Preparation of mortar for laying ceramic tiles. Laying tiles on the floor using cement mortar

Every person who decides to lay tiles with their own hands must first think about how and with what help to fix it on the surface. the main role solution for ceramic tiles– installation of a tiled covering by fixing it to the floor or wall. It’s not at all difficult to prepare it yourself, at home.

The first thing you need to do is decide on the composition. There are two types of mortar for ceramic tiles:

  • hand-made cement-adhesive mixture. It is a universal and most reliable material;
  • ready-made dry mixtures sold in stores and markets. They are intended only for smooth, plastered surfaces made of concrete, brick, and wood.

The first option is the most popular. The composition of the cement-adhesive mixture does not depend on where it will be glued tile covering, on the floor or on the walls. To make it, it is advisable to use purified, coarse sand and cement. The higher the grade of cement, the better the quality of the solution, but in any case it should not be lower than 300. If you use cement grade 300-400, then its ratio with sand will be 1:5, and if you take cement grade 500-600 - then 1:6.

In order to achieve good adhesion of the surface to the solution, you can dilute it with PVA glue.

The sand used, if it is damp, must be dried, because wet will not pass through a fine sieve when sifting.

When purchasing cement, be sure to check the release date. If the expiration date has expired or is close to it, then it has probably lost half of its properties. If the purchased cement does not have packaging, its suitability can be determined in the following way: you need to take a handful of it and squeeze it, while the fresh one will come out between your fingers, and the expired one will bunch up in a lump.

Cement mortar

To produce cement- glue solution for ceramic tiles, the technology used is as follows:

  • First of all, you need to sift the sand. If this is not done, then various pebbles, fragments of shells, pieces of clay that may be in it will fall into the solution and the tiles laid on it may subsequently crack;
  • The sifted sand is mixed with cement in the above proportion, adding water until it is thick enough to resemble dough. After this, the solution is ready for use.
  • To ensure good adhesion, you can pour PVA glue into it - 1/2 liter of glue is taken for 10 liters of solution.

An excellent replacement for the cement-adhesive mixture is a ready-made dry mixture (tile adhesive) purchased in a store. It consists of cement, sand and a huge number of various chemical additives that give it properties appropriate for its intended purpose. This mixture is subsequently used to make a mortar for ceramic tiles. The price usually depends on the manufacturer and the quality of its components.

Dry mixture solution

Working with such mixtures requires strict adherence to the instructions. The adhesive properties of ready-made suspensions are better, and they are also diluted with special antifungal additives. But all this is true only if the solution is made correctly:

  • During work, be sure to protect the respiratory tract using a respirator or a gauze bandage;
  • pour three liters of water at 22-24 C into a clean ten-liter bucket;
  • Gradually pour the dry mixture into the water, stirring continuously. The finished volume should be approximately 2/3 of the bucket;
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly so that no lumps remain. This can be done using a special whisk;
  • to enhance adhesion, dilute the solution with PVA glue at the rate of 1/2 liter per 10 liters of composition;
  • the finished solution must be allowed to stand for ten minutes and mixed again.

Types of ready-made dry mixes (tile adhesive)

  • Universal mixture. It is most popular and is used for fixing small tiles. It is usually used to decorate rooms with ordinary tiles.
  • Strengthened mixture. Its main purpose is to fix large tiles on the floor and walls. Characteristic feature of this type of mixture is to ensure good adhesion to the surface and high stability to various types of loads.
  • Pool mix. With its help, pools and baths are decorated with mosaic tiles. This mixture is moisture resistant and includes components that prevent the appearance of mold.
  • Frost-resistant mixture. Designed for outdoor use. With its help, the plinths of buildings, stairs, terraces, etc. are covered with tiles. This mixture is resistant to repeated freezing and subsequent thawing.

These are the main types of ready-made dry mixtures from which mortar for ceramic tiles is made. Photos of them can be viewed on the Internet on the websites of enterprises selling building materials.

How to choose good quality ready-made dry mix

There are several criteria that you need to rely on when choosing a ready-made mixture:

  • When purchasing a ready-made mixture, you should always check the expiration date and compliance with storage conditions. If they are violated, this material may partially or completely deteriorate;
  • It is better not to purchase a mixture that was produced more than six months ago, because... it tends to cake and may subsequently become petrified;
  • where and by whom the mixture was released also matters. There is a myth that says that when purchasing expensive materials, people overpay for the brand that is depicted on the packaging, but this judgment is far from the truth. Manufacturers who have been on the market for a long time, in order to stay afloat in conditions of fierce competition, constantly research the properties and compositions of mixtures, improving their products.
  • Choosing a view of this material, you should not buy the same one for the walls and floor because... they will be subject to different loads. It’s better not to save money and purchase a reinforced mixture for the walls.

With the help of this guide, any beginner in renovation and construction will be able to independently prepare a solution for ceramic tiles. Videos from more clear instructions see below.

Advice: despite the fact that all mixtures have already been selected optimal composition ingredients, there are several additional additives that will make the glue even stronger. Manufacturers do not add them because it is not cost-effective and significantly complicates the production process. Such additional substances include PVA glue (added to the diluted mixture) and cement (above grade 50).

There are quite a lot of dry mixes on the market various companies, but not all of them offer decent products. Among the time-tested and customer reviews are:

  • Ceresit,
  • Optirok (Vetonit),
  • Atlas
  • Sopro,
  • Bolars,
  • Eunice.

The most famous of all manufacturers is without a doubt the products of Ceresit. This brand is part of the Henkel concern, which also produces products under the Thomsit, Metylan and Moment brands. The main facilities are located in Ukraine, but the products fully comply with the requirements and technical standards. The assortment offers quite a lot of different compositions, which differ from each other in the composition and method of using the tiles. There are frost-resistant mixtures for outdoor use and various compositions for porcelain stoneware, thin tiles and other types of tiles.

The Finnish corporation Optirok offers the Vetonit product range to domestic consumers. Taking into account the harsh Finnish weather conditions, adhesive mixtures are made with an additional margin of strength, so Vetonit adhesives are suitable for use in all regions of Russia.

Polish Atlas is also of quite high quality, but costs less than its analogues. The company specializes specifically in adhesive mixtures, so it offers quite a lot of compositions designed for specific loads. This allows you to optimize the tile installation process to maximize its service life.

Sopro is a German company that has been repeatedly awarded at international construction competitions. Of course, the quality of its products is the highest level, in connection with this, domestic distributors significantly inflate the cost of goods. It makes sense to choose this company if a large amount of work is required and a wholesale purchase is possible. Then the price will be acceptable.

Of the domestic companies, Bolars and Yunis are worthy of attention. Both companies have their own factories in Russia. The products comply with GOST. Since there are no costs for customs clearance and delivery, the products of these manufacturers are cheaper. But a little experience in this industry allows us to recommend companies exclusively for interior work on tiling walls. Also, it should be added that the Moscow company Yunis does not yet have a wide network of distributors, therefore it is available only to residents of the Moscow region.

Properly prepared tile mortar is of great importance for high-quality cladding of walls or floors indoors and outdoors. The strength of fixation of the tile depends on it, so the choice of adhesive mixture must be approached competently. The construction market offers dozens of types of tile adhesives. Let's consider their features and selection rules.

There are two types of mortar for ceramic tiles:

  1. Made from cement, sand and water. This mixture is universal. Its disadvantage is that the components are taken “by eye”. The amount of sand depends on the brand of cement. An incorrect ratio of components affects the quality of the cladding. The cement-based composition has good adhesion and is used for interior and exterior work. Laying tiles on cement-sand mortar can be done on any surface.
  2. Tile adhesive. It is purchased in the retail chain in the form of a special dry concentrate. The binder is cement, sometimes gypsum. The powder concentrate contains special additives that give various properties. All ingredients are in an optimal ratio, which improves the properties of the solution (ductility, adhesion, water resistance, heat resistance). It can be used not only for fixing tiles, but also for gypsum tiles, as well as glass, porcelain tiles and facing stone. The preparation method is simple and indicated on the package.

Among the manufacturers of ready-mixes, the leaders are the German company Ceresit and the Finnish Optirok. The quality of their products is time-tested.

Dry adhesive mixtures

Solution for tiles, prepared from dry adhesive mixtures, has high adhesive properties. Cement-based glue is considered the best. The following components are used as additives to give the adhesive mass the desired properties:

  • Antiseptic additives that prevent the appearance of mold.
  • Hydrophobizers that create water-repellent properties.
  • Frost-resistant chemical substances.
  • Catalysts to speed up or slow down the setting of a solution.
  • Plasticizers that give the solution the desired plasticity.

Powder concentrate comes in two types: one-component (based on one binder) or two-component (with mineral and polymer binders). The latter type of mixture requires precise dosing when preparing the solution, which is difficult to do without the appropriate experience.

The quality of dry mixtures depends on storage conditions: they do not tolerate dampness or low temperatures. When stored for a long time, they cake and can petrify, so they have a limited shelf life of six months.

Laying tiles on a dry adhesive mixture requires strict adherence to the preparation instructions, as well as careful preparation working surface. According to the laying technology, a solution of powdered tile adhesive is applied in a thin layer - 6-10 mm.

Dry mixtures are environmentally friendly, easy to use, reliably stick the tiles, but have a high cost compared to cement-sand mortar prepared independently.

Ready-made viscous mastics

The most commonly used solution for laying tiles is cement-based or dry adhesive mixtures. As an alternative, you can use adhesive mastic, sold in ready-made form.

The composition of adhesive mastic mixtures includes petroleum bitumen, tar binders or combinations thereof. Various additives are used as additional components: peat chips, coal tar pitch, chalk, asbestos, cement, wood flour, antiseptics. To improve adhesion, polymer binders are introduced into some types of mastic. If desired, the mastic composition can be given the desired color by adding a coloring pigment.

There are 2 types of mastics: used hot or cold. The first ones are preheated to 130-180 °C. The use of cold mastic allows for cladding at temperatures not lower than +5 °C. With more low temperatures the mixture is heated to 60 °C.

Even a beginner can lay tiles using mastic compounds. The mass is applied in a thin layer (2-3 mm), so working surface should be level. Otherwise, you will have to apply an additional layer in places where there are chips. This will lead to excess consumption of the mixture and deterioration of the strength of the connection.

For exterior work, cladding of fireplaces, stoves, universal heat-moisture resistant or heat-resistant mastic is used.

Difference in mixtures

The peculiarities of the solutions are determined by the modifying additives. There are the following types of adhesive mixtures for tiles:

  1. Universal. Used to fix tiles not large sizes in room.
  2. Reinforced. Fixes tiles of all types and sizes. Suitable for laying fragile tiles.
  3. For swimming pools, baths. It has good hydrophobic properties and contains impurities to prevent mold.
  4. Frost-resistant. Used for outdoor work. Withstands repeated changes in low temperatures.

For each type of surface to be coated, a composition with the necessary characteristics.

For walls and floors

Mixtures for laying ceramic tiles on floors and walls are not very different. But for floor coverings, it is desirable that the composition has high elasticity and is thicker. Plasticity also plays an important role: the risk of cracking of the tiles is reduced. If the subfloor is heated, heat-resistant tile adhesive is used.

For external and internal work

To obtain a good result, a solution for external facing works must be weather resistant. Therefore, components are added to the powder concentrate that increase moisture resistance, frost resistance, and elasticity (which resists temperature changes).

Traditional mortar made from sand and cement for tiles with your own hands is used for both interior and exterior work, but is not suitable for clinker tiles.

For small and large elements

To prevent large tiles (more than 300x600 mm) from sliding down the wall, it is recommended to use a reinforced adhesive solution with latex components and granular material for its installation. quartz sand. For mosaic tiles are used polymer compositions and special white tile adhesive.

Laying tiles on cement mortar is made according to the rule: than smaller size, especially the liquid consistency of the adhesive mass.

For dry and wet conditions

In rooms with high humidity A waterproof, cement-based adhesive mixture is used: it has the highest adhesive ability. High room humidity promotes the growth of fungi and mold, so the powder concentrate must be moisture resistant and contain antifungal additives.

The solution for dry rooms is marked “for interior use.” It is chosen depending on the characteristics of the tile and the facing surface.

Cement mortar for baths, bathrooms and other rooms with high humidity is prepared from sand and cement.

For normal and elevated temperatures

Indoors, where there is no high temperatures, cement-sand and universal adhesives are used for cladding walls and floors. But they are not suitable for finishing heated surfaces. The tiles on the fireplace or stove are laid on a refractory compound.

How to delete

You can wipe off fresh cement mortar from the tiles with a dry rag. Old cement-adhesive mortar can be removed by wetting the surface with any of the following:

  • special remover (sold in building materials stores);
  • toilet bowl cleaning liquid;
  • hydrochloric acid (5% solution).

After 5 minutes, the softened solution is removed with a sponge moistened with water.

Mechanically The remaining solution is removed as follows:

  1. Moisten with water, sprinkle generously with salt, then remove with a stiff bristle brush.
  2. Moisten the remaining adhesive mixture with water and remove with a spatula, being careful.
  3. Use a drill with a wire attachment.

Fresh mastic residues from the lined surface are removed damp cloth. Dried residues are moistened before removal. warm water within a few minutes or hours. A cleanser with a citrus extract speeds up the process. Acid cleaners can be used.

You may also be interested

In private construction, you can still find the use of hand-made mortar. Professional builders have not used this method for a long time, because it requires knowledge of proportions and suitable ingredients. But, if its use takes place, then it also has advantages. Namely:

  • Low cost of materials (using inexpensive materials, some may be freely available at home, such as sand);
  • Possibility to cook with your own hands (no need to call experts for help);
  • Wide range of applications (you can lay different types of tiles on it);
  • Reliability (the self-made solution will sometimes last longer than ready-made mixtures);
  • The possibility of using the remaining mortar to level other surfaces (in a private house this could be street steps or a curb).

The only drawback of a mixture prepared by yourself is its instability. In order for the solution to always have the same consistency and composition, you need to monitor the amount of ingredients that are used. The easiest way to do this is if you have a measure on hand.

What is this article about?

Main components of the mixture

The most important adhesive component on which the quality of the solution depends is cement. It is necessary to use only high-quality cement (for example, Portland cement) with a marking of at least 300. It is not recommended to take one that has been stored in a warehouse for a very long time, since over time its properties are lost if not used. proper storage. If you choose poor cement for your DIY floor tile installation, nothing will probably happen. But if we're talking about about laying on the wall - the entire tile may fall off or slide down.

The quality of cement for mortar can be checked at home. Take a little bit from the bag in your hand and squeeze. If it remains loose, that means good quality and proper storage, if it forms a lump, the solution will be unsuitable for laying tiles.

The next ingredient that affects the quality of the mixture is sand. It is best to use washed river sand. Make sure that there are no small pebbles and shells in it, because during installation they will form humps on the glue layer. These humps will prevent you from installing the tiles evenly - there will be large gaps on all sides. If you cannot find the ideal sand, try winnowing the one you have. This should be done when it is dry.

The only ingredient for which there are no requirements is water. You can use any water, any temperature.


If you decide to cook yourself cement glue For tiles, adhere to certain proportions. It all depends on the marking of the cement you are going to use. When marked 300, the ratio of cement to sand should be no less than 1:4. If the marking is 400, then you can put 1 part more sand (1:5). Well, when marked 500, there is another 1 part more, respectively (1:6). You should also understand that the percentage of cement in the mortar depends on the weight of the tiles for which it is prepared. If this is an ordinary tile, you can put more sand, but if we are talking about a large wall tiles– don’t skimp on cement, because bad glue can ruin the whole job.

Additional Ingredients

When laying floor tiles additional elasticity of the cement mortar is required. Why do you think factory mixtures differ for different types surfaces (walls, ceiling, floor)? Because the plasticity of the solution differs depending on the place of application. The mortar for laying tiles on the floor must be plastic. In order to give it this characteristic, PVA glue is used. It can be bought at any hardware store.

Sometimes glue is replaced with powder and other detergents, but it’s better not to experiment. The plasticity of the solution provides strength in this case. Paul is in constant contact with heavy things and people. If you lay tiles on non- quality solution, cracking of the seams may occur, and this means additional expenses for new renovation, since you will have to re-glue the tiles.

The mortar for laying floor and wall tiles in the bathroom must be able to resist moisture. That is why slaked lime is added to this mixture. It also needs to be added if there is fungus in the room. The fact is that fungus can actively develop even under a thick layer of glue and tiles. Its harmful properties for health have long been known. Adding lime will prevent fungus.

How to mix ingredients correctly

First you need to mix in the right proportions cement with sand until a homogeneous dry mass is formed. After this, water is added in parts until a suitable consistency is formed. The thickness of the tile solution depends on its size and weight: the smaller the tile, the thinner the adhesive solution. The last step is to add additional ingredients if their use is necessary. Tip: if you poured too much water into the tile mortar, you can adjust its thickness by adding cement.

Dry ready-mixes

If you don’t want or have the ability to mix tile mortar with your own hands, you can buy a ready-made one. They are sold packaged in bags, like cement. The disadvantage is the inability to track the exact composition and exclude low-quality ingredients. On the other hand, there are many well-established companies that you can rely on. The finished mixture already includes all the necessary ingredients for a particular use (plasticizers, retarders or accelerators of hardening, polymers, etc.).

The technology for preparing mortar for laying tiles based on a dry ready-mix is ​​very simple. Simply add water and mix well. If there Additional requirements before mixing, the manufacturer will definitely indicate them on the packaging, so it doesn’t hurt to read what’s described there.

Don't rush, do everything clearly and correctly. Pay careful attention to the proportions if you are talking about your own made cement mortar for tiles. After kneading, let the mixture stand for 3-5 minutes and only then start working. If you get too much solution, speed up the work and stir it periodically. This will slow down the hardening and formation of a crust.