What happens if you drop soap in the shower. What happens if I drop soap in prison?

Russian prison- This government agency, where the main ruling factor is the internal regulations and the Criminal Code. But for every prisoner, the prison or prisoner’s unspoken code, which the prisoners dubbed the “concept,” is much more important. Every prisoner lives by this slang definition, and to free citizens its rules seem simply terrifying.

How can an ordinary, respectable resident of the country understand why you can’t drop soap in prison? Those who have never encountered prison rules cannot comprehend this.


Newly arrived prisoners are subject to special checks from their cellmates. The main one is the “mean”. Next to a newcomer, an experienced prisoner may drop something, for example, a towel or clothes. If a newcomer knows prison customs, he will not pick up a fallen object. It is advisable to walk around the thing, step over it, or even step on it and trample on it. This action is considered normal, no matter how stupid it may sound.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why you should not drop soap in prison. If the prisoner raises it, he will thereby indicate his subordination. Every self-respecting prisoner is sure that if it is not his thing that has fallen, then there is no need to touch it.

In addition, if a prisoner’s soap falls, which he needs at the moment, then it must be picked up in a special way, and not in the way that is customary outside the prison. Another answer to the question why you can’t drop soap in prison.

Of course, prison violence is difficult to eradicate immediately, but in places of deprivation of liberty any prisoner, new or experienced, can be overcome not physically, but morally, that is, with cunning. "Recruits" not only undergo checks, but also receive nicknames. Nasty tricks were invented by prisoners to determine the degree of suggestibility of newcomers.

Prison sign with soap

So why can't you drop soap in prison? In places of deprivation of liberty, it is strictly forbidden to pick this up from the floor. Otherwise, actions may be regarded as sexually motivated, and mentally unbalanced persons and people with non-traditional orientation are capable of this. Prisoners walk around the fallen hygiene item or do not pay any attention to it.

Some prisoners may even ostentatiously step on a dropped item of clothing or hygiene item. But for ordinary citizens, such behavior is considered abnormal.

But also in in this case Prison has its own secrets: prisoners take another bar of soap with them before going to the shower. But if there is no supply, and the only block has fallen, then you can raise it so that no one can find fault. It is advisable to simply squat down and pick up the soap, but this should only be done facing the other prisoners. So it's easy to understand why you shouldn't drop soap in prison.

Lawlessness is not to the liking of anyone - including prisoners. A few years ago, if a person was picked up from the floor, he could be raped, beaten and laughed at. But if a prisoner has plenty of “shoals” even without soap, reprisals come much earlier.

And finally

  • A newcomer should know at least some prison customs and rules.
  • If the verdict is announced, it is better to come up with a nickname for yourself, even if it never existed.
  • Dignity is an important quality in a person, so you should never lose it.
  • Provocations will not lead to any good, so you need to be very vigilant.
  • It is strictly forbidden to pick up anything from the floor, especially someone else’s. This is why you can't pick up soap in prison.

AND most important advice To all readers, there is no need to commit such actions in life for which you will have to answer to the judge first and to your cellmates later.

Why can’t you suddenly pick up fallen soap in the bathroom?

When taking a shower or bath, be especially careful: you can easily drop the soap, slip on it and fall. That's why you can't pick up the soap right away. And if the bathtub is also made of steel, without special anti-slip coatings, you will definitely have troubles. Just not with signs, but with possible injuries.

In the bathroom, your blood vessels are dilated, and pressure surges are possible. And if this hot shower, then there is no need to rush. Dizziness may occur, and in rare cases, loss of consciousness occurs. And we are still arguing about Why it is forbidden lift up fallen soap while taking a bath.

When traveling to the country or on a picnic, everyone takes personal hygiene products with them: a toothbrush, comb, towel and soap. It is not always possible at picnics to leisurely wash your hands and carefully place the soap in an individual soap dish. A piece can easily fall either into the sink or onto the ground. For some reason, dermatologists do not recommend using it; they say that you should not pick up fallen soap.

Due to its composition, a huge amount of bacteria, germs and dirt simultaneously enters a piece of soap along with the foam. It is very difficult to remove their residues during subsequent use.

Why not drop and raise the soap: superstitions and signs

Long-standing signs and superstitions are still being gradually applied today. Each object and phenomenon corresponds to a number of numerous beliefs and ways to avoid disaster and trouble.

In Northern Scotland, for example, it is believed that you should not drop, much less pick up, soap after that. Serious problems await those who drop the soap. Raising the soap, in this case, threatened death.

Slavic omens are not so bloodthirsty and scary. The first soap was very valuable and cost a fortune. That's why they usually hid him. Folk sign gave this its own meaning: soap must always be carried with you against the evil eye. The loss of soap was in itself a loss of huge money. Not everyone could afford to take a bath and lather themselves with a fragrant piece.

An unmarried girl could determine her destiny based on soap. If the remnant was symmetrical, a quiet life of prosperity awaited her; if the remnant was uneven, poverty and misery awaited her. And one can argue with this sign. In modern language such people are called irrational and impractical.

If you have already dropped soap in a store or market, be sure to thank the seller for looking at his product and give him a coin as a token of apology. This method is considered effective.

When they dropped soap, they always expected surprises or difficulties in fulfilling their plans.

If soap scattered and fell in a person’s hands, this meant separation from dear loved ones.

A donated piece of soap was always carefully packaged so that it would not slip in your hands. Now this gift no longer has a price and is considered ordinary disrespect.

Why in prison and special regime zones you can't lift the soap

In prison it is forbidden to pick up soap that you have dropped. Many gays and mentally ill people may misjudge your actions.

Prisoners, taught by prison life, consider it a low act to pick up anything from the floor. They prefer to walk around this object or defiantly step on it and move on. This behavior does not fit into the framework of normal society.

Representatives of the prison class got out of it here too: they take a spare piece of soap with them into the shower or squat down to pick it up without turning their backs to the others. No one will appreciate such an act.

Signs, superstitions and rules are dictated to us by life and the conditions in which we live. Each person chooses his own life path and what to believe in.

    In prison, picking up soap is an awkward position that can be misinterpreted as an invitation to do what films like The Shawshank Redemption hint at. This will be public humiliation and an invitation to use this soap as a lubricant. This is a posture of admiration, humiliation, recognition of authorities, and such a person will be constantly oppressed in prison.

    Drop as much as you like, just don’t pick it up, otherwise the consequences may be completely unpredictable for you, I would even say disastrous. It is not customary in prison to pick up a bar of soap from the floor. It’s better to take a couple of spare ones with you to the shower just in case you accidentally drop them. Prison has its own customs. if a prisoner picks up fallen soap, then this is regarded as sexual behavior, which predisposes many to corresponding behavior towards this comrade (I think you can guess what it predisposes others to). Therefore, be careful with this hygiene product in places that are not so remote.

    What can happen and happen if you, God forbid! - dropped the soap?

    A lot will depend on that important circumstance - where exactly and on whom exactly did you drop it? And also, was the suffering soap yours?

    If, however, this excess occurred in a prison or camp bathhouse, then this long-suffering soap should be raised correctly and very competently...

    In order not to stand in an unsightly, extremely dangerous and completely inappropriate position - in front of semi-familiar prisoners, and also in order not to needlessly provoke them into inappropriate actions and actions, it is necessary to push this soap away with your foot close to tiled wall, and only after this simple manipulation should the soap be carefully lifted.

    In accordance with the rules of unwritten prison etiquette.

    And so, just in case...

    I am touched by how you chose the category of dating, love, relationships for this issue. It’s as if you already guess what the answers will be))

    In fact, there is a common belief that if you bend down to pick up fallen soap in prison, love-starved inmates will take advantage of it.

    In prison they live according to their own concepts, which are difficult for inexperienced people to understand from the outside. An object that falls to the ground among prisoners is considered spoiled (grinded) and the one who picks it up loses his status in the eyes of others. It doesn’t matter what fell: soap, shirt or towel, if you pick it up, you will be treated much worse.

    Quite often, a newbie is tested by dropping, for example, a towel next to him. You cannot lift such an object; it is better to walk on it with your feet. The one who picks things up from the ground recognizes himself as subordinate and bows to the others.

    In addition, usually only gays drop soap on purpose, so that later they can bend over to pick it up, provoking the rest of the prisoners. Therefore, such an action is quite dangerous for a newcomer, whom the prisoners initially test by playing dirty tricks to find out what kind of person he is and how to treat him.

    Most likely, nothing terrible will happen; the stereotype about rape due to fallen soap is more a myth than truth these days. If a person has not pleased someone and they decide to drop him, no one will wait for him to drop the soap.

    Nobody likes lawlessness - including those who are serving their sentences in MLS. Previously, picking up soap that fell in the shower could lead to the rape of the person who picked it up, but now they will simply laugh at you or not notice. If you have accumulated a lot of stocks, then they won’t wait for you to drop the soap in the bathhouse and pick it up.