“I regret that I didn’t have my breasts done earlier”: personal experience of a mother of two children. Fun facts about sex that no one told you before. Your friends noticed that you had breast enlargement.

For many decent girls, everything is very good in life, except for one small detail. But there’s no point in beating one’s heart – not a small, small detail. In a word, we are talking about breasts.

For many decent girls, everything is very good in life, except for one small detail. But there’s no point in beating one’s heart – not a small, small detail. In a word, we are talking about breasts.

A few months ago, ISAPS - International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - published the results of world statistics plastic surgery. The survey involved more than thirty thousand plastic surgeons practicing in twenty-five countries around the world. So ISAPS claims that breast augmentation is the second most popular of all plastic surgeries. The first place is in liposuction, that is, pumping out fat from the sides, buttocks, or abdomen. In addition, according to the estimates of the respected Society, about one and a half million women in the countries studied have their breasts enlarged every year. Among them is Russia, which, by the way, ranks only twelfth in terms of the number of plastic surgeries performed per year. The top three in this ranking are the USA, China and Brazil.

Despite the seemingly modest twelfth position in the ranking, in Russia breast augmentation has long ceased to be something extraordinary. This is not a status item, like some Bentley or Birkin bag. This is rather a procedure of the same order as installing braces. Requires investment, time and courage. Some people openly make fun of those who hunt for large breasts. Others are convinced that a modern woman is unthinkable without this. As one lady who recently had her breasts done said: “Are you going to the dentist? Well, why are boobs worse? They also sometimes need to be repaired.” So, as you see, there is no, so to speak, romance, no sublime ideas about ideal beauty, but pure everyday life.

About women who dream of enlarging their breasts, or who have already done so, they most often say that they have sawdust in their heads, they don’t eat money and there is nothing to do - so that means they are going to grow a size six. We decided to find out who they are, these brave women who decided to change themselves.

This is how Dr. Ross, a plastic surgeon whose experience is measured in three thousand operations, describes typical patients who have decided to undergo mammoplasty:

“These are either young, twenty-thirty-year-old patients with small breasts, or ladies with breasts that have changed shape or even become smaller after childbirth and breastfeeding. These are patients of average or high income, not particularly concerned with work and harboring this idea (i.e., the idea of ​​​​correcting the shape of the breast) for themselves. More often thin than fat. More often, sexually active young women without unnecessary complexes”...

And here is what the women themselves tell about themselves, the operation and their lives.

Life stories:

Masha, a housewife, 28 years old, told what to expect from silicone breasts after childbirth

My breasts always seemed small to me, although my husband did not think so. When I gave birth to my son, I gained a lot of weight. I nursed him for a year and a half; at that time my breasts were quite large. Some time passed, I lost weight and my breasts sank. It was at that moment that I decided to have breast surgery. I didn't really enlarge it, I just needed to fill it up. I had surgery, the swelling (it is always there) went away very slowly - it finally went away only after six months. Only then was I able to see the result of the operation, so to speak, in pure form. But very soon after that I gave birth to my second child - a daughter. I had slightly less milk than with my first child. But, nevertheless, it was enough. During the feeding period, a lump appeared in my breast. They examined it and it turned out that there was nothing wrong, but the lump was caused by the implant; it partially blocked the milk duct. Now I have already finished breastfeeding my daughter. Now it’s clear - you need to do a tightening. The breasts changed their appearance after feeding.

Irina, an accountant, 30 years old, talked about how she was unlucky with the operation

After the operation, my right and left breasts were on different levels. In addition, the sensitivity of the nipple of one breast disappeared. All this became noticeable quite quickly. At the clinic they told me at first that time would have to pass for everything, so to speak, to settle down as it should, for the sensations to improve. This really happens. I corresponded a lot with girls on forums. For some, at first, the breasts actually look asymmetrical, but this goes away within a couple of months.
However, six months later I still didn’t have any changes. I had to have a second operation. They did it for me free of charge, but I still had to pay for the anesthesia and stay in the ward. My case is successful in this sense. Many have to pay the full cost of repeat operations. Sometimes there are very unpleasant stories when there is a suspicion that complications arose due to the fact that the implant is defective. It is removed from the chest and sent for examination. They implant another one - for which you need to pay your own money. And they will return your money for the first implant and for the operation - you wait for the expert to decide. My second operation was successful. I'm proud of my new breasts. There are many difficulties. But I want to tell everyone – don’t doubt it. I think it's worth it.

Marina, 21 years old, a student, spoke about the phobias that haunted her after the operation

I spent so much mental and physical energy trying to change my breasts. I ate pills at first, spent a lot of money on it, then my head somehow became clearer, I realized that pills were a scam. I started doing exercises, using dumbbells to pump the muscle under my chest. I lifted my chest a centimeter, probably in this way. In general, as a result, I realized that there is no other way but surgery. I knew it would hurt. The doctor must tell everyone about this. But I didn’t know it would hurt so much. At first it’s scary to look at your chest, everything around is swollen and ugly. The first days the temperature is high - 38. Your hands are shaking, you can barely hold a spoon, it’s difficult to sit.
I live in the region. Three days after the operation I went home. Already at home, at some point I began to feel that one of the implants was moving, as if it was flopping back and forth. It also seemed to me that my chest was turning to stone, I still felt lumbago, as if there were rushes of cold and heat. I was scared, especially because I was far from the doctor. Then I found out that many people have such sensations, but they are easier to bear if you can ask a doctor about them at any time. Typical postoperative phobias.

Ksenia, 38 years old, a lawyer, said that she enlarged her breasts not out of a whim, but out of illness

I had what was called tabular breasts. This is a special type of breast development, when the breasts are elongated, like a sausage, often small. Such breasts do not have enough tissue of their own. People call it “goat breast.” Now I talk about all this calmly, because my breasts look good now. But don’t think that I could have said that before. I couldn't go to the beach, I couldn't go to the sauna. My breasts were my deformity. There are not so few of them. When such a person is operated on, we are not talking, by and large, about any wishes of the patient, nuances appearance. Here the surgeon tries to somehow improve the situation; he decides what size and shape of the implant to install. My breasts were enlarged and my shape improved. Soon the implant became visible and easily distinguishable. I was ready for this - after all, I have a deficiency of breast tissue and there is almost nothing to cover the implant with. Asymmetry also appeared. Three years later, I decided to have another operation. She didn't make my breasts look like breasts from the picture. But it is more symmetrical, larger than before. I still can't get naked in the sauna. But my man has something to touch, even though he knows that it’s all artificial.

Angela, a 32-year-old restaurant owner, told how new breasts changed her life

I have a strange story about breasts. It wasn't my idea to make it. It was my mother who insisted. At the age of 28, I divorced my husband. I was depressed, I thought my life was over. It’s a shame to even remember... Mom then gave me money and told me to go to the operation, not to turn sour, to build my life. I almost didn't care then. I went to the doctor and gradually became inspired by the idea. I made myself a fourth size from the first one. As soon as the swelling subsided, I began wearing a neckline. My attitude towards men has changed. I saw how they reacted to big breasts. They can't look anywhere else, only at her. Actually, it's funny. I started looking down at men. They are controlled by animal instincts. My current husband also fell for his chest. I'm happy - he provided me with money. Now I know that if something goes wrong, I’ll make size 4 from size 6 and change my husband.

Many of those who have not had any plastic surgery and are not planning to, believe that those who undergo surgery decided to have it in the hope of changing their lives, turning from Cinderella into a princess. Dr. Ross said this: “Despite the fact that plastic surgery never solves a patient’s personal problems, it fundamentally changes a woman’s self-esteem, which can indirectly affect her behavior and relationships. For some, this provokes a surge in fading relationships with their spouse, for others, searching for and finding a partner, for others, the possibility of conception and motherhood. And in some cases, a woman begins to feel more confident and this determines her professional success. But there are also cases of disappointment after surgery, rarely, but they do happen. I make every effort to find out the patient's motives for the operation. And if it turns out that the expectations are illusory, i.e. With the help of the operation, the patient hopes to change her fate, and my explanations about the impossibility of this do not find understanding, I can refuse the operation. When everything is explained, understood and accepted, there are no disappointments. Unfortunately, I sometimes encounter women who did not receive such an explanation from the surgeon and are disappointed with the outcome of the operation. In this situation, responsibility rests entirely with the doctor.”

The psychological aspect of plastic surgery is unconditional. She told Fontanka about the reasons for the craze for breast correction. psychologist Natalya Kuznetsova: “Women are under a lot of pressure from beauty standards. And if in modern world It is indecent for a man to be stupid, and it is indecent for a woman to be ugly. One of the parameters included in the modern beauty standard is breast size. There are sizes that are decent to have and there are sizes that are indecent. In this sense, men, of course, put pressure on women. In Latin America, every second woman modifies her natural parameters; there it is customary to have her buttocks and breasts done.

But mainly those women who have some, perhaps hidden and unconscious problems with femininity, are sent for operations. And they try to solve them this way. This happens precisely because of the existence of a beauty standard. A woman who has not had surgery does not feel self-sufficient.

There are other cases. For example, the singer Cher, who has been remaking herself all her life. It is quite difficult to suspect her of lack of self-sufficiency. But she persistently modifies herself, performing operation after operation, turning herself into a different person. When a person behaves this way, speech it's already underway about mental illness – about the desire for self-destruction.”

Elizaveta Gorlova

Darina, 27 years old, dancer

Changed breast size (mammoplasty)

By constitution, I am more like a teenage girl: short, wide back, small breasts and butt. At one time I tried to gain weight so that at least some hints of breasts would appear, but it didn’t work out. All my life I had a complex of unfemininity. You flip through magazines and realize that you are clearly missing something. I didn’t even go outside without double push-up and makeup. I have always liked older men, but because of my appearance, they did not perceive me as a girl. To them, I was “their guy.”

At the age of 18, I started working as an animator, dancing go-go, and then switched to striptease in show programs. I had good dancing skills, but event organizers sometimes honestly said: “Darin, I’m sorry, but this requires a C.” Most likely, if I had not danced, I would never have decided to enlarge my breasts. At the very least, I wouldn't have the opportunity. The implants cost 740 euros, and the operation itself cost approximately $800.

The operation was performed in Kharkov two years ago. I came to the doctor with the intention of making a “D”. But, according to the doctor, I have a large chest: if you insert a small implant, it will simply spread out. I had to agree to 315 ml - this is the third size. When I first looked at my breasts, which were a size larger than planned, I was shocked. Immediately, pictures of victims of plastic surgery flashed through my head. I was afraid that my breasts would remain gigantic. But the swelling went down, and instead of my 0.5 I got a nice “C”. It was painful for the first three days while the drains were in place. Five days later he was discharged home. For some time I clung to my chest door jambs- I didn’t feel the new “dimensions”. During the rehabilitation period, you can’t do anything harder than cutting bread, but I didn’t listen and within a month I was dancing on the pole. As a result, I overstrained my muscles and one implant moved. I had to take a time out.

Beauty is hard work on yourself. You cannot be beautiful or ugly. It's possible to be lazy

When I told friends and colleagues about plastic surgery, they all said in unison: “Darina, why do you need this? You’re already beautiful.” Parents learned about the news after the fact and reacted succinctly: “What a fool!” My mom is a size 6 and it’s hard for her to understand. She is a Soviet-trained person and does not approve of such things. And my husband supported me. True, after the operation I became jealous and in the end we divorced, but that’s another story.

Of course, my self-esteem has increased. I can easily leave the house in sneakers, with dirty hair and no makeup and feel comfortable. Now there is rather a problem with an overabundance of attention. It's starting to get annoying, to be honest. They say to me, “What an ideal appearance you have!”, and at that moment I remember the number of hours spent in the gym, and strict diet. Some people think that I also got implants in my butt, but my figure (with the exception of my breasts) is entirely my fault. Beauty is hard work on yourself. You can't be beautiful or ugly. But you can be lazy. Plastic surgery really works wonders, but, alas, you cannot rely on it alone.

I have never regretted the operation, except perhaps why I didn’t do it earlier. At work, I have become more in demand: now I am not chosen, but I decide which events to work at. Salaries have also increased significantly. True, I’m going to quit my job in a couple of months. I'm getting married soon, and my future husband doesn't want me to dance.

Yulia, 22 years old, journalist

Changed the shape of the nose (rhinoplasty)

My big nose comes from my grandmother: when we gathered at family holidays as a child, it was immediately obvious who was whose relative. They started teasing in the 5th and 6th grade. The bullying was led by the fattest girl in the class: she started calling names - and everyone picked up on it. It was mostly girls who teased. Boys, on the contrary, asked for dates more often than others. However, at the age of 15, I definitely decided that I would change my nose. I didn’t like the reflection in the mirror and was tired of taking photographs from one angle - three quarters - only this way the curvature was not visible.

After school, my parents and I moved to Moscow. I went to university, and as soon as I turned 18, I announced that I wanted to get my nose done. My mother worked as a teacher at my school and, of course, knew about the complex. There were no hysterics with shouts: “I won’t let you in!” My parents always gave me freedom of choice, they said, if it makes you more comfortable, do it. I found a government clinic in Minsk on the Internet (for some reason Moscow didn’t inspire confidence in me), went for a consultation, and two weeks later they scheduled an operation. I liked the doctor right away: a wise man with experience who understood why I came. We decided to correct a deviated septum (because of this, I often had a stuffy nose), saw off the hump and raise the tip of my nose. The operation was fully paid for by the parents: 16 million Belarusian rubles (about 100 thousand Russian. - Note ed.). It was 30% cheaper than in Moscow clinics.

I don’t hide the fact that I had plastic surgery: a person’s desire to make himself better is not a shame

When I woke up, my tearful mother was sitting next to me. I was vomiting blood, my head was pounding, and there was only one thought in my head: “Why the hell did I do this?” The worst thing was on the third day: my face was so swollen that I could barely open my eyes. I imagined how in a few days the cast would be removed, the turundas would be taken out and I would finally see my beautiful self. But in reality - a swollen face, red eyes (capillaries burst) and giant bruises, like a panda's. I feel like I’ve been drinking for two years without drying up. The nose was like Piglet’s, and the bridge of the nose was straight out of the movie “Avatar”: a wide flat stripe in the middle of the face. Scary beyond belief! It turned out that the nose comes in normal condition in the period from a month to a year. I remember riding the train home, people looked askance and whispered, some asked what happened to me. But the biggest challenge was eating: my nose still couldn’t breathe - and I wanted to cry from powerlessness. Two weeks later I returned to school. The bruises and swelling went away, but I still looked lousy, as if I had been beaten periodically.

I know girls with big noses. They live and do not bother. But this story is not about me. I have more self-confidence, even self-confidence - in my profession this can only be beneficial. I started to fit in generally accepted standards beauty, and this gives a certain degree freedom. No matter what they say, we still judge people by their appearance. I no longer wanted to be a “girl with a hump.” I don’t hide the fact that I had plastic surgery: a person’s desire to make himself better is not a shame.

It's funny, but my future husband has about the same nose as I had before the operation. I laugh that if our children have a hooked nose, they will take after their dad! Well, if I have a daughter and she says that she wants to get her nose done, I will definitely support her.

Ekaterina, 25 years old, handmade artist

Changed the shape of my legs

At the age of 12, I realized that I didn’t just have legs, but crooked legs. There were so many times when I wore a skirt and strangers they stopped you on the street and said: “Are you aware that your legs are crooked? I also dressed myself up in a skirt.” I mumbled “yes” and ran home in tears. Some guys, I remember, laughingly suggested: “Let’s straighten them against the fence?” At school they often asked whether I had this since birth or an injury. By the age of 16, self-esteem had dropped below the baseboard. I still had problem skin. And just imagine: your legs are crooked, your face is scary. They say that every girl has a scary friend. So I was that terrible friend. At this age, all the girls had their first boyfriends, their first kisses, and I sat at home and wrote in personal diary: “Why do I need all this?” I asked my friends: “Girls, break my legs, will you? The doctors will put a cast on and they will become straight.”

On Nevsky, literally a meter behind us, a couple was walking, discussing among themselves: “Oh, look, with those legs, she also wears a skirt?”

Since childhood, I have been dancing: Russian folk, breakdancing. And in my first year at university I got into a good dance group. Everything would be fine, but they danced modern choreography there, where the position of the legs is heels together. That's when my complex returned. I tried to force my knees and heels together, but nothing worked. It got to the point that they would put me in the first row, then scan me through and abruptly push me to the very end, because I “stood out very much.” The last straw was an incident that happened in St. Petersburg, where my mother and I went. It was a hot summer that year - and I dared to wear a denim skirt that went above my knees. On Nevsky, literally a meter behind us, a couple was walking, discussing among themselves: “Oh, look, with those legs, she also wears a skirt?” The day was ruined.

When I returned home, the first thing I did was Google methods for fixing my legs. I came across a forum where girls were discussing Ilizarov devices. At night I went to bed with the thought: “Break my legs? I’m not completely sick!” But the thought haunted me. I had to confess to my parents what I wanted. Dad took it normally, but mom... I told her in tears about all the humiliation that I had to go through to persuade her. My parents saved money for me for a whole year - 150 thousand. Thanks to them for this.

In 2011, I passed the exam ahead of schedule, and at the beginning of May I went to Volgograd - it was there that I decided to have the operation. It became scary when, 12 hours before hour X, I checked into the room and saw my neighbor’s knitting needles sticking out in her legs - a sight not for the faint of heart. Looking at the pictures, you wouldn't think that this entire structure goes through bone and skin. The next day after the operation, the doctors got me back on my feet. I had enough strength to take three steps to the washbasin. I realized what a miracle it is to walk on two legs.

Everyone knew where and why I went. And everyone was shocked. Someone enlarges their breasts, changes the shape of their nose, but I broke and straightened my legs. It sounds crazy, but it's part of my life. After the devices and casts were removed, I met with a classmate. He examined me carefully and said: “Well, it’s definitely gotten better! I didn’t do it in vain.”

I spent four months in the devices. After them, I learned to squat, run, and jump again. She joked that they made new legs, but forgot to give out the instruction manual. Returning to dance was difficult and very painful. For a long time I lost my balance and couldn’t do the splits. And two years ago I finally left the team and started a new business - I opened a hand-made workshop.

Now I love summer. I no longer suffer from the heat in jeans and go to the beach in a swimsuit, like everyone else. I completely updated my wardrobe: now there are only dresses, shorts, and skirts. By the way, I met my man when I was wearing a dress. I used to be a good girl, but now I don’t mince words. I think I just became myself. And my skin miraculously cleared up. It was definitely not in vain.

Maria, 27 years old, artist-designer

Performed liposuction, lipofilling and mammoplasty

I was a large child, and as a teenager I developed unpleasant sides and breeches on my legs. Usually these occur in women well over 30, but I started having them when I was 13 years old. I started to look older. I went to the gym, but the problem areas did not disappear. When I turned 18, my mother said that there was money in the bank that my grandmother had left for me when I came of age. I immediately decided what they would do. A few months later, without telling anyone, I signed up for a plastic surgery center in Samara, where I lived at that time. For 180 thousand rubles, I had liposuction of several areas - about three liters of fat were pumped out. Mom found out about the operation a few days later, although we lived together. I asked to visit a friend for two days, and then hid the compression garments under my robe. She reacted neutrally: my mother never took my complexes seriously and called them nonsense.

For the first six months I liked the result, until it became clear that there were deep scars running into the skin all over my body. It turned out that I was poorly “sutured up” and the tissues did not grow together correctly. A normal butt is round, but mine looks like a dog bit me and tore out a piece. Reminds me of advanced cellulite.

I started earning money for a new plastic surgery to correct the previous one, but in Moscow. In 2014, I saw a Moscow surgeon, he scratched his head and said: “We’ll work, we can’t fix it in one go.” When liposuction is performed, cannulas are inserted under the skin to suck out fat, after which a fibrous tissue. According to the doctor, due to fibrosis, he was unable to reinsert the cannulas to smooth out the skin. There was almost no result, and for this I paid 250 thousand. It is useless to return the money: before the operation, you sign an agreement that you have no complaints against the doctor, and aesthetics is a subjective assessment.

After another two years, I wanted to have mammoplasty. I became interested in fitness bikinis, lost 10 kilograms, and my breasts disappeared. A new surgeon was recommended to me. He not only gave me size 5 breasts, but also lipofilling: first he pumped out the fat (fibrosis did not interfere with him), and then poured the purified fat into the places where there were unevenness. Now there are no pits on my body, but smooth transitions. True, the scars on the buttocks improved only by 50%. I think we can repeat it in a year. The entire operation cost 374 thousand (I earned money for the second operation myself, and the third was paid for by the young man). After the third operation, the first thing I saw were huge hills, because of which I couldn’t see the room. For two weeks I felt like a porn star, my back hurt and I was hunched over from the heaviness. But then the swelling subsided, and now I no longer remember being “without breasts.”

I don't see any difference between a dental implant and a breast implant. We believe that buying a fur coat for 200 thousand is normal, but getting breasts done is expensive

Plastic surgery is a great tool in human hands. Everything that nature has not given us can be corrected. For some, it is enough to play sports, while for others plastic surgery is indicated. I am surprised by the proud statements: “I’m 40, and I haven’t done anything to myself yet, I haven’t even gone to a cosmetologist. This is not natural!” And if a tooth falls out, will you get a new one? I don't see any difference between a dental implant and a breast implant. We believe that buying a fur coat for 200 thousand is normal, but getting breasts done is expensive.

When I began to invest in myself, especially after mammoplasty, men of a different status began to pay attention to me. Now I am dating a French businessman and I am incredibly happy. If it weren’t for getting rid of my complexes through plastic surgery, I would not have dared to look in his direction. I’m becoming a narcissist, but I’m trying to control myself. I want to continue improving myself. I plan to do laser hair removal and put fronts on my teeth. I am not going to become a doll or a clone of Masha Malinovskaya. I want to be myself, but a little more perfect, and in such a way that others don’t notice that I was doing some kind of manipulation.

People who advocate for body positivity are great. But we live in a society where you can perceive yourself as beautiful from the inside, and everyone else will think differently and at times remind you of this.

Anvar Salidzhanov

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon

In terms of the number of plastic surgeries, Russia is far from being in the top ten. We, as many mistakenly think, do not have a boom in plastics, like in Brazil or the USA.

Young people, 18–20 years old, are more likely to undergo otoplasty (change in the shape of the ears. - Note ed.) and rhinoplasty (changing the shape of the nose. - Note ed.). After 25 years, those who want to enlarge their breasts come. By the way, there is a big misconception that nulliparous women cannot have breast implants. As they say: “First give birth, and then do your breasts.” A woman can breastfeed a child with implants just fine. After 30 years, on the contrary, they reduce their breasts or do some tuning: they start, for example, with blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery. - Note ed.), six months later they come to touch up your nose or tighten your breasts after childbirth. After 40, they renew their faces: women experience a second youth, and finally have time to take care of themselves.

Mammoplasty (breast augmentation and lifting) remains in first place in popularity. Note ed.) and blepharoplasty. Then comes the correction of facial proportions using silicone implants - mentoplasty (chin change. - Note ed.) and cheek plastic surgery, the so-called removal of Bisha's lumps. A couple of years ago, the bullhorn was in fashion - a brace upper lip, giving the face a doll-like appearance. Thank God this fashion has passed.

Plastic surgery is 95% an opportunity to feel more confident. Such a bloody type of psychotherapy

There are many times fewer men among the clients: they are probably still more confident in themselves in life than women. They perform aesthetic urological surgeries, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, liposuction (removal of fat deposits. - Note ed.) and gynecomastia - when men develop effeminate breasts due to hormonal changes. They often come in pairs: first the spouse does the plastic surgery, and then, inspired by the example, comes the spouse.

The strangest request in my memory was elf ears, just at the peak of the popularity of The Lord of the Rings. But this is the delirium of a madman, I don’t undertake this. What I don’t like most is the category of lazy patients who don’t want to take care of themselves and don’t play sports. Instead, they bring their goods to the surgeon's court with the words: “I need to pump out 40 liters of fat.” If a person really wants to be slim and healthy, he strives for this, goes to the gym, eats right. But then you can correct the imperfections, do abdominoplasty (abdominal reduction. - Note ed.). But taking on the client’s laziness by doing an insane amount of liposuction is wrong.

It happens that a girl with a small, proportional nose sits in front of me and wants to make it thinner and narrower. I explain to her why this shouldn't be done. Not because I can’t, it’s just that natural beauty can be ruined. The patient's wishes do not always correspond to the actual situation. Or patients come: everything seems to be fine, but something in life has not worked out. And they are trying to correct this by changing their appearance. Plastic surgery is 95% an opportunity to feel more confident. Such a bloody type of psychotherapy. It is important to analyze how much a person really needs it. Plastic surgery is still not appendicitis, which needs to be operated on immediately. Let’s say a girl comes and says that the family is on the verge of divorce: her husband doesn’t like that she has a second breast size, so she wants a fifth. Even if she enlarges her breasts, the family will still fall apart. At the same time, the girl will feel more unhappy with the fifth size, which she did not want.

In my opinion, plastic surgery- one of the most beautiful branches of medicine and business. Medicine mainly deals with problems and pain, while plastic surgery improves the quality of life and gives people joy.

You need to define best time for conception, prevent unwanted pregnancy or find out when sex with your partner will be the best? Previously, women had to go to their doctor for a consultation to do this, but now they have a new best friend- smartphone.

IN last years There are many apps for women that make it easy to track fertile days and the time of ovulation, as well as make personal notes. Besides this, they have many other features. One such application is Glow, which is already used by 47 million women. Glow allows you to track things like women's moods and the quality and frequency of sex. Thanks to this application it became possible to get these Interesting Facts about intimate life women from all over the world.

Best countries for women

1. Do you lack intimacy? Go to Canada. It turns out that Canadian women have sex 45% more often than average app users.

2. But be careful: Canada is perfect place to get pregnant. Canadian women can get pregnant 21% easier than others.

3. Australian women also have sex frequently - 37% more than average app users.

4. Needless to say, women in Australia also have a good chance of getting pregnant? They are 14% higher than other users.

5. USA - a good place to become happy. American women are 16% more likely than other women to have sex.

6. Worst place to become happy? Latin America. Here, women have sex 4% less often than average app users.

Sexual appetites

1. A woman's sexual appetite corresponds to her monthly cycle. The first day of the cycle is the first day of menstruation, which lasts approximately five days. Thus, women are least interested in sex one to five days a month.

2. Many women report changes in energy levels or mood during this time, and this is usually associated with a decrease in sexual desire. Women are also less interested in sex for a full week after their period.

3. Most women start having sex again on the 12th day of their cycle.

4. Many women have regular sexual relations from 12 to 14 days of the cycle. The Glow app calls these days “peak sexy.”

5. Women actually feel their sexiest on days 13 and 14 of their cycle. But here's the interesting thing: they don't necessarily get the best, most satisfying sex at this time.

6. Women enjoy sex most on the last, 30th day of their cycle. This day in Glow is designated as "peak orgasms."

Are women satisfied?

1. Women feel happiest on days 15 and 16 of their cycle, and also when they have had a lot of sex in the previous days.

2. Glow users registered 7.6 million sexual encounters over two years.

3. This means that every minute at least seven women who use the Glow app are having sex.

4. By the way, users also reported their crush 2 million times. The app also tracks the sex cycles and fertility of 88,000 couples.

5. Unfortunately, despite existing sexual contacts, not all women are satisfied with them. Almost a third of women would rather give up sex than a smartphone.

6. But that still means two-thirds would rather give up their phones than sex.

Breast augmentation with implants remains one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the world. Every year, about 2,000 operations to correct breast shape are performed in the Baltics. For comparison, in America, 300,000 breast augmentation operations with implants are performed per year. According to statistics, every third girl thought seriously about undergoing surgery to improve the shape and size of her breasts, and every second would agree to surgery if she was offered it for free.

In this article, we have collected real reviews from patients of the Premium Medical clinic, for whom a certain period of time has passed since the operation. What was the main impetus for making the decision to undergo the operation? What was the most memorable part of the operational period? Did you have any regrets about the operation, and what wishes and parting words can plastic surgeons give to future patients? What changed after breast augmentation?

Liliya, 35 years old, 1 year after surgery.

“It took me a long time to get to the operation; I was mature, so to speak. This was not a spontaneous decision for me. It took me a year and a half to gather my courage. I read many different forums, looked at before and after photos. And so, in May 2013, I realized that my time had come - there was no fear or worry. I had three consultations with different surgeons. I made my choice intuitively, and I was not mistaken.

There was no main impetus, everything went sequentially: hatching a plan and saving money. The most memorable were probably the following days after the operation, when the feeling of pain is mixed with a feeling of delight: “I did it!” I constantly went to the mirror and looked at myself in compression underwear, with not yet clear shapes, but I really liked myself. Over the past year, I have never regretted the operation. Was chosen by me and the doctor right size and shape. I'm absolutely satisfied!

A lot has changed since then. I'll start with the cons. From time to time my chest feels tight and my muscles ache, like after a good workout, for example, when I lift weights. I can’t jump or run, because I know that later there will be tension in my chest. I can't sleep on my stomach - it's uncomfortable. Although, this is more of a “moral” inconvenience. After all, cosmetologists say that at my age you can no longer sleep on your stomach - wrinkles get worse.

And now about the advantages. I became more confident and relaxed. This is extremely important for a woman. It is important to feel natural and free.

Clothes fit better. After all, before, with my “one”, many dresses looked like a loser. Now there is harmony in the figure: hips, waist and chest.

If we talk about parting words for future patients... Don't be afraid if you are thinking about surgery. Read, find out more, ask, go to consultations, try on your future size. And most importantly, understand to the end whether you need it or not. Good luck!

Eva, 46 years old, 2 years after surgery.

“I dreamed about surgery for a very long time. I've always had small breasts. And with my rather tall height, I just wanted to add feminine curves to the neckline area. But due to problems with thyroid gland, the operation was postponed year after year. When the health issue was resolved, I immediately signed up for a consultation and surgery. I knew who I wanted to have surgery with, because I saw the results of this doctor with my friend.

I still remember the state of fear that accompanied me before the operation. I remember when I drove up to the hospital for surgery and couldn’t get out of the car. I was scared, it seemed that something would go wrong, for example, the anesthesia would not work or some other force majeure would happen right on the operating table. I called the clinic manager and said that the operation would have to be canceled because I had changed my mind. To which the manager began to talk to me in an absolutely calm voice. No, she didn’t try to convince me to go for the operation, she just listened to my fears, answered my questions very constructively (although everything had been discussed a hundred times before, but for some reason at the crucial moment everything goes out of my head), told me to talk with an anesthesiologist and if the doubts still persist, then the operation will be cancelled. The anesthesiologist turned out to be a very nice man who had probably seen people like me more than once. He knew what and how to tell me to calm me down. True, it was not his words that played the decisive role, but the sedative pill.

Overall, the surgery went great! Today, two years later, I am very pleased with my decision and the result. The only thing, already relying on personal experience- I would choose a size a little larger.

Oddly enough, I got used to my new breasts right away, and felt absolutely comfortable with them, as if they had been with me all my life.

What changed after the operation? Probably feeling like an attractive woman. It is absolutely true that breasts give you confidence. The shoulders straighten, the gait becomes different.

Marina, 28 years old, 7 months after surgery.

“My breasts have always been small and that suited me. She looked harmonious with my slender figure. But after the birth of two children, only skin remained instead of breasts. Of course, this upset me terribly. I constantly experienced discomfort and embarrassment: on the beach, in the pool. The figure that I had always been proud of no longer pleased me as much as it had before.

And one day I decided it was time! I chose the clinic based on a number of criteria. In particular, at an attractive price and sympathy for the doctor.

At the first consultation, the doctor explained everything to me in detail and helped me decide on the size. I tried on sizers and settled on size three.

I went into the operation itself very calmly, without stress, as if I were just going through a normal procedure. The feeling after the operation was memorable. It seemed to me that my chest They tore it in half, put stones there and sewed it up. Everything hurt terribly, it was hard for me to walk, sit, and getting up in the morning was absolutely terrible... The hardest days were the 3rd and 4th days after the operation. I thought I was going to die. But on the fifth day it became easier in the literal sense of the word. It became easier to breathe. Gradually everything was restored, and the pain went away completely.

What has changed in my life? Yes, in principle, not much. Everything is the same... my husband is nearby, she is happy that she had her breasts done.

True, I also encountered a number of problems. For example, my breast sensitivity was impaired, which after 7 months has not yet recovered. I also can’t work out in the gym with heavy weights like I used to. During training, terrible discomfort occurs in the chest when I do exercises with dumbbells on the pectoral muscles.

I can’t roll over on the bed with the kids, I’m afraid they’ll crush something on me. In a word, involuntary fear appeared. I began to treat myself more carefully in many ways... Although, this can also be regarded as a plus.

I didn’t regret the operation, but it was probably better to make the size smaller. How larger size, the more you feel it - during sports, in an active life, when playing with children.

The main advice to girls: if you really want to enlarge your breasts, listen to your heart. And don't forget to consider all the risks and changes that will happen after you have breast enlargement.

The Premium Medical Clinic invites girls who are thinking about breast augmentation surgery to come for a consultation with plastic surgeon and learn more about the operation.

Take advantage of our promotional offer. We offer a price for surgery with round POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics implants at 2600 euros, with anatomical implants at 2750 euros.

For more detailed information please contact:

ClinicPremium Medical

Phone: 660 111 60
St. Duntes 11, 6th floor
Riga, LV - 1013

Hello, beauties!

How I dreamed that someday I would write a review about mammoplasty. And of course, I would like it to be positive.

I am naturally thin and this has never really bothered me. Even at school the boys teased me saying: " Ivanova, when will you start wearing a bra?", but I just giggled and didn’t attach any importance to it. Then, at the age of 18, I already began to think about the fact that growing up was ending, but there was no more in my bosom, and I even told someone that if in the future I had the opportunity, then I I will definitely have my breasts enlarged.

And then college, work. I was quite happy with my puny one. And when I started drinking OK and my “odYn” turned into a normal “odYn”.

Although the sellers of the lingerie stores continued with compassion on their faces, either escorting me to the department for teenage girls, or to the exit with the words: “We have nothing for you, you little boobs.”

I'll skip the topic of pregnancy and feeding.

Let me just say that I breastfed for a year, and during that time I enjoyed my breasts being almost size two.

I finished breastfeeding at exactly one year, and a couple of months later, while the dairy plant was winding down production, surprise.

The breasts have shrunk! She just disappeared, leaving only badly chewed nipples. No, well, of course, I’ve heard that the breasts stretch and lose their elasticity, but for them to shrink, how much less? I didn't even suspect.

At first I had no thoughts about the operation. It seemed to me that this is so far from the common man, that only stars do this. But The example of one homemaker blogger inspired me to think about this decision.

The first thing I learned was price range. It is completely different in different cities and clinics.

Then I asked my husband’s opinion and announced the maximum cost. At first he expressed the opinion that “he likes everything anyway,” but when I explained that I felt uncomfortable, insecure and I wanted to wear beautiful lingerie, he understood me and said: “ Study the topic, I'm ready to help".

GIRLS! If your husband says that he already likes your saggy puppies or your ironing board, then know that there are three reasons:

  • he is not ready for such expenses.
  • he is afraid that the operation will go wrong and something might happen
  • he is afraid that you will become prettier and find someone else.

My husband was also worried, but together with me, and maybe even more than me, he studied how it’s all done, how safe it is and read real reviews.

Search for a clinic and doctor.

I found the clinic quickly, or rather, I looked at the first one that caught my eye. No, this is not carelessness, it just turned out that it is quite famous, has a good reputation and famous surgeons, who also take part in rejuvenating women of various ages by 10 years and rebooting them. She is located in Moscow. Link to review below.

Surgeon's choice.

When choosing a surgeon, there were three criteria for me:

This must be man, because I am of the opinion that they do everything better than women (they only don’t know how to give birth, otherwise gynecologists, cooks, hairdressers are men better than women, there's no point in arguing)

-price. I couldn’t afford the operation for 10,000 USD. from the head physician or for 320 thousand rubles from a surgeon with a slightly lower status. I chose the leading surgeon (I don’t know how he differs from the other, probably in terms of experience). More on the price later.

- reviews and photos of works. Thanks to Instagram for this. I studied the work far and wide and realized that I was ready.

Specific actions .

For significant events in my life, I need to prepare psychologically, so having decided in February that I would have surgery, I set a deadline for myself - the end of summer, the beginning of September.

Then, through the same IG, I contacted the clinic to find out about prices. My surgeon operated from 180 rubles. (specifically the chest), but because... There are several types of this operation and implants, so a consultation was required to clarify the price. They gave me the phone number of the manager of this surgeon and then I resolved the issues with her.

I sent a side and front photo via Viber, she consulted with a doctor and the final price was 250 thousand rubles for an operation with the latest implants and 10 thousand rubles for compression garments.

Next, I was sent a list of tests, and I immediately made an appointment for surgery on September 8 and an in-person consultation on September 7. An ultrasound of the mammary glands, a dentist and an anesthesiologist had to be done in the clinic, and the rest at home.

The first thing I did was get my teeth cleaned and tartar cleaned by my dentist. If the teeth are not cured, then surgery may well be refused, since the oral cavity is a source of a huge amount of bacteria. Cost - 10,000 rubles

I had all my blood tests done on the same day, for a fee, in a regular laboratory. Near 5000 rubles

FLG in the city hospital - 170 rubles.

Ultrasound of veins lower limbs - 700 rubles in a private clinic.

ECG of the heart - 600 rubles (private).

Consultation with a therapist (he is the one who gives a conclusion based on the results of the tests whether you are fit for surgery or not) - 600 RUR.

Ultrasound of the breast (already in the clinic) - 2000 rub.(here you could make it free)

Consultation with a dentist and anesthesiologist free.

On September 7, I came for a face-to-face consultation with the doctor, we selected implants and discussed the details and once again clarified the price - still the same 260 thousand . The cost of the operation depends on its type and the type of implants. I was shown an incision through the armpit - endoscopic breast augmentation. The implants are ergonomic (when you lie down they are round, when you stand they are anatomical) with a volume of 180 ml.

The next morning I woke up and, without getting out of bed, put on compression stockings and went to the clinic (hungry). No, not in just stockings, I got dressed. I had with me underwear, hygiene items, a charger, a phone, a passport, a test package and cash for the operation.

I filled out all the documents, paid for the operation and was given my copy of the contract with receipts for the operation and linen.

Since I made an appointment back in July for this day, I was the first to be operated on and was taken out of the ward almost as soon as I changed clothes.

The doctor took a “Before” photo, drew a marking, asked me not to worry, encouraged me and sent me with the nurse to the operating room.

I lay down on the table, they connected me to sensors, the anesthesiologist asked me a few questions (height, weight, am I hungry, and also asked me not to worry). The laughing nurse said that now I would dream that I was running along the beach without a swimsuit, waving my charms, then I would wake up and the charms would already be in their place. Then she connected an IV and said that now everything would float in her eyes. And I lay there and thought: “What am I doing here????”

Less than a minute passed and everything floated, I said: “Goodbye!” I heard the same thing in response and that’s it.

I didn’t dream of anything, neither the beach, nor the charms. I slept soundly and even liked this deep sleep. I woke up from wild chills in the corridor. I heard the anesthesiologist calling me, asked me something, and what did I... As usual, I:

-Doctor, do I have boobs now?!

- Yes, Innokenty Palch (name made up) did everything very carefully.

They brought me to the ward. It continued to shake. The nurse gave me two IVs through the catheter for pain relief and something for the chills. The chill went away and I slept a little.

For the first three or four hours I don’t have the strength to get up. My arms hurt a lot, my chest too. I cannot say that there is no pain after the operation. It hurts, but it's tolerable. Childbirth is 10 times more painful.

The next day after the examination, I was discharged home with three appearances every other day.

Implants do not require replacement. They are difficult to damage.

I took painkillers for three days. No more was needed. I was allowed to wash completely, but not for long, a week after the operation.

I slept for 2 weeks only on my back, then slowly tried on my side. The first week was difficult in terms of everyday life - raising your arms hurt, but you can, so it was very difficult to cook or clean. I also couldn’t take care of the child, so my mother-in-law helped me. After a week and a half it became much easier, and after 3 weeks I returned to physical education, so far only the bottom and without weight. After 4 weeks of examination, the doctor allowed me to remove the compression garments and took an “after” photo.

Now 1 month and 20 days have passed and I can say that pain I don't feel it anymore. I don't feel the implants either.The stitches are still a little red, but this will go away with time.

The capsule around the implant takes 6 months to form, so I’m still careful with physical activity and lifting weights.

Do I have any regrets? NO! I am very pleased with the result of the operation, my self-esteem is growing and I am becoming more confident. My husband’s admiring glances let me know that he doesn’t regret the “investment.” Now I can wear beautiful lingerie and dresses and no longer feel like a teenage girl at 26 years old.

About excitement.

Was I scared? YES! It’s completely normal to be afraid of operations, but for myself I decided that either I continue to be afraid and leave everything as it is, or I fight the fear and do what I want. No operation is 100% guaranteed, but you can reduce the risk by choosing a good doctor and getting all the tests done.

About public opinion.

“What will you say to others?” - I often heard this question addressed to myself and decided that I would not say anything to others. No one has the right to judge me for anything, this is my life and my decisions. For some reason, there is an opinion that only narrow-minded women get their breasts done, but this is nothing more than a stereotype.

The second opinion, that you need to love yourself as you are, is also not substantiated for me. I love myself, but nothing stops me from making myself better.

If you want beautiful breasts, if you have all the possibilities for this, then why not? Unfortunately, there are few women for whom everything remains fine “before” and “after” pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. For men, nothing just sags or shrinks. But they are going bald. Therefore, it is very good that plastic surgery exists today.


I deleted the most obvious photos after I read a bunch of insults about my review in the “OVERHEARTED ON IR” group in contact.

Thanks for reading, girls!