the All-Russian Parents' Assembly, the In Defense of Childhood movement, the family education and upbringing center Family and Children, and others.

The Humanitarian Project stated that the closure of the project will lead to further development epidemic and the devastation of the state budget because “more and more people are becoming infected and more people are dying due to HIV and tuberculosis, unaware of their status.”

AIDS is a condition that develops against the background of HIV infection and is characterized by a decrease in the number of CD4+ lymphocytes, multiple opportunistic infections, non-infectious and tumor diseases. AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection. Back in 2016, in Russia, at the instigation of Ekaterinburg doctors, they started talking about the upcoming HIV epidemic.

Russian Orthodox Church(ROC) played an outstanding role in the formation and development of our statehood. It's stupid to argue with this. As, indeed, with the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church often becomes the object of public criticism due to the statements of individual clergy, not in the best possible way influencing the image of the Church. Some of them even agreed that preventing HIV infection... is harmful.

This time, the words of the head of the Patriarchal Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church on family issues, protection of motherhood and childhood, archpriest, caused a resonance Dimitry Smirnov. He supported members of the public opposing HIV/AIDS prevention among schoolchildren.

The reason that aroused the anger of social activists and the clergy was the petition of the organization “Parental All-Russian Resistance” (RVS), the authors of which demanded that the Novosibirsk authorities ban the events of the NGO “Humanitarian Project” in city schools. According to activists, the NGO, which received a presidential grant (7.4 million rubles), actively cooperates with the local LGBT community, as well as with structures from the United States and Europe, acting in their interests.

Why is the clergyman so up in arms about preventing the “plague of the 20th century” (now, apparently, we can add the 21st century)? He acts not only as a guardian of the “chaste life” of his fellow citizens, but also as a fighter for the state sovereignty of Russia, seeing the pernicious influence of the West in attempts to prevent HIV/AIDS.

“Where do all these innovations come from? They are coming from the West. Is there at least one friend of Russia there? No! - insists Fr. Dimitri. “And those who promote these programs here are the kind of NGOs that are given the “honorary” title of “foreign agent.” Is it really not clear?

God be with them, with these “agents” of NGOs. We don’t need any “agents” to completely ruin our lives. We'll bring about the end of the world for ourselves.

But is the devil of AIDS really as terrible as some people make it out to be? Maybe the problem is completely made up and HIV does not pose any particular danger? Alas, this is absolutely not true. At the end of last year, fighters against the scourge tried to draw some conclusions. The picture, they say, is quite depressing.

TASS/ Egor Aleev

“Unfortunately, the number of infected people is growing in Russia,” says the head of the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS of Rospotrebnadzor Vadim Pokrovsky. - In Russia last year, 103 thousand new cases were registered. By November of this year, another 75 thousand were registered, and by the end of the year there will be at least 100 thousand.”

According to a certificate prepared by the Federal AIDS Center, more than 925 thousand people are living with HIV in Russia. The largest number of new cases was identified in 2017 in the Kemerovo, Irkutsk, Sverdlovsk and Vladimir regions, as well as in Perm region and the Republic of Crimea. Number of new HIV cases identified during last year, amounted to more than 104 thousand (in 2012 it was less than 71 thousand).

Every day, 8.5 thousand people in the world become infected with HIV, in Russia - at least 100 people.

“Despite the active development of diagnostics and treatment, the flourishing of pharmaceuticals, HIV infection still poses a serious danger to people all over the world,” says acting. Deputy Minister of Health Sergey Kraevoy. For more than 35 years, HIV infection has remained one of the global health problems in the world, echoed by the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova.

In a word, experts are sounding the alarm and sounding the trumpets. And o. Dimitri, meanwhile, remains calm, seemingly believing that the problem of HIV/AIDS is far-fetched.

I must admit: Fr. Dmitry and his anti-Western “squad” have many supporters in the country. A Levada Center survey showed that only 20% of respondents consider HIV a real threat to the country, and 9% are generally convinced that HIV is “a fictitious problem, there is no serious threat to the population.” More than 50% of respondents said that they are not afraid of “getting infected with HIV,” but 40% admit this possibility.

TASS/ Egor Aleev

Such “relaxed” ideas about a terrible, fatal disease are largely dictated by poor awareness and an inadequate understanding of what HIV/AIDS is. In particular, not everyone realizes that it is never completely cured, but special treatment, so-called antiretroviral therapy, can significantly prolong a person’s life. It has also been proven that with proper and regular treatment, HIV-infected mothers give birth to completely healthy children. You need to know all this, as well as the fact that you should avoid casual sexual contact and, God forbid, taking illegal substances.

Informed means armed. How can you oppose explanatory, preventive work and at the same time claim to be a modern, reasonable person?

“You don’t need to listen to Father Dimitry Smirnov,” advises the director of the AIDS.Center Foundation. Anton Krasovsky in an interview with the radio station “Moscow Speaks”. - He himself needs to lead a chaste life. Mentally chaste life. And generally be a little more modest.”

Typically, the Fathers of the Church do not question the establishment of temporal power, getting along well with officials and deputies at all levels. But Dimitri’s father clearly had a misfire with HIV. Although, maybe from basic ignorance.

The fact is that back in 2016, the Russian government approved a strategy to combat HIV infection until 2020 and beyond. Among other things, the document pays due attention to issues of prevention. It notes that the strategy will also take into account the awareness of the population (read - the same prevention. - Note author ) aged 18–49 years on issues related to HIV infection.

So Father Dimitri clearly got carried away, and his theories diverged from the general line of power, which in this particular case came out from very reasonable positions.