Spells for a successful and easy trip. Conspiracies for opening roads

A spell for a successful and safe journey is a simple and easy-to-implement method of magical influence, which can significantly increase the chance of a successful outcome of any journey.

Exist various options similar magical spells, but in Lately The most popular are church rituals in which the performer turns to God, the Mother of God and various saints for help.

A simple spell for the road

Before leaving the house, take a quarter glass of holy water, bring it to your lips and read the Lord’s Prayer three times, and then say the words of the spell:

“Let this water flow, let it run like a clean stream, while I, the servant of God (name), am on my way, you, water, turn away all troubles and misfortunes from me, protect me from loss and grief. I close my words with a golden key and throw it into a fast stream. The water will carry the key into the deep sea, where no one can find it, my words cannot dissuade it. Word. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

After pronouncing the magic words, drink the charmed water in small sips, and feel free to hit the road.

Amulet for a successful journey

To ensure that good luck always accompanies you when traveling and on business trips, spend a little time and make a special amulet that will protect you from any troubles. Take a small aspen twig and cut it on both sides. After this, say the words of the conspiracy three times:

“Holy Wayfarer, Saint Catherine, your legs are quick, your legs are quick, you walk on your paths, you stand on strong feet. On a long journey, no one will knock you down, trouble will not happen to you on the way, and nothing bad will happen. Saint Catherine, in the cold you are not cold, and at night you are not dark, the rain will not wet you and no one will bother you. God the Lord himself protects the Holy Wayfarer. So the Lord will always be with me, he will protect me, God’s servant (name), and protect me from evil. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, hide the finished amulet so that it is always with you on the road, for example, in the car, but so that no one else sees it.

A strong spell for a safe road

Before you go on the road, read the words of the conspiracy:

“My king is my way, my princess is my road. Just as faith in Jesus Christ was strong in the past, so today it is strong and works miracles. And the holy faith will be strong at all times. Amen. The Lord himself will be my shield on my journey, he will extend a saving hand to me from every bad thing, from every grief and misfortune. All my neighbors will also help me, and whoever does not extend his hand to me with kindness will soon become a dead man himself. I will keep the key to my words in my mouth, and the lock from them, in my hand, my words will always be a talisman for me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Blessing before the road

To avoid difficulties, disasters or any less serious troubles on the road, read a simple but extremely effective prayer before leaving:

“Earthly passions, traveling passions. The invisible and endless depth of mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ will be with me on the road. The Lord God, with His hand, will take away all the sorrows along the way from me, protect me from all passions, from deceptions and misfortunes, from all kinds of thieves, from businessmen, from murderers and scoundrels, from the hungry and contagious, with His holy robe He will protect and protect me. The Lord God will always be with me and Holy Mother of God. With them, I, the servant of God (name), am not afraid of anything, with them behind my back I am not afraid of anything. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This prayer must be read twice. The first time is when you leave the house, the second time is when your car or any other vehicle in which you will travel starts moving. If you have to change your vehicle several times along the way, you can also repeat the prayer; it certainly won’t make things worse.

Ritual for good luck on the road

This magical ritual is suitable for you if you are going on a long journey, where you will meet with strangers, communicate, do something on which your future fate will depend. In other words, it is a ritual for business trips. One day before the journey, you should sit on a rigid fast and give up all meat.
Immediately before leaving home, take left hand a little salt, stand by open window, look at the road that leads from your house and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I, servant of God (name), will get up, blessing myself, and leave the house, crossing myself. I will leave the house through the doors, I will go from the doors to the gates, I will go out into an open field, into a wide field. I, servant of God (name), will stand facing the east, with my back to the west. My road ahead will wind and snake, dust will swirl along that road. And I, the servant of God (name), will boldly walk along the road, but I will not know grief. I will only know luck, and at the end of my journey, I will definitely find a reward. And then I can quickly return home, and get in touch without any difficulties. Just as no one can turn over the heavenly chariots, so no one can turn my words away from me. It is said that it will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the last words, quickly throw the salt over your left shoulder so that all the troubles that may await you on the road will be choked on by this salt and will not haunt you. After closing the window, tear out a hair from your head, attach it to window hinge and say:

“My hair will be waiting for me home, it will not close its eyes, it will call me to my home from distant lands.”

Now you can say goodbye to your family and fearlessly set off on a long journey.

Conspiracy for a successful journey and safe return

This plot is read by a relative staying at home. Splash water after the departing person, hand over a talisman - a talisman, and pronounce a spell every evening until the traveler returns.

“Oh, how the falcon flies out of the nest, a long journey awaits him (her): he will fly over flowing waters, he will fly over dense forests, he will fly over sharp steeps. May my amulet protect him on the way so that he does not drink bitter water, so that he doesn’t get lost in a strange forest, so that he doesn’t crash on sharp cliffs. Let the red sun help him, so that the path is clear, let the gentle moon help him and, like a mother, be careful towards him, let the violent winds help him, let him not be violent ", they just whistle so that its wings are fast, so that the long journey is shortened and turned to its native nest. So that the nest does not stand empty, so that the orphaned family does not suffer."

Amulet against accident

“In the beginning there was a word. The word was to God, and God himself was this word. I, (name), speak my way, all the stones on it, ravines, potholes, every treacherous bump. It is said in the “Old Testament”: “Through Through the blood of Adam, death occurred." It is said in the "New Testament": "Through the blood of Christ life was born." Terrible God, wonderful God, living and highest God, You have seen many roads, no one has offended You in these paths, no one has shed Your blood, "You did not destroy Your body. You were preserved by an angel, protected by God the Father. Save me from all evils on my path. Preserve, preserve and protect. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

So that the police and traffic police do not stop you on the way

"I walk, crossing myself, worshiping on four sides. In front is the red sun, a window to the Lord, behind is a clear month, but the path is not dangerous. On the sides are my guardians, deliverers from all authorities and their wisdom, from all ranks and their subordinates, from all uniforms and their commanders. Versta, turn around, not me, but you, bow to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

Very often, before a long trip, we do not think about the whole range of actions we perform. Without knowing it, we sit down “on the path,” put an icon in our pocket at random, don’t clean the house, and so on. In addition to all other “road” procedures, there are special conspiracies that help along the way. A conspiracy for a successful road was used by our distant ancestors. Going on a long journey, they whispered special spells. They also performed magical rituals before battles. They were also very helpful strong influence and helped along the way. All sorts of unpleasant situations can happen along the way: from a punctured tire, being stopped by a traffic police inspector, to traffic accidents. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to use a plot on the road.

Prayers for a long journey

If you have a long trip ahead, or are sent on a business trip at work, or you just love to travel, you definitely need to know these prayers.

Before any trip, even the most ordinary one, we experience slight stress. We cannot know how our path will turn out. After all, the road is not only a place for one person, it is a place of increased danger. Here you can get various injuries or get into a car accident. And this is not always due to your inattention or inexperience.

In addition to you, there are drunk or inexperienced drivers on the road, which can cause an emergency situation on the road. Be sure to read the following prayer before a long journey:

“My angel, come with me, you are ahead, I am behind you. Amen".

To make your journey easy and without incident, sit down for a minute. Then take a glass of holy water and recite this spell:

“Let this water flow, let it run like a clear stream, while I, the servant of God (name), am on my way, you, water, turn away all troubles and misfortunes from me, protect me from loss and grief. I close my words with a golden key and throw it into a fast stream. The water will carry the key into the deep sea, where no one can find it, my words cannot dissuade it. Word. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

After the words you have spoken, slowly drink the charmed water, and then go on a long journey. You can also write this prayer on a blank piece of paper and carry it with you. Try to keep the prayer sheet as close to your body as possible. Then he will act more efficiently.

1. If you are going to long journey, then read the prayer for a successful journey: “The Lord is with me, the Angel of the Lord is before me. Protect me, God's servant, with an iron wall. Whoever wants me harm has fog in his eyes. I am not going on the road myself, but with the Lord Jesus, one hundred and three angels. One helps on the road, another illuminates it, shines with the bright sun, and the third covers the mouth and eyes of the enemies. Amen!" Just before leaving home, read: Protect me, Lord, with the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross. Save me, Lord, from all evil."

2. Before getting into the car, cross yourself three times and read the spell for a successful journey: “Jesus Christ walked through the five heavens. He carried the holy cross with him. With this cross he will protect me, the servant of God (his full name), from a robber. And whoever wants to attack me will bring passion on him. I set off with my right foot and take the damask keys. I will lock my enemies’ tongues and lips, my liver in their teeth. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

3. To make the journey successful, before buying a ticket at the box office, read this spell: “The Lord came from the holy heavens. He carried a golden cross in his hands. He put a cross in the middle of the yard. Stone wall, fiery river of Jesus Christ. Lord, take away from me, the servant of God (your full name), every enemy, every misfortune and illness. Lord bless me in all ways. Forever and ever. Amen! Amen! Amen!" And before the trip itself, read three times: “My God, I am going on Your way. In front of me is the Mother of God, behind me is Jesus Christ. On the sides are Guardian Angels. The Holy Spirit is above me and all heavenly power is with me. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

4. To make the road easy, you need, as usual, to “sit down on the path” before leaving the house. At this time, the departing person must say three times for a successful journey: “The burden is heavy, the path is easy. Amen". Or: “The burden is light and the path is easy. Amen,” depending on the weight of the luggage. My advice is simple, but very effective. And when you start leaving, don’t look back and don’t wave goodbye to those seeing you off. This gesture can be done while on a train, plane, or bus.

5. As soon as you open front door, whisper into the resulting opening: “My corridor is free, because it pleases God. Amen". Then say this phrase mentally at a time convenient for you during your movement.

6. Before crossing the threshold of your home, setting off on the road, you need to say in a low voice: “My God, I am going on Your way. Ahead of me - Mother of God. Behind me is Jesus Christ. On my sides are Guardian Angels. Above me is the Holy Spirit. And all the heavenly power (heavenly army) is with me. Amen". Cross yourself and bow. Now you can go out.

7. Before setting off on your journey, get up at night, before sunrise, and read the following, taking a church candle: “I speak to the servant of God (my full name), from twelve sorrowful ailments, from shaking, from morovitsa, from thorns, from itching, from twitching, from blinking, from deafness, from being cursed into tartarar. All ailments, pump yourself away, throw yourself away from the servant of God (your name) to this day, to this hour, through his life with my strong word. Lord, my God, Saint Nicholas the saint, God's helper! Help the Guardian Angel, God's guardian, guard and protect the servant of God (your name) on her long journey from a villain and a robber, from a sore, from a black saying. Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Very often, before a long trip, we do not think about the whole range of actions we perform. Without knowing it, we sit down “on the path,” put an icon in our pocket at random, don’t clean the house, and so on. In addition to all other “road” procedures, there are special conspiracies that help along the way.

A conspiracy for a successful road was used by our distant ancestors. Going on a long journey, they whispered special spells. They also performed magical rituals before battles. They were also very influential and helpful along the way.

All sorts of unpleasant situations can happen along the way: from a punctured tire, being stopped by a traffic police inspector, to traffic accidents. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to use a plot on the road.

Conspiracy against troubles along the way

To prevent unpleasant situations from happening to you or your loved one on the road, you need to apply the following plot. Before pronouncing it, it is necessary to cross the person who is setting off on a long journey. They cross him in the back and say the following words:

“Go, servant of God (name), along the wide and straight road, along the easy path. Most Holy Theotokos, I pray you, see (name) off, take all troubles and problems away from him on the long road. Dear, dear, take from the servant of God (name) sadness, and in return give him luck and happiness. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

You can also use prayer for unforeseen situations against all sorts of troubles. You will need to write magic words on a blank piece of paper and always carry it with you. The text of the prayer is:

“Lord God, bless! Go, Servant of God (name) with God, with the name of Jesus Christ on your lips. May God protect you from fire and water, from dashing man yes from any trouble. The Lord God will go ahead, the Mother of God will be behind, the heavenly angels will be on the sides, and the first parents Adam and Eve will go with them. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever and forever. Amen".

If you constantly carry a prayer in your pocket, it can protect you from many unforeseen situations. Her Magic force will preserve your precious health and will not allow trouble to overtake you along the way.

Prayers for a long journey

If you have a long trip ahead, or are sent on a business trip at work, or you just like to travel, you definitely need to know these prayers.

Before any trip, even the most ordinary one, we experience slight stress. We cannot know how our path will turn out. After all, the road is not only a place for one person, it is a place of increased danger. Here you can get various injuries or get into a car accident. And this is not always due to your inattention or inexperience.

In addition to you, there are drunk or inexperienced drivers on the road, which can cause an emergency situation on the road. Be sure to read the following prayer before a long journey:

“My angel, come with me, you are ahead, I am behind you. Amen".

To make your journey easy and without incident, sit down for a minute. Then take a glass of holy water and recite this spell:

“Let this water flow, let it run like a clear stream, while I, the servant of God (name), am on my way, you, water, turn away all troubles and misfortunes from me, protect me from loss and grief. I close my words with a golden key and throw it into a fast stream. The water will carry the key into the deep sea, where no one can find it, my words cannot dissuade it. Word. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

After the words you have spoken, slowly drink the charmed water, and then go on a long journey. You can also write this prayer on a blank piece of paper and carry it with you. Try to keep the prayer sheet as close to your body as possible. Then he will act more efficiently.

If you have poppy seeds, use this spell. To perform it, you need to scatter a handful of poppy seeds on the table and cast a spell over them:

“Nine measures maku, tenth measure I. Whoever counts nine measures of maka, only he can master my amulet. Guardian angels are with me. God's icons on the wall. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Then collect the grains in a linen bag and put it in your pocket before a long trip. After a successful return home, be sure to thank the grains for their help. They can be poured onto the ground at the entrance to the house, or they can be left until the next trip.

It is important to remember: if the next trip is not expected soon, the grains should be spoken again.

If a long journey suddenly overtook you, and you did not have time to properly prepare for the trip, you need to read this spell:

“Earthly passions, traveling passions. The immeasurable depth of the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord will take you away, with his hand he will turn away the enemies from me on the way. Cover all the troubles, all the misfortunes, all the passions, all the deceptions of all sorts of businessmen, thieves, scoundrels, murderers, contagious and hungry people with your holy robe. The Mother of God and the Lord are with me. Amen".

Such a conspiracy helps very well on the way. You can read it just before your trip. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you’re on a train, in a car or on a plane.

The following plot helps very well in such situations. It is quite simple and easy to pronounce. It can easily be memorized as a verse and read at any opportunity. The words of the conspiracy are:

“The burden is heavy - the path is easy. Amen".

After the spell has been cast, you cannot turn back, you only need to go forward. Even if someone calls out to you, do not give in to the temptation to turn around. Otherwise, the magic words may not work as expected.

How to properly prepare for a long journey

Road spell for all occasions

When setting out on a long journey, people tend to worry because:

  • It's too hard to leave your home. This means losing the energetic and psychological support of loved ones and friends, breaking, albeit temporarily, the connection with one’s land, changing the usual way of life;
  • the road is always full of dangers - there are criminals who are greedy for other people’s goods, transport disasters, and even simple delays along the way;
  • and a new place and new acquaintances are always unknown.

Before departure, you need to calculate and prepare everything, but it would be good to play it safe and enlist the support of the Higher Powers: read the plot for the trip. May all misfortunes pass you by. Believe fervently, and the travel spell will make the journey pleasant and safe.

Help on a long journey

When going on a long trip, turn to the plot for a long journey. A simple prayer will become your amulet and protect you from possible troubles and dashing people. Be filled with reverence for the Mother of God and the Holy Saints, overshadow yourself sign of the cross and read the plot for a long journey, turning your face to the east:

At the heights of heaven,
on the Lord's heights,
Mother Most Holy Theotokos,
Saint Nicholas, God's Pleasant,
Christ's helper.
You stand next to the Lord,
You see Jesus Christ day and night.
Pray for those on the journey.
Lord, save me, save me.
Pray, Lord, for me too,
God's servant (name).
Angels, come
Angels, go on the journey with me,
Cover with indestructible protection.
Cover with an unwearable cover.
Help and protect:
From water, fire, from sword, knife, from all blasphemy,
Troubles, misfortunes, from seventy-seven misfortunes.
From theft, witchcraft, from a jealous heart,
Blind, from the beast of the forest, from the snake,
Poison and witchcraft lining
Mind me.
The word is holy, strong, dear.
My God is always with me.

A request for good luck on your journey

The burden is heavy, the path is easy. Amen.


The burden is light and the path is easy. Amen.

This is what they say before leaving the house. Of course, when pronouncing, take into account the weight of the burden. If your luggage is dragging your hands, use the first option; if you travel light, use the second.

When leaving, do not look back, do not turn around, and do not wave your hand to those accompanying you. So you can say goodbye to your loved ones only after boarding a transport: bus, car or train. Otherwise, the plot for a successful road will lose its power.

How to remove obstacles in life

You can remove obstacles from the path with an old spell to open the road.

Early in the morning, take four stones from four paths. These roads should not intersect with each other. Place four black candles on the stones. Let them stand like pillars facing the four cardinal directions. And between them, in the middle, place a church candle, like a traveler standing at a crossroads.

Take two skeins of natural thread (not synthetic). The colors needed are black and scarlet. Tie a loop of red thread on the North candle. Create the binding exactly in the middle. Pass the thread to the South candle, wrap it clockwise and return to the North. The church candle will be inside the red thread. Repeat this three times. Finish the journey in the South. Secure the thread to the candle with three knots. The skein and the sling should remain one piece. You cannot cut the thread.

We also do it with black thread, but we start from the East and end with the West. Thread skeins remain on the south and west sides.

Light the candles: first the northern one, then the southern one, the eastern one, the western one and the church one.

While the fire is burning, read the plot to open the road:

On four sides, on four ways
The Chervlennaya hut stands
In that hut the Mother Craftswoman
Yes, the old woman and the girl.
The tow is washed, the tow is scratched and ore is spun.
They drive with a finger, measure out the measure.
The measure is placed evenly
Yes it blows in the wind
Stretches on four sides
tied to four posts
With strong bonds, with a careful share of good (Name)
To anyone born alive from a mother
Those bonds cannot be cut
No empty lesson can destroy them
Neither a hot iron nor a sharpened arrow
Don't spoil it, don't untie it.
All words have been fully spoken and sealed
They were thrown into the wind.
No matter how they are turned back, no one can cancel them.

If everything was done correctly, then the threads on the candles will burn out, opening the path to life.

Keep and wear this amulet. It will attract good luck and remove obstacles.

Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Almighty.
You are the doctor of our souls and bodies, take away trouble from me,
Ulcer, sore, blood, broken bones, bed of infirmity.
So that I, the servant of God (name), do not have yellow bones
Break, don’t shed blood, don’t shed any brains
Shake, do not lose your life, son of God, Jesus
Christ, I ask You, I pray, save me, God’s
Man, in all ways, in all roads, as a shield
Protect me with Yours, take me under Your protection.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever and forever. Amen.

Safe words for the driver

They say these words before leaving the house.

God is Right,
God Honest,
be with me everywhere.
A month in the sky, the sun in the sky.
And as long as it stays that way,
Until then, no one will destroy me on my journey.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

And now a very good, strong amulet for the driver. You know, there is nothing more valuable than human life.

Lord, God, help!
Cover me and protect me:
From bruises, mutilation, broken bones, from deformity,
Rush of muscles, from terrible wounds and scarlet blood.
Protect my body from fire burns, save, save,
Protect me, be my words strong and molding.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever and forever.

Protective plot on a scarf

Read the spell words above the handkerchief, which you should use to wipe your face before leaving the house. This plot will be an excellent protection against evil people that may come your way.

The shield is my guarantee, Christ is my protection.
I go, and everywhere I go
And a bright road. Amen.

Before leaving home

Fill the glass one quarter full with holy water, bring it close to your lips and recite the “Our Father” prayer three times, and then the spell:

Water, flow, run like a stream, and while I, (your full name), am on the way, take away all misfortunes, protect from evil. Word. Language. Teeth. Lock.

Drink the charmed water in small sips, and leave the glass on the table, turning it upside down. It should remain in this position until you return.

Have a good trip

On the first frosty day, when there is wind and snow, make a talisman for a successful journey. Write this plot on a clean, unlined piece of paper, put a few pieces of church incense in it and store it in the glove compartment of your car so that a prying eye does not see it:

Jesus Christ to me, the servant of God (his full name), is a protector from a dashing person, from a bad thought, from an icy road, from cold and illness! Lord Jesus Christ, help me keep the steering wheel straight and not roll on the ice! Let it be so. Amen!

What to say when seeing you off on the road loved one

Pour water into a cup and, bringing it to your lips, read the following spell over it:

To the walking Saint Siseneus
From Mount Simojskia
You will find a devil, possessing
Iron irutsi were cleansed
And camel hair...

The charmed water must be poured after the person setting off on his journey.

Talk to a loved one out of trouble on the way

If one of your loved ones goes on a trip, then you should read a special amulet spell for him so that everything goes well with him along the way. Place the person you are talking to on a chair and walk around him with a lit church candle. The words of the conspiracy are:

I speak to the servant of God (name)
About saving on the road,
Firmly firmly on his fate, on his life.
Who plucks and eats all the grass from the meadow,
He will drink all the water from the sea and not get hungry,
He would not have prevailed over my word,
My conspiracy was not broken.
Which of the evil people will reveal it,
And he will despise, and blaspheme, and spoil...