Presentation for a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic: Presentation on introducing children to the Gzhel folk art craft “The Blue Fairy Tale”.

Porcelain teapots, candlesticks, clocks,

  • Porcelain teapots, candlesticks, clocks,
  • Animals and birds of unprecedented beauty.
  • The village in the Moscow region has now become famous.
  • Everyone knows its name - Gzhel.
  • The inhabitants of Gzhel are proud of the heavenly beauty,
  • You will never meet such beauty in the world.
  • The blue of heaven, which is so dear to the heart,
  • The master's brush easily transferred it to the cup.
  • Each artist has his own favorite pattern
  • And each of them reflects their dear side.
  • Her grass is silk, her flowers are spring -
  • And the magical skill is worthy of admiration.
  • Drink wonderful tea from these cups with roses.
  • Greet your guests on this joyful holiday with a warm heart.
  • Products of Gzhel masters
  • in modern
  • The technical methods of work are also varied: clear strokes of petals and leaves of a dark blue color or strokes with soft blurred edges are applied with a whole brush, richly saturated with paint, with different pressure; with the end of the brush, veins, shading and whimsically curved stems and tendrils are applied. Using a brush moistened with paint on one side, turn it around the handle to create a “smear with shadows.” On a blue background they write only in gold.
Elements of Gzhel painting
  • smear
  • line
  • Types of Gzhel painting
  • This is a plant painting - grass, cereals, berries, twigs, leaves, bouquets and garlands of flowers.
  • 2. Ornamental - checkers, nets, “droplets”, “pearls”, “antennae”.
  • 3. Subjects - nature, scenes of city life, rural landscape and life, characters from Russian fairy tales. Hand-painting allows you to create many variations of the same decorative motif
  • Elements
  • murals
  • Gzhel craftsmen decorated their products, painted different patterns from nets, stripes, and flowers.
  • Initially, back in ancient times, Gzhel was multi-colored, the dishes were painted bright colors, and the flowers were not blue, but yellow, red and green. Only in the 20th century did it begin to be made using cobalt blue. Ceramics are products made from baked clay. Majolica – glazed ceramics i.e. covered with opaque glaze
  • “Lingerie” is a porcelain form without painting. “Krytyo” is a blue painting on a white background.
  • Porcelain products are made by casting in plaster molds. Products that have been fired are painted by a painter. Gzhel painting is considered underglaze, i.e. First, a simply fired shard is painted; after applying the design, the product is dipped in glaze and sent back to the oven at - 1350˚. There the glaze becomes transparent like glass, and the cobalt changes color. A painter's tools are brushes, a glass palette, a spatula for mixing paints, a jar of cobalt oxide. Cobalt is a special ceramic paint that is soot-black powder and bright blue after firing.
  • Physical education minute
Thanks for your creativity!
  • “A gentle pipe is playing,
  • And freezes in admiration
  • The Pearl of Russia - Gzhel,
  • Where did inspiration settle?
  • Here everyone is a master and creator...”
  • (Tatiana Alferova)
  • Presentation
  • on the topic: “The Art of Gzhel”
  • prepared by teacher
  • Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1 r.p. Twitchers"
  • Pechenova Larisa Vasilievna

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GZHEL Teacher: Zvereva Ulyana Aleksandrovna

Goal: to introduce children to Russian folk crafts using the example of Gzhel painting. Objectives: 1. to develop children’s ability to decorate a three-dimensional plane with elements of a Gzhel painting pattern. 2. To consolidate children’s ideas about folk crafts. 3. To develop children’s interest in folk arts and crafts, to promote the development of aesthetic taste and the formation of beauty.

In the Russian state, not far from Moscow, among forests and fields, stands the town of Gzhel. Once upon a time - long ago - there lived brave and smart, beautiful and skillful craftsmen. One day they got together and began to think about how best to show their skills, please all the people and glorify their land. We thought and thought and came up with something. They found wonderful clay in their native land, white - white. And they decided to sculpt various dishes from it, and such as the world had never seen.

And Gzhel is famous for its color. It is always the same: blue on a white background. The Gzhel people themselves like to say that their sky, like nowhere else in Russia, is blue - blue. So they decided to transfer this blue to white porcelain. The artist’s hand leads a brush with paint over the white background of cups or candlesticks. He presses it harder, then weaker.

And everything that the brush paints becomes blue and cyan. And flowers, and people, and birds, and grass. Just one paint. And what an elegant and festive painting it turns out to be!

The most special thing about Gzhel painting is the “brushstroke with shadows”. The peculiarity is that with one movement of the brush a wide range of color transitions is achieved from deep, dark tones to very light and light ones. Overall, each brushstroke is composed of different shades of blue. The color gradually weakens, moving from heavy, almost black to light, light, almost white, merging with the background and seeming to dissolve in it.

Elements of painting

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Blue fairy tale

Blue - blue Roses, leaves, birds. Seeing you for the first time, Everyone will be surprised. Miracle on porcelain - Blue font. It's called Just painting... GZHEL

Gzhel is an ancient village on the banks of the Gzhelka River, located near Moscow. The richest clay deposits are located here and potters have lived here for a long time. The village got its name from the word “zhgel”, i.e. “to burn” or “to burn.”

Smart and skilled craftsmen gathered together and began to think about how they could better show their skills, please all people and glorify their land. And they came up with it. They found wonderful clay in their native land, white-white. We decided to sculpt various dishes from it, and such as the world had never seen.

Gzhel painting But not only did Gzhel craftsmen decorate their products with stucco, they began to paint dishes with blue paint. They drew different patterns of nets, stripes, and flowers.

Each master began to show his ability. One made a teapot: the spout was in the shape of a cockerel’s head, and there was a chicken on the lid.

When you see Gzhel teapots, your eyes widen. They are very good!

Another master looked and marveled, but did not sculpt the teapot. He saw a bull on the street and sculpted it.

The third master marveled at such beauty, and he himself came up with an even better idea. He made a sugar bowl in the shape of a fabulous fish. The fish smiles and waves its tail. The sugar bowl turned out wonderful.

Having heard a fairy tale about a whale, the master sculpted a marvelous oil can. A fairy-tale city with turrets and churches was sculpted on the back of the whale. A good fellow is riding a horse, and a dog is running after him. Above the whale's head is a fountain with curlicues, and the fish's eyes are like a rose.

Gzhel craftsmen sculpted animals and birds

They make clocks in Gzhel

Let's play

Crossword Name of craft 2. Favorite color of Gzhel masters 3. Element of painting 4. Artist's tool 5. Techniques of working with a brush 6. Kiln-fired pottery

Children's works

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Nowadays, Gzhel is usually understood as a type of Russian folk art - painted in special style ceramic products. A feature of Gzhel painting is the use of three primary colors: white, which makes up the background of the product, and blue and light blue, which are used to make the drawing itself. Gzhel dishes and other products are well known not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Few people know that initially Gzhel was the name given to an area located in the southeast of the Moscow region. Residents of villages and villages located in this area were excellent masters of pottery art. And only in the distant future the name of the area was given to one of the most known species folk art.

One of the reasons for the development of this particular craft was the high-quality Gzhel clay. After all, as you know, initially a certain type of activity appears exactly where the material is. The development of pottery in the Gzhel area began in the 4th century BC. In the 14th century, the Gzhel land became the center of ceramic production in Rus'. It was there that ceramics were made for the Grand Duke Ivan Kalita himself.

Subsequently, a working mold is made from it for casting products. The molds into which the slip, a liquid porcelain mass, is poured are also made of gypsum. Due to its porosity, gypsum absorbs moisture well, and the mass gradually hardens and takes shape.

After this, the products are fired and the artist paints them with cobalt oxide. The painting process is always done entirely by hand, which contributes to the uniqueness of each product. But at the same time, artists do not forget about the style, which is dominated by floral patterns, as well as various geometric shapes. The signature Gzhel combination of white and blue also remains unchanged.

Now Gzhel unites several dozen villages and hamlets of the former Gzhel volost. This is one of the largest pottery centers not only in the Moscow region, but throughout Russia. The secret of Gzhel’s popularity is not only unusual, simple, but at the same time original and easy recognizable style, but also the variety of shapes, designs, and products themselves that Gzhel masters offer us. Gzhel is a symbol of pottery art in Russia, including abroad.

Draw one line, a second line parallel to it, a third one also parallel, but more close range. The fourth is even closer, and the fifth is very close; then the same number of lines, but in reverse order. This results in a simple stripe pattern. Learning to draw elements of the Gzhel painting

“Ornament of a strip of thin lines” Children draw parallel thin lines at different angles. The ornament is built due to different rhythmic distances between the lines. In Gzhel painting, mesh patterns are often used. By using different slopes and distances between lines, a wide variety of meshes can be obtained. Any stripe pattern can be decorated with dots, but it is very important to do them correctly.

“Wavy thin line” When drawing a wavy thin line, you need to make sure that the height and width of the depicted waves are the same. First, draw lines with a pencil, and then follow the pencil mark with a brush. After making 5-10 such lines, try to work only with a brush. The next task of increased difficulty: draw some lines light and others dark.

“Wide lines of different saturation” Wide lines should be drawn with a brush like this: first, dark, then lighter and lighter, and finally, very light, making lines of different thicknesses. The difficulty of making a wide line of different saturation is that the mark on the paper, while remaining dark on one side, gradually turns into a lighter, almost white one. This is achieved by using a large brush (16-22) to apply paint to only one side.

“Brush stroke with shadows” “Brush stroke with shadows” One of the most difficult tasks is a brush stroke with shadows. Its peculiarity is that with one movement of the brush a wide range of color transitions is achieved from deep dark tones to very light and light ones. Toward the middle of the stroke, the brush becomes thinner and then turns into a sharp tip. The brushstroke consists of different shades of blue. The color gradually weakens, forming the finest gradations from heavy, almost black to light, almost white, merging with the background and seeming to dissolve in it. In one lesson, a stroke in one direction is practiced, and in the next - in the other.

“Rose Bud” One of the most difficult elements of painting is the bud and flower of a rose. You can start depicting a rose only after you have mastered and mastered the brush stroke with shadows, because... The rose is made with this brushstroke. Next, the image of a rosebud is learned through repeated exercises, and only then the rose flower.

“Whiskers, curls, herringbones, layers, strokes” Pay attention to the accuracy of each element, special slopes that contribute to the rhythmic decrease or increase of elements, the uniform distance between them, right choice saturation of each element. It would seem like an insignificant detail - carrying out a stroke or layering. But a true artist subtly senses the beauty of these nuances.

“Droplet” This element resembles a raindrop, sometimes similar to the petal of a daisy flower, slightly tilted in different directions. To depict a droplet, use a 5-7 brush. It should not have a sharp tip, but a slightly semicircular one. The brush is moistened with water and paint is applied to it. Then touch the brush to the paper so that the beginning of the stroke is semicircular. Move the hand downwards, lifting it slightly and turning it. At the same time, the brush leaves an increasingly thin mark. Another smear is also placed nearby. If you turn the paper slightly, a flower resembling a daisy will form around the circumference. When drawing a daisy, turn first in one direction until half of the flower is turned, then for the second half - in reverse side. If you tilt it in only one direction, you will get an image that resembles a gear. If you don't turn the brush, the stroke will be straight.

“Painting of Palekh” - Resettlement. The Golden Cockerel. At the well. Christmas. Vaselissa the Beautiful. Partying. Princess. Creativity of the Palesans. Troika. Wedding. Emelya. Children and grandchildren. Heroes of Russian epics. A little about the village of Palekh. Palekh painting. Three brothers. Snow Maiden. Owl. Lacquer miniatures. The Little Humpbacked Horse.

"Gzhel Craft" - Porcelain products. The town of Gzhel. Towards the middle of the stroke, the pressure of the brush becomes weaker. An ancient town. How Gzhel craftsmen decorated their products. Where is the pattern located? Dishes. The brushstroke consists of different shades of blue. Porous gypsum. Gzhel. Elements of the so-called. Blue birds across the white sky. Gzhel masters.

“Elements of Gorodets painting” - Drawing flowers and leaves. Rhombus. Flower stripe. Location of the city. Composition. Fantasies. Subject painting. Assortment of manufactured items. Gorodets painting. Types of ornament. Production of children's furniture. Wreath. Painting cutting boards.

“Gorodets painting” - Sketch of kitchen painting cutting board» Type of activity: decorative drawing. The center is painted with pure paint, without white. Gorodets painting originally originated in the city of Gorodets, Nizhny Novgorod province. Flower petals have the shape of semicircular arches. 4. Proverbs are posted on the board. With a few movements of the brush, the artist determines the silhouette of the flower in the shape of a circle.

“The history of Gzhel” - The art of Russian folk porcelain. One of the traditional Russian centers for the production of ceramics. The craft of painting porcelain. The secret of porcelain. The artel repeated pre-revolutionary models. Artel "Art Ceramics". Execution of painting. Traditional painting with salts of non-ferrous metals. Pottery pipes.

“Zhostovo painting” - Compositional solution for the tray. Which character traits ZHOSTOV PAINTING You can highlight. Let's go on our first trip. Zhostovo. Let's go on our second journey. Zhostovo trays. Subject painting. Thank you. Presentation. Fedoskino. ZHOSTOVO and FEDOSKINO. Performing collective (group) work.