The benefits and harms of electrification. Useful and harmful electrification Benefits and harm of electrification presentation

The benefits and harms of electrification

Useful and harmful electrification

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Useful electrification

WHEN ELECTRIZATION OF BODIES IS USEFUL Painter without a brush. Painted parts moving on a conveyor belt, for example a car body, are charged positively, and the paint particles are given negative charge, and they rush towards the positively charged part. The paint layer on it is thin, uniform and dense. Indeed, similarly charged dye particles repel each other - hence the uniformity of the coloring layer. Particles dispersed by an electric field hit the product with force - hence the color density. Paint consumption is reduced, since it is deposited only on the part. The method of painting products in an electric field is now widely used in our country. Electric smoked meats. Smoking is the impregnation of a product with wood smoke. Smoke particles not only add flavor to foods, but also protect them from spoilage. During electric smoking, smoke particles are charged positively, and, for example, a fish carcass serves as a negative electrode. Charged smoke particles settle on the surface of the carcass and are partially absorbed by it. All electric smoking lasts several minutes; Previously, smoking was considered a lengthy process. Electric bristles. To obtain a layer of lint on any material in an electric field, the material must be grounded, the surface covered with an adhesive, and then through a charged metal mesh located above this surface, pass a portion of the lint. The fibers are quickly oriented in the field and, distributed evenly, settle on the glue strictly perpendicular to the surface. This is how coatings similar to suede or velvet are obtained. It is easy to obtain a multi-colored pattern by preparing portions of piles of different colors and several templates, which are used to alternately cover individual sections of the product during the electric napping process. This is how you can make multi-colored carpets. How they catch dust. Fresh air It is needed not only by people and particularly precise industries. All machines wear out prematurely due to dust, and their air cooling channels become clogged. In addition, often the dust that flies away with exhaust gases represents a valuable raw material. Purification of industrial gases has become a necessity. Practice has shown that it copes well with this electric field. Centered metal pipe install wire B, which serves as one of the electrodes, the second being the walls of pipe B. In the electric field, the gas in the pipe is ionized. Negative ions “stick” to the smoke particles coming along with the gas through inlet A and charge them. Under the influence of the field, these particles move towards the pipe and are deposited on it, and the purified gas is directed to outlet D. The pipe is shaken from time to time, and the captured particles enter hopper D (Fig. 3). Electrical filters in large thermal power plants capture 99% of the ash contained in the exhaust gases

Mixing of substances. If small particles of one substance are charged positively and another negatively, then it is easy to obtain a mixture of them, where the particles are evenly distributed. For example, at a bakery plant you no longer have to make large mechanical work to knead the dough. Positively charged grains of flour air flow are fed into a chamber where they meet negatively charged droplets of water containing yeast. Grains of flour and droplets of water, attracted to each other, form a homogeneous dough. Many other examples can be given useful application static electrification. The technology based on this phenomenon is convenient: the flow of charged particles can be controlled by changing the electric field, and the whole process is easy to automate.

The harm and benefits of electrifying bodies

Harm from electrification. But electrifying bodies does not always bring benefits. In printing machines (photo), the electrification of paper causes it to curl and be rejected during printing. This may create sparks that cause a fire. Drivers of fuel trucks suffer from electrification every second: while pumping fuel into a tanker, electrical charges are formed; During transportation, fuel interacts with the surface of the tanker - charges continue to accumulate. By pouring gasoline into pipes, such as into airplane tanks, they expose themselves to the danger of explosion. In the textile industry, threads stick to the combs of carding machines, causing them to become tangled and often break. During the processing of individual fabrics, the pile on them may be cut. The blades of the knives work at high speed, and at the same time the fabric and knives are highly electrified. Also, if you pour granulated sugar, flour, gunpowder, powdered chemical reagents, charges arise. In rubber industry enterprises, during rolling, rubber is passed between two rotating shafts. If you put your hand near such rubber, a spark will appear. Not far from the fire. The same effect can be obtained with a glue-coating machine, which lubricates rubber glue fabric materials. However, there is a very effective protection against electrification - grounding. Benefit: In poultry farms, electric precipitators are installed to reduce air dust. Dust particles are deposited on plate electrodes, which, as dust accumulates on them, are freed from it. Air ionization increases the egg production of chickens, and young animals develop better. The pipes of gas boiler houses are also equipped with electric precipitators, which reduce the emission of combustion products into the atmosphere. Smoke particles not only give foods a special taste, but also protect them from spoilage. During electric smoking, smoke particles are charged positively, and, for example, fish carcasses are connected to negative electrodes. Charged smoke particles settle on the surface of the carcass and are partially absorbed. The entire electric smoking process lasts several minutes. Painted parts moving on a conveyor belt, for example, a car body, are charged positively, and paint particles are given a negative charge and they rush towards the positively charged part. The paint layer on it is thin, uniform and dense. Indeed, similarly charged dye particles repel each other - hence the uniformity of the painted layer. At the bakery, you no longer have to do a lot of mechanical work to knead the dough. Positively charged grains of flour are conveyed by air flow into the chamber, where they meet negatively charged water droplets containing yeast. Grains of flour and droplets of water, attracting each other, very quickly form a homogeneous dough, which also increases labor productivity and the yield of bakery products.

Small particles of wool and cotton are blown through a charged metal mesh. Moving to the fabric base, treated with glue and charged in the opposite way, they are evenly distributed over it and, after drying, create a pile. Similarly, fibers of sound-proofing and heat-insulating substances can be applied to any surface, making roofing felt, roofing felt, linoleum, slate, sandpaper.

When is electrification useful?

Alexey Popov (Ocean)

WHEN ELECTRIZATION OF BODIES IS USEFUL 1) Painter without a brush. Painted parts moving on a conveyor belt, such as a car body, are charged positively, and the paint particles are given a negative charge, and they rush towards the positively charged part. The paint layer on it is thin, uniform and dense. Indeed, similarly charged dye particles repel each other - hence the uniformity of the coloring layer. Particles dispersed by an electric field hit the product with force - hence the color density. Paint consumption is reduced, since it is deposited only on the part. The method of painting products in an electric field is now widely used in our country. 2) Electric smoked meats. Smoking is the impregnation of a product with wood smoke. Smoke particles not only add flavor to foods, but also protect them from spoilage. During electric smoking, smoke particles are charged positively, and, for example, a fish carcass serves as a negative electrode. Charged smoke particles settle on the surface of the carcass and are partially absorbed by it. All electric smoking lasts several minutes; Previously, smoking was considered a lengthy process. 3) Electric bristles. To obtain a layer of fluff on any material in an electric field, you need to ground the material, cover the surface with an adhesive, and then pass a portion of the fluff through a charged metal mesh located above this surface. The fibers are quickly oriented in the field and, distributed evenly, settle on the glue strictly perpendicular to the surface. This is how coatings similar to suede or velvet are obtained. It is easy to obtain a multi-colored pattern by preparing portions of piles of different colors and several templates, which are used to alternately cover individual sections of the product during the electric napping process. This is how you can make multi-colored carpets. 4) How to catch dust. Clean air is needed not only by people and high-precision industries. All machines wear out prematurely due to dust, and their air cooling channels become clogged. In addition, often the dust that flies away with exhaust gases represents a valuable raw material. Purification of industrial gases has become a necessity. Practice has shown that an electric field copes well with this. Wire B is installed in the center of the metal pipe, which serves as one of the electrodes, the second being the walls of pipe B. In the electric field, the gas in the pipe is ionized. Negative ions “stick” to the smoke particles coming along with the gas through inlet A and charge them. Under the influence of the field, these particles move towards the pipe and are deposited on it, and the purified gas is directed to outlet D. The pipe is shaken from time to time, and the captured particles enter hopper G (Fig. 3). Electrical filters in large thermal power plants capture 99% of the ash contained in the exhaust gases

5) Mixing substances. If small particles of one substance are charged positively and another negatively, then it is easy to obtain a mixture of them, where the particles are evenly distributed. For example, at a bakery, you no longer have to do a lot of mechanical work to knead the dough. Positively charged grains of flour are fed by an air flow into the chamber, where they meet negatively charged droplets of water containing yeast. Grains of flour and droplets of water, attracted to each other, form a homogeneous dough. Many other examples of the beneficial applications of static electrification can be given. The technology based on this phenomenon is convenient: the flow of charged particles can be controlled by changing the electric field, and the whole process is easy to automate.

What benefits and harm does static electricity give us!???

Static electricity is used in agriculture when separating and cleaning grain. STATIC ELECTRICITY IS A SOURCE OF HAZARDS AND ACCIDENTS IN THE OIL INDUSTRY EXPLOSIONS AND FIRE FROM STATIC ELECTRICITY DISCHARGES WHEN ELECTRIZATION OF BODIES IS HARMFUL One winter, visitors to the Detsky Mir department store in Moscow were frightened by a woman who, according to the victims, “stabbed people with a cleverly hidden syringe." Upon investigation, it turned out that there was no syringe: the synthetic fur coat was “pricked.” It became electrified upon contact with surrounding objects, and the dry frosty air is a dielectric, charges accumulated on the fur coat, it began to spark, and these sparks caused a pricking sensation. Currently, there has been increased interest in “electricity from friction” - static electricity. main reason This interest is the nuisance that this electricity causes to people who forget about safety precautions. Even in the last century they were known harmful actions static electricity. For example, leather and rubberized belts, electrified on rotating pulleys, can become a source of spark discharge. It is especially dangerous if there is fine flammable dust (say, flour) hanging in the air: a spark jumping from an electrified body can cause an explosion and fire (Fig. 1)

In the 20th century harmful manifestations of static electricity are observed more often, since easily electrified substances are widely used: plastics, synthetic fibers, petroleum products, etc. Electrification occurs both in everyday life and during any technological process where there is interaction between moving bodies that consist of materials that are dielectrics. This interaction occurs during mixing, separation, mechanical processing, etc. For example, when processing a polystyrene plate on a press, some places on it are charged positively, others negatively (they are shown in green and yellow, see ibid., 2). The higher the speed of the technological process, the greater the electrification. The accumulation of charges continues until a spark discharge occurs. On a glue-spreading machine, which lubricates fabric materials with rubber glue, as a result of friction of the material against the rollers, they become electrified. If these charges are not removed, even a small spark can cause a fire, since the surrounding air is saturated with gasoline vapors. The cause of the explosion can be a person, since upon contact with charged tissue, the operator’s body is also electrified. When a dielectric liquid moves inside pipes (for example, when pumping fuel from a gas tanker into an aircraft tank), electrification and charge transfer occur. To prevent spark discharge and explosion from occurring, the electrical conductivity of gasoline is increased by adding chromium compounds to it. The interaction of electrified bodies makes it difficult to perform many technological operations. For example, electrification of fibers causes their mutual repulsion, which interferes with the operation of weaving machines. Charged fabric is difficult to cut. Such fabric, in addition, becomes very dirty due to the attraction of dust particles to it. To avoid harmful consequences electrification of bodies in technology, various measures are used to combat this phenomenon. The main method of reducing electrification is equipment grounding. However, grounding does not help if equipment made from dielectric materials is used. To ensure that the surface of such materials conducts electricity better, it is treated. For example, drive belts and conveyor belts are coated with graphite or bronze powder. For the same purpose, increase the air humidity in the room; then a thin film of water forms on materials that do not conduct electricity. Water contains impurities, so it is a conductor of electricity. Sometimes they ionize the air. Ions, under the influence of attractive forces, move towards charged surfaces, reducing their charge. In everyday life, various antistatic agents are used when washing clothes. The examples considered are not exhaustive, but

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Very briefly: static electricity is very harmful to the person who wears such clothing. With its help they get artificial fur(imagine having to glue each lint into place).

The benefits and harms of electrification

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The benefits and harms of electrification

What is electrification.

  • -The history of the development of electricity begins in Ancient Greece. IN beautiful city The philosopher Thales lived in Miletus. And then, one evening, his beloved daughter approaches him.
  • -Explain why my threads get tangled when I work with an amber spindle, dust and straws stick to the yarn? It is very uncomfortable. Thales began to look for an answer to this question. Thus, a new branch of physics was formed.
  • -Electrification is a branch of electrodynamics that studies the interaction of stationary (static) charges.

The benefits of electrification

  • In poultry farms, electric precipitators are installed to reduce air dust. Dust particles are deposited on plate electrodes, which, as dust accumulates on them, are freed from it. Air ionization increases the egg production of chickens, and young animals develop better.
  • Painted parts moving on a conveyor belt, for example, a car body, are charged positively, and paint particles are given a negative charge and they rush towards the positively charged part. The paint layer on it is thin, uniform and dense.
  • At the bakery, you no longer have to do a lot of mechanical work to knead the dough. Positively charged grains of flour are conveyed by air flow into the chamber, where they meet negatively charged water droplets containing yeast. Grains of flour and droplets of water, attracting each other, very quickly form a homogeneous dough, which also increases labor productivity and the yield of bakery products.

Harm of electrification

  • But electrifying bodies does not always bring benefits.
  • In printing machines (photo), the electrification of paper causes it to curl and be rejected during printing. This may create sparks that cause a fire.
  • Drivers of fuel trucks suffer from electrification every second: while pumping fuel into a tanker, electrical charges are formed; During transportation, fuel interacts with the surface of the tanker - charges continue to accumulate. By pouring gasoline into pipes, such as into airplane tanks, they expose themselves to the danger of explosion.
  • In the textile industry, threads stick to the combs of carding machines, causing them to become tangled and often break. During the processing of individual fabrics, the pile on them may be cut. The blades of the knives work at high speed, and at the same time the fabric and knives are highly electrified. However, there is a very effective protection against electrification - grounding.


Presentation on this topic.

Presentation “Benefits and harms of electrification.”


When rubbed against air it becomes electrified

After landing, you cannot immediately attach a metal ramp to the plane: a discharge may occur that will cause a fire.

First, the plane is “discharged”:

lowered to the ground

metal cable, connected

with aircraft skin,

and the discharge occurs between the ground and the end of the cable.

Electrification of tires on a dry road.

Tank vehicles transporting flammable substances are grounded: metal chains are suspended.

Electrification of paper tape

can be:

The cause of breaks in a fast-moving paper tape when it rubs against the rollers;

The cause of the fire.

Electrification of fibers

causes their mutual repulsion, which interferes with the operation of weaving machines.

Ground the bodies of machines and machine tools where charges accumulate;

Increase air humidity in workshops;

Use antistatic agents.

Electrification and painting of cars.

Painting a car requires care.

Painting with a brush will be ugly.

Nice and neat - using electrification.

The car body is “+”, paint particles are “-”.

Interaction occurs

and uniform coloring.

Electrification and air purification.

Electrification helps catch dust.

Both people and cars need clean air.

Valuable raw materials also fly away with dust and gases.

Dust particles can

become electrified.

To remove them, a filter is used, inside of which there is an electrically charged element.

Electrification and smoking.

Smoking is the impregnation of a product with wood smoke. Smoke particles add flavor to foods and protect them from spoilage.

Smoke particles - “+”, carcasses of fish, meat - “-”.

Smoking takes a few minutes,

and simple smoking lasts a long time.

Electrification helps to “weave” carpets.

This is how artificial fur, velvet, suede, carpets, and blankets are produced.

The base is coated with a layer of glue and placed in an electric field.

In an electric field, the fibers move in a certain direction and settle on the fabric in a dense layer strictly perpendicular to the surface.

Electrification “kneads” the dough.

Grains of flour - “+”, particles of water - “-”.

The grains and droplets of water attract each other, forming a homogeneous dough.

Electrification “heals”.

Electroaerosols- medicinal substances in the form of very small charged droplets that do not stick together into large drops and, when inhaled, penetrate deeply into a person’s lungs.

Electrification “heals”.

When treating certain diseases, they specially wear socks or stockings that are well electrified. Many diseases are treated with small sparks and discharges that occur during electrification.

Laser printer and electrification.

The printer receives a print job.

The laser “draws” an image on the photo drum in the form

"+" charged points.

pours onto the drum

the paint is a toner and sticks to the “+” charged points. The paper receives a “-” charge.

Particles of “+” charged ink are attracted to the “-” charged sheet, on which an imprint remains.

The paper passes over a hot roller where the ink particles are “melted” into the paper.

Man uses electrification for his needs.

If electrification is harmful and dangerous, tries to reduce it.

Almost burned down my office...

Australian Frank Cleaver

put it on himself

wool shirt

and nylon

synthetic jacket.

As a result of friction between wool and nylon

electrostatic charge has occurred!

And under Cleaver's feet

the carpet caught fire.

The fire brigade was called.

All people immediately left the building.

The electricity was cut off.

We thought there was a short circuit...

Harmful electrification

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Electrification of hair and how to deal with it

Static electricity in hair

Beautiful, well-groomed hair, styled in a neat hairstyle is the dream of every woman. However, sometimes reality is far from our expectations. Instead of your hair being obedient and you being able to style it into curls (little secrets on how to make beautiful curls), it becomes electrified, sticks to clothes, face and neck, and your attempts to comb it lead to nothing, as they stick to your comb and scatter to the sides. This causes a lot of inconvenience and can ruin not only your hairstyle, but also your mood.

Why does hair become electrified?

Hair becomes more electrified under hats

Let's first figure out why hair becomes electrified. The culprit is static electricity, which arises as a result of friction, and, in principle, is always present on our hair. However, when the accumulation of static electricity is small, we do not notice it, but if there is a lot of static electricity (we will tell you where it comes from a little later), we feel it.

Dry air, contact of hair with synthetic surfaces, wearing a hat, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can contribute to increased production of static electricity in the hair...

It is noteworthy that those hairs that are dry in structure are more prone to electrification of hair - they have a porous structure in which static electricity successfully accumulates. But your favorite hair dryer (find out how to choose a hair dryer) or hairdressing tongs or curling irons, regular perms and coloring, which you abuse in the pursuit of beauty, can also contribute to dry hair.

Also, often the cause of deterioration in the condition of hair and its structure is a lack of moisture, as well as vitamins.

How to eliminate electrified hair

Each of us can determine for himself which reason applies more to his case and can explain why his/her hair is electrified. Having found the cause of hair electrification and eliminated it, you and I will finally be able to forget about this problem. Some may have to give up frequent use of a hair dryer (here is information on how to properly dry your hair), while others may need to enrich their diet with vitamins...

Prevention of hair electrification

As you know, it is easier to deal with any problem before it happens - that is, to prevent its occurrence. That is why we invite you to find out what steps you should take in order not to encounter the problem of electrification of your hair.

So this is:

  • Good care for hair, according to its type, right choice shampoo, proper washing scalp and hair drying. All these are the basics of hair care, but without it it’s difficult to imagine beautiful and healthy hair.
  • Pay attention to what comb you are used to using. Thus, plastic and iron combs, on the contrary, contribute to the formation of static in the hair, therefore we would recommend that you replace them with products made from natural materials- tree. So, for example, combs made of oak or cedar perfectly relieve electricity. However, when using such eco-friendly combs and combs, remember the need to change them once a month. An alternative to wooden combs can be products made of ebonite or natural bristles. Read more about choosing hair combs.
  • Monitor the humidity in the room where you spend a lot of time. You may even need to purchase a humidifier, however, using it will protect you from dry skin, early appearance of wrinkles and electrified hair.
  • Avoid using synthetic items and wearing hats made from synthetic materials. The benefits of wool products are discussed here.
  • Frequent and long combing of hair does not contribute to its growth, but it just favors excess static electricity in the hair.
  • Don't be afraid to use special means for hair, reducing its electrification. They are called antistatic agents, as a rule, they are produced in the form of sprays, which is very convenient. Varnishes or cosmetic wax can also help reduce the effect of exposure to electricity. However, before choosing this option to combat electrification, make sure that there is nothing harmful to your hair in the composition of such products.
  • If, due to certain circumstances, you still cannot give up the habit of using a hairdryer often and for a long time, at least purchase a device that has an ionization function. This function reduces hair electrification and takes care of its condition and health. Also try to dry your hair not with hot air flows, but with cold ones.

Folk remedies for hair electrification

How to forget about electrification of hair?

Folk cosmetology also knows a few secrets that can help you forget about the problem of electrified hair. Choose any of the tips below:

  • A natural antistatic agent is lavender or rose oil. It will be enough to apply a few drops of this oil to the comb before you comb your hair. You can also add this oil to a spray bottle of water and spray the scented water onto your hair throughout the day.
  • If you don't have it at hand aromatic oil, take ordinary water, soak a comb in it, shake off the remaining moisture and smooth your hair with a damp comb - it will become more manageable.
  • Rinsing hair after shampooing mineral water reduces their electrification. Alternatively, you can rinse your hair with strong black tea or water with lemon juice.

Hair care video tips

Today we discussed the problem of electrification of hair, learned about why hair can be unruly and how to deal with this problem and prevent its occurrence. We hope that our tips and recommendations will make your curls manageable.

Shevtsova Olga, World without Harm

First discovery of the properties of electrification
The most common version: 500 BC in Greece
a message appeared about the special properties of amber when rubbed with fur
in the form of attraction of light objects with their subsequent repulsion.
Amber in Greek sounds like electron. This is where it all supposedly started. But
Egypt, China, etc. have their own considerations in this regard.

Electrification. What is called electrification?
This is a message to the body of electric charge different ways, friction, contact,
electrostatic induction. Electric charge characterizes the ability of bodies (elementary
particles) to electromagnetic interactions
Electrification is the process of imparting an electrical charge to the body.
Electrification by friction has been known for centuries, but this phenomenon has not yet been fully explained.
It is generally accepted that friction is only necessary to ensure closer contact between surfaces. Since energy
Since the connection of electrons with a body is different for different substances, they move from one body to another, which is the essence
electrification phenomena.

Useful electrification in industry:
Electric smoked meats. Smoking is the impregnation of a product with wood smoke. Smoke particles are not only
They give products taste, but also protect them from spoilage. During electric smoking, smoke particles
charge positively, and the negative electrode is, for example, a fish carcass. Charged smoke particles
settle on the surface of the carcass and are partially absorbed by it. All electric smoking lasts several minutes;
Previously, smoking was considered a lengthy process.
How they catch dust. Clean air is needed not only by people and high-precision industries. All cars due to dust
wear out prematurely, and their air cooling channels become clogged. In addition, dust is often
escaping with exhaust gases is a valuable raw material. Purification of industrial gases has become
necessity. Practice has shown that an electric field copes well with this.
Mixing of substances. If small particles of one substance are charged positively and another - negatively, then
it is easy to obtain a mixture of them, where the particles are evenly distributed. For example, at a bakery plant you no longer have to
do a lot of mechanical work to knead the dough. Positively charged grains of flour
air flow is fed into the chamber, where they meet negatively charged water droplets,
containing yeast. Grains of flour and droplets of water, attracted to each other, form a homogeneous dough. Can
give many other examples of the useful applications of static electrification. Based on this phenomenon
the technology is convenient: the flow of charged particles can be controlled by changing the electric field, and the whole process
easy to automate.

Electrification in everyday life:
Even in the last century, the harmful effects of static electricity were known.
For example, leather and rubberized belts, electrified on rotating pulleys, can
become a source of spark discharge. It is especially dangerous if there is small flammable material in the air.
dust (say, flour); a spark jumping from an electrified body can cause an explosion and
fire. In the 20th century, harmful manifestations of static electricity are observed more often, as
easily electrified substances are widely used; plastics, synthetic fibers,
petroleum products, etc. Electrification occurs both in everyday life and during any technological process,
where the interaction of moving bodies occurs, which consist of materials that are
dielectrics. When processing a polystyrene plate on a press, some places on it are charged
positive, others negative. The higher the speed of the technological process, the
more significant electrification. The accumulation of charges continues until
spark discharge.

Electrification ability:
The discovery of the electron and the structure of the atom made it possible to explain many electrical phenomena.
Bodies consisting of neutral particles (atoms and molecules), in normal conditions have no charge. However, in
In the process of friction, some of the electrons that have left their atoms can move from one body to another. Movements
electrons do not exceed the size of interatomic distances. But if the bodies are separated after friction, then
they will turn out to be charged: the body that gave up part of its electrons will be positively charged, otherwise
the body that received them is negative.
Why does an electric charge pass through metals, but not through dielectrics? In dielectrics, electrons are bound
with the nuclei of their atoms and cannot move freely throughout the body. In metals, the connection of electrons with nuclei
weaker. Therefore, some of them break away from their atoms and begin to move freely throughout
volume of the body (such electrons are called free electrons). These electrons carry charge along
to the conductor.
Charge separation can be observed during friction of any bodies - both dielectrics and metals
conductors. Why then, in experiments on electrification, are bodies such as amber, glass,
ebonite, etc. (i.e. dielectrics)? The fact is that only on such bodies the charge will remain in the same place where
it arose: after all, charges cannot move through a dielectric. If you electrify by friction on fur or
paper metal object, then the charge that appears on it will immediately go through the object, and then through the hand into the body
the person conducting the experiment. This, however, can be avoided if you hold the metal object by
insulating handle. Then the resulting charge will remain on the metal.

Law of conservation of electric charge
The total electric charge is retained even if the initial charges of the bodies were
are different from zero. If we denote the initial charges of bodies by q 1, and q2, and the charges of the same bodies
after their interaction through q1" and q2", then we can write:
q1 " + q 2 " = q 1 + q 2
During any interactions between bodies, their total electric charge remains unchanged.
This is a fundamental law of nature called the law of conservation
electric charge.
The law of conservation of charge was established in 1750 by an American scientist and prominent political
activist Benjamin Franklin. He was the first to introduce the idea of ​​positive and
negative charges, denoting them with the signs “+” and “-”.

Measurement of electrification currents
a) For liquid and bulk dielectrics, current measurement is carried out by sectioning and
insulation of individual sections of pipelines and equipment
b) When moving dielectric threads or tapes, the current flowing in the grounding circuit is measured
elements of devices, upon friction against which electrification of materials occurs
Electrification of threads and ribbons
In the limit, the charge density on an insulated tape can reach max = 26.5
µC/m2, which can be applied to an insulated tape. If the charge density exceeds this
value, then the electric field strength is sufficient to cause
electrical discharges that neutralize these charges. It is practically possible to obtain a charge with
practical = 12 µC/m2.

Various methods of electrification
1) Use of probes
A metal disk is usually used as a probe small size, located parallel
surface of a charged product The probe is surrounded by a grounded shield to eliminate field distortion at the edges
probe. Then you can clearly determine the part of the surface of the product, the charge of which due to electrostatic
induction induces a charge on the probe. It is equal to the surface area of ​​the probe.
2) Using a “Faraday cage”
For measuring the charge of an electrified liquid or bulk material, especially in cases where
the pipeline or tank cannot be isolated from the ground, a certain volume of this liquid or bulk
material is placed in an insulated jar or vessel and the potential of this vessel is measured relative to
ground shield
3) Use of flux meters
The fluxmeter diagram is shown in Fig. 5. The device consists of a stationary measuring electrode on which
a charge induced by an external electric field is induced on the rotating electrode. Rotating
the electrode periodically blocks the measuring electrode from the action of the external field. When measuring
the electrode is open, a charge is induced on it, when it is closed, the charge drains. The current amplitude is proportional
field voltage. The current is amplified by an amplifier and supplied to a recording device. Graduation
Fluxmeters are produced in a uniform constant electric field: Fluxmeters are used to measure
field strength in tankers, in containers of bulk materials, near the surface of the film, etc.

The science that studies electrification. Electrostatics
Electrostatics is the name given to the section of the study of electricity in which
interactions and properties of systems of electric charges stationary relative to the chosen
inertial reference system. The magnitude of the electric charge (otherwise, simply electric
charge) is a numerical characteristic of charge carriers and charged bodies, which can
take positive and negative values. This value is determined as follows:
that the force interaction transferred by the field between charges is directly proportional
the magnitude of charges, particles or bodies interacting with each other, and the directions of forces,
acting on them from the outside electromagnetic field, depend on the sign of the charges. Electric
the charge of any system of bodies consists of an integer number of elementary charges equal to approximately
1.6·10−19 Cl. in the SI system or 4.8·10−10 units. significant elementary static charge is
electron (its mass is 9.11·10−31 kg). Smallest stable in free state
antiparticle with a positive elementary charge - a positron, having the same mass as
and electron. There is also a stable particle with one positive elementary
charge - proton (mass 1.67·10−27 kg) and other, less common particles.
It was hypothesized (1964) that there are also particles with a smaller charge - quarks; however
they are not isolated in a free state (and, apparently, can only exist as part of
other particles - hadrons), as a result, any free particle carries only an integer
elementary charges.

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On the benefits and harms of electrification Nikolaeva O.I.

“What could be more incomprehensible to the mind than the story of a small piece of amber, so obediently displaying the power that is hidden in all of nature, which perhaps is all of nature...” Paul Valery

1. When glass rubs against silk, it charges: a) positively b) negatively. 2. If an electrified body is repelled by an ebonite stick rubbed against fur, then it is charged: a) positively; b) negative. 3. Three pairs of light balls are suspended on threads. Which pair of balls is not charged? 1; 2; 3. 4. Which pair of balls (see the same picture) has the same charges? 1; 2; 3. 5. Which pair of balls (see the same picture) has opposite charges? 1; 2; 3.

In automobile factories, for better paint use electrification. The car body is charged positively, and the paint particles are charged negatively. Interaction and uniform coloring occurs

Strong electric fields are used in medicine. To increase the stability of aerosols and better penetrate them into body tissues, aerosol particles are given an electrical charge using special devices. The electric charge promotes better deposition of particles on the fabric and more deep penetration they contain medicinal substances.

Electric smoking. The fish was charged positively, the smoke negatively. Smoking occurs in a few minutes.

All cars wear out faster due to dust. The gas in the pipe is electrified, charges the dust particles, and the dust settles on the walls of the pipe. Periodically, the pipe is shaken and the ash falls into a special hopper. Industrial smoke is purified.

When it rubs against the air, the plane becomes electrified. If you immediately connect the ladder, a strong discharge may occur. Possible fire. First, a metal cable is lowered from the plane to remove excess charge. The aircraft discharges when the cable interacts with the ground.

During transportation and when pouring, gasoline becomes electrified, a spark may occur, and the gasoline will ignite. To prevent this from happening, both tanks and the pipeline connecting them are grounded

At pulp and paper mills, fast-moving lines often break off. paper tapes. The reason is the electrification of the tape due to friction against the rollers. Such electrification is very dangerous. It may cause a fire. In the textile industry, electrification of fibers causes them to repel each other, which interferes with the operation of weaving machines. Charged fabric is difficult to cut. It becomes heavily polluted with dust.

Don't electrified bodies harm us? Its effect on the human body is also being studied. As a result of research, it was found that electrification does not cause noticeable physiological changes in the human body, even with prolonged exposure. The electrification of synthetic underwear that occurs during wear is even beneficial. For example, it is known that polyvinyl chloride underwear helps in the treatment of certain diseases. Negative air particles have a beneficial effect on our body: they create good health and mood and are a prevention of colds and heart disease. vascular diseases. The air in the mountains pine forest or near a waterfall is saturated with negative particles. If a person is tired or sick, a positive charge accumulates on him and causes him to feel unwell. Cats help remove the positive charge, because... their fur is negatively charged.