Download a song recognition program for Android. The best programs for recognizing music on a computer

Everyone has at least once found themselves in such a situation when they had to torture the Internet and friends for a long time in order to find out the name of the music track they liked, heard in a store or other public place. Thanks to smartphones, this problem no longer exists: on Google Play and the AppStore you can find a number of high-quality applications that not only identify the sound of the melody, but also show maximum information about its artist.

Price: Free

Shazam is a “pioneer” among applications that recognize music. Using the application is very easy - just press the large branded button in the middle of the screen and point the smartphone towards the sound source. Shazam It will take 2-3 seconds to determine the original melody (a little more - about 5 seconds - for remixes) and display the name of the song, the year of its release, and the name of the artist. If the song is popular enough, the program will also show the lyrics and video, offer to buy this work and even tickets to the artist’s concert.

Shazam differs from other applications in the following ways:

  1. The program is integrated with (for example, Facebook, Twitter), thanks to which you can share identified compositions with friends.
  2. Certain songs are saved in the “My Tracks” tab, resulting in a great playlist for the user.
  3. Shazam is regularly improved. Recently, the program has learned to identify television programs; It is expected that image recognition will soon be available - this will allow obtaining information, for example, about brands or famous actors.

There is a free version of the music recognition application Shazam, but its user will have to put up with a huge number of pop-up advertisements. For ease of use, it is recommended to download the program for money.

Sound Hound

Price: Free

Sound Hound is the first application that can (according to the developers) determine the melody that the user hums or whistles into the microphone. This feature is being actively improved - currently to Sound Hound understood what the user is performing, you need to sing completely without falsehood and only in English language.

Many users believe that Sound Hound bypassed a long time ago Shazam in terms of functionality, and give the following arguments:

  1. The application contains an extensive database of biographies of musicians in Russian, therefore, having identified a melody, you can immediately find out as much information as possible about its performer.
  2. There is a karaoke mode - after Sound Hound recognizes a song, it “guides” the user through its lyrics.
  3. Sound Hound will help you find people with similar musical taste in the city thanks to the “Music Map” function. Such assistance is invaluable for people who want to create their own musical group.

U Sound Hound there are also disadvantages: firstly, the search takes a little longer than Shazam(up to 5 seconds), secondly, the program is free only for Android users– iPhone owners will have to pay.

Track ID

Track ID- a very simple utility from a company that, alas, loses significantly Shazam And Sound Hound both in terms of functionality and design, but has other advantages:

  1. The appearance of the application is visually clear - you don’t have to watch tutorials to understand how to use the program. In addition, the interface is in perfect harmony with the shell of Sony Android smartphones.
  2. Music recognition results Track ID excellent - the high rating on Google Play confirms this.
  3. The program is available on Google Play completely free of charge.

U Track ID There are also a number of disadvantages, and they are quite significant:

  1. The user will have to endure intrusive advertising.
  2. Track ID Among users it has gained fame as the slowest application that recognizes music.
  3. When first launched, the Sony program honestly warns that it will collect the data it needs about the user. This point can scare paranoid users.

Track ID is installed only on devices with Android OS - this application is not available to owners.


Price: Free +

MusiXmatch– karaoke program for iOS. Music recognition is not its main function, however, it does this job perfectly. U MusiXmatch there are several advantages over competitors, the main one of which is Shazam:

  1. A music recognition application for iPhone can determine the name of a song and artist not only from the microphone, but also from a line of text that the user remembers.
  2. After installation, the application independently analyzes the smartphone’s playlist and finds the lyrics of the gadget user’s favorite songs on the Internet.
  3. The program has attractive design- in this plan MusiXmatch surpasses all competitors.

There is one downside: the user will have to endure advertising and a constantly pop-up service window Floating Lyrics, however, this negative feature is common to most free applications.

Sound Search for Google Play

Sound Search for Google Play is not a full-fledged application, but a minimalistic widget, and this is its key advantage. The widget can be placed on the desktop and even on the lock screen if the Android version is higher than 4.2 - thanks to this, the recognition process starts with just one click.

Toward recognition quality through Sound Search Users have no complaints: tests have shown that the widget identifies over 80% of songs of varying degrees of popularity and different genres. To recognize Russian and global hits Sound Search it only takes 3 seconds. The widget sends data to Google's Server - after a match is found, the result appears on the screen.

Sound Search It has a simple but pleasing design, connects securely and quickly to the network, and is completely free. That's why many reviewers recommend Android users try Sound Search before rushing to download other programs.


Shazam And Sound Hound- the undisputed leaders among programs for identifying music, however, due to the increased functionality, these applications turn out to be too “heavy” and consume more traffic. If you need to save traffic, it is recommended to use simpler programs, for example, Track ID or Sound Search they also give excellent results.

A popular application that allows you to use a piece of music to search for a song, words, artist, and related information. Shazam instantly identifies the source of the music and is able to recognize the composition in noise and poor hearing conditions. Automatic mode searches for music after exiting the application.

Supports a visual recognition system using the gadget's camera, allows you to share information on social media. networks, create playlists, receive the latest news and chat. Editor's Choice on Google Play. Included in the TOP 3 applications on the App Store in the “Music” category. Rating - 4.4.


class="img-responsive">The program has a large collection of music tracks. The database contains one million seven hundred songs. Genius finds works and song lyrics with detailed explanations of each line. Has a music community for communication and news. Allows the user to read the lyrics while listening to a track and mark their favorite songs in the catalog.

Has bright creative design and a convenient, intuitive interface in English. Rating - 4.3 (five million downloads).


class="img-responsive">The application finds the title of the work, artist, video clips, additional information on the original or user-sung piece of music. The requested search is automatically saved in the gadget’s memory allowing you to view the information at any time.

This article will answer the question of where and how it is easier to find a song by sound online, using different methods and devices. At the beginning I wanted to divide the article into three, but all methods work via the Internet in one way or another, so there is no point in dividing programs, applications and services into three different posts.

Online services: by sound, via microphone, song excerpts and communities

I searched the entire Internet in search of online solutions, the best one is found through a microphone based on the approximate sound. I dug up American sites giving different possibilities in the problem.

Musipedia: Search songs without downloading

The unknown online service musipedia has found many fans, like everyone else, it works without downloading on a computer. Can be found on three fronts:

  • Through a microphone, for example on a laptop.
  • Playing on a computer.
  • Enter the rhythm of the melody via virtual keys.
  • By entering melodies from the keyboard.
  • According to the rhythm entered by pressing the keys.

All options are located on the top panel, you can go through them and find out their content.

You will be mainly interested in by microfone. By clicking on the button, we go to the section and see two buttons “record” and “play”. To recognize, click on record. Sound recording via the microphone will begin; if everything goes well, the bar below the button will begin to respond to the sound, filling with a red line.

If nothing happens, then check whether the device is connected to the computer; if it’s a laptop, then see if it’s turned on in Windows itself.

After playing the passage, click on stop, and the utility will display similar matches. The site does not recognize new compositions; rather, it is aimed at searching for classic and rather old compositions. Try the other methods, I liked the sound of the rhythm, it turns out I have hearing.

Midomi service: quickly searches for song titles

An excellent and modern portal midomi, the main task is to help applicants find their favorite compositions online. To upload a fragment of a composition to the service, you need to have a microphone:

  • Turn on sound reception on the computer.
  • We play an excerpt of the song in advance, or sing it in compliance with the words and rhythm.
  • We bring it to the recording device.
  • Press the button on midomi.

Hold for at least 10 seconds for better recognition. In my case, I guessed the song right away, although it is new. In general, I recommend it for use.

Audiotag recognizes music from video by excerpt

What to do if there is only an excerpt of the song, audiotag will come to the rescue. We go in and see an offer with a download. Enter the source file, or with hard drive or a direct link, for example, from vk and wait for processing.

I couldn’t find it and recognize it, the song is fresh, although I picked it very much in tune with the original. I was pleased with the ease of use and comparative simplicity.

Hint portals

If you are looking for a song in Russian, then you can simply enter the lines from the song into a search engine and with a 95% probability you will find the answer. If the song is in a foreign language, then it is better to take the advice of people who know the world of music. There are many websites offering these services.

Extension without registration for browsers AHA Music – Music Identifier

An excellent extension and add-on that works without registration for AHA Music – Music Identifier browsers based on google (chrome, yandex browser, chromium and the like). Downloaded and installed as standard through the store. Recognizes music currently playing online through an active browser.

I tried it in action and figured out all the melodies. The downside of using it is that it only recognizes music played in the browser, although you can use online players with loading from your hard drive and identify it just as easily.


Applications for free on Android and iPhone For fans of listening to music via Android and iPhones, there are special free apps

. For iOS devices there are few options, for Android there are many more. For devices on the Android platform, there are five excellent candidates that cope with their task perfectly and without delay, with low traffic consumption.

Soundcloud works through any phone model

The famous Soundcloud has a function for selecting music via your phone. Russian tracks cannot be found 100%, since synchronization occurs with a database of English-language tracks. Disco, rock, trance and other popular trends look great. Download from the link from Google Play.

Click on the magnifying glass icon and find the line “what’s that sound?” Tap here. The microphone will start, and the software will start searching for a song in its library.

Perhaps the best online tool, suitable for recognizing both foreign and domestic compositions, even if you hum the song. Find it at this link. It is aimed at only one function: searching for music by sound, it is launched by pressing one key in the middle, it also activates the process.

Technologies do not stand still and every day, on the Internet, useful and unusual programs appear that significantly increase the capabilities of your smartphone. And today we will talk about software for music lovers, namely, music recognition programs for Android.

Why is this even necessary? Everyone has had this experience when you hear a song, and then you torment your friends all day, asking for the artist and the name of the track you like. Now imagine that you can simply take out your smartphone and launch a program that, after listening to a section of a song, will give you information about the author and title of the track, and also suggest the album. Moreover, the program does not react to ambient noise, the main thing is that the microphone can pick up the melody against the background noise around you.

A pioneer among music recognition programs for Android. And to this day, this program has the largest audience (not excluding me). The company's powerful servers, as well as an extensive database, allow you to identify tracks in a couple of seconds. The longest search is for remixes, up to 5 seconds.

In my memory, this is one of the most convenient and beginner-friendly applications. In the middle of the start screen, there is a large button, by clicking on it and pointing the microphone towards the sound source, you can find out information regarding the playing track.

After scanning is completed, you can go to the store to buy the track; you can also watch the clip on YouTube or tell your friends on social media. networks about a cool song you found.

We also note:

  • All found tracks are saved in the “my tracks” tab.
  • Directly from the application, you can view the lyrics of the song.
  • The application makes recommendations based on your searches.


Another music recognition program. SoundHound is a more sophisticated and second most popular application. Personally, I am not delighted with the interface, although many will like this color scheme. Regarding the work, I can’t say anything bad, he searches quickly and doesn’t make mistakes, and what else do you need!?

The search is accompanied by a nice animation, but unlike the previously reviewed application, in this one, the search button is not so large and is located at the top, which makes it difficult to simply open and intuitively poke it in the middle of the screen.

Among the features, we have a Russian-language biography of all singers and performers in the database. There is also a text tracking mode, when the application, listening to the composition in the background, guides you through the text, just like karaoke! Well, the sweetest part for later, if you have minimal talent and an ear for music, you can sing a song and the application will understand you. Personally, this is how I defined the songs of street musicians.

Also note:

  • Possibility of free online listening on Spotify.
  • Automatic scanning mode when opening the application.
  • Synchronization of search results among all devices.

The last application in our collection can be described in a simple and clear way, in a nutshell. You won't find much potential or functionality in it. Simple and clear design, minimum functions.

Also, it is important to note that the program was made at Sony Mobile Communications, which speaks of the quality of the finished product, and the design is in perfect harmony with the Sony shell. Fashionistas will appreciate it.

This music recognition program for Android works quickly and flawlessly, the search result screen is not overloaded, there is a minimum of information and everything is to the point. If you wish, you can read the artist’s biography, one problem, everything is in English. You can also watch the clip on YouTube and post it all to Facebook.

Sure, you can type a few words into a YouTube search or Google search, but they show thousands, even millions of search results, and sometimes the lyrics are similar to another song, so you'll have to listen to each result to find the one you're looking for.

This is where music recognition software comes in - so you know exactly who sang the song, even the year if you like. Here are the best music recognition software you can use that will save you the hassle of searching online for both the artist and the lyrics.

Music recognition tools for Windows 10

1 – Shazam

It is one of the most popular music recognition apps in the world and is available for free on your Windows device. Its interface is user-friendly and has features such as automatic listening that identifies music for you and continuous song recognition that even recognizes songs and shows what it hears from your TV.

Some of the tasks you can accomplish with Shazam music recognition software include:

  • Search for new music
  • View music maps to see what other listeners are searching for
  • Listen to sample music
  • Watch music videos
  • Find other songs from the same artist
  • Access to daily music mixes as well as videos
  • When he's offline, Shazam stores the music he listens to using the audio listening feature and then recognizes it
  • Gives detailed information
  • Add as many songs as you like.

Shazam, as mentioned, is very popular, and users love its colorful and user-friendly, interactive interface (four panels), as well as its ability to quickly and accurately identify not only music, but also movies and TV shows.

One of the advantages is full integration with platforms social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as other channels such as Spotify and Pandora.

2 - Houndmusic

This is perhaps Shazam's biggest rival in the music recognition software category.

Sound Hound provides a full-featured music recognition interface with its iconic big orange button that allows you to tag music by simply saying "Ok Hound."

Another one of its unique features is support for voice control.

You can sing as loud as your favorite track and Sound Hound will try to identify it. This is not found in most other applications. But your singing must be accurate for the app to guess the song correctly.

Here are some cool things you can do with the Sound Hound app:

  • Use voice input to record music and find artist information (no need to use your hands)
  • Play tagged songs
  • Playing popular music
  • Add tagged songs to your favorite playlist
  • Read lyrics
  • Creating an album of your favorite songs

It's easy to see why Sound Hound is as good as Shazam.

This tool is also available for free.

3 - MusixMatch

Nothing makes singing better than real lyrics. This music recognition software was previously paired with Spotify, so it comes with a huge catalog of music lyrics, which makes it popular among its users.

It's also compatible with most third-party music player apps, but doesn't come with music charts.

Some of the tasks you can complete with MusixMatch include:

  • Lyrics
  • Saving and sharing texts with others
  • Search for songs within a song, even offline
  • Play music from your playlist or music library and view its lyrics in real time using the app's floating song feature
  • Sync a song with a song from anywhere in the song as it plays

4 - TrackID

You may not have heard of this music recognition software from Sony compared to the others mentioned above, but it also has a large number of users.

The app has unique features that make it popular, including:

Open the tab. This allows users to see what's trending and what's popular on the music charts

  • Live map. This shows tags from different people all over the world in real time. You can also listen to songs as they come in, but only for a few seconds.
  • However, TrackID has limited opportunities tags and does not link to music lyrics and videos, but redirects you to find them yourself on YouTube or the lyrics website.

5 - Audiggl

This new music recognition software tool instantly lets you know the song and artist name for anything playing on your computer. So if you're not sure what the name of a song, movie or TV show is, use Audiggle.

Its main features include:

Audio recognition that recognizes a song you've heard but don't know who sang it

Any source function that allows you to identify any media, be it a soundtrack, a YouTube clip, or even your favorite Internet radio

Download feature allows you to download a song from iTunes or Amazon using links

Lyrics library to get the lyrics to a song you've tracked

Multi Language feature allows you to recognize music from all over the world

Audiggle is only available for Windows.

6 - Midomi

It is a web-based music recognition software platform (which owns the Sound Hound tool).

Midomi allows you to identify your favorite songs by singing or humming into your microphone, then it returns information about the song. If you can't hum or sing, you can play an audio clip of the song on your microphone and it will recognize it.

7. Audio Tag

With this web-based music recognition software, you only need to upload an audio track or paste the URL of an audio clip and it will identify it for you.

The audio clip must be between 15 and 45 seconds long to begin identification.

8. Tunatic

This music recognition software tool allows you to identify music once it is downloaded and installed on your computer. All you have to do is play the song on your earphone on the microphone, then click Search. You need to connect to the Tunatic database, after which the tool will show you the name of the song and the artist who sang it.

Tunatic supports OS Windows and Mac.


Just like its name, this music recognition software tool allows you to post an audio or music clip on your site and then other followers or users on the site's chip to help identify the song. This means that the tool is based on human knowledge, so you may not get results as quickly as you would expect. located at this link.

10. Cortana

Windows has its own search and identification tool, which can also be software for music recognition.

Just open Cortana, then use your voice to say, “What song is this,” and Cortana will listen and try to identify it for you. It also identifies songs playing on your computer from the microphone when Cortana picks up the audio from your computer's speakers instead of your headphones.

Have you tried any of these music recognition software? Let us know your experience with these tools or share how others you think are pretty cool are also used.