Do-it-yourself presses for pressing and squeezing grapes (drawings, videos and photos). DIY grape press How to make a grape press

Due to frequently asked questions, I want to tell you on the pages of my blog about how I made my first screw press for grapes, with a 20-liter basket.

This was back in 2007, when I was just starting to engage in winemaking “for myself” and was not going to think about any expansion of this aspect of my work.
At that time, a lot of December ripened on my gazebo, there was Muscat Hamburg, Livadia black and many remnants of bunches of table varieties, mostly overripe, spoiled by wasps and ants. Now I remember this raw material with a smile, but then I, like many lovers, considered it quite suitable for wine. Which, in principle, is true, if you don’t delve into what kind of wine it is. 🙂

But this is the lyrics, let's move on to the constructive. Literally.

So, a screw press for grapes. What does it consist of, in my understanding?

1. Frame. The option with a screw through the basket (as I have now) seemed unacceptable to me then.

2. Screw. A screw is a screw, with a powerful, preferably rectangular, thread. With a smile, I now remember my ordeal with turners in the workshops I knew... What a people! Lazy grabbers! 🙁 There is still a picture from the workshop of our city water canal, when three turners, without letting go of the domino bones from their hands, told me how busy they were and how they had no time to turn a screw from a finished rod. They talked for 10 minutes...

3. Basket. Well, I saw the basket, in my understanding, it should be made of oak slats. Where can a resident of Dnepropetrovsk get oak? That's right, the first association is parquet! 🙂 That’s what I used on this product, the main part of the press. The basket must be tightened with hoops. Which ones? Well, stainless steel, of course! For some reason, the dealers in the local construction market did not have a stainless strip of acceptable width and thickness at that time, but they did have corners. Well, I took them. Then, oh, how I regretted it, because the basket turned into a life-threatening object... Well, more on that later.

What is the design? Not only did I make a frame, but I also wanted the press to be a self-contained piece of equipment that did not require any stands. Those. on legs. A kind of frame on legs, a nut is fixed at the top into which the screw rod is screwed, and in the frame there is a basket made of oak slats into which grapes or must with pulp are loaded.

I started with the basket.

At a parquet store I bought two dozen parquet boards, 320 mm long, 50 mm wide and 15 mm thick. At the market there are two meter-long stainless steel corners. As I already wrote, no one had a strip 0.5...1 mm thick, I had to take the corners... :)
Using a home machine, I removed the grooves from the boards with a milling cutter to reduce clogging. As I later saw, the operation was useless: with the help of a dishwasher brush, all the cracks can be washed out very easily.

Using self-tapping screws (with a stainless steel coating!) I attached them to the corners with a gap of 10...12 mm. Then, using a grinder, I cut a corner between the planks, bent the edges of the strips, and made holes in them for the bolts:

And voila! - cart is ready:

The diameter of the basket requires an insert, a piston, which will directly rest on the grape pulp. Here is the basket with it, “assembled”, so to speak: :)

Basket height 32 cm, inner diameter— 29 cm. Volume (calculated) turned out to be 21 liters.

The photographs show sharp edges on the corners. Oh, how many scratches they made on my hands when moving and washing, how many rags they tore... Until I took the grinder again and cut off all the excess right down to the boards!

The next day I went and bought a 25 mm angle, M6 bolts with nuts, and several Ø 6.2 mm drills. I assembled the frame of the press and immediately got to work:

It is necessary to place planks under the screw on the circle:

I ordered the screw in advance from a “handy” turner who was finally found, with great difficulty. Screw Ø 30 mm and 3 mm pitch, with a nut, with a welded disk with holes for fastening, cost me a considerable sum at that time: 100 UAH!

The remaining details are a piece of plywood on the stand and a plastic bowl in which I made a hole and inserted a tube - the final touches. It cost me a penny. And the total cost of this screw wine press (or wine press, which is correct? :)) was about 300 UAH. I was glad that a factory Italian similar press cost about $300. This is such a savings for the family budget! 🙂

As I understand now, that head screw would be enough for a 100-liter press! 🙂 I didn’t have a welding machine then, and at that time I had never held one in my hands, so I did everything with bolts. Well, the apartment, after all. Although it would be possible to cook on the balcony with an inverter, as I now understand.
Due to the bolted connection, the frame “wobbled” a little, which created additional problems towards the end of the spin cycle, when the forces increased. But what an indescribable pleasure it was! 🙂

Well, finally finished! 🙂

The result was a wine that was not at all embarrassing to treat to friends!

As you can see, friends, higher education You don’t need to have one to make your own screw grape press. There are 3...4 months left before the winemaking season, so whoever wants to use my experience - there is still plenty of time! Have a good harvest and happy homemade wine! 🙂

When grown on your own summer cottage grapes, a large number of gardeners, after receiving the berries, process the harvest into juice and wine.

To get these drinks, you need a tool such as a press. You can even make it yourself.

There are no great difficulties in creating a spinning device, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

What is this device

This type of press juicer makes the life of summer residents easier. Using it, you can not only squeeze juice from the same grapes, but also from any other fruit.

A manual press consists of a wooden frame, a tray where the juice will flow, the pressing element itself, a special net for the filter, a barrel, and a power screw. To squeeze grapes, it is best to use a homemade screw press.

White grape varieties can be pressed immediately after cutting. A similar procedure with red varieties is best performed several days after fermentation has begun.

Its essence lies in the fact that the grapes are first loaded into a special basket, after which the screw mechanism begins to squeeze out the juice. Then from the resulting material you can make homemade wine, as well as other drinks or jelly.

This crusher makes it possible to obtain natural juice without any additives in the form of water, sugar or flavorings. Moreover, such juice contains all the vitamins of a natural product. After sterilization, such a drink can be stored for a very long time. for a long time.

It is important to know: the device itself can be made from environmentally friendly materials. This is quite important, because food products will be processed in them.

Usually made of wood (basket) and of stainless steel. Such models last for quite a long time, and during their use the material does not heat up, which in turn allows you to preserve all the vitamins in the juice.

At the exit, after squeezing, pulp is also obtained, which can be used as fertilizer. Homemade mechanical apparatus It is also a wine-making device.


For many people, the material from which such a press will be made plays an important role. Most often they are made from:

  1. Wood. Such models are considered the most environmentally friendly and at the same time the safest. However, in fact, after each release of grape juice, you need to very carefully clean the wooden press, and then degrease and dry it.
  2. Metal. It is made from cast iron and also stainless steel. The advantages of such options are hygiene, ease of maintenance, and durability. In addition, metal does not absorb or release any odors or tastes. Therefore, even large industrial presses, after cleaning, can be used even for domestic purposes.

Manufacturing process

Often a good screw press is replaced at home with some Food processors or electronic juicers.

However, in order to obtain normal grape juice using them, you need to buy very expensive models. The main problem with modern electronic devices is that after processing fruits or berries they produce juice that contains a lot of sediment.

Of course, you can purchase a ready-made screw unit made at the factory, which will work perfectly long years. But spending so much money on something that you can easily do yourself is not advisable. Therefore, using drawings, photos, as well as various video instructions on the Internet, you can easily make homemade press.

Often, even improvised materials are enough to assemble it:

  1. First you need to prepare a container that is suitable in size and volume, into which the berries will be loaded in the future. For this you can use a drum from washing machine. It will be necessary to make holes in it in a checkerboard pattern.
  2. After this you need to find a container, a little bigger size than the previous one. It should not have a bottom and holes must be made in it at the bottom.
  3. Now you need to insert the first (smaller) container into the second (larger), and then install wooden block medium sizes to make a gap between them.
  4. Next you need to find or make a U-shaped frame. In this case, the working part itself must be installed on the frame crossbar. A stainless steel pancake can serve in this capacity. It is fixed with an additional lever by drilling a hole in the frame.
  5. The next step is to place these containers in a special large basin, which is made of food polymers. Already in it you need to make a hole to which the hose is connected. It is through this that the grape juice will flow out in the future.
  6. The U-shaped horizontal bar itself must be concreted into the ground. It will be the basis for the main mechanism. The entire structure will be mounted on it.
  7. The second end of the hose coming from the basin must be placed in the container where the juice should drain.

Such a device will work as follows:

  1. Grapes are first loaded into the drum, after which it is covered with a wooden shield (this can also be a stainless steel option). A cast-iron pancake is lowered onto it, which is controlled by pressing a lever, creating a kind of vice.
  2. Juice begins to release due to pressing the grapes, and it will flow through the hose into the container.
  3. You should press the pulp no more than three times.

You can make moonshine from the juice with the addition of honey. This drink is called mead. How to make a grape press with your own hands, see the instructions in the following video:

Today, several methods are known for making and growing grapes both at home and in industrial conditions. However, what remains unchanged is the technology for squeezing fresh juice from berries. In it, regardless of the location, a special grape press is used. Of course, in industry its size and productivity are much larger homemade options, however, purchasing such a device for home purposes is simply impractical, because for 10 or even 50 liters of wine, devices made by yourself are quite sufficient. But absolutely anyone can make a grape press with their own hands, while spending a minimum of money, time and effort on the work.

Making a roller crusher

As you know, this device is capable of extracting all the useful substances, vitamins and minerals from fruits. Therefore, for high-quality crushing of berries, it is necessary to install a roller crusher. You can make it using available tools. All you need to make is this wooden frame, loading bucket and 2 rolls mounted in bearings on the frame. And, of course, don't forget to make a handle for rotation. Basically, the main material here is wood, so no welding machines We will not use other complex devices.

Details about materials

In order to make a frame, you need to prepare several approximately 60-70 centimeters long with a cross-section of 10x4 cm. In this case, the width of the finished device will depend on the size of the rollers. Optimal size the average is approximately 15-20 centimeters. In this case, the distance between the transverse bars should be equal to the sum of the length of the rolls. When calculating this distance, add another 10 cm to the resulting value. This way you will get the most optimal and practical design in size.

Making a grape press with your own hands: installing rollers

As for these tools, they need to be made grooved. The depth of each reef should be about 2-3 centimeters. Finished goods it is necessary to direct it to the axes of the rolls in a helical manner, making a slight shift within 2 centimeters for every 10 cm of the roll. The resulting mechanism should be mounted on the main frame, that is, on a home grape press, and movement should be ensured using bearings. Remember that the rollers will rotate on the axle at different speeds, so the gears must be used with different diameters. do 1:2. If the gears are the same size, you will have to do this work with rollers, reducing their dimensions accordingly. Only then will your homemade grape press be able to provide different rotation speeds for the berries.

Next, you need to secure a pyramid-shaped wooden bucket and handle over the rollers. The latter must be attached to one of the sides of the mechanism. When making a grape press with your own hands, do not forget to install a vessel in its lower part to receive the pressed raw materials. Make the gap between the rollers manageable to ensure normal compression of the fruit depending on their size. That's it, at this stage the grape press has been successfully made with your own hands!

A large amount of grape harvest cannot be eaten immediately or stored in bunches for a long time, so there is a need for its processing. Depending on the variety, homemade juices are pressed from the berries, wine is made, or they are put in vinegar. All of these drinks require chopping the berries and squeezing the liquid out of them. For these purposes, they purchase in farming press. You can buy it ready-made or make it yourself. Its operating principle is quite simple, so the diagram self-assembly understandable even to novice gardeners. The second name of the tool is a crusher.

The principle of operation of the grape crushing apparatus

As already noted, a grape press is used to squeeze juice out of berries. Next, the liquid is pasteurized and poured into jars or vinegar is prepared on its basis.

Mechanism components

  • frame;
  • a tray into which liquid flows;
  • the pressing element itself;
  • barrel;
  • fine mesh;
  • spin-intensifying screw.

In addition to the fact that the crusher squeezes juice, it can also be used to ferment various drinks. Also, the part that presses and the food material are practically not in contact, therefore the heating is minimal, which ensures the safety of all the beneficial substances in the drink.

For small volumes, the berries are processed manually, but with a press - the process is underway much faster and the gardener has more free time.

Types of grape squeezer: which one to choose

Absolutely all presses are made from environmentally friendly materials, without application chemical substances for connecting or processing parts. In this regard, there are two options for the material from which the press is designed: wood and metal. Devices are also classified by power and volume. Depending on the relevant characteristics required for crop processing, farmers choose one or another machine.

How to build trellises for grapes is described.

What material to make a device for home use from?

Wooden presses have a much shorter service life, unlike metal ones, but are considered safer, since there is not even minimal oxidation of the product.

Wooden: oak, apple, beech, linden, ash

In a wooden press, absolutely all parts are made in natural material , as a rule, are taken for production durum varieties: apple, oak, linden, beech or ash. These presses require careful care and drying after each use. This is due to the fact that bacteria accumulate in the pores, which can adversely affect freshly prepared juice.

Before each use, farmers inspect the basket for damage to its integrity, the appearance of mold or other growths. And only after that he gets to work.

Homemade metal appliances: stainless steel, cast iron

For metal structures choose a non-corrosive metal: cast iron or stainless steel. These materials do not oxidize and, accordingly, do not react with aggressive juice due to the large amount of vitamin C and do not change the properties of the drink.

Such presses are durable and odor-neutral. They are produced in two formats: industrial use and household.

By volume and power (industrial, household)

Differences in power and volumes do not depend on the purpose of the press (domestic or industrial). Devices with a reinforced motor are successfully used both in private farms with large output and in factories.

Pressing units vary in volume, ranging from 1 liter of loading to 80 kg.

The more powerful the design, the more expensive the press will cost.

Making a wine juicer with your own hands

The press is quite simple in nature, especially when it comes to the screw format. At home, it can be made almost from scrap materials.

  1. 2 pipes with a diameter of 18 or 25 mm in cross-section, welded to metal profile in the shape of the letter P. Its height is conventional, but selected in such a way that the key nut on the screw can be placed freely.
  2. A compression mechanism is welded at the bottom, which will fix the required position. A clamp will help attach the finished press to a horizontal working surface.
  3. The frame is made from bars 5*10 mm or 4*10 mm and approximately 70 cm long.
  4. Device width depends on the length of the grooved rollers. It is best to count on a dimension of 20 cm, while the rollers and bars should protrude the same distance, and the depth of the grooves should be at least 2.5 cm.
  5. The structure is directed helically with a shift of 2 cm to the rollers and secured every 10 cm to the frame using a bearing.

The rotation speed of the device is different, therefore the gears are attached to different calibers.

In addition to the main part, which crushes the berries, you need a ladle or bucket with a narrowed base. It is also installed on the frame, at a distance of 1 cm or more from the pressing mechanism.

A container for liquid is attached below and the process can begin. Thanks to the gaps between the rollers, the seeds slip into the filter compartment intact, so the drink turns out sweet, rich and without bitterness. Will it be possible to eat grapes with seeds?

The basket can also be made of metal. In this case, stainless steel gaskets are used to separate the juice into portions.

Materials for drum press machine according to Italian drawing

Before you start work, you should understand: what materials will be useful for the future press according to an Italian or other drawing. They need to be placed all at once on the desktop to speed up the design process.

  • wooden beams 4*10 mm or 5*10 mm;
  • rolls;
  • 2 mm stainless steel discs;
  • pipes with a diameter of about 25 mm;
  • U-shaped profile;
  • fastening tool, welding machine;
  • bearings.

In addition to the above, you will need devices and tools for working on wood and metal.

Rules of application for manual or electric squeezing of grapes

There are several rules due to which the press will give out greatest number quality juice and will last longer.

  1. The selected crusher is firmly fixed to a stationary, horizontal and level surface to prevent displacement.
  2. At the bottom there is a container for the cake (any tank, plastic bucket, pan).
  3. Berries are loaded into the ladle in portions, making sure that the rollers have time to fully process the material.
  4. The cake is partially formed in the basket, so a coarsely woven napkin is placed on the bottom.
  5. After finishing work, the press is washed and thoroughly dried. If cracks occur, they are immediately sealed with wood putty.

There is no need to remove the skin from the berries, as this is what gives the aroma and deep aroma to the drink when received.

Winemakers who are professionally involved in grape cultivation divide it into 2 levels:

  • gravity-fed fruit juice;
  • using a press.

In the first case, the liquid is most valuable, as it is rich in taste and useful substances. In the second option, you can squeeze out the juice in 2 stages, that is, recycle the pulp. For varieties such as, recycling is not recommended, since the taste characteristics are significantly affected.

The cake is squeezed out again no more than 3 times. On the basis of this, less elite varieties of alcohol are prepared, relative to the first pressing.

Video: how to make a simple screw press for squeezing grapes

This video talks about presses and squeezing grapes with your own hands.


A grape press is necessary, even for home internal use. It has undeniable advantages over juicers and juicers.

  1. The press can be used to process (squeeze, press, produce) the cake up to three times.
  2. Making it yourself takes little time, and the materials for it are always available in the household.
  3. There are 2 types of the most popular presses (screw, manual, pneumatic, washing, electric): made of wood and made of metal (stainless steel).
  4. For homemade wooden structures choose firm, noble varieties of garden and ordinary trees: apple, oak, linden, ash or beech. When producing from metal, the choice is made of materials that are not subject to corrosion: cast iron, stainless steel.

Read about how raisins are made in the process of drying grapes.

Viticulture has gained great popularity. Summer residents and gardeners are vying with each other to plant more and more new varieties, and therefore they are faced with the question of what to do with the surplus harvest. As a rule, they are used for juice or wine. To produce drinks, you need a grape press, which you can not only buy, but also make with your own hands. There is nothing complicated here, you just need to have some drawings, materials and tools on hand.

  • frame;
  • tray for collecting juice;
  • barrel;
  • pressing element;
  • filter mesh;
  • power screw

The operating principle is based on simple procedure: The grapes are loaded into a basket, and then the juice is squeezed out of them using a screw mechanism.

The press must be made of environmentally friendly materials, since during use it will come into contact with food products.

An excellent material for making grape presses is stainless steel. Due to the slight contact of the elements, the parts do not heat up, which is important. This equipment allows you to carefully squeeze the juice out of berries and increase the yield of the finished product.

Rules for use at home

After assembly, the finished press should be installed on a smooth and level surface and try to fix it as best as possible. A manual apparatus is usually installed on top of a container for collecting pulp. Plastic or stainless steel tanks and barrels are perfect. After this, the prepared berries are placed into the ladle, which will be poured directly onto the windrows. First, place a napkin on the bottom of the basket to collect the cake.

As the press rotates, the grapes will be crushed and turned into puree, from which the juice is obtained. Before loading into the ladle, the berries must be removed from the brushes.

After completion of work, the equipment is disassembled and thoroughly washed and then dried. This will avoid rotting and prevent dangerous bacteria from multiplying.

The press is used for squeezing juice and then making wine.

Varieties of grape press

There are several key features according to which grape presses are divided into types. First of all, they can be:

  • mechanical;
  • electrical;
  • universal.

The first are characterized affordable price, but at the same time good performance and compact dimensions. For small volumes this is almost perfect option for the home winemaker. However, the work requires a lot of physical effort.

The second type of work is based on pneumatic and hydraulic presses. The design of the device itself in no way impairs the taste of the original product. The pumps included in this equipment are powered by electricity. The productivity of such equipment is very high, and much less physical effort is required.

A distinctive feature of the universal press is that it is designed for processing not only grapes, but also other fruits.

On a universal press you can press any vegetables and fruits Mechanical press Electric press for industrial use

Such devices are extremely popular. Factory products of this type are produced in various capacities and are designed for a variety of production volumes (from home winemaking to industrial).

Based on the materials from which crush presses are made, they can be classified into:

  • wooden;
  • metal.

Products made from wood are considered the most environmentally friendly. However, they require careful care and disinfection. Metal presses are mainly made of cast iron or stainless steel. They are more hygienic and durable compared to their wooden counterparts.

How to make a homemade grape press with your own hands

There is nothing complicated in making a homemade hydraulic press at home for grapes. From scrap materials you can make a simple apparatus that will make the life of a winemaker much easier.

  1. It is necessary to prepare a container for loading berries of the required size. A drum from an old and non-working one may be suitable for this. washing machine. Holes are made in the walls of this container using a drill, placing them in a checkerboard pattern.
  2. Find a container that is at least a little larger than the previous one. In this case, it should be without a bottom, and additional holes should be made at the bottom.
  3. Place the prepared vessels into each other, and install a block of wood between them, thus creating the necessary gap.
  4. From wood you need to make a frame in the shape of the letter P. Place a thick pancake made of cast iron or stainless steel on its crossbar. To fix it, you need to make an additional hole in the frame.
  5. Place both containers in a large bowl. It can be made from any polymers intended for use with food products. First make a hole in the basin for the hose through which the juice will flow.
  6. Concrete the U-shaped frame in the ground. It is this that will serve as the basis for the working mechanism. Mount the previously assembled structure of a basin and two containers on it.
  7. Prepare a container to collect the juice and place the other end of the hose into it.
  8. Load grapes into the drum and cover it with a shield, made of stainless steel or wood. Place a pancake on top of the shield. Control the pressure using a lever.
  9. The released juice will gradually flow through the detached hose.

The pulp should not be pressed more than three times.

After the first pressing, high-quality juice is obtained, which can be used not only for making wine, but also consumed in fresh. The second and subsequent pressings produce a lower quality product from which alcoholic drinks are made. You can also mix juices from different extractions, which will significantly improve the characteristics of the final product.

As you can see, a simple grape press can be made with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in this procedure, but the product will serve as a good assistant in home winemaking. The costs of materials will be small and will be fully justified.