What cannot be hidden from fellow inmates in a Russian prison.

You can't hide the color

Both the first-time prisoner and the prisoner with experience, when “arriving” at the prison, must tell the person watching the camera about themselves and their past: why they were “closed”, what kind of charges they had before, and in what place of imprisonment (MLS) they served their sentence. Such “filtration”, as a rule, is necessary to weed out thieves and informers sent by the prison (colony) administration. But this does not mean at all that the “visiter” must turn his soul inside out in front of the beholder - the information coming from an experienced prisoner is always dosed, without unnecessary details: the talker can be pawned by the MLS administration or the same chamber informer.
However, pretending to be an honest fraer, if you, for example, are a “goat” in life (a convict who collaborated with the administration) or a “shnyr” (a servant of thieves in law and thieves), is fraught with serious consequences - for such a “drive” the deceiver can be “ lower" to the status of "rooster".

What does not belong to one...

Experienced inmates strongly recommend not to play cards in prison: if you lose, you will certainly have to pay, and for lack of funds and opportunities for this, the debtor may be demoted in suit down to the level of the lower one. If you win, you cannot hide your share from the lads - you must share it with your cellmates, “send it” to the common fund. The same thing happens when a convict receives a transfer from the outside - it is not customary to eat food secretly alone. When the inmate acquires his “inner circle,” he subsequently shares food, tea and cigarettes, usually only with them.
It is pointless and unreasonable to hide one’s financial capabilities and the number of transfers received from the outside - in exchange for cigarettes and tea, inmates can provide a wealthy inmate with a lot of valuable services.

You have to fight - so fight!

No matter how strange it may sound to the uninitiated, you shouldn’t hide and own emotions, if, of course, prison concepts require it. The word “resentment” is not suitable here, since it and its derivatives in captivity are used only in relation to a certain suit convicts. If a convicted person has been humiliated, even verbally, according to prison law, the “offender” must be asked immediately for this. Most often, the “response” is expressed in the use of physical force.
According to police statistics, the majority of everyday, “table” murders committed by seasoned repeat offenders in the wild occur precisely because someone said something “wrong” to a former prisoner.
An offended convict who hides his feelings and does not defend himself inevitably loses respect in the team and seriously risks “lowering” his position. A similar fate awaits lovers of intrigue - gossip secretly spread by convicts about other prisoners. They can also ask from the “grinding bones”, while actually breaking the chattering bones.
Although all this does not mean at all that an inexperienced caregiver, in principle, has no right to learn about anything important from the old-timers. Hide your curiosity in in this case It’s just more expensive for yourself - it’s better to learn about the rules of conduct in prison in advance. True, at the same time it is still necessary to refer to concepts. For the phrase “may I ask?” the newcomer will be beaten immediately - this appeal means that you want to call the interlocutor to account for the “jamb”.

On the same topic:

What cannot be hidden from fellow inmates in a Russian prison What you shouldn’t ask prisoners in a Russian prison 7 words you can't say in a Russian prison What you can’t ask prisoners in a Russian prison

You can't hide the color

Both the first-time prisoner and the prisoner with experience, when “arriving” at the prison, must tell the person watching the camera about themselves and their past: why they were “closed”, what kind of charges they had before, and in what place of imprisonment (MLS) they served their sentence. Such “filtration”, as a rule, is necessary to weed out thieves and informers sent by the prison (colony) administration. But this does not mean at all that the “visiter” must turn his soul inside out in front of the beholder - the information coming from an experienced prisoner is always dosed, without unnecessary details: the talker can be pawned by the MLS administration or the same chamber informer.
However, pretending to be an honest fraer, if you are, for example, in life a “goat” (a convict who collaborated with the administration) or a “shnyr” (a servant of thieves in law and thieves), is fraught with serious consequences - for such a “drive” the deceiver can be “ lower" to the status of "rooster".

What does not belong to one...

Experienced inmates strongly recommend not to play cards in prison: if you lose, you will certainly have to pay, and for lack of funds and opportunities for this, the debtor may be demoted in suit down to the level of the lower one. If you win, you cannot hide your share from the lads - you must share it with your cellmates, “send it” to the common fund. The same thing happens when a convict receives a transfer from the outside - it is not customary to eat food secretly alone. When the inmate acquires his “inner circle,” he subsequently shares food, tea and cigarettes, usually only with them.
It is pointless and unreasonable to hide one’s financial capabilities and the number of transfers received from the outside - in exchange for cigarettes and tea, inmates can provide a wealthy inmate with a lot of valuable services.

You have to fight - so fight!

No matter how strange it may sound to the uninitiated, you should not hide your own emotions in front of your cellmates, if, of course, prison concepts require it. The word “offense” is not suitable here, since it and its derivatives in captivity are used only in relation to a certain color of convicts. If a convicted person has been humiliated, even verbally, according to prison law, the “offender” must be asked immediately for this. Most often, the “response” is expressed in the use of physical force.
According to police statistics, the majority of everyday, “table” murders committed by seasoned recidivists in freedom occur precisely because someone said something “wrong” to a former prisoner.

An offended convict who hides his feelings and does not defend himself inevitably loses respect in the team and seriously risks “lowering” his position. A similar fate awaits lovers of intrigue - gossip secretly spread by convicts about other prisoners. They can also ask from the “grinding bones”, while actually breaking the chattering bones.

Although all this does not mean at all that an inexperienced caregiver, in principle, has no right to learn about anything important from the old-timers. In this case, hiding your curiosity is more expensive for yourself - it is better to learn about the rules of behavior in prison in advance. True, at the same time it is still necessary to refer to concepts. For the phrase “may I ask?” the newcomer will be beaten immediately - this appeal means that you want to call the interlocutor to account for the “jamb”.

As practice shows, it is very difficult for a person entering a correctional facility for the first time to adapt to a new, difficult environment for him.

Newcomers to prison do not know how to behave, talk, what can be done and what is unacceptable. Here are a few of the main ones that may occur to someone who is in prison for the first time.

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You don't have to explain anything to anyone

Once you are in the camera, you will become a source of increased interest. A new person in a cell is always important news in a boring and monotonous environment, and therefore you cannot avoid attention from the convicts. If you are asked who you are, where you are from, under what article you are accused or convicted, and you have no desire to talk about it, then you may well limit yourself beyond the standard greeting upon entering the /camera barracks , only your name and article number, also the city where you are from. This information it will be known to your cellmates anyway, it’s stupid to hide it, but according to prison customs, you have the right to keep the rest of the information to yourself. And in order not to have unnecessary correctional institutions, you should not talk about your past life

or about a crime committed.

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Also, a newcomer to prison needs to remember that you should never take other people’s things

You can only take what is on the table, the so-called dorm, within reasonable limits, of course. Then, if possible, you should give part of your package to the hostel. , even a book, you can’t - they can be accused of theft, even if you didn’t do it, and those who steal from their own are subject to very strict demands. In the cell you should be prepared for the fact that fellow inmates can beat you or “put you down” - that is, rape. The reasons for this are various.

Black dolphin A look from the inside: The most terrible prison in Russia

In prison you cannot hit anyone or shake hands when meeting or greeting anyone.

All misunderstandings must be resolved on a matter-of-fact basis, without stooping to assault, for which they may be asked - but prisoners know how to beat you. An exception can only be if you were called a person of non-traditional sexual orientation or were offered to become one, or your mother was insulted. This must be answered immediately, otherwise you will join the caste, that is, people unworthy of any respect.

Watch your speech

You should better remain silent in the very first months, so as not to run into trouble -. If someone doesn't like you, they will try to catch you with words. Remember that among prisoners it is strictly forbidden to send someone away, as well as to call someone a person of non-traditional sexual orientation. Swearing in the zone is also not welcome.

Try to avoid contact with the administration

Your cellmates may accuse you of writing denunciations, and if there are more or less compelling arguments to accuse you of this, then the consequences can be dire. In the very best case scenario you will find yourself completely isolated from your cellmates; at worst, you may be beaten or even deprived of your life. However, if you find yourself in a zone where power and arbitrariness of the administration reign, then you can cooperate with it. But do not forget that in this case denunciations against cellmates should be excluded. The police department may not be against your parole, but in what condition will you be released? What if you go out at all?

You shouldn’t join the thieves or the reds, stay a man

Simply put, prisoners in prisons are divided into three categories:

  • guys– convicts who are trying to peacefully serve their sentence, working in production, without cooperating with the administration, but also without contradicting it;
  • reds - administrative assistants, informers and traitors to cellmates;
  • thieves - who do not accept contacts with the administration of the correctional institution, do not work, try to enter into conflict with the administration if, in their opinion, any rights have been violated or any amenities have been removed.

There is also a caste of “devils”- people with whom a decent prisoner should not communicate. These are, as a rule, homeless people and the most weak-willed, broken people, and in prison there is also a caste of “roosters” or “offended” (as a rule, these are those convicted of rape).

Don't cheat, don't smoke, don't borrow, don't play cards

In order not to become dependent on someone or to avoid falling into the caste of “roosters”, you should not start smoking or chifir. It's so bad habits that in conditions of imprisonment a person is especially dependent on them. ! Borrowing is also not recommended, even if they say that there will be no interest, and you can pay it back at any time. According to prison concepts, a person who does not repay a debt automatically becomes a “rooster”, and if there is no specific time frame for repayment, then the creditor can do this at any time. Playing cards is also not recommended; you can get into debt in the excitement, or get caught, which will entail putting you in a punishment cell.

By the way, in the zone, in the absence of money, tea and cigarettes serve as currency. Having a supply of this food and regularly sharing it with your fellow inmates will gain you a certain amount of respect. But often it’s not worth being so noble - you’ll simply be tormented with requests, and there won’t be enough for everyone. By the way, the same tea and cigarettes can be exchanged for things that you need - from socks and toothpaste, to a call home through an illegally obtained cell phone.

Play sports that are available to you. Prison food causes weight loss and muscle mass, so exercise will help you stay in good shape, even if you eat poorly. Moreover, physically strong man They try not to offend over trifles.

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You shouldn’t renounce prison; anyone can end up there for several hours, days or months, even for a minor violation. Going to prison is always stressful for an inexperienced person, because the culture and customs of the prisoners differ from the usual ones. But the first stress is followed by the second: how to enter a house in the zone so as not to spoil your impression of yourself on the first day?

The zone is a place where mistakes are not forgiven, and staying there can be aggravated by an incorrectly spoken word or an incorrect action. Therefore, a beginner would benefit from some knowledge of how to enter a hut in the zone. The first day in the zone, prison registration - that is the first link in all subsequent events. What should you not do or say to ensure successful relationships with prisoners?

The behavior of the convicted person is formed from the minute when, through the lawyer, it becomes clear to him how long he is scheduled to spend in the cell before the trial. How less people he will meet “youngsters”, “seasoned criminals” - so much the easier. Isolation implies absolute loneliness, which is sometimes negotiated with investigators.

Login and greeting

Before entering a hut in the zone, it is worth keeping in mind that almost everything about you is already known or will be checked very quickly, and flaunting eloquence, as well as adding anything to the truth, is inappropriate. The essential qualities that will be required are communication skills, politeness, self-esteem.

First of all, basic education is necessary: ​​when you enter, you greet people. But if among the cellmates there are “low-down” ones, the person who became close to them in words will replenish their number. That is, “hello everyone” will not do. Recommended optimal options Greetings: “Greetings people”, “Great, bros”. Addressing prisoners as “men” is not the best; this word will emphasize the boundary between a despised caste and an honorary title, and will encourage them to check the status of the “man” who enters. They do not shake hands with the first mover until their “purity” is confirmed.

Article, acquaintance, nickname

A towel thrown at your feet, a self-esteem detector is not the end of the acquaintance, after that the same question remains relevant: how to properly enter a hut in the zone without attracting unhealthy attention to yourself? “What were you convicted for?”, “What did you get caught for?” - the newcomer should answer these questions with the article number, without hiding the actual state of affairs, despite his innocence. To the question: “Who are you?” the expected answers are “a tramp” - an authority figure who has found himself behind bars not for the first time, “a man” - a person who has no “mistakes” when he is free, or “a degraded person.”

You should not go to seemingly free bunks. For pioneers, most often there are sleeping places located in the corners. The newcomer may be invited to the table (common fund) to drink tea, and will again be asked to tell in more detail what he was convicted of and who he is. If you have no experience of imprisonment, it is better to say so - the experienced ones will figure out your the real essence. Without knowing the rules of life in a cell, it is worth saying it as it is, and expressing agreement regarding their observance. It's better to keep silent about financial situation or create the impression of a person of average income.

A nickname is a necessity that you can choose at your own discretion, or it will be assigned by society according to the characteristics or behavior of the prisoner. A newcomer can accept or refuse an offensive nickname by answering “no channel” or vice versa: “he is channeling”.

Usually the beholder voices unwritten rules, failure to comply with which is punished especially severely. It is very easy to “get caught” in deeds and words, especially for a beginner. If it is necessary to confront collective disapproval, to extricate oneself from an unconscious mistake, if conventional methods do not work, then prisoners are forced to practice an “unconventional approach” in order to survive and to improve the current situation.

"Unconventional" approach

1. Go on a hunger strike with the involvement of a lawyer and with the signing of a statement about this by higher management, starting from the supervising prosecutor or higher.

2. Declare an allegedly difficult-to-diagnose disease, such as coronary heart disease, or the like, which will make it possible to go under the supervision of a doctor, and in some cases will give a chance of release. But it’s not worth competing with experienced people by simulating unfamiliar illnesses: exposure can be more expensive.

3. There is also a method when the prisoner informally informs the investigator about his suspicions: that his cellmate has shown an intention to encroach on his honor, and that in an attempt to defend himself he may cause bodily harm to the offender. Often the decision is made to place the new arrival in solitary confinement.

4. It is preferable to serve a sentence in a small cell, where neighbors will be violators whose offenses are not related to particularly serious ones - robbers, accident workers. And then the hassle of entering the house, registration in the zone, and the like, are more likely to remain unclaimed. But in order to influence the decision on a sparsely populated cell, at a minimum, it is important to maintain respect for the detective officer and the investigator.

5. In some cases, it was possible to pay off large sums of money from staying in a common cell.

6. “Residence registration” can be avoided by elderly people, those who are sick, who upon entry declare that they undertake to pay “to the common fund” and work as much as they are supposed to.

What is "registration"?

If it was not possible to avoid cells with criminals, you will have to register and live under generally accepted conditions.

Initially, no one is inclined to harm the newcomer, but no one is indifferent to what kind of person you have to serve time, communicate and interact with long time. Therefore, formally, registration is a test in the form of tricky questions, like quick way get to know your cellmate, understand what kind of attitude he deserves.

“Registration” has become a kind of ritual of a provocative nature, taking on various shades. Therefore, a beginner without experience will be helped by knowing how to enter a hut in the zone. The first day in the zone reveals the essence of a person and irrevocably marks him, although the purpose of registration is testing, not causing harm. You must answer exclusively truthfully; no lie will be forgiven if discovered.

Often you need to make a choice between two obviously losing options, but an answer that avoids specific values ​​may turn out to be quite satisfactory. Recommendations on how to competently enter a hut in a zone come down to the principle of firmness and unambiguity in answers, in which, however, a philosophical approach is acceptable.

Provocative questions for a newcomer

1. They are asked to choose one of the domino fields: five or six. In the territory of prisoners, the five corresponds to the degraded person, and the six to the slanderer. But if you answer that you chose a “dash” between the fields, the specificity of the answer will not suffer from this. Things symbolic of these concepts sometimes become fatal, like “accidental” hopelessness in the form of a single place or item of use numbered six, which for a beginner can backfire as a potential nuisance.

2. Provocative questions with subtext, requiring immediate answers without hesitation, may look like this: “If there is a sea on the right and a forest on the left, what will you choose when descending by parachute?” With any choice there is a loss, but the solution is in an expanded version: “In every forest there is a clearing, and in the sea there is an island,” and the like.

3. Questions that require categorical answers: “What will you do if hopeless situation Will you need to sell your mother or substitute yourself?" Answer: "The mother is not for sale, and your own (if mentioned) part of the body is not substituted."

If you haven't passed the "registration"

For those who did not pass the registration, there is a chance to repeat it again, unlike those who were “omitted,” accompanying the intention with the appropriate ritual and words, usually by pouring a bucket of water on themselves. If the registration has not been completed, the newcomer is forcibly offered to join the “fives” or “sixes”. This state of affairs can be avoided by apologizing, offering payment or work as an alternative.

What kind of criminals are not liked in prison?

Before entering a hut in the zone, you should prepare for the fact that in prison they do not like rapists, child molesters, and homosexuals.

If it becomes known that a prisoner betrayed his friends, which is why they ended up in prison, they will not forget this and will determine the appropriate attitude.

The one who lied can be checked, and if the lie comes to light, it turns out that the prisoner kept silent about his belonging to the “lowered ones”, sitting with fellow prisoners and authorities at the same table, this is not forgiven.

What to Avoid

How to spend time usefully

Before entering a hut in the zone, you should think about your time there, and perhaps use it to your advantage - for self-development or something else. They smoke a lot in prisons and the food is also poor. best quality, but there remains the possibility of daily walks, or work, as well as independent physical training. It is recommended to take an active part in activities, go for walks, go to the bathhouse, take care of the body as much as possible, and not reject the possibility of additional distance education, which is encouraged in prisons. If a prison is equipped with a library and equipped with work places, this has a beneficial effect on the psyche and speeds up the passage of time.

One of the most popular sayings in Rus' says: never say no to money or prison. I happened to be born and live in such a country, where the realities of life in the wild are not much different from those in prison. That is why it is better to learn the rules of prison life in advance, just in case, as they say, in case of emergency.

“Last year, we at Sitting Rus' solemnly cut the ribbon and opened a prison Wikipedia. Well, they opened it and opened it. Many came in, praised, and helped. And now they come in, help, and we try to be useful.But it’s like prison - there are new people in prison every day. Every time we answer the same questions again. And Wikipedia is a prison Wikipedia - here it is, use it. There is a glossary, a rosary, and personal experience.

Today our Daniil Konstantinov has an excellent text from own experience published - about prison bans.I don’t encourage you to open and study. But make a bookmark. In a good way. God protects the careful, but the convoy guards the careless..."

“Read what you shouldn’t do behind bars. What if it comes in handy!? Here are the most general rules and the prohibitions that apply in Russian pre-trial detention centers and camps. Of course we're talking about about informal, “conceptual” prohibitions established by the prison environment itself, and not by the administration. Violation of such prohibitions sometimes leads to very sad consequences. It’s better to know them in advance so as not to run into trouble in the future if (God forbid) you end up behind bars.»

When going behind bars for the first time, many people have a very weak understanding of the unwritten rules of prison life, the so-called prison concepts. Despite the declared fight against them by the FSIN system, a significant number of prisoners adhere to them. Ignorance of some basic rules of prison life can result in serious trouble for a newcomer, and in some cases even ruin his fate.

We'll focus on some basic rules, which should be observed so as not to get yourself into unnecessary trouble. Namely, on the basic prohibitions. Do not steal from your fellow inmates or other members of the prison community. In prison jargon, stealing from one’s own people is called “ratting” and is punished very severely. Once having done this, a person can be forever expelled from the general collective, sinking into the lowest caste of prison society. Even if you have nothing to eat, wear or smoke, try to find any other acceptable ways (earn money by providing a service, or at worst ask) to improve your situation, but under no circumstances do you take without asking others.

Under no circumstances talk about sexual topics with your cellmates, even if they themselves bring you to such a conversation: simply refuse to discuss it. Such conversations carry serious risks. For example, for admitting to having oral sex with your girlfriend or wife (if the man plays an active role), you can immediately find yourself in the lowest caste of prison society - along with the so-called offended.

It is not customary in the prison community to ask the administration to transfer a prisoner to another cell - in prison jargon this action is called “breaking out of the hut,” and the prisoner who committed it is called “drowman.” It doesn’t matter in what form this happens: you knock on the door and demand to be transferred from the cell, or calmly ask for it while walking. “Lomovoy” is also excluded from the general collective and is kept separately with other rejected people in separate cells.

Don't accuse anyone unfoundedly. Do not spread discrediting information about other members of the prison team that you cannot later confirm: in prison it is not customary to “incite false accusations” against people. Also be careful with any categorical statements that you may be asked to explain or prove at any time.

You should not lie in prison, especially in cases where the lie can easily be revealed: lying among your own people is categorically not welcomed among prisoners. Try not to participate in internal prison intrigues. Not only is intrigue in itself not welcome in the prison community, but you can also make enemies and troubles for yourself.

In prison, it is not customary to “snitch” on other prisoners, that is, to inform the prison administration about the actions of their cellmates, their conversations among themselves, the distribution of roles in the team, conflicts between prisoners, and the location of prohibited items. Too close contacts with the administration of the detention center may be regarded by cellmates as malicious cooperation. It is customary to keep the cell clean. This rule logically follows from the need for long periods of time together in a confined space. large quantity of people. Cleanliness is encouraged.

Prison castes (or “masti”, as they are also called) exist in almost all places of detention. And wherever there are suits, there are the so-called offended (or “separated”). They are not supposed to accept anything from their hands, use their dishes and - if they have a separate sink - this sink. It is not difficult to determine which of the members of the prison community belongs to the lower caste: they usually sit separately, in addition, it is customary for them to announce their position to newcomers. Violation of this prohibition is fraught with serious troubles, including ending up in this caste.

In the prison environment it is not customary to use obscenities and other obscene expressions. It is better to generally refrain from being rude towards fellow inmates, otherwise you will have to answer and prove that for some reason you had the right to call a person that way. In the prison world, many words are either taken literally or have a completely different meaning than in the outside world. For example, widely used in ordinary life The curse word “goat” in prison slang means a prisoner who has joined the housekeeping detachment. Do not send anyone “three letters”, since this is taken literally, just as the curse word “pi@@as” has only one meaning behind bars - a prisoner from the “offended” caste.

Try not to gamble “for fun,” that is, for money or other material assets. If a person fails to pay off his gambling debt in time, he drops to the lowest levels of the prison hierarchy. Quitting the game is actually not difficult. It's not just that gambling is prohibited by law in prisons. None of the prisoners has the right to force their cellmates to play “for fun”: there are no unwritten laws (“concepts”) obliging a prisoner to play for money. Therefore, you can always refuse to play without the risk of breaking the rules.

These prohibitions are only part of the rules of prison life; all of them cannot be described in one article. But there is Golden Rule prisoner, which should be remembered and observed regardless of what institution you find yourself in: “Talk less, listen more!” The less you open up, talk about yourself and evaluate other people, the less likely it is that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation. And if you were asked an unpleasant or hot topic- It's best to laugh it off.