The child was poisoned by mosquito spray. Are mosquito repellent plates harmful?

The Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor tested mosquito repellents for effectiveness and safety for humans. The test results showed that not every person

The Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor tested mosquito repellents for effectiveness and safety for humans. The test results showed that not every person is suitable for mosquito repellent lotions or creams. They are absolutely all contraindicated for infants, and can cause an allergic reaction in an adult.

This season's hits: a trap lamp that kills mosquitoes with an electric discharge, ultrasonic repeller, which should be carried in your pocket, mosquito repellent bracelets for infants, as well as citronella candles and coils.

Smell away

All drugs that contain certain ingredients have a repellent effect on mosquitoes. essential oils. For example, clove, eucalyptus and citronella oils have a repellent effect.

Candles or spirals with the addition of citronella oil are recommended for both home and garden use. The candle or spiral burns, emitting a mosquito-repellent aroma. The effect of these products lasts from four to eight hours until the oils completely disappear. These Ceylon “stinkers” cost from 50 to 200 rubles. a piece.

According to experts, these stench help only for a short time and can be dangerous to human health. Thus, the smell of essential oils can cause allergies in a person, headache, cough, rash. Whereas essential oils have little effect on mosquitoes.

Special bracelets have appeared on sale that can repel mosquitoes. Their popularity has grown due to the fact that they are not contraindicated for children and can be used by a one-year-old child. Other remedies and mosquito repellent ointments are contraindicated for children. According to sellers, such a bracelet can cause allergies only in very rare cases. Bracelets for little children come in two colors - pink for girls and blue for boys. They are impregnated with herbal extract, which acts as a repellent on mosquitoes. The mosquito repellent bracelet is worn either on the wrist or hung on the stroller. The bracelet is valid for 120-170 hours, price is about 300 rubles.

However, mosquito repellent bracelets for children under one year of age were not registered with Rospotrebnadzor. Experts believe that if the product already has a very strong odor, it can harm the child, in particular cause an allergic reaction.

However, today manufacturers offer not only products that emit an odor that repels both mosquitoes and humans. There are products on sale that are practically odorless. They contain insecticides - synthetic substances that kill mosquitoes. Under the influence of insecticides, insects seem to be paralyzed. Products containing insecticides are more effective than those containing natural ingredients. In an apartment or in a country house, these products really help, but in the open air, insecticides instantly evaporate, so there will not be one hundred percent protection against mosquitoes on the street.

Scare away with sound

They learned to repel mosquitoes not only with smell, but also with sound. An ultrasonic repeller has appeared on sale, which produces a mosquito-repellent sound that humans cannot hear. The cost of this device in the form of a keychain varies from 500 to 1000 rubles. depending on the area of ​​its influence. Some manufacturers of ultrasonic repellers promise that a mosquito will not fly closer than one and a half meters to you, while others guarantee a safe field of 30 meters.

According to the results of an examination by specialists from the Research Institute of Disinfectology, ultrasonic repellers do not have any effect on mosquitoes.

Magic lamp

The hit of the season is the trap lamp. The operating principle of this lamp is simple: ultraviolet radiation lamp attracts insects, and when a mosquito flies up to the lamp, it falls on metal grill under a voltage of 650 volts and dies from electric shock. This device should also save buyers from flies and moths within a radius of 30 to 100 meters, and fight moths in the apartment. A trap lamp costs from 1000 to 8000 rubles.

However, in the laboratory of the Research Institute of Disinfectology, they found that trap lamps attract mosquitoes, since only flies or butterflies fly into the light. Mosquitoes fly into the heat.

The most important thing is that neither lamps nor ultrasonic repellers are registered with Rospotrebnadzor and their sale is illegal. According to Rospotrebnadzor experts, the manufacturer initially misleads the buyer by promising to rid him of mosquitoes with the help of such a lamp or repeller.

Experts advise buyers to trust not the words of sellers, but documents confirming that the product has undergone appropriate testing. The product number must be indicated on the product state registration. Moreover, even a registration number does not provide one hundred percent effectiveness and safety.

It turns out that only laboratory tests can confirm that mosquito repellents are safe for humans and to some extent repel mosquitoes or kill at least some of them.

Based on materials from the weekly magazine “You Have the Right”

The other day, an elderly couple came to our editorial office - Tatyana Dmitrievna and Alexey Fedorovich Matyushin. The couple were concerned that, by exterminating mosquitoes in the apartment with the help of a fumigator, they themselves almost became its victims. That’s why they decided to rush to warn other Dzerzhin residents using a printed mouthpiece.

According to pensioners, use electrical device This is not the first time for them to get rid of insects. Every year, with the onset of warm weather, Tatyana Dmitrievna and Alexey Fedorovich rush to the nearest store and buy “anti-mosquito” plates there. large quantities- for the whole summer.

“We live on the first floor with windows facing north. That’s why we have taiga at home all summer,” the Matyushins say. - Everything would be fine, but there is no other salvation from mosquitoes except these plates. We turn on the fumigator all day and change the plates once a day. The mosquitoes disappear, we have always been happy with this product.”

But this year, with the onset of warmer weather, older people simultaneously began to feel unwell. Both had similar symptoms: dizziness, weakness in the body, and confused thoughts. The only salvation from this scourge was walking on fresh air. They go outside and their health instantly improves; when they return home, they experience the same unhealthy collapse.

It was then that Tatyana Dmitrievna and Alexey Fedorovich suspected something was wrong with the fumigator. We began to study the packaging of the plates in detail and found out that the ones remaining from last year contained information about the manufacturer, expiration date, precautions and composition. But on new records, instead of instructions, there are dirty spots. Maybe this was once a text, but hardly anyone had a chance to read it.

Our heroes were worried for good reason, because they weren’t the only ones who were so “lucky” with mosquito repellent plates. A whole lot of them must have been put up for sale, and how can small children or old people like them get poisoned now?

Having taken a sample of low-quality “fumitox,” the Matyushins went to the journalists, and we went to those who could shed at least a spark of light on this story.

The head of the Territorial Department of Rospotrebnadzor for Dzerzhinsk, Natalia Kucherenko, said that Dzerzhinsk residents have never made complaints about the purchase of low-quality mosquito repellent plates. It is impossible to study what is inside these same records in our city - there is no laboratory and regulatory experience. Therefore, such a situation is the subject of investigation only on a national scale. But before starting such an investigation, it would be a good idea to contact doctors to make a diagnosis and find out exactly how, what and how badly people were poisoned.

Judging by the fact that the Matyushins did not seek medical help, they were not seriously injured, and having eliminated the cause negative impact to his health, and he got better quickly.

But we still visited the doctors and asked about mosquito repellents in great detail.

“Of course, fumigator plates are, to one degree or another, dangerous to health, because they are impregnated toxic substance, - explained toxicologist-resuscitator of the ambulance service of the Emergency Hospital of Dzerzhinsk Alexander Selivanov. - In my practice, there have been cases when people had to call “ ambulance» due to the use of mosquito strips. But it was not a matter of poisoning, but an allergic reaction. When the plate heats up, in addition to toxic substances, it releases allergens into the air - various fragrances, dyes and solvents. Therefore, such plates must be used while observing safety measures.”

So, so that an ambulance does not have to be called due to poisoning by the vapors of mosquito repellent plates, doctors advised following simple rules for their use: it is better to turn on the fumigator not all day long, but for an hour or two before bedtime; the room where the device operates must be at least 13 square meters; the device itself must be no closer than one meter from the person. To get rid of mosquitoes throughout the night, it is best to insert nets into the windows and sleep not only peacefully, but also safely.

The symptoms of poisoning by substances contained in mosquito repellents are exactly those that the Matyushins described to us at the beginning of this story. If this happens without obvious reasons, but there is a suspicion of a fumigator, you should immediately turn it off and go outside or ventilate the apartment well. In case of emergency, you should contact your local physician or call an ambulance.

Cases are described on the Internet of how, just a few days ago, two families from Krasnodar and Tula ended up in intensive care due to poisoning from mosquito plates. Both have small children. Rospotrebnadzor specialists admit that in these cases, most likely, there was a purchase of “illegal” goods. But fumigator plates are not subject to mandatory certification and can be produced by anyone, anywhere and however they want. For example, diluting chemicals in some garage.

So, before using the fumigator correctly, take care of purchasing the “correct” mosquito repellent plates. So that their packaging contains at least some clear data.

Elena Rodionova

Insecticides are substances of synthetic or organic nature used to control insects. There are more than twenty varieties of compounds of this type.

And the main criterion for grouping insecticides is the main chemical component of the composition.

IN last years The most common types are:

  • organochlorine;
  • organophosphorus;
  • pyrethrins and pyrethroids;
  • arsenic-containing;
  • sulfur;
  • mineral;
  • cyanide.

Typically, the action of insecticides is aimed at insect pests that eat crops. Thus, potato fields are sprayed with insecticides against the Colorado potato beetle, wheat and cotton against locusts.

Principle of toxic effects various types insecticides per person is different. Therefore, according to this parameter, substances are divided into contact compounds, fumigants, systemic and intestinal insecticides. Fumigants are dangerous if they enter the respiratory tract; contact fumigants enter the body through the skin through direct contact; intestinal fumigants are absorbed by the digestive system; systemic fumigants permeate the plant, making any use dangerous to life and health.

How does the departure take place?

Poisoning by insecticides of any type significantly affects the functioning of the central nervous system. This is due to the direction of action of the main components of insecticidal mixtures on the membranes of neurons in the brain and spinal cord.

Under the influence of synthetic components of insecticides, the excitability of neurons increases and duplication of discharges occurs. In addition, a number of compounds can increase the sensitivity of the myocardium to endogenous catecholamines, which leads to arrhythmias. First aid in this case should take this factor into account and exclude the administration of myocardial stimulating drugs, which is sometimes recommended for toxic endogenous poisoning with synthetic poisons.

Signs of poisoning

Primary symptoms of poisoning with household insecticides are typical for poisons of a synthetic nature. The victim feels the urge to vomit, dizziness, disorientation, weakness, and cold extremities.

But the severity of the manifestations depends on whether acute poisoning has occurred or whether harmful compounds enter the body in small quantities systematically.

Symptoms of acute poisoning by insecticides differ little for substances with different chemical compositions. The victim experiences vomiting and diarrhea almost immediately after the poison enters the body. In addition, uncontrollable increased salivation, dizziness, and disorientation begin. Vision noticeably deteriorates due to miosis, within an hour or two the temperature rises and fever appears.

If proper first aid was not provided, then, depending on the dose of poisons, disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle are detected within 24 hours; if the insecticide enters through the respiratory tract, pulmonary edema and problems with the functioning of the liver and kidneys appear.

Characteristic symptoms for the main types of pesticides are as follows:

  • chlorine – bitterness in the mouth, cough, convulsions, excessive salivation, inflammation of the mucous membrane, clouding of the cornea;
  • Anabasine – burning in the throat, vomiting, diarrhea, jumps in pulse rate and pupil diameter, convulsions, redness and swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • organochlorine – convulsions, nausea, vomiting, tremors of limbs, loss of gait control, speech disorders, pain in the heart, nosebleeds;
  • organophosphorus - chills, shortness of breath, heart pain, dizziness, problems with speech and vision, dilated pupils.

First aid and treatment of poisoning

First aid to a victim of insecticides should be provided in as soon as possible, otherwise, with acute poisoning, there is a high probability of death. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. the victim is brought to life if he is unconscious;
  2. stimulation of the gag reflex or artificial lavage of the stomach and intestines (if insecticides enter the gastrointestinal tract);
  3. after washing, the victim should be given absorbent and Regidron;
  4. a poison neutralizer is injected intravenously;
  5. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and stay calm.

If hit harmful substances occurred through the lungs, then first aid is provided through inhalation with a solution of soda and expectorant tablets. Skin affected by insecticides must be lubricated with zinc ointment or covered with compresses soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Only specialists in the field of toxicology can provide basic assistance in curing this type of poisoning. Depending on the condition of the victim, he is prescribed drugs of local or general action, including detoxicants, painkillers and restorative injections, ointments and tablets.

Summer is a period of joyful mood and emotional rest. But there are two unpleasant moments that can simply poison the summer “holiday”. Such enemies are extreme heat and mosquito infestations.

Speaking of the latter, these annoying bloodsuckers will not leave you in peace, no matter where you run away. There are no barriers for these little insects. They can easily penetrate city ​​apartment, and in country dacha they will give you absolute hell.

In order to get rid of mosquitoes, people have invented a variety of means and devices that should repel or poison tenacious flying insects. Among such means are various creams, bracelets, Velcro, repellents, ultrasonic shockers, fumigators, and much more.

Perhaps the most popular, and indeed active agent against mosquitoes are electric fumigators. This small device is mains powered. The replaceable plate located inside, when heated, evaporates a poisonous insecticide that kills insects.

Despite all the advantages of this life-saving product, it has one “small” disadvantage - by poisoning mosquitoes, it also poisons you. What are replaceable mosquito repellent plates, what effect can they have on humans, and how can you protect yourself as much as possible from such harmful effects? Let's take a closer look.

Attention! By poisoning mosquitoes, the replacement fumigator plate can also poison you.

In order to recognize the danger, you need not only to know what is included in the fumigation product, but also to understand what each one is chemical element, which is in the list. Different plates may have different chemical composition. It all depends on the type of drug, as well as its manufacturer. The filling of mosquito repellent plates may include:

  • Allethrin. It can be found in plates under other names. This active substance affects sodium channels in the nervous system. Under the influence of allethrin, the conductivity of the nerve canals in the insect is disrupted, and the functioning of the muscle system also stops. This leads to poor coordination, muscle weakness and paralysis. Then, a few minutes later, the bloodsucker dies;
  • Prallethrin. This is an insecticide of synthetic origin, belonging to the pyrethroid group. This substance, like its analogues, has a toxic effect on the body, which also leads to death. Prallethrin is found in both plates and various fumigation liquids;
  • Alcohol isopropanol. This substance is mainly found in various aerosols. Although, in small doses, it does not cause visible harm to humans, it still has an effect on nervous system slightly depressant effect. This mosquito repellent is several times more toxic than regular ethanol;
  • Fragrance. This perfume substance is added to almost every fumigation product. It gives the vapor a pleasant smell, but at the same time is not beneficial for the human respiratory tract.

This is what the head of the toxicology department and leading toxicologist, Azer Maskudov, says: “If you decide to use insect repellents in your apartment, you must carefully read the instructions.

The first thing you need to figure out is how to use the substance, for how long, and in what proportions it can be used. Allergy sufferers, or those who have small children, need to especially carefully examine what is included in the drug, and whether the product will cause visible harm to their health.”

Important! The main effect of all insecticides that are part of mosquito repellent plates is damage to the nerve canals of insects, dulling the sense of smell (when mosquitoes do not smell human odor). Many components do not choose whose nervous system to affect, therefore, by poisoning insects, they negatively affect human health.

Insect repellent plates. Impact on humans

Every manufacturer knows about possible consequences effects of insecticides on the human body. Therefore, each instruction for a mosquito repellent contains a number of warnings:

  • Turn off 20-60 minutes after use;
  • Do not use in rooms where there are children or pregnant women;
  • Ventilate the area being treated well;
  • Do not leave it overnight.

Why are there such detailed guidelines? The fact is that the active ingredients of such plates have a general effect on any nervous system (be it a mosquito, fly, animal, or human). Such insecticides inhibit its work and have an inhibitory effect on it. The toxic effect on humans largely depends on the dose and concentration of the toxic substance.

For small arthropods, a small dose of a pesticide is often enough to cause permanent damage to their nervous system. But if, when using fumigation agents, the instructions are violated, this can lead to poisoning of large living creatures. When intoxicated with mosquito repellents, a person experiences the following:

  • Dizziness and headaches;
  • Sleepy and weakened state;
  • Nausea accompanied by vomiting (if the substance enters the stomach);
  • Skin itching, dermatitis, rash, burning (if the product comes into contact with the skin);
  • Various allergic manifestations (swelling of the mucous membranes, increased lacrimation);
  • Convulsions and muscle paralysis are possible (if the electric fumigator operates continuously for a long time).

Rules for safe use of plates

Despite possible harm from use various means from annoying insects, we still cannot completely give up on them.

After all, numerous mosquito bites also pose a certain health threat. These could be various allergic reactions, as well as possible infections carried by many insects.

Therefore, in order for the skin to look its best when using repellents and plates, you must follow a number of necessary instructions:

  • Follow the recommendations that are in the instructions for the drug;
  • Pay attention to who this remedy contraindicated;
  • Plug the device into an outlet that is located away from the beds;
  • When using an aerosol, avoid getting it into your eyes or mouth;
  • Do not use the plate if it is expired;
  • Turn on the fumigator in a ventilated area;
  • If you experience an allergic reaction to the drug, stop using it.

Important! Before using any mosquito repellent, read the instructions carefully. Find out about the effect of each component of the drug on your body, and carefully follow the rules for using the chosen product.

Although in today's time it is impossible to completely eliminate various toxic agents from our lives, we can still try to limit their use as much as possible. For example, a house or apartment can be protected from insects using dense mosquito nets for windows.

Sometimes it seems that nothing affects a person more irritatingly than the combination of two things - the ultra-fine squeak of mosquitoes and the unbearable itching from their bites.

A whole arsenal has been created to protect against these buzzing, biting arthropods. chemicals. But whichever of these remedies you choose, be careful!

Quiet and good night- this is what our person needs to feel rested, cheerful and full of strength in the morning. Sometimes it is difficult to achieve the desired result if you are constantly overwhelmed by a flock of buzzing insects. From warm spring to late autumn, mosquitoes, midges and other small arthropods do not allow you to sleep peacefully. It’s good that another human invention comes to the rescue - a repellent.

As the manufacturers assure, just 30 minutes of work and there will be no trace of insects left. But many people are concerned about other questions: are mosquito repellents harmful? How safe are they for human health? Now we will try to answer them.

Composition of mosquito repellent plates

It is not enough to read the chemical composition of the mosquito plate; you also need to understand the meaning of each of these substances and what effect it has. Depending on the manufacturer and type of mosquito repellent, you can find the following substances included in their composition:

How do mosquito repellent plates work? The main effect on animals is inhibition of the nervous system and an effect on the sense of smell, while insects cease to sense human odors (this carbon dioxide, which a person exhales and lactic acid found in sweat). But many substances do not have selective activity and can also affect humans.

How do mosquito repellent plates work on people?

There are no absolutely safe repellents. Therefore, manufacturers honestly warn:

What is the reason for this concern about human health? The substances included in anti-arthropod remedies do not specifically affect mosquitoes, flies or mammals; they have a general inhibitory or toxic effect on the nervous system, inhibiting its functioning.

The only question is concentration. In the amount in which it is contained in a plate or liquid mosquito repellent, it should only affect small creatures. But if safety rules are violated or if a reaction to the drug develops, a person may experience the following symptoms.

How to use plates and repellents correctly Are mosquito repellent plates harmful to humans? Not if you spend a little time reading everything on their packaging. How to protect your family from possible complications