Alignment with... Why do people fall in love with people who are similar to themselves? Who do girls want to be like?

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David Frederick, through his experiment, identified the traits that come first when choosing a partner:

  • Attractive appearance important for 92% of men and 84% of women.
  • Slender body- for 80% of men and 58% of women.
  • Consistently high income 74% of men and 97% of women need a partner.

Agnieszka Sorokowska from the University of Wroclaw proved that natural body aroma helps gather information about a potential partner. It's all about the level of hormones and the state of the vegetative nervous system, which determines the type of skin microflora. The ability of the brain to respond to the smell of another person is genetically embedded in us.

A woman is interested in a man because his natural smell signals: this “male” will be able to provide the rear, give strong offspring and contribute to their survival. A man feels the same: this woman can give him strong, healthy children.

3. Social role theory

American psychologist Alice Eagly argues that in our time it is already social, not biological processes dictate the choice of a life partner. If women were once attracted to men with money and power, it was only because society limited their rights to earn money and have influence.

Men value independence and professionalism in women more than before. Ability to cook and host well household- everything that was important in the last century is no longer put at the forefront. These changes show that our choices and values ​​are influenced by cultural norms.

4. You spend too much time together

Professor of psychology at Otterbein University (USA) Noam Spencer says that the presence of social competence, that is, education and the ability to communicate, listening carefully to the interlocutor and showing interest in him, as well as human warmth, are especially valued when choosing a partner.

“People who are kind and disposed towards us are perceived as more attractive and win the ‘marathon of choice’,” the scientist is sure. This explains falling in love with people who treat us with kindness and understanding: doctors, psychologists, teachers and trainers.

6. Evaluation of others

Gad Saad and Tripat Gillom from Wilfrid Laurier University conducted a very interesting experiment. They asked boys and girls to rate each other's attractiveness according to the characteristics they were given. For example, “7 out of 10 people think she is kind” or “3 out of 10 people think he is aggressive.” After that, the girl decided who she would meet.

Participants chose options with positive features. Scientists have also proven that girls are more likely to succumb to such manipulative influences than boys. The opinion of others is very often an important factor for them when choosing a life partner.

7. I look at you like in a mirror

David Perrett from the Scottish University of St. Andrews conducted a fascinating experiment: he collected photographs of his students using computer program changed their gender and asked his students to choose the most desirable image. Most pointed to “their” photos, finding their own facial features attractive. Of course, comparison with the “ideal” occurs on a subconscious level, but it still affects the choice of a life partner.

One of the reasons for this choice is that it is easier for us to communicate, understand, know and trust someone who speaks our language and shares our values ​​and culture. The second reason is psychological: if your partner is so good and he is like you, then you are good too.

8. Opposites attract

But there are also many examples where people look for partners who are as different as possible from themselves. Anthropologist Helen Fisher identified 4 different types of temperament and explained why we are attracted to certain types of people and how hormones influence this.

She identified 4 main personality types:

  • researcher (high level dopamine hormone) loves to take risks, seeks adventure and is very curious;
  • builder(high serotonin levels) values ​​order and tradition;
  • director(high testosterone level) - analytical, reasonable and logical;
  • intermediary(high estrogen) - imaginative altruist.

According to Helen Fisher's theory, we are not always looking for the same type and the law of complement often applies when different people“balance” each other.

9. We meet those who already exist in our imagination

The idea of ​​archetypes originally came from Carl Gustav Jung. In his book “Gods in Every Man. Archetypes that rule the lives of men” was used by Jean Shinoda Bohlen. She suggested taking the descriptions of the main types of men from popular ancient Greek gods as a basis:

  • Zeus: domineering and authoritarian;
  • Poseidon: violent and temperamental;
  • Apollo: intelligent and reserved;
  • Dionysus: cheerful and curious.

Previously, Jean Bolen also Scientists Barton and Halberstadt from the University of Calgary conducted a funny

Scientists have identified the main reasons why we deliberately choose people with whom nothing will work out:

  • Chase. People are more satisfied with something they have worked hard to achieve. According to Elite Daily, our brains release much more dopamine when we are chasing something we want, and the longer the chase, the more “pleasure hormone” we get. That's why sometimes we like people so much who don't like us.
  • Ego. Refusal becomes a huge blow to our pride, no matter how gentle and diplomatic it may be. And when someone tells us “no”, we are ready to do everything to change it to “yes”, and as quickly as possible.
  • Unavailability. People who are in high social demand tend to seem more valuable, smart, attractive, and purposeful to us. Is this person still busy? Then its value can be safely multiplied by 2.

Which study seems the most logical to you? Or is love a feeling that cannot be explained by any formulas or scientific theories?

“I want Angelina Jolie’s lips and Keira Knightley’s nose,” plastic surgeons hear such requests regularly. The reasons and prospects for the tendency to change one’s appearance “to suit the stars” were explored by beauty department observers

The desire to be like celebrities has arisen in women's heads since time immemorial. The Marquise de Pompadour's flies (who, by the way, hid her pimples under them) were a mandatory attribute of fashionistas of the 18th century. Sarah Bernhardt's limp was copied by her fans. And many English ladies deliberately deformed the noses of their daughters to recreate Queen Victoria's famous hump. But now the situation has become noticeably simpler. It’s enough to go to a famous clinic and within a week you’ll be sporting Keira Knightley’s nose, Scarlett Johansson’s lips and Nicole Kidman’s forehead. This is what many girls do both in our country and abroad. In Russia, operations from the “how to become a star” series became popular much later. Just 15 years ago. Before this, plastic surgeons were allowed only minimal intervention in the appearance of a Soviet person.

Create an idol

The pages of glossy magazines, film and television screens, the stage and podium began to impose on us the cult of ideally beautiful faces, legs, busts, etc. Under the weight of the publicized beauty of celebrities, it has become difficult not to doubt one’s own attractiveness. And somehow, imperceptibly, the words “beauty” and “success” became synonymous in the minds of many. “We have three cults in our society - the cult of success, beauty and youth,” states Nata Topchiashvili, a creative cosmetologist at the Beauty Plaza clinic. - They are intertwined and interconnected. Appearance allows you to achieve success not only in your personal life, but also in your career.” It is not surprising that some women blame only external shortcomings for their failures and lack of demand. After all, this is the easiest thing. Why hone your talents and learn something new when you can go to a plastic surgeon? It is these judgments that are inherent in a significant number of very young patients.

The enemy of the good

Paradox: pretty girls are often dissatisfied with their faces and figures. Sometimes even with model proportions. This was noted by all the specialists with whom we spoke. Psychologists agree with them, claiming that beautiful women They often suffer because of their appearance, on which they place too much hope. And when they are not justified, they seek help from plastic surgeons, believing that the face should not just be beautiful, but proven beautiful, like that of this or that celebrity. This logic is usually characteristic of young girls (from 18 to 22 years old) who have not yet had time to find a place in life and appreciate their natural gifts. “Young patients come with a whole collection of photographs of star faces,” says plastic surgeon Sergei Levin. - IN Lately There are more and more such requests. And the young ladies are getting younger and younger.” The leading plastic surgeon of the Klazko clinics, Otari Gogiberidze, also notes this: “Adult women never bring me photos of other women. And young patients believe that resemblance to a successful character is a guarantee that everything will turn out well for them too.”

But it is not only the desire for success that brings people to a plastic surgeon. Sometimes constant comparisons with one or another star push people into surgery. From a small survey of the editors, we found out that almost everyone has heard addressed to them at least once in their life: “You look so much like one famous actress!” Such words are involuntarily perceived as a compliment and sometimes as a guide to action. True, none of our colleagues dared to make radical changes. But they tried to do make-up or hairstyle “like a star” to enhance the similarity.

Man's question

It turns out that some men cannot resist the temptation to change their appearance. However, the standard for them is not show business stars. “Representatives of the stronger sex most often take their cues from successful politicians and businessmen of the new generation,” says Nata Topchiashvili. - Of course, not everyone wants to copy their appearance. Rather, focusing on such leaders, men try to be athletic, well-groomed and youthful.”

On the other hand, it is men who often initiate and sponsor the reincarnations of their girlfriends. Experts don't like situations like this. “I am sure that by nature a man should be against plastic surgery, explains Dr. Levine. “He must see and appreciate traits in a woman that will be passed on to his children.” When a husband brings his other half to a surgeon, this only speaks of his complexes and desire to assert himself at her expense.

All comes with experience

Just a few years ago plastic surgery resembled a conveyor belt: identical round breasts, swollen lips and upturned noses. The standard for most plastic surgeons' clients at that time was the Barbie doll. The next children's complexes? Not without it. But, fortunately, in last years the situation has changed for the better: no one anymore wants to resemble the main victim of the “Barbie boom,” the long-suffering Pamela Anderson. Having seen enough of the ranks of clones besieging expensive boutiques, restaurants and resorts, a new generation of women is choosing their role models wisely and tastefully. Dr. David Grishkyan says that his patients want to be like bright, spectacular actresses, and not faceless models. According to him, now clients pay attention not only to the appearance of their “standard”, but also to the existing image, which models usually lack due to the nature of their profession. Nata Topchiashvili echoes him: “The standards of beauty have become much older. Now it's Madonna and Demi Moore." Patients are impressed not only by their refined facial features, but also strong characters. Few women want to blindly copy stellar features, completely changing their appearance. More often they dream of adopting one or two characteristics which, in their opinion, can improve the overall image.

And it happens that plastic surgeons, without meaning to, “reward” the patient with a stellar appearance. This is explained by the fact that the facial proportions of many celebrities are close to ideal. And, by the way, they are often achieved through the same surgical method.

Thus, professor, plastic surgeon of the Beauty Plaza clinic Alexander Teplyashin shared with us interesting case from practice: “One of my patients was engaged in martial arts and, upon completion of her career, decided to make her face more graceful. After the correction, she became surprisingly similar to Angelina Jolie. Although we did not set such a task for ourselves.” The appearance features of the Hollywood actress - a beautiful oval, a small neat nose, high cheekbones, plump lips and a long neck - can be considered perfect. It has long been proven that these are the proportions that are successful with the opposite sex. It is no wonder that surgeons hear the name Angelina Jolie so often in their practice.

Healthy realism

Doctors have long treated “star requests” with understanding, but at the same time with caution. “Of the total number of patients going for rhinoplasty, more than half want to have a nose like a star,” admits David Grishkyan. - But of these, only 30% will get the desired result. Computer modeling helps convince the rest. When a person sees that the “famous” nose is not his size, he immediately changes his mind.” In addition to the aesthetic aspect, there is also a technical one: a certain percentage of operations are difficult or even impossible to perform. “A face is not a primitive constructor. There are certain anatomical features, which I cannot violate,” explains Otari Gogiberidze. The times of crazy experiments with appearance are behind us. Having seen enough of the victims of unsuccessful plastic surgeries, clients have become more prudent. They are more willing to listen to the advice of specialists and are less likely to take radical measures, choosing gentle or non-surgical methods. Fortunately, there are really a lot of them now. “Everyone wants Angelina Jolie’s plump lips,” says Alexander Teplyashin. - But they are only suitable for people with thin features and high cheekbones. If your face is round, full lips will look vulgar.”

Another road

In contrast to very young clients who take their cues from celebrities, people who have already achieved success in life value their individuality and want to be just like themselves. Nata Topchiashvili believes that idealizing one’s own image is as strong a trend as the “star face” a few years ago. The irony is that the founders new trend again the stars became. “Celebrities don’t want to be like anyone but themselves,” Otari Gogiberidze confirmed our hypothesis. -Following them, other women also demand the maximum natural result operations. And this trend is gaining momentum.”

By the way, plastic surgeons are only too happy about the new trend. “I often ask patients to bring photographs of themselves as young people to consultations,” says David Grishkyan, “to understand what we should strive for. Such women do not want drastic changes, they simply return to their former beauty. But nevertheless, the tendency to change oneself “to suit the stars” most likely will not disappear.” There will always be those who are sure that a certain appearance is a guarantee of success. Although in reality, without talent, intelligence, charisma and individuality, beautiful features mean almost nothing.

Fashionable criteria are established even in the formation of demand for certain services of plastic surgeons. The women's portal NameWoman began a conversation on this topic in the article "", in the new material we will talk about which of the stars and what exactly women want to be like, how they imagine the ideal beauty and what, in addition to the talent of the actress, makes Natalie Portman and Jennifer Aniston fashionable .

Alignment with…

In the early spring of 2012, according to surveys conducted by the Association of Plastic Surgeons in the United States, a very interesting description of the ideal female appearance was presented from the point of view of the fair sex, who have turned or are planning to seek help from the possibilities of aesthetic medicine. So, what and from which celebrities were taken as a reference point?

- Anne Hathaway's eyes . The survey participants also awarded the magical look of bright, expressive large eyes to Megan Fox and Mila Kunis.

- Amy Adams skin tone . Despite the popularity of solariums, delicate and fair skin still evokes much greater delight and envy among many women than a dark tan. Emmy Adams is accompanied by another white-skinned beauty - Gwyneth Paltrow. This trend also makes darsonvalization and cosmetic facial whitening procedures popular. If you are lucky enough to be born with porcelain skin, then be sure to take into account a few tips from Emmy Adams herself: keep your skin well moisturized (choose water-in-oil creams), do not overuse makeup (choose a light nude-look - natural, ultra-light radiant powder, lip gloss in a delicate pink tone and slightly tinted eyes, oriented toward shades of sandalwood).

- January Jones Cheeks . Women also like the contour of the face and the freshness of the blush from Jennifer Garner and Beyoncé Knowles.

- Natalie Portman's nose withstood competition with the noses of Emma Stone and Nicole Kidman (it turns out that envious people are in vain looking for an example of unsuccessful plastic surgery in the latter beauty).

- Scarlett Johansson lips turned out to be much more in demand than Angelina Jolie's sponge. The sexy beauty with sensual big lips lost the leading position to Scarlett, but could not gain a foothold in second place, becoming only third (right after Christina Aguilera).

- Halle Berry's chin . Right behind Holi in the ranking are Keira Knightley and Jennifer Lopez.

In the published ratings, unfortunately, the standard... famous ears were not noted. But NameWoman will not leave this question unanswered. According to the ideas of plastic surgeons and beauty connoisseurs, the ideal European female ear is 6-7 centimeters high and 3-3.5 cm wide. Top part the auricle is about a third of the entire height, the lobe should be less than a third of the height. Another important criterion is that the ideal ear should have a slightly backward axis when assessed relative to the vertical axis of the head. It is also noteworthy that

Individuality and natural beauty Of course, nothing can replace it. But it’s a fact: body correction within reasonable limits is in great demand today - there are almost more cosmetology clinics in Moscow than dental offices. Nata Topchiashvili, a specialist in appearance harmonization, Candidate of Medical Sciences, co-owner of one of the elite Russian aesthetic medicine clinics, asked the question: “Who do modern Muscovites want to be like?” With the help of colleagues and employees, through whose hands dozens of beauties pass every week, Nata collected information and came to the conclusion: the capital’s young ladies know exactly what they want from plastic surgery and for what purpose.


In the first place according to the requests of metropolitan girls is a thin face, then a neat nose, then big eyes and expressive lips, emphasizes Nata Topchiashvili. - Components of a sleek body - “high-quality” breasts and buttocks - in mandatory list. Muscovites can be called perfectionists in this matter. For example, residents of St. Petersburg are more restrained in their expressions - as a rule, they prefer high-quality face and neck lifting, nothing more. However, when it comes to breast shape correction, they agree with Muscovites.

The trend of the last decade, says Nata, is unchanged - many metropolitan men want to have a copy of Angelina Jolie as a companion:

Russian guys with high incomes welcome two images. One is a girl for going out, the second is for family life. The first one must have the appearance of "Miss" Earth", the second - implements a life order that is desirable specifically for this man: here the types are so different that they cannot be classified. But not many are ready to have two young ladies for different purposes - it is both difficult and expensive. And a copy of Angelina Jolie - perfect option, which combines both qualities - a sexual goddess and a wife-mother. Catching a trend modern girls strive to combine both images - they care about saving men's money!


Any harmonization of appearance is performed only on a thin face. It is like a white canvas on which the rest of the facial features are enhanced: eyes, lips, high cheekbones, nose, etc. Moreover, the result is by no means a literal tracing, it is only inspired by the reference appearance.

Experts have repeatedly created masterpieces of aesthetic medicine,” summarizes Nata Topchiashvili. - But seductiveness, inner sexuality, charm and intelligence - the very chemistry that unites some couples and separates others - aesthetic medicine cannot give, alas.

Almost 18 percent of women who have decided to change their appearance in Moscow turn to specialists with a request to achieve maximum resemblance to Angelina Jolie. Her image is read as ideal, because such an appearance in our society is perceived as the standard of family and social success.

A little more than 10 percent want to repeat the image of Megan Fox. The actress’s short and upturned upper lip, which imparts a subtle childishness, is the phenomenon of Megan’s popularity, experts explain.

Megan Fox's manliness is partly due to her plastic surgeon: a special technique for nose correction made it possible to lift the nose as much as possible upper lip. With the help of cheiloplasty (correction of the shape and size of the lips), such a result is more difficult to achieve. This did not add intelligence to Megan’s image, but, as we see, it increased the number of people who wanted to repeat a similar trick.

It would seem that Marilyn Monroe has long been a legend. But, judging by the number of requests to change the shape of the nose and adjust the lips in her manner, mature women and their husbands are seriously nostalgic for the actress’s appearance.


You can make yourself an Angelina without surgery, as blogger Michelle Phan showed in a video tutorial.


The topic of doppelgangers has long haunted many people: some want to be like some star, others simply dream of finding a person similar to themselves, while others became interested in it just by chance. As a rule, these people (especially if they are not very good at computers) have one thing in common: they ended up on some site that promises to find their double, sent an SMS (most often the service did not even say that it would withdraw money, but simply under the guise of checking) - and as a result, instead of a found double, they saw a message that a search was carried out, the double was not found (and a certain amount of money was withdrawn from the phone...).

In this short article I want to tell you a few simple (in my opinion) ways to find your double using a photo, without any tricks or loss of money. So, let's get started...

What do you need to find a double?

1. A computer with an Internet connection (this is obvious 🙂).

2. A photograph of the person for whom you are going to look for doubles. It is best if it is an ordinary photo without processing by different editors (Photoshop, etc.). The most important thing is that the person captured in the photo looks straight at you, so that his face is not turned to the side or down (the accuracy of the search depends on this). Yes, one more detail, it is desirable that the background in the picture be some kind of neutral (white, gray, etc.). A full-length photograph is not needed - just the face is enough.

Option No. 1 - searching for doubles among celebrities


The site is the first one worth paying attention to. It's very easy to use:

  1. go to the website (link above) and click the “Upload image” button (upload picture);
  2. Next, select your prepared photo;
  3. then the service pauses for 5-10 seconds. - and gives you the results: the age of the person in the photo, his gender, and famous people, who the photo resembles (by the way, the percentage of similarity is calculated automatically). The service is especially useful for those people who want to be like someone - they changed their image a little, took a photo, uploaded the photo and looked in which direction the percentage of similarity has changed.

Rice. 1. pictriev - search for doubles using a male photo (photo similar to Phoenix Joaquin, similarity 8%)

By the way, the service (in my opinion) works better with women's photos. The service almost accurately determined the gender and age of a person. The woman in the photo is most similar to Phoenix Edwige (26% similarity).

Option No. 2 - search for a double through search engines

This method will live as long as search engines live (or until they block the option to search for pictures based on pictures (sorry for the tautology)).

In addition, the method will give results more and more accurately every year (as search engine algorithms develop). There are a lot of search engines, I’ll give you small instructions how to search in Google by photo.

1. First, go to the website and open the image search (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Google Image Search

3. Then upload your photo and Google will search for similar photos.

As a result, we see that the woman in the photo looks like Sofia Vergara (the results found will contain a lot of photos similar to yours).

By the way, in a similar way you can find similar people in Yandex, and indeed any other search engines that can search by photo. Can you imagine the scope for testing? What if a new search engine comes out tomorrow or new, more advanced algorithms appear?! Therefore, this method is the most reliable and promising...

Where else can you look?

1. on this site you can find a double among celebrities. Before searching, you need to register. While it works for free, it is possible to install an application for a mobile phone.

2. - a site with a huge number of photographs. If you register on it and upload a photo, you can scan it for similar people.

3. is a good site for finding doubles, but lately it has often been unavailable. Maybe the developers abandoned it?

This concludes the article. To be honest, I have never been specifically interested in or deeply studied this topic, so I would be very grateful for comments and constructive additions.

And lastly, don’t be fooled by various promises about finding similar people via SMS - in 90% of cases this is a scam, unfortunately...