Nelson watch. Watch by designer George Nelson

It won't be easy to find in history industrial design a name closer to its origins than George Nelson. Unique person, who combined the talent of an architect, designer, journalist, and teacher, he devoted his entire life to designing original furniture samples, designer sconces and floor lamps, exhibition displays, and interiors.

From a challenge to society to global recognition

Having a professional architectural education, George Nelson also showed literary abilities, becoming the editor of the magazine Architectural Forum. His articles and books are still a huge success in the world of design, having become real textbooks. He traveled a lot, made films, and taught.

  • After studying fine arts at Yale University, in the early 1930s he went to Rome to continue his studies at the American Academy. A few years later, together with a friend, they opened an architectural office, and at the same time, George Nelson developed an active journalistic activity, laying out creative thoughts and innovative ideas on the pages of popular publications.
  • One of Nelson's projects was a collection of elegant designer lamps Bubble, which was born in the mid-20th century. Fascinated by the soft, diffused light of a Swedish lamp with a silk shade, he was puzzled by the rather high price of the product and decided to create his own lighting model with the same visual effect.
  • The famous designer worked for many years at Hermann Miller, during which time he released projects that became masterpieces of American modernism. This is the famous series of Ball Clock watches, a sofa with the “delicious” name Marshmallow, and original designer “Chinese Lanterns” chandeliers, which have gone down in the history of industrial design.

By the way, the world owes the appearance of built-in furniture to George Nelson, which became a salvation for its owners. small apartments. Each design object created by a talented craftsman had functionality that went beyond ordinary concepts. Extravagant shape, bright colors, metaphorical design - all this made the creations of George Nelson iconic, and today he is considered one of the founders of American modernism.

George Nelson is the greatest designer of the 20th century. His works are known and popular all over the world. He created furniture, lamps, watches, exhibition designs and in each of these categories he became the best. We would like to present to your attention a very original and stylish watch that has become a decoration best houses Worldwide.

Clock "Elephant", 1965

Watch "Tucan", 1965

The Zoo Timers collection of wall clocks made George Nelson truly famous. Its bright characters from the animal world stood out noticeably against the background of ordinary watches of the 50s, which is why they won the love of collectors from all over the world.

Watch "Owl", 1965

Clock "Fish", 1965

Watch "Asterix", 1950

George Nelson used a variety of materials and sculptural forms in his wall clocks to reflect the joyful life of the 1950s. To this day, these positive designs are a refreshing alternative to boring, conservative watches. Gorgeous and elegant, George Nelson's timepieces are timeless.

Watch "Eye", 1957

Clock "Sunflower", 1958

Creating a personal style is never easy, but a George Nelson watch can complement the interior of any home or office.

Clock "Star", 1955

A table clock from George Nelson are no less unique and also inimitable in their forms.

The ceramic watches of the American designer are also undoubtedly original and stylish. However, for some unknown reason they were never released.

George Nelson is a voluminous American designer of the 20th century. His works are known all over the world. Furniture, lighting, exhibition design, clocks - in every category he was one of the best. The most cautiously attracted attention was the George Nelson watch. Truly original, they adorn the finest in their homelands around the world. George Nelson watches come in a great variety of variations. The first time they were invented completely by accident. So, George Nelson and his friends fooled around and drew illegible cuneiform, joking that in this way they could invent a clock. And the next morning, among the many sketches, Wotan noticed a sketch that formed the basis of the Ball watch, in all likelihood the most popular of the entire series of George Nelson designer creations.

During the 1950s in the United States, people's faith in never-ending progress and economic prosperity took root. It seemed that nothing was impossible, and they constantly wanted to push modern people. George Nelson products met the modern requirements of society. His lamps, eras and other interior accessories were incredibly popular. Until the 1970s, George Nelson continued to produce new and original masterpieces. The Bubble lamp and the Ball clock have become true design icons.

The Zoo Timers collection of wall clocks is perhaps the most striking example of George Nelson being a great graphic designer. His colorful characters with a table of animals stood out in contrast against the background of simple wall clocks of the 50s, which won devoted collectors from all over the world.

George Nelson Elihu the Elephant Clock, 1965

George Nelson Talulah the Toucan Clock, 1965

George Nelson Fernando the Fish Clock, 1965

Time George Nelson can be divided into three categories: wall-mounted, table-top and ceramic. Of course, they are interesting from a design point of view and have remained in demand among high connoisseurs for many years. The George Nelson wall clock, with all its variety of materials and sculptural forms, is the embodiment of the joyful life of the 1950s. To this day, these fun designs are a refreshing alternative to boring, conservative watches. Gorgeous in its simplicity, the elegant George Nelson chimes are timeless.

George Nelson Ball Clock, 1947

George Nelson Eye Clock, 1957

George Nelson Kite Clock, 1960

George Nelson Star Clock, 1955

George Nelson Sunburst Clock Clock, 1949

George Nelson Sunburst Clock Clock, 1949

George Nelson Sunflower Clock, 1958

Table time George Nelson is also unique in its color variations and unusual forms.

George Nelson Diamond Clock, 1965

George Nelson Cone Clock, 1965

The name of George Nelson is probably known to every architect, since it was he who managed to become one of the influential people in the world of design in the second half of the 20th century, not only in his homeland in the USA, but also in other countries. In addition, he is rightly called the founder of such a trend as stylish industrial design, and many of the objects he created still excite the imagination of many eminent authors, as well as ordinary people.

For example, the well-known collections of original coconut chairs or amazing wall clocks, having gone through a long path of existence, are still considered fashionable and innovative.

It should be noted that George Nelson, having founded his own company, always looked for talented and extraordinary architects and invited them to cooperate. The most famous among them are Charles Eames, Isamu Noguchi, Alexander Girard. Each of them worked in individual style, but made his contribution to the development of industrial design: many elements and details are popular and widely used by modern authors.

In this Forum-Grad topic, you are invited to look at and discuss Nelson’s vibrant creativity using the example of his original “marshmallow” sofas (Marshmallow Sofa), as well as stunning colorful watches, which at one time became a breakthrough in the world of industrial design, but still fit amazingly in almost all fashionable interiors.

It should be noted that each object of the author is distinguished by clear forms, playfulness, lightness and even versatility. Using them as beautiful ideas interior decor, you can significantly transform any room, be it a living room, kitchen, dining room or even a showroom, filling them with a special atmosphere of cheerfulness and unique style.

Playing with color is also distinctive feature Nelson's works. With the help of beautiful sofas and clocks, you can create impeccable accents in each of the rooms, diluting or complementing the range chosen for decoration.

Below you are invited to look at several amazing interiors, the image of which was built taking into account legendary objects. At the same time, evaluate what a harmonious union has developed between modern space and things the idea of ​​which appeared more than half a century ago.

Playful marshmallow sofa

Credit for this beautiful sofa, consisting of many soft volumetric disks, is very often attributed to George Nelson. But this is not entirely true, since the main idea still belonged to designer Irving Harper. In this creative tandem, most of the concepts were developed by Harper, and the final refinement and implementation of each item was carried out by the architects in close collaboration. At the same time, for several decades Nelson reserved primacy for himself (but many authors did not object to this).

But the marshmallow sofa look we see today was actually entirely Harper's design.

Look how elegant this piece of furniture looks: elegant metal supports, very popular today, on which leather washers with a diameter of about 30 cm are attached, fitted as closely as possible to each other (as far as the shape allows). And, of course, such appetizing shapes can fit into any style, so a large number of designers use them in their projects in the form original ideas decor.

For example, a “marshmallow” sofa looks luxurious both in a room decorated in an urban style and in office space. At the same time, individual details, such as the upholstery of the sofa and armchairs, round tabletops and carpets, unobtrusively focus attention on the masterpiece of industrial design.

Often this item is used to enliven a space, and the rich range of colors that Hermann Miller, one of the largest American manufacturers, can offer designer furniture, expands the range of its application. Of course, contrasting upholstery would look more impressive, but it can be assumed that in this case the sofa, focusing on itself, would make the rest of the space more pale and inexpressive.

Save water with low flow toilets

No less striking items created by George Nelson are his watches. Wall, tabletop, metal, ceramic models reminiscent of the sun, multi-pointed stars, flowers, multi-colored balls, turbines and much more, in which the author abandoned banal forms and numbers, were far ahead of their time. But the first copies were presented back in 1947. And even today their minimalistic, but such attractive design can be compared to unique works of art that can decorate walls.

It should be noted that design Wall Clock are among the most best ideas for room decoration, capable of emphasizing the sophistication of the design or adding expressiveness to ascetic or austere interiors, decorated in neutral colors.

Amazing clocks with unique shapes look no less impressive in similar bold, eccentric interiors, where every detail allows you to look at the design of familiar rooms filled with positive energy from a new angle.

I would like to end this review with the words of the great designer, the main meaning of which boils down to the fact that there are no accidents in design, and any detail is always in a close, sometimes complex relationship with other elements and the environment as a whole. A design can only be called good when it achieves harmony, integrity, balance and unity with its surroundings.


Designer black and white wall clock Kite (Kite) in the shape of a diamond from Cosmo (Cosmo).

In the field of watchmaking, George Nelson was something of an innovator. He had a special talent and a view of the world that went beyond his era. In his hands, the watch became more than just a tool that keeps time. He developed a unique author's design for each item, while preserving its consumer properties. The watches he created will always be relevant and appropriate in any interior.

George Nelson's watch is an independent work of art, which also shows the time. Their design is unique, expressive and thought out so much that it does not require a special approach in choosing a room in which to place them. They will fulfill their direct function, please the eye, but not distract from the main concept of the interior.

The original Kite wall clock, designed by George Nelson, has been in production since 1953. Simple geometric shapes, a combination of black and white - a design that will be in demand in any era.

The name Kite speaks for itself. In English, kite means “kite”. The diamond-shaped watch resembles a kite. Their shape seems to tell us how quickly time flies. Sometimes we are like kite, soaring in the clouds, succumbing to the gusts of the wind of life, often not paying attention to the transience of time, and at the same time to its value.