Decorative painting of walls with your own hands: unusual methods of application. How to properly apply paint using a sponge Tools used for decorative

If you manage to choose high-quality paints and sponges, you can transform any surface. To master similar method painting you will need correct paint and a sponge.

The latter should be natural, while the former should be latex, whose base should be water-dispersed. If you purchase, the question of painting will immediately disappear.

1) In order for the work to be of high quality, it is worth clearing the surface of various debris. Then you should choose the desired color of paint and pour a little of it into the container. Next, you should take a roller and dip it in paint, but you shouldn’t paint the walls right away, because you need to squeeze the roller so that the layers are applied evenly. After you have applied the first layer, you need to let the paint dry a little.

2) When the layer has dried, you need to take a sponge and moisten it with water, then squeeze it out. After this, you should dip it in a container of paint and squeeze it out so that the paint does not start to drip. In addition, it needs to be slightly damp so that the prints are neat.

3) You need to paint with a sponge from top to bottom, lightly pressing it against the wall. Once you've finished applying the second coat, let the wall dry again. While it dries, it is recommended to wash the sponge before applying 3 layers.

4) Next, you need to apply the next layer so that it can show through the 1st and 2nd layers. Most likely, you chose only one color to paint. Then you have to apply prints one to one. But the matter changes, if you have chosen a couple of colors, then you should move the prints away from each other. When you apply paint, you have the opportunity to choose any direction of the sponge, and only then can the shimmering design appear.

5) You can save time by applying layers 1 and 2 with a brush, but layer 3 with a sponge. Thanks to this tactic of wall finishing, you will be able to save not only time, but also paint.


If you don't know which paint to choose, here are a couple of tips that will speed up the process. First, you need to take into account the type of room. For example, in living rooms it is worth painting with paints that can maintain a constant level of humidity. These can be living rooms, halls, offices and bedrooms.

Bathrooms, hallways and kitchens should be painted water-based paints. For the outside of the home, it is best to buy special paints - cement and oil, because of their resistance to weather conditions.

With the help of paint and improvised means that can be found in every apartment, you can change the interior beyond recognition. And there are many ways to paint walls that will not only transform the space, but also bring a lot of pleasure to those who will participate in this process.

Escape boredom

Using paint on the wall you can create an exclusive design that is not found on wallpaper. This allows you to make the interior special and different from others. You can experiment with colors and shades, shapes, textures. When using several colors, it is worth remembering that in this case it is better to combine:
Different shades of the same color;
Related shades;
Contrasting colors that go well together.

Gradation, blots and mold

Today it is fashionable to experiment not only with colors. Increasingly, designers are trying bold wall design options. For example, they age a wall, create the effect of mold or a damp wall, but use blue, pink, green shades. Large blots, stains and stains look bold and extraordinary. It is appropriate to use such decor on one of the walls to highlight a certain area in the room or make it the compositional center of the interior.

Bold DIY effects

To create such effects you don't have to be professional designer, artist or painter. Yes, and special tools are not needed in this case. You can make your wall unusual with regular sponge, clothes brush and rag. To create textured reliefs, it is recommended to use adhesive or glazed paints. You need to work with them only after the base paint has completely dried.

Marker and chalk to help

Increasingly in modern interiors walls and furniture painted with slate paint appear. This allows you to make notes on the surface and draw all kinds of images. So the interior is always updated depending on the mood of its owners.

TO innovative types coatings also includes marker paint. After it has completely dried, which occurs within seven days, you can draw on such a surface with dry erase markers.

Using stencils

In an unusual way, you can paint a wall using stencils, buying them at a hardware store or making them yourself. For self-made For the stencil, thick paper or cardboard will be useful. You can also get an interesting effect if you wrap a piece of rolled rag around a roller and paint the wall with it.

Decorative cosmetics have existed for more than a century, and now most women use mascara and other products every day. Sponges are everything, they reflect facial expressions and emotions. Therefore, it is important for every coquette to know how to learn how to evenly, beautifully and correctly paint her lips step by step from a photo, otherwise the makeup will be the same type every day. Such knowledge will help you create the perfect coverage, like in a fashion magazine.

Often women prefer to buy lipstick of the same color, for example, pink pearl or bright red. Makeup in this area is corrected more often than makeup on the eyes or face as a whole. Eating, walking in the rain, or simply having dry skin that quickly absorbs cosmetics - all these factors reduce the durability of cosmetics applied to this area. But now there are many techniques on how to make sponges perfect. You can make them visually larger or thinner, apply them with a brush, mix shades like an artist on a palette. It is ideal to have several options suitable for going out with casual wear or evening wear, in a color scheme appropriate to the occasion.

How to paint your lips beautifully and correctly

To create a delightful image, you need to follow certain rules in makeup:

  • You shouldn’t grab the first lipstick you see off the store shelf, even if it’s the trend of the season;
  • the color of the cosmetic product should be in harmony with the shade of the skin and eyes;
  • if the clothes are bright, it is better to choose a neutral pigment tone;
  • To complement the pale or achromatic colors of the outfit, you can choose a bright color, with the exception of a tone-on-tone combination;
  • top part you need to paint separately from the bottom, and not blot it to save money in order to get beautifully painted lips;
  • to get more rich color You can first apply foundation or primer;
  • with a business suit you should not use bright mother-of-pearl or glossy coatings;
  • for girls with dark skin, plum, wine and lilac shades are suitable; blondes should avoid them;
  • Matte ones make the sponges visually narrower, while pearlescent ones, due to the reflection of light in different directions, will hide minor defects and visually increase the volume.

We paint our lips correctly with lipstick

This cosmetic product is presented in a huge variety in the retail chain. As a rule, it is in any handbag. The function of this product is not only decorative, it also protects against weathering and frost. Every woman is beautiful in her own way, but to highlight natural beauty, you need to follow certain rules and follow the sequence of application.

Makeup artists advise using skin peeling once a week. The application steps are as follows:

  • painting lips begins with cleansing their surface with tonic and moisturizing with nourishing cream 20 minutes before using decorative cosmetics;
  • Next, you should apply a primer or foundation, so the base coat will be more expressive;
  • draw an outline with a pencil; if a pencil technique is used, the color may match or be darker than the main coating;
  • apply a contour with a brush using a pencilless technique;
  • then you can start applying the first layer of lipstick;
  • then press a dry cloth to the surface, apply a little powder through it;
  • Now you can use the stick a second time;
  • the final layer can be glitter.

This option will create an expressive and dense coating. For summer makeup, you can skip some steps, then the question of how to perfectly paint your lips can be solved easier. For example, do not apply primer, apply dye only in one layer. Pencil lining is not necessary for daytime makeup, but for evening makeup it will help enhance the expressiveness of the image. The color is chosen to match the tone or a little darker, but never lighter.

The question itself is interesting - which is better: applying lipstick from a tube or with a brush. The brush has the following advantages: all areas are painted over. You can mix colors, as on a palette, apply a contour, make transitions from one shade to another.

The secret to painting your lips beautifully and correctly is that you can apply a thicker layer with a stick. So you need to choose based on your specific needs. You can apply the first layer with a brush, and the final layer directly from the tube. For the effect of color depth, you can take different but similar shades. For example, the initial layer of lilac is spread with a brush, the second - from a tube, the color of wine berries. This produces an interesting effect.

Another application method is finger tapping. The result is a muted shade feel, ideal for narrow lips. You can apply a little light glitter to the central part.

How to properly line your lips with a pencil

There are no trifles in such a matter as makeup. Therefore, everything is important, from the choice of products to the nuances of application. There are two types of pencils to use in coloring the lip area. To trace the outline and mark individual zones, use a hard pencil. First you need to choose it according to its purpose. Basic rules for choosing a shade:

  • The color is the same as the base coat or a little darker. With red lipstick - the same shade or one tone darker, with lilac - the same or dark purple.
  • For a light coating, you should not outline the edge with black or dark brown; this is an outdated trend of the nineties, and it also looks vulgar.
  • Colorless is needed to secure the outline. It is important to know how to line your lips with it. This pencil is used together with glitter. It contains mother-of-pearl elements.
  • White - to visually enlarge the contour and central part. It’s convenient for them to draw a checkmark at the top. Often contains shimmering particles that visually add volume.
  • When choosing in a store, you should not take a modification with a structure that is too soft. They won't be able to draw clear lines.

If the pencil acts as a means for creating a contour line, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Mark the check mark with white on top, then draw it from below, but not at the center, but closer to the edges.
  2. Do not outline the corners, highlight the central part with bronzer. Blend with gentle movements.
  3. Now you can outline everything with the main color. Many people are interested in how to do proper lip makeup; if you can’t immediately draw the right line, you can put dots and connect them.

The second use of pencils is for complete coloring of the lip space. Here a soft pencil or lipstick pencil is used. All leading manufacturers have them - Maybelline, Yves Rocher, Avon and others. The entire surface is painted over, top and bottom, and then shaded with a brush. An excellent option for quick make-up.

Pros - it turns out to be more matte and less bright than lipstick, but you can focus on the eyes. If you want to know how to learn how to paint your lips exactly beautifully and correctly, step by step with photos, then the basic rule - to emphasize either the eyes or the mouth - has not been canceled. There is also a new trend - to make both bright, but this is more suitable for the catwalk or parties, where there is artificial light, and you need to attract attention. If you show up to work at the office wearing bright red lipstick and pearly blue eyeshadow, others will most likely perceive it as an inappropriate attempt to stand out.

Visually enlarging your lips is not that difficult. You need to go beyond the natural boundary by drawing a contour line. But no more than 1 millimeter, otherwise it will look unnatural.

How to paint lips for volume

Ideals of beauty change over the years. And if several decades ago the fullness of this area was not given importance, now all girls dream of plump lips. Not everyone will solve this problem radically, for example, with the help plastic surgery, but using cosmetics, you can achieve a lot.

The basis of all such techniques is the optical effect: everything that is light and pearly tones seems larger and more voluminous. First you need to choose the right products. Lipstick colors are nude, pale coral or brown, light pink. Texture is also important.

Matte, velor, velvety structures are not suitable. They will reduce the volume. Satin, glossy, pearlescent ones are good. Anything that has the effect of shine, shimmer and light reflection will help create the desired effect.

For outlining you will need a pencil in nude tones, close to the natural color of the skin. It is advisable to have two close shades - lighter and darker. The makeup stages are as follows:

  • Apply nourishing balm. It will prevent the appearance of weathering and cracks.
  • Preparation - base, foundation or primer.
  • Trace the contour line with a light beige or pale pinkish pencil. The line can extend beyond the natural boundaries by no more than a millimeter. This will create additional volume.
  • Now comes the most important part. Paint your entire lips with a darker color of lipstick, apply a lighter color on top of the more prominent parts, and shade the borders. This stage is performed with a brush.
  • Apply a transparent gloss on top, with a pearlescent or other reflective effect. Makeup is ready.

A few secrets on how to improve the volume effect. You can use a plumper - gloss with components that have an irritating effect. This is usually pepper extract or menthol. Light pigment can be used to highlight the upper lip, the lower lip, or both. We must not forget about the depression called a bird or a tick. It can be painted on with a white pearlescent pencil.

How to paint lips with gloss

When applying this, it would seem that simple remedy, there are some nuances. The shade and texture must correspond to the purpose. Vinyl, varnish textures - perfect option for a night club. Nude, soft shades are good for natural make-up in the daytime. For an evening out, products with microglitter will create an impression. In artificial light, the sparkles will shimmer beautifully, reflecting the rays in different directions.

Don't forget about your type. For ladies with dark hair, cool colors are ideal - wine, cherry, cranberry, carmine tones. For blondes and redheads - pinkish, beige, nutty options. For an office with a strict dress code for any appearance - the color of cocoa with milk, warm flesh tones.


  1. The first step is cleansing and moisturizing. Lubricate with hygienic lipstick or nourishing balm. After this, gently rub with a brush to remove flaking epidermis. You can use Librederm Vitamin E Cream for deep hydration.
  2. Contour with a pencil. For the daytime option, you can skip this step.
  3. Apply glitter using a brush or applicator. If the product is in soft packaging, you can squeeze it onto your finger and apply it. Apply little by little, in small quantities, so that you don’t have to clean up the excess later.
  4. Use a napkin to wipe off excess and spills.
  5. AND last tip. Glitter wears off faster than other products. Therefore, it is better to take it with you to update it.

What to do to make lipstick last longer

The easiest way to deal with a coating that wears off is to carry a tube with you and touch up as needed. If during the working day several cups of coffee were drunk, a hamburger and a couple of cakes were eaten, one can hardly expect that even a long-lasting cosmetic product will remain in its original form. You'll have to apply another layer anyway.

Another option is to use long-lasting products. They don't wear off for a long time, but they dry out the skin a little. You need to remove this product with milk remover or something similar. To make regular lipstick last a long time, you can apply it as follows:

  • moisturizer;
  • wipe off excess, cover the entire surface with concealer;
  • contour tone on tone;
  • cover the entire surface with a pencil, shade with a brush;
  • paint in the desired color;
  • place a napkin on top and apply powder on it to remove excess;
  • another layer of base coating;
  • Add a small layer of powder on top of the makeup brush.

For a long-lasting coating, it is better not to use too greasy products. The effects of drinks will be reduced if you drink them from a straw. It is better to minimize contact with food, otherwise no tricks will help. Dark and matte lipsticks last longer than light and pearlescent ones. You can use retainers, but most often this is an option for brides, not for every day, because long-term use can cause allergies.

Examples of makeup in different ways

With the help of cosmetics, you can create completely different images - from a simpleton or a business woman to a femme fatale. Makeup examples with different designs lips:

  • Natural - despite its apparent simplicity, it will require effort, the main thing here is to create the effect of naturalness. Apply foundation all over your face to create the effect of a healthy skin tone, as if you were washing your face with dew every day. Apply peach or pinkish blush with a brush. Use a beige pencil to outline the outline, apply lipstick of the color pink rose, but not too bright and without mother-of-pearl. Powder a little on top and make a second layer.

  • Focus on the eyes for going out - outline the eyes with a pencil like a cat. Apply dark gray and pearlescent shadows to the upper eyelid and temple. Under the eyebrow there is a stripe of white pearlescent. Blend the borders, apply blush with shiny particles in the direction from the corner of the mouth to the temple. Outline the mouth with a pencil, then shade the entire surface and smooth it out with a brush. Apply a little glitter to the protruding parts. Straight colored hair will look beautiful with this makeup, but you should not combine it with curls.

  • Emphasis on the lips - cover the face with base, highlight the cheekbones a little with pale blush. Use gel to straighten eyebrows, apply brownish-beige shadow to the upper eyelid. From the upper eyelid to the eyebrow arch, distribute a thin layer of whitish shadows. Outline the mouth with dark red, 1 millimeter away from the natural border. This way the image will be more sensual. Apply dark cherry pigment from the tube. Blot lightly with a napkin and powder. Now comes the second layer of cherry lipstick. Next, apply vinyl gloss one shade lighter. This makeup is suitable for brown-haired women.

You can experiment a lot with lip makeup and combine it in different ways with the makeup of everything else. On the Aromacode website you can please yourself not only with a variety of cosmetics, which will help you do makeup, but also with caring creams, oils and perfumes from famous manufacturers.

To understand how to learn how to paint your lips evenly beautifully and correctly step by step so that you get gorgeous photos, you can focus on the advice of makeup artists and fashion shows, without forgetting about your individuality. Then the image will be stylish and harmonious.

But what to do if you don’t want to introduce a variety of colors, and the walls in their original painted form do not bring satisfaction? Various textures and textures created when painting with simple and cheap tools come to the rescue.

Stripes and “flax” with a broom

To create this effect you will need texture paint, a roller and a broom or broom. Texture paint differs from regular paint in having a denser structure, so it is good for such experiments. It will be great if you choose contrasting shades for two layers, as in the photo, for example. Apply the first coat of paint to the wall using a roller and let dry for 20 minutes. Then re-cover a strip about a meter wide, and after waiting 5 minutes, sweep the broom from the ceiling to the floor without stopping. Clean the broom of excess paint before each new strip. When you're done with this strip, move on to the next one.

To create a similar effect, you can use a shoe brush or a large hard brush. And if you run the tool first vertically and then horizontally, you get a texture similar to linen.

Porous sponge coating

You will need not just a dish sponge, but a large natural sponge. There are several ways to apply paint:

Option 1. Paint the wall in a basic tone and let dry. Dip the sponge into paint of a different color poured into the paint tray, and wipe off the excess on the textured part of the tray. Then apply the sponge to something paper until the excess paint is completely gone and only a light imprint remains. Now you can apply the sponge to the wall - you need the paint to lie loosely and the bottom layer to show through. Change the position of the sponge often so that the pattern is not monotonous.

Option 2. Work with the top layer of paint that has not dried: dip the sponge in water and squeeze until almost dry. Then apply or roll it on the wall - try different movements until you find the texture you want. Be prepared for the fact that the water will remove the color saturation and the effect will turn out to be watercolor, especially if the sponge is not fully wrung out and the lower tone is light.

Fabric stains

For this technique you will also need texture paint. After the first coat of paint has dried, apply a second coat using a rolled piece of fabric. There are two options here: wrap a cloth around a roller or paint with your hands, then the effect can be more controlled. If you apply the second layer of paint a tone darker or lighter, you will get an interesting shimmer.

To understand how to properly apply lipstick to your lips, you need to determine their type, shape and choose high-quality cosmetics.

Several attempts in front of the mirror will show an unsurpassed result.

Which lipstick color to choose

Observe correct technique applying lipstick is only part of the success. After all, if the color is chosen incorrectly, the face can visually age. Insufficient whiteness of teeth can also occur due to lipstick that is not suitable for the girl.

A variety of shades allows you to experiment and add solemnity to your image even after a working day. The main thing is that the lipstick tone goes well with your skin color. For example, fair-skinned girls are advised to choose cool tones. The range from light pink to plum is perfect.

Dark-skinned young ladies are better off paying attention to bright examples. Shades of peach and brown are suitable. Girls of average type will look good with red and golden tones of lipstick.

The following lipsticks are suitable for girls depending on their hair color:

  • coral, berry, soft peach and mauve are intended for fair-haired girls;
  • brown and terracotta shades make-up artists recommend for red-haired beasts;
  • bright shades are amazing for girls with dark hair.

You can also choose lipstick based on your eye color. For example, brown and scarlet shades are suitable for brown-eyed beauties. Cherry and beige colors harmonize perfectly with the pupils blue color. Terracotta and orange lipstick are recommended for green-eyed representatives of the fair sex. Light beige and cherry shades highlight the depth of gray eyes.

Makeup artists recommend taking age into account when choosing lipstick. For young girls, it is best to give preference to light pearlescent glosses. Thick and matte ones add solidity to the image, which looks out of place in this case.

For women who are about thirty years old, it is appropriate to wear bright makeup. Satin and satin texture will emphasize youth and freshness of the skin. Women over forty do not need to choose pearlescent glosses. Bright shades also inappropriate because they highlight wrinkles around the mouth. Cherry and plum shades are ideal for mature women.

Advice! If you choose the wrong shade of lipstick, do not rush to throw it away. Perhaps if you mix it with another shade, you can get the perfect tone for you.

How to apply lip pencil correctly

Lipstick adds shine and beauty to makeup, but from a functional point of view, you can’t do without a pencil. It can be found in any cosmetics store. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the fact that the pencil is waterproof.

Lip liner is also used as a base for lipstick to make it last longer. In this case, you need to mark the outline and shade the line inward, gradually shading the surface. Do not apply the pencil under the glitter, because there is a risk of the color pigment peeling off, which collects in the folds and looks ridiculous.

You can use a pencil instead of lipstick to get a matte effect. The main thing is to apply cosmetics in a thin layer. The shade doesn't matter.

Most often, the pencil is used to enlarge and reduce lips. It is especially appropriate to use it if the surface is flat.

Advice! Lip pencil can be used as a base for eye shadow and as blush. The basic rule is to choose quality product. The color is selected individually in accordance with the application area and color type.

Technique for shaping lips without pencil

You can diversify your usual makeup using different techniques applying lipstick:

  • Ombre involves treating the visible part of the mucous membrane with matte, preferably red lipstick. The color is applied with strokes to the center of the lips. The torn border looks harmonious. You can experiment and apply a gradient not only from the corners to the middle, but also from upper lip to the bottom.
  • In 2017, piercing is again fashionable, the imitation of which on the lips can be done with gold lipstick. To do this, you need to apply a vertical golden or metallic stripe in the center of your previously painted lips.

  • Matte lipstick does not always give the desired effect, so to create texture, it is better to choose a glossy one, which is nailed on top with crumbly shadows matched to the tone. To avoid monotony, you can experiment with different shades decorative cosmetics. When doing this type of makeup, choose a flat brush made of natural bristles. Before applying eyeshadow, shake lightly.
  • Colored shadows stick worse to lipstick than fine glitter. If the entire surface is covered in glitter, watch the container you drink from. There is a risk of getting it dirty. This option is possible, but it is more appropriate when used in combination with gloss rather than lipstick.

  • It is important to apply the effect of chapped lips. To create it, you need to apply lipstick with patting movements, without highlighting the contour. Carelessness is back in fashion.

Advice! Don't be afraid to make bold decisions and use original techniques applying lipstick. The effect on your lips will look different than in the photo on the Internet. You just have to try to find the perfect look for yourself.

Red lipstick suits everyone, the main thing is to know how to apply it

Red lipstick is considered universal, although because of its brightness, not every girl will risk purchasing it. It is suitable for any color type, the main thing is to choose the right shade.

Scarlet lipstick ideally hides small cracks, wounds and even colds on the lips. Also used to change the contour.

If a girl doesn't risk using red lipstick, she simply doesn't know how to use it. It is believed that bright makeup indicates the vulgarity of the owner. But actually new image will relieve indecision, give confidence and sexuality.

How to properly apply red lipstick? Makeup artists distinguish three main methods:

  • When applying makeup to your face, you need to lightly powder your lips. Then, from the stick with a thin pointed brush, draw a large number of lipstick. With bold movements, the contour is drawn starting from the upper lip. Then a thin layer of powder is applied again and the contour is drawn. After this stage it is painted over inner part lips It is recommended to use a brush to apply the color perfectly. Once your lips are complete, apply powder around the area to highlight the edges of the color.
  • After completing the basic makeup, apply a thick layer of base to the lips. It is advisable that it contains cosmetic silicone to smooth the surface. In addition to smoothness, the base increases the durability of the lipstick. The outline is drawn with a pencil, and the entire surface is filled with a brush and lipstick. The lipstick should be layered using tapping movements until the desired shade is obtained.
  • You can do without a contour pencil if, before applying lipstick, you treat the edges with a colorless wax pencil. The color is then applied to the entire surface. Use a paper towel to dry your lips to prolong the color's longevity. After which cosmetics are applied again in a thick layer.
    Don't be afraid to wear red lipstick. It reveals femininity, sexuality and speaks of the courage of the individual.

Advice! When choosing scarlet lipstick with a bluish tint, be careful, as the lamps in the store emit a cold light and the cosmetics look paler than they really are.

Features of applying dark lipstick

Dark lipstick becomes bright accent in makeup. When choosing a shade, you need to consider your skin color. Fair-skinned blondes are recommended to choose purple tones, and dark-skinned brown-haired women should choose plum tones.

Before treating your lips, you need to perfectly even out your complexion tone. To accentuate the lower part, use the sculpting method. That is, correction powder is applied to the cheekbones and side areas of the forehead. Light tone highlight the center of the face.

Basic requirements and approaches to makeup under dark lipstick:

  • one color scheme for eyes and lips;
  • eyeliner for brown-haired women should be black, for blondes – brown;
    you need to exclude blue eyeliner, since in combination with rich
  • a shade of lipstick, naturalness disappears;
  • "Smoky Ice" goes with dark lipstick, if the shadows chosen are not too bright (brown-haired women can use the classic technique with coal-black makeup, and brown colors are suitable for blondes).
  • Also hides all lip imperfections, including dry crust.

Advice! Remember that brightly painted lips are in harmony only with discreet eye makeup.

How to add matteness to your lips with lipstick?

IN Lately matte lips are a real trend of the season. However, choosing a lipstick with the right texture is not so easy. That's why makeup artists offer original ways creating perfect lip makeup.

The main advice is to combine matte with rich dark shades. Pale color schemes are lost and do not look seductive.

To pre-treat your lips, you can use a scrub that removes dead skin particles. It contains a mixture of honey, granulated sugar and olive oil.

To ensure that matte lipstick stays on your lips for a long time, you should moisturize your lips with any vegetable oil before applying it.

Unlike glossy lipstick, matte lipstick does not need to be rubbed with your lips. Use a special synthetic brush to paint the corners.

At home, you can do without special matte lipstick. Makeup artists recommend using a regular lipstick without glitter to apply lipstick. Then a regular dry napkin is applied on top and sprinkled with powder or blush. The napkin removes shine, but maintains color saturation.

Advice! To deepen the color of matte lipstick, you need to apply a concealer to your lips as a base.

Change the shape of your lips with lipstick? Just!

You can change the shape of your lips yourself using cosmetics if you know the secrets of applying makeup.

  • You can increase the volume using a pencil. The corners are carefully painted, and coral or pink lipstick is applied on top. The lips are made plump by a shimmering gloss that is applied to the already painted surface.
  • Foundation will help reduce volume. With its help, they hide their own lip contour, and draw a new border below with a pencil.
  • Perfect bright lips - step by step

    The main thing is not to forget that even thin lips look seductive if you do the right makeup. Therefore, do not try to increase the volume so as not to look funny.