Schedule of cathedral prayers in the Bulgarian Abraham Church. Prayer by agreement of the Bulgarians, facts of assistance

    Prayer great power. My spiritual beacon, prayer by agreement, is also the power of not one but several people. Energy accumulates and is directed towards the implementation of plans, prayer becomes even stronger, and therefore more effective. I regularly conduct this prayer by agreement. You can not only ask, but also simply talk about your problems, and your soul will definitely feel lighter.

    Just imagine what kind of energy accumulates if people from all over the world pray at the same time!!! I try to pray as often as possible by agreement, and not only that. Here the point is not even that something will come true for me, but in general - to feel this great power, get your share of incredible energy!

    How interesting, I had never heard of such a prayer before, but now I read it and was immediately inspired to participate. After all, what kind of energy should she have if one prayer sounds simultaneously in different parts of the world! And how can we now find the time and date when the prayer is carried out in an interesting way?

    It’s great that thanks to the Internet, people in need can unite and ask the Almighty God for help! This is wonderful! After all, if you have some kind of grief or misfortune, then it is so important to have support and know that you are not alone in this world, that together with the power of prayer, such powerful prayer, you can correct the situation. By uniting together in the face of grief, you can easily overcome it!

    Thank God for everything. Oh, if you only knew how much our dear God loves us, there is no such love on earth, trials and illnesses are sent to us so that we come to our senses and begin to live according to his commandments. I thank God that there is prayer by agreement - it’s wonderful. People unite for prayers, I love you all.

    I opened your site and was happy to discover so many new and useful things for myself in this section. I didn’t even know about the existence of such a prayer - Prayer by Agreement. This is truly a powerful prayer that can heal and support spiritually.

    I also think that this prayer - My spiritual beacon, a prayer of agreement - is very powerful. Even when one person prays, miracles happen, but what happens when there are not one or two, but ten sincerely praying? What if it's a hundred? Thousand? It seems to me that with such prayers you can move mountains and avert any misfortune if you try. The main thing is to be sincere in your prayer. And God will definitely help.

Prayer by agreement can be considered a kind of “first aid” for people who find themselves in difficult life circumstances. With its help, you can successfully resolve a variety of life situations and problems. Prayer by agreement refers to the ancient practices of prayerful appeal to the Higher powers. As a rule, it is used when other methods do not give a positive result.

What is prayer by agreement, what is its spiritual power

Prayer by agreement is based on the words of the Savior Jesus Christ Himself. He said that if two people agree to ask for help in any matter, then any request will be heard and fulfilled. Where two or three are gathered together praying to the Lord God, his Son will certainly be among them.

Many people who prayed according to the agreement received the expected results and improved the quality of their lives. For example, those who suffered from infertility gave birth to healthy children, those who had large debts got rid of them, and those who did not have their own home acquired it. Many who participated in the cathedral prayers were able to get rid of harmful addictions such as smoking, alcoholism, and drug addiction. Often single people participate in prayer by agreement, after which they successfully create happy families.

But the most important thing that prayer by agreement gives to any person is that with it comes a feeling of the real presence of God in life. After prayer, people realize the closeness of the Almighty and understand how much he loves people and is always ready to let go of voluntary and involuntary decisions in order to open the way to the Kingdom of God.

How to pray correctly in congregational prayer

The main feature of prayer by agreement is that during public prayer the chances of being heard by the Higher Powers increase many times over. This type of prayer is performed by several people at the same time, and the number can be any, as long as it is more than two. The purpose of a prayer appeal is to help a loved one in a difficult situation.

It is noteworthy that the participants in the prayer, by agreement, can be in different places. Such prayer can be carried out not only in churches, but also at home. The only important condition is that the prayer address must be spoken at the same time. But with modern means of communication this is not a problem. If the prayer by agreement is read at home, then it is necessary to install icons and light church candles.

Today, prayers by agreement are held in many temples. Therefore, joining the conciliar reading is not difficult. All you need to do is visit the nearest temple and find out the schedule of akathists. Next, you should choose the most suitable one and come to the prayer service at the specified time. If you do not have time to attend church at the specified time, you need to offer prayer at home, but to do this you should memorize the text of the akathist, which will be read in the temple. This must be done exactly at the specified time.

You are allowed to order your own akathist. Today, it is not necessary to visit the temple for this, as this can be done on special sites.

Prayer team members are required to follow certain rules for proper preparation. Of course, people can simply agree and set a goal. But in this case, a prayerful appeal to the Higher Powers may be ineffective. To avoid this, some preparatory measures should be taken.

First of all, a person who plans to participate in prayer by agreement should contact his spiritual mentor in the temple. You should ask him for blessings in your future difficult prayer work. The priest needs to tell you about the prayer request that you plan to offer to the Lord, and state the essence of your life problem that you cannot solve in other ways.

How to read a prayer by agreement

Home characteristic feature prayer agreement is that a special prayer team of believers must be assembled for the ritual. It can consist of 2-3 people or have an unlimited number of people. The ritual itself consists of reading one or more prayers, which are said simultaneously by a team of people.

  • As a rule, prayer reading is carried out based on a request to the Higher Powers, that is, it is established what the prayer request will be offered for.
  • After this, the prayer itself is spoken. You can simply listen to it, mentally turning to God.

It should be remembered that participation in prayer by agreement is your own desire. You cannot agree to participate in public prayer at someone’s request or under coercion. It is important to understand that in order for prayer to be successful, you need to show seriousness and self-discipline. Only through joint efforts can we achieve success and solve problems.

Prayer by agreement with Vladimir Golovin

Archpriest Vladimir Golovin is a very famous and revered clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church. He was born in 1961 in the city of Ulyanovsk. After graduating from the Moscow Theological Seminary, he devoted his entire life to serving God.

Today he operates in the city of Bolgar in the Church of the Martyr Abraham. It is here that many pilgrims come to receive instruction in the Christian faith. Also in this temple, spiritual treatment and healing of suffering people is regularly performed. To make it easier to get answers, there is a special website that also contains the priest’s sermons in audio and video format.

Thanks to the activities of Father Vladimir, the centuries-old experience of prayer by agreement is being revived. Through a special service on the site, more than 500 thousand people have already joined it, living in different regions of Russia and countries around the world. The prayer by agreement from Father Vladimir Golovin has special power. At the moment, there is a huge amount of evidence that confirms the true help of the Lord in certain matters.

Watch the video with Vladimir Golovin:

Prayer by agreement with Archpriest Andrei Tkachev

Archpriest Andrey Tkachev was born in 1969 in Lvov. After graduating from the Kyiv Theological Seminary, he devoted his life to church service. Andrei Tkachev made many pilgrimages to preach Christianity. In 2013, he was appointed head of the missionary department of the Kyiv diocese. But soon the clergyman became uncomfortable, as his sermon about the “Maidan” caused a stormy reaction in society. The archpriest openly expressed regret about everything that was happening in society, but the authorities forced him to admit his incompetence. After that he moved to the Russian Federation. On August 18, 2014, he was enrolled in the clergy of the city diocese of Moscow and he was appointed supernumerary cleric of the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on the Assumption Vrazhek, where he currently serves.

Father Andrei Tkachev is known in the Orthodox Christian world for his sermons. He is also the author of many articles and books that address issues Christian faith. He is also the editor of and the host of the TV shows “Garden of Divine Songs” and “For the Future to Sleep.”

In his sermons, the famous clergyman strives to convey to believers the fundamentals of Christianity, thus participating in the educational work of the Church. He clearly explains the essence of the main dogmas of the Christian faith. Many sermons are presented in video format and can be found on a special website.

The archpriest conducts remote prayers by agreement. The peculiarity of such prayer reading is that there is no need to memorize the text. The priest himself reads the prayer, and the believer needs to turn on the video at a certain time and just listen, participating in those moments when it is necessary. The broadcast of the prayer according to the agreement of Andrei Tkachev begins at 21:00 Moscow time.

Watch the video with Andrey Tkachev:

Conciliar prayer by agreement - schedule of akathists

Today, the schedule of conciliar prayers can be found on special church websites. Usually, a special section indicates not only the time of the prayer by agreement, but also to whom the akathist will be addressed and its purpose.

For example, 4 times a day Father Vladimir reads an akathist to Archangel Michael. This prayer will help in making the right choice life path, and will also protect from the devil’s machinations. If a difficult situation arises in your personal life, it is recommended to participate in a prayer by agreement addressed to the Guardian Angel.

Akathists are also read to help resolve other life circumstances, such as:

  • To help Sergius of Radonezh with his studies and facilitate the study of sciences.
  • For support during the journey and to avoid accidents, visit St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • To cure cancer, go to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the “All-Tsarina” icon.
  • To reconcile with enemies and establish relationships with loved ones, go to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon of “Softening Evil Hearts.”
  • For help with any everyday problems, contact the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow.

Orthodox prayers by agreement - text in Russian

Today, clergy often read prayers by agreement in Russian. This is due to the fact that Old Church Slavonic texts are difficult to understand, which means that it is very difficult for believers to repeat them sincerely. You have to constantly strain to understand the spoken prayer phrases.

Prayer for the agreement of the sick person and his health to the Guardian Angel

A prayer by agreement directed to the Guardian Angel of a sick person sounds like this:

“The Guardian Angel of the Servant of God (the name of the sick person) is a saint of Christ, appointed at the moment of birth to guard his soul and the body of a sinner. You are next to him all the time and now you see how he suffers. We fall to you and pray for the health of the sick person. If he ever angered you with his laziness or bad deed, if he pushed you away from himself with his deceit or envy, rebellion and disobedience, evil thoughts and carnal sins, then forgive him and cover him with your wing from troubles and sorrows. Turn your gaze, Guardian Angel, to the sick person, the Servant of God (person’s name). Support him and beg the Lord Almighty to forgive all his sins in life. May the Heavenly All-Merciful Father not punish him with a serious illness. Ask to judge the Servant of God (the person’s name) not according to his iniquities, but according to His mercy. We pray to you, Holy Guardian Angel and ask for your mercy. Amen".

The prayer by agreement to the Guardian Angel must be read in a positive mood. It is important to believe that the prayer will be heard and that your loved one will definitely recover.

Prayer for marriage agreement

If a girl cannot get married in any way, then she should ask the Higher Powers to assist in this matter. Powerful Prayer by agreement, in this case it can be addressed to the Lord God.

It sounds like this:

“Oh, All-merciful and All-Merciful Lord Almighty, King of Heaven, I know that my family happiness depends only on you. Give me the opportunity, Lord, to meet a person whom I will love with all my heart. For You, Almighty, my love and faith are boundless, I humbly accept Your will in everything, I follow Your commandments, glorifying in prayers Your name Holy. Rule, Lord, my soul and guide me on the righteous path, help me resist all devilish temptations. Let my heart be filled with sincere faith, I want, Lord, to please only You alone, for You are the Creator and my God. I ask you to save me from vanity and pride, and grant me chastity and modesty. I know that you consider idleness a sin, so I promise to work hard and ask for the blessing of my labors. Your God's law commands all people to spend their lives in legal marriage and bear children. So lead me to an honest marriage, sanctified by You. Heavenly Holy Father, I ask for marriage for myself, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Your commandments. You, the Almighty, said that it is not right for a person to spend his life alone, therefore You, the Great Creator of the world of everything, created a woman as a helper for a man. You blessed such a union and ordered it to multiply and populate the earth. Hear my humble prayer, emanating from the depths of my soul and sent to You. Send me, O Lord, a faithful and pious spouse, grant us family happiness and let my betrothed and I live in harmony. So that we can glorify Your deeds and Your good and merciful Name. Amen".

To support people on their journey, solve financial problems, and also to save the family, a prayer is read to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

It sounds like this:

“Oh All-Holy Nicholas the Wonderworker, a great saint of God. You are our warm heavenly helper and intercessor; we, sinners and unworthy, turn to you with our sorrows and sorrows. You definitely hear all of us who are suffering and provide effective support and assistance. I also hope for your help. Help me, sinful and sad, mired in sins in this life, cope with problems. Ask God to grant me remission of my sins, committed due to my foolishness. My whole soul is filled with faith and love for the Lord, I repent of all my voluntary or involuntary sins. I ask for Your help, Holy Wonderworker Nicholas. Help me solve my life problems, protect me on the path of life and remove obstacles on the way to my goal. Be a merciful representative in all my affairs, so that I may glorify the name of the Lord. Amen".

Listen to the video prayer by agreement to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Miracles through prayer: reviews from Orthodox Christians

The results of prayer by agreement are often stunning, and many believers consider them miraculous. And this is quite understandable, because when several believers simultaneously turn to the Almighty with the same request, the prayer words acquire powerful energy, which has enormous cleansing power.

But it should be understood that this ritual also has weak side. Finite positive result largely depends on the integrity and responsibility of the participants in the prayer team. The effectiveness of prayer by agreement is significantly reduced if a person signs up for public prayers, but for some reason misses the days allocated for this.

Prayer by agreement to the Lord God, the Guardian Angel, the Wonderworker Nicholas and other Saints is not an easy task. Therefore, before signing up for a prayer for an agreement, you need to weigh your own options. It is very important to analyze your own employment and take into account your natural data and abilities.

Many women in their reviews focus on the fact that after prayer, by agreement, they managed to improve their personal lives. The story of Yulia, who told me that for 10 years she and her husband were unable to conceive a child, is touching. The couple loved each other very much and, trying to create a full-fledged family, made every effort to find out the reason for the absence of children. But, alas, traditional medicine could not give a specific answer to this question. After this, the married couple decided to go to the city of Bolgar and take part in a prayer by agreement, read by Father Vladimir.

After the sermon, the couple came to understand that they cannot live without faith in the Lord. They reconsidered and changed their lives. The priest advised them to definitely get married and read the akathist “Unexpected Joy.” The couple started spiritual path from the wedding, and every Sunday they participated in prayer according to the “Unexpected Joy” agreement. A little time passed, and they decided to ask the priest for his blessing for adoption. While they were collecting documents, the couple traveled a lot to different orphanages, but could not choose a child. And then one day, having arrived at another orphanage, they met Ivan. The boy, at 2.5 years old, was very withdrawn and scared. He hardly spoke. It was clear how this child lacked affection and love. The thought immediately arose that this particular child was theirs, and when they left he loudly shouted “Mom.”

Soon the boy began to live with the family, and happiness filled the house. And after some time, the couple had a baby own child. The long-awaited joy came to the family, two children at once. This is how the Lord saved the family and gave them happiness.

Very often people say that after offering prayer by agreement, life got better. Marina says that she decided to participate in the cathedral prayer appeal when serious difficulties with work began. She read an akathist to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. A little time passed and she managed to find a good, well-paid job in her small provincial town. Over time, she not only paid off her debts, but also purchased a home.

Prayers by agreement, aimed at improving the health of yourself or your loved ones, turn out to be very effective. They help people cope with serious illnesses, even in cases where traditional medicine is powerless. There are many recorded cases where even cancer diseases receded. In any case, it is important that a prayer read by several people at the same time always instills confidence that the disease will recede, and this is a decisive factor in awakening strong natural protective reactions in the body. Conciliar prayer is very effective if a person seeks to get rid of addictions such as smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Often problems and hardships prevent you from enjoying life. Entertainment and work do not help depression. This is where the time for prayer comes. You need to visit the temple on time and begin the Church Sacraments, and also pray, for example, an akathist prayer to agree on the resolution of difficulties.

It is known that any human communication is built according to certain rules. With friends you will be this way, with colleagues you will be different. How to turn to the Most High Himself? In order for prayerful communication to take place, so that you do not just mechanically repeat words, but can turn to God from the heart, it is worth learning how to pray.

What is prayer by agreement

This is a prayer that is read by several people at a distance at the same time. Its tradition is based on the words of Christ Himself in the Gospel of Matthew: “... if two of you on earth agree to ask for anything, then whatever they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven, for where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them” (chapter 18, verses 19-20).

Of course, the same prayer is performed in any church at every service: after all, we gather in church and ask God for many common things. But sometimes people need special prayer about a specific matter, for example, about help in purchasing housing, about marriage.

My Queen, the Most Blessed, my hope, Mother of God! You see my misfortune, you see my sadness - help me, the sick one, feed me like a wanderer. You know my sorrows - free me from them, as you please. Because I have no other help, no other Patroness, except You, Mother of God, Helper before God to all who pray and Comforter. Save me and cover me with Your Veil forever. Amen.

What is prayed for by agreement?

Church tradition holds that various saints have special grace to help in different situations. Depending on the circumstances of life, as well as lifetime and posthumous miracles They pray to different saints and different icons of the Mother of God, famous for their miracles.

They pray for health

    • Before the icon of the Mother of God “Healer”, “The Tsarina” (about cancer patients), “Zhirovitskaya”, “Look at humility”;
    • Saint Matrona of Moscow;
    • Saint Luke of Crimea (Voino-Yasenetsky);
    • Saint Panteleimon - great martyr and healer.

Prayer at home and a prayer service performed in church will help improve the mental state of the patient. Many testify to how, after prayer, acute conditions were relieved, strength returned, and health was restored.

Pray for travelers

    • Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker,
    • Apostle Andrew the First-Called (about those traveling on water),
    • In front of the icons of the Mother of God of the “Hodegetria” (Guide) iconographic type: “Smolenskaya”, “Iveronskaya”.

They pray to the following saints, patrons of family happiness, to start a family and get married soon:

    • Saint Nicholas, Miracle Worker of Myra,
    • Holy Great Martyr Catherine,
    • Saint Xenia the Blessed, Petersburg,
    • Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom,
    • Holy Royal Passion-Bearers,
    • Before the icons of the Mother of God " Everlasting Color", "Kazanskaya" and "Feodorovskaya".

An example of such a prayer

Let us come, people, to this quiet and good refuge, the quick Helper, the ready and warm salvation, the protection of the Virgin; let us hasten to prayer and strive for repentance: for the Most Pure Mother of God exudes boundless mercies to us, advances to our aid and delivers Her well-behaved and God-fearing servants from great troubles and evils.

Prayer by agreement - a miracle in Bolgar

In the late 1990s, priest Vladimir Golovin was appointed to the parish of the Holy Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria in the city of Bolgar. The parish was in a poor state: debts on utility bills, lack of good icons and even conditions for prayer. Then Father Vladimir decided to perform an additional Liturgy in the church on Fridays (although previously they served on this day), where they prayed intensely, especially for the needs of the parish itself. And after the Liturgy, the parishioners together read an akathist to the patron of the parish, Abraham of Bulgaria, asking for his help in building a church in his honor.

According to the testimony of many people and church authorities, true miracles began to occur in the temple: the renewal of icons and the flow of myrrh. Pilgrims began to come to the temple, bringing funds for its construction and life. Thus, prayer by agreement became widespread, and prayer for the arrival became a tradition.

Father Vladimir Golovin and prayer by agreement

Since 2004, the tradition of prayer by agreement has been spread in the Abraham Church in the city of Bolgar. With the advent of the Internet, people have the opportunity to unite in large groups at a distance. And about. Vladimir founded the tradition of reading akathists to different saints about different needs.

Each reading of the akathist is performed on a certain day and hour. Thus, the akathist to St. Spyriod of Trimythous about getting rid of financial difficulties and obtaining housing was read at one time on Mondays at 20:00 Moscow time.

A person who decides to regularly read a prayer - akathist, by agreement, must sign up online on the official website of the parish and pray at this particular time. And everyone knows that together with him other believers will ask the saint about a similar problem; at this time the akathist will be read by the priest in the Holy Abraham Church.
More than three hundred thousand people prayed and pray with the parish in Volgar.

Father Vladimir Golovin - the opinion of the Church and reviews of priests

Many people write on forums that Father Vladimir Golovin is a false preacher. But prayer by agreement is truly an evangelical form of prayer, commanded by the Lord. In addition, Fr. Vladimir is on the staff of the clergy of the Kazan diocese, he is not under a ban, and therefore we can say that the Church blesses the unusual prayer by agreement.

Akathist by agreement - what is it

Prayers for agreement today take the form of akathists.
This is one of the most common long prayers, or rather, services that can be performed both in church and at home. In addition, most of the akathist is sung to one tune, which you can hear in church.

In the traditions of the Orthodox Church, its cultural treasury, there are many prayer genres. Translated from Greek, akathist means “a song performed while standing,” that is, especially solemn. This is a prayer expressing praise and requests to the Lord, the Mother of God, the Heavenly Angelic Forces or a certain saint.

The first akathist to the Mother of God with the beginning “Chosen by the Victorious Voivode...” and the refrain “Rejoice, Unbrided Bride!”, an Orthodox hymn of praise, was created in Byzantium around the 5th-7th centuries. Saint Romanus, deacon of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. He has long been considered the patron saint of poets and singers. The saint laid the foundations of church singing and composed many prayer hymns and texts of chants that we still hear today (of course, translated into Russian). He received the name of the Sweet Singer, being an adornment of the entire Church thanks to his righteousness, wonderful voice and the inspired works he composed. Truly, thanks to him, humanity has acquired aesthetically and spiritually beautiful prayer chants. Church culture has been enriched with more than a thousand prayers (troparions, kontakions, canons and akathists).

The most important legacy of Saint Roman the Sweet Singer is the first akathist, which gave rise to the religious, poetic, prayer tradition of akathists, which are now written for almost every icon of the Mother of God and every saint. The Akathist “Rejoice, Unbrided Bride” is a masterpiece of literature and theology. It is the most famous among others and the only one of all the akathists that is included in the liturgical charter: it is read by the entire Church on Saturday Akathist of Great Lent, which also has the name “Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos.”

There are 25 parts in the akathists. This happens in all akathists. The parts are divided and repeated like this:

    • Kontakia are small prayers, “songs of praise”, there are a little more than a dozen of them - 13. At the end of each kontakion, the phrase “Hallelujah” is repeated or sung (in Hebrew - “praise God”).
    • Ikos, which is translated from Greek as “long songs.” They are two-part, the first contains a request or description historical event, and in the second, at the beginning of the line, the word “Rejoice” is repeated (khayre, this is the greeting that was exchanged when the Greeks met), followed by magnification. The first Akathist to the Mother of God had the conclusion of each ikos: “Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.” Such words refer to the greeting on the day of the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Most Pure Virgin: “Rejoice, Full of Grace! The Lord is with You." There are 12 of them in the akathist.
    • The 13th kontakion can be considered separate part Akathist. This is a short prayer of request that concludes the service and is repeated three times in a row.
    • Also, after the akathist, a prayer is always read; it is written immediately at the end.

How to read a prayer by agreement

Before reading the akathist, by agreement at home, it is better to purchase or take an icon of the chosen saint or the Mother of God and place it in front of you.

    • Light a candle using a match or lamp.
    • Bring the other end of the candle to the fire to soften the wax and immediately place the candle in a candlestick (which is also worth purchasing from the church).
    • Cross yourself again, looking at the icon, and bow.
    • Now you can read the akathist and supplement it by praying in your own words. Read the prayer with attention, remain in communion with God, the Mother of God or the saints, address them as if they were alive. Tell us in your own words about trouble and sorrow, ask for help.
    • After prayer, you can kiss the icon according to tradition - this is called “kissing the icon”: cross yourself twice, kiss the hand or the edge of the clothing of the image on the icon, cross yourself again.
    • Let us remind you again that before prayer you need to visit the website of Father Vladimir Golovin and sign up for prayer by agreement, finding out at what time your akathist will be read.
    • It is better to read a prayer, resorting to the mercy of God, in silence; at least, nothing should distract you.
    • It is important to focus on the words of the prayer so that your thoughts do not wander.
    • You can pray at work and during some activity, but not from the very beginning, but when you feel that it is possible, that prayer brightens your heart, illuminating your feelings with faith and a sense of the omnipresence of God.
    • Avoid rote learning and repetition, trying to be aware of the meaning of the spoken words and their deep meaning.
    • Prepare your thoughts for prayer, meditate on the omnipotence of God, bow with love before the Lord.

Help of the Lord Jesus Christ

The life of the Son of God on Earth, the mystery of the Incarnation are described in detail in the Gospel, interpreted in many books of the Fathers of the Church. The Lord gave himself as a sacrifice for human sins and defeated death itself, returning the entire human race to paradise in His Resurrection. That is why, despite the importance of our prayers to the saints - our holy helpers - and the Mother of God, turning to God Himself is a necessary and most important daily prayer.

Let us remind you that the Church blesses the daily reading of the morning and evening prayers, turning to the Lord and the Heavenly Powers. Pray to the Lord Almighty at any moment in life in all your needs:

    • Ask the Lord for help in any matter, difficulties and sorrows,
    • Pray in trouble
    • Ask for support from your friends, family, loved ones,
    • Repent of your sins before God in order to receive true forgiveness from the Lord,
    • Pray for recovery before surgery,
    • Ask the Lord for deliverance from sudden troubles,
    • Ask for relief from despair,
    • Thank Christ for everything good in life, for happiness.

The grace of prayer by agreement

IN different religions the concept of grace varies. It is the power of God that works through certain earthly things and through a series of actions. The Orthodox Church and its centuries-old experience tell us that only through prayer to God, the Mother of God and the saints can we partake of the power of God.

We cannot always control our lives: become rich, change our destiny, find a wife or husband, start a family. That is why, in grief, people of all eras and countries prayed to the Lord, knowing about the existence of the God of Christians and His goodness. From the depths of centuries, many words of worship have reached us, so we can turn to the Lord and the saints for help, using beautiful words that have evolved over the centuries.

Let us note that there are also those who try to experience the power of a certain character, through which they could “steer” their lives and the destinies of others. But such energy is not from the Lord, not from Goodness and Love. The devil works on the desire of proud, vain people who want spiritual delights, and therefore want to stand out from the crowds of others, even at the risk of their soul.

Meanwhile, God's help comes to a person only with peace, tranquility, submission to the will of God, which is recognized through a confessor and reading, through the Sacraments of the Church - Baptism, Confession, Communion, through temple services.

The Lord gives us daily miracles and protects us from dangers. Kind people, nature, meetings, the opportunity to live - what does this mean by itself? No, God helps us. Help Him yourself by trusting through prayer and keeping God’s commandments. Talk to the priest, come to Sunday school with the children, take classes for adults. All this usually works for free in every temple.

The Apostle Paul reminds us in his letter to the Corinthians that human weakness is a given. We need to know about this. But our strength lies in the fact that we give our lives to God, become soft, allowing the Lord to control our lives and our human powers, as we described above, fulfilling His commandments. Rely on God's help and His will. Live, but do not despair in troubles and difficulties, pray - and life circumstances will turn out for the best.

Church Sacraments - grace in prayer by agreement

The Church has seven Sacraments that bring grace to every person. They were given to us by God Himself. The Church takes them from the Gospel, where the Lord Jesus Christ Himself establishes them. In these sacred rites, through certain actions, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are invisibly but clearly sent down to a person. This is remembered in the events of Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. The power of God, the power of the Spirit, is genuine and good - this is evidenced by many people of all ages. While psychics, sorcerers and magicians perform completely different miracles, they destroy souls.

But the best and most powerful prayer is the Sacrament of Communion. The Eucharist is celebrated at every Liturgy (on Sundays and even weekdays in the morning). The priest pronounces words of prayer for people on behalf of the entire Universal Church - earthly and Heavenly. It is necessary to take communion in difficult moments, although it happens that you lack physical strength or determination, but try. The Lord Himself gave First Communion to His disciples on Maundy Thursday, during the Last Supper - this event is remembered every Thursday before Easter. He broke the bread and gave wine to all the disciples to drink, transforming them into His Flesh and Blood.

Let us draw your attention to the fact that prayer, according to the agreement of Bulgaria, is now not blessed by the Orthodox Church. Vladimir Golovin is defrocked. The Liturgy is performed free of charge, a donation is given at will for notes for the proskomedia. The prayer according to the agreement in Bolgar has a large fixed amount. Be careful.

The text was prepared on the basis of the conclusions of a special commission under the Bishops' Council of the Tatarstan Metropolis, the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission, the Synodal Liturgical Commission, the Center for the Geography of Religions at the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society of the Russian Orthodox Church.

IN Russian society a movement of the so-called “conciliar prayer by agreement with the Bolgar” appeared, which differed from traditional private pious practice. Its active participants persistently promote the idea of ​​​​the special miraculous power of prayer, performed together with its initiator, the full-time cleric of the Chistopol diocese, Archpriest Vladimir Golovin in the city of Bolgar (Tatarstan). The involvement of tens or hundreds of thousands, and according to advertising for this movement, “millions of people around the world” in this mass action has led to evidence appearing on the Internet of participants in this practice opposing the entirety of the Russian Orthodox Church.

This situation causes pastoral concern among the leadership of the Chistopol diocese, because this trend could lead its participants to isolation in relation to other members of our Church. This statement is aimed at clarifying the current situation and overcoming the problem that has arisen.

I. The public activities of Archpriest Vladimir Golovin have become the subject of heated controversy in the Orthodox community and the cause of confusion for many people. And this embarrassment must be recognized as quite justified for the following reasons.

1. Placed in open access sermons on the Internet by Rev. Vladimir Golovin contains statements that clearly contradict Orthodox teachings. For example, that Christ “has two natures in one essence.” Or that Christ “could have fallen,” but “conquered sin within himself.” Also Rev. Vladimir calls calling Christ God a lie, saying that “He is not God. He is a God-man,” and at the same time accuses all Orthodox Christians who pray to Christ as God of Monophysitism[ ].

Such statements by Rev. V. Golovin contradict the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, which is the basis Orthodox faith: “I believe... in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages. Light from the light of God, true from God, true, begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father...” According to Orthodox doctrine, the Holy Trinity contains one essence, one nature and three Persons (Hypostases). In Christ there is one Hypostasis and two natures, two essences - Divine and human.

The mentioned and similar sayings of Rev. Vladimir Golovin are a violation of the dogmas that were approved by the holy fathers of the Ecumenical Councils.

These statements are found in the sermons of Rev. Vladimir is unsystematic, which makes it possible to define them more likely as a consequence of the theological illiteracy of the preacher than as a conscious expression of well-thought-out heretical concepts. However, even with this mitigating circumstance, it must be recognized that such mistakes are unacceptable for an Orthodox preacher, especially one broadcasting to an audience of thousands.

2. B public speaking prot. Vladimir Golovin has statements that border on blasphemy and mockery of Christ. In a conversation with young people, he encouraged listeners to imagine physiological functions. Even the very appeal to the topic of managing natural needs in a “spiritual” conversation in highest degree inappropriate for an Orthodox priest, and if you also consider that Rev. Vladimir persistently invited his listeners, including the girls present at the conversation, to imagine in detail how a man performs physiological functions; this is also immoral. But, worst of all, Archpriest Vladimir Golovin applied this theme to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, which caused shock and justifiable indignation of many Orthodox people. It should also be noted that even people who, by their convictions, are not children of the Russian Orthodox Church, expressed indignation at the mentioned outpourings of Archpriest. V. Golovina.

Although after some time this video was deleted from the site of the Bulgarian preacher, it is still distributed on the Internet, and so on. Vladimir never expressed regret in connection with her utterance, nor did he admit his mistake.

Undertaken by some followers of Rev. Vladimir Golovin’s attempts to justify him by the fact that he allegedly only wanted to emphasize the reality of the human nature of Christ in this way are untenable. In Orthodox theology for many centuries, this problem was successfully solved by pointing out that the Savior, as described in the Gospel, hungered, thirsted, slept, suffered and died on the cross. And the shocking statements of Rev. Vladimir Golovin, mixing the sacred with the obscene, destroys reverence among listeners, and does not at all reveal to them the dogma of the Incarnation of the Son of God.

Even the defenders of Archpriest Vladimir Golovin, who made the videos “The Harassment of Vladimir Golovin,” published part of the video recording of the conversation in the issue “On Blasphemy,” prudently excluding the shocking introduction, apparently realizing that documentary footage would most clearly testify against their position.

3. Prot. Vladimir Golovin introduces a new interpretation of the term Monophysitism into church use, arguing that “the bulk of our churches are Monophysite heretics.” According to him, these are those who confess Jesus Christ as God. According to the statements of Rev. Vladimir, “the bulk” of believers of the Russian Orthodox Church lack the awareness that Jesus Christ is a man “like you.” And although he traditionally further stipulates: “only without sin,” close attention to everything human in Christ is clearly aimed at belittling the Divine nature of Christ, which is a direct violation of the dogmas of faith and a demonstration of sympathy for the Nestorian heresy, which was opposite to the Monophysite teachings, which recognized only human nature in the Savior .

4. In conversations with Rev. Vladimir Golovin, videos of which are posted on the Internet, contain many statements that differ from the conciliar position of the Orthodox Church and from generally accepted rules of morality.

An enthusiastic story to listeners about his singing of a liturgical hymn during intimacy with his wife, and advice to watch obscene films to women whose husbands watch them, and public pastoral counseling of women on the choice of style of underwear should also be considered inappropriate for the office of a priest.

In addition, in the desire to express themselves provocatively and vividly, prot. Vladimir Golovin has repeatedly spoken rudely and disparagingly about church life, monasticism, the hierarchy, and the Patriarch. There are recorded cases when he used foul language in the temple[] and, moreover, justified foul language. Being unable to appreciate (due to the lack of philological and theological education) the historical change in the linguistic status of some evaluative words of liturgical texts, Archpriest. Vladimir Golovin vulgarly interprets the vocabulary of ancient texts and thus justifies foul language, thereby condoning the sinful habits of some of his flock.

Statements by Rev. Vladimir go contrary to the promise that every priest makes to the Church in the oath of office, namely: “To maintain and teach the teaching of the faith to others according to the guidance of the Holy Orthodox Church and the Holy Fathers... and to guide others to piety by their good example.”

5. What was said by Rev. is also unacceptable. V. Golovin insulted the memory of the hero of the Russian Guard, Major R. N. Filipov and the heroes of the Great Patriotic War who gave their lives, similar to the feat of military pilot N.F. Gastello. Their sacrificial death, their feat of Arch. Vladimir Golovin described it as suicide and lack of faith in God’s Providence [ ].

While self-sacrifice is the highest virtue of a person who is ready to give his life for his neighbor: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13), Christ the Savior teaches His disciples.

The death of a warrior on the battlefield in the name of protecting civilians is traditionally called a feat, not suicide.

6. Archpriest Vladimir Golovin introduced at the Avraamievsky Church in the city of Bolgar a non-canonical rite of some kind of “spiritual treatment”, in which he lays hands on people dressed in special clothes, and the clergy of the temple anoint them with oil through special incisions.

It is characteristic that in the description of “spiritual treatment” on one of the resources prot. Vladimir Golovin defines the sacrament of the Eucharist as only one of the stages of this “spiritual treatment”: “Next comes the communion of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ, when a person unites with the Lord. The Church recorded many cases of healing precisely after this main and greatest sacrament. Filled with such grace, warmed up spiritually by liturgical prayer, people proceed to the next stage of spiritual treatment - the canon...” This contradicts the Orthodox understanding of the main sacrament of the Church - the Divine Eucharist.

In addition, it should be noted that in order to participate in the saving sacraments of the Church it is not necessary to leave your own parish and specially go to Bolgar. In advertising “spiritual treatment”, the consciousness of members of other parishes is thus manipulated in order to attract them to the Avraamievsky parish in Bolgar for “exclusive spiritual services”.

The Orthodox Church does not know the rite of “spiritual treatment”, and its creation is an act of self-infliction, as well as a violation of the henchman’s oath, in which the future priest promises “to perform divine services and Sacraments with zeal and reverence according to church rites, without arbitrarily changing anything.” True spiritual healing is a long process, the goal of which is a complete change in a person’s lifestyle from sinful to repentant and pious.

7. The introduced prot. requires a special sober assessment. Vladimir Golovin called the practice “conciliar prayer by agreement.” Since this doing in practice is connected with the simultaneously performed “prayer by agreement” in the Avraamievsky Church in the city of Bolgar and in the so-called. Skete of the Resurrection of Christ in the village. Balymer, then in order to distinguish from the traditional understanding of prayer by agreement, the practice of Rev. We call V. Golovin “conciliar prayer by agreement with the Bolgar,” or simply “prayer by agreement with the Bolgar.”

In many conversations, he presents it as perhaps the most ancient and perfect form of prayer, “the undeservedly forgotten great gift of Christ,” allegedly revived by him in the city of Bolgar. According to him, the presence and dissemination of this prayer is the fulfillment of the prophecy about the spiritual revival of Russian Orthodoxy. It is alarming that the pastor’s enthusiastic style of reasoning about this newfangled practice is in the spirit and formulated in the vocabulary of the sectarian “charismatic revival.” The essence of this practice comes down to the fact that, via the Internet, people sign up for the reading of the akathist and read it themselves weekly at the time when this reading takes place in the church in Bolgar. At the same time, one gets the impression that the effectiveness of prayer depends on the number of people praying, the synchronization of prayers with the center in the city of Bolgar and on the payment of a certain fee. For an additional fee, they promise “intensification of prayer,” which means that the ordered name will be remembered by certain people in certain famous churches and monasteries. Archpriest Vladimir Golovin assures that this prayer necessarily grants what is requested to those who practice it. In particular, in an advertising program on one of the TV channels, Rev. V. Golovin speaks unambiguously about this. “Whatever you ask, everything will be done. No options!”[] Similar statements, made in the style of advertising for insurance companies or banking services, are broadcast in numerous videos on the Youtube channel, and the results of prayer are promised to be purely material.

Contrary to the assurances of Rev. Vladimir Golovin, this practice has nothing to do with Orthodox tradition, and is an innovation invented by him. The genre of akathist does not appear earlier than the 6th century, and only one akathist to the Mother of God (“To the Chosen Voivode...”) is used in the liturgical circle of our Church. Church history does not know “conciliar prayer by agreement” in the form in which Archpriest promotes it. Vladimir, when everyone prays for their request at the same time, but in different places, while the priest prays for everyone in some special place. Insisting on its historicity, Rev. Vladimir Golovin is actually misleading his followers. Link Prot. V. Golovin’s interpretation of the Gospel words “if two of you agree on earth to ask for any deed...” (Matthew 18, 19) as establishing “prayer by agreement with the Bolgar” does not correspond to the patristic interpretation of these words (see Appendix). In liturgical texts they are explained as relating to the liturgy (see the prayer of the third antiphon in the Appendix). In addition, the Lord also taught individual prayer (see: Matt. 6:6), and often great miracles were performed through it. Of course, general church prayer during services also plays an important role. But Rev. Vladimir promotes his practice of "prayer by agreement with the Bolgar" as a better alternative to those forms of prayer that are truly ancient.

In some cases, the timing of the “prayer by agreement with the Bolgar” directly prevents participation in church services. Initially, it is the church service that is “prayer by agreement” in the proper sense of the word: “He who has granted us prayers that are common and agreeable, and has promised to give to two or three who agree on Your name’s petition…” (see the prayer of the third antiphon). Conciliar prayer is prayer by agreement of the entire Church; even the most individual petitions can find expression in it. Along with conciliar prayer, other practices of “prayer by agreement” are also possible. Usually, we're talking about about the joint prayer of spiritually close people about a common and desired event for them, and no fee is required.

Preached by Rev. Vladimir Golovin contrasts the practice (albeit tacitly) with traditional church services, which are actually perceived by practitioners of “prayer by agreement with the Bolgar” as insufficiently effective for resolving life situations in which they find themselves modern man.

It is significant that the section “prayer by agreement” (along with the section “spiritual treatment”) is on home page website of the Avraamievsky parish in Bolgar (, while information about the performance of statutory services is available only through a second-level link.

It should be emphasized that the power and effectiveness of prayer depends not on the number of those praying, and not on the geographical location of its performance, but on the purity of a person’s heart: “The fervent prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much” (James 5:16). There are direct indications in Scripture that the sheer number of those who pray but do not correct their lives is not heard by God (see: Isa. 1:15; Jer. 11:14).

In one of his so-called “basic sermons,” Archpriest Vladimir Golovin calls “prayer by agreement” “our new ecumenical cause,” the center of which is the city of Bolgar. In the style of neo-Pentecostal preachers, Archpriest Vladimir Golovin declares: “The Lord allows us to be at that point globe, from where the shocks of the Holy Spirit come from the sky, and tsunami waves spread across the entire planet... Thank God that you manage to be in such a place and in such a high cause! We are at the epicenter of the tsunami of the Holy Spirit, walking through the world, changing this world and transforming it.”[ ].

Archpriest Vladimir Golovin presents this dubious teaching as truly Orthodox, thereby actually asserting that the mission of the Orthodox Church with its accepted practices of prayer and worship is either not universal or not effective. Thus, by proclaiming prayer by agreement as a “new ecumenical matter,” Archpriest Vladimir Golovin actually opposes the community of those praying by agreement with the Bolgar to the Orthodox Church. Archpriest Vladimir Golovin declares himself the new messiah, who must fulfill a “new universal mission” - to spread “prayer by agreement” from Bolgar throughout the world. It is noteworthy that the interactive “World Map of Prayer by Agreement” has been published on the Internet resource “prayer by agreement.rf”. According to the creators of this map, “tens and tens of thousands of cities form a prayer fire on the planet every day!”

8. The promise of a guaranteed result during “congregational prayer” and its “strengthening” for money have all the signs of magical practice, that is, relationships with higher world according to the principle “I - for you, you - for me.” It is the sorcerers who earn income through false promises to manipulate higher powers. Often, all kinds of sorcerers and “psychics” use the texts of Orthodox prayers for their manipulations.

Linking the reading of certain prayer texts according to established instructions with the fulfillment of certain everyday needs of the petitioner, Rev. Vladimir Golovin indulges the worst folk superstitions, which good shepherd must dispel through enlightenment and teaching the true faith.

9. There is reason to believe that the promotion of “prayer by agreement with Bolgar” is a complex financial initiative, limited to members of the family of Archpriest. Vladimir Golovin and his closest followers. It should be noted that, although donors are convinced that the money goes for the benefit of the Church, in fact, individuals and organizations that are not officially associated with the Abrahamic parish, whose goals and objectives are unclear, are involved in the development of financial flows. There is no certainty that the donated funds are used in full for the needs of the Church and charitable causes.

10. The phenomenon of preaching by Rev. Vladimir Golovin is associated with the organization of the international movement, which was created, according to the words of Archpriest. V. Golovin, with the blessing of the bishop who previously ruled the Chistopol diocese. Personal website of Rev. Vladimir Golovin ( introduces him as a clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church, and the personal channel of Archpriest. Vladimir Golovin on Youtube ( presents him as a cleric of the Chistopol diocese, while both media do not mention the blessing of the diocesan bishop, since they did not receive it. Organization and coherence of the structural units of the Avraamievsky parish in Bolgar and the television journalistic team, professional use of available means mass media in order to promote his inventions and innovations - all this increased power, unfortunately, allows the Bulgarian preacher to spread his incorrect views and practices far beyond the borders of his parish.

11. After the start of public controversy about his statements and activities, Rev. Vladimir Golovin recorded a video message in which he asks for forgiveness[]. This is in general the right step, but it must be noted that everything was limited to general words without admitting specific errors. Moreover, Rev. Vladimir continued his embarrassing practices after the aforementioned video recording. We can generally say that although from time to time Rev. Vladimir Golovin asks for forgiveness, but he has never specifically admitted a single mistake of his, has not corrected anything, and has not admitted to the people who trusted him that he misled them.

12. Realizing that such arbitrary behavior will cause disapproval from the hierarchy, Archpriest Vladimir Golovin in advance instills in his audience of thousands of distrust in the hierarchy and hierarchy of the Church, thereby forming the basis for a schismatic movement.

He publicly stated that bishops and most priests are retrogrades and that there is no conciliarity in the Church. He argues that real bishops and superiors should be chosen by the laity; that where the patriarch is, there is only power and there is no Christ; that the center of the revival of true spiritual life is in Bolgar[ ].

At the same time, a community of like-minded people formed around Archpriest Vladimir Golovin, who created various charitable organizations. In 2017, they established the “Union of Orthodox Public and Charitable Organizations to Support Charitable, Social, Spiritual and Educational Projects.” According to the website of the “Foundation of the Holy Martyr Theodore of Bulgaria”, eleven organizations have already been formed as part of this union, seven are at the registration stage[]. The founders of the union are the charitable foundation “Pure Heart” (Moscow), the “Foundation of the Holy Martyr Theodore of Bulgaria” (Bolgar), the charitable foundation “Common Cause” (Moscow), the charitable foundation “Path to Truth” (Togliatti).

Prot. Vladimir Golovin, being the confessor of the union members, instructs them in spiritual life and teaches them to base their activities on “prayer by agreement with the Bolgar.” The spiritual and educational activities of the employees of the mentioned funds are aimed at attracting people to the Avraamievsky parish by organizing joint “prayer by agreement with Bolgar” and pilgrimage trips for “spiritual treatment” with Archpriest Vladimir Golovin.

II. In connection with the confusion that arose in the church environment, the problem of the activities of Archpriest Vladimir Golovin was studied by a special commission under the Bishops' Council of the Tatarstan Metropolis, as well as synodal departments and commissions.

In view of the described facts, the Synodal Biblical Theological Commission (hereinafter referred to as SBBK) and the Synodal Liturgical Commission made expert assessments of the activities of Archpriest. Vladimir Golovin.

SBBK in its conclusion points out that the incorrect theological statements of Rev. Vladimir Golovin “should be qualified as theological errors that are a consequence of insufficient theological education,” emphasizing that “the priest does not fully master theological terminology.”

Regarding the mentioned speech by Rev. Vladimir Golovin in front of teenagers SBBK believes that “indeed, the statements given in the conversation may shock the listener or reader. One can hardly consider prot. V. Golovin is justified in this case.”

According to the conclusion of the Synodal Liturgical Commission, “carried out by Rev. Vladimir Golovin’s activity cannot be approved, since it bears the features of sectarianism and a magical attitude towards prayer, which is not characteristic of the spirit and meaning of Church Tradition.”

According to the conclusion of the examination of the Center for the Geography of Religions at the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society of the Russian Orthodox Church, “the promise of a guaranteed result during “conciliar prayer” and its “strengthening” for money have all the signs of magical practice.”

III. With regret and bitterness, we must admit that Archpriest Vladimir Golovin, with the help of his associates, created a network structure managed by private individuals, with its own program and with its own goals and objectives. According to information from websites promoting “prayer by agreement with the Bolgar,” this network structure is growing and operating throughout the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church, both parallel to it and beyond its borders. In addition, the “Union of Orthodox Public and Charitable Organizations” is trying to act in a variety of spheres of public and religious life, including for the sake of promoting “prayer in agreement with the Bolgar.” And it can be assumed that if it further takes root and grows, this union will spread the practice of “prayer by agreement with the Bolgar” in society and among members of the Church, forming into a separate structure, isolated from the Church.

Assessing the current situation, we note with regret that the personal readiness of Rev. Vladimir Golovin to go contrary to the recommendations given to him by the hierarchy of the Church reveals the actual spiritual state of the movement, inspired by the activities of the Bulgarian preacher.

Specified signs the mentioned movement reveals the root of this phenomenon - pride from the seduction of one’s own invention - “prayer by agreement with the Bolgar.” At the same time, the promotion of “prayer by agreement with the Bolgar” claims to revive an allegedly forgotten tradition, supposedly coming from Christ the Savior Himself and His Apostles.

To summarize this statement, the leadership of the Chistopol diocese determines that the activities of Archpriest Vladimir Golovin do not correspond to the Holy Tradition of the Church of Christ. Its goal is to promote the practice of “prayer by agreement with the Bolgar,” essentially a charismatic anti-Church movement that isolates its members from other members of the Church. It should also be noted that the information activity of the associates of Rev. Vladimir Golovin, which created for him the aura of a persecuted spiritual leader.

The underlying reasons for such a mass phenomenon have yet to be understood. However, it is already obvious that these must first of all include the lack of a systematic, complete theological education, coupled with the presence of oratorical talents and the desire to shock and be the center of attention of thousands. It is known that Rev. Vladimir Golovin by at will left his studies in the third grade at the Moscow Theological Seminary and then did not make up for the lack of systematic theological education, so at present he has only incomplete theological education.

It is worth noting that long before the widespread discussion about sermons posted on the Internet arose, the Board for Scientific and Theological Review and Expert Evaluation of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church refused to grant a stamp to a number of books by Archpriest. Vladimir Golovin because of the available serious mistakes and dubious statements.

The Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church has revoked the stamps assigned to books by Archpriest. Vladimir Golovin not only for the sake of eliminating the allowed advancement through the mentioned editions of the “conciliar prayer by agreement with the Bolgar”, but also in connection with the discovery of a substitution of the appropriated Publishing Council stamps “Accepted...” stamps “Recommended for publication...”, which were assigned by publishers to the books of Archpriest. Vladimir Golovin spontaneously.

Preservation of the purity of Orthodoxy and the canonical structure of the Russian Orthodox Church requires correction of the current situation. Of particular concern is the fact that the ideas of Rev. Vladimir Golovin is captivated by thousands of people around the world. His fabulous manner of speaking, ability to combine flattery, folk dialect, shocking bright images and deliberate ingenuity attract many young people and even creative and well-educated people to him.

We call on all our brothers and sisters who consider themselves disciples, followers or spiritual children of Fr. Golovin decide: what is more important for you - Rev. Vladimir Golovin or the Church and Its Head Christ? If you think he brought you into the Church, stay in the Church and accept its judgment. This will help the shepherd you respect to renounce his mistakes and not fall away from his Mother. If he is the most important thing for you, think about it: did he bring you to the Church or to himself? It has happened more than once in history that charismatic preachers were carried away by one or another false teaching, after which the Church called them to repentance and correction. Then the moment of truth came for them and for their followers. In many ways, the behavior of these teachers was dictated by the behavior of their flock - the flock remained in the Church - and so did they. The flock went into schism - they left too. Let us together help your beloved shepherd renounce his delusions, stop non-church practices and once again become what, in his words, he aspired to be from the very beginning: a simple, modest and inconspicuous rural priest, sharing with his flock all its hardships, difficulties and deprivation.

Now it is especially important for you and me to understand the meaning of the warning and formidable words of Christ the Savior: “Beware of false prophets... Not everyone who says to Me: “Lord! Lord!” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Heavenly Father. Many will say to Me on that day: Lord! God! Have we not prophesied in Your name? and was it not in Your name that they cast out demons? and did they not perform many miracles in Your name? And then I will declare to them: I never knew you; Depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness” (Matthew 7:15-23).

Let the words of the holy Apostle Paul be a true guide in the ministry of every member of the Church: “For he is not worthy who praises himself, but whom the Lord praises” (2 Cor. 10:18).

We appeal, first of all, to all the clergy and flock of the Chistopol and Nizhnekamsk diocese, as well as to all the faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church with a request to try with attention and love to exhort their brothers and sisters involved in the movement of “conciliar prayer in agreement with the Bolgar”, to the knowledge of the true patristic understanding of the Gospel of Christ and the holy apostolic faith.