Binding examples. Shibari - Japanese Art of Tying Shibaru, shibari, 縛る, shibari


For tying hands with your back you can use a belt, regular rope, tie and other available materials.

To link hands thief with a trouser belt, use a double non-stretch loop. To do this, fold the belt in half so that the rough surfaces of the belt touch, and insert it from above into the hole in the buckle. Then widen the resulting loop, drape it over your hands and tighten it by pulling the end of the belt and at the same time rotating it to the side so that the belt does not cover the hole in the buckle.

To remove a tight loop, grasp it tightly over the top layer with the fingers of both hands, make several movements in reverse side tighten the loop and loosen it. To determine which way to unwind the loop, make sure that the free end overlaps the buckle hole. Turn in that direction.

In this way, tie not only with a belt, but also with other objects that have a hole: a dog leash, belts from bags, cameras, etc.

Another way is to tie it with a tie. Quickly remove your tie, pull the existing loop over both hands thief, which are located in parallel. Tighten the loop, move the ends of the tie in opposite directions and tie them in a figure eight from the bottom.

And another way is tying with ordinary rope. For this, use a cast stitch. Fold the rope in half, then take it from the ends with your right hand, and open the closed end and put it on your fingers. Place the open end on the rope in your right hand. Thumb and right index finger hands fold, clamp the rope and move away left hand to the left along the rope.

Place the resulting loop on the thief's hands, tighten it tightly, while disconnecting the ends of the rope. Then wrap them around hands two or three times and tie the ends with a regular knot.

Another version of such a loop is to wrap the rope tightly around your hands several times, and thread its ends into a pre-prepared loop. Then spread the ends of the rope in opposite directions, wrap it around it and tie a knot between your hands.

Helpful advice

When tying your hands, it is better if you have an assistant who will help restrain the thief until the called police arrive.


  • how to tie up a girl

You will need

  • - rope


To tie your hands, at the beginning you need to tie a knot in such a way as if we had a single rope, and not. What is important here is accuracy and the absence of double overlaps. We put the loop on the partner’s hands joined by palms. We place the coils on the wrists and inspect them for overlaps. We pull on the free ends of the ropes, thereby adjusting the tension of the loop.

We secure the knot by making several simple knots around the long end with the free short end of the rope. And that's it, the node is ready. All that remains is to check the correctness and accuracy of the work. The node should look like . If the harness is ugly - knot Low quality. After all, an ugly harness has overlaps, different turns and knots that are tied incorrectly. In addition, the partner should be comfortable and comfortable.

The coils that cover the wrists should not be too loose so that nothing dangles. If your little finger can hardly fit under them, the tension is just right. But don’t tighten them too much either. The coils should press the hands one to the other gently, but also tightly, without causing unpleasant, painful sensations.

There are many ways to tie your hands together. And each is good and individual in its own way. The one below is not even a way to tie hands, but rather just an example of a good and strong knot that can be used for many purposes, including tying hands.

This method of tying is based on a knot called a “stirrup”. What is good about this node? You can easily tie it with at least two hands, at least with one. Depending on the location of the ropes, this knot can be either non-tightening or tightening, which will allow you to quickly adjust it in tension and diameter. “Stirrup” is widely used in mountaineering and rock climbing to create support loops for securing ropes. This means that the node is tested and reliable. If the ropes run from the knot parallel to each other, then the loop will not stretch under load, and the ropes spread to the sides will make it possible to adjust the size of the loop.

You will need

  • - rope

In order to tie up a girl correctly, it is not necessary to study books; this is primarily philosophy and a creative approach. It's always interesting to try something new or aesthetically pleasing, such as shibari (Japanese bondage). The most important thing is the beauty of the lines. It is enough to learn how to make a few knots, and the rest is your imagination.

The quality of the rope and its tension are of great importance; it should cause pain, not sag, but force the body to be in tension. The pain threshold here is a limiter. But in general, everything is very individual and unique in each case.

Shibari - history of the issue

How to tie up a woman correctly

The tradition of tying women up began in Japan, a country known for its quirky relationship culture. Since ancient times, rope has been given special significance in Japan, considering it a symbol of the connection between man and God. Most of the decorations were tied with rope, and almost all elements of clothing were tied with it.

In the 15th–16th centuries, when the country was torn apart by feudal wars, a special technique for binding captives appeared - hojo-jutsu. The essence was that the nodes were located at special points of the body, with the help of which it was possible to achieve complete paralysis of the enemy’s body or even his slow strangulation.

During the Edo period (1600–1868), when the wars ended and a period of economic prosperity began, the tradition migrated into the everyday life of the Japanese. It was then that the first theatrical performances began to appear, in which specially trained masters tied up girls for the amusement of the public. A little later, special clubs began to open, where the art, called shibari, began to actively spread. The craftsmen have always been distinguished by their emphasis on the skill of the bindings and the theatricality of the actions, so that an untrained person would never be able to repeat their work.

Basic elements of shibari

Hands tied in front

The rope folded in half is pulled into the stirrup loop. After this, the loop is put on the girl’s closed palms. The loop is tightened, then the ends are tied with a simple knot. In a similar way, you can tighten one hand, if necessary.

Legs tied to the knees

The stirrup loop is placed on the leg. After which the captive's legs are bent at the knees, and the rope is made several turns around the ankle. The rope is passed under the turn and begins to encircle the leg in the opposite direction. The final harness ends with a knot.

Hands tied behind back

A loop tied with a stirrup knot is threaded through the left hand. After which the rope goes over the left shoulder, encircles the chest and reaches the right wrist. The main thing here is to pull the rope harder to fix the position of the hand. Then it goes around the right hand and is led in the opposite direction, close to the previous turn. The rope comes to the left wrist and is similarly attached there. The operation is repeated several more times, then the rope is secured with a knot on the right hand.

Bound feet

The ankles are crossed, after which they are tied with the same “stirrup” knot. The rope wraps around the shin several times and is secured with a knot just below the knees. The remaining part of the rope is pulled between the legs and down to the first knot. Next, the rope goes between the thighs again, but in the opposite direction. After several turns, the rope is tied in a knot. The main thing is to constantly pull the rope so that your legs are pressed as tightly as possible to each other.

How they dealt with this in the movies:


The Coward, the Goon and the Seasoned seemed to have first-hand knowledge of the shibari culture or had randomly reproduced this Japanese technique. All the loops carefully encircle the captive, and at the end they are skillfully tightened on the chest. It turned out quite reliably: no matter how much Nina resisted, she could not get out, and even Shurik needed a lot of effort to untie her at least one hand.


TIE ME, 1990

Ricky skillfully took advantage environment- in order to deprive the girl of the opportunity to move, he simply tied her to the bed. A few loops on your legs and arms - and there’s no point in calling for help. As a result, captivity only benefited the girl - she fell in love with her captor and went to him (which, although fiction, can serve as some argument in the debate about associating with feminists).

TIE ME, 1990


Nastenka was tied in an old-fashioned, but quite reliable way: they tied her with loops around a tree in the forest. Perhaps the methods of the villagers will seem somewhat clumsy, but they certainly work flawlessly.



The villains primitively tied Lai's hands, taped her mouth and placed her in a bag. Some freedom in movement, which the bandits thoughtlessly left to the captive, ultimately saved her life: noticing the moving cargo, the main character found her.


BUFFY 1997–2003

An excellent example of how to tie up girls without any extra tricks: the mouth is taped shut, the arms are clasped behind the back, the ankles are closed and pressed tightly against each other. In this position, girls can only roll on the floor. The main thing is to watch to see if they have hidden a knife, pin or any other sharp object in their sleeve.

Let me make it clear right away: we are not talking about the professional art of shibari tying or bondage; for this you need to study a lot and for a long time and have a patient partner at hand. The conversation is about playing with the girl a little, lightly, without causing her any discomfort. Many have tried these games. Some moved on if they liked it. I'll try to tell you about the simplest ways to try this own experience.
What does tying a girl give to a man: complete control over his partner, and... interesting experience.
What does tying up give to a girl (and here it’s more interesting):
1. Complete subordination to the partner, a feeling of defenselessness and, as a result, complete trust.
2. Stimulation of fantasy, because it is unknown and practically impossible to influence what is happening (some girls experience this very acutely).
3. Focusing receptors and nerve endings specifically on the actions of the partner.
4. Someone else will get an injection of adrenaline as a bonus to the brightness of the orgasm.
The first question is - what to knit with?
I'll tell you from experience:
1. tried fake handcuffs - it wasn’t always convenient, sometimes gentle hands the girls had marks, they didn’t have very good reviews.
2. I tried ordinary ropes (unfastening the clothespins... bgggg) - the same garbage, and you can’t tie them with ropes without causing pain.
3. I tried all sorts of ribbons and silk scarves and all sorts of other fabrics - they tighten too tightly after movements and also leave marks, but the truth is that it suited very well for romantic people.
But the simplest and most effective was masking tape (as a builder, I tried what was at hand))). This is not at all stationery tape, after tearing it off eyebrows, lips and other parts remain on it... This is ordinary PAPER tape with a sticky side. It can be removed very easily (simply torn by hand), holds quite tightly, and comes off without consequences for the body and hair)). Since I tried using it for bondage, I have had no desire to look for anything else from sex shops and other sources.
How can you do this (one of a great many options):
after preliminary warm-up games (a la foreplay), when the girl gets turned on and her eyes are already sparkling, you can say “do you trust me?” If the answer you receive is not extremely negative, you can proceed. First of all, tie her hands (from experience, it is better from behind, behind her back, than from the front, although the front is more convenient). Tie tightly, but do not squeeze (girls are usually gentle). It is imperative (I strongly advise) to tape her mouth, this will give her the opportunity to accumulate excitement and not “vent” it verbally. You can also blindfold your eyes (with a cloth bandage) to give free rein to the fantasies in the girl’s head. Sometimes it is useful to tie her legs, but the truth is that after this the girl turns into a kind of “carcass” that needs to be bent into all positions with her own hands. Although for variety it’s possible.
To maintain adrenaline and fantasies, you can tease her with something that she does not practice...
It has been noticed that orgasm in a bound form occurs in girls faster, brighter and generally brings a new wave to boring ordinary sex. Although tying up becomes boring over time, if every day.
You usually need to untie after the first adequate persistent request (otherwise, to the next question “do you trust me?”, you can get the answer “Go to...”).

An unreal brunette in a short black dress, currently barely covering her waist, wriggles in a suspension from the ceiling, expertly tied with ropes. Knots and weaves lie spectacularly on her extremely curved body, outlining her shoulders, chest, buttocks. Her hands are tied behind her back, her legs are stretched in a vertical split: the right one is tied under the knee and fixed raised up, the left one is free. The woman in ordinary life, if she is not a gymnast or a ballerina, it is impossible to take such an open and unprotected pose. Voluntary witnesses to this erotic scene, including me, are trying to grasp what the girl is feeling - pain, pleasure, fear, anticipating an orgasm? But her head is bowed down, her hair hides her emotions.

The silent pause lasts no more than ten seconds. The tension in the room is so powerful that the furniture seems to begin to crack. Only the one who tied her has the right to approach the girl. He, according to the rules of the game (I’ll call this action that way for now), is responsible for her full responsibility and decides what to do next. To stop and turn this sensual performance into a prelude to sex or to tighten the ropes even tighter - and then it will hurt her, exactly as much as she will allow - the tied party has the right to a safe word, and, as it turns out, it is desirable for it to be as sobering as possible (for example, “fishermen!”).

Alec Zander (aka Alexander Sokolov) is one of the best masters shibari in the CIS - and his model Tatyana are using rope to create something beyond human capabilities. The most complex harnesses, braces, suspensions... If you don’t delve into what kind of stress Tatyana is experiencing at this moment, you can enjoy the spectacle, it’s cooler than a Cirque du Soleil performance. I wonder how I would feel if I allowed myself to be tied up in such a position? Don't know. Perhaps excitement. Perhaps aggression - if you do not make allowances for the show effect and look at what is happening objectively, Tanya resembles a doe caught in a trap.

Another second, Alec brushes her hair away from Tatiana's face, lifts her head, kisses her lips, and then slowly runs his hand between her slender legs. Tatyana smiles, lets out a deep groan and looks, it seems, through him, without blinking. In her eyes I read passion, pain, and pleasure. Later they will explain to me that the girl was in a state of “subspace” - this is what they call a light trance caused by painful sensations(from the pressure of the rope), during which brain activity is inhibited, a person loses the sense of time, and a large number of endorphins. Many connoisseurs of thrills who have been practicing shibari for a long time and skillfully are looking for this very state - as an alternative to orgasm.

Once in the Middle East, in a private club, I had the opportunity to watch how the female of the world’s largest spider, Theraphosa blondi, was hunting (unfortunately, in captivity), capable of easily swallowing a medium-sized bird. So, the scope of her limbs at the moment of attack is chilling, but at the same time hypnotizing, and in terms of emotions the scene is very similar to this one. A doe caught in a trap? No, perhaps Tanya is Blonde's Terafosa.

With these thoughts, I pack my things and leave home from the club, where I spent about six hours learning the technique of tying and knots. It is not customary to start reports from the end, but in the case of shibari, you can: in this art, many things are interconnected that are not as obvious as it seems.

A woman with a rope does not need affection

The Noble Knots collection of the betony Vernon brand appeared in January 2016 in collaboration with Collette and was inspired by the Japanese art of shibari. These accessories created a sensation and were especially liked by stars, including Lady Gaga and Angelina Jolie.

Actually, I never seriously planned to get into bondage. But recently, while discussing another topic for an essay, and at the same time the just-released sequel “50 Shades Darker” (the continuation of the film “50 Shades of Grey”), I told sexologist Ekaterina Lyubimova about the statistics that she discovered from her colleagues at Marie Claire Australia. According to surveys, 70 percent of Australian women dream of being tied up during sex.

“This doesn’t surprise me,” Katya supported the topic. – In my trainings for many years, I heard from almost every second girl that she would like to feel her partner’s dominance over her. The fantasy of being immobilized is a woman's dream of submission. A well-fixed woman does not need foreplay, and at the same time, her defenselessness excites a man sometimes more than any foreplay.”

It sounded convincing. A day later, I stood on the threshold of an intimate Moscow shibari club, closed from outsiders, designed for no more than twenty people. Spacious halls (there are several of them), people talking in low voices, soft mats on the floor and light twilight - the atmosphere inside reminded me of an elite island spa, with the difference that this space is full of wooden poles and durable frames under the ceiling, on which dozens of rings with carabiners are attached. Not a single Google or Yandex map has officially indicated that this house has yellow brick, built at the beginning of the last century, people who are passionate about the philosophy of Japanese bondage gather from time to time. Judging by the appearance and the cars parked at the entrance (including those with drivers), everyone who comes here in ordinary life can manage a large international company.

There are no special conditions for entering the club. Alec Zander turned out to be a famous “knitting teacher” - at least thirteen years ago, he wrote the first shibari manual in Russian (it is also the only one so far). “Come alone,” he told me over the phone. – To learn shibari techniques, a partner is not required; all you need is own body. Dress? Any comfortable one. If you want aesthetics, wear a loose skirt. However, we don’t even faint from lack of clothes.”

Be careful, you may get burned

Fragment of a dress by Japanese designer Yiqing Yin, Haute Couture SS 2016 collection

In a cashmere turtleneck and jeans, I take a comfortable observer position. The first part of the training is a theoretical case. “When you compare examples of shibari and European bondage, you get the feeling that the European was in a hurry somewhere,” explains Zander (by the way, shibari in Japanese means “to bind, tie”). – The rope is wound somehow, everything looks like it was done while running between the office and the gym. The Japanese are in no hurry. He is always interested in how exactly he does this or that thing. It doesn’t matter whether you tie a person up to perform certain actions on him or to straighten his posture, in shibari you do it deliberately.”

The second feature of the Japanese technique is that bondage is highly eroticized. The bindings are always done in such a way as to emphasize the sexuality of the model, perhaps to outline her genitals, to stick out her chest. Many people mistakenly consider shibari to be an ancient samurai art. I also heard something about this. But I find out that the art of Japanese martial tying is called hojo-jutsu, and shibari only borrowed some techniques from there. In relationships with a partner, the shibari master exists within the framework of the “parent-child” relationship, and the “parent” is certainly kind.

The main tool in shibari is a twisted rope made of natural material(linen or jute). Although you can work with what is convenient and what knots can provide: ropes, laces, bandages, scarves, silk ribbons. The advantages of natural material are undeniable - any interweaving of such a rope is itself a knot that holds well. In addition, natural rope is more pleasant to the body (try quickly pulling a long synthetic cord through a clenched fist and feel how it burns). The most common rope diameter is 6–8 mm. This is a compromise between the convenience of the shibari master and his partner: the thinner the rope, the more painful the model, the thicker it is, the more difficult it is for the fingers of the binder.

Brings you closer together than sex

Promotional shot of the Noble Knots collection by betony Vernon

The first and main “straight knot” (the most reliable, and most importantly - if you pull the rope in the right direction, it can be easily untied) I was asked to tie on my own leg. Indeed, everything is not so difficult if you catch the direction, but it doesn’t work out the first time. “You have a stupid knot - it can’t withstand the load, so it’s considered dangerous,” explains Zander and in three minutes, I didn’t even have time to notice, he deftly and confidently ties my legs in several circles.

“Gotcha!” Now they’ll show you what shibari in suspension is,” my neighbor, an experienced businesswoman from Yekaterinburg, is having fun. We met Svetlana a couple of minutes before the start of classes. She managed to tell that she came to the club for new knowledge - her husband didn’t mind, but stayed at home.

“Shibari in suspension is aerobatics,” Svetlana says now seriously. – But sensible beginners do not dare to practice - it is very easy to injure a partner. From a fall due to an ineptly fixed rope to an injury to the radial nerve of the arm (in this case, the hand may be paralyzed for several months). My husband and I decided to try it for the first time only after a year of training.”

While Zander teaches us how to tie loops, intercept them with a straight knot, tie the knee, chest, hips and, most importantly, tie the hands correctly (one of important rules shibari: while a person’s hands are free, the session has not begun), Sveta tells me how free a tied woman really is. Does this mean that she is freed from complexes, stops thinking about her figure with its extra folds, real and imaginary shortcomings? Quite. Indeed, from the point of view of Japanese aesthetics, there is no standard of beauty - a man who knits female body, looks at the big picture, he doesn't see flaws.

“But, most importantly, shibari gives me complete freedom - I disconnect from problems - and unconditional trust in my husband: at this moment I delegate to him all responsibility for myself,” Sveta answers my question. After the session, when everything went well, she said, she felt great respect for her husband. She realizes that it was not in vain that she chose him as her husband.

“Couples where the woman is the leader are often attracted to the theme of shibari. She earns more or is initially higher in social status. For example, I have been supporting my family for ten years. I am grateful to my husband for being near me. We went through three crises, during each of them we filed for divorce - we couldn’t understand where the passion in our bedroom had disappeared. And we found her."

An interesting detail: the husband does not allow other men to tie Svetlana up. “You have to understand: rope brings partners closer together, more than sex. A person who successfully connects you at least once becomes family,” she explains, not without pleasure.
Our conversation arouses Olga’s interest. She came to the training with her husband, and while he carefully studies the diagram of the next harness, in which a woman can be fixed in the most open position, I learn a lot of interesting things about him. Olga and Victor tried shibari a couple of years ago, starting with the simplest poses: arms immobilized behind the back, ankles fixed at the shin... At some point, the husband got carried away, tying Olga from head to toe. “There was a sea of ​​aesthetics, a sea of ​​eroticism,” she admits. “Under the pressure of the ropes, my skin went numb, it seemed that I was losing sensitivity “outside” and gaining it “inside.” Afterwards we had the best sex of our lives - I experienced a very vivid orgasm.”

"Congratulations! – Zander claps his hands loudly several times. “It’s impossible to teach more for the first time, and there’s no need to.” Having practiced your skills to the point of automatism, you can easily repeat any harness and pose, fortunately there are many of them on the Internet. You need to knit quickly and confidently. And remember about safety precautions."

Some couples came here not for the basics, but for the practice of “suspension.” And while they are fascinated by the process, I am trying to understand whether the rope is capable of walking over my skin, replacing a set of foreplay? Do I want to come here not alone? I don’t know... I see the faces of my new acquaintances: they have found and are practicing quite bold sex therapy - shibari brings them together.

Thoughts are confused, and attention is attracted by a curious family tandem - she is a blue-eyed brunette, a beauty of about thirty-five, he looks like Steve Jobs - reserved, smart and wearing glasses. The wife, lying on her back, laughs loudly: her husband tied her hands and tied her right leg with a rope, fixing her in a suspension. “Darling, what’s next?” - the girl is having fun.

“Laughter reveals in this woman a frivolous attitude towards her husband,” Christina, a shibari master and psychologist by training, explains to me in a whisper. “She clearly doesn’t mind being tied up by someone more brutal, like Alec.” This couple has a long way to go..."
Hearing laughter, Zander approaches the openly flirting woman, silently removes the rope from the wall, gathers her hair into a ponytail, wraps it in a knot and fixes her head by the ponytail in a suspension. "Wow!" - the “victim” manages to exhale, closes his eyes and finally stops laughing, giving his husband freedom to improvise.

Will you be untied? Sure?

Promotional shot of the Noble Knots collection by betony Vernon

Promotional shot of the Noble Knots collection by betony Vernon

“Of course, shibari can be used as a prelude to sex - with enough imagination, you can use anything. But the essence will only be told by something that cannot be avoided,” Zander sneers. – Is it possible to do shibari without sex? Can. Without caresses? Can. Without beauty it is possible, without sensuality it is also possible. You can't do without a rope. Without one person making another helpless.” “If you want an easy sexual game with ropes, if your partner ties you up, then he will untie you when you’ve had enough of it,” he loudly asks the audience, “right? Will he untie? Are you sure? When women who are tired from work, bossy men, and bored couples come to me, I accept them and tie them to what they want - that’s my job. But I practice shibari with those who are tired of masks and insincerity. With those who are eager to give."

I understand what Alec is saying. But I don’t want to develop this topic. I'm uninterested and uncomfortable. Playing with pain is anti-sex for me. But the aesthetics and beauty of shibari headbands haunt me. The foreplay of tied hands (handcuffs - no; tape, scarf or rope - yes) and a silk blindfold excites the mind, perhaps I’m ready to try. In homeopathic doses. And, of course, now in my collection of stories there is a bestseller that can hold the attention of others for as long as necessary. Showing how to tie a simple knot on shoelaces, I sincerely enjoy the understanding that every time I seem to “bind” my interlocutor with stories about shibari. In polite society one does not talk about the weather, especially when there is a reason to discuss something more interesting.

Women's opinion

Sex coach Ekaterina Lyubimova: Contemplation of a tied woman prolongs potency

Women's sexual fantasy of bondage is a common reality. In ancient times, a woman needed an alpha male - a cruel warrior, a real predator, hunter, enslaver. The more enemies he could kill, the more likely it seemed that his offspring and his woman would be safe. Essentially, the scarier and more merciless the man was, the more comfortable the woman was with him. There was no talk about any subtle feelings. Hundreds of centuries have passed, but this instinct has not disappeared anywhere. Only in modern world a man does not need to kill a mammoth, and we marry quite decent and, most importantly, kind guys. However, instinct tells me: show me your strength, let me feel that you are an animal, that you can be dangerous. When a woman is tied up, due to the feeling of helplessness, any touch from her partner is perceived as a special act of power and becomes additional sexual stimulation. The man appears to be a sexually stimulating stranger.

The sensations become even more intense if she is wearing a mask or is blindfolded. The process of deprivation increases the sensations of the skin and heightens sensitivity to the situation itself.

In classic shibari, ropes are tied in such a way as to stimulate the nipples, clitoris, vestibule of the vagina, and groin areas of the woman. It really is the art of arousal. For example, there are positions in which it is convenient for a woman to tease and tickle the clitoris, and then penetrate her partner vaginally, brought to the point of exhaustion. In this case, the position guarantees the opportunity to immediately move on to oral sex. In classical shibari, it is believed that even the simple contemplation of a tied woman prolongs male potency for many years.

Position “Female Boar”

The man ties his partner's arms and legs separately. The woman lies on her back and places her wrists as close to her ankles as possible. A man ties his ankle and wrist together. The woman finds herself in a fixed position with her legs spread. From a supine position, a man can turn a woman over into “doggy style.”

Position "Frog"

This is a pose in which the ankles are tied to the thighs in such a way that the woman assumes a position similar to the crouching frog pose. The model's legs are spread as far apart as possible. The wrists are tied behind the back. A man ties a woman's legs. If in this position the partner puts the model on his back, this will provide him with maximum deep penetration. A man can also easily start with irrumation by taking the woman by the head.

History of Shibari

The artist Seiu Ito is considered the patriarch of the Japanese bondage method. At the beginning of the 20th century, he actively painted and photographed “punished women” (in the Japanese interpretation, a bound woman is a punished woman), including his wife-model, for which he earned fame and a reputation as a subtle esthete in his homeland.

Second World War made adjustments: for a long time The Japanese had no time for photographs and ropes. The period of erotic renaissance began in the 60s and 70s, it is associated with the work of the shibari master (or kinbaku, which is the same thing) Siege of Eikichi - he developed techniques, gave lessons and left behind many artifacts in the form of photos and videos, which were successful in Europe and Russia.

The first thing to do is discuss with your partner how ready he is for the experiment. Agree on which of you will be the liaison and which will act as the model. Secondly, you should not experience pain while playing. If you feel that tied hands If you get very stiff and numb, it’s better to stop (by the way, remember about softer accessories for bondage). An important component is a mask or tape over the eyes.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives
Illustrations: lensberr


Whether it's a raging opponent or your girlfriend in bed, sometimes tying someone up quickly is simply necessary.

Linking methods are determined during the solution process specific tasks. Other, more severe restraints, including hand, leg and torso restraints, may be used to prevent violent behavior. As a rule, hands are tied behind the back (in transport, hands are tied in the front position).

To more reliably restrict movement, the following hand positions are used when tying:

  • hands behind your back, hands crossed (photo 1)
  • arms behind your back, hands one above the other (photo 2)
  • hands behind your back, hands pressed against each other with their backs (photo 3)
  • hands behind your back, one on top, the other below (photo 4)
  • hands behind the head, hands crossed, the free end of the rope is tied to the waist or trouser belt (photo 5)
  • arms crossed on the chest, hands behind the back (photo 6)

When tying, you must be on the side of your opponent, out of reach of your legs.

Tying is usually used after painful holds and throws. To perform tying, it is advisable to force a person to take an uncomfortable position for him - stand facing the wall, lean on it with his hands, or lie on his stomach with his hands behind his back.

Tying with a trouser belt.

To tie an opponent with a trouser belt, a double non-stretching loop is used (photo 9).
To prepare a loop for tying with a belt, you need to fold the belt in half (at the same time, to increase the reliability of tying, the rough surfaces of the belt should touch) insert it into the hole of the buckle from above, expand the resulting loop, throw it over your hands and tighten it by pulling the end of the belt and rotating it in that direction so that the belt does not block the buckle hole (photo 7,8,9,10,11) (the clockwise rule does not work here).

To remove a tightened loop, you need to tightly clasp it with the fingers of both hands on top of the top layer, make several movements in the opposite direction to tightening the loop and loosen it.

To determine which direction to untwist the loop, you need to make sure that the free end of the belt covers the hole in the belt buckle (photo 10, 12), and twist it there.

When tying in this way, instead of a belt, you can use any available means similar to a belt, having a buckle in the form of an “eye” (dog leash, belts from radio stations, bags, cameras, briefcases).

Remove the tie, pull the tie loop over the opponent’s two hands, parallel to each other. After tightening the loop, move the ends of the tie in different directions and tie them at the bottom in a figure eight (photo 13,14,15,16,17,18).

Binding with rope. Option 1.

Let's look at one of the more reliable methods of tying your hands from behind with a rope. For this method, the rope should be approximately 2-2.5 meters long, depending on the height and flexibility of the person being tied.

Under the threat of a weapon or when performing combat techniques, force the enemy to lie on the ground, and you yourself sit astride him performing a painful hold on both hands. Make sure that, while sitting on your opponent, you tightly press the forearms of his arms bent behind his back with your thighs (photos 19,20,21). If your opponent resists, kneel slightly. This will lift both of your opponent's forearms away from his back and cause him severe pain in both shoulder joints.

Take out the rope and make a tightening loop. To do this, take the end of the rope with your right hand and wrap it once around your left hand (photo 22,23,24). With your left hand, grab the free end of the rope and tighten the loop (Photo 25).

The loop will be made correctly if, by pulling the long end, it tightens. Another condition when making a loop is that the short end should be 30-40 centimeters. Another option is a throw loop (photo 32,33,34), but it eats up more than 20 cm of rope.

Place the loop around your wrist right hand enemy (photo 26). Throw the rope over his right shoulder and pass it under his chest, slip it from below into the elbow crook of his left arm (photo 27). Then pass the rope through the bottom of the resulting loop (Photo 28), place your left hand on the rope and wrap it around your opponent's wrist. Next, wrap the wrists of your right and left hands alternately one more time and twist at least two turns of the rope between the opponent’s hands (the more turns, the tighter the knot). Take the short end of the rope and twist it between your hands in the opposite direction and secure it with a regular knot (photo 28,29,30,31).

This method can also be tied in a standing position, bending the arm behind the back, pressing the offender against the wall, but it is much more difficult to control his actions.

Binding with rope. Option 2.

For quick tying, a cast loop is used.

To make a loop, fold the rope in half, take it from the ends with your right hand, open the closed end and put it on your fingers; place the open closed end on the rope near your right hand. With the index and thumb of your right hand, fold and pinch the rope and move your left hand along the rope to the left (photo 32,33).

Place the resulting loop on your arms or legs. A “throw” loop can be made by placing a rope over your hands and inserting both ends into the open closed end.

To tie, put the loop over your hands, tighten it tightly, separating the ends of the rope, wrap them around your hands 2-3 times and tie the ends with a regular knot (photo 34,35,36,37,38,39).