Bilan before nose surgery. Selfies gave them away: a review of last year's stellar operations

Rhinoplasty photo

“Doctor, make me a nose like Angelina Jolie’s!” The profile of this Hollywood beauty and, perhaps, Sharon Stone is most often mentioned by patients in their offices today plastic surgeons as an example of the ideal, exemplary.

(correction of the shape of the nose) is in second place in popularity among women. The first is bust augmentation, the third is liposuction. It is not surprising, because the possibilities of the nose are enormous: it makes the face either beautiful or ugly.

However, today a patient comes to an aesthetic surgery clinic not so much to eliminate obvious defects as to correct minor nuances - narrow the nose a little, shorten it a little, raise the tip. The patient’s desire is the main indication for rhinoplasty, but before you seriously wish, you need to collect as much information as possible. We will tell you about the details of nose shape correction in our article “ rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty of the nose

The reason for the change in Sergei Zverev’s nose was allegedly a car accident. They removed his hump, narrowed the tip, in short, gave him a standard Hollywood nose. Probably, Sergei’s lips also suffered in the accident, since they had to be pumped up with silicone to an unimaginably plump size, and implants inserted into his cheekbones (apparently, the accident was serious).

Russian pop singer Dima Bilan get rhinoplasty life also forced me. In his youth, Dima made an unsuccessful somersault and drove his nose on the asphalt. Then he gave up on the spoiled profile, but, having become a singer, he encountered difficulties with breathing. Dima corrected the deviated nasal septum, and at the same time asked to remove the hump and polish the back. Now Bilan is handsome!

A few years ago, Kristina Orbakaite redesigned her signature nose, inherited from her father. Plastic surgeons transformed the impressive nose with a hump into a small and straight one. However, the change in this detail of her face did not affect the singer’s charm and talent in any way.

At the age of 70, the legendary actress decided to have her nose corrected at a Moscow beauty institute with an impeccable reputation. But something went wrong, and Lyudmila Markovna’s nose was marred by scars (with high-quality rhinoplasty, they are almost impossible to notice). The Russian press blamed the doctors for the mistake, but the surgeons themselves blame age-related, trophic changes in the skin of Gurchenko’s face.

The famous Russian singer and film actor and simply handsome Dima Bilan told the readers of the Plastic Club about what was the reason for having rhinoplasty, how he feels about surgical breast augmentation, whether liposuction is necessary, or you can remain beautiful in plus size size", which cosmetic procedures he prefers and what is his standard of beauty. He answered that it always helps him to stay in good physical shape and admitted that he really likes to eat fast food, especially at night. Read the answers to these and other questions that interest you in our interview with Dima.

- Dima, a couple of years ago you had rhinoplasty. What are your impressions of the operation?

I really turned to plastic surgeons for help. I had serious breathing problems and rhinoplasty was necessary for me to continue my singing career. I literally suffocated on stage.

- If we talk about the aesthetic side of the issue, then rhinoplasty has made your appearance even more attractive...

Yes! People tell me this often! Rhinoplasty really fixed my nose and helped with my breathing problems.

- How do you feel about plastic surgery?

Positively. This is a useful invention of mankind. True, there are girls who abuse plastic surgery, but that’s another question.

- How would you react if your girlfriend enlarged her breasts or lips?

Well, why not? I've dated girls who had their lips or breasts enlarged. The main thing is to do plastic surgery for yourself, not for society and not for a man. It’s important to like yourself. It doesn't matter to me what size a woman's breasts or lips are. Any girl can like you. Sometimes I like model-looking girls who like to take care of themselves and spend a lot of time in beauty salons, sometimes I prefer natural girls with rich inner world. Love is like rain. She comes suddenly. And it doesn’t depend on whether the girl has silicone breasts or not.

- Do you often visit beauty salons?

I try to visit as often as possible. Update your haircut, massage, manicure, pedicure, moisturizing face masks. I love all sorts of SPA programs, but with my active touring schedule, I often simply don’t have time for it. I believe that a man has a responsibility to take care of himself. Even if he was brutal.

- What helps you always stay in good physical shape?

I dance on stage so much, I give so much energy to my audience that no diets are required. I love fast food. Especially at night.

- As a fast food lover, tell me, how do you feel about liposuction?

There are a lot of charming, beautiful fat people. Not everyone is suited to be anorexically thin. In the West, there are now a lot of “plus size” models and they are beautiful. Another question is if a person feels uncomfortable because of his fatness and at the same time cannot lose those extra pounds... Then, you need to do liposuction, I think. But still, before any plastic surgery, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Do you really want to lose weight? Or do you want to meet the imposed standards of beauty.

- What is your standard of beauty?

This is a kind soul, eyes glowing with kindness. I admire people who give love to this world.

The success of Dima Bilan

Popular singer Dima Bilan was forced to have a nose job. But the decision to operate was not made on a whim. The fact is that the singer claims that breathing problems negatively affected his vocals. Dima Bilan himself says: “Rhinoplasty was needed for my vocals”

But stars, as a rule, often come up with excuses, reasons for plastic surgery. Not everyone can admit that they go under the knife to improve their appearance.

Dima Bilan also explained his visit to a plastic surgeon to his fans. But few people believed the singer. The vocals remained at the same level, but the nose became proportional and beautiful.

A modest, cute boy from Karachay-Cherkessia conquered noisy Moscow in short time. Now he is a favorite of the public, an idol of young girls, everyone would like to see such a man next to them. Bilan was able to stay in show business, where only a few remain and millions disappear.

Probably, the singer should still keep his brand, be wonderful in everything. For this reason, he decided to change his appearance and shorten his nose. By the way, the new nose suits Dima very well, with it he has become even more graceful and interesting.

What they look like Russian stars before and after plastic surgery? Every day, the ideals of beauty change noticeably: sometimes painful thinness is relevant, sometimes enviable plumpness; the shape of the nose and cheekbones, the size of the lips - every year fashion dictates new and new requirements for facial features. And if to an ordinary person There is no need to follow its trends, but the stars of cinema, the pop industry and other media professions simply need to be “in trend”.

Changing facial features, adding or subtracting the volume of one part of the body, of course, is not as simple as choosing a new outfit, but with the help of modern plastic surgery it is quite possible. The main thing is not to get carried away by this process and stop in time, because it has long been known that this kind of intervention causes real psychological dependence. How I changed famous people Russian plastic surgery before and after surgery, whether their popularity has grown, which of the stars does not hide the fact that their appearance is the result of the work of first-class doctors, and not a generous gift of nature - all this is in our article.

Many believe that representatives of Russian show business have to “reshape” their appearance in order to achieve success and popularity. In fact, this is not always the case. After all, most often in the media they write and talk about the plastic surgery of already beloved stars, which means that they owe their fame not to the surgeon’s scalpel. So why then do they trust their beauty and health to aesthetic medicine specialists?

As a rule, celebrities are ready for almost any plastic surgery for the sake of:

  1. Your own self-confidence. Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, celebrities can also have complexes about their appearance. The situation is aggravated by the fact that they regularly see themselves from the outside - in movies, videos, news releases, on the pages of newspapers and magazines. The fans themselves do not forget to add fuel to the fire, constantly looking for flaws in their favorites, discussing and savoring them in every detail.
  2. Take off in career. Many Russian stars, dreaming of an even more dizzying career, believe that it is not a lack of talent that hinders them, but only cosmetic defects in the form of a too modest bust, or an overly prominent nose, etc. To be fair, it should be noted that for some of them, a slight correction in appearance really helps them become more popular.
  3. Objective reasons, for example, health problems. This option is also possible, but often all illnesses are just an excuse. Most celebrities claim that rhinoplasty was not performed to improve external appearance, but because of difficulties encountered with breathing. But one thing is not clear, why then the surgeons did not limit themselves to septoplasty. Representatives of the fair half of the stellar Olympus often try to disguise bust enlargement as correction of its shape after the birth and feeding of the baby. Although it is not difficult to notice - the breasts have not just tightened, but have become noticeably larger. Some stars before and after plastic surgery do not hesitate to talk about it, others carefully hide it.

Do you want to know which of the famous people in Russia changed their appearance with the help of surgical intervention? What do stars look like before and after plastic surgery? How plastic surgery changed their lives before and after correction of deficiencies - we will be happy to tell you about it.

Celebrities who aren't shy about telling the truth

Man is a social being, which means he is dependent on public opinion. It is this fact that forces the vast majority of popular people to hide the fact that they resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. But the most brave people don't hide the fact surgical intervention, such stars are happy to show photos before and after plastic surgery, expecting admiration and support from the outside.

For example, Masha Malinovskaya- a Moscow socialite, and in addition, surprisingly, a State Duma deputy, never hid her attachment to plastic surgery from the press. Her face underwent several interventions - rhinoplasty, lip contouring. Her body was not left out either; the star enlarged her breasts to the envy of everyone around her.

He also speaks quite frankly about his visits to plastic surgeons. Lolita Milyavskaya. According to the celebrity, blepharoplasty, abdominoplasty, and removal of hernias of the lower eyelids are the operations that the star went through. Lolita does not succumb to fashion trends and is in no hurry to change her features and reshape her face, maintaining her individuality.

Men of the star Olympus do not lag behind the fair sex, for example Prokhor Chaliapin Having barely achieved popularity and, having earned his first significant fees, he fulfilled his dream. Nose with early childhood irritated its owner with its massiveness, so correction of the tip brought real joy to the singer. However, after some time, Prokhor had to again seek help from eminent surgeons, because the result of rhinoplasty was inflammation of the mucous membrane and loss of smell. As a result, corrective surgery had to be performed, fortunately everything ended well.

The infamous singer, who began her career in the pop group TATU, Yulia Volkova does not hide from fans the fact that her lips have become even more attractive thanks to contouring. In terms of aesthetic surgery, Russia did not inspire confidence in the star, which is why the celebrity’s choice fell on European clinics.

And here Angelika Varum, on the contrary, she fully appreciated the skill of Russian surgeons, because it was in Moscow at the European Medical Center that she underwent repeat mammoplasty. The first breast augmentation operation disappointed the girl, despite the fact that it was carried out in a leading clinic in Switzerland. But the singer is very pleased with the result of the work of domestic surgeons.

One of the record holders of Russian show business in terms of the number of plastic interventions is undoubtedly Masha Rasputina. Despite her already quite attractive appearance, the singer never tires of “improving.” Some fans attribute this to the consequences of postpartum changes. They say that they were the reason for the first visit to surgeons; others believe that the influence of her husband, the oil “baron” Zakharov, is to blame. Be that as it may, the list of interventions is truly amazing - numerous lifts, and then breast augmentation, correction of the shape of the nose, contour plastic surgery lips, cheekbone enlargement, facial rejuvenation, endless courses of beauty injections... only the star herself knows the complete list of all the “improvements.”

Another leader in the pursuit of eternal youth can be called Valeria Leontyeva. To achieve his goal, he uses all means - from active sports to endless trips to aesthetic medicine clinics. Rumors are spreading that Valery has long been prohibited from undergoing plastic surgery, because numerous braces have already caused his eyelids not to close. And this is not only a cosmetic drawback, but also a serious health problem - after all, this complication of plastic surgery can result in loss of vision for the singer.

Singer and actress Lada Dance She also doesn’t try to hide the fact that her bust is not at all a gift of nature. A woman sees nothing wrong with correcting flaws in her appearance, and at the same time becoming even more self-confident and charming. Thanks to excellent taste and a sense of proportion, the celebrity’s appearance looks very organic.

Not indifferent to plastic surgery and a public favorite - Boris Moiseev. Even clinical death, which was a consequence of one of the aesthetic operations, could not turn him against plastic surgery. The singer happily talks about the fact that he owes his slim figure to first-class surgeons. Neither pills nor special earrings for weight loss brought any effect, but abdominoplasty easily coped with this task. The youthful face is also a merit of aesthetic medicine; the singer does not hide the fact that he has undergone facelifts and various anti-aging procedures.

But not all famous personalities talk honestly and openly about their transformations. Most, even if they admit to visiting surgeons, hide them real reasons under plausible pretexts (the same diseases). And some even completely deny that the operations took place, although all the facts indicate the opposite.

Which star is hiding the truth?

Many stars, despite the difference in the photos before and after plastic surgery, stubbornly claim that the surgeon’s hand and scalpel have never touched them.

The most ridiculous words sound Anna Semenovich, ex-soloist of the group “Brilliant”, that her bust is a gift from nature, and it has no connection with surgery. However, if you look at the photos from the beginning of her career, it becomes obvious that the modest two could not have grown to such unprecedented sizes on their own. Anna chalks it all up to weight gain. But the shape of her bust convinces all fans of the opposite. After all, if extra pounds were to blame, the breasts would lose their shape. One way or another, men are happy to follow the star in her videos, enjoying the impressive spectacle, and many women are simply jealous.

And here Dima Bilan, for example, did not hide the fact of rhinoplasty from fans. However, he argued that the main impetus for it was not aesthetic defects, but voice problems that arose as a result of a deviated nasal septum. However, for some reason, the singer decided not only to correct this defect, but also to noticeably correct the very shape of his nose. Most fans do not believe in the fictitious excuse for the operation, but still love their idol and enjoy his new appearance.

In the past, the most famous barber in Russia, and now a stylist, singer and just a showman Sergey Zverev explains his rhinoplasty as a necessity due to a car accident. And everything would be fine, but then it remains unclear what prompted him to enlarge his lips, cheekbones, make chin correction and other transformations? Most likely, Sergei simply found a reason to radically change and get closer to his ideal of beauty. The result turned out to be an acquired taste, but most fans complain about the obvious overkill in terms of transformations.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk
never tires of denying bust correction, claiming that she has never resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. But comparison of photos youth and these days leave no doubt - breast enlargement did occur. Although the movie star was clearly not mistaken with the size, the bust looks natural and seductive.

Doesn't like to talk about plastic and Yulia Nachalova. The blue-eyed singer at first completely denied the fact of her bust enlargement, and then nevertheless admitted a slight correction. But according to her, this measure is just a modest gift to her husband and has nothing to do with the desire to achieve better success in her career.

Is it worth condemning

On various forums, and just in conversations, people condemn stars for their love of aesthetic surgery, but is it worth doing? Even ordinary citizens now and then decide to undergo plastic surgery in order to improve their appearance and raise their self-esteem, to say nothing of celebrities. Media personalities are constantly in sight, under the gun of cameras and cameras. They just need to keep themselves in shape, and quality self-care is often not enough. It is in such cases that experienced surgeons come to their aid. Many stars really change a lot before and after the intervention, and some owe their success largely to plastic surgery. After all, no matter how much the audience slanders them, they still prefer to watch young and beautiful artists; the most important thing is a sense of proportion and good taste.

Public life implies impeccability appearance: The face and figure must be perfect. Most of the stars of Russian show business have changed beyond recognition after numerous plastic surgeries. We offer the TOP 10 most noticeable changes in the appearance of celebrities.

When her career took off, Catherine decided to change her appearance. The first step was surgery on the cheekbones, lips and nose. Katya got rid of excess weight. Hairstyle, makeup, and clothing style have also undergone changes. Barnabas does not hide the fact of undergoing plastic surgery. Read about it in our publication.

2. Lera Kudryavtseva

3. Actress Elena Korikova

Elena Korikova, who gained fame after “Poor Nastya,” had naturally attractive appearance. But the star apparently decided that natural beauty could and should be improved. Elena's eye shape was changed, her cheekbones were improved and her bust was enlarged.

Photo: Instagram @elena.korikova

4. Model Victoria Lopyreva

After winning a beauty contest, Lopyreva began to receive interesting business offers. The girl conducted a number of photo shoots for famous glossy magazines and took part in television shows. The star clearly had to improve her appearance. Surgeries were performed on the nose, cheekbones, and lips. Facial features have become thinner, more graceful, and all parts of the body are harmoniously combined with each other.

5. Instagram star Alena Shishkova

6. Svetlana Loboda

Photo: Instagram @lobodaofficial

7. Singer Anna Sedokova

Another VIA Gra vocalist, Anna Sedokova, does not comment on changes in her appearance. Experts are confident that she has had her breasts sculpted, changed the shape of her nose, cheekbones, lips, and regularly receives Botox injections. 15 photos of Sedokova before and after plastic surgery.

8. Model Anastasia Kvitko

Aspiring model Anastasia Kvitko has the unofficial title of “Russian Kim Kardashian.” She doesn’t like this nickname, because she “has everything that’s her own, dear.” But the changes in appearance are obvious: lipofilling, liposuction, and mammoplasty were performed. The star’s lips, cheekbones and nose are also not entirely “natural”.

Photo: Instagram @anastasiya_kvitko

9. Anna Khilkevich

Photo: Instagram @annakhilkevich

10. Oksana Samoilova

The loving wife of rapper Dzhigan and mother of three daughters, Oksana Samoilova, changed her appearance. The Instagram star does not hide this. The girl had her breasts and lips enlarged, and the shape of her nose, eyes and chin was changed. Read more about Oksana Samoilova's plastic surgeries.

Photo: Instagram @samoylovaoxana

Read about celebrity plastic surgery in our further reviews.