Water meter with pulse output. What is a water meter with a pulse output? Pulse water meters price list

Water meters with pulse output are among the most modern. They can be found in both industry and agricultural systems. And of course, they are also in demand as individual devices accounting.

  • How do they work?

    Water meters with a pulse output operate in this way: as soon as a given volume of liquid (liter) passes through it, the device delivers an electrical impulse. This pulse is recorded by the reading device and then transmitted to the adder. And the adder is responsible for ensuring that the user sees how much water is consumed in a certain time.

    But is a meter with a pulse output really necessary in an apartment and is it worth installing? It is worth considering the configuration of the metering device before deciding its feasibility. For example, such water meters are equipped with a remote display, which is very convenient, especially in complex situations. pipeline system. After all, you can install this remote display in any convenient place and read the readings if necessary without difficulty.

    Another additional component of such meters is a temperature sensor. It is advisable to install such a device on a pipeline with hot water. Remember how you turn on the faucet and wait for the hot water to “run away”. But at this time the standard mechanical counter is quietly spinning, counting your cubic meters hot water. And even though it is not essentially hot, and you pour it down the pipe, you will still be charged.

    But thanks to the temperature sensor built into the meter with a pulse output, hot water consumption is recorded differently. So, each pulse of such a device is a liter. If the water is determined to be cold (by temperature), then the readings will be transmitted to the cold water adder. As soon as the temperature sensor determines that the temperature has risen to normal, it will start working with the hot water adder. In fact, you will receive a multi-tariff metering device, thanks to which you will be able to pay separately for both cold and hot water, without overpaying for “drainage”.

    There is only one “but” - the high cost of a pulsed water meter. Although sooner or later the costs of installing it will pay off, because the savings in bills due to the difference in tariffs are also significant.

    Features of operation

    Several such devices can operate simultaneously, transmitting information to one adder. At the same time, you can always control both the total water consumption and the costs for different objects. It turns out that human participation in collecting data and transferring it to one “accounting center” is not required.

    However, you need to know a few rules for choosing such a device:

  • Calculation of the expected water used by the facility.
  • Pipeline diameter.
  • Supply pressure and possible pressure drop in the system.
  • The water meter is selected in accordance with the diameter of the pipeline so that differences in the water flow are insignificant. As for installation, it is carried out in the same way as for conventional meters, only in this case they additionally use electrical installation to connect the sensor.

    Legislation on energy saving poses the task of the housing and communal services system to establish reliable accounting of consumed energy resources: electricity, heat, gas and water. Accurate remote metering systems for water consumption with the possibility of automatic monitoring are becoming relevant, which eliminates the impact human factor on the reliability of the testimony.

    They are controlled through devices with access to telecommunication networks, which include the pulse output of a household water meter. It allows you to connect the meter to an external data repeater that transmits information to a management or resource supply organization through a selected cable or wireless communication channel.

    What is a pulse water meter and why is it needed?

    A pulse water meter is a common solution for centralized metering points in the residential sector. It serves to accurately record the amount of resource consumed in real time.

    Typical pulse counter water.

    Vane meters with pulse output are designed for installation in water metering units multi-apartment and individual residential buildings, country and gardening areas. IN agriculture and industry, turbine meters with pulse output are more often used.

    Management companies and RSOs see pulsed water meters as an effective solution to ensure accurate readings with the ability to transfer them to a database automated system control and accounting of water (ASKUV). Let's look at how hot and cold water meters with pulse output work.

    Operating principle of pulse water meters

    Structurally, the design of a meter with a pulse output does not differ from the design of conventional flange or vane apartment water meters. The mechanical part of the structure remains the same. It is based on a dial indicator of water consumption, where a full revolution is equal to a certain volume of consumption.

    The flow meter is driven by an impeller that rotates under water pressure.

    It's pretty simple circuit with a relatively low price. The most vulnerable part of the mechanism is the sealed contact, which quickly breaks.

    Algorithm for taking and transmitting readings from pulse counters

    Main design difference A pulse water meter from a conventional wet meter consists of equipping it with a low-power magnet and a hermetic contact (reed switch), which closes when exposed to a magnetic field. At the moment of making a full revolution of the counting mechanism, the reed switch gives an electrical impulse, which is read external device and is fed to the alarm panel.

    The electronic system of the pulse water meter is responsible for counting the pulse duration, the supply interval of which depends on the water flow rate. It is noteworthy that a pulsed water meter does not require an additional power source: the reed switch itself generates an electromagnetic pulse and causes the low-current electronics to short-circuit.

    Where are pulse water meters applicable?

    An analysis of data on who connects a pulse meter has shown that these electronic metering devices are in demand where not only the economic effect of the work depends on the timeliness and accuracy of the transmitted readings, but the property interests of citizens are affected. Timely and accurate readings of pulse meters are beneficial to management companies (MCs) for settlements with resource supply organizations (RSOs). And to the resource officers themselves in case of direct payments to residents.

    Smart metering devices make it possible to save money, count consumed resources and pay only for them
    Andrey Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

    Enterprising employees of the management company, tired of collecting testimony in the “looked - recorded - transmitted” mode, are finding alternative ways to check the testimony and set up accounting automation. For example, in the Rainbow Homeowners Association (Lermontov, Stavropol Territory), water meter readings are photographed using web cameras, then recognized computer program and sent to the RSO. Others also publish on the forums of housing and communal services workers creative ideas. For example, they propose installing optical comb rotation speed readers on the meters, which are made from old computer mice with an optical drive - this is the same red light, which in fact is a video camera with minimal resolution.

    What is the difference between a pulse water meter and a regular one?

    Fundamentally, a water meter with a pulse input and a conventional water meter are no different from each other. Their work is based on classic scheme, where the counting mechanism is driven by an impeller under the pressure of the water flow. However, the pulse counter not only records the flow volume, but also transmits readings to an external data storage device.

    It is necessary to automate calculations of energy consumption. Today there is no way to collect data and determine payments in a timely manner. We see a solution in installing metering devices with remote data transmission. Modern technologies they allow it.

    Mikhail Men, Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation

    Advantages of pulse counters

    • Transmits information about water consumption automatically and remotely.
    • Suitable for connecting to more complex system information processing, for example, ASKUV.
    In order to fix automatic dispatching data from a pulsed water meter, it is enough to connect to it a patch cable or a modem-translator that transmits the signal via GSM or LPWAN channels.

    Disadvantages of pulse water meters

    • The reed switch fails over time, and the water meter ceases to measure water flow with the required accuracy and reliability.
    • Information received from the water meter can be fully processed and transmitted only with the additional launch of a radio or digital signal.
    • Antimagnetic protection is required, since the device is easily blocked by a neodymium magnet, and only ASKUV is able to reliably track the fact that the device is exposed to an external magnetic field to stop the counting mechanism.
    • Self-meters with pulse output do not have feedback with the water consumer, and he has to control his own consumption “by eye”.

    Using water meters with pulse output for ASKUV

    Most meters with pulse output certified in Russia are positioned as antimagnetic. Manufacturers claim that they are fully protected against stalling using neodymium magnets. However, in practice it turned out that exposure to a magnet is possible, and it leads to rapid breakdown of the reed switch on pulsed hot and cold water meters.

    Thus, pulse meters, with all their advantages, turned out to be not the most reliable solution for organizing reliable metering of water consumption.

    Progressive development for automated accounting

    Pulse water meters are being replaced by combined devices: meter + translator. The STRIZH company has accepted the challenge of those who offer to buy “pulse machines”, continue to steal water from neighbors, and deceive management company or HOA.

    We equip metering units with the innovative STRIZH AQUA-1 meter with a built-in modem. This universal metering device works autonomously, remotely monitors the current state of water consumption in real time and, in the event of unauthorized interference in its work, sends an alarm via SMS, Telegram message and Personal Area. The device does not require integration into ASKUV, since it is its analogue, and less expensive.

    How to reduce ODN and collect water meter readings online

    In continuation of the article.

    Legislation on energy saving poses the task of the housing and communal services system to establish reliable accounting of consumed energy resources: electricity, heat, gas and water. Accurate remote metering systems for water consumption with the possibility of automatic monitoring are becoming relevant, which eliminates the influence of the human factor on the reliability of readings.

    They are controlled through devices with access to telecommunication networks, which include the pulse output of a household water meter. It allows you to connect the meter to an external data repeater that transmits information to a management or resource supply organization through a selected cable or wireless communication channel.

    What is a pulse water meter and why is it needed?

    A pulse water meter is a common solution for centralized metering points in the residential sector. It serves to accurately record the amount of resource consumed in real time.

    Typical pulse water meter.

    Vane meters with pulse output are designed for installation in water metering units of multi-apartment and individual residential buildings, country houses and gardening areas. In agriculture and industry, turbine meters with pulse output are more often used.

    Management companies and RSOs see pulsed water meters as an effective solution for ensuring accurate readings with the ability to transfer them to the database of an automated water control and accounting system (ASKUV). Let's look at how hot and cold water meters with pulse output work.

    Operating principle of pulse water meters

    Structurally, the design of a meter with a pulse output does not differ from the design of conventional flange or vane apartment water meters. The mechanical part of the structure remains the same. It is based on a dial indicator of water consumption, where a full revolution is equal to a certain volume of consumption.

    The flow meter is driven by an impeller that rotates under water pressure.

    This is a fairly simple scheme with a relatively low price. The most vulnerable part of the mechanism is the sealed contact, which quickly breaks.

    Algorithm for taking and transmitting readings from pulse counters

    The main design difference between a pulsed water meter and a conventional wet meter is that it is equipped with a low-power magnet and a hermetic contact (reed switch), which closes when exposed to a magnetic field. At the moment the counting mechanism completes a full revolution, the reed switch emits an electrical impulse, which is read by an external device and sent to the alarm panel.

    The electronic system of the pulse water meter is responsible for counting the pulse duration, the supply interval of which depends on the water flow rate. It is noteworthy that a pulsed water meter does not require an additional power source: the reed switch itself generates an electromagnetic pulse and causes the low-current electronics to short-circuit.

    Where are pulse water meters applicable?

    An analysis of data on who connects a pulse meter has shown that these electronic metering devices are in demand where not only the economic effect of the work depends on the timeliness and accuracy of the transmitted readings, but the property interests of citizens are affected. Timely and accurate readings of pulse meters are beneficial to management companies (MCs) for settlements with resource supply organizations (RSOs). And to the resource officers themselves in case of direct payments to residents.

    Smart metering devices make it possible to save money, count consumed resources and pay only for them
    Andrey Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

    Enterprising employees of the management company, tired of collecting testimony in the “looked - recorded - transmitted” mode, are finding alternative ways to check the testimony and set up accounting automation. For example, in the Rainbow Homeowners' Association (Lermontov, Stavropol Territory), water meter readings are photographed using web cameras, then recognized by a computer program and sent to the RSO. Other creative ideas are also published on the forums of housing and communal services workers. For example, they propose installing optical comb rotation speed readers on the meters, which are made from old computer mice with an optical drive - this is the same red light, which in fact is a video camera with minimal resolution.

    What is the difference between a pulse water meter and a regular one?

    Fundamentally, a water meter with a pulse input and a conventional water meter are no different from each other. Their operation is based on a classic scheme, where the counting mechanism is driven by an impeller under the pressure of a water flow. However, the pulse counter not only records the flow volume, but also transmits readings to an external data storage device.

    It is necessary to automate calculations of energy consumption. Today there is no way to collect data and determine payments in a timely manner. We see a solution in installing metering devices with remote data transmission. Modern technologies allow this.

    Mikhail Men, Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation

    Advantages of pulse counters

    • Transmits information about water consumption automatically and remotely.
    • Suitable for connecting to a more complex information processing system, for example, ASKUV.
    In order to establish automatic dispatch of data from a pulsed water meter, it is enough to connect to it a patch cable or a modem-translator that transmits a signal via GSM or LPWAN channels.

    Disadvantages of pulse water meters

    • The reed switch fails over time, and the water meter ceases to measure water flow with the required accuracy and reliability.
    • Information received from the water meter can be fully processed and transmitted only with the additional launch of a radio or digital signal.
    • Antimagnetic protection is required, since the device is easily blocked by a neodymium magnet, and only ASKUV is able to reliably track the fact that the device is exposed to an external magnetic field to stop the counting mechanism.
    • Self-meters with pulse output do not have feedback from the water consumer, and he has to control his own consumption “by eye”.

    Using water meters with pulse output for ASKUV

    Most meters with pulse output certified in Russia are positioned as antimagnetic. Manufacturers claim that they are fully protected against stalling using neodymium magnets. However, in practice it turned out that exposure to a magnet is possible, and it leads to rapid breakdown of the reed switch on pulsed hot and cold water meters.

    Thus, pulse meters, with all their advantages, turned out to be not the most reliable solution for organizing reliable metering of water consumption.

    Progressive development for automated accounting

    Pulse water meters are being replaced by combined devices: meter + translator. The STRIZH company has accepted the challenge of those who offer to buy “pulse pumps”, continue to steal water from neighbors, and deceive the management company or the HOA.

    We equip metering units with the innovative STRIZH AQUA-1 meter with a built-in modem. This universal metering device operates autonomously, remotely monitors the current state of water consumption in real time and, in the event of unauthorized interference in its operation, sends an alarm via SMS, Telegram message and personal account. The device does not require integration into ASKUV, since it is its analogue, and less expensive.

    How to reduce ODN and collect water meter readings online

    In continuation of the article.

    One of effective options water meters is a water meter with a pulse output. Such devices can be used both at home and in industrial scale or agriculture. It is especially important to use the device for measuring hot water consumption - in this case it is recommended to use a meter equipped with a temperature sensor.

    Operating principle and design of a pulse water meter

    In order to answer the question: “pulse water meters, what are they?”, you will need to carefully consider the operating principle of these devices. Structurally, such a counter does not differ from a traditional one. It is equipped with a dial indicator of flow, in which a full revolution means a certain amount of water consumed.

    A pulse water meter can be used to accurately measure both water and hot water: for this, devices with blue and red bodies are used, respectively. There is also a specialized series of devices that have the ability to transmit indicators remotely.

    In the classic version, the meter is equipped with a specialized counting device that determines the volume of liquid consumed. The mechanical part of the structure does not change - it contains an impeller, which rotates as the water flow passes through it. with a pulse output is equipped with a small magnet and a hermetically sealed contact, or reed switch, which closes when it enters the area magnetic field. The principle of operation of a water meter with a pulse output is as follows: if the reed switch is installed at the starting point of the dial, and a magnet is attached to the pointer, then at the moment of making a full revolution the reed switch emits an electrical signal. What is this? Pulse output of the water meter.

    Advantages and features of using pulse counters

    The main advantage of this type of device is obtaining information about water consumption automatically and remotely - this is exactly what an impulse allows you to do. Also, it is worth highlighting the following important features:

    1. In order to increase convenience and readability, the pulse meter for water is equipped with an outer ring, a protective cover and a panel that can be rotated 360 degrees.
    2. The water flow meter with a pulse output is equipped with a completely sealed mechanism, due to which there is no chance of moisture appearing on the measuring scale.
    3. Additional protection is installed that eliminates exposure to external magnetic fields.
    4. Water meters with pulse output are made of cast iron, brass or steel. The impeller and counting mechanism are separated using a specialized brass partition, which performs an additional protective function.
    5. Can be installed on both vertical and horizontal pipes.
    6. Elements of the device made of metal and susceptible to rust are additionally coated with a specialized anti-corrosion solution.
    7. Additional advantages that a cold water meter with a pulse output has are its low weight and dimensions, simple and clear ergonomic design, equipped with protection against mechanical damage. The devices have different installation lengths.

    Besides home use, pulse is important to use in production, where it is necessary to maintain precise proportions of liquid supply. The device is mounted on supply pipes. Once the required volume has been met, the electric valve a signal is given, after which the water supply stops.

    Using pulse water supply meters

    What is a pulse water meter? This is a promising solution for centralized consumption metering points, which will be designed to automatically calculate both the amount of liquid consumed and the cost of the represented volume for a designated period. The pulse of water meters is effective solutions lots of problems!

    The pulse output of the water meter can be one of the components " smart home", where information is supplied and managed through global networks.

    • when working with cold water operates within temperatures from 5 to 40 degrees Celsius. The maximum possible pressure in this case is 1.5 MPa;
    • when working with hot water, the meter operates within temperatures from 40 to 90 degrees Celsius. The maximum possible pressure in this case is 1.6 MPa.

    On the modern market there are multi-tariff models in which cold water counted separately, heated and hot - separately. With the help of such a water meter, the consumer has a significant opportunity to save! You can order a pulse one from our company: just call or write a request using an email address. Place your orders with us - this is profitable solution for your home or company.