Questioning of school teachers. Questionnaire for teachers (evaluation of their teaching activities)

(Methodology of A.S. Galanova)

The questionnaire is designed to assess two components in a teacher’s activities:

1. Educational (objective assessment and formation of the child’s personality, empathic attitude towards the child).

2. Organizational and motivational (creating a child’s interest in work, organizing a children’s team, effective organization of activities).

The first component is assessed by questionnaire items 1-8, the second component – ​​9-12.

Each item in the questionnaire consists of two statements that are opposite in meaning. The student must evaluate which of these statements is more true in relation to this teacher. The rating is given on a 5-point scale, where points “5” and “4” refer to the “positive” pole, points “1” and “2” - to the “negative”, and point “3” is intermediate.

The higher the teacher’s final score, the more positively students evaluate his activities.


Read each item on the questionnaire, which consists of two opposing statements.

If you are I completely agree with approval from the left column, circle the number " 5 ».

If you are not quite sure, i.e. If you think this is “most likely true”, circle the number “ 4 ».

If you are I completely agree with approval from the right column, circle the number " 1 ».

If you are not quite sure, circle the number " 2 ».

If you find it difficult to answer, circle the number " 3 ».

Make sure that no item on the questionnaire is missed.

Questionnaire for expert assessment of a teacher (for middle school students, grades 5-8)

1. There are many teacher character traits you would like to cultivate in yourself. 5 4 3 2 1 You wouldn't want to be like your teacher in any way.
2. The teacher treats you kindly and attentively 5 4 3 2 1 The teacher is often irritable and is not interested in your affairs.
3. You willingly talk with the teacher during recess and after school. 5 4 3 2 1 You wouldn't want to talk to the teacher outside of class
4. You could complain to the teacher or tell some secret of yours 5 4 3 2 1 You wouldn't trust your teacher with your secrets.
5. The teacher can stand up for you if you are right, in front of the class, parents, teachers 5 4 3 2 1 The teacher will not stand up for you, even if you are right.
6. The teacher rejoices at your successes and believes in you 5 4 3 2 1 The teacher doesn't care, he just gives marks.
7. The teacher treats all children fairly 5 4 3 2 1 The teacher does not like some children and is unfair to them.
8. A teacher can cheer you up, you feel more confident next to him 5 4 3 2 1 The teacher often comes to class angry, next to him you feel scared or guilty
9. You would like to work with the teacher in preparing a “light”, a concert, a hike 5 4 3 2 1 You wouldn’t want to spend time with your teacher preparing a “light”, a concert, a hike
10. You are interested in the teacher; any work is compatible with him. 5 4 3 2 1 The teacher is boring, any work with him seems unnecessary.
11. The teacher can easily organize the children to do something. 5 4 3 2 1 It takes a long time for a teacher to persuade and force the class to take on something.
12. If the teacher were as old as you, he would be the leader among your friends. 5 4 3 2 1 If the teacher were as old as you, you would not accept him into your company.

Questionnaire for expert assessment of a teacher (for senior students, grades 9 -11)

Data processing

For each questionnaire, 3 indicators are calculated:

X1 – assessment for block 1: points for points 1-8 are summed up;

X2 - score for block 2: scores for points 9-12 are summed up and multiplied by two;

Xo – general expert assessment: X1 and X2 are summed up

After processing each questionnaire, the final indicators for this teacher:

X1 – arithmetic average for 1 block; calculated by the formula: X1=sum of X1: Ν(Ν - number of questionnaires);

X2 – arithmetic mean for block 2; calculated by the formula: X2=sum of X2: Ν(Ν - number of questionnaires);

Ho – arithmetic mean of the general expert assessment; calculated by the formula: Ho=sum of Ho: Ν(Ν - number of questionnaires).

The last indicator (Ho) is the main one. Based on its value, a conclusion is made about the assessment of the teacher’s performance. The value of the overall expert assessment:

16-35 points – low;

36-60 points – average;

61-80 points – high.

Indicators X1 and X2 are auxiliary. Each of them can range from 8 to 40 points. Based on the ratio of these indicators, one can judge the predominance of an educational or organizational-motivational component in a teacher’s activity.

3.3. Questionnaire "teacher-student"(method by N.V. Klyueva)

The questionnaire is intended for students in grades 6-11 and allows you to determine the degree of expression of the components of the teacher’s pedagogical activity

Instructions: Read each of the above statements carefully. If you think it is correct and consistent with your relationship with the teacher, then write “yes”; if it is incorrect, then “No”.

1. The teacher knows how to determine the success of his students in advance.

2. I find it difficult to get along with the teacher.

3. The teacher is a fair person.

4. The teacher skillfully prepares me for tests and exams.

5. The teacher clearly lacks sensitivity and relationship with people.

6. The teacher’s word is law for me.

7. The teacher carefully plans his work with me.

8. I am quite satisfied with the teacher.

9. The teacher is not demanding enough of me.

10. The teacher can always give reasonable advice.

11. I completely trust the teacher.

12. The teacher's assessment is very important to me.

13. The teacher mainly works according to a template.

14. Working with a teacher is a pleasure.

15. The teacher pays little attention to me.

16. The teacher, as a rule, does not take into account my individual characteristics.

17. The teacher does not feel my mood well.

18. The teacher always listens to my opinion.

19. I have no doubt about the correctness and necessity of the methods and means that the teacher uses.

20. I will not share my thoughts with the teacher.

21. The teacher punishes me for the slightest offense.

22. The teacher knows my strengths and weaknesses well.

23. I would like to become like the teacher.

24. The teacher and I have a purely business relationship.

The students’ response determines the degree of expression of the following components of the teacher’s pedagogical activity: gnostic, emotional, behavioral. Each student answer that matches the key is worth 1 point.

The Gnostic component includes the following questions:

Answer “Yes” - 1,4,7,10,19,22;

The answer is “No” - 13, 16.

The emotional component includes questions:

The answer is “Yes” - 8,11,14,23;

The answer is “No” - 2,5,17,20.

The behavioral component includes questions:

The answer is “Yes” - 3,6,12,18.

The answer is “No” - 9,15,21,24.

The gnostic component reveals the level of competence of the teacher as a specialist from the student’s point of view (maximum – 8 points), the emotional one – determines the degree of sympathy of the student for the teacher (maximum – 8 points), the behavioral component – ​​shows how the real interaction between teacher and student develops (maximum – 8 points ).

Questionnaire for teachers (evaluation of their teaching activities)

(Full name of teacher ________________________________________________________________
Subject: ________________________________ Class: ___________________________
We ask you to evaluate your teaching activities and capabilities according to the proposed parameters. Try to avoid self-flagellation or praise when assessing yourself. Remember, the best position is utmost objectivity and sincerity! Please mark the answer option you have chosen. Answer all the questions in a row, having first read the entire set of answers provided.

1. Knowledge of your subject:

a) solid, within the framework of the program, there is an interest in specialized and methodological literature;

b) at the program level, but there are gaps, factual distortions in teaching and testing of classes are allowed;

c) deep, significantly exceeding the program, free orientation in specialized and popular science literature.

2. Attitude to the subject:

a) with interest;
b) indifferent;

c) with passion, there is a need for teaching activities.

3. Ability to plan a curriculum:

a) thematic and lesson planning is carried out basically correctly;

b) cliches are often used in planning, the characteristics of the class are not always taken into account;

c) work is underway on a system of lessons on the topic, a variety of forms and methods of teaching, taking into account the characteristics of the class.

4. Feeling new:

a) a positive attitude towards new pedagogical ideas, but their implementation only under the influence of the administration;

b) skeptical or negative attitude, difficulty in engaging in the process of solving new problems;

c) independent search for new ideas, solving new pedagogical problems.

5.Knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of education:

a) sufficient orientation in the basic modern psychological - pedagogical concepts of teaching, but rare application of them in practice;

b) free orientation in modern concepts, using them as the basis of their teaching activities;

c) having only general ideas about modern concepts .

6. Pedagogical tact:

a) with external compliance, breakdowns in relations with students are observed;

c) is the basis in relationships with children, there is respect, trust, exactingness and fairness.

7.Individual approach to students:

a) is mainly provided;

b) sufficiently present, violations are rare;

c) the characteristics of students are systematically studied, the volume and complexity of knowledge are differentiated, assistance to those lagging behind, control of students of different “levels”.

8.Development of students’ educational work skills:

a) skeptical attitude towards this work, no positive results solving this problem;

b) the desire to develop in students the skills of rational organization of educational work;

c) purposeful and systematic work in this direction (development of self-control in learning, rational planning, proper pace of reading, writing, calculations, etc.)

9.Development of students’ thinking:

b) effective developmental training is provided, deep and comprehensive; c) formal implementation of program recommendations, focusing students only on memorization.

10.Development of students’ interest in the subject:

a) work is mainly carried out to develop interest in the subject;

b) such work is not being carried out;

c) special techniques are used (for example: demonstrating the practical significance of knowledge, entertaining, individual approach to students).

11.Ability to assess the quality of knowledge:

a) formalism and bias are allowed when assessing knowledge;

b) objectivity is observed in the assessment of knowledge;

c) careful study of evaluation criteria, skillful use of them in practice, objectivity.

Date of completion: “_______” ________________ 2011 Signature: ___________________


First read the proposed text on the left, then on the right, and then with a “+” sign, mark in the middle part of the sheet the assessment that corresponds to the truth in your opinion.


3-property always manifests itself in a team;

2-property manifests itself in a team in most cases;

1-property is rarely manifested in a team;

0 - both properties are manifested to the same extent.




1. A cheerful, cheerful tone of mood prevails

Depressed mood prevails

2 Goodwill in relationships, mutual sympathy

Conflict in relationships, antipathies

3. In relations between groups within a team, there is mutual disposition and understanding

Groups are in conflict with each other

4. Team members enjoy spending time together and participating in joint activities.

Show indifference to closer communication, activities express a negative attitude towards joint

5. The successes or failures of comrades evoke empathy and sincere participation of all team members

The successes or failures of comrades leave you indifferent or cause envy and gloating

6. Respect each other's opinions

Everyone considers their own opinion to be the most important, and is intolerant of the opinions of their comrades.

7. They experience the team’s achievements or failures as if they were their own.

The achievements or failures of the team do not resonate with team members

8. In difficult moments for the team, there is an emotional unity “one for all and all for one”

In difficult times, the team becomes limp, quarrels, confusion, and mutual accusations arise.

9. A feeling of pride in the team if it is noted by managers

People here are indifferent to praise and encouragement from the team.

10. The team is active and full of energy

The team is inert, passive

11. Treat new members of the team sympathetically and kindly, help them get used to the team

Newcomers here feel like strangers and are often treated with hostility

12. Joint activities captivate everyone, there is a great desire to work collectively

It is impossible to motivate a team to do something together; everyone thinks about their own interests

13. The team treats all members fairly, supports the weak, and speaks out in their defense.

The team is noticeably divided into the privileged, with a disdainful attitude towards the weak

Analysis of survey results

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that a cheerful, cheerful tone, goodwill in relationships, and mutual sympathy prevail in the team. Team members enjoy spending time together and participating in joint activities. The team is active, full of energy, treats newcomers kindly, experiences the successes and failures of its comrades, and listens to the opinions of each member. Although, in difficult moments, disagreements and confusion arise in the team. There is a noticeable division into groups in the team. However, there is a sense of pride in the team if it is recognized by the leaders.

Questionnaire for teachers

FULL NAME. teachers__________________________________________________________



We ask you to evaluate your activities and capabilities according to the proposed parameters.

Try to avoid self-flagellation or praise when assessing yourself. Remember, the best position is extreme objectivity!

Please mark the answer option you have chosen. Answer all the questions in a row, having first read the entire set of answers provided.

  1. Knowledge of your subject:

A) solid, within the framework of the program, there is an interest in specialized and methodological literature;

B) at the program level, but there are gaps, factual distortions in teaching and testing of classes are allowed;

C) deep, significantly exceeding the program, free orientation in specialized and popular science literature.

  1. Relation to the subject:

A) with interest;

B) indifferent;

C) with passion, there is a need for teaching activities.

  1. Ability to plan a curriculum:

A) thematic and lesson planning is carried out basically correctly;

B) cliches are often used in planning, the characteristics of the class are not always taken into account;

C) work is underway on a system of lessons on the topic, a variety of forms and methods of teaching, taking into account the characteristics of the class.

  1. Feeling new:

A) a positive attitude towards new pedagogical ideas, but their implementation only under the influence of the administration;

B) skeptical or negative attitude, difficulty in engaging in the process of solving new problems;

C) independent search for new ideas, solving new pedagogical problems.

  1. Knowledge of psychology - pedagogical foundations training:

A) sufficient orientation in the basic modern psychological and pedagogical concepts of teaching, and their rare application in practice;

B) free orientation in modern concepts, using them as the basis of one’s pedagogical activity;

C) the presence of only general ideas about modern concepts.

  1. Pedagogical tact:

A) with external compliance, breakdowns in relations with students are observed;

C) is the basis in relationships with children, there is respect, trust, exactingness and fairness.

  1. Individual approach to students:

A) is mainly provided;

B) sufficiently present, violations are rare;

C) the characteristics of students are systematically studied, the volume and complexity of knowledge, assistance to those lagging behind, and control of students of different “levels” are differentiated.

  1. Development of students' learning skills:

A) a skeptical attitude towards this work, there are no positive results in solving this problem;

B) the desire to develop in students the skills of rational organization of educational work;

C) purposeful and systematic work in this direction (development of self-control in learning, rational planning. Proper pace of reading, writing, calculations, etc.)

  1. Development of students' thinking:

B) effective developmental training is provided, deep and comprehensive;

  1. Developing students' interest in the subject:

A) mainly work is being done to develop interest in the subject;

B) such work is not being carried out;

C) special techniques are used (for example: demonstrating the practical significance of knowledge, entertaining, individual approach to students).

  1. Ability to assess the quality of knowledge:

A) formalism and bias are allowed when assessing knowledge;

B) objectivity is observed in the assessment of knowledge;

C) careful study of evaluation criteria, skillful use of them in practice, objectivity.

Date of completion:


Teacher qualification card


(Full Name)

Expression level

Criteria for assessing the professional level of a teacher

Ability to determine the goals and objectives of the lesson

Ability to determine structure and organize a lesson

Ability to select educational material

Teacher activities

Student activities

Lesson results

Very tall


High (B)






to study difficulties in the work of a teacher

FULL NAME. teachers ______________________________________________________________

Types and elements of pedagogical activity

Degree of difficulty

Very much



Almost not

Lesson planning:

  • In determining the teaching, developmental, educational goals of the topic;
  • In planning current and general repetition;
  • In determining measures to prevent possible difficulties, I study;
  • In planning to check the results at each stage and the results of the lesson as a whole;
  • In planning educational and cognitive activities, students, including collective, group and individual forms.

Usage various forms work in the lesson, including non-standard ones.

Compliance with the logic of step-by-step assimilation of educational material:

preparation for perception -

perception - comprehension -

preliminary accounting –

preliminary improvement –

consolidation – final accounting –

final improvement.

Ensuring independent and active work study throughout the entire lesson.

Using developmental teaching methods.

Use of new pedagogical technologies.

Carrying out practical work.

Formation of skills and abilities of educational work (planning, self-control, reading, counting, etc.)

Developing interest in learning and the need for knowledge.

Revealing typical mistakes and difficulties of schoolchildren in learning.

Implementation of an individual approach to learning during the learning process

Use of interdisciplinary connections.

Identification of typical causes of academic failure.

Objective accounting and assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

Working with parents.

Ability to conduct self-analysis of a lesson.

Date: Signature:

Technological control map

Teachers___________________________ school

For the 20___ - 20___ academic year.


Teaching experience:_______________________________





Control topic:________________________________________________________________

Purpose of control:________________________________________________________________

Forms of control: self-control, mutual control, administrative, individual.

I quarter

II quarter

III quarter

IV quarter

Self-determination in groups:

Group A: goal, task, motivation, types of lesson.

Group B: structure, dosage, methods, techniques, self-analysis of the lesson.

Group B: lesson – creativity – quality.

Forms for presenting the accumulated material:

Studying literature on the topic (self-education):

Speech at the pedagogical council:


Date of:

at the methodological association:


Date of:

on the administrative and methodological council:


Date of:

at the seminar:


Date of:


Open lessons, class hours:


Date of:




Date of:


Development of lessons, tests, lectures, seminars, practical exercises.

A selection of games, handouts and didactic material.



Teacher Information Card


FULL NAME. teacher, year of birth


Qualification category

Education information

Diploma specialty

General teaching experience

Work experience by position

Titles, awards

Implementation of the curriculum, programs:

number of hours in the program

actually given

implementation of the practical part of the program




creative works

Performance Indicators

Performance level

KZ of students


Courses attended (location, topic)

Open lessons (school, district)

Olympiad prizes




Extracurricular activities in the subject

Didactic material produced during the school year (class, topic)

Pedagogical discoveries and innovations

Participation in scientific research, experimental work.

What difficulties do you experience in your work, what methodological assistance do you need?

Questionnaire for teachers

Materials for monitoring educational activities

Assessment of teacher motivational activity

Teacher skills


Design a lesson taking into account the attitude of schoolchildren to educational work

Anticipate difficulties that may arise for individual students when studying educational material

Take into account the cognitive interests and needs of students when selecting educational material

Include in educational material fun facts taking into account the curiosity of schoolchildren

Saturate the lesson with material that requires students’ mental activity

Select rational types of work for the most and least prepared schoolchildren

Identify students’ attitudes to what is happening in the lesson

Respond in a timely manner to changes in the attitude of individual students to the lesson

Involve schoolchildren in cognitive work at all stages of the lesson

Use the active stock of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the lesson

Involve schoolchildren in solving cognitive problems

Encourage students to pose cognitive questions

Explain with a view to independent work students

Organize a joint discussion of educational problems with students

Make independent tasks more difficult during the lesson

Encourage independent choice students with feasible tasks

Encourage students to make independent additions, decisions, and statements

Teach rational techniques for solving mental problems

Form methods of mental activity of students

Provide timely assistance to the least prepared students

Evaluation of the teacher’s use of various methods of motivating students

Techniques for motivating students

Teacher usage level




does not use




Educational games

Creating vivid visual representations

Creating a Success Situation

Incentive assessment

Free choice of task

Satisfying the desire to be a significant person


Reliance on life experience student

Activation of cognitive interests

Creating problematic situations

Encouraging the search for alternative solutions

Completing creative tasks

Presentation of tasks for ingenuity

Using the brainstorming method

Using developmental cooperation between students


Presentation of educational requirements

Informing about mandatory learning outcomes

Formation of a responsible attitude towards learning

Creating situations in which it is necessary to overcome cognitive difficulties

Reflection of behavior

Forecasting future life activities


Developing a desire to be useful to society

Creating mutual aid situations


Search for contacts and cooperation

Interest in the results of teamwork

Peer review and review

Portfolio structure

Portfolio of documents

Portfolio of works

Reviews portfolio

Sample portfolio structure:

  1. General information : date of birth, education, qualifications, specialty, work experience, information about advanced training, awards.
  2. Methodological activities:lesson models, lesson plans, methodological developments, lesson analysis, publications.
  3. Working with students: description of students’ creative works; student research work; results of participation in olympiads and competitions; participation in school events; scenarios for extracurricular activities.
  4. Creative activity:self-education, participation in seminars, competitions; participation in a methodological association, participation in experimental work, extracurricular activities, creative works teachers.

Questionnaire No. 1

Dear Colleagues!

1. Please rank on a 7-point scale the reasons that motivate you to improve your professional qualifications, assigning 1st rank to the reason that most motivates you to improve your qualifications, and 7th rank to the reason that least influences your decision improve your skills.



(from 1 to 7)

1.Personal initiative

2.Administration initiative

3.Preparation for certification

4.Changing the content of the curriculum

5.Desire to expand exposure to best teaching practices

6.Desire to change specialization

7. The need for self-education, self-development, self-improvement

Questionnaire No. 2

Dear Colleagues!

When answering the survey questions, please put a mark (for example, “+”) in the column in which the points correspond to your opinion:

5 – if this statement is completely true;

4 – more likely to correspond than not;

3 – both yes and no;

2 – rather does not correspond;

1 – does not correspond.


1. I strive to study myself

2. I leave time for development, no matter how busy I am.

3. Obstacles that arise stimulate my activity

4.I'm looking feedback, as it helps me to know and evaluate myself

5. I analyze my feelings and experiences

6. I reflect on my activities, setting aside special time for this.

7.I read a lot

8.I widely discuss issues that interest me

9.I believe in my abilities

10.I strive to be an open person

11.I am aware of the influences they have on me environment and people around

12.I manage my professional development and get positive results

13.I enjoy learning new things

14. Increasing responsibility does not scare me

15.I feel positive about my promotion.

Thank you for your cooperation!


Method 1.

1. Formulate for yourself what noticeable successes you have achieved in life. Then determine what knowledge, abilities, and experience you needed to achieve these successes. Try to establish exactly those abilities and skills that led to the corresponding result.

As a guide, you can use the following list of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure successful professional activity manager in the organization (see table 2).

With the help of such an analysis, you can identify not only the relationship between your abilities and the successes realized in practice, but also understand what you can generally achieve in life, that is, determine what personal potential you have to achieve your goals. Moreover, in addition to stating it, it is also important to outline ways further development this potential.

2. On the other hand, you should also clearly and distinctly imagine your weaknesses. Such awareness is necessary in order to avoid situations and actions in which these qualities may manifest themselves and lead to error, failure, or to take measures to get rid of these shortcomings.Knowing your weaknesses means strengthening your strengths.

Make a list of your major failures and mistakes. Note the absence or weak expression of which qualities led to these mistakes and defeats. Remember how you once overcame this or that failure.

As material for comparison, below are eleven basic limitations (“weak points”) that significantly reduce the efficiency of a modern manager. A list of these qualities is proposed by English management consultants M. Woodcock and D. Francis (1995) (see Table 2).

Having identified and analyzed the most significant achievements and mistakes in your life, fill out Table 1.

Table 1

Balance of personal successes and failures



My biggest successes and achievements

How did I achieve this

Abilities that were necessary for this)

My significant failures and defeats

The abilities I was missing

How did I overcome failures?









table 2

List of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure successful professional activity

Basic limitations (“weak points”) that significantly reduce the efficiency of a modern manager.

1.Special knowledge:

  1. knowledge of your field of activity and its management;
  2. contacts and connections

1. Inability to manage oneself:

  1. inability to fully use one’s time, energy, knowledge, and skills;
    inability to cope with stress modern life manager

2.Leader’s abilities:

  1. the ability to effectively distribute available resources, duties and responsibilities for their implementation;
  2. the ability to translate developed strategies into concrete action plans;
  3. the ability to stimulate and motivate the work of individual employees and the entire team;
  4. the ability to change leadership style depending on the capabilities, resources and state of the work group;
    ability to work in a team and cooperation.

2. Blurred personal values:

  1. lack of a clear understanding of one's personal values;
  2. the presence of values ​​that do not correspond to the conditions of modern business and private life.

3. Vague personal goals:

  1. lack of clarity about the goals of your personal or business life;
  2. the presence of goals that are incompatible with the conditions of modern work and life.

3.Intelligent qualities:

  1. high volumes of information processing, systems thinking;
  2. creativity, the ability to offer non-obvious ways to solve problems;
  3. ability to predict the development of a situation, managerial intuition;
  4. pace and flexibility of thinking, the ability to switch from one type of problem to another.

4. Stopped self-development:

  1. lack of attitude and receptivity to new situations and opportunities.

5.Lack of problem solving skills:

  1. lack of decision-making strategy;
  2. inability to effectively solve problems in a fast-paced work environment.

4. Personal qualities:

  1. the ability to “stay in shape”, high vitality, endurance;
  2. communication skills, ability to listen, willingness to help;
    the ability to achieve a goal despite obstacles;
  3. adaptability (the ability to quickly adapt to the dynamics of external conditions);
  4. sensitivity to criticism, self-criticism.

6. Lack of creativity:

  1. difficulties in generating sufficiently new and original ideas;
  2. inability to use new ideas.

7. Inability to influence people:

  1. insufficient ability to secure participation and assistance from others;
  2. weak influence on other people's decisions.

5.Working techniques:

  1. technique for making decisions and “removing” problems;
  2. technique of negotiations and discussions;
  3. workplace organization and optimal conditions labor.

8. Insufficient understanding of the features of modern managerial work:

  1. lack of understanding of employee motivation;
  2. outdated, inhumane, or inappropriate beliefs about the role of a leader.

9.Weak leadership skills:

  1. lack of practical ability to achieve results from the work of subordinates.

10. Inability to teach:

  1. lack of ability and desire to help others develop and expand their capabilities.

11.Low ability to form a team:

  1. failure to contribute to the development and effectiveness of work groups or teams.

Method 2

Advantages and disadvantages

The next step is to group the strengths and weaknesses you have identified into blocks of qualities and identify two or more important strengths and weaknesses in each block. weaknesses. The “snapshot” of abilities obtained in this way (Table 3) is a prerequisite for planning further steps to achieve the goals of professional growth and development.

Table 3

Analysis of strengths and weaknesses

"Slice" of abilities


Weak sides

1.Professional knowledge and experience







2.Leader's abilities







3.Communication skills







4.Personal abilities







5.Intellectual abilities







6.Working techniques








Method 3

Self-analysis of pedagogical success

Instructions. On a sheet of paper, vertically divided in half, write down on the left all your successes, achievements, findings, research, and on the right what is not working, what knowledge and skills are missing, what professional problems concern you.


Self-analysis sheet of pedagogical success

My successes, achievements, findings, research

What I can't do

what knowledge and skills do I lack,

what professional problems concern me

1. I manage to organize the creative activities of students in the classroom.

1. I have difficulty finding time in class to work with gifted students.

2.I manage to fully complete the plan and tasks assigned for this lesson, which allows you to deal with overloads and gaps in students’ knowledge.

2. I do not have an exact idea of ​​how I need to interact with my parents in the cognitive area.

3. I am able to organize students’ activities in completing homework on a multi-level basis, I constantly check and evaluate the timeliness and quality of homework completion (at the same time, I find time to help those who, for whatever reason, could not complete homework and I never give unsatisfactory grades).

3. By the end of the fifth lesson, I am completely exhausted and, no matter how I distribute my energy, the sixth and seventh lessons are usually lost.

4. I know how to organize the search and creative activities of students in a micro-group mode.

4.Children treat me with full confidence, but very often I find myself at a dead end and cannot help them because I don’t know how to find the right words and decisions that will be important to them.

5. I won the city professional skills competition “Teacher of the Year”

5. I have completely neglected my own children, because all my energy goes into strangers.

The information located in the left column, after studying, will form a positive array, which will form the basis of a map or base of pedagogical success and can be used to train other teachers, accumulate and disseminate teaching experience.

The information located in the right column will form the basis individual route professional and personal self-development of the teacher, plan methodological work schools and in-school teacher training systems.


Dear teacher!

This survey is carried out public organization"Psychological Center" and the magazine "Abiturient" in order to study some problems in the education system. By participating in this survey you will contribute to solving these problems. The survey is anonymous.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

    1. Are you satisfied with your job?

    Yes, it is quite

    Yes, partly

    Difficult to answer

    2. If you are unhappy, indicate the main reasons

    Low earnings

    No growth prospects

    Lack of interest in teaching activities

    Poor team relationships

    Poor relationship with management

    Low level of preparedness of schoolchildren

    Low cognitive level of schoolchildren

    Low professionalism of teachers

    Poor relationships with students

    Disappointment in specialty

    Difficult to answer

    Other, namely

    3. Would like to quit work

    Difficult to answer

    4. If you had the opportunity to start life over again, would you become a teacher?

    Difficult to answer

    5. Are you satisfied with the salary level?

    Yes, it is quite

    Yes, partly

    Difficult to answer

    6. What level of desired salary would you like to have?

    7. How often does the school collect money from students for various events?

    Every day

    Two to three times a week

    Once a week

    Two to three times a month

    Once a month

    Once in two months

    Once every three months

    Once every four months


    Once a year

    Other, namely

    8. What are the average one-time fees?

(indicate the amount in new manats)

    9. Do your parents “thank” you (meaning gifts, money, services)

  1. Often

  2. Yes sometimes

    Yes, but I refuse

  • 10. If yes, then how?

(specify as a percentage)



    Help in solving problems

    Other, namely

    11. In what cases do teachers have the opportunity to have additional income?

  1. Admission to first grade

  2. Transfer from class to class

    Student assessment


    Issuance of a certificate

    Additional lessons with the student

    Additional work in your specialty and not in your specialty

    Other, namely

  • 12. Do you take bribes yourself?


    Yes sometimes

    Yes, but these were isolated cases

    No, because I'm afraid of revelations

    No, because of principles

    No, because nothing to give

    Other, namely

  • 13. Do you give bribes (gifts, money, services) to solve your problems?


    Yes sometimes

    Yes, but these were isolated cases

    No, because I'm afraid of revelations

    No, because of principles

    No, because nothing to give

    No, because That is unnecessary

    Other, namely

  • 14. In what cases are teachers forced to give bribes (gifts, money, services) and how often?






Going on vacation

Load distribution

Class distribution

Sending to advanced training courses

Sending for retraining

Obtaining any certificates from the place of work

Skipping classes

Other, namely

    15. From your point of view, what is the percentage relationship between bribery and extortion in our society and in your life?

Bribe a person gives a bribe in his own way

the will to solve their problems.

Extortion - they demand from a person

money, gifts or any services

to solve his problem



In our society

In your life

    16. What do you think is the percentage of teachers who take bribes?

    17. What do you see as the main reasons for bribery in school?

    Low wages

    Low level of professionalism

    Unfair distribution material goods in society

    Lack of control

    Corruption of society (normativity of bribery)

    Corruption of authorities and officials

    Other reasons viz.

    18. Your attitude to bribery in general and to bribery in school




Difficult to answer

At all

At school

    19. Do you think corruption in our country has increased/decreased over the past 5 years?

    Significantly increased

    Increased slightly

    Remained at the same level

    Decreased a little

    Significantly decreased

    I find it difficult to answer

    20. In your opinion, what does Azerbaijan look like in terms of corruption levels compared to the majority? developed countries and CIS countries

The developed countries



More corrupt

Less corrupt

Difficult to answer

    21. Do you link the solution to the problem of corruption with a change in political power?

    Yes, completely

    Yes, partly

    Difficult to answer

(specify as a percentage)

    low level professionalism in almost all spheres of life______

    pronounced stratification in society___________

    weakening of the political status of the state on the world stage__________

    poor psychological climate in society ____________

    deprivation of statehood and independence_____________

    increase in lack of spirituality_______________

    departure of the intelligentsia_________________

    extinction of the nation's gene pool_______________

    survival of only certain categories of people: “predators” and sycophants____

    increased tension in society, the possibility of revolutionary explosions______

    no negative consequences

    difficult to answer

    another, namely

    23. What do you think are the positive consequences of increasing corruption in society?

    increase creative activity personalities______________

    possible transformation of personality traits towards increased pragmatism, adaptability_______________

    the ability to bypass some stupid laws_______________

    increasing the dynamics of society development______________

    increasing the weight of the state on the world stage________________

    increasing the stability and stability of the state______________

    the opportunity for an individual or organization to quickly achieve intended goals, bypassing the bureaucratic apparatus________________

    no positive consequences_________

    difficult to answer

    another, namely


1. Gender

2. Age

3. Education


Year of ending:

4. What school do you work at?

    Regular medium

    Lyceum is free

    Paid school or lyceum

    Another, namely

5. Subject you teach

6. Total work experience

7. Experience pedagogical work

8. Do you work anywhere else?

    Yes, by specialty

    Yes, but not by specialty

9. Main language of communication



    Azerbaijani and Russian

    The other one, namely

10. Nationality



    Metis (mixed)

    Another, namely

11. Where are you from?

12. Have you changed your place of residence?

13.What is the level of material

your family's wealth

  1. Quite wealthy

    Average income


    Living below the poverty line

14. Marital status


    Not married (single)

    Widow (widower)

    Divorced (divorced)

15. Number of family members

16. Total monthly family income

(in new manats)