Algorithm for writing essays in the Russian language, OGE consultation in the Russian language (grade 9) on the topic. OGE essays based on the texts of the manual I

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: “What is self-education?”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from yours life experience.
The essay must be at least 70 words.
If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.
Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Self-education is a person’s desire to make himself better, to instill in himself useful character traits and skills.
It is very important that a person learns to educate himself, because when he grows up, teachers or parents will no longer make comments to him - he must improve himself.
In Kaverin's text we read about the boy Sanka, who dreamed of becoming a pilot. Nobody forced him, he made the decision himself and steadily walked towards his dream. Sanka did special gymnastics, strengthened himself, and studied special literature. I read the novel “Two Captains,” so I know that the hero managed to fulfill his dream.
I remember another pilot - Alexey Meresyev, the hero of B. Polevoy’s book “The Tale of a Real Man,” based on real events. The hero of this book lost his legs, but was able to ensure that he was allowed to fly again, and again went to the front. It was also very difficult for him, but he persevered.
Self-education is very important for every person.

STEP 1. Formulate the THESIS. Let's define the word FRIENDSHIP.

Friendship is a close relationship based primarily on mutual understanding and sincerity. A true friend will rejoice at your success from the bottom of his heart, and there will never be envy in his heart. I will prove the truth of my words with specific examples. (34 words)


1. The text of a concise presentation will help you define the concept, because its theme echoes the theme of the essay (see paragraph 2 of the text to options 1-4, p. 220);

2. before formulating a definition, analyze the content of the text for presentation (p. 220) and compare it with the content of the text by Yu. Olesha, this must be done in order to avoid inconsistencies between the definition of the word friendship and example arguments from the specified text and your life experience; in the text for presentation, several distinctive signs of friendship are named, but there is no need to list all the signs in the definition, indicate only the one that can be illustrated with an example from the text by Yu. Olesha;

3. when explaining the meaning of the word friendship, avoid the following formulation: Friendship is when...;

3. build your definition according to the following SCHEME:

A) name the concept (friendship),

B) name a broader concept (for example, relationships),

B) indicate hallmark(for example, based on...);

4. I offer other options for defining the word friendship:

A) Friendship is one of the main virtues, expressed in mutual understanding, sincerity...

B) Friendship is a type of relationship between people that is characterized by...

C) Friendship is a form of communication between people based on...

D) Friendship is one of the best moral feelings of a person, expressing...

5. do not forget to logically connect this part of the essay with the next one (see the last sentence of the introduction).

STEP 2. We present an ARGUMENT from the text we read, confirming our reasoning.

Argument 1

Let us turn to the text by Yu. Olesha. It tells the story of the relationship between two lyceum students - Pushkin and Kuchelbecker. Wilhelm is a true friend, because he not only does not take offense at the lines addressed to him, but also realizes the genius of the young poet and does not hide his sincere admiration for him (sentences 49 - 56). (40 words)

STEP 3. We present an ARGUMENT from our own life experience.

Argument 2

I also have a girlfriend. Her name is Kristina. She is reliable, understanding, responsive. For six years now, Christina has been successfully practicing gymnastics. I always sincerely rejoice at her victories and achievements. Most recently, Christina took first place in regional competitions. I know how hard it was for her to achieve this victory. I am very proud of my friend and value our friendship! (55 words)

STEP 4. Formulate a CONCLUSION.

Thus, one of the main conditions of friendship is the absence of envy and competition. (16 words)

In total, the essay contains 145 words (the minimum length is at least 70 words).

Remember that the essay must have at least 3 paragraphs! This work consists of 4 paragraphs:

1. Explanation of the meaning of sentences from the text.

2. Argument 1.

3. Argument 2.

4. Conclusion.

OGE Essay-reasoning based on a text from the collection of I.P. Tsybulko on the topic “What is good” (task 15.3, option 8, p. 50)

Task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word GOOD? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is good”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis.

STEP 1. Formulate the THESIS. Let's define the word GOOD.

Good is actions that bring happiness and do not cause harm, damage, pain, suffering to anyone; it is an intentional, selfless and sincere desire to achieve good, for example, helping one’s neighbor, as well as to a stranger or animal and flora. This judgment can be confirmed the following examples. (40 word)

STEP 2. We provide an EXAMPLE from the text we read, confirming our reasoning.

Argument 1

The hero of Yu. Yakovlev’s text, Kosta, at first glance is an unremarkable, silent child. But his actions indicate that before us is a man capable of doing good. This kindness is expressed in caring for the dogs, which Costa “fed, walked, maintaining their faith in humans” (sentence 47). (43 words)

STEP 3. We give an EXAMPLE from our own life experience.

Argument 2

I remember the story of another child - second grader Yegor, who saved up money for a touch phone. But one day he heard on TV that animals in the zoo were dying of hunger. Then the boy wrote a letter to the director of the zoo, which contained the following lines: “I love animals very much and believe that their lives are more important than a telephone, so I give all my money for the animals.” (57 words)

STEP 3. Formulate a CONCLUSION.

Thus, goodness is associated with mercy, compassion, and love for all living things. (11 words)

Remember that the essay must have 4 paragraphs:

1. Explanation of the meaning of the specified word.

2. Example 1.

3. Example 2.

4. Conclusion.

OGE Essay-reasoning based on a text from the collection of I.P. Tsybulko on the topic “What is self-education” (task 15.3, option 13)

Task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: “What is self-education”, using the definition you gave as a thesis.

When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Step 1 I write an INTRODUCTION.

I am formulating the definition of the word SELF-EDUCATION.

For help, I turn to the text for presentation (see collection by I.P. Tsybulko, p. 221 “Text for presentation for options 13-16”, paragraph 2). There are these lines:

Self-education is a conscious attitude towards own life, to your thoughts and plans and, above all, to your own actions.

Now you need to comment this definition, otherwise 1 point according to criteria C3K1 Interpretation of the meaning of a word (collection by I.P. Tsybulko p. 235) will be lost.

The comment could be like this:

Self-education plays a big role in the formation of a person. This is a complex process that requires strong-willed efforts from a person. I combine the definition and commentary:

Self-education is a conscious attitude towards one’s own life, one’s thoughts and plans, and, above all, one’s own actions. Self-education plays a big role in the formation of a person as an individual. This is a complex process that requires strong-willed efforts from a person. (35 words)

Step 2 I formulate the 1st argument (from the text I read).

In this argument, it is necessary to briefly talk about who in K. Osipov’s text is engaged in self-education and how he does it.

I highlight the key sentences that I will rely on when writing my argument: 2-9, 11-14.

I structure my argument as follows:

1. thesis (the idea that I will prove is the first sentence),

2. evidence (story about Suvorov),

3. micro-inference (last sentence of the argument).

Most great people achieved victory and glory by working on themselves, overcoming their shortcomings and developing best qualities. K. Osipov talks about one of them - the legendary A.V. Suvorov - in his text. Even as a child, the future commander managed to overcome what prevented him from realizing his dream of military service: physical imperfection, insufficient upbringing and education, and even lack of support from the father. For this, young Suvorov developed a whole system of self-education, which included hardening, self-education and reading military books. It is amazing how persistently a ten-year-old boy prepared himself for military activity. (86 words)

Step 3 I formulate the 2nd argument (from my own life experience).

Now I'm thinking about the second argument.

You can remember how great people worked on themselves.

Alexander Nevskiy,

Dmitry Donskoy,

Mikhail Kutuzov,

Vasily Chapaev,

Georgy Zhukov,

Lev Tolstoy,

Maxim Gorky and others.L. N. Tolstoy keeps a diary as a teenager, notes his shortcomings in it, draws up plans for self-education and self-education for different deadlines, describes the progress of work on oneself, analyzes mistakes; outlines new, general and private plans for self-education.

A.P. Chekhov was seriously engaged in self-education. In one of the letters to his wife, O. L. Knipper-Chekhova, Anton Pavlovich wrote: “You... envy my character. I must tell you that by nature I have a harsh character, I am quick-tempered, etc., etc. But I am used to restraining myself, because it is not appropriate for a decent person to let himself go...”

The great Russian traveler V.K. Arsenyev paid great attention to the self-education of himself and his son. For self-education of will, he recommended that his son adhere to the following commandments: 1. One today is better than a hundred tomorrow. 2. Delay is like death. 3. Don’t wait for a favorable moment, but create it yourself. 4. Either work or die. 5. Implement your decisions immediately. 6. Don’t waste your energy on aimless hesitation. 7. Not a single great deed has been accomplished by indecisive people. 8. Nothing has such a price as perseverance and patience. 9. Twenty things half done are not worth one completed. 10. It is better to overcome bad habits today than tomorrow. 11. Do not adhere to the rules like a blind wall. 12. Have respect for yourself. 13. Get used to thoroughness and accuracy. 14. Your life is what you make of it yourself.

The moral and volitional norms of behavior that the great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky followed in his work on himself are interesting: 1. Perfect calm, at least externally. 2. Directness in words and actions. 3. Deliberate action. 4. Determination. 5. Do not speak a single word about yourself unless necessary. 6. Don't spend time unconsciously; do what you want, not what will happen. 7. Give a conscientious account of your actions every evening. 8. Never brag about what was, what is, or what will be. Ushinsky gave the impression of a man who knew how to perfectly control his actions and his own personality.

Working day of Peter the Great. “I am a king, but I have calluses on my hands,” Peter 1 liked to say. He did not tolerate idleness, and his day was filled to the limit. I got up very early before dawn. At 3-4 o'clock in the morning - the Council of Ministers, then control over the construction of ships in the Admiralty. Often he took up the ax himself. Then at home he practiced his favorite craft: turning. During his life he mastered 14 crafts. Then lunch, rest. And again - to the workshops, for construction, to inspect ships. In the evening I visited friends and went to bed early. “Time for business is a time for fun,” Peter often reminded those around him.

You can write about your own self-education program.

Or refer to other texts from the collection of I.P. Tsybulko:

option 14 (about Demosthenes),

option 15 (on my word of honor),

option 16 (about Meresyev).

I will focus on Demosthenes. I use the same scheme as when writing the 1st argument.

The famous Demosthenes was also seriously engaged in self-education. WITH youth The ancient Greek dreamed of becoming an orator. Meanwhile, he was tongue-tied, had a weak voice, short breathing, and a habit of twitching his shoulder. Then he began to learn to pronounce words clearly, putting pebbles in his mouth, read poets loudly, and practiced facial expressions in front of a mirror. Studying examples of eloquence, Demosthenes did not leave the room for weeks. His first attempts to speak publicly were not successful, but the future speaker continued to work on himself. So, with persistence and hard work, he achieved his goal. (79 words)

Step 4 I draw a conclusion

Thus, these examples convince us that self-education helps a person not only get rid of shortcomings, but also achieve his goal. (21 words)

Step 5 I connect the parts and get this ESSAY:

Self-education is a conscious attitude towards one’s own life, one’s thoughts and plans, and, above all, one’s own actions. Self-education plays a big role in the formation of a person as an individual. This is a complex process that requires strong-willed efforts from a person.

Most great people achieved victory and glory by working on themselves, overcoming their shortcomings and developing their best qualities. K. Osipov talks about one of them - the legendary A.V. Suvorov - in his text. Even as a child, the future commander managed to overcome what prevented him from realizing his dream of military service: physical imperfection, insufficient upbringing and education, and even lack of support from his father. For this, young Suvorov developed a whole system of self-education, which included hardening, self-education and reading military books. It is amazing how persistently a ten-year-old boy prepared himself for military activity.

The famous Demosthenes was also seriously engaged in self-education. From a young age, the ancient Greek dreamed of becoming an orator. Meanwhile, he was tongue-tied, had a weak voice, short breathing, and a habit of twitching his shoulder. Then he began to learn to pronounce words clearly, putting pebbles in his mouth, read poets loudly, and practiced facial expressions in front of a mirror. Studying examples of eloquence, Demosthenes did not leave the room for weeks. His first attempts to speak publicly were not successful, but the future speaker continued to work on himself. So, with perseverance and hard work, he achieved his goal.

OGE Essay-reasoning based on a text from the collection of I.P. Tsybulko on the topic “What is compassion” (task 15.3, option 20)

Task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word COMPASSION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is compassion,” using the definition you gave as the thesis.

When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


Compassion is the ability to empathize with another person, to feel someone else's pain. To prove my words, I will give specific examples.

In A. Likhanov’s text, a girl who came to work at a boarding school showed compassion for abandoned children. She felt their pain, loneliness, resentment and realized that these “sad little people” needed the love and care of loved ones. Compassion pushed the girl to do a good deed - to help these children find a family.

A striking example of the manifestation of compassion is the Tatar girl Dina, the heroine of the story by L. Tolstoy " Prisoner of the Caucasus". Imbued with sympathy for the Russian officer and not afraid of her father's anger, Dina stealthily runs to the pit where Zhilin is sitting, brings him milk, cakes and finally arranges an escape.

Thus, compassion is the willingness to help others without thinking. (112 words)

OGE Essay-reasoning based on a text from the collection of I.P. Tsybulko on the topic “What is beauty” (task 15.3, option 25)

Task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word BEAUTY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is beauty”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis.

When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


We pronounce the word "beauty" quite often, in different situations. It helps us express our admiration, for example, for some work of art, or the nature around us, or a person, or an animal. This multifaceted word can be attributed to many phenomena. But what do we mean by this concept?

What is beautiful and what is ugly is a subjective question, because each person has his own ideas about beauty. But, for sure, such a statement will not cause controversy: nature has real beauty, because everything in it is harmonious and natural. I will prove the truth of my words concrete examples In the text by A.S. Barkov, the father wakes up his son very early in order to show him all the beauty of the extraordinary sacrament - the grouse current (sentences 1-3). The wonderful sight amazed the boy so much that he remembered this night even thirty years later.

Just like the hero of A.S. Barkov’s text, I cannot forget my first trip to the Caucasus. This is truly an amazing corner of our planet! Majestic mountains, wild rivers, waterfalls, lush vegetation, diverse animal world- all this affected me indelible impression and caused a lot of positive emotions.

Thus, beauty in my understanding is what touches the soul and gives joy. Nature is an inexhaustible source of beauty! (179 words)

Essay on the topic Self-education OGE 15.3

Essay on the topic Self-education 9th grade
Many adults are still arguing whether it is necessary to introduce such a subject as Self-Knowledge in schools, because it teaches the child to know himself, to build himself as an individual, and therefore teaches the child to engage in self-education. Why not? What's bad about it? Of course, the majority believes that parents should be involved in raising a child, and if they do not have time, then this responsibility is transferred to the shoulders of teachers. But no, this is completely wrong. I believe that a child should develop on his own, and adults should only push him. I am very glad that my parents adhere to such tactics; they teach me to be independent. Self-education helps me in life to acquire my own opinion for all life situations, gain experience and become an individual, and not a copy, which teachers are so quickly trying to make. And why does it become a copy? My father often says that a person who does not have his own opinion will always obey, he will be a robot and he will be unhappy. I don’t really want to become a robot, I have my own thoughts in my head and I believe what others are trying so hard to refute. Facing different life situations, you understand that some advice does not work and you will have to get out of this situation only by relying on yourself. So self-education is not such a bad thing. I would advise many parents to let go of the situation a little and let the child feel life from a completely different side, then he will begin to understand it, and he will definitely no longer be afraid. And the most sustainable education is not parental education, but self-education, since you more often obey your own thoughts than the thoughts that your parents put into you. So you need to learn and improve yourself throughout your life.

Essay on the topic Self-education 15.3
Self-education is one of life’s main teachers. Here no one will run after you and hammer the rules into your head, here you are faced with your most important enemy, friend and teacher - yourself. And when you stand in front of yourself, that same struggle occurs in which only one wins. This is all self-education, when you mold yourself into the person you want to see or whom everyone around you wants to see. Life path A person’s life is determined by his upbringing, where he sets his priorities, and there his life will pass. Self-education allows you to become a bright spot among all this human gray mass.

In my understanding, self-education is the formation of a person’s personality with the help of his will and desire. To achieve your cherished goal, you need to work a lot on yourself. On the path to self-education, you may encounter many difficulties, but sooner or later this path will lead to the fulfillment of your dreams.

In the text by V.A. Kaverin we see a story about a hero who is seriously interested in aviation. The narrator understands that getting into a flight school is not at all easy; for this you need to train long and hard. The boy hid his intention from others, and every day he “did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold rubbing according to the Muller system” (sentence 34). I think that the hero will definitely achieve what he wants, because he cultivates in himself all the qualities necessary for a pilot: determination, willpower, perseverance.

I would also like to give an example from my own life. My friend Nikolai was never interested in reading, so he always got bad grades in literature. But everything changed when he learned that in order to enter college he would have to pass an exam in this particular unloved subject. Nikolai began to read an hour a day and literally within a month he was already well versed in literature. Now Nikolai can easily handle even complex exam tasks. This became possible only thanks to self-education.

From all this we can conclude that self-education is a process without which the normal development of a person’s personality is impossible. Without self-education, you cannot cope with difficulties and achieve success in life.

Read along with the article “Essay on the topic “Self-education”:

What is self-education? This is self-education. Self-education means taking care of yourself and your behavior. This is a very important part of the development of a person’s character, which depends on himself, on his willpower. Not every person is capable of self-education, but those who can do this will definitely achieve great results in the right field and achieve their goals.

An excellent example of self-education was demonstrated in his text by V.

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A. Kaverin. The hero of this passage wants to enter a flight school, and independently does everything possible for this. He reads the necessary books, does gymnastics and hardening. No one knows about his dream, and no one forces him to do anything to achieve it. The boy does everything himself, and this is real self-education.

Examples of self-education can be found in real life. These are all those people who surround us, and, just like the hero of this text, they are moving towards their dreams. Such a person is my mother (grandmother, sister), who since childhood dreamed of becoming a teacher (writer, artist). No one believed in her, but she studied long and hard to get into the right field. educational institution and make your dream come true.

The above examples prove my original point. Self-education is an activity aimed at self-development. Self-education is inherent in strong and strong-willed individuals who are ready to develop to achieve their goals.

Updated: 2017-04-18

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