What to do if the cucumber ovaries turn yellow. Why do cucumber ovaries turn yellow in a greenhouse? What to do? Cucumber ovaries turn yellow and fall off

Many summer residents think about why cucumber ovaries turn yellow, as they periodically encounter this problem. It needs to be considered comprehensively. And in order to get to the truth of why the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow, you need to exclude all negative factors influencing this unfavorable process and bring to the fore the question of what exactly to do. After all, even with outward healthy plant, a beautiful green stem, the problem may lie in things that seem unexpected at first glance. To begin with, you just need to understand that a certain amount of drying out of flowers is normal, because... the plant must throw out more ovaries than it can grow.

This is reason number one. Pollination is an important part in the formation of any fruit. Unfruitful ovaries simply fall off the bush. Why is this happening?

So, temperature is important for the pollination process. At temperatures above thirty-five degrees in a greenhouse, pollen becomes sterile. Also, bees do not want to fly into the greenhouse if it is too stuffy. What to do if the bees don't fly in? Ventilate, but do not create sharp changes temperatures

There shouldn't be such problems in open space. If you wait out the bad weather, the pollinating bees will appear again.

Video “How to pollinate cucumbers”

In this video, agronomists will tell you how to properly pollinate cucumbers.

Plants are densely planted

When planting seedlings in the ground, it is important to correctly distribute and calculate the area required for the normal growth of one bush. This is important because densely planted plants prevent neighboring plants from developing normally, do not allow the root system to develop, and also begin to shade each other, which leads to a lack of light. Of course, the latter problem is more typical for plants grown in greenhouses than in open space. Therefore, it is worth remembering that cucumbers have a fairly well-developed vegetative system, so they need to be planted according to the instructions. But in any case, the planting scheme should not be denser than two or three cucumber bushes per square meter land. You should also remember to remove the tendrils and side shoots to avoid weakening the mother bush.

Plants should not be allowed to grow randomly. If left uncultivated, they will create vines by weaving their leaves together.

Lack of substances in the soil

When cucumber leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall off, this may be caused by a violation mineral nutrition, and as a result, a lack or excess of substances in the soil. This may be due not only to the incorrect introduction of certain elements into the soil or their banal lack, but also to improper watering, violation of the temperature regime in the greenhouse, violation of the air-gas regime. Most optimal temperature for cucumbers are considered: for growing - 22-24C, in the fruiting phase - 23-26C. What kind minimum temperature? If the soil does not warm up above 13C, the ovaries turn yellow and dry out. Temperature changes are also very harmful. This is very typical of plants that grow in a greenhouse.

Some varieties of cucumbers need abundant watering, which can cause leaching of certain substances. Therefore, nitrogen-potassium fertilizers for cucumbers during the fruiting period are so important.

Lots of ovaries

Modern hybrid varieties cucumbers are designed for a large amount of fruiting. In almost all axils, where the leaves form, the ovary is formed. Naturally, all the strength and juices go into them.

What to do if this happens? Cut off the ovaries before they bloom.

Improper watering

This reason requires particularly careful and careful consideration. For the normal development of each plant it is very important proper watering. What do you need to know about proper watering of cucumbers? The soil should always be sufficiently moistened, but under no circumstances flooded. If this does happen, it is enough to dry it for several days.

You can also use watering to increase the number of female flowers on the plant. Just don’t water the bushes for several days, this will significantly increase the number of ovaries.

Do not water cucumbers cold water, this can lead to the death of the entire crop. You should also remember to loosen the soil. What to do if it is not possible to water the cucumbers on time? During last watering It is worth mulching the beds with mown grass or hay.


The ovaries of cucumbers can also turn yellow due to diseases that affect the leaves, the harvest, and the crop itself.

You need to protect yourself from them. How to do it? You should never plant cucumbers in the same place where they were planted last year. It is imperative to change the soil.

When choosing a cucumber variety, you should pay attention to resistance to certain diseases.

If plants are attacked by diseases, what should you do? Of course, treat. To make cucumbers less susceptible powdery mildew, it is worth treating the land with potassium permanganate. What to do if you find problems with drying of cucumber ovaries? Eliminate all factors that adversely affect the ovaries, leaves and the entire crop as a whole.

Video “Why do cucumber ovaries turn yellow?”

This video reveals the cause of yellowing of the ovary and how to eliminate it.

Sometimes, instead of the long-awaited cucumbers forming, the ovaries on the cucumbers do not develop, but dry out and fall off. Let's try to figure out why cucumber ovaries turn yellow and what to do in this case, because this problem is familiar to many gardeners.

Causes of drying ovaries

Planting density
Cucumber is a light-loving plant; with a lack of light, the ovaries turn yellow and fall off. So that cucumber lashes receive a sufficient amount sunlight, per 1 sq.m. no more than 2-4 plants should be placed, and when growing parthenocarpic hybrids - no more than one or two bushes. When planting, follow the recommendations on the package.

Large green mass
During the growing season, plants form a huge green mass, so it is necessary to carry out stepsoning: without exception, all stepsons originating from the axils of the 2-5th leaf should be pinched, the shoots located above the 2nd leaf should also be pinched. With enough light, cucumber ovaries will not turn yellow and fall off.

Features of the variety

Modern productive varieties of cucumbers, especially those that do not require pollination, are distinguished by a large number of ovaries; they are located in each leaf axil. The plant cannot “feed” such a quantity of fruits, so it gets rid of some or all of the ovaries at once. To prevent this from happening, you should remove excess ovaries, cutting them off before the flowers bloom. On average, 25-30 fruits can form and ripen on one cucumber bush.

Provided that only part of the ovaries turn yellow and dry out, and the rest develop normally, nothing needs to be done, the plant itself knows how many fruits it can feed.

Frail plants
Sometimes cucumbers begin to set on a young and weak plant that has not gained green mass, but with long central and lateral stems. The plant cannot provide the developing fruits with nutrients, so it gets rid of the ovaries. Therefore, on young and unformed plants, the lashes need to be partially cut off and the flowers removed.

Lack of pollination
If you prefer not only modern varieties, self-pollinating or parthenocarpic, but also traditional ones, the ovaries can also dry out due to lack of pollination. If fertilization of female flowers does not occur, the ovary will not develop further, will turn yellow and dry out.

What to do in this case? We offer several options:

1. To attract bees and other pollinating insects, spray the bushes sweet water with addition boric acid, 1 g per 1 liter. If the weather is “non-flying”, windy, cloudy, rainy, or vice versa, hot, pollinate manually. For this male flower lightly touch the female one, or transfer pollen with a brush to the female peduncle.

2. Close to modern ones productive varieties, which form female flowers, plants are planted on which male flower stalks are also formed.

Pollination does not occur in hot weather; temperature increases above +27 degrees make the pollen sterile, so be sure to ventilate greenhouses in hot weather. We recommend reading the article on how to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse.

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in open ground?

Late cleaning
Vegetables in the beds should not be allowed to outgrow; a large number of overripe fruits gives a kind of signal to the plant that it has fulfilled its purpose by producing offspring with seeds. After this, the formation of new ovaries is significantly reduced.

Adverse temperature regime

Cucumbers are very thermophilic; temperatures favorable for fruit formation are about +21...26 degrees during the day and +18...+20 at night. If the nights are cold, the roots begin to die due to temperature fluctuations, leading to yellowing of the leaves and ovaries. To protect against overheating, be sure to mulch the soil; to preserve heat in greenhouses and greenhouses, install containers with water, which, heating during the day, give off heat at night.

For abundant flowering and fruit formation, cucumbers need proper watering. Ideally, the temperature regime of soil and water should be the same, 23-25 ​​degrees. Cold water leads to yellowing of leaves and ovaries.

With the beginning of flowering, for education large quantities female flowers, watering is stopped for several days. After the foliage has wilted slightly and the soil has dried, watering is resumed, and the volume of water is increased. Be careful not to dry out the soil, otherwise all the ovaries will fall off.

Watering during flowering and fruiting is carried out 3 times a week, in hot weather - daily.

Lack of nutrition
If nutrients not enough, the cucumber bush will get rid of the ovaries in order to survive. How often and with what should I feed cucumbers if the ovaries turn yellow? Cucumber vines should be fed once every 7-10 days, combined with watering. During the formation of green mass, cucumbers need nitrogen and phosphorus, and during the fruit growth phase, phosphorus and potassium.

When feeding only fertilizers rich in nitrogen (infusion of mullein, grass, chicken droppings), but with a deficiency of potassium, the ovaries may dry out. A lack of microelements is indicated by curling and yellowing of the ovary at the tip. To correct the situation, cucumbers are sprayed with a solution of ash and calcium nitrate; 3 tablespoons of ash and 10 grams of nitrate per 10 liters are taken per 10 liters of water. water. This solution can also be added to nitrogen fertilizers. You can also use ready-made fertilizer, Kemira or Mortar.

Cucumber diseases
Another reason why cucumber ovaries turn yellow is root rot, which cause the cucumber vines to dry out from the top. Due to damage to the roots, there is not enough nutrition for fruit formation, so the ovaries fall off. To save the plant, the lashes are bent to the surface of the soil, covering the healthy part of the shoot with soil. After a while, the vine will take root and the plant will recover.

Ovaries also die due to various bacterioses, which primarily affect weakened plants growing with a lack of light and nutrition, as well as significant temperature fluctuations. Fungicides are used to treat these diseases.

Video about why cucumber ovaries turn yellow

We have described the most common causes of yellowing and drying of cucumber ovaries. Monitor the plants in a timely manner Taken measures will help preserve all the greens and get the long-awaited harvest.


It happens that cucumber buds suddenly turn yellow and fall off. This happens for the following reasons:

  • non-compliance with the temperature regime in the greenhouse;
  • non-compliance with mineral nutrition;
  • lack of moisture in the soil or its waterlogging;
  • poor pollination by bees due to unfavorable weather.

Let's consider these reasons in detail. The best air temperature for growing parthenocarpic varieties is +20...+24°C during the day and +17...+18°C at night. When fruit formation begins, the temperature should be: +21...+26°C during the day and +18...+20°C at night. If the varieties are bee-pollinated, the temperature should be 1-3°C higher than the indicated values.

The earth should be warmed up to +22°…+24°С. In greenhouses this often happens due to sudden temperature changes. During the day polyethylene film

It transmits heat well, as a result of which the temperature inside the structure can be 40°C. At night, the temperature inside the building drops significantly, which leads to shedding of the buds.

And not only from the lack of specific elements, but also from their incorrect proportions. Parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids are very dependent on this factor, since they need generous watering, and it washes nitrogen and potassium from the ground. This is why cucumbers turn yellow. Leaves and vines may turn yellow due to nitrogen deficiency, and buds dry out and fall off due to lack of potassium and nitrogen. As a result, during fruit growth, plants must be fed with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers.

During the ripening period of cucumbers, the soil should be moist. But we must remember that watering cucumbers with cool water (10-15°C) will provoke a massive fall of buds. There is one trick related to watering. It is used to produce more female flowers. During the formation of flowers, watering is temporarily stopped in order to dry the soil. Often, cucumber flowers dry out and fall off due to insufficient work of bees, because they are not there in cloudy weather, and in hot weather they do not want to visit the stuffy greenhouse.

And if they fly in, then when

high temperature

(35°C or more), the pollen becomes sterile, and the ovaries of the cucumbers remain unfertilized, dry out and fall off. Mistakes when growing greens Cucumbers are light-loving plants. Therefore, when deciding to grow them in a greenhouse or greenhouse, it is important to place the structure so that it is well lit from all sides. The first mistake that gardeners make is the fear of planting cucumbers, fearing that the harvest will decrease.

But this, on the contrary, will increase the yield and strengthen root system, without assuming that when they grow, they will become cramped.

Therefore, when growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, you need to accurately calculate how many seedlings to plant in the available area, adding 10% of bushes for insurance. Cucumber hybrids have a developed autonomic system , therefore they need to be planted so that each seedling has a certain feeding area.

For example, parthenocarpic hybrids require 1 m² of space per plant, while bee-pollinated hybrids require 2-3 times less. Violation of these norms will lead to the fact that the grown cucumbers will begin to shade each other, which is why the ovaries may turn yellow and fall off.

Dense planting leads to a lack of nutrition, and the plants cannot feed all their ovaries, so they dry out and crumble. The third mistake is feeding cucumbers with manure alone.

. When fruiting begins, the fertilizing needs to be changed. At this time, cucumbers require phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Superphosphate and wood ash should be added to the mullein infusion. But you need to know that excessive application of potassium fertilizers can cause a lack of nitrogen. You can use universal fertilizers: Kemiru, Mortar or Ammofoska. The fourth mistake is that when planting bee-pollinated varieties of cucumbers, summer residents do not plant a pollinator nearby.

Modern varieties of greens have more female flowers, so they need a pollinator nearby. But most vegetable growers forget to plant it or don’t know how important it is.

The fifth mistake is late harvesting of fruits. Cucumbers grow large, and this slows down the growth of subsequent greens.

Why do cucumber ovaries turn yellow (video)

Bundle cucumbers and principles of agricultural technology IN Lately Gardeners have become interested in growing bunched hybrid cucumbers, which form from 2 to 10 buds in the axil of each leaf. They are in demand due to bountiful harvests And small fruits

  1. . But how can you ensure that all the ovaries in the “bouquet” are preserved and do not fall off? This does not work out for beginning gardeners, and often only 1-2 greens grow in a node.
  2. The soil should be fertilized, loose and moderately moist.
  3. By the time the fruits form, the plants should be strong, with strong roots and healthy leaves.
  4. Fertilize the plants weekly throughout the fruiting period. You should not overfeed with nitrogen, as this will result in fewer ovaries. Monitor the cucumbers regularly: when they reach required size
  5. remove so as not to inhibit the growth of subsequent vegetables.
  6. Provide good lighting in the greenhouse. The lack of light affects the number of buds in a node - there are fewer of them.

In addition, you need to know what varieties you are growing: are they bee-pollinated or not, do you need a pollinator, do you need to attract bees to the greenhouse.

It should be remembered that the degree of parthenocarpy decreases due to inclement weather and untimely pinching of side shoots. In this regard, it is very important to form the plants correctly and on time, and in rainy weather, spray the cucumbers with Zircon or Epin.

How to grow cucumbers (video)

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Gardeners who cultivate vegetables and herbs in protected soil often encounter certain problems. One of them is that the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow and dry out, and then they completely fall off. As a rule, they begin to rot first flower petals, and after that the rot affects the embryo itself. Why does this happen and what to do if the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, a simple film shelter or a tunnel? The reasons for the development of such situations and measures to eliminate them are described in detail in this material.

Reasons why cucumber ovaries turn yellow

The first and most common cause The reason why cucumber ovaries turn yellow is bacteriosis, the spread of which is facilitated by high humidity soil and air, as well as high plant density in the greenhouse.

However, this problem can also be provoked by other factors associated with non-compliance with agricultural technology and failure to optimal conditions for normal growth and development of plants. Here are a few more reasons why the ovary of cucumbers in a greenhouse turns yellow:

  • sudden changes in air and ground temperatures;
  • improper formation of plants;
  • lack of microelements, etc.

Cucumbers cannot be grown in a permanent crop, that is, every year in the same place. Infection accumulated in the previous year(s) can cause illness in the current season. The crucial moment when growing these crops in a greenhouse is. Plants need to be watered regularly and often (especially during fruiting), and only warm water: in cold weather - during the day, in sunny weather - in the morning, and on a hot day, refreshing watering should be used, in the evening - normal.

The reason for the fall of buds, flowers and ovaries may be a lack of microelements. At the same time, plant productivity is reduced to 50%. The shortage of microelements is especially noticeable in greenhouses, where they constantly add mineral fertilizers(nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).

In addition, the factor why cucumber ovaries turn yellow and fall off in protected soil may be their poor fertilization. Since the pollen of cucumber flowers is sticky, they are pollinated by insects, mainly bees. And in some greenhouses the access of bees is limited.

What to do if the ovaries of cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow, dry out and fall off?

If the ovaries of cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow (most often this happens in damp, cold weather), you need to carefully remove the faded flowers and treat the cut area with a solution of potassium permanganate. To prevent bacteriosis, plants can be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture or a 0.4% suspension of copper oxychloride.

To prevent cucumber ovaries from turning yellow and falling off, you need to spray the plants with Extrasol with the addition of 1 ml of Novosil. You should not allow more than 20-25 ovaries to develop on one plant at the same time. Greenhouse cucumbers grow very quickly. Some varieties and especially hybrids of cucumber, for example, can have more than 150 ovaries on one plant at the same time.

All newly formed shoots, even with female flowers, need to be removed in time, because young ovaries retard the development of emerging greens, and often small, unmarketable fruits grow, which quickly turn yellow and spoil.

To prevent cucumber ovaries from drying out, you need to systematically (every 3-4 years) apply microfertilizers containing boron, copper, manganese, zinc, molybdenum and other useful microelements. You can use highly concentrated preparations produced in the form of microgranules (rexolin, brexil), and also apply fertilizers Kemira Combi and Kemira Hydro, Aquarin cucumber, Master, Kristalon, Terraflex, containing NPK with a complex of microelements. You can replenish the lack of microelements by adding wood ash (300 g/m2) to the soil. This is a complex nitrogen-free fertilizer containing potassium, phosphorus, silicon, lime, iron, magnesium, boron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, cesium. However, you must remember that you should not mix ash with nitrogen fertilizers ( ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate), which contain ammonium nitrogen. Under the influence of potash contained in the ash, ammonium is released from these fertilizers, which goes into gaseous state(ammonia) and evaporates without benefit.

What to do if the cucumber ovaries turn yellow due to insufficient pollination? In small greenhouses you can pollinate plants manually, but in large ones you need to place hives with bees, since manual pollination of flowers requires a lot of labor and sharply reduces the quality and quantity of the cucumber harvest. If it is not possible to place beehives in greenhouses so that the cucumber ovaries do not fall off, you can lure bees by feeding them with sugar syrup with the addition of 5% yeast (the yeast and syrup are boiled to avoid fermentation). The syrup is prepared from 2 parts sugar and 1 part water and poured 100-200 g into feeders daily. In order to give the syrup the aroma of cucumbers, freshly picked male flowers are placed in the cooled mass so that the bees can move along them and not drown in the syrup. It is very important to remember that pollination of cucumbers occurs from 6 to 10 am; it is at this time that bees need to have maximum access to the plants (open transoms, doors, etc.).

Agricultural practices that promote better bee pollination include open planting, which provides good illumination of flowers and better access for bees to them, as well as the introduction of microelements, especially boron-magnesium fertilizers, which help increase the secretion of nectar by flowers. Excellent results For pollination and preservation of plants, aerosol fertilizer is provided, which is formed by burning the “Greenhouse” mineral complex. Recently, many parthenocarpic hybrids have appeared on domestic markets (Merengue, Courage, Masha, German, Crispina F1, Pasadena F1, Pasamonte F1, Pasalimo F1, Marinda F1, Natasha F1, Athena F1, etc.), which can develop normal ovaries without fertilization, and therefore there is no need to worry about their pollination. These are gherkin-type hybrids, the fruits are without bitterness and do not turn yellow for a long time, and have good pickling qualities.

Sometimes, instead of the long-awaited cucumbers forming, the ovaries on the cucumbers do not develop, but dry out and fall off. Let's try to figure out why cucumber ovaries turn yellow and what to do in this case, because this problem is familiar to many gardeners.

Causes of drying ovaries

Planting density
Cucumber is a light-loving plant; with a lack of light, the ovaries turn yellow and fall off. So that the cucumber lashes receive a sufficient amount of sunlight per 1 sq.m. no more than 2-4 plants should be placed, and when growing parthenocarpic hybrids - no more than one or two bushes. When planting, follow the recommendations on the package.

Large green mass
During the growing season, plants form a huge green mass, so it is necessary to carry out stepsoning: without exception, all stepsons originating from the axils of the 2-5th leaf should be pinched, the shoots located above the 2nd leaf should also be pinched. With enough light, cucumber ovaries will not turn yellow and fall off.

Features of the variety

Modern productive varieties of cucumbers, especially those that do not require pollination, are distinguished by a large number of ovaries; they are located in each leaf axil. The plant cannot “feed” such a quantity of fruits, so it gets rid of some or all of the ovaries at once. To prevent this from happening, you should remove excess ovaries, cutting them off before the flowers bloom. On average, 25-30 fruits can form and ripen on one cucumber bush.

Provided that only part of the ovaries turn yellow and dry out, and the rest develop normally, nothing needs to be done, the plant itself knows how many fruits it can feed.

Frail plants
Sometimes cucumbers begin to set on a young and weak plant that has not gained green mass, but with long central and lateral stems. The plant cannot provide the developing fruits with nutrients, so it gets rid of the ovaries. Therefore, on young and unformed plants, the lashes need to be partially cut off and the flowers removed.

Lack of pollination
If you prefer not only modern varieties, self-pollinating or parthenocarpic, but also traditional ones, the ovaries may dry out due to lack of pollination. If fertilization of female flowers does not occur, the ovary will not develop further, will turn yellow and dry out.

What to do in this case? We offer several options:

1. To attract bees and other pollinating insects, spray the bushes with sweet water with the addition of boric acid, 1 g per 1 liter. If the weather is “non-flying”, windy, cloudy, rainy, or vice versa, hot, pollinate manually. To do this, lightly touch the male flower with the female one, or transfer pollen with a brush to the female peduncle.

2. Next to modern productive varieties that produce female flowers, plants are planted that also produce male flower stalks.

Pollination does not occur in hot weather; temperature increases above +27 degrees make the pollen sterile, so be sure to ventilate greenhouses in hot weather. We recommend reading the article on how to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse.

Why do the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in open ground?

Late cleaning
Vegetables in the beds should not be allowed to outgrow; a large number of overripe fruits gives a kind of signal to the plant that it has fulfilled its purpose by producing offspring with seeds. After this, the formation of new ovaries is significantly reduced.

Unfavorable temperature conditions

Cucumbers are very thermophilic; temperatures favorable for fruit formation are about +21...26 degrees during the day and +18...+20 at night. If the nights are cold, the roots begin to die due to temperature fluctuations, leading to yellowing of the leaves and ovaries. To protect against overheating, be sure to mulch the soil; to preserve heat in greenhouses and greenhouses, install containers with water, which, heating during the day, give off heat at night.

For abundant flowering and fruit formation, cucumbers need proper watering. Ideally, the temperature regime of soil and water should be the same, 23-25 ​​degrees. Cold water leads to yellowing of leaves and ovaries.

At the beginning of flowering, in order to form a large number of female flowers, watering is stopped for several days. After the foliage has wilted slightly and the soil has dried, watering is resumed, and the volume of water is increased. Be careful not to dry out the soil, otherwise all the ovaries will fall off.

Watering during flowering and fruiting is carried out 3 times a week, in hot weather - daily.

Lack of nutrition
If there are not enough nutrients, the cucumber bush will get rid of the ovaries in order to survive. How often and with what should I feed cucumbers if the ovaries turn yellow? Cucumber vines should be fed once every 7-10 days, combined with watering. During the formation of green mass, cucumbers need nitrogen and phosphorus, and during the fruit growth phase, phosphorus and potassium.

When feeding only fertilizers rich in nitrogen (infusion of mullein, grass, chicken droppings), but with a deficiency of potassium, the ovaries may dry out. A lack of microelements is indicated by curling and yellowing of the ovary at the tip. To correct the situation, cucumbers are sprayed with a solution of ash and calcium nitrate; 3 tablespoons of ash and 10 grams of nitrate per 10 liters are taken per 10 liters of water. water. This solution can also be added to nitrogen fertilizers. You can also use ready-made fertilizer, Kemira or Mortar.

Cucumber diseases
Another reason why cucumber ovaries turn yellow is root rot, which causes the cucumber vines to dry out from the top. Due to damage to the roots, there is not enough nutrition for fruit formation, so the ovaries fall off. To save the plant, the lashes are bent to the surface of the soil, covering the healthy part of the shoot with soil. After a while, the vine will take root and the plant will recover.

Ovaries also die due to various bacterioses, which primarily affect weakened plants growing with a lack of light and nutrition, as well as significant temperature fluctuations. Fungicides are used to treat these diseases.

Video about why cucumber ovaries turn yellow

We have described the most common causes of yellowing and drying of cucumber ovaries. Watch the plants, timely measures will help preserve all the greenery and get the long-awaited harvest.
