Pipes for protecting cables in the ground. Which pipe is best suited for laying cables in the ground - an overview of the advantages of different types of pipes

A pipe for laying cables in the ground is universal solution for many construction and engineering tasks, such as laying electric cable in the depths, be it the Internet, networks, signaling system or any other.

This polyethylene product allows you to avoid overhead installation of electrical networks in areas with frequent stormy and gusty winds.

Laying cables in the ground is one of the most popular methods of laying wires.

That is why the range of pipes specifically designed for this purpose is not limited to one or two options.

Why is this seemingly high-cost product so popular?

Reasons for using pipes for laying cables in the ground:

  • With the aerial method of placing the cable, any strong gust of wind can disrupt its integrity, which will not happen in the bowels of the earth.
  • When icing occurs in the winter season, “breakthroughs” often occur.
    IN in this case there is protection against vandals (it is much easier to cut off part of the cable hanging in the air than to dig it out of the ground).
  • Damage caused by downtime of a plant or enterprise can be significantly higher than the savings during installation.
  • If a short circuit occurs, there will still be no fire.

What pipes are used for laying cables:

  • Steel (not suitable for power lines and does not protect the line if its integrity is violated).
  • Asbestos-cement (heavy, harmful to human health due to asbestos content).
  • High or low pressure polyethylene (strong, durable and lightweight pipes that are not subject to any rotting or corrosion).
  • Propylene (made of heat-resistant and plastic propylene polymer).
    PVC (polyvinyl chloride).

HDPE (low-density polyethylene) pipes have become extremely popular in the last few years. They are light or heavy corrugated, smooth-walled rigid, halogen-free, double-walled. Each option performs its own functions.

Corrugated due to corrugations, they have increased elasticity, and when a reinforcing mesh is used inside their structure, they become heavy. This is where they got their name. Double (double-wall) shells contain not only corrugation, but also another layer - high-density polyethylene.

A peculiarity of this type of building material is the fact that the ambient temperature when laying such pipes does not matter. They are also lightweight and easy to install, and their service life is about fifty years in theory, in practice even longer.

There are several types of pipes suitable for laying cables in the ground. Among them: asbestos, PVC, HDPE, double. For different types of wiring, pipes of different qualities are used.

Use of HDPE pipes and their features

Why is it cheaper? The fact is that the material for the production of this product is waste from other industries with the addition of the necessary synthetic additives.

Among the advantages of HDPE pipes are the following:

  • Long service life (nominally 50 years).
  • No application required welding machine for connecting sections of the cable route.
  • Light weight.
  • No additional grounding is required during use.
  • Pipes do not deteriorate under the influence of the environment, its factors, and the time factor.
  • They can withstand temperatures ranging from minus twenty-five to plus seventy degrees Celsius.
  • HDPE pipes do not emit toxic and other harmful substances, and also do not release condensation onto the surface.
  • Primary polymer integral part of the product in question, easily bends in any direction, and therefore does not require additional fasteners and connecting parts. However, you should not bend the pipes too much - the cable will not pass through.

HDPE pipes are widely used in the modern technological Internet world. With the right approach to the process and the correct installation, you can achieve excellent result: repairs to the facility will not be needed very much yet for a long time or won't be needed at all.

Technical parameters, markings and types of protective pipes

What do HDPE pipe cables protect against?

From mechanical damage, stray current, chemical exposure to soil and its components.

Depending on the purpose of use, electrical and purely technical HDPE pipes are distinguished.

The first type includes additionally protected corrugated or double pipes ( distinctive feature corrugated products have a smooth inner surface).

For technical purposes, simple single-layer HDPE products are used that do not provide additional protection.

Corrugated pipes can be suitable for laying telephone, television, computer, and electrical cables in the ground.

It is important that the current flowing through the mentioned wire is alternating or constant, but not more than 1 kV. In turn, corrugated pipes are divided into two subtypes: with or without a probe.

If the first one was chosen for the work, it will go quickly and without problems. When purchasing a product without a pulling mechanism, you will also have to purchase a reusable mechanism for pulling the cable.

Technical parameters of pipes include such concepts as pipe thickness, wall thickness, color, compliance with GOST, presence of markings, number of layers. Usually for this product it is carried out next rule. The larger the diameter of the pipe, the thicker its walls.

The last parameter can vary over a wide range. The minimum wall thickness is two millimeters. In this case, the diameter of the pipe itself ranges from 16 to 50 mm. The maximum wall thickness is almost three centimeters. In this case, the diameter of the pipe is twenty to twenty-five centimeters.

Wear-resistant HDPE pipes can withstand pressure from twenty to thirty-eight Megapascals, and the linear expansion coefficient is one hundred and forty Pascals. But not all underground cable installation work requires such strong and protected products.

Therefore, manufacturers and sell in stores have a whole line of different pipes:

  • Lightweight - can withstand pressure up to a quarter of a Megapascal
  • Medium light - up to four tenths
  • Average - up to six tenths
  • Heavy – up to one Megapascal

Each “sleeve” for cable laying has markings corresponding to its technical characteristics. This symbols, showing which parameters a particular product meets.

In addition, marking the pipes allows you to control the compliance of the declared quality level with that of a specific pipe.

Product classes with corresponding markings:

  • “T” – heavy pipe
  • “ST” – medium-heavy pipe
  • “OS” – medium-light pipe
  • "WITH" - middle pipe(by weight)
  • “SL” – medium-light pipe
  • “L” – light pipe

In addition to information on weight, which is directly proportional to the strength, it is also indicated by the wall thickness. To protect a thin cable underground (cross-sectional area - one and a half to two square millimeters), you will need a pipe with a radius of eight to twelve millimeters.

Moreover, the number of wires can vary from one to four pieces. If the cable has a cross-section of six to sixteen square millimeters, you will need a HDPE pipe with a diameter of twenty to forty millimeters, respectively.

The final choice should be based on a calculation of how many wires will be enclosed in low-density polyethylene. For example, for three cables, each of which has a cross-sectional area equal to ten square millimeters, you need to select the same pipe as for two cables with a cross-sectional area of ​​twenty-five millimeters.

What about thicker wires? If the cable in cross section contains from thirty-five to seventy square millimeters, then larger pipes will be needed. Namely: from 40 to 50 mm in diameter.

If the pipe is not corrugated, it cannot bend and is sold in limited lengths: for a diameter of up to nine centimeters, the length of the product can be one hundred or two hundred meters.

As the clearance width increases, the length of the polyethylene hose decreases - for example, twelve meters each.

Another important criterion for assessing the quality of a pipe is an indicator called SDR. It is calculated by mathematical division outer diameter by wall thickness. As this special indicator increases, the overall strength of the pipe becomes lower.

Laying technical protective conduits is a process similar to laying electrical conduits. The differences are only in the purpose and labeling. HDPE pipes of this type are used for laying underground networks that are not electrical. For example, heating pipeline, sewerage.

To produce such pipes, waste from other industries is used. For example, from the “PE” brands thirty-second, sixtieth and eightieth, as well as hundredth. The radius of the product can vary from one centimeter to twenty-five.

In addition to technical and sewer water, such polyethylene products are used for non-pressure water supply systems, storm water, drainage systems, for land reclamation and crop irrigation.

Installation is carried out using fittings, adapters and couplings, since they cannot bend like corrugated pipes. In some cases, when it is necessary to ensure 100% sealing, special butt welding or a compression fitting is used.

The quality and operating parameters of HDPE pipes are judged by the markings, which show all the important technical features products.

More details about corrugated pipe can be seen in the video:

How to lay cables underground

To lay a cable in a special pipe underground, you need to follow a clear sequence of the following actions:

  • Inspect the HDPE product for damage. The same should be done with the cable itself.
  • Marking the places where the pipe should be laid.
  • trenches of the required depth for the cable (at least twenty-five centimeters).
  • Laying the pipe.
  • Pulling the cable (it should eventually lie inside without tension).
  • Covering the structure with a ten-centimeter layer of sand and a fifteen-centimeter layer of soil or earth.
  • Laying warning tape along the entire perimeter of the cable laying (optional).

When performing this work, you need to remember that when laying the power cable, it is better to avoid the use of adapters and couplings altogether, or to use them only when absolutely necessary. This simple rule must be followed to ensure maximum safe sealing.

Where the structure exits the ground and enters the building, special fittings must be used. Concerning minimum section cables for laying underground, it is recommended to use not the thinnest ones. For example, a wire with a cross-sectional value of four millimeters is suitable.

A pipe for laying a cable in the ground under a road, near buildings, industrial structures must take into account the entire maximum load that can be placed on it from above.

But this is not the only requirement for its successful and long-term operation, as well as the operation of the cable located in it.

It is also necessary to strictly follow the installation rules.

Underground routes of electrical cables and communication lines are subject to various threats - flooding, mechanical destruction due to soil movements or pressure on the soil surface, and the effects of stray currents. Although most cables are covered with strong layers of insulation and braiding, additional protection is necessary. In recent decades, HDPE pipes for cables have been used for this purpose, which you can purchase with delivery to Moscow by placing an order on the website or by phone.

Types of HDPE pipes for cable

From the entire range pipe products Almost all articles can be used for cable laying. But two types most meet the requirements - technical and electrical pipes. The first are smooth-walled black products, which are successfully used for non-pressure cold water pipelines. In the case of electrical installation, a HDPE technical pipe for laying cables is used if the lines run in a concrete screed or brick wall. They are also very convenient for installing underground lines using the puncture method (HDD). In this case, the pipe is pulled into an inclined or horizontal well along with a cable installed in it. The technology is quite complex and requires special equipment and highly qualified personnel. Smooth-walled rigid HDPE pipe with low SDR (up to 9) is ideal for laying cables at great depths - it can withstand significant soil pressure and protects the cable from possible breaks.

Special pipes for electrical purposes

In most cases, for underground and surface installation of highways, an electrical HDPE pipe is used for cable laying. It is two-layer - smooth inner (LDPE) and corrugated outer (HDPE). The internal one provides minimal resistance to cable pulling. For this, a special steel or polypropylene cable is used - a probe. Standard HDPE cable pipe can be supplied with or without a probe installed inside. HDPE pipes for electrical purposes are produced in accordance with GOST 16338 (markings 277, 276, 286, 273 and 271) or GOST 16337, you can recognize them by other markings, for example 0803-020. According to the standard, the product is divided into several types: heavy and light corrugated; double-walled; heavy smooth;

halogen-free. They differ, first of all, in their ability to withstand external pressure, which determines the possibility of installation at different depths. Light ones are designed for a pressure of no more than 0.25 MPa, medium ones - 0.4 - 0.6 MPa, heavy ones - up to 1 MPa. When ordering non-standard products, the permissible maximum pressure is also selected. The weight of the pipe and its strength directly depend on the SDR indicator. For cable lines, products with SDR from 7.4 to 26 are used, depending on the operating conditions of the future line and the pulling method. For the HDD method, you can only take products with a ratio of 7.4 - 11. Also shells

for various purposes differ in color: red - for high-voltage lines; made of polyethylene. You can buy HDPE pipe for cable in Moscow both in coils and in sections of the required length with delivery to your destination. Our price for HDPE pipes for cable is the lowest - we cooperate with the five largest factories producing this type of product and receive the goods at a special dealer price. This allows us not only to maintain prices acceptable to the customer, but also to offer discounts and bonuses for regular partners and wholesale customers.

When installing communication networks, HDPE cable pipe is widely used as a protective case. It is also used when laying power lines. The HDPE pipe reliably protects the cable from the influence of stray currents, mechanical damage and aggressive soil influence. Laying technology is determined by purpose utility networks and their location.

HDPE pipes for cable laying

Using HDPE pipes for installation of communications

For laying power lines and other engineering communications Various HDPE pipes are used. They differ technical parameters and design features:

  1. When installing electrical wiring in a floor screed or brick wall, a smooth black HDPE pipe is used.
  2. Products with a corrugated surface are used for laying electrical, telephone, television and computer networks in open, semi-hidden and hidden ways, operating at alternating or alternating voltage. direct current, the value of which does not exceed 1000 V. An electrical installation of this type can operate both outdoors and indoors.
  3. For laying in the ground, corrugated HDPE pipes are used, which are characterized by increased elasticity and strength, the ability to restore their linear dimensions and ease of installation.

Depending on the design, products are available with or without a probe. He is special device, which is designed to pull the cable inside the pipe. This allows you to reduce the time it takes to install power networks and communications.

In the absence of a probe, cable pulling is carried out using a reusable device. The complexity of the operation increases slightly, and certain technical support is also required. However, HDPE pipe for laying cables without pulling can be used repeatedly. This opportunity is relevant for private repairs of communications.

Corrugated cable pipe with probe

Among manufacturers of HDPE pipes for laying electrical cables, the products of DKS are the most in demand. It is represented by “Octopus” corrugated products intended for installation hidden wiring indoors. The line has been supplemented with accessories and various types boxes that ensure the laying of communications in strict accordance with established standards.

DKS company products: HDPE pipe “Octopus”

To protect the power and signal cables, a series of double-walled Octopus pipes are used. They reliably protect electric wires from damage as a result mechanical influences and environmental influences. The tightness of the plastic prevents the penetration of moisture even when laying the cable in the ground.

Advantages of HDPE pipes

Compared to HDPE metal protective cases, a cable pipe is much cheaper. Moreover, it is not necessary to use products that are produced in accordance with GOST requirements for laying power lines and various communications - the use of products from recycled materials is allowed. HDPE technical pipe is made from production waste, which is mixed with various polyethylene additives. This somewhat changes the performance characteristics and color of the finished product, but can significantly reduce costs and reduce its cost.

Besides, cable pipes HDPE has the following advantages:

  • service life under normal conditions is up to 50 years;
  • individual sections can be connected without the use of a welding machine;
  • are lightweight compared to protective metal cases;
  • do not require grounding, as they have good electrical insulating properties;
  • are not subject to destruction under the influence of aggressive environments and corrosion;
  • retain their parameters even in difficult operating conditions and can withstand temperature changes in the range from -25 ⁰C to +70 ⁰C;
  • do not emit toxic substances and do not accumulate condensation on the surface.

The cable in a HDPE pipe can be laid along any curved path without the use of connecting elements, since the polymer can be bent. It is especially easy to change the configuration of small diameter products.

However, you should not bend the HDPE pipes too much: this may cause a bend and it will not be possible to stretch the cable.

Methods for laying electrical cables

Technical features of laying HDPE pipes depend on the location of the cable and its operating conditions. This also affects the list of equipment used and necessary components.

Installation in building envelopes

Indoor electrical wiring using HDPE pipes is laid as follows:

  1. outline the location of the cable;
  2. fix the pipe, and it can be attached to the floor using metal brackets, and to the ceiling or walls - with special holders with a latch;
  3. stretch the cable so that it is positioned freely, without tension;
  4. the structure on the floor is filled with a concrete screed, and in the wall or ceiling it is sealed with plaster or other materials, depending on the diameter of the protective case.

Laying cables using HDPE pipes on the floor

HDPE pipe allows you to:

  • reduce the length of electrical wiring;
  • realize renovation work and re-tensioning of cables without damaging the surface of ceilings and walls.

When installing communications indoors, it is possible to use various connecting parts to fix individual sections protective casing: bends, couplings and other components. However, corrugated elements are most often in demand for turns where the pipe enters the floor slab or the transition from the floor to the wall. In this case, the HDPE pipe for electrical wiring must be bent at an angle of 90⁰, and this is impossible without crushing and deforming the material.

According to current standards for installation hidden electrical wiring, which is located inside floors or walls made of non-combustible materials, it is allowed to use smooth or corrugated HDPE pipes.

Laying in the ground with digging a trench

This technology is in demand when laying communications in summer cottages. Before starting work, you should inspect the cable and check the integrity of the sheath. If it is damaged protective function HDPE pipes will be useless.

Then during the installation process the following operations are performed:

  1. make markings and dig a trench of the required depth;
  2. place a HDPE pipe with or without broaching of the required diameter into it;
  3. stretch the cable and lay it in such a way that it is positioned without tension;
  4. fill the pipe first with a layer of sand 10 cm thick, and then with soil about 15 cm.

To quickly locate the cable, you can lay a special signal tape over it.

Laying cables using HDPE pipes in the ground

When using HDPE pipes for laying power networks in the ground, it is advisable to exclude the use of couplings and other connecting elements, since this makes it difficult to ensure sealing. However, when leading the cable into a building, fittings are simply necessary.

To lay the cable on a straight section, use solid pieces with a cross-section of at least 4 mm. If the section is too long, then an elastic metal wire or a special nylon broach should be used to tighten the electrical wiring. They are first launched into the pipe, and then the tied cable is tightened.

Trenchless installation

Trenchless technology is used to lay electrical cables located in hard-to-reach places. Most often it is in demand public utilities, as it is performed using sophisticated technology and special equipment.

The essence of the method is horizontal directional drilling, which allows you to lay underground communications without disturbing the surface layer of the soil. First, they study the composition of the soil and obtain permission to carry out earthworks. Then the cable is laid in the HDPE pipe, which includes the following steps:

  1. Drilling a pilot well. The soil is pierced using a drill head, which has a bevel in the front part and built-in radiation. As it enters the ground, a solution is supplied through special holes to fill the well. It reduces the risk of collapse and cools the hot tool.
  2. Well expansion. It is performed with a rimmer, which replaces the drill head.
  3. Laying HDPE pipes with cable inside. They are pulled into the well using a drilling rig.

Cable laying using horizontal drilling method

The main disadvantage of horizontal directional drilling of soil is the complexity of its implementation, therefore, for such work, an agreement is concluded with an organization that specializes in such activities and has the necessary equipment.

Horizontal drilling rig

Laying a cable using HDPE pipes allows you to ensure reliable protection for a long period of time; you just need to follow the technology for installing power lines and other communications.

HDPE pipes are designed to protect the power cable from external negative factors (mechanical, organic and chemical), as well as the effects of stray currents. Depending on the purpose of communication networks, the technology for laying them is different.

To install power lines in the ground, protective cases are used that have high strength, elasticity and the ability to self-heal to their original dimensions - corrugated HDPE pipes.

Contents of the article

Types and characteristics

Thanks to , power communication (engineering) lines can be reliably and inexpensively laid underground in any corner of the city, as well as in a private house or holiday village.

In addition, laying the wire through a protective elastic pipe underground will protect it much better from mechanical, chemical or atmospheric influences, compared to ground laying. But first of all you need to choose the right one protective case, corrugation.

HDPE pipes that are suitable for protecting cables when installed in the ground:

  • flexible corrugated pipe;
  • double-sided corrugation (the outer side is made of low-density polyethylene, the inner (smooth) side is made of high-density polyethylene);
  • products made from recycled materials (technical insulating corrugation);
  • flexible corrugation, with reinforced coating;
  • hard and smooth pipe.

Properties of HDPE cases for installation in the ground

The corrugation used for pulling power wires along the ground should not have magnetizing properties. Therefore, for its manufacture, special ceramics, plastic or asbestos cement are most often used.

The diameter of the required protection directly depends on the length of the cable you want to install: a power cable of up to 5 meters can be placed in a 50 mm pipe; if its length is 5 meters and above, a product with a diameter of 100 mm is used.

There are several layers in a HDPE pipe:

  • outer layer – protective case, made of structural steel;
  • insulating layer over the screen (PVC);
  • the screen itself (Cu layer);
  • XLPE – insulating layer along the core;
  • core (material: Al or Cu).

The current will flow through the core, behind the screen and pipe (eddy currents). Regarding production of this product, high quality manufacturing takes place in special workshops, where visual designs (layouts) are used, taking into account the mechanism for further laying the power wire.

Advantages of corrugated HDPE pipe

It differs from metal products in that it is much cheaper. Both products manufactured in accordance with GOST and pipes made from recycled materials can withstand long-term operation (the characteristics and color will differ slightly).

The main advantages of this product include:

  • the cable can be laid along a curved path without the use of auxiliary frames (but, despite the increased flexibility, if the corrugation is strongly bent, it will break, and you simply will not be able to stretch the power cable);
  • under normal conditions, the operating period reaches 50 years;
  • there is no need to use welding machines to connect individual sections;
  • a corrugated pipe is much lighter than a metal pipe;
  • has excellent electrical insulating properties and does not require grounding;
  • have excellent properties, therefore they are not destroyed under the influence of external negative factors;
  • resistance to temperature changes from -25 to +75 degrees;
  • do not accumulate condensate on the ground surface, do not oxidize and do not emit toxic substances.

Methods of laying in the ground

There are two ways to lay cables in the ground using corrugated cases: with digging a trench and trenchless laying. Which one is best depends on the installation location.

The method of laying cables through a protective corrugated pipe by digging a trench in the ground is ideal for private houses and summer cottages. The installation depth must be at least 70-80 cm. This type of installation does not require additional couplings or blocks, but only to bring the wire out of the ground and connect it to the electrical system of the house.

Trenchless cable laying in HDPE pipes is carried out in hard-to-reach places and is most often used by utility services, since it requires special equipment and devices.

Trenchless laying involves horizontal, directional drilling of soil without damaging its surface. A pipe with a wire inside is installed into the resulting well.

Preparatory stage

First of all, you need to decide in the best possible way installation of a corrugated case. For this purpose, all information about the work site and soil is collected (to avoid increased influence groundwater; alkalis, acids, etc.).

Underground installation is used in the case of a normal groundwater level, good soil conditions, and the absence of obstructing buildings or roadways. Also local conditions affect laying depth cable.

Before starting installation, it is also necessary to check the condition of the exits and connections of the corrugated cases - they must be clean, with a prepared (specially treated) surface.

For easy pulling, an oily substance is applied to the wire, which, moreover, acts as an alarm for the pressure level in the pipe. The wire must not be damaged or defective. The installation must be carried out as safely as possible, therefore, before starting work, all workers are additionally instructed, their tools and special clothing are checked.

Laying cables in the ground (video)

The process of laying cables in a pipe

At the power line design stage, it is necessary to determine the exact length of the channel into which the pipe will be inserted. Draw a plan for laying the power rein.

Let's look at the installation process by digging a trench:

  • on prepared soil with sand cushion(10 cm of loosened sand) a pipe is laid (without tension, in small horizontal waves);
  • we stretch the wire (the pipes can be laid with the wire already stretched inside or, by tying it to copper wire, stretch it after laying the corrugation);
  • cover the pipes with a layer of sand so that they are not visible;
  • cover them with a 15 cm layer of soil and compact it;
  • We stretch the signal tape along its entire length;
  • completely fill the trench and compact the soil;
  • We make a test measurement of the insulation resistance of the power wire.

You can stretch the cable in the pipe and install it by digging a trench yourself, without complex devices or equipment. All installation steps must be carried out according to the instructions, All materials have been tested and prepared for use.

Before you purchase it in the ground, be sure to make sure that it is not damaged by inspecting it along its entire length. The choice of high-quality building material and strict adherence to the instructions for installing utility power cables is the key to their long-term operation without the threat of short circuits or other life-threatening incidents.

Work on laying communications is always associated with the risk of subsequent damage. In other words, the wiring can be damaged both by the soil itself and by the builders if the work is carried out carelessly. To prevent such cases, a special HDPE pipe for the cable was created, which is designed to protect it and protect people from electric shock.

The first and most basic feature is that electrical equipment is created from dielectric materials. That is, it serves as an additional protective layer, which is designed to protect others and the cable itself from dangerous, extraneous influences.

Also, the design of the product allows you to protect the cable from mechanical damage during operation. This guarantees an increase in service life.

Additionally, it is worth noting that for different types styling, products of different designs are used. So, for example, when pulling power cables by air, a corrugated HDPE pipe is used, without additional reinforcement and reinforcement - this makes it possible to minimize the weight of the structure and reduce the load on the suspended elements. The main purpose of such protection is to minimize ultraviolet flux, which can destroy the insulating layer.

For underground laying communications, high-strength HDPE pipes are used, often with additional reinforcement. This is necessary to effectively withstand soil pressure and other factors, for example, carelessness of builders (often, cables are touched by bulldozer buckets when performing excavation work).

Advantages of using HDPE pipes

The cable pipe made of low-density polyethylene has a number of features that make its use optimal for various methods gaskets Below is a list of the main advantages.

  • Low cost - this type is much cheaper than traditional materials.
  • Low weight of HDPE products - much less than metal ones.
  • Long service life - more than 50 years.
  • High flexibility. The materials used have increased resistance to bending, but we must not forget about the possibility of drawing wiring strands. If the bend is too strong, the wire will not be able to be mounted correctly.
  • Providing sufficient technical opening to allow the addition of new wiring.
  • Easy to install.
  • HDPE casings of relatively small diameter do not require soldering at the ends, which eliminates the need to use complex equipment.
  • Does not corrode or age.
  • High resistance to significant temperature changes.

This is not a complete list of significant advantages for the use of these materials.

Advantages of corrugated pipe

It is one of the most popular building materials that facilitate the laying of communications.

As a means of increasing the reliability and comfort of installation, additional reinforcement with steel wire can be used - this gives it additional ring rigidity. The corrugation, strengthened in this way, can perfectly withstand the pressure of several meters of soil and perfectly withstand natural factors.

Corrugated covers are also double-walled. The inner surface is smooth and provides good gliding when pulling. The outer part is corrugated, providing significant resistance to aggressive environments.

Special mention is due to the fact that corrugated products can take any shape, as well as their good elasticity. For example, metal protection can bend and burst at the point of application of force, which will lead to moisture penetration into the wiring, but this one does not - it will simply bend, but the integrity will not be compromised. Thanks to this, it is possible to lay non-linear channels, which is especially useful when space is tight or there are specific construction conditions.

The most effective use is on difficult soils, such as rocky, earthquake-prone or moving soils.

It should also be noted that it is resistant to temperature changes. The optimal parameters for installation are temperatures from – 20 to + 70°C.

Types of HDPE technical pipes for cables

The installation of any utilities related to electrical wiring requires impeccable execution and strictly prescribed norms and rules. Typically, a technical HDPE pipe for a cable is selected exclusively for certain operating conditions. Failure to comply with requirements can have serious consequences.

Such main channels are divided into technical and electrical. These types differ in scope, purpose, as well as technical indicators.

Smooth HDPE technical pipes for cable

Smooth HDPE pipes for electrical installation work are manufactured using recycled materials, which significantly reduces production costs and also minimizes the harmful impact on environment. As a negative factor, this technology changes the characteristics and color of the final product, however, this has a slight effect on performance.

The scope of application of this type of pipe is quite specific - they are usually used for distributing communications along the walls or floors of rooms.

In practice, it looks something like this: a smooth electrical HDPE pipe is mounted in a wall groove or the base of a floor screed. Next, the ends of the main line are brought into place, after which the gate is closed. This creates a free channel for wires and communications. The final stage is drawing the power cores, cutting off excess edges, and installing control plugs that serve to seal the terminals.

Electrical pipes

The second common type is often used as underground pipeline, laying power and communication cables. The main application lies in the use of cables up to 1 kW.

The special, corrugated design allows the HDPE pipe to withstand heavy loads, which is an indispensable factor in such work.

Remarkable. Each shell has its own purpose - the outer shell is a reinforced shell and serves as a solid basis for maintaining the shape of the product. Interior, created from a different type of material. It is smooth and acts as a sliding layer to facilitate wire pulling.

The design also involves division into pipes with or without a probe. The probe itself is designed to make it easier to pull wires through the pipe; it usually looks like a steel core to which the wire is attached. Then, by pulling out the flock, it is replaced with a wire.

Important! Despite the significant resistance to mechanical loads, it is not recommended to lay SIP type wire in a HDPE pipe. This can cause a decrease in its service life and also lead to an accident.

Technical parameters of pipes

When manufacturing any type of hoses, strict compliance with all requirements and characteristics is a prerequisite. These requirements are clearly stated in specific documents. For example, GOST 16338 defines the requirements for the manufacture of low pressure with markings 271, 273, 276, 277, and 286. And GOST 16337 applies to products marked as - 10803-020, 15303-003, 15803-20, 16803-170 .

Additionally, damage to the integrity of layers, blisters, cracks or other material defects is not allowed.

Important! The appearance of roughness on the internal walls is not allowed. It is also not permissible to violate the uniformity of the outer layer, both on corrugated and smooth HDPE pipes.

Assortment technical pipes HDPE
SDR9 SDR11 SDR13.6 SDR17 SDR17.6 SDR21 SDR26
External Diameter Product wall thickness in mm
16 2,0
20 2,3 2,0
25 2,8 2,3 2,0
32 3,6 3 2,4 2
40 4,5 3,7 3 2,4 2
50 5,6 4,6 3,7 3 2,4 2
63 7,1 5,8 4,7 3,8 3,6 3 2,5
75 8,4 6,8 5,6 4,5 4,3 3,6 2,9
90 10,1 8,2 6,7 5,4 5,2 4,3 3,5
110 12,3 10 8,1 6,6 6,3 5,3 4,2
125 14 11,4 9,2 7,4 7,1 6 4,8
140 15,7 12,7 10,3 8,3 8,0 6,7 5,4
160 17,9 14,6 11,8 9,5 9,1 7,7 6,2
180 20,1 16,4 13,3 10,7 10,2 8,6 6,9
200 22,4 18,2 14,7 11,9 11,4 9,6 7,7
225 25,2 20,5 16,6 13,4 12,8 10,8 8,6
250 27,9 22,7 18,4 14,8 14,2 11,9 9,6
12,3 10 8,1 6,6 6,3 5,3 4,2

Also, PE pipes are additionally divided according to their nominal pressure.

  • Light electrical - 0.25 MPa.
  • Medium light - 0.4 MPa.
  • Average - 0.6 mPa.
  • Heavy – 1 mPa.

Non-standard devices are manufactured individually according to customer requirements.

Marking of pipes for laying electrical cables

Manufacturers carefully monitor the need for markings. Such designations allow you to clearly identify a particular type of work, and also indicate technical characteristics.

The first and important difference is the absence of a special color strip along the entire length. Typically, such markings are applied only to water pipes and. In addition, a quality mark and a manufacturer’s identifier must be applied, by which you can determine who produced the product and when.

There are also weight markings that are comparable to their strength.

  • T - heavy;
  • ST – moderate severity;
  • OS – medium-light;
  • SL – medium light;
  • L – lungs.

Next, the number is applied generally accepted standard, the cross-section, thickness, number of wall layers and nominal pressure are indicated.

Typically, electrical pipe HDPE PE for laying cables of PE types 63, 80 and 100 is marked as MRS6.3 and 8, 10.

How to choose pipes for cable laying

In order to correctly select HDPE pipes for electrical wiring, it is necessary to take into account generally accepted values, as well as the number of wires laid in them. To accurately determine the diameter of a technical HDPE pipe for cables of different sections, use the table:

Calculation of the number of cables in a pipe
Wire cross-section (sq.mm) HDPE sleeve diameter – mm. Number of cables to be passed – pieces.
95 or more 63/63 3/2
70 63/53/63 3/2/4
50 50/50/63/63 3/2/5/4
35 50/40/63/50 3/2/5/4
25 40/32/50/50 3/2/5/4
16 32/32/40/40 3/2/5/4
10 32/25/40/32 3/2/5/4
6 25/20/32/32 3/2/5/4
4 20/20/25/25 3/2/5/4
2,5 16/16/25/20 3/2/5/4
1,5 16/16/20/20 3/2/5/4

Thus, you need to understand that the number of supposed cores increases the flow area of ​​the hose.

Methods and rules for laying HDPE pipes

Depending on the location, methods and rules for laying hoses made of low-pressure plastic vary radically. Therefore, it is necessary to consider each type separately.

Laying pipes inside buildings

At the stage of rough work, the wall is tapped and pipes are placed in it for pulling

Usually, when installing hidden wiring, a smooth or corrugated pipe is used for the cable - this is not prohibited by technical standards or GOSTs.

For wall installation, it is most convenient to use smooth pipes; for flooring, corrugated ones.

The principle and sequence of actions are given below.

  • The required location is marked.
  • Fixation is carried out, in the wall with clamps, in the floor with metal brackets.
  • The wire is pulled using a special probe or.
  • Next, the floor screed is poured or the groove in the wall is closed.

Important! When installing the wiring, tension on the cables is not allowed; you need to give a little slack to allow shrinkage.

Methods of laying in the ground

The technology of underground laying of HDPE pipelines is very relevant in modern realities. This method allows you to reliably cover the veins and ensure a neat appearance of the building.

Separately, for laying cables in the ground, the methods described below are used.

Trenchless method of laying in the ground

This type requires special attention and painstakingness from builders. Due to the extreme labor intensity of the process, it is used extremely rarely, only when absolutely necessary.

The essence of the method is to drill a horizontal well through which communications will then be installed.

Before carrying out work, a special permit is obtained and the composition of the soil is analyzed.

Thus, in order to place a cable in a pipe underground, it is necessary to perform a number of mandatory actions. The basic operation sequence is shown below.

  • A pilot well is being drilled. This is done with a thin drill to mark the main trajectory.
  • The pilot hole is expanded to the required diameter.
  • A PE sleeve is pulled into the passage.
  • The cable is being installed.

The main disadvantage of the technology is the significant labor intensity and complexity of the process.

Laying outdoors in a trench

Cable layer

Laying electrical cables in a trench is the simplest in terms of technical feasibility. After selecting the necessary wiring and pipes for laying the HDPE pipeline underground, the following sequence of actions is performed.

  • The site is being marked.
  • A trench of suitable size is dug.
  • The covers are being laid.
  • A wire is pulled along the sleeve.
  • Next, a sand layer about 15–20 cm thick is applied.
  • The trench is completely buried.

Important! Immediately before installation, the wires must be carefully examined for damage to the integrity of the insulation.

Installation of cable under the road

When we're talking about about installation under the road section, it is necessary to coordinate the actions with local authorities.

There are two methods for this operation.

  • Trenchless method.
  • Trench method.

The first type is described above, so there is no need to go deeper.

Regarding the second type, there are several specific requirements, which are discussed below.

  • The depth of the trench should not be less than 1 meter. This is due to the heavy load on the ground.
  • Mandatory placement of indicator elements to prevent accidental breakage.
  • The cores are located at a distance of at least 10 cm from each other.

Subtleties of laying technical pipes

Depends on individual characteristics laying method polyethylene pipe. There are several subtleties that you need to know in advance.

  • Installation work can be carried out at temperatures down to - 25℃.
  • With the trench method, if the depth exceeds 2 meters, additional protection is provided in the form of a horizontal shaft, which is created from concrete or brick.
  • Concreting of horizontal wiring is allowed.
  • Mandatory sealing of connections underground.
  • In cases where condensation is suspected, measures are taken to remove it.

Bottom line

Using high-quality materials, you can significantly extend the service life of communications. The use of HDPE profiles for this type of work significantly reduces the cost of resources and time for their maintenance, and also guarantees safety for others.

The video shows a simple and original way pulling the cable into the pipe using a vacuum cleaner.