Possible problems when growing cyclamen: causes and ways to eliminate them. What pests are dangerous for cyclamen: ways to combat them and prevent diseases

Cyclamen is the Latin version of the name of the flower Cyclamen. Home care for beautiful and useful plant simple, but must be followed certain rules. In this post we will tell you all the secrets of growing a delicate flower, and all you have to do is follow the advice and put in a little effort. In return, indoor Cyclamen will delight you with rapid growth and wonderful rich flowering.

Description of Cyclamen

The herbaceous perennial belongs to the Myrsinaceae family, and according to some sources, to the Primrose family. The flower was given a Latin name based on the round shape of its tubers. This genus includes 2 dozen plant species.

Many Cyclamens grow in nature in Turkey; they can also be found in Africa, Iran, and the Mediterranean. Selected species Cyclamen can grow well in our houses and apartments.


European Cyclamen

The second name of the European Cyclamen is no less elegant. It is called the Alpine Violet. This plant is a tuberous plant, has small leaves and is fragrant. lilac-pink flowers. Varieties of other colors have been developed. For example, carmine and white Cyclamen. This species became known to flower growers in 1607.

It is the European Cyclamen that is most loyal to the home microclimate than other varieties. At the same time, it was noticed that the flower lives more comfortably in a cool rather than in a stuffy room. The plant has no obvious dormant period. From time to time, additional bulbs grow on the tubers; they are sometimes used to propagate the plant.

Flowering time - from last days spring almost until winter. It is acceptable to be in the garden or on the balcony on summer days. IN in this case It is imperative to provide protection from the sun and protect the flower from earthworms and protect from slugs. For this purpose, nylon cloth is put on the pots.

European cyclamen

Persian Cyclamen

The most beautiful and sought-after Persian Cyclamen has another name - Dryakva. Flower growers adore this plant for its unique appearance. Its flowers, when fully blooming, look turned inside out, their petals are arranged downward, and after flowering they do not wither, but are shed.

The flowers are bright pink and pink, white, lilac and dark purple. I wonder what inner part The flower usually has a different color and contrasts beautifully with the outside. Persian Cyclamen compares favorably with its European counterpart in that it has aesthetically large leaves. By decorative properties foliage can be compared to flowers.

The plant gained its cultural popularity in 1731. Today, a common dwarf plant is the Persian Mini Cyclamen. It differs in that it exists perfectly in room temperature, A large species They don’t always live comfortably at home. Flowering time is from the last days of autumn until the beginning of spring. The rest period lasts 9 months.

Persian cyclamen

We considered 2 varieties of Cyclamen that can be successfully grown at home. Here are the names of the remaining plant species that can be seen in nature:

  • Cyclamen mix;
  • Cyclamen patio;
  • fringed Cyclamen;
  • purple Cyclamen;
  • royal Cyclamen;
  • terry Cyclamen.

Caring for Cyclamen

Features of cultivation

The roots of the plant look like a flat, rounded bulb-tuber with a maximum diameter of 15 centimeters and 1 growth zone. This point must not be damaged. Otherwise the bulb dies. Cyclamen has heart-shaped basal leaves with a leathery surface. The foliage is attached to petioles no more than 30 centimeters long. The color scheme of the leaves is dark green, with a silver-gray natural pattern applied to them.

The flowers have an amazing shape, each of them resembles a butterfly. Sharp curved petals can be decorated with fringe. The color range is very extensive, for example, there is snow-white, all variations of red, pink, purple, burgundy. Novice gardeners are interested in how long Cyclamen blooms. Typically the flowering period lasts from 3 months.

The plant should not be considered whimsical and demanding. True, for the normal functioning of a flower, a number of requirements must be met. You cannot keep the tubers in the cold. Cyclamen may be uncomfortable in a stuffy and hot room. It's best to create coolness. The optimal temperature range for Cyclamen is from 6-12 ºC.

It is necessary to protect the plant from sunlight, which quickly burns the vulnerable foliage. You should not bury the tubers underground; it is better to expose ⅓ of the bulb. Choose a medium-sized pot so that there is a maximum of 3 centimeters of soil from its wall to the bulb.

The soil must be maintained in the correct condition to prevent oversaturation of the flower with mineral salts. It is for this reason that fertilizers should be used sparingly. The basics of caring for Cyclamen at home were discussed, then we will look at others important points content.

cyclamen - a delicate indoor flower

How to water a flower?

You need to know how often to water Cyclamen so that the plant does not dry out and does not experience excess moisture. During intensive growth, the flower must be watered regularly, but very limitedly. Let there be enough water, but not too much. Bottom watering works well, that is, placing the pot in water until the entire soil is saturated to the top. Next, remove the flower from the container and wait for the excess water to drain. This technique helps to avoid wetting the upper part of the tuber and damaging the growing point. In this way we protect the plant from rotting processes.


To propagate the plant, the Cyclamen tuber, which has more than one growth point, must be cut in half. This vegetative method It is rarely used and gives dubious hopes for a good result. In general, it is believed that propagation by dividing the tuber is a poor option. A much more promising method is to grow Cyclamen from seeds.

For Persian Cyclamen, only seed propagation should be considered. They are sown in February-March, but if necessary in any month. Remember all the subtleties of planting a plant. We soak the seeds in advance and soak them for 12 hours in a light solution of potassium permanganate, which can be replaced with Zircon or Epin. Prepared seeds should be planted in a store-bought soil mixture specifically for Cyclamen. It is usually represented by the following ratio:

  • steamed earth - 2 parts;
  • Terra-Vita or Tulip soil mixture - 1 part;
  • baking powder river sand- 0.5 parts.

We advise you to make a hole in the ground about a centimeter deep, water this area with water, and distribute the seeds. Spaces are needed between seeds - it is better if they stand at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from one another. Cover the seeds from above with soil, then with film or glass protection.

If you maintain the temperature from 18 to 20 ºC, then the propagation of Cyclamen at home will continue successfully. After 1-2 months, sprouts from the seeds will appear. It should be noted that there are especially difficult varieties; their germination has to wait longer than 5 months.

How to care for Cyclamen after purchase?

It often happens that a day after acquisition, Cyclamen drops its leaves and its flowers wither. In most situations, this phenomenon can be regarded as a variant of the norm. The flower needs time to adapt to its new home. The main thing is to observe the basic conditions of maintenance and soon the plant will return to its normal state and develop.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the climate and lighting in the room. It is better to install cyclamen in a cool and bright area. It is necessary to analyze the condition of the substrate. To eliminate dryness, we use the principle of bottom watering, and the flower will receive the required amount of moisture.

It is useful to spray the plant with water. You should not fertilize a new flower for 2-3 months, you should refrain from it, since the plants are fertilized abundantly before selling.


Next, we will discuss caring for Cyclamen after flowering and many other questions that interest you. The plant usually blooms in summer or winter. The length of time Cyclamen will bloom is determined individually; this factor is directly related to the quality of care. In order to ensure long-lasting and persistent flowering, intense lighting is required, excluding direct exposure to the sun. Suitable temperature regime 10-20 ºC. We water the plant using the bottom method so that water does not penetrate into the growth zone, flowers, leaves.

Dry flowers need to be cut off. Many people are interested in why Cyclamen leaves turn yellow. One of possible reasons phenomena - completion of flowering and transition to the dormant stage. Do not cut off the yellow foliage, but rather unscrew it, separating it from the bulbs. We systematically reduce watering activity. The tuber, while it lies quietly in the ground, is watered only occasionally. The plant is put in the shade to rest and wait for the next life stage.


It is optimal to replant the flower into fresh soil once every 2 years when the bulb becomes cramped in the pot. It is better to begin the event of changing the place of residence at the end of the dormant phase before the growing season. Do not choose containers that are too loose. A cramped pot is more suitable. If the bulb is a year old or one and a half years old, then it needs a pot of 7 to 8 centimeters, a bulb that is 2-3 years old needs a pot of 14 to 15 centimeters.

We fill a new container in this way: we place a drainage substrate made of expanded clay on the bottom, then we put a layer of soil, then we plant the bulb directly with a lump of earth and the root system. Pour in enough substrate so that only ⅔ of the tuber is hidden underground. We crush the soil. After a month, you can fertilize the plant.

Now let's discuss how to replant Cyclamen after purchase. If it so happens that you purchased a bulb in the ground at the dormant stage, then its habitat can be changed. But more often they buy flowering plant. In this case, we expect the end of the flowering phase. At the beginning of the growing season, if necessary, replant Cyclamen in the classical way. It is a controversial question whether it is necessary to replant Cyclamen after purchase, if the owner is quite satisfied with the condition of the plant. This is not necessary. If the flower is full of vigor and lives well in its substrate and pot, then you don’t need to replant it, but simply add a flowerpot.

Cyclamen blooms in winter or summer

The most common problems of Cyclamen

Pests and diseases

In fact, not in all cases when curling a sheet we're talking about about the tick. It happens that this disorder is observed from being kept in conditions of high temperature and dry air. There may also be a bacterial or fungal infection, harmful impurities in the soil, excessive moisture.

In case of illness, treatment with special preparations, removal of diseased leaves and replanting in fresh soil helps. If everything is done correctly and carefully, then there is a high chance of resuscitating the plant.

Why does a flower wither and turn yellow?

Leaves usually dry out due to too dry air and insufficient watering. You can get out of the situation this way: start moisturizing the environment and normalize the watering regime. Yellowing of the leaves can also occur under these unfavorable conditions or from bright sun. Both excessive moisture and drying out of the soil are harmful. If you do not pay attention to the problems, then soon Cyclamen will have few leaves left and it will be more difficult to restore it.

Why doesn't Cyclamen bloom?

Lack of flowering is a common problem, there are many reasons for it. Flowers do not form due to high temperature environment, too loose pot, dry air, insufficient fertilizing, hyper-moistening of the soil, lack of lighting, poor quality watering tap water. Only settled, purified, softened water is suitable for irrigation.

Take a look at the photos of Cyclamen presented as illustrations of this material. Of course they are beautiful. If you wish, you can grow the same flowers yourself. Cyclamen in beautiful pot or a whole collection of plants - a spectacular decoration of your residential interior.

Did you know? If you properly care for cyclamen, the chances of catching an infection are almost zero.

Causes of cyclamen diseases, what factors affect plant health

So what leads to cyclamen diseases and what pests and diseases threaten the flower? Your cyclamen is most likely to get sick if:

  • the air in the room where the flower stands is too dry;
  • too much wet soil in a pot;
  • the room is very hot;
  • the soil mixture is not suitable for the flower;
  • during the rest period you fill it with too much water;
  • there is catastrophically little light.

Important! Inspect your flower periodically, this will help you identify problems in a timely manner. initial stages and will ensure proper care.

These are the main, but far from the only factors influencing the “well-being” of cyclamen. However, by taking them into account, you will have much more less problems with the cultivation of this type of plant.

Fusarium and its treatment

Cyclamen diseases can be detected in the early stages and their treatment can save their lives. For example, if you notice that a flower begins to turn yellow from the top, then most likely it has fusarium. The cause of the disease is a fungus called Fusarium. It affects plant tissue and its vascular system. Because of this pest, the vessels of the cyclamen become clogged, as a result of which the flower slowly fades. The fungus remains in the soil itself for a long time, entering the plant through the root system.

To get rid of fusarium you need to:

  • spray the plant with topsin-M;
  • water with foundation solution;
  • Be sure to isolate the flower so that the disease is not transmitted to other plants.

Important!It is necessary to spray and water the flower about four times a month, with an interval of one week.

How to cure wet rot, what to do when the roots rot

If you notice that flowers and leaves are hanging from a flower, a sharp and bad smell then know that your cyclamen has “Erwinia” or wet rot. The roots of the plant also gradually rot. It is not difficult to explain this phenomenon: due to cracks or wounds on the vegetative organs or tubers, bacteria have entered the flower and gradually kill it. Also, another diseased plant or contaminated water can serve as a source of infection. Unfortunately, effective methods there is no fight against this scourge. Cyclamen should be destroyed immediately so that other plants do not get sick.

Gray mold is the most dangerous disease

Gray mold, or "Botrytis cinerea", occurs on cyclamen due to damp and cool air. In such an environment, these plants are too weakened and gray mold, the fungus of which is brought from water and wind, instantly affects the flower. Also, cyclamen can get sick due to high humidity, high plant density and as a result of cold conditions at night. In addition, the development of the disease is provoked by improper watering, for example, if water gets into the “growing point” of the bud and leaves. The symptoms of this disease are:

  • the appearance of gray mold on stems and leaves (due to strong air fluctuations, it can fly up);
  • diseased flower stalks of the plant will darken and die;
  • the infected leaves of the flower turn yellow and also die.
To get rid of the fungus, you need to carefully remove those parts of the plant that have already been affected by gray rot. In addition, avoid drafts and ventilate the room as often as possible. Treat the flower with a fungicide and try to spray it less often. It is better to water once a day.

Did you know? It is better to water the flower in the morning so that it dries out a little during the day.

Cyclamen anthracnose, how to cure the disease

Anthracnose in cyclamen appears due to a fungus from the genus “Gloeosporium”. The development of the disease is enhanced by warm and humid conditions. The fungus affects the growth of flower stalks and leaves. For a certain time, the disease may not make itself felt, but when cyclamen produces flower stalks, the disease can be immediately identified. Peduncles affected by the fungus do not develop, become distorted, and top part dries out. Due to a stop in the development of peduncles, flowering never occurs. Following the flower stalks, the leaves become infected. As the old leaves dry out, they gradually die off, and the young leaves dry out at the edges and begin to curl.

To get rid of anthracnose you need to use steamed soil. If, nevertheless, the fungus was able to infect cyclamen, then try to preserve low level humidity, remove diseased leaves, peduncles and treat with fungicide 4 times.

Cyclamen pests, basic control methods

Cyclamen is a delicate plant that requires careful care and attention to the manifestation of a variety of pests and diseases. The main threat to cyclamen is:


To get rid of it, you need to use an insecticide. Spray the plant after rinsing thoroughly under a strong stream of water.

Did you know? The length of an adult aphid can reach 3 millimeters.


Another type of cyclamen disease includes thrips invasion. The shape of the pest is similar to a spindle, and its approximate length is 2 millimeters. Thrips can be replaced with the naked eye; the insect is mobile and quite light-colored, which makes it very noticeable on the flower. A symptom of the appearance of thrips is the formation of silvery streaks that remain after the pest moves. Due to its mobility, thrips quickly affects the entire flower. Cyclamen becomes spotted, stops growing and becomes deformed. If the threat is not eliminated in time, larvae may appear, which will lead to massive leaf fall.

Over 25 years of growing cyclamens, I have encountered three types of pests. My cyclamens were affected by aphids, thrips, and cyclamen mites. According to the literature and according to foreign websites about cyclamen, it is these three pests that most often infect cyclamen.

Aphids are the most common and most annoying pests, but they are relatively easy to control if you take action as soon as you notice them. Aphids and all other sap-sucking insects are a nuisance not only because of the immediate damage they cause, but also because of the long-term damage they cause to your cyclamens. When aphids accumulate on buds or leaves, the leaves and flowers often appear distorted when they subsequently open.

Aphid - wingless small insect, adults are 1.4 - 2.5 mm long. Aphids suck sap from the soft tissues of plants. The body of an aphid can be grey, orange, green or black. Aphids prefer buds, young shoots and young leaves of cyclamen. A sign of an aphid attack is growth stagnation and leaf curling. The skins shed by molting insects are clearly visible, with which the habitats of aphids are strewn. Colonies of aphids inhabit all parts of the plant, they damage the leaves on the underside and buds. The affected plant looks as if there is dandruff on the plant, the flowers are deformed. Damaged parts become discolored, leaves curl, turn yellow and fall off. The plant is severely inhibited and stops normal development. The buds do not open, the flowers become contaminated with sticky secretions (“honeydew”), making the leaves and all objects around them sticky to the touch. A sooty fungus settles on this liquid on the underside of the leaves. black color, which impairs gas exchange and greatly spoils the appearance of cyclamen.

Methods of protection against aphids:

Removing insects with a damp cotton swab soaked in insecticide, spraying cyclamen with insecticides. Rinsing the entire plant with a strong stream of water from the shower.
- Chemicals;
- Folk remedies .


There are many types of this insect pest. On cyclamen I came across thrips, the adults of which reached a length of about 2 mm and were shaped like a spindle. Long, light, mobile insects are clearly visible on the leaves. Small wings allow thrips to fly freely from plant to plant, quickly infecting the entire collection. Thrips settles on the leaves, crawling, leaving behind silvery streaks. The plant slows down in growth, the flowers become stained and deformed.

Adult insects and thrips larvae are harmful. The body of an adult thrips is 1-1.5 mm, narrow, elongated, flat; two pairs of wings. Thrips can be black or brown, with a yellow or reddish belly. Thrips larvae have a yellow body. Females lay light transparent eggs in the pulp of the leaf. Development from egg to adult insect takes 20-30 days.

The main factor promoting the proliferation of thrips is high temperature and low humidity air. IN room conditions thrips can be harmful all year round, but especially in the spring and summer. Thrips damage mainly leaves. On the underside of the leaf, thrips lays numerous colonies, and light dots appear on the upper side of the leaf. As a result, the upper side of the leaf becomes grayish-brown with a silvery sheen. With massive thrips infestation, the entire surface of the leaf becomes whitish and discolored, then the leaves turn brown and fall off. Thrips cause the main damage to flowers, which become stained and deformed. In addition, thrips pollute the plant with their sticky black secretions, on which a sooty fungus settles.

Methods of protection against thrips:

To prevent the occurrence of trips, cyclamens must be sprayed with water to maintain sufficient high humidity air around plants, regularly inspect the entire plant. Flying insect trap tapes are also quite effective against thrips. When attacked by thrips, the plant should be repeatedly sprayed with insecticides.
- Chemicals;
- Folk remedies .

Cyclamen mite.

The cyclamen mite is a microscopic mite about 100-300 microns long; has an oval translucent yellowish body with four pairs of legs.
Cyclamen mites settle mainly on the underside of the leaf; in large clusters they look like a layer of dust. In affected cyclamen, the edges of the leaves curl, the stems twist, and the buds wither. Contributes to the defeat of the cyclamen mite high humidity air.

Methods of protection against cyclamen mites:

Remove all affected leaves, flowers and buds. Spraying with conventional insecticides gives a good effect; you can also use folk remedies.
- Chemicals;
- Folk remedies .

Chemicals Pest Control:

Fitoverm- (aversectin C emulsion concentrate, 2 g/l) - A product for protection against insect pests - a 4th generation biological product based on the waste products of soil microorganisms. It has contact, intestinal and antifeedant effects. Fitoverm has a wide spectrum of action against all types of herbivorous mites, as well as all types of aphids and other pests.
Method of application: treatment is carried out with any type of sprayer that provides fine spraying and uniform wetting of the leaf blade. Already 6-8 hours after treatment, gnawing pests stop feeding (for sucking pests this time is extended to 12-16 hours).

It must be taken into account that the death of pests occurs 2-3 days after treatment, and the maximum effect is achieved on 5-7 days. The effect of the drug on the leaf surface lasts up to 7 days. Storage of the working solution is not allowed.
To combat ticks, aphids, thrips they are bred in the following way:
When fighting spider mites, use 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water, against aphids per 0.25 liters, and against thrips per 0.2 liters of water. Carry out 4 treatments with an interval of 7-10 days.
The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class III).

Fufan (Fufanon)- Karbofos from Denmark - - malathion emulsion concentrate - insectoacaricide for the destruction of insect pests garden crops And indoor plants. Has intestinal and contact effects. Effective against ticks, aphids, thrips, whiteflies, weevils, scale insects and false scale insects, mealybugs. Working solution - 5 ml of the drug is diluted in 5 liters of water (1 ml per 1 liter of water). 3 treatments in a row are allowed at intervals of up to a week. Non-phytotoxic and applicable with all other drugs except Bordeaux mixture. The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class III).

Aktellik(emulsion concentrate (500 g/l pirimiphosmethyl) - insectoacaricide - a means to combat aphids, mites and other plant pests. It has a contact, fumigating and, to a small extent, systemic effect. Available in ampoules of 2 ml. The contents of the ampoule are diluted in 2 liters of water, in case of severe pest damage - 1 ampoule per 0.7 liters of water. Storing the working solution is not allowed. Spray with freshly prepared solution, evenly wetting the leaves. Optimal temperature during treatments 12-25°C. Hazardous to humans - hazard class II; when working with the drug, do not allow animals, children into the premises and protect aquariums.

Inta-vir- insecticide for the destruction of insect pests of garden crops and indoor plants. Contains cypermethrin. Has intestinal and contact effects. Effective against aphids, thrips, leaf-eating caterpillars, and whiteflies. Available in tablet form. One tablet is diluted in 10 liters of water. Plants are sprayed with a freshly prepared solution in dry, windless weather, ensuring uniform wetting of the leaves. A maximum of 3 treatments are carried out. Each subsequent treatment is carried out when new pests appear. During flowering of plants, treatment with Inta-vir cannot be carried out.

Bazudin- means for combating soil pests of garden and indoor crops. Has intestinal and contact effects. Effective against earthworms, fungus gnat larvae and other pests and their larvae. Contains diazinon, available in the form of granules in a package of 30 g. The drug bazudine can be applied to the soil during plant transplants, as well as on the soil surface when a pest is detected. The drug is administered at the rate of 1.5 g per square meter. Or, for one pot with a diameter of 25 cm, take about a pinch of granules - on the tip of a knife.

Agravertine- insectoacaricide obtained as a result of microbiological synthesis. Contains avertin N. Has contact and intestinal effects. Used against aphids, thrips, mites. To prepare a solution, 2 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water - against spider mites, or 6 ml/l - against aphids, 10 ml/l - against thrips.

Aktara- insecticide. It has contact-intestinal and systemic effects. It is used against aphids, thrips, scale insects, false scale insects, and whiteflies. Spraying is carried out twice at intervals of a week. The period of protective action is from 15-25 days. To prepare the solution, take 0.2 - 0.8 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water.

Biological agents pest control:

Verticillin- an insecticide prepared from the spores of the fungus Verticillium lecanii. This drug is used in the fight against whitefly. Its action lies in the fact that conidia or blastospores of the fungus penetrate the integument of the insect and penetrate its body, growing and affecting its organs. Verticillium lecanii mushrooms reproduce especially well in high air humidity, so before using the drug you should thoroughly spray the soil in the pot. Before using the drug, it is soaked in water for 12-24 hours to speed up the germination of spores.

Bicol- acaricidal drug. Prepared based on the bacterial strain Bacillus thuringiesis var. thuringiesis. Used when destroying spider mites. Has an intestinal effect on pests.

Bitoxibacillin- acaricidal drug. Prepared based on the bacterial strain Bacillus thuringiesis var. tenebrionis. Used to kill spider mites. Has an intestinal effect on pests. It differs from the previous drug in some additives (various special wetting agents and adhesives are added to them).

Boverin- an insecticide based on the fungus Beauveria bassiana. Used against thrips. Plants are sprayed with a 1% solution of the drug.

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All about pests and diseases on the website website

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Another name for this beautiful flower- Alpine violet. It originally grew in the Mediterranean. Many flower gardeners compare cyclamens with a flock of colorful butterflies that have settled on green grass.

And all because it has unusually bright and beautiful flowers. Their color varies in a wide range: bright scarlet, snow-white, pink, red, crimson, peach, purple. And the shape of the flowers themselves can vary greatly.

Favorable growing conditions

Firstly, you should choose a room that is very well ventilated and has high level consecration. There are no special requirements for ambient temperature; this flower can withstand temperatures of 12 degrees, but even the slightest drafts have a very negative effect on it. The soil must be loose, that is, it must be loosened manually from time to time.

This flower loves water, so it is necessary to water it constantly and abundantly. Perfect option- pot with tray. If there is one, water can be poured into it, but stagnant water must be removed to avoid rotting of the roots.

The amount of water should be increased during the vegetative period of flower development. The air in the room should also be maintained at a high level.

During the flowering period, it is worth additionally fertilizing the soil, about 2 times a month. Liquid flower fertilizers are used for fertilizing. different types. Concentration in water is half a cap per 2 liters of water. When watering with either just water or fertilizer, you should try not to get the liquid into the flower or leaves.

It is worth carefully monitoring the amount of mineral salts in the soil - cyclamen does not like them. When planting, you should not feed the plant until the first shoots appear. When replanting, you cannot feed the plant for six months.

Transplantation is carried out in three cases:

  1. At the end of summer, after a period of little activity of this flower.
  2. With excessive development of tubers.
  3. When it is necessary to change the soil.

This flower may not tolerate frequent replanting, so cyclamen should not be replanted more than 2-3 times a year. Each type of cyclamen has its own characteristics that should be taken into account when planting. The roots of Persian cyclamen grow downward, so the top of the tuber must be above ground level.

But in European cyclamen, the roots grow over the entire surface of the soil, so they must be deepened into the ground. Fertilizing can be done one month after transplantation.

If you want to increase the number of these flowers, but there is no way to buy new ones, then there are 2 types of division - division by tubers and propagation by seeds.

Reproduction by dividing a tuber To divide, you must use an already mature tuber. It must be divided into parts with a very sharp knife. In this case, each part must have a separate kidney. After dividing, the sections must be sprinkled with crushed coal for disinfection.

The segments need to be dried for several days, otherwise it will have a bad effect on survival rate. After drying, the tubers can be planted in the soil, deepening 2/3 of the tuber. They will take root within 1 month. Cyclamen grown in this way will bloom earlier than those grown from seeds.

Propagation by seeds

You need to plant seeds in early spring: February March. But you can plant at any other time, but growth will occur more slowly. Before planting, it is necessary to stratify the seeds.

The seeds are planted to a depth of about 1 cm. It is best to make furrows to this depth, watering them with water, and then plant the seeds at some distance from each other. The temperature must be at least +20 C.

Subject to all important conditions, the first plants will germinate in 2-3 months. But there are also some slow-growing varieties that germinate only after 5 months. When the first shoots appear, the container must be placed where it falls sunlight. After 6-7 months, young cyclamens can be transplanted into pots.

Cyclamen diseases and their treatment


On the second side of the plant there may be hyperactive growth, but there will no longer be sufficient flowering. How can you fight fusarium wilt? You just need to water the plant itself with a solution of the same name, and then treat the root system with it.

Wet rot

This is a bacterial disease. It appears when a flower is infected with the Erwinia bacterium. The symptoms are as follows: cyclamen begins to gradually fade, leaves fall and hang out of the pot, the infected tuber smells very unpleasantly of rot.

The roots of cyclamen begin to rot quickly. The disease penetrates into the flower through the stems, in places where the leaves are torn off. Bacteria can also enter the plant through contaminated water. Once your plant has been exposed to this bacterium, it is no longer possible to save it.


This disease can appear in cyclamen only during flowering. Anthracnose progresses only in high humidity and heat. In other cases, the bacteria die or freeze in suspended animation. The disease mainly affects flowers and leaves.

The shoots look damaged, the flower stalks become dry. With this disease there is no flowering. Infection of leaves occurs from flower stalks. You can immediately notice this - they curl into a tube, and the old leaves dry out and die. When infected with this disease, you simply need to reduce the air humidity and remove the infected areas of the plant.

Sooty fungus

This disease begins with the fact that aphids leave sweet juice on the leaves, in which this fungus develops. It is not harmful in itself, but it does block the leaves from sunlight.

Therefore, the development processes of the entire plant slow down sharply. And the more this fungus is allowed to develop, the more it will be necessary to restore the flower, if you do not start this matter to the extreme stage, when the flower has already completely rotted.

Cyclamen or alpine violet is a small perennial plant. The leaves are wide, have impeccable proportions and different patterns. The flowers are bright, unusual, located above the leaves, and come in both large and small, with different colors. Most of the species have an amazing aroma.

In contact with

Varieties of cyclamens

All cyclamen are divided into two types: Persian and European. And they, in turn, a large number of varieties. Persian cyclamen is more suitable for growing at home.

The height of an adult plant is approximately 15−30 cm. Flowers can be of absolutely any color, large, small, fragrant, odorless, double or with corrugated petals. The petals are curved back, slightly pointed. Distinctive featureBottom part the leaves are green in color. It blooms from October to April, after which it loses its leaves and enters a dormant period. This species has flat, round tubers with one growing point. Photo of Persian cyclamen European cyclamen (purple). Height is about 10−15 cm, the leaves are small, dark green, the flowers are small, they can be white, purple, pink. The difference from other varieties is the presence of roots throughout the tuber and the purple-red lower part of the leaves. Also, purple cyclamen does not have a resting phase. Flowering occurs in the summer, and in the autumn-winter period the plant rests. Over time, daughter branches form on the tubers. Photo of European cyclamen Cyclamen ivy (Neapolitan). It has pointed leaves with a silvery pattern. The flowers are pink, with a purple V-shaped marking, and have a pleasant aroma. Less common are white flowers without a spot. It blooms from August to October, the rest of the time it is dormant, without leaves. They grow back immediately after flowering. This variety of cyclamen is excellent for cultivation in open ground, is frost-resistant (-28 ˚С), tolerates both shade and bright sun equally well.
Photo of ivy-leaved cyclamen. A shrub with large, up to 15 cm in length, leathery, bright green leaves growing from tubers, which is its main difference. It blooms from almost tubers, ranging from pale to deep pink, usually before the leaves appear between September and November. Afraid of frost and hot sun.
Photo of African cyclamen

Medicinal properties of cyclamen, signs and superstitions

It is known that the alpine violet has healing properties and renders:

  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • sedative;
  • antimicrobial effect on the body.

Preparations containing cyclamen root are used to treat sinusitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx, diseases of the oral cavity, and colds.

It is also recommended to take medications from cyclamen for headaches, to treat increased emotional and psychological excitability, insomnia, central nervous system. Besides, medicines from this plant are effective for gynecological diseases, increase immunity, stabilize the hormonal system.

It is believed that cyclamen in the house is capable of:

  • absorb negative energy;
  • maintain a positive atmosphere;
  • attracts money;
  • gives self-confidence;
  • attracts love;
  • protects the house from evil spirits, envy, bad thoughts;
  • affects a woman's fertility.

How to propagate cyclamen at home

Alpine violet can be propagated in several ways, depending on the type of plant.

Reproduction of the European species. This cyclamen reproduces by daughter tubers, rosettes, division of the main tuber, and also from leaves.

When propagating by additional tubers, they must be separated and planted in other bowls with porous soil, covering the roots. When dividing a tuber, you need to cut it with a sharpened knife so that the shoot and roots remain in each of the resulting parts. It is advisable to divide one plant into two parts. After separation, it is recommended to grate parts of the tuber activated carbon and dry overnight. Then plant it in moist soil.
Dividing a cyclamen tuber When propagating by rosettes, they need to be torn off from the tuber and planted. Roots appear in about 20 days.

The method of propagation by leaves has a low result, grow new flower rarely succeeds. The leaf must be broken off with a piece of tuber.

Reproduction of the Persian species. This species reproduces only by rosettes and division of the tuber, since it does not produce daughter plants.

How to transplant cyclamen

Replanting cyclamen at home should be done immediately after its purchase or dormant period. Before transplanting, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

Next, you need to prepare the soil and drainage using expanded clay and pebbles. The soil for cyclamen must contain: peat, humus, sand, leaf soil, peat. For better rooting of the plant, vermion or vermiculite should be added. You can also purchase ready-made soil in the store. Before planting cyclamen, the soil must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

How to plant cyclamen correctly:

  1. Place drainage at the bottom of the container, then fill it halfway with soil, without compacting it.
  2. Remove the plant from the old container, carefully transfer it to the prepared one, placing it in the center, straighten the roots and cover it with soil, leaving the upper part of the tuber open.
  3. Water and place in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight.

If not used properly, this flower can be affected by various diseases caused by fungi and bacteria. Fusarium Fusarium (dry rot). Fungal disease, which affects the tissues and blood vessels of the plant.

Symptoms: yellowing upper part of the flower.

Treatment: treat the soil with topsin and isolate the plant.

Gray mold. Appears when the plant stands in a damp and cold place; the disease is also provoked by improper watering and penetration of moisture into the middle.

Symptoms: the appearance of gray mold on leaves and flowers, which subsequently turn yellow and die.

Treatment: remove infected areas, reduce watering, treat with fungicide. Tuber rot Brown rot. Appear due to fungi found in contaminated soil.

Symptoms: damage to roots, loss of color in leaves.

Treatment: the flower must be removed from the pot, the roots must be washed with a fungicide, and the diseased parts must be eliminated.

Wet rot. A bacterial disease acquired through untreated water or soil.

Symptoms: The plant withers sharply, flower stalks and leaves droop, and a rotten smell is felt.

Wet rot cannot be cured; the flower will have to be disposed of. Anthracnose Anthracnose. It is caused by a soil fungus that damages the alpine violet during flowering.

Symptoms: damage to flower stalks that lose their shape, stop growing and dry out. Then the leaves become infected, curl, dry out at the edges and fall off.

Treatment: remove affected areas, spray with fungicide, move to a place with low humidity.

Sooty fungus. Occurs when infected by insects that leave behind sticky secretions.

Treatment: wash the flower with soapy water and eliminate pests.

Growing indoor flower cyclomen at home requires the following rules:

  • be sure to choose an appropriate place with diffused light and without drafts;
  • it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the range from +14 ˚С to + 16 ˚С;
  • In winter, it is recommended to place plants away from radiators, monitor the level of humidity, and water on time.

This video is about how to grow cyclamen from seeds: