Creepy abandoned places (31 photos). Zheltoyar in Voronezh region

Stalking is a very popular type of hobby nowadays, covering more and more people who want to get a little adrenaline and feel the atmosphere of abandoned places. On the Internet we often see breathtaking photographs of abandoned places around the world, where eternal silence reigns, where nature begins to reclaim what man has taken from it.

In fact, it is not at all necessary to go on a long and expensive trip for stalking, and if you are not a fan of such forays, then we suggest you just enjoy our selection of the most terrible places that can be found right in Russia.

1. Abandoned submarine dock

Huge spaces and at the same time closed spaces. The sound of water and the echo of waves in lifeless walls. This shelter for submarines began to be built in the Primorsky Territory in Pavlovsk in the mid-20th century. The entire 20 years were allotted for construction, but in the early 80s construction was suspended due to an outflow of funding. In 1991, the United States and Russia signed a treaty under which the countries pledged to disarm, and the submarine base was finally abandoned.

According to the stories of local stalkers, in some rooms of the base there is an increased background radiation, so if you are suddenly planning a trip there, it is better to be on the safe side.

2. Khovrinskaya Hospital, Moscow

Hospitals have always been a favorite place to visit for stalkers and ghost hunters. Of course, this is not an easy hospital; the authorities decided to build it right on the site of the cemetery in 1980, but abandoned this idea halfway. The building remained unfinished, and poor organization to strengthen the soil and ensure the strength of the foundation led to the fact that the structure is still shrinking.

This place was chosen by teenagers who consider themselves to be members of various subcultures. If you know for sure that you want to communicate with the spirits of the dead, then this is the place for you.

3. Russian Death Valley

Do you think Death Valley is only in the USA? In fact, there are similar places in other parts of the planet, albeit not so cruel. For example, Death Valley in Kamchatka was discovered in the mid-70s of the last century. Hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide and carbon dioxide. Such a hellish mixture poses a danger to living organisms, so the ground here is often strewn with the corpses of careless animals who did not pay attention to the unusual smell.

A person will most likely leave here without problems, but animal corpses on the surface are so common that this makes the Death Valley in Kamchatka one of the most terrible places on Earth.

4. Sablinsky caves

Those who like to tickle their nerves can choose as a place to visit the ancient caves, which were formed as a result of sand mining in this place from the 18th to the 20th centuries. When mining stopped, the caves had to be closed. There are real labyrinths here, so only experienced stalkers and speleologists decide to go to such a place.

In the middle of the last century, real bandits and those who escaped from prison set up their lairs in the Sablinsky caves. Few people dared to go deep into the caves, even those who lived in them. There have been cases when people disappeared and died in labyrinths. Now tourists are already taken there, a special “walking” area has been allocated for them, but an ordinary tourist will not be able to get deep into it. But stalkers find loopholes.

5. Abandoned submarine base

In a city called Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky-54 there is an abandoned place, a submarine bay that has long been considered secret. Just a few decades ago this place was bustling with life, and people parked in the bay submarines returning from assignments.

After the base was closed in 1996, the military rolled up all their property and left the place. However, no one went to extremes, so a lot of props from those times have been preserved to this day, which are valuable precisely from the atmospheric side. There are few places where you can experience such oppressive silence.

6. Kadykchan, Magadan

Oddly enough, but translated from the local language, Kadykchan means the same “valley of death.” This urban village was built in 1943. Not far from it, the authorities launched the mining of high-quality coal, and until recently the town was in full swing with life. However, around the mid-90s, a disaster occurred at the mine - a gas explosion. Seeing this, people began to leave.

By the early 2000s, there were more than 700 people in the city. But in just a few years the number of residents fell to such a minimum that by a strong-willed decision the authorities decided to disconnect the city from central heating and water supply, since these services did not even pay for themselves. After such a dramatic revolution, the last residents left the city, and now it is a ghost town that still retains the indescribable atmosphere of a dead place.

Planet Earth is rich in places with beautiful natural attractions, where the picturesque landscape is complemented by exotic fauna. There are no less places with architectural, cultural and historical monuments. However, among admirers of exotic tourism, there is a certain category of travelers who prefer to visit the most terrible abandoned places, several of which have become objects of a kind of pilgrimage.

Abandoned and dangerous places to visit

Start reviewing the attractions that can be considered as the most creepy places in the world , follows with city ​​of Pripyat , which after the catastrophic accident at the Chernobyl power plant in 1986 turned into a dead city. The thirty-kilometer zone surrounding it poses a real danger to the lives of people who wander into it due to the high concentration of radionuclides.

As you know, “the forbidden fruit is always sweet,” and today there are many tourists who have made exploring this territory their hobby. Despite regularly appearing proposals for groups to visit the exclusion zone, the presence of outsiders in it is officially prohibited and is dangerous to health. A whole trend dedicated to tourism to the Chernobyl zone has appeared in popular culture. This is first of all:

  • gaming Universe “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.”;
  • a book series with the same name “STALKER”;
  • a series of documentaries – “We”, “The Bell of Chernobyl” and “Pripyat”;
  • feature films “Nuclear Zone Ranger” (Belarus), “Forbidden Zone” (USA), “Disintegration” (USSR);
  • Comedy-fantasy “Road movie” of the series “Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone" and the Ukrainian mini-series "Moths".

An equally depressing impression is left by the one located at the foot of Fujisan stratovolcano (Japanese island of Honshu) “Suicide Forest” - Aokigahara. This forest area is not visited by collectors of mushrooms and berries, which grow here in huge quantities. Aokigahara is a cult site of Japanese suicides. The first self-hanging in the forest occurred in 1950 and, according to expert psychoanalysts, the reason for this was reading the book “The Black Sea of ​​Trees” (author Seiko Matsumoto).

In 1970, the Japanese Government recognized the Aokigahara forest, where 50 to 100 people voluntarily die each year, national problem and a special police unit was created to clear the area of ​​uninvited guests.

Located in the Avar Basin in northern Ethiopia, which has a second name - “Hell on Earth”, can rightfully be classified as the most terrible abandoned place in the world. The Sahara habitat will seem like a piece of paradise compared to the landscape and atmosphere of the Danakil Desert. Travelers in this area face the following risks:

  • heat stroke from ambient temperature exceeding +50.0°;
  • the likelihood of stepping on a smoking hummock and awakening a volcano,
  • inhale sulfur fumes;
  • stumble and swim in an oil lake or a pool of sulfuric acid.

Despite the high danger, there are many fans of extreme tourism who want to visit this terrible corner. True, just one visit to the Danakil Desert and staying on its territory for 24 hours can shorten a traveler’s stay on Earth by ten years. Tour operators, describing all the “delights” of this terrible place, forget to mention the ever-hungry semi-wild tribes of the “Afars”, whose purpose of existence is the armed struggle for food and water. The accompanying guides cannot rule out meeting them.

Beautiful abandoned places on our planet

In addition to scary and dangerous territories, there are also magnificent parks on Earth, the territory of which a person rarely sets foot on. These locations were once inhabited and attracted many tourists. Over time, for economic reasons or due to natural disasters they have lost their charm and are open to the public today. However, there is no widespread interest among travelers, despite the fact that the areas remain objects of close attention for lovers of everything unusual.

The category of beautiful but abandoned places in the world should first of all include the one located in Taiwan San Zhi city . The resort town project, developed in the late seventies of the last century, was intended by investors to become one of the most attractive places for tourists. However, after construction was completed, all potential clients were scared of living in houses made of glass and plastic, and the residential area turned into a ghost town. Today its popularity is increasing, as its unusual architecture attracts connoisseurs of the exotic.

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website with bated breath, presents a selection of the most mysterious places on the planet that evoke quiet horror and interest at the same time.

The combination of mystery and danger arouses interest and attracts attention against our will, and the sight of nature, which calmly captures what people have created, returns us to the understanding of our own insignificance in the face of time.

San Ji Ghost Town, Taiwan

A luxurious resort on the sea coast was built specifically for the local rich. But already during construction something strange began to happen. Dozens of workers died: they broke their necks falling from a height (even with safety ropes), and died under collapsed cranes. The surrounding residents were sure that the town was inhabited evil spirits. There were harrowing stories about a Japanese “death camp” that had once been located here. At the end of the 1980s, construction stalled. The apartments never found buyers, and the authorities do not demolish the city because people believe that this will release evil spirits.

Abandoned military hospital in Beelitz, Germany

The city of the same name is located 40 kilometers from the capital of Germany. During the First and Second World Wars, the hospital was used by the military, and in 1916 Adolf Hitler was treated there. In 1995, people left the city, and since then it has been gradually destroyed.

Eighth workshop of the Dagdizel plant, Makhachkala

Naval weapons testing station, commissioned in 1939. It is located 2.7 km from the coast and has not been used for a long time. Construction took a long time and was complicated by difficult conditions. Unfortunately, the workshop did not serve the plant for long. The requirements for the work carried out in the workshop changed, and in April 1966 this grandiose structure was written off from the factory balance sheet. Now this “Array” is abandoned and stands in the Caspian Sea, resembling an ancient monster from the shore.

Psychiatric Clinic Lier Sikehus, Norway

The Norwegian psychiatric hospital, located in the small town of Lier, half an hour's drive from Oslo, has a dark past. Experiments on patients were once carried out here, and for unknown reasons, four hospital buildings were abandoned in 1985. Equipment, beds, even magazines and personal belongings of patients remained in the abandoned buildings. At the same time, the remaining eight buildings of the hospital are still operating to this day.

Gunkanjima Island, Japan

In fact, the island is called Hashima, nicknamed Gunkanjima, which means “cruiser island.” The island was settled in 1810 when coal was discovered there. Within fifty years, it has become the most populated island in the world in terms of the ratio of land and the number of inhabitants on it: 5,300 people with a radius of the island itself of one kilometer. By 1974, the reserves of coal and other minerals on Gankajima were completely exhausted, and people left the island. Today, visiting the island is prohibited. There are many legends about this place among the people.

Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong, China

The city was located in Hong Kong, but did not obey the authorities, being under the control of the mafia. Not only did prostitution and drug trafficking flourish inside, but there was also self-government. In addition, the area had its own industry: semi-handicraft production of noodles and all sorts of small things. The enterprises' products were inexpensive: there were no taxes, and local entrepreneurs did not comply with labor laws. We had our own nursing home, kindergarten and school. In the early 1990s, the population density reached two million people per square kilometer.

After a difficult process of eviction of the people living there, a park of the same name was opened in this place in 1995. Some of the city's historical artifacts, including the yamen building, and the remains of the South Gate have been preserved.

Abandoned Hotel Salto in Colombia

In 1924, the luxurious Refugio El Salto hotel was built in the city of San Antonio del Tequendama. After some time, the hotel was closed due to the increasing number of suicides among visitors. There are ominous legends and rumors surrounding this place.

Church of San Juan Parangaricutiro, Mexico

The church, located in the village of the same name, was buried under the lava of the Paricutin volcano in 1944, the village was completely destroyed. Miraculously, the altar and church bell tower remained intact, surrounded by ruins temple complex, protruding cones of frozen lava resemble foreign paintings.

Underwater city of Shichen in China

Ghost town of Kolmanskop, Namibia

The ghost town of Kolmanskop, built in a place where small diamonds were discovered in the sand, which the wind brought from the ocean. Large buildings were built in the city beautiful houses, school, hospital, stadium, and the settlement quickly turned into a model German city. Everyone counted on long-term prosperity, but alas, the “reserve of diamonds” quickly dried up. In addition, the city was difficult to live in due to problems with water and sandstorms, and people left it. Most of the houses are almost entirely covered with sand and make a depressing impression.

All these places were once filled with people living their lives. Abandoned by various reasons, they now look like ghost towns or horror movie sets. The mysterious mood of these places makes you feel fear, curiosity and delight at the same time. Only the bravest can dare to visit such a place!

Ghost Town of Bodie, California, USA

The now abandoned city was founded in 1876, when miners discovered rich reserves of gold and silver here. In search of wealth and better life people were traveling to a small town.
It soon gained a reputation as a "sin city", full of brothels and bars. Residents went bankrupt, and by the forties of the twentieth century, Bodie became a ghost town. It is now considered one of the best preserved towns of its type in the world.

Prison in Pennsylvania, USA

This prison was used from 1829 until 1971. Even the most famous criminals in America ended up here; for example, Al Capone was kept here.
After the prison was closed, it became a state landmark and museum, open for guided tours and exhibitions.

Railway station in Częstochowa, Poland

The railway system in Częstochowa in southern Poland was created during the golden years of industrial development. These days, this abandoned station is one of the most mysterious places in Europe.

Ghost Tower in Sathorn, Thailand

In the early nineties, Thailand experienced the largest economic boom in history. At this time, authorities and businessmen demonstrated stability; financial success led to the emergence of many ambitious construction projects, among which was the skyscraper in Sathorn.
However, the Asian financial crisis soon occurred and the Thai economy was destroyed. Continued construction was cancelled.
At the moment, the future fate of the building remains unknown: reconstructing it will cost more than building a new one. In addition, the tower has a reputation as a place inhabited by ghosts.

North Brother Island, USA

From 1885 until the end of the thirties of the twentieth century, Riverside Hospital treated diseases requiring quarantine: measles, typhoid, scarlet fever, leprosy. After this, the center was used to rehabilitate people with heroin addiction.
In 1963 it was closed. Now no one lives on the island except birds. The hospital building is still there, but could collapse at any moment, with all the windows broken and paint peeling off the walls.

Devil's Mountain, Germany

This reminder of a bygone era is located on the top of a mountain in west Berlin. There was once a Nazi military school here. After several unsuccessful attempts to blow up the building, the Allies decided to fill it with debris left over from the bombing.
After the fall Berlin Wall the abandoned building had many owners. Among them was even David Lynch, who wanted to organize yoga courses here. The Berlin authorities refused this proposal.

Miranda Castle, Belgium

During the French Revolution, Count Liedekerke-Beaufort, a Belgian political activist, was forced to leave the castle with his family. They moved to a farm nearby.
After World War II and until the end of the eighties, the castle belonged to the state railway company and was used first as an orphanage and then as a children's camp. In 1991, due to the high cost of maintenance, the castle was abandoned.

Kijong-Dong, North Korea

It seems that this Korean village was purposely built to remain empty and uninhabited. It is located near the border with South Korea. After the conflict in 1953, the North Korean government decided to use the village as a propaganda tool: it is the only one visible from the South, which means everything should look perfect.
The authorities say that ordinary residents live in the village, but there is not even glass in the windows. In the evenings, the lights come on in all rooms at the same time. This is a fake village!

Fordlandia, Brazil

This place was founded by American entrepreneur Henry Ford in 1927 when he began his urban project. There was to be a rubber tree plantation that would extend into the Amazon rainforest. Ford came up with the idea of ​​a corporate city with all the amenities, swimming pools, golf courses, bungalows and even a place to dance.
However, local residents did not accept the idea and refused to accept the ban on alcohol. Brazilian workers and American industrialists found themselves in conflict situation. In 1930, a riot broke out in one of the cafeterias. The cars were thrown into the river and the managers were driven away. After this, the city was abandoned forever.

Abandoned cinema, Sinai desert

Locals say the cinema was built by a wealthy Frenchman who was walking in the desert with friends and thought the only thing he was missing was a movie. He bought a generator, a hundred chairs and a huge screen in Cairo. Everything was ready for display, but local residents did not like the idea at all. They broke the generator and it was all over before it could have started. As a result, in the heart of the desert there is still a white screen on which not a single film has been shown.

Varosha, Cyprus

In the early seventies of the last century, Varosha was a popular tourist area with luxurious beaches where celebrities and millionaires vacationed. At that time, Cyprus was loved by Brigitte Bardot and Elizabeth Taylor.
Everything changed in August 1974, when Türkiye captured and occupied the northern part of the island. Fifteen thousand residents of the area fled from the invaders, leaving their homes. Many planned to return, but the political situation did not allow them to do so.

Abandoned hotel, Colombia

The once luxurious Hotel Del Salto, located near the waterfall, was built in 1924. Over time, the Bogota River became more and more polluted, and as a result, tourists gradually lost interest in the region.
In addition, many suicides choose this picturesque place, so the hotel is now considered haunted.

Discovery Island, USA

This island was an amusement park.
One day, a dangerous bacterium was found in the waters of the lake, and in July 1999 the park was closed. It has remained abandoned since then.

Holy Land Experience Park, USA

In 1958, John Greco built a religious theme park in Connecticut. It was quite popular in the sixties and seventies, with more than forty thousand people coming here every year.
In 1982, Greco decided to temporarily close the park for reconstruction and expansion, but he died and the park was never reopened.

Orpheum Theater, USA

This is an abandoned theater in Massachusetts. It was opened in 1912, and in 1959 it was already closed. Nowadays a supermarket is located in the office premises, but most of it is simply empty. Charities want to invest in New Bedford and bring a cultural landmark back to life.

American ship on the beach, Canary Islands

In the first days after the crash, the ship was still intact, so people even tried to climb aboard. Then the ship broke into two halves, and now it is not recommended to climb on it. It seems that the ship is very close, but it is surrounded by incredibly strong currents, in addition, sharp debris is hidden under the water. At least eight people died while trying to explore the area around the crash.