Table setting in oriental style. Japanese style table setting

Any hostess can pleasantly surprise all the guests gathered for a special event. It will be enough to decorate beautifully big table, where a variety of food will be located. In this article we will talk about proper serving and most popular styles to create a comfortable home environment when eating.

Variety of options

It is impossible not to note the variety of table decoration options that are offered today modern designers. It is thanks to beautiful serving that it will be easier for you to find a common language with others and express your culinary abilities.

In this case, you can create a composition under different styles. This way you can emphasize the general direction of your home and organically fit the set table into the concept of the room. The mood of the overall table setting will be set by the tablecloth. This product plays an important role when eating. The tablecloth can be one color or be full of different colors.

Attention is also paid to napkins. In terms of tone, they should be in harmony with the dishes and tablecloth. As for the dishes, you can choose them according to your taste. These can be options in country style, 30s, 90s, Gatsby style. Marine, autumn, oriental, rustic, eco or Italian style will look great.

Among the many options, choose the one that you like and can evoke only positive emotions.

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Modern beautiful table can be created in a wide variety of styles. In this case, you should focus on your own preferences. Below are the most popular thematic performances:

  • Loft. For this direction you will need to create as much free space as possible. You can combine new glossy elements with scuffs. For example, you can use an old wooden table with heavy metal coasters for hot dishes, as well as shiny glassware. It is good if the cutlery is polished to a shine.

Remember that this theme does not involve any draperies, so a tablecloth will not be needed here.

  • Country. This style will be characterized by rustic simplicity. Rough materials, discreet colors, and modest details are used here. As for textiles, it is better to choose cotton or linen. The table itself should be wooden. Be sure to use hot mats, wicker napkins, and large candles. An excellent addition to the design would be a bouquet of simple flowers: chamomile, primrose, narcissus.
  • Japanese. Registration in Japanese style you will not be confused with any other. The most important thing is to stock up on all the necessary accessories. It's no secret that the Japanese take their food intake especially seriously. Particular attention is paid to the symbolism of numbers. The ratio of the number of flowers and plates should be 1: 5. The color scheme can be different: red, black, brown, yellow, green shades. All dishes are served immediately. Of course, rice occupies the main place.

  • Provence. Setting a table in Provence style is not difficult. This direction will appeal to all lovers of France. Refinement and sophistication are stylistic features. The main thing is to select all the details. It’s good if some items are scuffed. As for the colors, these are lavender tones, olive, blue, yellow and gray shades.

  • Scandinavian. This option implies restraint, asceticism, simple shapes and natural materials. There should be no random elements here, everything is carefully selected. The color palette is represented by natural shades. Mainly white and grey colour. Accordingly, it is worth choosing textiles of similar colors.
  • English. For English interiors characterized by sophistication, sophistication, and at the same time comfort. Basically, the style involves the use of furniture from natural wood. As for color, you can choose any suitable range. Shades of yellow and red look great. Drapery is encouraged on the table. Maximum attention should be paid to napkins and tablecloths. It is better to use dishes with various plant ornaments. This style involves the use of crystal.

A porcelain set would also be useful here. Create an exquisite menu, surprise your guests with delicious culinary innovations and cozy table decorations.

  • Russian. This style involves the use of Khokhloma objects, as well as ceramic pottery. You can place plates in Gzhel style. This way you can beautifully present your dishes to your guests.
  • Rustic style- This is, first of all, a love of nature. Valued here natural materials, simplicity, and soft colors.

Setting the table is not an easy task. However, if you put in some effort, you can create a real masterpiece and pleasantly surprise all guests. The main thing is thematic focus.

Strictly follow the chosen style, correctly combine colors and textures. Then your friends and family will appreciate not only your culinary abilities.

The table can be decorated with elegant candlesticks. Pay special attention to detail. Candles in cups look very interesting.

Fresh flowers will also look good, giving even a modest table a luxurious look. With the help of additional accessories you can make the table original and sophisticated. For example, lay out silk ribbons in fancy patterns, arrange figurines and figurines.

If you want to create classic style, then we should not forget that in the center there should be a hot plate on which there is a snack plate. Forks are placed to the left of the dishes, and knives and a spoon are placed to the right.

Don't forget about these simple rules, and every meal will be accompanied by only positive emotions.

Interiors of Maharajas is a collective name; in fact, it is synonymous with luxury. However, Maharaja is different from Maharaja; in fact, he may turn out to be not only a Raja, but also an Arab sheikh, a Chinese or Japanese emperor, and these are different East. Each interior will be radically different from each other with its unique features.

The many faces of the East

In general, oriental style in the interior is divided into five directions.

Interiors of the East:

  • Arabic style is the general name for the rich interiors of Islamic countries, where even the decorations go side by side with religion, and all movements are guided by the Koran. For example, in this sacred book there are clear lists of animals and even people prohibited from depicting, and therefore the leading element is neutral flowers and geometry. Since Arab countries have a very hot climate, air barriers are used as partitions. On the one hand, they are designed to hide female beauty from the prying eyes of others, on the other hand, they allow air to circulate freely. Arabs tend to emphasize high social status, and therefore there is a lot of gold in the decor. The interiors are distinguished by their abundance, , fabrics etc. Once upon a time, wood was not particularly available here and was literally worth its weight in gold, so carved partitions were made from it, decorative items, but very rarely used as a material for furniture, it was simply regretted.
  • Moroccan style is a great “diplomat” who managed to combine Arab religious chic and light romantic elements Mediterranean direction I. On the Arab side, these are rich and bright fabrics, an abundance of textiles in decorations, zoning with curtains, wooden laths, carved furniture, etc. The Mediterranean is visible in the color scheme - blue and white plus terracotta, tiled floors, lancet windows with wrought iron bars. In all this splendor, peaceful silver sets of dishes and harsh steel weapons on the walls coexist equally harmoniously.
  • - an abundance of light and a minimum of things, strict and bright, where primacy is given to functionality rather than beauty and luxury. These are sliding screens, doors, folding or built-in furniture; every detail is thought out to the maximum and is located exactly in the right place. All details are perfectly emphasized by the overall discreet color palette rooms.
  • The Chinese style is similar to the Japanese style in simplicity and functionality, but restraint has given way to a love of brilliance, the main colors of the premises - or blue with gold. Without these shades, China is not China! Additional distinctive feature geometric images or drawings with favorite scenes from the palace life of the ruling dynasties are considered. These are scenes with paradise gardens, strange birds and animals, creatures from Chinese folk myths. All unnecessary or necessary, but not particularly pleasing to the eye, objects are cleverly hidden behind shining and.
  • O India! Hindus are adherents of a measured life and yoga; they constantly meditate and strive to improve their karma. Root Indian style would demand Ivory, carved stone, massive columns or at least wooden carved walls. Modern India more democratic: panels with imitation of natural materials and natural floors are enough. The color scheme should be in warm colors - pinkish, eye-pleasing red, etc. Sometimes there is a clear design in the style of gold with black and olive shades. The rooms are traditionally filled with woven carpets self made, they are also used as panels and bedspreads. All the furniture is low and decorated with paintings or carvings; the doors resemble shutters. Instead of chests of drawers, chests are practiced, often used.

Advice! If you want to clearly design Indian notes, in the resting place you need to place not ordinary, but oblong ones - it is this detail that clearly personifies the Indian interior!

Whatever the differences, these styles have one thing in common - uniqueness with a touch of mystery. Exotic things that you want to try forever, but in the end you are sure to “crack through” all the riddle nuts - that’s what an oriental-style interior is all about. Photos of rooms at first glance attract attention, take your breath away and remain forever in the memory, attracting with their difference from the apartments familiar to the European eye.

Interiors of Maharajas: oriental subtleties in the interior

The interior of a room in an oriental style does not imply a strict division into bedroom, , etc. In fact, zoning is used more in any of the directions: in the Arab interior curtains, Japanese and Chinese - , in Moroccan - textiles and carved partitions.

Color and light

Since the East is different from the East, in order to hit the target for sure, it’s worth sticking to the general intersection, just in case - warm tones and their harmonious combination. It’s the same with drawings – geometry is loved everywhere, even if it’s abstract patterns. In addition to typical warm tones, you can use them with, this will make the room brighter and more elegant.
As for lighting, any type of Eastern interior implies space and huge windows with curtains and thick drapes on the sides. In the morning, the principle “there is never too much light” works, and by the time of rest, the irritating rays per second will be muffled by a heavy curtain with gold embroidery, fringe and tassels, which, by the way, are also found in all rooms as an element of decoration.

A typical division into zones in any type of oriental interior is a place for relaxing, cooking and eating. In the first, the center of the universe is considered to be huge with bright colors and a ton of pads, and there is a secret underneath it! A hookah and a small table for it are hidden there.

A special space is allocated for the meal; there should be a small low table and the same pillows or. Yes, in the East they don’t eat at a high table, keeping their back straight and sitting on a chair. Here, convenience is a priority; eating occurs almost reclining.

Advice! If you are not used to cushions on the floor, you can also use regular table with chairs, just the table should be round in shape, and the furniture should have oriental ornaments.

Suitable furniture

If you want a set, it should also be wooden, but carved or simple - it depends on the choice of the direction of the oriental color. The Chinese emperor loves simplicity and conciseness without “bells and whistles,” but give monograms to the maharaja and sheikh.

There definitely should be a table round or oval, instead of chairs, ideally it is better to use armchairs or at least semi-chairs. In the Japanese style, everything should generally happen on the floor, but adjusted for modernity, you can simply play with furniture in strict shapes and beige and black tones.

None open shelvesoriental interior filled with luxury and secrets. Everything that should emphasize magnificence is put on display in advance, but the cabinets with everyday life should be closed.

  • And again about India. The ethnicity of this country has a special flavor - statues of gods should be present everywhere, most often among the “European Hindus” we can see Buddha, Shiva and Ganesha. They are all friendly and bring happiness and good luck. In addition to statues and images of deities, elephants are present everywhere, because this animal is practically a symbol of India itself; it has been revered and protected for many centuries, and therefore is used to decorate the house.

Advice! In the East there are no trifles; every insignificant detail has great value, and therefore be careful to ensure that no unnecessary things are included in the design.

Oriental style in interior design instantly captivates sensitive souls with its alluring beauty and visible softness. Many people take it as an idea to realize their fantasies, which have remained in their memory since reading unusual oriental fairy tales and myths. Whether to leave one room as a “pearl of the East” or make it a complete one in an oriental style is up to the owners to decide - it all depends on the scale of their love for oriental motifs. But, having started designing on your own, remember that the East is a really delicate matter, and behind the external softness there are strict rules: it does not tolerate bulkiness and fuss.

Sushi bars and restaurants of Japanese cuisine are flooded European cities, and all kinds of Japanese dishes have appeared on the menus of many cafes and home delivery services. More and more people are becoming immersed in Eastern traditions and culture, but is the diversity of Japanese eating habits limited to eating sake, rice and seafood using hashi chopsticks? Of course not. Japanese traditions are vast, multifaceted and very complex; almost every action performed has its own rules, they determine what it should be like. dinner table, how and what to sit on, how to hold chopsticks, what to eat and in what order, what kind of dishes to serve this or that dish on and what kind of dishes will suit that or another guest.

If you are passionate about Japan, then sooner or later you will decide to organize a Japanese-style evening. And while you may not have to prepare all kinds of sushi, rolls and sashimi yourself, you still have to prepare the room and set the table. Since the Japanese tradition of serving food and setting the table is very different from the European one, you need to deal with all kinds of cups, bowls, trays, plates and chopsticks, and once sorted out, visit all imaginable and inconceivable stores in search of the missing utensils. Of course, the culture of eating in Japan is very symbolic and imbued with centuries-old traditions; setting a table taking into account all the strictest requirements may not be necessary, but by drawing inspiration from Japanese rituals, everyone can bring beauty, orderliness and harmony to the organization of their feast.

You need to start preparing by choosing dishes. Of course, you can limit yourself to wooden trays, a sauce container and several sets of wooden chopsticks, but the Japanese have a special approach to this issue. The abundance of dishes is associated with the desire for comfort and convenience, which is worth the fact that completely different sets are used for men, women and children! This division is due to the difference in the size and shape of each person’s hand, so a man will be offered food in a bowl with a diameter of 12 centimeters, and a woman - 11. The Japanese generally pay special attention to the symbolism of numbers and believe that it is best to use an odd number of dishes, dishes and portions .

Following the logic of odd numbers, in Japan there are rules for selecting food, according to which five colors can be combined on one plate, most often these are black - the color of nori seaweed, brown, green, yellow and red - the colors of fish, vegetables and sauces. The rule about combining five colors is followed not simply because it is so accepted, but because it is believed that the taste qualities of different products are combined with each other in the same way as their colors. There are other rules that are important for setting the table. Thus, it is customary to serve all dishes at once, with the main dish placed in the center, rice on the left, and soup on the right. Various sauces and seasonings intended for a specific dish are placed to the right of it, and marinades a little behind.

As in any other kitchen, in Japanese cuisine different utensils are intended for different dishes. On wooden trays Present your guests with a fried dish and serve sashimi on porcelain dishes. The Japanese define bowls for salads, soups and rice are served in bowls covered with lids, sake is served in tokkuri - small porcelain or clay jugs, as well as small cups. On every table there must be a small bottle or jug ​​with soy sauce, as well as a container for mixing it with wasabi. Particular attention is paid to hashi chopsticks, which should have their thin end facing to the left. It is also necessary to ensure that the chopsticks do not touch the table and are on special stands.

Perhaps such a setting seemed prim to you. However, despite this attention to detail, Japan values ​​the beauty of contrasts. For example, tableware can accommodate the most different sizes and geometric shapes. Despite the apparent asymmetry of serving, square dishes go well with round ones, deep ones with flat ones, and tall ones with short ones. There should be harmony and balance in everything, so the dishes and food on them should be placed in a certain way, for example, square plates are placed in a diamond shape, and round bowls complement them. Following the same logic, round-shaped treats are served on square plates or rectangular trays.

Nothing is more appreciated in Japanese table setting than the beauty of empty space. Despite the fact that in accordance with ancient tradition all dishes are placed on the table at the same time, it does not look cluttered, on the contrary, there is a lot of free space and air on it. The Japanese adhere to the same principle when preparing serving or portioned dishes, which are never filled to the brim, and treats are laid out freely on them. The color of the dishes also plays a role in table setting. It is believed that the color of the plates should set off the color of the dish served in them, for example, rice is served in glossy dark bowls. In general, when decorating a table in Japanese style, it is important to pay attention to details and the beauty, naturalness and grace characteristic of Eastern culture.

The amount of food served on the table also plays an important role in serving. Since during a meal it is necessary to try each dish, and their number usually varies from 10 to 20, eating is more like a tasting, especially since there is an abundance of dishes of different tastes on the table. At the same time, portions are measured in such a way that each guest is full, but not overeated. Portion sizes vary depending on age and gender, so men should be offered the most food and older people the least. Despite the variety of products and methods of preparing them, the dishes offered on the Japanese table can be eaten in any order, but it is customary to start with a small lump of rice.

Another feature of Japanese-style table decoration is the correspondence of the dish to the situation and time of year. The Japanese believe that food should always be fresh, hence the strict division of food into seasons. Japanese cuisine tries to use all its products exactly in the season and time of year when they are most delicious, therefore, you will not see preparations for the winter on their tables. Among the spring and summer options For table decorations and dishes, the use of root vegetables - radishes, radishes and carrots - is common; lettuce and lemon are also used. In winter, the decor also includes inedible elements, such as paper umbrellas, which are considered a symbol of protection from bad weather. Depending on the season, the supply of a wet oshibori towel, intended for wiping the face and hands before starting a meal, also varies. In winter, spring and autumn, this towel must be heated, and in summer you can serve it cold.

Both in table setting and in the design of dishes, comfort is valued above all. Before placing dishes on plates, following strict rules and traditions, they must be prepared in such a way that any piece can be easily picked up using chopsticks. You need to remove bones from seafood, divide everything into small portions, and cut vegetables and fish into strips or slices 3 centimeters long and 2 centimeters wide. The finished dish should be laid out on a plate from left to right, and the opposite edge of the dish should be loaded with a little more food. Speaking about Japanese-style table setting, one cannot fail to mention the peculiarities of eating. Traditionally, Japanese meals are held in rooms with wooden floors covered with tatami, on which there are very low tables, and instead of chairs, a zabuton is used - a flat cushion for sitting on the floor, which is sometimes equipped with a wooden back for comfort.

Centuries-old traditions, rituals and serving features probably make Japanese cuisine so attractive and popular. Therefore, hide away the usual spoons, knives and forks, arm yourself with hashi chopsticks and learn to enjoy exotic oriental cuisine.

Alena Karamzina

Table setting includes rules for the arrangement and decoration of dishes and cutlery in such a way that the whole composition looks aesthetically pleasing and comfortable. There are many ways to transform your eating area.

Variety of options

Serving methods depend on the taste preferences of the owner, the chosen style and the situation.

If you are planning a Gatsby-themed party, then preference in table decoration is given to details that reflect the style of the 30s. The existing dishes in the house in the form of gravy boats, salad bowls, and trays will help you choose a theme.

Table decoration and serving are not identical concepts. This is taken into account during registration. Here you can show your originality and originality and choose one of the presented options:

  • Country characterized by the presence of rustic motifs in the form of collected wildflowers in an old clay vase. Great importance is given to a tablecloth that will fit harmoniously if its texture is small checkered or striped. Wooden cutlery and wicker baking baskets will complement the whole look well.

  • Autumn theme it’s very easy to ask if you put a bouquet of fallen flowers on the table yellow leaves, you can also add natural elements of this time of year. Acorns and cones are suitable to complete the intended image.

  • Sea style can be created by adding appropriate paraphernalia in the form of natural shells, textiles blue color and dishes with images of this topic.

  • Eco implies a combination of simplicity and naturalness. This theme is characterized by the presence on the table of all kinds of green details made by nature itself. Wooden fruit baskets add originality.

  • Decoration in the style of the 90s It will be interesting for those who organize themed parties. Oilcloth tablecloths with colored patterns must be present here. Used old dishes with numerous floral patterns. Old glasses made of crystal or with painted edging will fit perfectly here.

Most Popular

IN modern world styles in table setting are directly related to emerging trends in interior design.


To set the table according to this theme, you need to use products such as olives in the decoration. They are typical for French province, where this direction came from.

Old accessories and bright hues in materials.


This direction is often found in the village with grandmother, since characteristic features This style is the use of a samovar, dishes with a Khokhloma or Gzhel pattern. It combines simplicity and richness of variegated spots. The tablecloth is made of cotton with a checkered pattern. A rustic motif can be traced in all details; a rustic style can be added.


In this theme, the table should have predominantly white or gray tones. They are repeated both in dishes and textiles. Allowed to use natural materials.


The style of Japanese table setting is difficult to confuse with others, since the emphasis is on special accessories. Utensils for eating are selected for each person depending on his age and structure. This is a distinctive characteristic of the Japanese, who take the ritual of eating seriously.

Great importance is paid to the shades used. Mostly the colors include black, red, yellow and green.

It is important to note that all dishes are served at the table at the same time and must be arranged in a certain order.


This design always looks luxurious and emphasizes the high cost of the items. English style characterized by restraint, comfort and the use of natural materials. When serving, preference is given to dishes with a gilded pattern. Glasses and goblets are most often made of crystal.

An antique candlestick would look appropriate on such a table. Preference is given to noble colors. It could be rich shade red, emerald or gold color. Only cutlery is made of metal; it should stand out from the entire composition with its brilliance.


This style creates the atmosphere of an abandoned factory by organizing a lot of space around and using materials typical of the times of manufacture. The table setting should follow this theme by combining old cutlery and new glossy elements. Tablecloths are not acceptable here, but napkins with abstract images are acceptable.

You need to set the dinner table beautifully not only for the arrival of guests, but also for your family. Even kitchen and coffee tables deserve special treatment. We offer a few tips to help make your table setting simple and stylish. Main secret lies in the combination of texture, color and accessories.

1. Porcelain and glass

You don't have to spend a fortune on plates or glasses to have an elegant table. If you decorate it correctly, it will look like a million. First of all, you need to pay attention to porcelain and glass.

We start with porcelain. There should be a small plate, a salad plate, and a bowl on the table.
Use a trivet plate. It is quite large and perfectly frames the dishes, outlining its boundaries. You can use a special mat, which you can make yourself from decorative paper if you wish. Simple wreaths and even leaves will do.

Grouping the glasses. If you place more than one glass on the table, then this trick alone will give the table a stylish and elegant look. Glasses should be grouped, there should be glasses for wine and glasses for water.
Cutlery can be connected using ribbon or twine. In addition, they can be beautifully wrapped in a napkin.

2. Tablecloths

Tablecloths can completely change the mood, immediately creating a festive mood. Now there is a huge selection of all kinds of tablecloths, napkins, runners, which must certainly be different color, textures and patterns, it is desirable that they all combine with each other. In addition, there should be themed sets that are suitable for certain holidays.

Table runner- a tablecloth in the form of a narrow strip running across the entire table. This is one of the most modern methods decorate the table, especially if you don’t want to hide a beautiful wooden or glass table top completely under the fabric. Such paths are universal. They can be easily laid out on top of a regular tablecloth along the table, you can put them across and designate places for guests.
Tablecloths must be on the holiday table, especially if you want to emphasize the theme or color scheme set table.

Napkins. There is no need to give up cloth napkins in favor of disposable ones. They are an integral part of the table design. If you really don’t want to wash them after the holiday, then you should take a closer look at banquet-style paper ones.
Cutlery mat determines a seat for each guest. They can be not only rectangular, but also square (give modern look), and round (break the angularity of the table).

3. Central composition

There must certainly be a central composition on the holiday table that will decorate it. It will add volume and unite the entire table, but you need to remember that it should be low and narrow.
The main rule is that there should be at least 35 cm left on each side for a person and his cutlery. Therefore, we subtract at least 70 cm from the width of the table; the rest of the space can be used for composition. For the tabletop composition we use flowers, candlesticks, twigs, and stones.