Social portrait of a student. Social portrait of a modern student

General information about the student

This psychological portrait was compiled for student Sergei Aleksandrovich Loginov, who is studying at VSU in the 5th year of the Faculty of Physics of the group “ Information Systems and technology." Sergey has been studying at the university for 5 years; before entering VSU, he studied at school No. 86 in the physics and mathematics class. Current status physical development good, bad habits does not have.

Characteristic psychological characteristics student

In communication - open, trusting, attentive, devoid of envy; in actions - focused on single goals, does not seek to complicate them (rather tends to simplify problems); in studies - reasonable, confident, loves to work in a group.

Has good visual memory (both short-term and long-term). The dominant type of thinking is logical.

Has good diction. Oral speech is emotional and expressive (depending on the mood and feelings experienced, different colors predominate). Written speech is distinguished by its conciseness and clarity of the material presented.

Capable long time concentrate attention on the object of study, and, if necessary, can switch attention to other objects. The predominant type of attention is voluntary attention (it makes a significant effort of will, concentrates its attention, understands the content necessary for itself, and then, without volitional effort, carefully follows the material being studied).

The predominant mood is good (he is more an optimist than a pessimist), although sometimes he is inclined to fall into depression (which most often ends quickly). When communicating, he does not hide his feelings, but this does not prevent him from being a good interlocutor.

Has high moral and volitional qualities. IN difficult situation not prone to panic, always tries to act calmly and judiciously.

By type of temperament, he is more likely to be a sanguine person (he is very productive at work when he is interested, becoming very excited about this; if the work is not interesting, he treats it indifferently, he becomes bored), although he is not devoid of melancholy (easily vulnerable, prone to to constant experience of various events).

Student participation in various types activities

In general, academic performance is satisfactory. Favorite subjects are thermodynamics and quantum statistics, mathematical analysis and theoretical mechanics (despite the complexity and incomprehensibility of these subjects, almost all of them were successfully passed at the time of writing the psychological portrait).

Was not noticed in social and organizational activities, the level of social activity is low.

At the moment, in addition to studying at VSU, he is studying at the Siemens center (studying foreign languages(English and German) programming (Java, C++, Abab), management and design systems (SAP)).

Student position in the group

Is an integral part of the group. He does not strive to be a leader, but his opinion is listened to.

Teachers: when teaching a student, you should take into account that he usually has his own view on the material being presented, but is careful in his statements.

Parents: loves obvious manifestations of care in any form (moral and material).

To the student: do not strive to oversimplify problems; do not hide your opinion if it differs from the majority opinion.

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Department of Education and Science of the Kostroma Region

Regional state budgetary professional educational institution "Buisky Technical School of Railway Transport of the Kostroma Region"


Social portrait of a secondary vocational education student

(using the example of OGBPOU “Buisky Technical School of Railway Transport of the Kostroma Region”)

Explanatory note

The relevance of the chosen topic is determinedtoday there is a need to study the value orientations of students, the reasons and trends of their changes, the effectiveness modern methods organization of the educational process.

The goals of this work are to conduct a sociological study of young people studying, their moral values ​​for the subsequent use of its results in the practice of the educational process.

Main tasks of the work:

Obtain reliable, objective data about the social portrait of a student in the secondary vocational education system through questionnaires and data processing;

Assessing the effectiveness of the educational process in an educational institution, based on the results of the survey;

Exploring student expectations and interests educational institution in the field of educational services;

- determining the awareness of career choice and self-determination;

- the possibility in the future to conduct a comparative analysis of the research results in order to identify any sustainable trends;

Use the results of a sociological survey to develop a model for the formation of students’ value orientations.


In order to build an effective educational and educational system for training mid-level professionals who are competitive in the modern labor market, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the range of immediate interests of modern youth, their focus on mastering their chosen specialty and their attitude to basic life values ​​and priorities. Currently, the issue of overcoming spiritual crisis, which gave rise to a loss of trust in ideals and values.

The social image of a student in the secondary vocational education system is constantly changing, just as our society as a whole is changing.

2. Main part.

This study has practical significance for engineering and teaching staff and the administration of an educational institution. When working with students, we, first of all, must know their moral guidelines and socially significant attitudes.

In order to study the social portrait of students, I conducted the following sociological study.

Firstly, the questionnaire “Social portrait of a student at the Buysky Technical School of Railway Transport of the Kostroma Region” was developed. This questionnaire included 25 questions. This questionnaire is not comprehensive. On the other hand, it is not overloaded and will not tire you when filling it. The questions were drawn up based on the realities of our educational institution and the tasks that I set during the research.

Secondly, all questions were arranged in 3 blocks:

    Student adaptation.

    Student social life

    Moral values

This questionnaire was conducted among 1st and 2nd year students; it covered 105 students.

Let’s analyze the answers to block 1 of questions “Socialization of students.”

To the question, “What qualities does a modern student have?”, 56% answered that the modern student is “active, sociable, friendly”, 28% consider the modern student “attentive and responsible”, 14% see the modern student as “disorganized and inattentive”, and another 2% - “irresponsible and ill-mannered.” This is the description the students themselves give themselves, and it is obviously close to the truth.

To the question, “Are you satisfied that you are studying at this particular educational institution?”, 60% of respondents answered “completely satisfied”, 31% “rather satisfied than dissatisfied”, 4% - “rather dissatisfied” and 5% answered that “if there was an opportunity, they would go to another educational institution».

To the question, “how do you feel about your chosen specialty or profession?”, 75% of respondents answered that they “like this profession, specialty,” 16% responded that they “rather like it than dislike it,” 5% responded that they “rather dislike it,” and 2% responded that their choice of profession was “insisted by their parents.”

To the question, “has your life changed since entering college?”, 51% of respondents answered that it had changed. When asked what had changed, the clarifications were as follows: “many new friends appeared”, “life became more interesting”, “I began to study better”, “became more responsible, independent”, “many problems appeared, since I live in a hostel, far away from the house". 49% of respondents responded that their lives had not changed after entering the technical school.

When asked whether a modern student should work, 52% of respondents answered that they “should,” 36% responded that “their main work is studying,” and 12% said that students should not work, “they should enjoy their youth.”

When asked “how much time do you spend preparing homework?”, 46% of respondents answered that they spend 1-2 hours, 43% - “do not do homework” and 11% spend 3 hours or more on preparing homework.

When writing reports, essays and term papers, 73% of respondents use only Internet resources, 26% use Internet resources and scientific literature, and 1% of respondents pay money and receive finished work.

These responses showed that the majority of students consciously chose this educational institution and profession or specialty. Many students believe that successful studies are their main goal in college. modern stage. For most students, upon entering the technical school, life changed in better side: new friends appeared, becoming students, they became more responsible and independent. But it makes you think that 43% of students do not do their homework. Students' dependence on the Internet is noticeable. Students' access to Internet resources has both positive points, and negative. Today it is possible to download a finished essay or term paper.

The following answers were received to the second block of questions, “Student’s social life.”

75% of respondents have a positive attitude towards student government, 12% are themselves members of student government, and 13% do not know what it is.

36% of the students surveyed would like to be volunteers, 2% do not know what volunteers do, and 62% do not want to be volunteers.

IN public life 16% of respondents actively participate in college, 32% participate whenever possible, and 52% do not participate.

Only 10% of respondents read fiction, 25% - read very rarely, 27% - prefer to read on the Internet, and 38% - do not read at all.

48% of the students surveyed are involved in sports, 52% are not involved in any sports. Only 19% of respondents were covered by circles.

Only 15% of respondents support the dress code at the technical school, the rest support a free style of clothing.

These answers indicate the social passivity of a significant part of students and the need to involve them in student government, club work, sports and socially useful work. The depressing fact is that 38% of students surveyed do not read fiction at all and do not go to the library. Most students prefer a casual clothing style at school.

The following answers were received to the third block of questions, “Moral values ​​and guidelines.”

For 31% of students surveyed, “material wealth and money” are the most important things in life. For 30% of respondents, the main thing is a “friendly family”, for 36% - love, for 1% - a career, achieving a high position in society.

41% of the students surveyed value kindness in people, 37% value understanding, 16% value decency, and 6% value honesty.

Among negative personality traits, deceitfulness ranks first (49%), 45% consider betrayal and 6% greed to be the most negative quality.

“I am a believer,” says 44% of respondents, 18% claim that they do not believe in God, 38% find it difficult to answer the question.

25% of respondents consider drug addiction to be the main social problems of young people, 49% - drunkenness, 25% - employment.

Most an important condition To achieve success in life, 56% of the students surveyed consider determination and hard work, 21% - interesting work, 15% - education and 8% - abilities.


These answers showed that a significant part of students value kindness, understanding and decency in people, and most importantly negative qualities considers deceit and betrayal. Most students consider a close-knit family and love to be the most important things in life, but 31% put material wealth and money first. Obviously, this is due to the fact that a significant part of students belong to low-income families, in which material wealth comes to the fore. The fact that 49% of students surveyed call drunkenness the main social problem of young people is also thought-provoking.

In conclusion, I would like to sum upgeneral results of the study:

1. It is advisable to build the educational process in a technical school on the basis of sociological research that gives an idea of ​​the goals, interests and values ​​of modern youth. This approach increases the efficiency of the educational process and the stability of graduates’ value orientations.

2. The values ​​that have developed among young people have a predominantly individual-personal orientation and are associated with an increased role of the material factor.

3. The studies have shown that the value orientations of students change during the learning process. By changing the existing value system, a person changes and his personality develops.

4. The technical school needs to develop a model for the formation of students’ value orientations based on the design of updated content.

Thus, development state system professional guidance of youth is directly related to taking into account the factors of preparation for the future professional activity, social, moral and psychological characteristics of the individual. Only under this condition is it possible to solve the problems of professional self-determination and successful professional and socio-psychological adaptation of students from secondary vocational education institutions.


1. Belinskaya D.V., Zadonskaya I.A., Tomilin V.F. Social portrait of a modern student (using the example of students of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin). // Socio-economic phenomena and processes. 2014 Electronic resource.

2. Gryaznov A.N., Maslennikova V.Sh., Bogovarova V.A. Socio-psychological portrait of a student [Electronic resource] // Kazan Pedagogical Journal. 2013

Annex 1.


Social portrait of a student at the Buysky College of Railway Transport

    Student adaptation.

    Do you consider yourself a modern student?
    A) yes;

    B) no.

    What qualities does a modern student have, in your opinion?

A)attentive, responsible, easy to train

B)active, sociable, friendly

B) disorganized, inattentive

D) irresponsible, ill-mannered

    Are you satisfied that you are studying at this particular educational institution?

A) yes, completely satisfied

B) rather satisfied than dissatisfied

C) rather dissatisfied than satisfied

D) not satisfied, if there was an opportunity, I would enroll in another educational institution

    How do you feel about your chosen profession or specialty?

A) I like this profession, specialty

B) rather like it than not like it

C) rather dislike than like

B) I don’t like this profession, specialty, my parents insisted on choosing it

    Has your life changed since entering college? What?_

A) yes, __________________________________________________________

B) no

    Should a modern student work?
    A) yes;

    B) no, you need to enjoy your youth;

    C) the main job is studying.

    How much time a day do you spend preparing homework?
    A) 1-2 hours
    B) 3 or more
    B) I don’t do my homework

    What sources do you use when writing? course work, reports, abstracts?_

A) Internet resources

B) books, scientific literature

B) both

D) I pay money and receive a finished essay or report

    Is it fashionable, in your opinion, to be an excellent student now?
    A) no;

    B) very fashionable.

    Do you often play hooky? (if yes, please explain why)
    A) yes, because_________________________________________________
    B) no.

    Student social life

    How do you feel about the student government of the technical school?
    A) I don’t know what it is

    B) I am one of these students

    B) I support self-government.

    Would you like to become a volunteer?
    A) yes;

    B) no;

    B) I don’t know what they are doing

    Do you participate in college student life?
    A) yes, I really like it;

    B) no, I’m not interested;

    B) whenever possible.

    Do you read fiction or borrow books from the library?

A) yes, often

B) sometimes

D) I don’t read at all

    Do you play sports? (if yes, then which one?)
    A) yes, _______________________________
    B) no

    Do you attend any clubs? (if yes, which one?)
    A) yes, ______________________________
    B) no

    Do you prefer to live...
    A) in the hostel;

    B) in the apartment.

    What style of clothing should a modern student adhere to?

A) comply with the dress code;

B) free style of clothing

III . Moral values ​​and guidelines.

    What is the most important thing in life for you?

A) career, achieving a high position in society B) material wealth, money

C) love D) friendly family E) interesting work E) a good education G) friends

H) health I) other (write what?)_________________________________________________

    What qualities do you value most in people?

A) integrity B) kindness C) understanding D) independence

E) self-esteem E) honesty G) courage

H) determination

    What personality traits do you find most negative?

A) lack of education B) deceit C) betrayal

D) laziness E) greed E) immoral behavior

    What do you hate?

A) greed B) betrayal

C) cruelty D) lies E) work

    How do you feel about religion?

A) I am a believer

B) I’m not a believer, but I take religion calmly

B) I find it difficult to answer

D) I consider religion to be a deception of the people

    Which social problems Do you consider young people to be the main ones?

A) drug addiction; B) drunkenness; B) employment;

D) getting an education

    The most important things to achieve success in life are:

A) dedication and hard work B) interesting work

C) education D) rich parents E) abilities

Relevance of the work is caused by changes in the value preferences of modern students that occur over time.

Target- study of certain aspects of the social portrait of a modern Russian student through a comparative analysis of students from various universities in Saratov.

The object of the study is 5th year students of universities in Saratov: Saratov State University, Saratov State Medical University, Saratov State Technical University (300 respondents). The majority of respondents are female (80%) with the exception of technical university (28%).

Research method- sociological survey (oral questioning, interviewing).

Results. Today's students understand that education is a tool to achieve success. The study showed that the majority of students make a conscious choice of profession. An important factor is the prestige of the specialty: SSMU - 19%; SGU - 4%; SSTU-10%, the third admission factor - on the advice of parents: SSMU-10%; SSU and SSTU-8%. For self-realization in the profession, a modern student reads scientific literature (SSU-48%; SSTU-16%; SSMU-56%), participates in scientific circles (SSU-16%; SSTU-10%; SSMU-52%) and olympiads (SSU -20%; SSTU-14%; SSMU-16%); but there are also inactive students (SSU-28%; SSTU-54%; SSMU-12%).

It was revealed that the university fully complies with the social expectations of students, only a small part is dissatisfied with their choice (SSMU - 11%; SSU - 33%; SSTU - 8%). There is a clear orientation towards economic values, and success is determined by the presence of benefits, fame, and fame. Therefore, they remain to work in their specialty: in SSMU - 60%; SSU-70%, SSTU-80%.

The student's ideas about love and marriage differ from the views of the older generation. The majority of students (80%) have a permanent sexual partner, but consider registering their relationship not mandatory and plan to start a family in the future, after a successful career (68%).

A typical student supplements his budget through part-time work, government support in the form of a scholarship, however, the main source of income is financial assistance from parents (SSMU-92%, SSSU-60%, SSTU-52%).

Conclusions. The most typical features of the social portrait of a modern student:

1. The modern student is a young man, average age who is 23 years old, lives mainly in a hostel or on rented apartment. He supplements his budget through parental subsidies or scholarships.

2. Important for young people successful career, and starting a family at the current stage of their life is not a priority (68%).

3. Significant motives of behavior are the desire to achieve personal success, the choice of one’s own values, independence, material well-being and an attitude towards social inequality. But the prosperity of the Motherland, creativity and health remain the most important social values ​​(80%).


The time of studying at a university coincides with the second period of adolescence, or the first period of maturity, which is distinguished by the complexity of the formation of personality traits - a process analyzed in the works of such scientists as
B.G. Ananyev, A.V. Dmitriev, I.S. Con,
V.T. Lisovsky, 3.F. Esareva and others. Characteristic feature moral development at this age is the strengthening of conscious motives of behavior. Those qualities that were completely lacking in high school are noticeably strengthened - purposefulness, determination, perseverance, independence, initiative, and the ability to control oneself. Interest in moral problems (goals, lifestyle, duty, love, fidelity, etc.) increases.

According to the results of a student survey: Modern students prefer the Internet with a huge number of sites that they need not only for entertainment, but also for study. On average, the network “freezes” for 2-5 hours, and many do not turn it off at all. The most popular electronic pages are Odnoklassniki and
"In contact with". They love to have fun and come to class always sleepy and hungry. They believe that a student lives from session to session, and he must also keep up anywhere and everywhere, this is how 72% of respondents described the modern student. And 38% believe that a modern student should strive for new knowledge and be responsive, help fellow students, be goal-oriented, sociable, actively participate in the life of their university, and, of course, lead a healthy lifestyle.

According to the results of a survey of university teachers: According to teachers, a modern student is versatile, proactive, self-critical, active, passionate, energetic, always on the move and in search of adventure, hardworking, and diligent. They also have more ambitions than knowledge, they are brave and risky, they know how to “get” materials from the Internet that remain only on paper, but not in their heads. If it were not for laziness, modern students would be ideal students of our teachers, who invest in students not only their knowledge, but also their love for the subject.


1. Epifanova S. Formation educational motivation // Higher education in Russia. - 2000.- No. 3. - P.1006-1007.

2. Karpenko M., Kibakin M., Lapshov V. Social portrait of a student at a non-state university // Higher education in Russia - 2000. - No. 3. - P.99-1005.

Bibliographic link

Talovskaya N.A., Samigullina G.Yu. PSYCHOLOGICAL PORTRAIT OF A MODERN STUDENT // International Journal of Applied and basic research. – 2010. – No. 3. – P. 47-48;
URL: (access date: November 25, 2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"