Proper cleaning of the well and water with your own hands. How to properly and effectively clean a well with your own hands Cleaning a well from silt

Cleaning a well is a kind of spring-cleaning, it is needed regularly and must be done conscientiously. The owners of this simple but very necessary structure may be interested in learning how to clean a well with your own hands in order to save a little money.

To think that once a well has been dug no longer requires maintenance is completely wrong. And to enjoy crystal clear, always cool, fresh water, you need to make some effort from time to time. The well is sanitized annually, and every 3-5 years it will require “general cleaning,” sometimes more often.

To ensure that the water is suitable for consumption, the well must be cleaned regularly.

The need for unscheduled cleaning will definitely be indicated by the quality of the no longer potable water. Such water cannot be used either for bathing in the shower or for watering plants in the garden beds.

You can hire specialists for the work, but many homeowners do not look for easy ways and prefer to do everything themselves. Such an initiative is always laudable and cost-effective, but it does come with some challenges. Cleaning a well with your own hands is a troublesome, unsafe task and will require some theoretical knowledge.

There may be several reasons for cleaning a well. And before starting work, it is worth determining the nature of the contamination and how to eliminate it. The causes of cloudy water are determined by color, smell and the presence of impurities.

  • Silting of the well. As a result of this inevitable process, the water becomes cloudy and acquires a characteristic taste. The deposition of sand and clay at the bottom of the well also leads to severe turbidity. In this case, the water level in the mine may drop significantly, but this should not be confused with sharp seasonal changes;
  • The appearance of an oil film over the surface of the water indicates the presence of petroleum products. They may appear due to depressurization of the mine, enter directly with the aquifer, or for the banal reason of failure to maintain cleanliness when using the well;

If the water is polluted, you can easily determine this by its color, smell and the presence of impurities
  • Water becomes rusty due to the presence of iron in it;
  • Bacterial contamination can be a consequence of simple stagnation of water with infrequent use. The development of bacteria can also be facilitated by foreign objects falling into the mine: household, plant debris or accidentally fallen animals and birds;
  • Sewage ingress is easily recognized by its unpleasant odor;
  • The cause of greening of water is the simplest algae, which develop in the warm season with sufficient sunlight;
  • Blackening of water or the appearance of rot is often found in wells with an aspen shield installed at the bottom. Wood can rot over time and spoil the water.

Security measures

People often neglect basic rules own safety, but in the case of work in a well, this should not be done.

To carry out well cleaning work, you will need the help of a partner and insurance.
  • The first and basic rule is the presence of a safety rope, regardless of the depth of the mine;
  • It is strictly not recommended to work alone. This is not only much more difficult, but also not safe. There should be a person nearby who can provide assistance;
  • It is equally important to make sure that there are no harmful gases in the well. To do this, a lit candle is lowered into the shaft; if it continues to burn, then there is enough oxygen;
  • The ladder that will be lowered to the bottom of the well must be equipped with a supporting platform, and the rope must be well fixed.

Important! At a depth of more than 3 m there is much less oxygen, so it is better for a person with cardiovascular diseases to delegate the cleaning to someone else.

Technologies and methods for cleaning wells

There are several cleaning methods. The choice of a specific one depends on the nature of the contamination and the tool used. In some cases, complex measures may be required. Well cleaning can be:

  • Preventative;
  • Major (drainage or manual cleaning).

Preventive cleaning of wells

For preventive cleaning of the well and disinfection of water, you will need a manganese solution in it.

Every year after the snow melts, it is advisable to carry out sanitary treatment, even when the water seems clean. Use ordinary potassium permanganate for disinfection. A tablespoon of crystals is dissolved in a bucket of water and poured into the well. After 2-3 hours, all the water is pumped out of it. You can pour it on the garden; light disinfection of the soil will not cause harm and will even be useful.

Manual well cleaning: technology and features of the work

The entire manual cleaning process comes down to gradual mechanical cleaning. In this regard, several main stages can be distinguished:

  1. Preparatory;
  2. Pumping out water;
  3. Mechanical cleaning of the mine;
  4. Cleaning the bottom of the well. Flushing or replacing the well filter;
  5. Repair work, sealing seams (if necessary);
  6. Well disinfection.

Preparatory work

Before you start cleaning, consider whether you have all the necessary tools

When all the tools have been collected and helpers have been found, you can move on to the preparatory stage. Its purpose is to provide free access to the mine, so the canopy will have to be dismantled for a while. If there is debris on the surface of the water, it is removed manually. They also check for the presence of harmful gases, and if there are any, the work will have to be performed in a gas mask.

Pumping out water

Of course, you can select water from a well using buckets, but it is much easier to do this with a pump. Even a low-power Rodnichok, which can be borrowed from neighbors, will do the job perfectly if you don’t lower it too low to the bottom. It is worth considering that it will not be possible to completely drain the mine; a small amount of water will remain at the bottom in any case.

Mechanical cleaning

The walls of the shaft are cleaned of all existing contaminants using a scraper, metal brush or sponge. Everything that is removed from the walls will fall into the water, but this is not critical, along with the bottom mule, it will be removed. The walls are washed twice with water. When cleaning the shaft, carefully inspect the seams between the rings or masonry. If cracks appear, carry out renovation work.

Sealing seams

Use cement mortar to seal joints

Cracks and other damage between shaft rings can occur due to slight misalignment or long-term contamination of water or vegetation. To restore their tightness, they are sealed with ordinary mortar with a high cement content or special mixtures are used. Before renovation work surface It is recommended to clean it for better adhesion of materials. Apply the solution with a spatula or spatula.

Important! Under no circumstances should household detergents or other chemicals be used to clean the well.

Cleaning the bottom of the well. Flushing or replacing the well filter

Sediment is removed from the bottom of the well in several ways. The easiest way is to go down to the bottom and pick it up in buckets. You can use a grapple to clean the well. This is a special bucket that is equipped with two interlocking blades. It is lowered to the bottom, silt is collected, and then raised with a strong cable manually or on a winch. It is also recommended to remove the old filter, rinse thoroughly and replace it. If for some reason it does not fit, a new layer is added to the bottom. Stones of a larger fraction are placed on the bottom of a well made of loose clay or on a bottom shield. A fine-grain filter is used for sandy bottoms and calm inflows.

Manual cleaning of the well bottom

Well disinfection.

For disinfection, use a bleach solution or special chlorine-containing stabilizing agents. Bleach will require 20 mg per 1 liter of water. The usual formula for the volume of a cylinder will help you find out its quantity in the well. After adding the disinfectant, the shaft is tightly closed and left for 5-6 hours. After this, the water is completely pumped out twice. It is recommended to boil it for 5-7 days after processing. Such purification is necessary if the water has been contaminated with bacteria or organic matter. Other methods of disinfection for wells are not recommended.

Advice! To ensure the quality of drinking water, a sample can be submitted for analysis.

Drainage cleaning: technology and choice of pumping station

This type of cleaning is sufficient if only silting or deposition of clay and sand at the bottom has occurred. They use only a special model, namely a drainage pump. Preference is given to a submersible device.
Knowing the depth and fullness of the well, it is necessary to select pumping unit with sufficient power, good flow rate and, most importantly, low requirements for water quality. In this situation, the conclusion is simple - the greater the pump flow rate and power, the better.
You can also use fecal pumps. If there are leaves or other debris floating on the surface of the water, it is recommended to remove it first. The drainage pump is immersed in water at a distance of 0-5-1 meters from the bottom and fixed well.

Cleaning the well with drain pump

It is important that the stream from the outlet pipe is directed strictly downward and lifts the sediment well with pressure.

Periodically raise the pump and wash the filter. The regularity of cleaning using a drainage pump depends on the characteristics of the soil on the site, but, as a rule, it is required no more than 1-2 times a year.
The process of well contamination is inevitable. But this is a reason not to give up fresh, clean and free drinking water.

Cleaning a country well manually: video

Over time, sediment, debris, clay and silt accumulate in the well. To maintain the necessary freshness of drinking water, the owner will have to regularly clean the bottom and shaft. The frequency of the procedure depends on the composition of the water, the type of soil and other features of the area, but cleaning should be carried out at least once every five years. Cleaning a well is not difficult - we will look at the main methods in this article.

Cleaning is a necessary preventive measure that allows not only to improve the quality of water, but also to extend the life of the well.

You can select several signs, indicating that it is time to carry out cleaning work:

  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor (most often hydrogen sulfide);
  • turbidity of water, the presence of suspended matter that does not settle long time;
  • shallowing due to the accumulation of large amounts of quicksand;
  • entry of foreign objects into the shaft.

Clean the well from bottom sediments any summer resident can remove alluvial silt and fallen debris, without even going down into it.

Causes of pollution

There are many reasons why water in a well loses its original purity and freshness. Let's highlight those that owners encounter most often:

  1. Irregular use– stagnation and siltation of water can occur with infrequent use. Most often this happens when country dacha no one lives permanently and the hydraulic structure is used only occasionally.
  2. Lack of cover– it is necessary to ensure that the well is tightly covered. It should only be opened at the time of use. Otherwise, dust, small debris, branches and leaves from trees will fall into the mine, significantly reducing the quality of the water. The presence of a lid will also protect from direct sunlight, which will significantly reduce the rate of growth and development of algae.
  3. Incorrect installation of the melt water shutter– the valve is a permanent waterproof layer with a thickness of at least 50 cm, covering the upper casing ring. If the technology was not followed during construction, perched water containing eroded pieces of soil and other debris will penetrate into the reservoir.
  4. Damage to seam joints– over time, cracks can form in the seams of concrete rings, through which groundwater enters the mine. You can correct the situation by draining the tank and sealing the cracks with the mixture. mortar with the addition of liquid glass.
  5. Ring offset– most often occurs from the impact of quicksand or soil freezing. In the first case, the lower part of the trunk moves, in the second, the upper rings are pushed out. To eliminate damage, break points are sealed cement mortar or they tighten the displaced rings with pins with thick wire.

Having found the reason why the well is dirty, you can determine the required amount of work and choose the most suitable cleaning method.

Cleaning methods

Drinking dirty water is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health. Therefore, if an unpleasant odor or taste appears, immediate action must be taken.

There are several available methods that allow you to quickly clean a well made of concrete rings with your own hands, without even going down into it. With structures made of wooden logs, the situation is a little more complicated, since to carry out cleaning work you will have to go down into the mine and check the integrity of the lower crowns.

Submersible pumps

When constructing a well, the bottom is covered with filter layers of gravel, sand and crushed stone, making an embankment at least 40 cm thick. During operation, particles of these bulk materials become covered with silt, and the water becomes cloudy. You can cope with the problem yourself using drain pump, selecting it taking into account the volume and depth of the mine.

The pump is lowered to a depth of 0.5-1.0 m from the bottom. Water is drawn into the pipes through filters and returns under pressure to the well, lifting silt deposits from the bottom. It is necessary to periodically turn off and remove the pump to clean the filters. The procedure is carried out until they remain clean. To verify the effectiveness and evaluate the effect obtained, you can submit a water sample for analysis.

Using a drainage pump not only gets rid of bottom sludge, but also removes small branches, leaves and other debris. This procedure should be carried out regularly (2-3 times a year), and not only in cases of emergency.

The following video shows the process of cleaning a well using a sump pump:

The accumulation of silt at the bottom leads to a decrease in the water level, which significantly affects its quality. In this case, you can clean the well using fecal (sewage) pump. Unlike drainage, it is more powerful and does not become clogged with sand. To organize such an event, you need to contact specialists - vacuum cleaners.

You can try to remove iron objects that accidentally fell into the well using a strong magnet.

Manual cleaning

If the previous options did not bring the desired result and the water quality is still poor, manual cleaning of the walls and bottom is recommended. To do this, you will have to call one or two assistants for backup, acquire special equipment and go down into the mine. Experts recommend, for preventive purposes, manual cleaning and maintenance annually at the end of summer, when the filling of underground sources is minimal.

Manual cleaning includes several stages:

  1. Water is gradually pumped out or scooped in buckets from the well and at the same time the internal surface is cleaned. Dirt is removed using a scraper and a wire brush without detergents or other chemicals.
  2. After removing the bulk of the water, they begin to thoroughly clean the bottom, removing the filtration layers of sand and gravel and replacing them with new ones. Large stones can be washed thoroughly and put back.
  3. Then the seams are strengthened and defects are sealed, which become clearly visible on the cleaned surfaces.

After cleaning and repair work, experts advise treating with disinfectant solutions.

Safety precautions when manually cleaning a well

Manual cleaning of a well is not only a very labor-intensive activity, but also associated with an immediate health risk. Therefore, we are obliged to talk about safety rules:

  • You can’t clean the well alone. A person who descends into the trunk must be secured by at least two people at the top;
  • main worker puts on a strong belt with a secure cable attached to it. At the first signs of deterioration in well-being, colleagues are obliged to understand it to the surface;
  • stairs, along which a person descends into a well, equipped with a special wooden platform for greater stability;
  • after pumping water into the well shaft lower a container with a reinforced burning candle. The fact is that gases that are dangerous to humans (for example, hydrogen sulfide) can accumulate at the bottom. If they are, the candle will go out. In this case, you will have to work in a gas mask;
  • chemical disinfection of walls should be done while wearing safety glasses and respirator, to avoid eye damage and poisoning;
  • air at a depth of 2 m or more contains much less oxygen than at the surface. Therefore p work in the well shaft cannot be trusted to persons suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, bronchial asthma and respiratory pathologies;
  • all works associated with a person being in a well shaft, must be completed before dusk.

Final disinfection

Disinfection not only guarantees the safety of drinking water, but also improves its taste. The most effective and safest way to treat well walls is to use potassium permanganate solution(1 tbsp per bucket of water). Also used 10% bleach solution(such as the standard “Whiteness”), which is first used to cover the walls of the structure, and the remains are evenly distributed along the bottom.

After chlorine treatment, the tank is tightly closed, the lid is wrapped with a tarpaulin and left until the barrel is filled with water to the usual level (this may take from several hours to several days). Then the water is pumped out, diverting it outside the site (you cannot water the beds with such liquid). The procedure of pumping out the filled well must be repeated one or two more times to remove all remaining disinfectant reagents. Water from a well that has undergone chemical disinfection can be used for technical purposes only after the smell of chlorine has completely disappeared (for cooking and washing dishes, it is better to boil it).

As a result of properly carried out cleaning and disinfection, the water should be clear, free of any impurities, unpleasant odors and tastes. For further safe use, experts recommend letting the water sit for several days.


Watch the video, which shows the well cleaning procedure in more detail:

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Do you know that:

“Frost-resistant” varieties of garden strawberries (more often simply “strawberries”) need shelter just as much as ordinary varieties (especially in those regions where there are snowless winters or frosts alternating with thaws). All strawberries have superficial roots. This means that without shelter they freeze to death. Sellers’ assurances that strawberries are “frost-resistant,” “winter-hardy,” “tolerates frosts down to −35 ℃,” etc. are deception. Gardeners should remember that root system No one has ever managed to change the strawberries.

From varietal tomatoes you can get “your own” seeds for sowing next year (if you really like the variety). But it is useless to do this with hybrids: you will get seeds, but they will carry the hereditary material not of the plant from which they were taken, but of its numerous “ancestors”.

In Australia, scientists have begun experiments in cloning several varieties of grapes grown in cold regions. Climate warming, which is predicted for the next 50 years, will lead to their disappearance. Australian varieties have excellent characteristics for winemaking and are not susceptible to diseases common in Europe and America.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stem celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have “negative calorie content,” that is, more calories are consumed during digestion than they contain. In fact, only 10-20% of the calories received from food are consumed in the digestive process.

Compost is the rotted organic remains of the of different origins. How to do it? Put everything in a pile, hole or large box: kitchen scraps, tops garden crops, weeds mowed before flowering, thin branches. All this is layered with phosphate rock, sometimes straw, earth or peat. (Some summer residents add special composting accelerators.) Cover with film. During the process of overheating, the pile is periodically turned or pierced to bring in fresh air. Typically, compost “ripens” for 2 years, but with modern additives it can be ready in one summer season.

You need to collect medicinal flowers and inflorescences at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the contents useful substances they are as high as possible. Flowers are supposed to be picked by hand, tearing off the rough stalks. Dry the collected flowers and herbs, scattered in a thin layer, in a cool room at natural temperature without access to direct sunlight.

The homeland of pepper is America, but the main breeding work on developing sweet varieties was carried out, in particular, by Ferenc Horvath (Hungary) in the 20s. XX century in Europe, mainly in the Balkans. Pepper came to Russia from Bulgaria, which is why it received its usual name - “Bulgarian”.

Convenient Android applications have been developed to help gardeners and gardeners. First of all, these are sowing (lunar, flower, etc.) calendars, thematic magazines, and collections of useful tips. With their help, you can choose a day favorable for planting each type of plant, determine the timing of their ripening and harvest on time.

Both humus and compost are rightfully the basis organic farming. Their presence in the soil significantly increases the yield and improves the taste of vegetables and fruits. They are very similar in properties and appearance, but they should not be confused. Humus is rotted manure or bird droppings. Compost is rotted organic remains of various origins (spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). Humus is considered a higher quality fertilizer; compost is more accessible.

A well is an invaluable help in obtaining clean water for drinking and technical needs. But the problem is that the active circulation of liquid gradually leads to its clogging. It is possible to cope with such troubles, you just have to strictly follow a certain working technology.

Signs of contamination

You should start by recognizing the signs of contamination. After all, each type of blockage has a special approach and cannot be eliminated using a universal template.

  • The appearance of muddy water, even in a very small volume, almost always indicates that soil particles are entering the well cavity. Their penetration there becomes possible due to the weak tightness of the wall joints, which can move or become leaky. It is much worse if the water takes on one color or another.

  • A green tint indicates that the well has become a place of active reproduction of microscopic algae. And if the liquid turns black, this most often allows us to conclude that organic matter not only got inside, but is also decomposing.
  • Water with an excessive concentration of iron turns yellow; You should immediately keep in mind that ordinary cleaning is powerless in such a situation. Purification through special filters helps to cope with excessive saturation of well water with iron. A specific taste, which appears even before obvious visual signs, also helps to recognize “strong” metal.
  • At the dacha and in the household, the water raised from the well may be sweetish due to the presence of nitrogen. It gets there along with fertilizers (nitrates) and this problem cannot be dealt with until the source of these substances is cut off.
  • A yellowish color is often characteristic of water that enters a home spring from a swamp; The difference from simple iron overload is that the color is relatively weak. Green tone, other than algae, is sometimes associated with the penetration of hydrogen sulfide from secondary sources. This is easy to recognize by the appearance of a characteristic putrid odor.

  • The entry of clay into a well is sometimes provoked by the action of quicksand. It mechanically destroys the strongest and most stable structures, and the moisture-saturated rock easily finds seemingly insignificant cracks and immediately penetrates them. The presence of lime in significant quantities is determined visually, as is contamination resulting from dirt and silt. If there is relatively little lime, the water “simply” becomes hard. On household appliances scale appears on dishes and dishes, on plumbing fixtures and in pipes.

Dirt can appear both as a result of prolonged use of the well, and almost immediately after digging.

The problem is aggravated by poor-quality construction and non-compliance with sanitary and technological standards. In any case, you should not expect that the contamination will disappear on its own after some time. But it is not very wise to rush too much, using random or recommended means. It is much more correct, having found the root cause of the blockage, to deal with tools and methods that will really help with cleaning.


Enthusiasts and engineers have developed many tools with which you can clean almost any well from mechanical dirt. The simplest option is to use a scraper. It removes blockages that appear on the walls of the mine. But before you scrape those walls, you should try cleaning the well using pumps. This is much more productive than trying to solve the problem manually.

The drainage pump, raising the water upward, will simultaneously remove the dirty particles accumulated in it. The pressure pump mounted next to the head will also play a role. This is a high-tech “scraper” that creates a strong, intense flow of liquid. What is important is that pumps as a device for narrow and wide wells are equally suitable. Placing it on a special stand will help to avoid the drainage unit sinking into the sludge.

It is recommended to choose pumps that are designed for dirty water; Even if the blockage seems insignificant from above, it is impossible to predict how the situation will change at the very bottom and when the liquid supply becomes depleted.

The pressure hose is placed in a tank of approximately 300 liters. When pumps cannot be used, a bucket (or scoop) often comes to the rescue. This tool is easy to make even with your own hands, as long as you have sheet steel and a few simple devices to work with her.

Those who actually tried cleaning a well with a ladle were not disappointed in it. True, such work is very tedious and takes a lot of time, but at least in financially she is easy. The scoop must be thrown into the well shaft with the tip down, ensuring that it pierces the accumulated silt. When working, they try to capture as much dirt as possible (from 2 to 3 kg of it is removed at one time).

A more complex option is the grab; this tool is suitable for a narrower scope of work.

In appearance, a grab is a kind of “jaw”, when closed, it captures sediments at the bottom. After lifting, they open, releasing the collected dirt. Like a scoop, it is better to make a grab yourself. But the point is not so much the simplicity, but the fact that almost no one offers such a tool for free sale.

When cleaning sewer wells, along with the listed tools, you can use a suction pump. This is the name of a sewage disposal machine equipped with a vacuum pump and a special tank. Contrary to the name, such equipment is suitable for removing not only sludge. It copes well with sand and grease, and with various hard rock particles. Only abrasives pose a danger to the relatively soft hose that carries dirt into the tank. The disadvantage of this method is that you will have to pay and specially call assistants.

Cleaning technology

It is not at all necessary to contact specialists - you can clean the well with your own hands, without even going down into it, but while remaining on solid ground. Manual cleaning begins with thoroughly pumping out water, and consistently. Having pumped out the mirror by 400-500 mm, using elongated tools, clean the walls mechanically. During this work, the use of even the most gentle household chemicals is categorically unacceptable. Most of the work is still carried out inside and you need to carefully monitor that the structure of the rings remains intact.

Having reached the bottom, the liquid is finally pumped out and the decisive stage of cleaning begins. It is necessary to rinse the bottom filter, and it is advisable to lift the stones to the top, where this can be done more efficiently. Seams that do not even have visually noticeable deformations must be sealed with cement with the addition of liquid glass. This will make it difficult for surface water to mix with that flowing through the mine. Disinfection is required.

You can do without going down at all with automated cleaning, which has already been discussed - the use of drainage and deep-well pumps. This technique helps if you need to deal with only minor blockages. A pumping block is placed 50 cm from the bottom of the pit. The hose from the supply pump is placed even closer to the bottom. It is very important to observe this placement; violating it will not allow you to achieve a good result.

Work must be continued strictly until the pump pump supplies perfectly clean water.

If it is necessary to lower various mechanisms and devices into the well, it is recommended to use a winch. This device is relatively simple, but it really helps save energy. And, of course, working at the bottom of a pit requires an appropriate mental attitude.

What is important is that there are ways to clean wells in stages without pumping out water. This is not possible for all types of pollution, of course. Thus, the fight against microscopic algae that gives the water a greenish tint is best done with the help of chlorine. Within a few days the tank will be completely clean and ready for use. Natural sorbents such as zeolite and shungite effectively combat the ingress of foreign substances. For optimal effect, you will have to use several kilograms of these reagents at once. Another way is to use dosing blocks.

The capacity of such a cartridge varies from 250 to 1000 cm3. But despite the presence of special developments, professionals still recommend completely pumping out the water and removing 100% of sludge. Then you need to fill the well clean water, defending it for at least a week.

Cleaning without pumping using open chlorine or dosing charges helps primarily against microbiological agents. But given the danger of the substance used, you should strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions and not use more than recommended doses.

It is important to resolve one more question - when exactly is it better to carry out routine cleaning of the well - in the fall or in the spring. Timely cleaning prevents the need for emergency work of this kind and allows you to always use fresh water. Regardless of your schedule, you need to start working if:

    sticks, stones, leaves and branches of trees, various birds and animals fell into the well;

    the presence of metals and their compounds was detected;

    the water becomes clogged at depth with sand or clay.

Clogging with both metal and sand can be caused by soil movements. They lead to displacement of the rings and penetration of foreign matter inside. In such a situation, you will have to not only clean, but also repair the water source. Clogging can be prevented by regularly raising water to the top. Even when there is no obvious need for it, it turns out to be very useful.

Before cleaning, always remove all interfering objects from the well, including pumping equipment.

After removing the water, it is necessary to inspect the structure and look for signs visible destruction. If there are no such problems, change the bottom filter. The sand, gravel and crushed stone that is there needs to be pulled out and a completely new mound made. The freed walls are specially cleaned; for this, not only brushes are used, but also antiseptic preparations. Having completed the formation of the bottom filter, the pumps and stationary outlet filters are returned to their place.

We have to keep in mind that the water obtained during the first injection is not yet ready even for technical use. High-quality liquid is always transparent, without foreign odors or tastes. It is sometimes possible to achieve such success only from the third bay. If the filters are not changed, they are cleaned as prescribed by the manufacturer's instructions - mainly with strong water pressure.

A different approach should be taken to tube wells. In them, as well as in wells, only pumps and filters can be used. Pumping out the water is also mandatory, as is checking the liquid obtained after cleaning in a specialized laboratory. Covering them with covers or canopies helps reduce the need for cleaning wells and wells. As for the time of regular cleaning, for wells used only in summer, the operating time begins in spring and autumn. As winter approaches, water has to be pumped out to prevent filters and pumps from clogging. In the spring months, special attention is paid to cleaning the walls of structures or replacing natural filters.

Even if the water appears clean all the time, it is recommended to have it tested in a laboratory four times a year.

Regardless of the experts' conclusions, cleaning the water supply is mandatory. It is also necessary to carry out this in the case when the ground is flooded when the snow melts. Important: self cleaning a sewer well, unlike a water well, is practically impossible. For this purpose, you will have to use special equipment, the purchase of which is not justified. Before using any reagent of natural or artificial origin, it is better to immediately check whether it is environmentally safe.

Installation of the bottom filter

A properly installed bottom filter is the most important element of rough cleaning, stopping the invasion of sand and clay. To form this protection, use only natural materials, which are not washed away by water. Be sure to place them in several layers to ensure complete safety for those using well water. It should be noted that in dense soils of clay origin, when obtaining water from underground springs, a filter is not required. But when the bottom is composed of soft clay and the water is flowing with significant pressure, the fight against cloudy suspension is very important.

Large crushed stone or pebbles laid out in a layer of 0.15-0.2 m will help prevent the bottom from washing out. If the base of the pit is made of sand and water flows in even portions, you will need to lay out the filter yourself. It is also required in cases where there is quicksand below.

The direct type of bottom filter is used where the inflow is relatively small, as well as on top of quicksand. First, material of large fractions is laid out, then medium and small fractions (each layer is 5-6 times finer than the previous one).

The upper filter surface in such a system is made of quartz sand or pebbles. If the bottom is already sandy, reverse filters are used. Their main task is to prevent dirt from entering the water from reaching the bottom of the well. At the same time, owners are protected from contamination of the liquid by grains of sand rising in the flow of spring water. The difference from the direct scheme is that the sequence of layers is reversed; The thickness of each layer is a maximum of 150 mm.

Water disinfection

Cleaning the well purely mechanically is very good. But this will not allow you to protect yourself from:


Meanwhile, all these types of living beings are formidable enemies of man. A bad smell is only a subjective problem; the health consequences will be much worse. Disinfectants should be used once every six months, before the start of seasonal use of the well and in the fall. Special cases when such a measure is urgently needed are:

    flooding of the mine by flood or sediment, wastewater;

    seepage of untreated groundwater;

    contamination with any pesticides and industrial and household waste;

    entry of terrestrial animals and birds;

    collapse of part of the material;

    presence of garbage;

    bottom subsidence;

    detection of excessive concentrations of microbes when examining samples.

Bleach powder can be used to make water drinkable.

Attention: you should accurately calculate its amount and do not try to exceed the dosage “for greater effectiveness.” Be sure to take precautions when handling this substance!

In some cases, it is better to use potassium permanganate - this product works quickly and is not dangerous. Its disadvantage is its relatively low efficiency.

30 g of reagent is mixed with 10 l warm water. After waiting from 30 minutes to an hour, you need to pump out the water several times. Next, dry walls are washed with the same solution, and a mesh with 3-5 g of potassium permanganate or silicon chips is placed on the bottom. Ready-made tablets based on chlorine compounds can only be used in accordance with the original instructions!

Important: all disinfectant solutions must be prepared in clean containers that have been rinsed beforehand.

After all, it is impossible to predict how this or that reagent will behave when interacting with foreign substances. After using chlorine water, you need to thoroughly mix it for about 10 minutes using long poles or by scooping it up with a bucket and quickly pouring it back.

It is much easier to do this using a suspended pump. After such chlorination, in any case, you need to cover the well with thick cloth or polyethylene. Be sure to make sure that the mine is cool and not exposed to sunlight. Otherwise, the chlorine will evaporate too quickly and will not produce desired result. The walls will need to be washed with clean water. Pumping out the well after chlorination is repeated until even the faintest smell of the chemical disappears.

No matter how well a well is built, after a while it will need to be cleaned - the water becomes cloudy and has an unpleasant aftertaste. Knowing how to clean a well with your own hands, you don’t have to worry that the water will become unusable.

When is a well cleaned necessary?

Cloudy color, unpleasant odor and taste are all signs of contamination of the water in the well. When they appear, the well must be cleaned immediately, and before that, use the water only for household needs.

Water contamination in a well can often be determined even visually

Before you start cleaning, you need to find out the reasons for the cloudiness of the water and the appearance of odor. It could be:

  • depressurization of seams between rings. Overflow with parts of rock (clay and sand) gets into the well and the water becomes cloudy;
  • neglect of the well shaft. If you leave it open, debris and insects will get into the water. Also, under the influence of sunlight, microorganisms actively develop and the walls of the mine turn green, and with them the water;
  • sewerage gets into the water - the water becomes unpleasant in taste and smell.

In the first two cases, manual cleaning of the well will help. In the third, it is necessary to look for the root cause - sewage drains, cesspools in the immediate vicinity of the well.

Well design

Before starting work on cleaning a well, it is necessary to study its design and depth. Most often, wells are built using concrete rings that are lowered as the soil at the bottom is excavated.

Scheme: well construction

The rings themselves are secured to each other with metal staples, and the seams are covered with cement mortar.
A bottom filter is installed at the bottom of the well - a mixture of gravel, coarse sand and crushed stone.
The purpose of cleaning a well is to remove plaque from the walls (concrete rings) and wash the bottom filter (and, if necessary, replace it).

Methods for cleaning wells

There are two ways to clean a well:

  • manually - a rather labor-intensive process, but sometimes you cannot do without it;
  • using a drainage pump is an easier way, but a powerful pump is required.

In addition, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive cleaning and disinfection of the well.

Well disinfection

After any type of cleaning, as well as for preventive purposes, it is necessary to disinfect the well. The main methods of disinfection are using a solution of bleach and potassium permanganate.

Disinfection of water in a well can be carried out with potassium permanganate or bleach

If disinfection is carried out using bleach, then the following steps must be performed:

  • The volume of water in the well is calculated; for this, the cross-sectional area is multiplied by the value of the water level to the bottom.
  • the water is completely pumped out; - prepare a chlorine solution - 20 grams of powder per liter of water;
  • the walls of the shaft are wiped or sprayed with the resulting solution;
  • While the well is filling with water, another solution is prepared - this time in a proportion of 200 mg. for every liter;
  • the chlorine solution is poured into the well (without any sediment that forms at the bottom), mixed and left for 12 hours. In this case, the well head must be well covered so that the chlorine does not evaporate.

After 12 hours, the water from the well is pumped out several times until the smell of chlorine disappears.

Important! After treating a well with bleach, raw water from it cannot be drunk for 2 weeks. After this time, it is better to submit it for analysis to a chemical laboratory.

When using potassium permanganate, the principle of operation remains the same, but it is enough to pump out the water only twice. This method is rather weak and does not guarantee complete disinfection.

The process of disinfecting a well with a solution of potassium permanganate

Another important point– it is necessary to foresee in advance where the water from the well will be drained. If water with potassium permanganate can be poured into the garden, and this will even be useful, then this cannot be done with bleach. It is necessary to drain into cesspool or move the hose away from the area.

Cleaning the well manually

Do-it-yourself well cleaning begins with pumping out the water. Of course, you can do this with buckets, but this is a very difficult task that will take a lot of time. It is better to use a powerful pump that will cope with the task in a few minutes.
For cleaning you will need:

  • ladder;
  • a scraper or metal brush with a long handle;
  • sponge;
  • buckets;
  • "waders.

After the water has been pumped out, a ladder is installed into the well shaft and, from top to bottom, the rings are gradually cleared of plaque with a scraper.

The process of cleaning a well manually

When the above-water part is cleaned, you can proceed to cleaning the bottom filter. To do this, gravel, sand and silt are collected from the bottom into buckets and raised to the top.

Important! Since the bottom of the well is unstable, you cannot stay in one place for a long time, as you can get stuck in the slurry. During work, one person must be at the top with a safety net.

After cleaning the bottom, a new bottom filter is created - gravel, coarse sand and crushed stone are poured in layers.
If the seams between the rings are damaged and surface water enters through them, they must be repaired. This can be done with the same solution of cement and sand that was used in the construction of the well.
At the end of all work, the well is disinfected.
Manual cleaning can be done not only in critical cases, but also for prevention - once every two years.

Cleaning a well with a drainage pump

If you do not want to clean the well manually, you can use a drainage pump. It will allow you to organize circulation, thereby removing contaminated water and pumping in clean water.

Cleaning a well using a drainage pump

It is necessary to begin work by selecting a pump of sufficient power. If it is too weak, then it will not be possible to clean the well. Then you need to do the following:

  • the drainage pump sinks to the bottom. It is first necessary to build a stand that will not allow it to fall into the silt;
  • a pressure hose is lowered into a pre-prepared container on the surface. This could be a bathtub or a barrel of water;
  • the drainage pump is turned on, the liquid is pumped out from the well, and the walls of the shaft are washed with water from the container under pressure.

The procedure can be repeated several times until the water becomes clear. Then the mine is disinfected.

Preventive well cleaning

Preventative cleaning of the well should be carried out annually, at the end of the winter period. The water may not have visible defects, but, nevertheless, it is better to play it safe and carry out the work.
It is produced using a solution of potassium permanganate - 1 tablespoon per bucket of water. One bucket will be enough - it is poured into the shaft and left for 2-3 hours. After this, the water is completely pumped out 2 times.

Preventive water purification with a weak solution of potassium permanganate

It is recommended to carry out such cleaning of the well after snow melts and floods. If you rush, sediment and perched water may get into the well water, which will make the work pointless.
Cleaning may also be required in case of stagnant water. This is typical for dachas where accommodation is seasonal. At the beginning of each season, the water must be pumped out.

Precautions when cleaning wells

For any version - manual cleaning or using a pump, safety precautions must be observed. This includes:

  • At least three people must carry out cleaning - two on the surface and one in the shaft; - a worker in the mine must be tied with a safety rope and have a helmet;
  • if a ladder is used, it must be installed on a support platform that will not allow it to sink into the sand;
  • a worker in a mine should not stay in one place for a long time, since there may be quicksand or quicksand at the bottom that will drag in;
  • It is impossible to stay at the bottom of the mine for a long time, since there is a lack of oxygen there. At the slightest indisposition of a person in the well, it is necessary to raise him to the surface.

Insurance when cleaning a well

The word “well” evokes many associations. This is an old cracked “crane” in the middle of the village, and a sip of scalding cold clear water straight from the bucket on a hot day, and a beautiful little house-teremok in the center of the summer cottage. Once upon a time, the only rural well was a meeting place: here you could not only stock up on water, but also find out all the village news. Times are changing, there are more wells - almost every yard has its own water sources dug. They are actively used for water supply to houses, watering gardens and gardens, sometimes they become clogged or dislodged - which is why timely repair of wells is required. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Quite often, a well simply needs to thoroughly clean the walls and bottom so that the water becomes clear and safe again. The appearance of biological deposits on concrete or wooden walls is a natural process that occurs in stagnant places. Debris that enters through the top opening begins to decompose, forming pockets of bacteria. They, in turn, settle on the side walls in the form of a thick layer of mucus. Heavy particles fall to the bottom and accumulate there, forming silt and reducing the usable area.

Sometimes the cause of contamination is damage to the structure - rupture of seams, displacement of rings, rotting of wood. To eliminate the consequences of major breakdowns, cleaning and repair of wells are carried out simultaneously.

Well cleaning steps:

  • pumping water using a pump;
  • removing sludge from the bottom;
  • installing a filter;
  • cleaning walls with special compounds.

If the remains of dead animals are found at the bottom, the well must be disinfected. The simplest and affordable option– “treatment” with chlorine. Pump in water, pour in a sufficient amount of chlorine solution, cover the top with a thick cloth (for example, a tarpaulin), and leave for a day. Then the chlorine water is pumped out and the well is completely washed. To completely remove traces of disinfection, you will need to change the water several times until the specific odor disappears, but as a result it will become absolutely safe.

Before cleaning the well, it is necessary to prepare devices for descent: a ladder, support rods, safety ropes or belts, wooden platforms on cables

One of the traditional compositions for cleaning the walls of a well is the familiar solution of potassium permanganate. It should be rich, dark in color

To clean a well at your dacha, you can purchase a ready-made composition, for example, a disinfectant stabilizing chlorine solution for swimming pools Chemoclor

Carrying out repair work

Comprehensive well repair means a number of activities related to sealing seams, replacing parts, and strengthening them. This also includes any dredging work. Some defects in the structure can be easily detected by cleaning. Let's take a closer look at cases in which urgent repairs are necessary.

If an old well has been preserved at your dacha, do not rush to build a new structure in its place - perhaps it will be enough minor repairs and it will start functioning normally again

Sealing seams

A slight displacement of concrete rings can be caused by spring melting of snow, especially when low-quality concrete was used during construction. Significant cracks appear between the rings, through which soil penetrates into the structure. In the future, in addition to constant contamination, the ring may completely come off - and then more serious repairs will be required.

To get rid of minor damage, cracks and potholes, use a waterproof sealant. The most basic type of putty is concrete mortar, which is used to thoroughly coat all cracks. Before this, it is necessary to clean the work surface, removing any crumbling material.

One of the options for sealing joints and cracks: filling with Peneplag solution, treating with Penetron using a brush, finishing coat Penecrit

Note! There are many modern compounds for repairing wells with your own hands. One of them is Fasi RM concrete surface restoration solution. It is applied, like regular cement mortar, with a spatula or spatula. So 15 kg of the mixture is enough for high-quality processing of a square meter of concrete, if applied in a layer about 20 mm thick.

Large cracks require intervention from the outside. In this case, they dig a trench around the rings to the depth of the damage, treat the seam, let it dry and bury it back.

Strengthening concrete rings

It happens that the rings constantly move to the side - how can you repair a concrete well to increase their strength and achieve the desired stability?

This requires serious intervention. First you need to dig out the well from all sides and disassemble the place of damage. Then it is necessary to install the displaced element in place and strengthen all joints with metal staples, then seal the seams and seal with Hydrolast or Penetron. If you don’t have a professional sealant at hand, you can use a mixture of cement and PVA glue. Seams should be processed on both sides.

Not all concrete rings have special holes for brackets. If they are missing, you need to use a drill and drill holes at a distance of 10-15 cm from the edge of the ring

A clay castle will help give stability to the structure. It is done in the following way:

  • A trench 1.5-2 m deep and 1.5-1 m wide is dug around the well.
  • All free space is filled with clay and compacted.
  • The top layer is decorated (with turf, boards, sand).

In order for the clay backfill to really be considered a “castle”, it should be laid in layers of 10-15 cm and each layer should be thoroughly compacted

A thick layer of clay serves as a barrier against the effects of surface water, as well as a mechanical fastening element for concrete rings.

Rising water level

The only way to return the previous water level or even increase it is to deepen the well. Depending on the age of the structure, the following actions are taken:

  1. The well is relatively young - it was built no more than six months ago. In this case, it is enough to remove the soil from under the lower ring so that the entire structure slowly settles lower (as happened during the construction process). When the structure drops to the final level, additional rings are mounted on top.
  2. The well is old. It is “increased” in the lower part, in depth, but with the help of rings of smaller diameter (or a thick plastic pipe). At the bottom of the well, a hole is dug to the depth of the new aquifer and the prepared rings are placed in it. The junction of old and new elements is carefully sealed.

Before you begin work on deepening the well shaft, it is necessary to repair the existing structure: it should not have displaced rings or weak points

Repair of wooden structures

Over time, one or more logs of a wooden well rot and become unusable. To replace damaged beams, the upper segment, which cannot be repaired, is lifted using a trestle, and upon completion of work it is lowered into place.

Sometimes damaged logs are underwater. In this case, in order to free the crowns and insert new parts, the water must be pumped out

Often the condition of a well can be judged by the water: clean, transparent and odorless water indicates that the structure is in perfect order

Rotten logs are replaced with new ones, and sometimes reinforced concreting is used instead of wood: a mesh of reinforcement is installed, formwork is installed and poured with concrete mortar. The work is carried out from a specially prepared platform lowered into the well on strong cables. If repairs to a wooden well are not carried out on time, the water will become cloudy and an unpleasant, musty smell will appear, and the structure will eventually completely collapse.

Installation of bottom filters

To prevent cloudiness of the water, crushed stone is placed at the bottom of the well - this is the bottom filter. Silicon or other mineral has a strong structure, so it does not dissolve in water and does not create suspensions. The filter is especially useful if water from the well is supplied using a pump. Sludge particles or sand can damage the equipment, and they also clog the water entering the house.

Stones, pebbles or crushed stone for constructing a bottom filter can often be found right on a summer cottage: they remain after the construction of foundations, paths and pools

The thickness of the mineral layer must be at least 10 cm. If the bottom has a mobile or viscous structure, then it increases to 50 cm - in this case, even in the presence of quicksand, the water will remain transparent.

To prevent damage to the well structure from becoming an unpleasant surprise, it is necessary to do a preventive inspection approximately every six months and regularly check the quality of the water.

If you follow all preventive measures during the operation of a water source, then cleaning the well with your own hands can be done no more than once a year. The frequency of cleaning depends on several factors. These factors are:

  • the quality of materials used to equip the mine;
  • quality of sealing of seams inside the shaft;
  • quality of bottom drainage;
  • the presence of a good seal against melt water;
  • equipment for proper protection against foreign objects and debris entering the shaft.

Even if you know how to clean a well with your own hands, you can turn to specialists, but you should keep in mind that these services are not cheap. Therefore, even before constructing the structure, you should be aware that you will have to acquire not only a water source, but also a pump for cleaning wells and other equipment for independent cleaning work, otherwise you will have to pay for keeping your water source clean every year.

Preventative cleaning

A similar event is held in the spring, after the snow melts. This is the easiest of cleanings, since you can clean the drinking well without help. Even if the water seems normal, you need to carry out sanitation with potassium permanganate, 1 tbsp. l. which is dissolved in a bucket of water and this solution is poured into the well shaft. After 2-3 hours, the water is pumped directly into the garden. This event achieves two goals at once - the well is sanitized and the soil in the garden is disinfected.

Complete cleaning

There are options here. The first (lightweight) is used when the bottom filter becomes clogged. Then you need to clean the well from sand and silt that has clogged the bottom drainage, consisting of crushed stone, gravel and coarse sand.

Cleaning the bottom filter

You will need pumps: drainage and regular water pumps of the “Rucheyka” type, which will stir up the water. Cleaning is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Screw a short hose (up to half a meter long) to the water pump and lower it closer to the bottom. Its main task will be to lift debris from the bottom due to the intense water movement created.
  2. Lower the drainage pump almost to the very bottom, leading the hose to the drainage point dirty water agitated by a water pump.

Next, all that remains is to monitor the cleanliness of the flowing water. In about 2 hours you can deal with a 10-centimeter layer of silt. It is better not to pour the water that flows out during the cleaning process into the beds and flower beds, as they may become covered with a layer of viscous mud.

Major cleaning with seam repair

It is carried out when organic debris gets into the water, when algae grows, or when seams become depressurized. In this case, you will have to clean the well at the dacha manually, going down into it. To do this you will need at least 2 assistants and the following equipment:

  1. A long wooden (metal) ladder, a rope ladder or a swing made of a board tied to two ropes, on which the cleaner will have to stand with his feet - the most suitable one is selected from this list in this case device
  2. A device for lowering and blocking if a swing is to be made.
  3. Brush or sponge for cleaning the walls of the well. Typically, a soft metal brush is used for these purposes.
  4. Bucket.
  5. Safety rope, rubber boots and helmet for the cleaner. The latter is necessary in order to protect your head from a tool accidentally falling from above.
  6. Pump for pumping out water.
  7. Cement mortar with the addition of liquid glass for repairing seams.
  8. 10% (10-20 mg per 1 liter of water) solution of bleach for mine disinfection.

You need not only to know how to properly clean a well yourself, but also to carry out each stage of the work carefully and carefully. At least three people need to work: one person is in the mine, the second insures him, and the third receives and releases buckets of sludge, gives and receives tools.

Cleaning wells is not so much difficult as it is labor-intensive.

It should be borne in mind that people with heart and vascular diseases are contraindicated from working in a well shaft, because anything deeper than 3 m is associated with a lack of oxygen. In addition, there may be an accumulation of gases in the mine. To make sure that they are absent, you need to lower a bucket with a burning candle to the bottom. Combustion is supported only by oxygen, so if the candle goes out, you need to pump out the gas before manually cleaning the well.

Pumping can be done using a home vacuum cleaner or an ordinary potbelly stove placed near the well. You need a long pipe, one end of which is attached to the ash pit, and the other goes down almost to the water. The potbelly stove is heated, and with the help of the stove draft the gas is removed to the outside.

Do-it-yourself thorough cleaning of wells is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Water is being pumped out. This is done immediately or in stages, and as pumping progresses (for example, along 1 well ring), the cleaner goes down and washes the walls of the shaft.
  2. Complete cleaning of the shaft walls from dirt and debris.
  3. Rinsing the walls of the mine with running water from a hose, after which you will need to turn on the cleaning pump and pump out this liquid from the bottom.
  4. Cleaning the bottom of sludge until the bottom filter appears.
  5. Cleaning the existing bottom filter or completely replacing it. To clean the filter, its components will have to be lifted and rinsed thoroughly, and then put back in place.
  6. Covering cracks.
  7. Disinfection of walls and water using bleach. You can also purchase a special product.
  8. Removal of water from the well after disinfection. You cannot drain this water into the garden; you need to run the hose into a cesspool. This action is performed several times until the odors of the disinfectant disappear. After this, it is recommended to boil the water used for drinking for 1-2 weeks.

Safety precautions must be observed. The bottom filter is an unreliable device. If you stand on its surface for a long time, your legs can get pulled in, so you need to do the work faster and step from foot to foot more often, checking your own stability.

Your own well makes it possible to be independent from city services and receive water in the required quantity and good quality around the clock. Well cleaning and repair are mandatory activities which must be carried out regularly to maintain the source in working condition and maintain the quality of drinking water.

Mandatory maintenance is required not only by mines for obtaining water, but also by sewer systems that are responsible for draining Wastewater, their accumulation and disposal.

Each house, to ensure normal living conditions and comfort, has a water supply and sewerage system, each of these systems has its own wells and periodically requires maintenance and cleaning. Repair and cleaning of the well are carried out at certain intervals, which are set depending on the type of soil and the intensity of use of the structure.

A lot depends on the material used during construction, as well as on compliance with the construction rules themselves and the quality of the work performed. If low-quality material was used during construction, the type of soil was not taken into account and the technology was not followed, then the source shaft will constantly fail and require repair work.

Types of repair work

All repair work can be divided into two types:

So, now in more detail:

  1. Planned repair work is carried out after a certain period of time to maintain proper water quality, timely detection and elimination of minor faults or damage. It is worth noting that any major accident does not happen by chance, it is always preceded by a number of minor faults and if they are left unattended and not corrected in time, then their combination leads to major breakdowns.

Scheduled repairs include:

  • cleaning the mine from build-up and deposits;

  • cleaning or replacing the bottom filter;
  • disinfection using special solutions;
  • pumping water after repairs and prolonged downtime;
  • sealing small cracks in the walls of the shaft.
  1. major malfunctions that arose as a result of improper operation of the source, extraneous mechanical influences or violations of construction technology.

Unscheduled work may include:

  • elimination of displacement of concrete rings;

  • fastening the rings together (if this was not done during construction);

  • replacement of damaged rings in the well head;
  • deepening the well when the water level sharply decreases or the filter is clogged.

They are most often used in the construction of sewerage and water supply systems. Plastic wells they practically do not need repair work, since they are a monolithic shaft made of durable and resistant mechanical stress material.

Shafts made of concrete rings are also used in both systems, so the repair of sewer wells is practically no different from the repair of water wells, since they have the same faults.

Carrying out repairs in concrete wells

Sealing joints

Work on sealing joint seams between reinforced concrete rings is the most common type of minor damage and can be easily repaired, so any person can carry out such repairs of a well with their own hands, without special skills, but observing basic safety rules.

Cracks in the rings appear as a result of soil shrinkage and displacement. This is normal soil behavior in different seasons. To eliminate cracks, you can use ordinary cement mortar mixed with regular glue PVC.

You can use ready-made mixtures for sealing, but their price will be significantly higher than the components for cement mortar.

To seal cracks at the joints of slabs you will need:

  • putty knife;
  • cement mortar;
  • metal brush;
  • hammer.

Tip: Before filling a crack, you must first tap it with a hammer to remove old putty and loose elements. After this, clean the area with a metal brush, remove as much dust as possible and cover with the solution using a spatula. Try to push the solution as deep into the crack as possible.

If found large cracks, through which soil and water penetrate, then the repair of a well made of concrete rings in such cases is carried out from the outer part of the shaft. To do this, a hole is dug from the side of the crack. desired depth, the seam from the outside is processed and the hole is buried back.

It is important to remember that from the outside, after covering the seam with cement mortar, you can additionally coat the seam bitumen mastic for better waterproofing. If large cracks between concrete rings are not repaired in time, this will lead not only to water contamination, but also to displacement of the rings.

Displacement of concrete rings

Repair: displacement of rings in a well is a rather complex operation that requires partial disassembly of the entire well shaft. Displacement usually occurs as a result of soil movement, if during the construction of the shaft the rings were not secured to each other or a cushion of sand and crushed stone was not installed around the walls of the shaft.

The technology for repairing wells in such cases involves dismantling all the concrete rings above the point of displacement, reinstalling them in the right place and fastening them together with special metal staples. An additional layer of coarse crushed stone is laid along the outer part of the shaft, which softens the pressure of the soil on the shaft as it moves.

Deepening the well

Deepening also applies to repair work. If the initial calculations of the depth of the well are incorrect or as a result of a number of other reasons, the water level in the source may significantly decrease or disappear altogether. In such cases, measures will be required to deepen the shaft, where repair rings for the well are used.

For your information! Repair rings are called external diameter of which there are slightly fewer internal diameter already installed rings. Repair rings for wells are lowered to the bottom of the shaft, installed on top of each other and carried out, where all the concrete rings are lowered under their own weight as they deepen (see photo).

When carrying out deepening work, it will not be possible to use already installed rings, since after a while they are tightly clamped by the soil as a result of minor seasonal movements. You should not try to lower the installed concrete products by force, this can lead to significant damage and ultimately require more complex repairs with partial disassembly of the well, which will inevitably entail additional financial costs.

Before you repair a well with your own hands, you need to clearly assess your capabilities, the availability of special knowledge and the necessary tools. In many cases, carrying out any work yourself can not only harm the source itself, but also harm your health. Therefore, if you doubt own strength, it is better to seek help from a specialized company and hire a team of qualified workers.

Cleaning a sewer well

Repairing a sewer well is not much different from similar troubleshooting work in fresh water sources, where the same concrete rings are used to construct the shaft and head.

The difference is what these wells do different functions, But technical device Everyone has almost the same types of faults.


To carry out any work in deep mines, there is special instructions on safety precautions, which provides for the availability of personal protective equipment and safety elements, as well as certain rules on the use and composition of building materials used in repair work.

In order to pass without any incidents, be sure to watch the video in this article.

For houses in the private sector or those located in rural areas, timely and competent repair of the well with your own hands remains relevant. In this case, the well is often the only available source of water supply in the absence of a centralized system. Therefore, keeping it in working condition, ensuring the supply of clean water – prerequisites comfort.

Quite often, in a well that recently regularly supplies clean water, the liquid acquires an unpleasant taste and smell, and it becomes colored, indicating the presence of foreign impurities. Such water cannot be used for drinking or culinary purposes. In addition, an increased amount of impurities can damage plumbing fixtures and household appliances, and quickly render filter cartridges unusable. Will it be necessary to repair wells at the dacha yourself - in each specific case you can decide after thorough inspection of the structure, but cleaning and eliminating the causes of contamination are always required. There can be several reasons for the appearance of dirt.

  • Natural silt deposits on the walls and bottom of the canal, which are a mixture unicellular algae microparticles of organic matter, bacteria, etc. that have entered the water. Like any organic matter, such a mixture begins to decompose, giving the water an unpleasant odor and taste.
  • Large contaminants accidentally falling into the well - blown by the wind through an unclosed lid top part leaves, fallen and drowned small animals, etc.
  • Soil particles and organic matter from the soil entering through the walls when their tightness is broken.

If in the first two cases you can limit yourself to cleaning and sanitizing the structure, in the latter you will have to think about how to repair the well.

For repair work you will probably need it. Read how to make it yourself in our separate article.

Cleaning steps

The well is cleaned in stages.

1. Before moving on to any other work, the mine will need to be cleared of water. Since it is impossible to stop the flow of liquid during cleaning or repair, pumping (using a pump) will have to be done several times:

  • entirely as preparation for examination and further operations,
  • as necessary - during repair or cleaning to ensure ease of operation,
  • after completion of all necessary activities.

2. By cleaning the walls, you not only remove organic matter polluting the water (deposits removed from the surface with a brush should be removed from the shaft), but also prepare the surfaces for inspection.

3. The cleaned walls are carefully inspected: the integrity of the structure itself, coating, and joints of elements is checked(often repairing a well made of concrete rings with your own hands is required when they are displaced relative to each other and cracks form). Detected violations are eliminated.

4. Cleaning the bottom most often involves removing sediment and replacing it. The easiest way is a bucket on a rope and a shovel. More experienced homeowners often use a grab for this purpose.

Repair work

How you will repair wells with your own hands depends on the design of the structure and, first of all, on the material from which it is made.

Important: All repair work is carried out in special clothing, with insurance and a partner.

Wooden wells and their features

Repairing a wooden well with your own hands can, without exaggeration, be considered one of the most difficult. He will require the installation and use of auxiliary structures:

  • a securely fastened working platform (in the manner of a construction “cradle”),
  • a structure that will fix and hold the well crowns above the area being repaired so that the entire wall does not collapse, losing support.

The main reason for repairing wooden structures is putrefactive processes that occur in wood under the influence of water. In this case, the organic pollution is not the organic matter brought into the well from the outside, but its own walls. The only way to eliminate this phenomenon is replace rotting logs with new ones.

The procedure is performed in a certain sequence.

  1. The constructed working platform is secured using reliable cables on beams that are installed above the well. It is important that the platform can move up and down safely.
  2. Moving in such an area along the wall (assistants will be needed; it is almost impossible to cope with such a task alone), they accurately determine the boundaries of the damage zone.
  3. Logs higher than those to be replaced are secured on both sides, eliminating the possibility of collapse.
  4. The area where the logs are rotten is being dismantled. All damaged elements rise to the surface.
  5. Elements for replacement are selected (the availability of the necessary building materials should be taken care of in advance).
  6. Selected whole logs are installed in place of the removed ones and driven in. The achieved strength is checked.
  7. Self-repair of a wooden well ends with dismantling and removing auxiliary structures from the well shaft.
  8. The mine is being cleaned.

Concrete structures

In order to decide how to repair the well with your own hands in this case, you should assess the degree of damage.

The main problems of concrete wells are:

  • damage to the surface layer (plaster, sealant),
  • formation of cracks in the structure,
  • depressurization of seams,
  • displacement of elements.

The reasons for the destruction of concrete wells can be:

  • materials (primarily concrete) of low quality,
  • soil mobility,
  • activity of ground or flood waters that destroy joints.

After drying the concrete well, the degree of destruction is assessed.

How to repair a well made of concrete rings when they are displaced? In this case, it is impossible to do without lifting equipment - the structure will have to be partially dismantled and reassembled in accordance with all the rules, restoring the geometry, ensuring the strength of the seams and the tightness of the shaft as a whole.

Important: To avoid repeated displacement, the rings are fastened together with special staples.

Brick mines

Repairing brick wells is technically simpler than others. If cracks appear in the brick or the seams are washed out by groundwater, a brick from the damaged area is selected, and a new one is laid in its place using mortar. After the seams have hardened, the plaster layer and waterproofing are restored.

Increasing the water level in the well

Insufficient water levels can make it difficult to lift liquid to the surface, whether this operation is performed manually or using pumping equipment. There are two reasons for the decrease in level:

  • incorrectly selected source location,
  • insufficient mine depth.

In the first case, most likely, the error will be noticeable immediately, and the only solution will be to move the well to a new location.

Before moving the well, you can try.

  • If the age of the structure is no more than six months, the structure can be lowered by removing soil from under the lower part of the structure. Excavation work should be carried out until a sufficient number of keys appear. After the well settles, its upper part is increased to the required height.
  • Do-it-yourself repair of an old well when the water level decreases, this is done in a similar way, but it is necessary to narrow the structure (use concrete rings of smaller diameter, change the parameters brickwork etc.).

Many believe that by digging a well on your property, you can use a clean and healthy source for many years without making any further efforts. In reality, everything looks a little different. If the water suddenly changes its taste, becomes cloudy, and an unpleasant smell comes from the depths, it’s time to clean it. This event cannot be called too pleasant, but it is necessary to maintain sanitary standards in drinking water. Therefore, every site owner should know how to clean a well and when to do it.

There is no consensus on how often cleaning should be done, since the condition of the well can be influenced by several factors. Only constant monitoring of water quality and periodic visual inspection of the structure will allow you to choose the right moment.

We list the main symptoms that indicate that it is time to clean the well:

  • The water has an unpleasant odor. This indicates that leaves, birds or animals have gotten inside, resulting in the process of rotting.
  • Increased water turbidity. Most likely, the well silted up or the rings depressurized, which led to clay or sand getting into the water.
  • Analysis shows increased levels of metals and nitrates. In this case, there is a high probability of well water being poisoned by surface runoff.
  • The inner walls are covered with mold and moss. This process indicates the activation of the proliferation of microorganisms.

Improper well care can cause serious illnesses

Do-it-yourself well cleaning: main steps

If you decide to clean the well and want to do it yourself, then this process must be taken very seriously, strictly adhering to the instructions below.

Tool preparation

Before you begin cleaning activities, you need to prepare the appropriate tools and accessories, namely:

  • ladder (rope or regular);
  • safety devices (belt, slings);
  • bucket;
  • sapper shovel;
  • a large sponge or metal brush;
  • drain pump (if equipped);
  • disinfectants.

You should also take care of your own equipment. It is advisable to use waterproof clothing, high rubber boots and a construction helmet. At the same time, clothing and shoes should not hinder movement or cause any discomfort.

You need to be thoroughly prepared for cleaning a well.

Pumping water

Unfortunately, it is not possible to properly clean a well without going down into it. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to pump out all the water from it. There are two pumping methods: manual and using a pump. In the first case, you will have to lift all the water with a bucket, which is extremely difficult and tiring. Taking this into account, it is advisable to purchase or borrow from friends a drainage pump, which will greatly simplify the task.

For your information. Emptying a well using buckets can take a whole day, while a pump will pump out the liquid in a few minutes.

When using a drainage pump, it is necessary to remove large debris from the surface of the water so as not to clog the hose of the device, and also periodically clean the filter element.

Using a sump pump makes pumping out water much easier

Cleaning walls and flushing drainage

To clean the walls of the well, use large sponges or a soft brush for metal. However, the use of household cleaning products is strictly not recommended. When cleaning the walls, you should pay attention to the integrity of the joints between the concrete rings. If necessary, they must be sealed with cement mortar or liquid glass.

An important prerequisite The purity of well water is determined by the condition of the bottom filter. It needs to be thoroughly washed or completely replaced. Drainage for a well is usually made of shungite, crushed stone, gravel, pebbles or quartz sand. The layer thickness must be at least 10 cm.

Shungite bottom filter device

Well disinfection

To purify water in a well from harmful bacteria and microorganisms last stage The walls and bottom are disinfected. The most common means for this is a bleach solution. After treatment, the well is covered with a tight lid and a tarpaulin, and left in this form for 48 hours.

Advice. Before disinfecting a block with a chlorine solution, it is advisable to consult with specialists about its amount for a specific volume of liquid.

After disinfection, the water from the well must be pumped out several times until the smell of bleach completely disappears. Usually two or three cycles are enough for this.

Precautionary measures

Cleaning a well is not the safest activity, so you should follow some rules while doing it.

  • You can't work alone. Find at least one assistant who will help you and provide insurance from above.
  • For equipment, you need to choose waterproof and comfortable clothing, fishing or wader boots, and protect your head with a helmet. Also mandatory elements are a safety belt and a cable.
  • You should make sure that there are no harmful gases in the well shaft. The easiest way is to light the wick at the bottom. If the flame burns, it means you can work.
  • At large quantities silt at the bottom, you cannot stand in one place for a long time - the viscous medium can suck your feet.

Important! Only strict adherence to safety rules and the responsible approach of your assistants will allow you to clean the well without any negative consequences.

If you want to clean a well from sand, silt, and pathogenic microorganisms, but are not eager to do this process yourself, then you can contact a specialized company that will quickly and professionally carry out the work, providing you with an absolutely clean well.