Russian writer, journalist, blogger. Biography and personal life of Kholina Arina Personal life of a bohemian writer

What turns modern women on

- Ryan Gosling?! - She leans back in her chair and laughs. - Are you kidding? He's ugly.

- Well, you know, I'm ashamed. - He still pumped up in recent years. Fine. Michael Fassbender?

She looks at me as if I suggested that she listen to Olga Buzova or watch ten episodes of “House-2”.

- No skin, no face! - she snaps and now doesn’t look at me. She dislikes me (almost like Fassbender).

Sunday, 05 August 2018 14:33 ()

No, this is not Lena Miro ( miss_tramell ). Although you must admit, it is similar.
Lena will be like this in eight years. Or even ten - she doesn’t smoke and does fitness, so she’ll be better preserved.
Both ladies are distinguished by creative fertility, the only difference is that Miro read by tens of millions, and Kholina (Snob, "Cosmopolitan", "Maxim") - by pitiful tens of thousands. They have the same theme: how to give, to whom to give, why to give, and if not to give, then why.

“So you come to your friend, an artist. You sit, have a drink, talk - everything is fun and nice. Then he says that he wants to draw you. You’re not exactly flattered, but you don’t seem to mind. And then he says: “Oh show your breasts." And you understand that everything has changed. Yes, he is an artist. And yes, he draws naked women. But you feel: oh, it’s not about art now. And you feel awkward. And it’s this kind of “awkward” that is more likely “disgusting”... Well, I undressed like that once. Like, beautiful and brave. And then the man didn’t even reach out with a brush. And then you won’t immediately understand how his penis ended up in your hand.”

Well, these, as I understand it, are memories of a stormy youth - it’s unlikely that any artist will now be interested in the breasts of a forty-five-year-old, pretty shabby woman.

"Or one day I came to the workshop of a friend of my father. And he reached into my panties. In itself, this is not so scary - if I were in love with him, if I wanted to. But I didn’t want to. And I was I was terribly embarrassed, scared, I didn’t understand what I wanted - to yell at him or just run away, pretending that nothing had happened (I won’t hide it, I wasn’t “persuaded” like that a couple of times). was crushed, was not destroyed, but this is an unpleasant experience. You think: “How did this all happen to me?” And yes, you feel used, it’s unpleasant for you.
Yes, now there is hardly a man who will be able to deceive me like this, but my past is part of me. And I know how it goes."

Lena Miro always talks about other women (either out of modesty, or from a lack of own experience). Arina Kholina almost always talks about herself to her beloved. But here’s what’s strange: the conclusions of both ladies are almost always identical. For example, the next paragraph could well have been written by miss_tramell :

“The reality is that men still like to treat women as concubines or servants, and we women indulge in this because deep down we are afraid of being rude, angry, merciless. Because “we are girls”, that’s how our mother raised us Fuck mom. Fuck dad. They don’t know what they’re doing. Girls, be boors and murderers . And when men have no more suitable victims left to force them to do anything - then they will crawl to you on their knees . And you send them to mom and dad - let the one who gave birth take care of them."

Crowds of men crawling on their knees - all artists, writers, performers, businessmen (we don’t keep others) - are an eerie sight. I tried to imagine this picture, but I couldn’t.
When older ladies begin (with the best intentions) to teach life to young girls, they, as a rule, do not reach their target audience. They are read by the same women over forty - notorious and without a chance.
We won’t offend Lena again (everyone offends her anyway), but here’s what the girls write about Arina Kholina:
- An unpleasant, dead, arrogant old woman who tries to calm herself down and find something attractive in the fact that she is getting old. And she likes clothes that are terribly ugly, senile-glamorous
- Kholina is just a drug addict and a cutesy old woman.
- I remembered her article about sex and Israelis. There, too, there was complete nonsense about how passionate they are and what fucking sexual freedom they have. I have now realized that I do not trust her in her descriptions of people, customs, and life in the countries where she travels. She gets carried away all the time.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018 12:16 pm ()

Arina Kholina

Where did sex go?

© Project “Snob”

© Arina Kholina, text

© AST Publishing House LLC

Have you noticed how difficult it is to have sex these days?

If you are a woman, there are still chances. Free and with almost anyone you like. As one middle-aged friend says: “You women, it’s easier for you. If you openly offer sex to someone, they will happily run after you, and I might even hit you in the face.”

In the sense that almost all girls play the “I’m not like that” game. Well, that is, she doesn’t throw sex away left and right, she saves it for a “special man.”

"For what?! - one friend howled from a hangover morning. - How could I! In car! What will he think of me?!”

“Mmmm...” I was confused. “That you are a free, sexy woman who knows how to enjoy life?”

And more than one such friend repented in the morning about sleeping with someone there. This is how women do it. Sex without proof that he's crazy about you is bad. This is a fall. He “got what he wanted from you” and won’t call again.

It’s funny that medicine has come very far forward - and now you don’t have to worry about accidental pregnancy or any diseases. But women still act as if sex is a stain on one's reputation, a shame and a lifelong social scorn.

It is not surprising that it is very difficult for a man to get just sex. And he embarks on the path of hypocrisy, lies, and imitation of feelings. And he is also condemned for this. And it’s not a fact that sex will happen before the fifth date - after restaurants, flowers and a bag from Marc Jacobs.

Here, however, we must also understand the dramatic difference between Russian girls and European ones. The average European woman is a partner. They don't pay for it in restaurants. She doesn't expect gifts. She is looking for friendship, sexual relationships, and not a protector on whom she can always rely. She does not expect endless admiration, flowers, compliments twenty times a day. Therefore, Russian girlfriends seem overly demanding to Western men.

Russians are looking not for a partner, but for a party – and preferably a profitable one.

And sex, of course, becomes a subject of bargaining. You will receive it when you love it. Or when you show that you are a “real” man, that is, you will establish yourself as a generous investor.

True, European women are not very sexy either. They are busy with their careers, and this is their main pleasure. But, frankly speaking, with men in Lately everything is not very simple either.

The man somehow weakened. It seems that many are quite happy with their communication with Facebook, their relationship with their favorite porn resource, but real sex with a live girl is almost a myth, and they are happy if they manage to put someone in bed and simply undress. Men seem to have forgotten how to do this.

One friend had a lover who, the first couple of times, showed himself to be practically impotent. She was about to fire him, but suddenly he broke up. That is, I remembered that sex is not just getting drunk together, falling into bed and taking off your panties (in best case scenario), but much more. But he remembered only when they explained to him that friendship and drunkenness are, of course, always good, but if he doesn’t have it, it won’t work.

This happens to many men. They even say: “I need to get to know the person better, I can’t do that right away.” To which I want to say: “Hey, everything you need to know about me is between my legs!” I don’t need a relationship, wake up!”

Feeling as if the sexual charge has gone away. It's like society has become asexual.

Guys I know went to Cuba and came back stunned. Because everyone there has sex. And without any special preludes. They do it simply because they want to - and no one judges them for it. Even in Cuban musicals, everyone has sex every five minutes. Well, and they sing, of course, in the process.

Other friends met in Cuba a Russian girl (she has lived in Canada for a long time), whose local lover (he is the one who films musicals) is 74 years old. Looks 45, loves sex. He says you have to eat nuts.

And white Europeans still can’t play enough with their stupid morality.

It feels like we're living in some kind of new reality, where life is imitated. The Internet is wonderful, who can argue, but clearly there has been a substitution. And even the media plays along, creating a product that devalues ​​the meaning of sex. Nowadays it’s fashionable in TV series (just remember “House M.D.”) – where the hero and heroine cannot sleep for five or six seasons. It's the same in the TV series Castle. And in Bones. And in The Mentalist. Yes everywhere. Some tantric highly spiritual relationships as an example of behavior.

There has been no sex in movies for a long time (except for Shame with Michael Fassbender). The music isn't all about sex either. No "Satisfaction" / Satisfaction.

Woody Allen already seems like porn: in his films everyone just talks about sex, cheats on each other, breaks all these moral rules and taboos.

It feels like something happened to the hormones, honestly. Although some scientists say that modern men’s testosterone levels have indeed dropped noticeably...

In “Island of Crimea,” Vasily Aksenov described how in the future girls will simply approach men and ask: “Shall we have sex?” Perhaps from there, from 1979, against the backdrop of the sexual revolution and other madness like the Studio 54 club, it seemed like a very real prospect.

But it turned out to be a utopia.

In the real 2013, people who actually want sex and are determined to have it are a rarity. Unless, of course, they are twenty-four. These are still holding on somehow due to their young age.

We suddenly find ourselves in the middle of a sad asexual culture where everyone takes pictures of food and shoes. Maybe, of course, food and shoes are the new sex?

Or maybe we live in a time when everyone is so focused on themselves that sex with other people is simply not part of their interests?

Or are the psychiatrists right, and already every second person suffers from depression in one form or another? And such vital joys are of no use to every second person?

But, you see, sex is a lot of fun. It is relaxing, liberating, and gives amazing positive energy. And good impressions. And a reason for conversation - and not a sad one, about some kind of political or environmental disaster, but an exciting and entertaining one.

Besides, even if it’s short, but intense passion, thanks to which you instantly forget all your troubles - well, isn’t it worth it to get out of the case (from Facebook)?

Age of despair

We need to start with the fact that Russians are shocked even by just naked baths, where everyone goes without panties.

Well, objectively: there is nothing in either men’s or women’s pussies that would make you faint. It is clear that an immoderate feeling of shame is activated, well seasoned with suppressed desires, blah blah blah, ask any psychologist.

But that's not the point, and it's not about shame. And about disgust.

As soon as people, hardly covering their excitement with hypocrisy, imagine this naked badehouse, it immediately dawns on them that there is no face control there - and any person, of any age, can find themselves in a bathhouse, on a naked beach, and even in sex. club Even the old man. Even eighty years old.

And in Germany, for example, old people are energetic. There are many of them everywhere: in thermal baths, on beaches, and in clubs.

The center of Berlin, "Europe Center", on the roof - a swimming pool, a lawn. A couple of about seventy arrives, they are very dark (Germans fry in the sun worse than Italians), their skin is finely folded, their belongings hang down to their knees. You look at them and suddenly remember snatches of conversations and the expressions on the faces of your Russian acquaintances, who consider old age to be a deformity.

- Ugh, what disgusting, saggy...

– What will happen to the tattoo in thirty years?..

- It's disgusting to watch...

In sex clubs you can see very of different ages. Moreover, those over sixty look even more stylish than younger people. A gray-haired man in black shorts and a white bow tie on his bare torso. By the way, he is in excellent shape - it’s generally customary here to take care of yourself, go to the gym, run, swim.

And people approach my friend in Moscow in the most ordinary clubs, ask how old he is, and are delighted that at fifty-nine he doesn’t sleep at night, but dances and has fun.

In any club anywhere, from Berlin to London, you will see people over fifty. At concerts, just at dances, in bars with or without music.

Here is a different idea of ​​age of activity. If someone at the age of seventy wants to go to a festival and hear Arctic Monkeys or drink at the Mobel Olaf bar, they will not be looked at as a marvelous wonder.

Everywhere except Moscow. There is some kind of age-related self-censorship here. If you are forty years old, you are more likely to hang out in the Dom 12 restaurant than in the Rodnya club.

We, like many developing countries, do not have an age culture.

Of course, women suffer the most humiliation – this is the wonderful insult of “getting younger.”

I am a journalist, writer. She worked in Evening Moscow, in the Bear magazine, and in New Times. I write about gender issues, discrimination, LGBT rights. I write for SNC, New Times,, Medved magazine.

I run the women's feminist blog Viva Vagina The VivaVagina magazine preaches HEDONISM.EGOISM.FEMINISM!) It is for those who are tired of reading advertisements in glossy magazines. Our principles: 1) size 48 is NOT a crime against humanity 2) a woman is gorgeous at any age 3) fashion is entertainment, not a cult; diamonds are boring(c); Daphne Guinness is cooler than Victoria Beckham 4) tolerance is our everything, even if it interferes with our lives 5) men cannot understand

Arina Kholina. The tragedy of the Russian woman. SNOB Magazine. 12/1/2012 Yesterday I met the most beautiful woman, which I have only seen in my life. She might be 60, maybe 75... This photo should be shown to all women from 10 years old to 90 - so that they understand who is considered ideal.

...In Europe, everyone is an honest 30, 40, 50, 80. Without any of these squats, veils, coquetry. In general, no one is ashamed of age. ...You feel a dramatic difference with the way in Moscow (even if not in all of Russia, I won’t generalize) women evaluate themselves and other women too - there are some terribly limited ideas about beauty at work and this is very annoying). Behind Last year suddenly she took it and realized all the delights of the Russian women's tragedy. Here we all strive for excellence. Be slimmer, be younger, be sexier. Be more married. A woman in Russia somehow defines herself completely differently. She worries endlessly. He's constantly doing something to himself. Here's a great metaphor from life - if you look at the Instagrams of all sorts of famous Russian girls - they are all either wearing high heels or on tiptoes. Longer, thinner, better. And in life it’s like that - they stand on their fingers, like ballerinas in position. They never relax. ...Undoubted self-confidence, and no adjustments for age, and no ridiculous doubts on the topic “is it possible to wear beautiful and strange things at my age.” In Russia you get a lot of doubts. Mainly due to the fault of other women - collective hysteria: from the Internet, from any random remarks, from the general mood. This is terribly bad.

We must learn to live differently. Don’t resist: no no, what are you talking about, I’m fat, I’m old, I’m stupid, I’m unfashionable, I don’t wear skirts, I don’t wear short ones, I don’t wear wide ones, I don’t wear narrow ones, I don’t wear them, I can’t stand them, I was going to die, where am I going, why am I, who am I, who am I to? …. Do you think I don’t understand that all this is in vain? Like, I don’t know that a Russian woman doesn’t give up - she clings to her complexes with teeth and nails - and won’t give them up to anyone? I know. I understand. I hate. I want women to walk so confidently and proudly, even arrogantly, and to make it clear that they don’t care who looks at them or who doesn’t look at them, and that they live for themselves, and that they dress for themselves, and put on makeup, and so that it would be easy and fun for them, and comfortable too, and to mix it all up, add salt, pepper, and all sorts of spices, and so that it would sting their eyes, and so that they would feel stupefied, and burn away all this nonsense, and to be the way they want, and not the kind that no one knows who needs.

Columnist of the Snob project, writer Arina Kholina speaks at the section “It’s never too late: love, friendship and intimate life in the “silver age” within the framework of the III National Conference “Society for All Ages”. 9.10.2015 There is nothing creepier than a girl actively looking for a husband. And you understand, no one is looking for a quiet Jewish laboratory assistant who, at forty-five, lives with his mother. Girls are like that: they want a candidate at least from Abramovich’s circle, and to give him a Mercedes on the first date. Therefore, all these Tatler clubs, GQ bars and other glamorous coops are filled with ladies with the appearance of transvestites: cropped noses, swollen lips, erect breasts. Apparently, the secret world of golddiggers has great knowledge that people who look like people are not in demand among millionaires. From time immemorial, relations between men and women were built on the principle of fair exchange (as in general any relations between people, except for slaveholding). That is, he gives her food and shelter - she gives him life and care for the children. Everything was fair. And only in the 20th century did some wild deviations begin. On the one hand, ladies want equality. On the other hand, they subconsciously crave material support and “darling, shall we pay the bill in half?” for them a reason for immediate anathema.

IN modern literature there are many bright characters. One of them is the extraordinary Russian journalist and writer Kholina Arina. In her personal life and creative activity, she is distinguished by pronounced charisma and a penchant for shocking behavior. A feminist and lover of Moscow bohemian parties, Kholina is today one of the most sought-after authors of women's romance novels.

short biography

Arina Igorevna Kholina was born on October 12, 1974 in the family of the famous Russian writer. Her father was famous in Soviet time avant-garde poet and writer. Arina's mother died during childbirth. The girl was raised by her father and inherited his literary talent.
Arina's childhood was spent in a bohemian atmosphere despite the gray Soviet reality. The father tried to provide his daughter with everything. WITH early years she heard her father and his friends talking about art. Thanks to this, the girl early developed a refined taste and interest in literary creativity. As a teenager, instead of dating boys, Arina spent her days reading books.

The formation of literary talent

After graduating from school, Kholina entered the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. After her second year of study she leaves educational institution and becomes a casting studio designer. Afterwards he was enrolled in two more universities - the Institute of Steel and Alloys and the Russian State University for the Humanities. An irresistible desire to write takes over and she quits studying again.
Her talent for writing awakened in her by the age of 20. After working as a designer at a modeling agency, she tries herself as a writer and journalist. The beginning of his creative activity was the position of a freelance correspondent for “Evening Moscow” and “The New Times”. A little later, thanks to determination and perseverance, the girl achieves recognition in the publication “Bear”.
The first works were stories for magazines. Since 2004, she has become interested in writing romance novels for a female audience. In the same year, Kholina’s first novel, “Too Many Blondes,” was published. Today Arina collaborates on an ongoing basis with fashionable glossy magazines “Cosmopolitan”, “Maxim” and the famous book publishing house “Eksmo”. She represents the Western movement of Chiklit literature - “literature for chicks”.
All her works are based on the relationships between men and women. She describes with her usual subtle humor modern life inhabitants of megacities with their intimate secrets. Her unique literary style is characterized by ease of perception and captivating plots.
Now the author has more than a dozen romance novels and dramas published in different years. Most loved by readers:

  • “Darling, I became a witch this Friday!” - 2005;
  • “The Devil Over the Right Shoulder” - 2006;
  • “Gallery of Male Vices”, “See You in Hell” - 2007;
  • “Chronicles of an Ambitious Brunette” -2008;
  • “The Heartbreaker’s Handbook”, “Letters on the Water” - 2009;
  • “Where did the sex go?” — 2016

A lot of diverse journalistic materials can be found on the Internet. Most of them are devoted to current gender issues in today's society.

Personal life of a bohemian writer

After her divorce from her first husband, Arina found herself in writing. Now the eccentric journalist is married for the second time. She calls her husband nothing less than “beloved man.” In Arina Kholina’s opinion, her personal life will not become better or worse due to the presence of a stamp in her passport. For her, the words “husband” and “wife” are a long-worn stereotype.
Arina Kholina's husband was Pavel Galkin, musician legendary group 90's "Bachelor Party". He is better known by his nickname "Mutabor". According to Arina, Pavel is unusually patient with her frequent whims and hysterics.
It is curious that due to Kholina’s lack of children, she is often classified as a member of the “childfree” movement. According to the journalist herself, thoughts about children arose in her mind more than once. However, at the last moment she always realized that she had nothing like maternal instinct. According to the writer, “she is absolutely not interested in the topic of children.” Arina Kholina long ago decided to “live for herself” and no longer raises the issue of childbearing.

It is known that today the journalist still lives in Moscow. She considers herself a Muscovite “to the core” and loves the frantic energy of the capital. Arina Kholina’s personal life is not limited to family life. The writer does not hide her passion for elite entertainment and is unusually close to Moscow show business. She highly values ​​expensive exclusive shoes and luxurious jewelry. Among the journalist's favorite designers are Galliano, Ekaterina Gomiashvili and Larisa Kalistratova. Kholina's opinion about the latter fashion trends is considered professional and trustworthy.
The writer has a unique taste. Preferred trends are glamorous punk and gothic. Among world-famous celebrities, she sympathizes with Jimmy Morrison, Kate Moss, Madonna, Teffi, Johnny Depp, Oscar Wilde.
The biography of Arina Kholina is interesting due to the fact that she belongs to the feminist movement that came from the West. The journalist came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a women's feminist blog “Viva Vagina” (translated as “Long live the vagina”). The community motto “Hedonism - Egoism - Feminism” openly challenges the usual social standards. Choline is truly far from prejudice. In one of the interviews, the writer openly talks about the source of her original ideas for writing books. She claims that some “insights” appeared to her while having… sex.

Quotes about life and more...

Many of the shocking journalist’s statements are striking in their courage and straightforwardness:
“... It is on women’s minds that if they were men, they should sit in the corner and cry.”
“...most people are vulgar and stupid, and those who are not vulgar and stupid are freaks in another sense.”
“A woman is not only a vagina, other than which some people have nothing to offer.”
The writer does not deny that she wants to teach her reader to live a full life. In most of her novels, she shows how modern women can become self-confident and not afraid to make mistakes. Indeed, according to Kholina, it is precisely those infrequent moments when you forget about prejudices and do everything for the sake of pleasure - this is real life.

The week started off great: Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, 79 years old, divorced his wife - and now he can enter into anything with his girlfriend of 34 years. Ivan Krasko, actor, 84, is going to marry a 24-year-old girl. And even Konstantin Ernst, 54, whose relationship with model Sofia Zaika, 27, was supposedly a secret, no longer hides his feelings.

Not that age differences are all that surprising these days. Especially if the lovers are separated by only 27 years. But, frankly speaking, if one partner is 50 or 60 years older than the other, this already looks like something more than a search for a father figure. This is some completely different relationship, the dramatic details of which all of us, onlookers, of course, want to know. Because it doesn’t really look like a sexual relationship, despite all the Viagra and Cialis in the world.

Even the wonderful Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, speaking about his feelings, first of all remembered Arkady Raikin, who died because no one reminded him to take a pill in time. This, of course, sounds infinitely romantic. The film “Elena” by Zvyagintsev was about something like this - about pills and unequal marriage.

On the one hand, all these connections may not be our business, but on the other hand, age is now one of the most current trends (it is impossible to quietly pass by, averting your eyes).

Is seventy the new forty? Is eighty the new forty-two?

This would be great if men over 65 who marry women of about thirty would not seem to be the embodiment of the good old patriarchal way of life, when a young creature is given away for a mature husband, who is only separated from the stage of senile insanity by a micro-stroke.

There are different things in relationships. Some people like partners who are two or even three times their age. It’s rather ugly to condemn this: every person has his own secret passions, which no one has the right to consider shameful. But even today, the union of a virgin who has barely begun her period and a lover of about seventy still rather suggests something less sentimental than sudden uncontrollable passion.

Now, if suddenly some Miley Cyrus, 23, started dating Ronnie Wood, 68, it would be a little more clear-cut than his relationship with the unknown Ekaterina Ivanova (now 26).

Of course, any girl can get weak in the knees when looking at her idol, and she may not notice the changes that happen to the human body over 60 or 70 years of life. And in general, many people are not so fixated on appearance. But in our Russian culture today only men can afford an age difference. We don’t know any women who would date lovers much younger than themselves.

“They” have Susan Sarandon (I would date her myself), Ivanka Trump, the late Duchess of Alba, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez. And many more. The same Kardashian mom who, at 60, is dating a younger man. But these relationships are still not similar to the “patient-nurse” scheme that is so popular in Russia. Here it is completely normal for a man to use the weaknesses or some bad sides of a young girl in order to provide himself with not just a nanny, but a nanny who is pleasant to look at and touch.

It's not that everyone just dreams of women doing this too. But the complete absence of complexes among men about their appearance and age says something. Not everyone at 78 is like Andrei Konchalovsky.

Jennifer Lopez is 46 years old, but she looks 25 - and very sexy. Madonna is 56 and has gone a little crazy with that in-your-face stuff, but she still looks great. The same Susan Sarandon is a goddess, although she clearly does not live in the gym. Women are worried about what they can offer their lover - besides intelligence and success. But a man, even at 50, especially a Russian, somehow doesn’t worry.

Of course, now men have begun to take care of themselves. But this is a new generation. These are not the guys who, in the range from 60 to 80 years old, suddenly start dating girls of eighteen years old. Nowadays, those who are between 40 and 45 are often in relationships with women (or men) 12-15 years younger than themselves, but, frankly speaking, their age difference is not noticeable. People have become more well-groomed, active, and from 30 to 40 years old their appearance remains almost unchanged.

But the good old Russian man is sure that his floating body and face, which looks like it’s been drunk, great gift any girl. Gym? No, we haven't heard. Even at 40, he already looked like a slightly shabby man, and at 50, all his years were in his appearance. At the same time, a woman younger than him is a trophy, a special pride: look, I’m already 60, and I have a young chick. So she got pregnant from me - and we have the same bellies.

This is rudeness.

And you think: well, okay, girl. She's young and stupid and greedy or maybe scared or both. But then you look at an adult or even an old man who is famous, talented and smart - you have been reading his interviews with pleasure for many years, you like his reasoning - and try to imagine: this is how, at 80 years old, you can not understand that he is very young the creature... well, cannot want you. And that this is gratitude, admiration... anything, but not the kind of love that happens at the age of 20 between a man and a woman.

Of course, people are not obliged to adapt themselves to general rules. And anything can happen in life. No one is immune from anything, and, moreover, a young woman can, of course, fall in love with an old man. Maybe. But all this talk about glasses of water and pills - they say something a little different. And once again let’s return to the fact that young successful and rich women for some reason never date men 50 years older than themselves. Apparently this means something.

Men over fifty, of course, are loyal to sex for money - maybe it doesn’t occur to them that it’s somewhat humiliating. Most likely, they grew up on such a basis that there are “decent” women, and there are “whores,” and it is completely normal to use paid sex, and, in general, everyday exchange: I give you all sorts of nice things, and you give me an imitation of feelings, sex, and also youth and beauty are normal. But only this was normal exactly so many years ago, how much more mature all these cheerful elders are than their young protégés. Even then it was not normal, but no one knew about it.

A world in which women's youth is a commodity is not entirely right world. This sets the wrong tone for all relationships between people. It’s one thing to be an unconventional couple that ordinary people slander, and another thing to cynically use women. Even if this is done with a touch of fatherly tenderness.

When different famous people They put their young wives on display, shake them as if they were bonuses for long service and, without much diligence, hide the fact that they have found themselves a sexy nurse who is willing to wait ten years for a Moscow apartment (before the will is announced), this is unpleasant. Archaic and even somewhat embarrassing.

Arina Kholina
"Trophy Wives"