Fire retardant phosphate coating on steel. Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

GOST 23791-79

UDC 614.841.332:620.197.6:006.354

Group Zh15


Fire retardant phosphate coating on steel.

Technical requirements

Phosphate fire protective coating for

steel constructions. Technical requirements

Date of introduction 1980-01-01

APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated July 27, 1979 No. 129

REISSUE. March 1985

This standard applies to phosphate fire retardant coatings on steel applied at a factory or construction site to steel structures to improve their fire resistance.

The standard establishes the basic requirements for the coating, components for its preparation and application technology.


1.1. The coating should be used for fire protection steel structures, operated indoors with a non-aggressive environment and a relative air humidity of no more than 75%.

1.2. The coating must be applied in one layer in accordance with the requirements given in the mandatory application. Finishing of the coating is allowed paint and varnish materials.

1.3. The fire resistance limits of steel structures depending on the thickness of the coating layer are given in Table. 1.

Table 1

1.4. The maximum deviation of the thickness of the applied layer from the design one should not exceed ±5%.

1.5. The coating should not have cracks, peeling, or swelling.

1.6. The main physical and mechanical characteristics of the coating must correspond to those given in table. 2.

Table 2

1.7. Coated structures must be transported in accordance with the requirements of the SNiP chapter for the organization construction production.

1.8. After coating, structures must be stored in dry rooms.

1.9. When transporting and storing structures at a relative air humidity of more than 75%, waterproofing should be applied to the coating surface (see clause 3.7 of the mandatory annex).

1.10. The coating consists of the following components: asbestos, liquid glass and nepheline fire retardant.

1.11. The consumption of components per 1 m 3 of coating, taking into account 10% of production losses, is given in table. 3.

Table 3

1.12. The coating component is chrysotile asbestos III-V semi-rigid grades P-3-50, P-3-70, P-5-50 and P-5-65 according to GOST 12871-83.

The humidity of asbestos should not exceed 2%.

1.13. The coating component is potassium liquid glass with a module of 2.6-2.8 according to the regulatory and technical documentation approved in in the prescribed manner, or sodium liquid glass with a module of 2.6-2.8 according to GOST 13078-81.

1.14. The coating component is nepheline flame retardant in the form of a fine powder according to regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner. The residue on sieve No. 018 according to GOST 3584-73 should be no more than 7%.

1.15. Coating components must be supplied in metal barrels, plastic or paper bags and stored in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner


2.1. Finished coating shall be checked for compliance with the requirements of this standard and accepted by the department technical control manufacturer of structures.

When applying coating at a construction site, the work is accepted by the customer organization and formalized in a free-form document.

2.2. Coating acceptance is carried out in batches. Up to 1000 m2 of protected surface of metal structures is accepted as a batch.

2.3. Upon acceptance, a control check is carried out appearance coating, its thickness, bulk density and compressive strength.

2.4. A control check of the appearance of the coating (clause 1.15) is carried out for each structure.

2.5. If, when checking the appearance, it turns out that more than 10% of the structures do not meet the requirements of clause 1.5, then the batch is not subject to acceptance.

2.6. At least five structures from each batch must be checked for coating thickness. The measurement is carried out using a caliper in accordance with GOST 166-73. The result is taken as the arithmetic mean of five measurements.

2.7. The compressive strength and bulk density of the coating are determined according to GOST 17177-71. To determine the compressive strength and bulk density of the coating, samples are taken from three designs of each batch. The result is taken as the arithmetic mean of three measurements.

2.8. If the results are unsatisfactory according to one of the indicators specified in paragraphs. 1.4 and 1.6, the batch is not subject to acceptance.

APPENDIX (Required)


1. Materials

1.1. Materials used for coating must meet the requirements of paragraphs. 1.12-1.14 of this standard.

2.1. Preparation of dry mixture

Asbestos and nepheline fire retardant are weighed on weighing scales with an error of ±1% by weight and mixed in a continuous mixer.

Mixing time - at least 5 minutes.

2.2. Liquid glass is diluted hot water temperature not more than 80 °C with constant stirring for at least 3 minutes until density ρ = 1.2 g/cm 3 .

It is allowed to dilute liquid glass cold water temperature (20±5) °C, subject to increasing the stirring time to 10 minutes. The diluted liquid glass is filtered through sieve No. 05 according to GOST 3584-73.

2.3. The dry mixture and liquid glass are loaded into appropriate aerodynamic containers.

3. Application of the coating composition

3.1. The application of the coating composition must be carried out at the manufacturer of metal structures or by a specialized organization directly at the construction site.

3.2. The composition is applied to steel structures primed with red lead in accordance with GOST 8135-74 or with GF type primers - in accordance with TU 610-1642-77 or GOST 12707-77 in accordance with the requirements of SNiP for the design of protection of steel structures from corrosion.

3.3. The surface of the structure is moistened with liquid glass with a density ρ = 1.2 kgf/cm 3, after which the composition (dry mixture and liquid glass) of the required thickness is applied by spraying at a time using an aerodynamic installation under the following operating modes:

·pressure compressed air...........................0.3 MPa (3 kgf/cm 3)

·pressure of liquid glass at the outlet of the gun...............0.25 MPa (2.5 kgf/cm 3)

·distance from the spray gun to the protected surface when the composition jet is directed more than 500 mm

·distance from the spray gun to the protected surface when the composition jet is directed horizontally and downwards................................ more than 700 mm

In hard-to-reach places, the specified distances can be reduced to 200 mm.

3.4. When applying the coating composition to structures, you should also comply with the requirements of SNiP for finishing coatings building structures,The finishing of the coating surface must be carried out in accordance with the design.

3.5. When applying the coating composition, the ambient temperature must be no lower than 5 ° C, air humidity no higher than 75%, in addition, in the conditions of the construction site, the structures must be protected from precipitation.

3.6. Drying of the coating should be carried out in natural conditions at an ambient temperature of not lower than 5 ° C and humidity not higher than 75% for at least 48 hours.

Drying at a temperature of 80-100 °C for at least 5 hours is allowed.

3.7. Pentaphthalic enamel PF-115 in accordance with GOST 6465-76 or chemically resistant enamel XC-534 in accordance with TU 6-10-801-76 can be applied to the dried coating as waterproofing or finishing, if provided for by the project. The enamel is applied in two layers using a pneumatic paint sprayer at a compressed air pressure of up to 0.5 MPa (5 kgf/cm3).

It is allowed to apply the enamel with a roller in accordance with GOST 10831-80 in two layers.

The application and drying of enamel is carried out in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure for these types of enamel.

3.8. Coatings damaged during application, transportation or installation must be repaired in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

4. Control methods

4.1. During operational control, the humidity of asbestos, the density of liquid glass, the fineness of grinding of the fire retardant, as well as application parameters (compressed air pressure, pressure of liquid glass at the outlet of the gun, the distance from the spray gun to the protected surface) are checked.

4.2. The humidity of asbestos is determined according to GOST 17177.4-81.

4.3. The density of liquid glass is determined using a hydrometer according to GOST 18481-81.

4.4. The fineness of fire retardant grinding is determined according to GOST 310.2-76.

4.5. The pressure of compressed air and the pressure of liquid glass at the outlet of the gun is controlled using a pressure gauge in accordance with GOST 8625-77.

5. Safety precautions

5.1. The work site must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.

5.2. Persons producing coating, must be provided with funds personal protection: rubber gloves, respirators, safety glasses and thick overalls.




1. Materials

2. Preparation of the coating composition

3. Application of the coating composition

4. Control methods

5. Safety precautions

GOST 23791-79

Group Zh15



Technical requirements

Phosphate fire protective steel coating. Technical requirements

Date of introduction 1980-01-01

By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated July 27, 1979 N 129, the implementation period was set from 01/01/1980.

This standard applies to phosphate fire retardant coatings on steel applied at a factory or construction site to steel structures to improve their fire resistance.

The standard establishes the basic requirements for the coating, components for its preparation and application technology.



1.1. The coating should be used for fire protection of steel structures used indoors in a non-aggressive environment and a relative air humidity of no more than 75%.

1.2. The coating must be applied in one layer in accordance with the requirements given in the mandatory application. Finishing of the coating with paints and varnishes is allowed.

1.3. The fire resistance limits of steel structures depending on the thickness of the coating layer are given in Table 1.

Table 1

Thickness fire retardant coating, mm

Fire resistance limit of structures, not less, h

1.4. The maximum deviation of the thickness of the applied layer from the design one should not exceed ±5%.

1.5. The coating should not have cracks, peeling, or swelling.

1.6. The main physical and mechanical characteristics of the coating must correspond to those given in Table 2.

Table 2

Name of indicators

Volumetric mass of the coating, kg/m, no more

Compressive strength, kgf/cm, not less

1.7. Coated structures must be transported in accordance with the requirements of the SNiP chapter on the organization of construction production.

1.8. After coating, structures must be stored in dry rooms.

1.9. When transporting and storing structures at a relative air humidity of more than 75%, waterproofing should be applied to the surface of the coating (see clause 3.7 of the mandatory annex).

1.10. The coating consists of the following components: asbestos, liquid glass and nepheline fire retardant.

1.11. The consumption of components per 1 m of coating, taking into account 10% of production losses, is given in Table 3.

Table 3

Name of components

Consumption per 1 m, kg

Liquid glass with density = 1.2 g/cm

Nepheline flame retardant

1.12. The coating component is chrysotile asbestos III-V semi-rigid grades P-3-50, P-3-70, P-5-50 and P-5-65 according to GOST 12871-67 *.
* On site Russian Federation the document is not valid. GOST R 52997-2008, GOST 25984.1-83 are in force; GOST 25984.3-83; GOST 25984.2-83; GOST 25984.5-83; GOST 25984.4-83; GOST 12871-93

The humidity of asbestos should not exceed 2%.

1.13. The coating component is potassium liquid glass with a module of 2.6-2.8 according to normative and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner, or sodium liquid glass with a module of 2.6-2.8 in accordance with GOST 13078-67*.
GOST 13078-81. - Database manufacturer's note.

1.14. The coating component is nepheline flame retardant in the form of a fine powder according to the regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner. The residue on sieve No. 018 according to GOST 3584-73 * should be no more than 7%.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 6613-86 is valid

1.15. Coating components must be supplied in metal barrels, plastic or paper bags and stored in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner


2.1. The finished coating must be checked for compliance with the requirements of this standard and those adopted by the technical control department of the structure manufacturer.

When applying coating on a construction site, acceptance of the work is carried out by the customer organization and is documented in a free-form act.

2.2. Coating acceptance is carried out in batches. Up to 1000 m of protected surface of metal structures is accepted as a batch.

2.3. Upon acceptance, a control check is made of the appearance of the coating, its thickness, bulk density and compressive strength.

2.4. A control check of the appearance of the coating (clause 1.5) is carried out for each structure.

2.5. If, when checking the appearance, it turns out that more than 10% of the structures do not meet the requirements of clause 1.5 of this standard, then the batch is not subject to acceptance.

2.6. At least five structures from each batch must be checked for coating thickness. The measurement is made using a caliper in accordance with GOST 166-73*. The result is taken as the arithmetic mean of five measurements.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 166-89 is in force. - Database manufacturer's note.

2.7. The compressive strength and bulk density of the coating are determined according to GOST 17177-71*. To determine the compressive strength and bulk density of the coating, samples are taken from three designs of each batch. The result is taken as the arithmetic mean of three measurements.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 17177-94 is valid, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

2.8. If the results are unsatisfactory according to one of the indicators specified in clauses 1.4 and 1.6, the batch is not subject to acceptance.



1. Materials

1.1. The materials used for coating must meet the requirements of paragraphs 1.12-1.14 of this standard.

2. Preparation of the coating composition

2.1. Preparation of dry mixture. Asbestos and nepheline fire retardant are weighed on weighing scales with an error of ±1% by weight and mixed in a continuous mixer.

Mixing time - at least 5 minutes.

2.2. Liquid glass is diluted with hot water at a temperature of no more than 80 ° C with constant stirring for at least 3 minutes to a density of = 1.2 g/cm.

It is allowed to dilute liquid glass with cold water at a temperature of 20±5 °C, provided that the mixing time is increased to 10 minutes. The diluted liquid glass is filtered through a sieve No. 05 according to GOST 3584-73.

2.3. The dry mixture and liquid glass are loaded into appropriate aerodynamic containers.

3. Application of the coating composition

3.1. The application of the coating composition must be carried out at the manufacturer of metal structures or by a specialized organization directly at the construction site.

3.2. The composition is applied to steel structures primed with red lead in accordance with GOST 8135-74 or with GF type primers - in accordance with GOST 4056-63 * or GOST 12707-77 in accordance with the requirements of SNiP for the design of protection of steel structures from corrosion.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Replaced TU 6-10-1642-77, which is the author's development. For more information please follow the link. - Database manufacturer's note.

3.3. The surface of the structure is wetted with liquid glass with a density = 1.2 g/cm, after which the composition (dry mixture and liquid glass) of the required thickness is applied by spraying at a time using an aerodynamic installation under the following operating modes:

compressed air pressure

pressure of liquid glass at the outlet of the gun

distance from the spray gun to the protected surface when the composition jet is directed upwards

no more than 500 mm

distance from the spray gun to the protected surface when the composition jet is directed horizontally and downwards

no more than 700 mm

In hard-to-reach places, the specified distances can be reduced to 200 mm.

3.4. When applying the coating composition to structures, the requirements of SNiP for finishing coatings of building structures must also be observed; the finishing of the coating surface must be carried out in accordance with the design.

3.5. When applying the coating composition, the ambient temperature must be no lower than 5 ° C, air humidity should not be higher than 75%, in addition, in conditions construction site structures must be protected from precipitation.

3.6. Drying of the coating should be carried out in natural conditions at an ambient temperature of not lower than 5 ° C and humidity not higher than 75% for at least 48 hours.

Drying at a temperature of 80-100 °C for at least 5 hours is allowed.

3.7. Pentaphthalic enamel PF-115 in accordance with GOST 6465-76 or chemically resistant enamel XC-534 in accordance with TU 6-10-801-76* can be applied to the dried coating as waterproofing or finishing, if provided for by the project. The enamel is applied in two layers using a pneumatic paint sprayer in accordance with GOST 7385-73 ** at a compressed air pressure of up to 5 5 kgf/cm.
* Specifications mentioned here and further in the text are the author’s development. For more information please refer to the link;
** The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Replaced TU 22-162-005-86, TU 22-5999-85, TU 22-6038-85 (IUS 2-84), which are the author’s development. For additional information, please follow the link, here and further in the text. - - Database manufacturer's note.

It is allowed to apply the enamel with a roller in accordance with GOST 10831-72* in two layers.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 10831-87 is in force. - Database manufacturer's note.

The application and drying of enamel is carried out in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation, approved in accordance with the established procedure, for these types of enamel.

3.8. Coatings damaged during application, transportation or installation must be repaired in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

4. Control methods

4.1. During operational control, the humidity of asbestos, the density of liquid glass, the fineness of grinding of the fire retardant, as well as application parameters (compressed air pressure, pressure of liquid glass at the outlet of the gun, the distance from the spray gun to the protected surface) are checked.

4.2. The humidity of asbestos is determined according to GOST 17177-71.

4.3. The density of liquid glass is determined using a hydrometer according to GOST 1300-74 *.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 18481-81 is in force. - Database manufacturer's note.

4.4. The fineness of fire retardant grinding is determined according to GOST 310.2-76.

4.5. The pressure of compressed air and the pressure of liquid glass at the outlet of the gun are controlled using a pressure gauge in accordance with GOST 8625-77 *.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 2405-88 is in force. - Database manufacturer's note.

5. Safety precautions

5.1. The work site must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.

5.2. Persons applying the coating must be provided with personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, respirators, safety glasses and tight overalls.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Phosphate coatings for wood and steel
fire retardant. Technical requirements: Sat. GOST.
GOST 23790-79, GOST 23791-79. -
M.: Standards Publishing House, 1979



GOST 23791-79

Technical requirements
Phosphates fire protective still coating.
Technical requirements

By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated July 27, 1979 No. 129, the introduction date was established

from 01/01/1980

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to phosphate fire retardant coatings on steel applied at a factory or construction site to steel structures to improve their fire resistance.

The standard establishes the basic requirements for the coating, components for its preparation and application technology.


1.1. The coating should be used for fire protection of steel structures used indoors in a non-aggressive environment and a relative air humidity of no more than 75%.

1.2. The coating must be applied in one layer in accordance with the requirements given in the mandatory application. Finishing of the coating with paints and varnishes is allowed.

1.3. The fire resistance limits of steel structures depending on the thickness of the coating layer are given in Table. 1.

Table 1

1.4. The maximum deviation of the thickness of the applied layer from the design one should not exceed ± 5%.

1.5. The coating should not have cracks, peeling, or swelling.

1.6. The main physical and mechanical characteristics of the coating must correspond to those given in table. 2.

Table 2

1.7. Coated structures must be transported in accordance with the requirements of the SNiP chapter on the organization of construction production.

1.8. After coating, structures must be stored in dry rooms.

1.9. When transporting and storing structures at a relative air humidity of more than 75%, waterproofing should be applied to the surface of the coating (see clause 3.7 of the mandatory annex).

1.10. The coating consists of the following components: asbestos, liquid glass and nepheline fire retardant.

1.11. The consumption of components per 1 m 3 of coating, taking into account 10% production losses, is given in table. 3.

Table 3

1.12. The coating component is chrysotile asbestos III-V semi-rigid grades P-3-50, P-3-70, P-5-50 and P-5-65 according to GOST 12871-83. The humidity of asbestos should not exceed 2%.

1.13. The coating component is potassium liquid glass with a module of 2.6-2.8 according to normative and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner, or sodium liquid glass with a module of 2.6-2.8 in accordance with GOST 13078-81.

1.14. The coating component is nepheline flame retardant in the form of a fine powder according to the regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner. The residue on sieve No. 018 according to GOST 3584-73 should be no more than 7%.

1.15. Coating components must be supplied in metal barrels, plastic or paper bags and stored in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner


2.1. The finished coating must be checked for compliance with the requirements of this standard and those adopted by the technical control department of the structure manufacturer.

When applying coating at a construction site, the work is accepted by the customer organization and formalized in a free-form document.

2.2. Coating acceptance is carried out in batches. Up to 1000 m2 of protected surface of metal structures is accepted as a batch.

2.3. Upon acceptance, a control check is made of the appearance of the coating, its thickness, bulk density and compressive strength.

2.4. A control check of the appearance of the coating (clause 1.15) is carried out for each structure.

2.5. If, when checking the appearance, it turns out that more than 10% of the structures do not meet the requirements of clause 1.5, then the batch is not subject to acceptance.

2.6. At least five structures from each batch must be checked for coating thickness. The measurement is carried out using a caliper in accordance with GOST 166-73. The result is taken as the arithmetic mean of five measurements.

2.7. The compressive strength and bulk density of the coating are determined according to GOST 17177-71. To determine the compressive strength and bulk density of the coating, samples are taken from three designs of each batch. The result is taken as the arithmetic mean of three measurements.

2.8. If the results are unsatisfactory according to one of the indicators specified in paragraphs. 1.4 and 1.6, the batch is not subject to acceptance.




1. Materials

1.1. Materials used for coating must meet the requirements of paragraphs. 1.12-1.14 of this standard.

2. Preparation of the coating composition

2.1. Preparation of dry mixture

Asbestos and nepheline fire retardant are weighed on weighing scales with an error of ± 1% by weight and mixed in a continuous mixer.

Mixing time - at least 5 minutes.

2.2. Liquid glass is diluted with hot water at a temperature of no more than 80 ° C with constant stirring for at least 3 minutes to a density = 1.2 g/cm 3 .

It is allowed to dilute liquid glass with cold water at a temperature of (20 ± 5) ° C, provided that the mixing time is increased to 10 minutes. The diluted liquid glass is filtered through sieve No. 05 according to GOST 3584-73.

2.3. The dry mixture and liquid glass are loaded into appropriate aerodynamic containers.

3. Application of the coating composition

3.1. The application of the coating composition must be carried out at the manufacturer of metal structures or by a specialized organization directly at the construction site.

3.2. The composition is applied to steel structures primed with red lead in accordance with GOST 8135-74 or with GF type primers - in accordance with TU 610-1642-77 or GOST 12707-77 in accordance with the requirements of SNiP for the design of protection of steel structures from corrosion.

3.3. The surface of the structure is moistened with liquid glass with a density = 1.2 g/cm 3, after which the composition (dry mixture and liquid glass) of the required thickness is applied by spraying at a time using an aerodynamic installation under the following operating modes:

compressed air pressure 0.3 MPa (3 kgf/cm2)

liquid glass outlet pressure

from a gun 0.25 MPa (2.5 kgf/cm 2)

jets of composition upward no more than 500 mm

distance from spray gun to

protected surface when directed

jets of composition in the horizontal direction

and downwards no more than 700 mm

In hard-to-reach places, the specified distances can be reduced to 200 mm.

3.4. When applying the coating composition to structures, the requirements of SNiP for finishing coatings of building structures must also be observed; the finishing of the coating surface must be carried out in accordance with the design.

3.5. When applying the coating composition, the ambient temperature must be no lower than 5 ° C, air humidity no higher than 75%, in addition, in the conditions of the construction site, the structures must be protected from precipitation.

3.6. Drying of the coating should be carried out in natural conditions at an ambient temperature of not lower than 5 ° C and humidity not higher than 75% for at least 48 hours.

Drying is allowed at a temperature of 80-100 ° C for at least 5 hours.

3.7. Pentaphthalic enamel PF-115 in accordance with GOST 6465-76 or chemically resistant enamel XC-534 in accordance with TU 6-10-801-76 can be applied to the dried coating as waterproofing or finishing, if provided for by the project. The enamel is applied in two layers using a pneumatic paint sprayer at a compressed air pressure of up to 5 kgf/cm 2 .

It is allowed to apply the enamel with a roller in accordance with GOST 10831-80 in two layers.

The application and drying of enamel is carried out in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure for these types of enamel.

3.8. Coatings damaged during application, transportation or installation must be repaired in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

4. Control methods

4.1. During operational control, the humidity of asbestos, the density of liquid glass, the fineness of grinding of the fire retardant, as well as application parameters (compressed air pressure, pressure of liquid glass at the outlet of the gun, the distance from the spray gun to the protected surface) are checked.

4.2. The humidity of asbestos is determined according to GOST 17177.4-81.

4.3. The density of liquid glass is determined using a hydrometer according to GOST 18481-81.

4.4. The fineness of fire retardant grinding is determined according to GOST 310.2-76.

4.5. The pressure of compressed air and the pressure of liquid glass at the outlet of the gun is controlled using a pressure gauge in accordance with GOST 8625-77.

5. Safety precautions

5.1. The work site must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.

5.2. Persons applying the coating must be provided with personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, respirators, safety glasses and tight overalls.

DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs


V.A. Kopeikin, Dr. Tech. Sciences (topic leader); V.S. Sorin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L. A. Lukatskaya, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L.A. Boykova; N.F. Vasilyeva, Ph.D. tech. sciences; I.R. Ladygina

INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs

Member of the Board V.I. Sychev

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated July 27, 1979 No. 129

The text is provided for informational purposes only and may not be current.
The printed edition is fully updated as of the current date.




GOST 23791-79



DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs


V.A. Kopeikin,Dr. Tech. Sciences (topic leader); V.S. Sorin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L. A. Lukatskaya, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L.A. Boykova; N.F. Vasilyeva, Ph.D. tech. sciences; I.R. Ladygina

INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs

Member of the Board V.I. Sychev

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated July 27, 1979 No. 129


Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to phosphate fire retardant coatings on steel applied at a factory or construction site to steel structures to improve their fire resistance.

The standard establishes the basic requirements for the coating, components for its preparation and application technology.


1.1. The coating should be used for fire protection of steel structures used indoors in a non-aggressive environment and a relative air humidity of no more than 75%.

1.2. The coating must be applied in one layer in accordance with the requirements given in the mandatory. Finishing of the coating with paints and varnishes is allowed.

1.3. The fire resistance limits of steel structures depending on the thickness of the coating layer are given in.

1.7. Coated structures must be transported in accordance with the requirements of the SNiP chapter on the organization of construction production.

1.8. After coating, structures must be stored in dry rooms.

1.9. When transporting and storing structures at a relative air humidity of more than 75%, waterproofing should be applied to the coating surface (see mandatory appendix).

1.10. The coating consists of the following components: asbestos, liquid glass and nepheline fire retardant.

1.11. The consumption of components per 1 m 3 of coating, taking into account 10% production losses, is given in.

1.12. The coating component is chrysotile asbestos III - V semi-rigid grades P-3-50, P-3-70, P-5-50 and P-5-65 according to GOST 12871-67.

The moisture content of asbestos should not exceed 2%.

1.13. The coating component is potassium liquid glass with a module of 2.6 - 2.8 according to normative and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner, or sodium liquid glass with a module of 2.6 - 2.8 in accordance with GOST 13078-67.

1.14 . The coating component is nepheline flame retardant in the form of a fine powder according to the regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner. The residue on sieve No. 018 according to GOST 3584-73 should be no more than 7%.

1.15. Coating components must be supplied in metal barrels, plastic or paper bags and stored in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner


2.1. The finished coating must be checked for compliance with the requirements of this standard and accepted by the technical control department of the structure manufacturer.

When applying coating on a construction site, acceptance of the work is carried out by the customer organization and is documented in a free-form act.

2.2. Coating acceptance is carried out in batches. Up to 1000 m2 of protected surface of metal structures is accepted as a batch.

2.3. Upon acceptance, a control check is made of the appearance of the coating, its thickness, bulk density and compressive strength.

2.4. A control check of the appearance of the coating () is carried out for each structure.

2.5. If, when checking the appearance, it turns out that more than 10% of the structures do not meet the requirements of this standard, then the batch is not subject to acceptance.

2.6. At least five structures from each batch must be checked for coating thickness. The measurement is carried out using a caliper in accordance with GOST 166-73. The result is taken as the arithmetic mean of five measurements.

2.7. The compressive strength and bulk density of the coating are determined according to GOST 17177-71. To determine the compressive strength and bulk density of the coating, samples are taken from three designs of each batch. The result is taken as the arithmetic mean of three measurements.

2.8. If the results are unsatisfactory for one of the indicators specified in paragraphs and, the batch is not subject to acceptance.




1. Materials

1.1. The materials used for coating must meet the requirements of paragraph - of this standard.

2. Preparation of the coating composition

2.1. Preparation of dry mixture. Asbestos and nepheline fire retardant are weighed on weighing dispensers with an error± 1% by weight and mixed in a continuous mixer.

Mixing time - at least 5 minutes.

2.2. Liquid glass is diluted with hot water at a temperature of no more than 80° With constant stirring for at least 3 minutes until density = 1.2 g/cm 3 .

It is allowed to dilute liquid glass with cold water at a temperature of 20±5° With the condition of increasing the stirring time to 10 minutes. The diluted liquid glass is filtered through sieve No. 05 according to GOST 3584-73.

2.3. The dry mixture and liquid glass are loaded into appropriate aerodynamic containers.

3. Application of the coating composition

3.1. The application of the coating composition must be carried out at the manufacturer of metal structures or by a specialized organization directly at the construction site.

3.2. The composition is applied to steel structures primed with red lead in accordance with GOST 8135-74 or with GF type primers - in accordance with GOST 4056-63 or GOST 12707-77 in accordance with the requirements of SNiP for the design of protection of steel structures from corrosion.

3.3. The surface of the structure is wetted with liquid glass with a density = 1.2 kg/cm 3, after which the composition (dry mixture and liquid glass) of the required thickness is applied by spraying at a time using an aerodynamic installation under the following operating modes:

In hard-to-reach places, the specified distances can be reduced to 200 mm.

3.4. When applying the coating composition to structures, the requirements of SNiP for finishing coatings of building structures must also be observed; the finishing of the coating surface must be carried out in accordance with the design.

3.5. When applying the coating composition, the ambient temperature must be at least 5° C, air humidity - no higher than 75%, in addition, under construction site conditions, structures must be protected from precipitation.

3.6. Drying of the coating should be carried out in natural conditions at an ambient temperature of at least 5° C and humidity not higher than 75% for at least 48 hours.

Drying is allowed at a temperature of 80 - 100°C for at least 5 hours.

3.7 . Pentaphthalic enamel PF-115 in accordance with GOST 6465-76 or chemically resistant enamel XC-534 in accordance with TU 6-10-801-76 can be applied to the dried coating as waterproofing or finishing, if provided for by the project. The enamel is applied in two layers using a pneumatic paint sprayer in accordance with GOST 7385-73 at a compressed air pressure of up to 5 kgf/cm 2 .

It is allowed to apply the enamel with a roller in accordance with GOST 10831-80 in two layers.

The application and drying of enamel is carried out in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure for these types of enamel.

3.8. Coatings damaged during application, transportation or installation must be repaired in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

4. Control methods

4.1. During operational control, the humidity of asbestos, the density of liquid glass, the fineness of grinding of the fire retardant, as well as application parameters (compressed air pressure, pressure of liquid glass at the outlet of the gun, the distance from the spray gun to the protected surface) are checked.

4.2. The humidity of asbestos is determined according to GOST 17177-71.

4.3. The density of liquid glass is determined using a hydrometer according to GOST 1300-74.

4.4. The fineness of fire retardant grinding is determined according to GOST 310.2-76.

4.5. The pressure of compressed air and the pressure of liquid glass at the outlet of the gun are controlled using a pressure gauge in accordance with GOST 8625-77.

5. Safety precautions

5.1. The work site must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.

5.2. Persons applying the coating must be provided with personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, respirators, safety glasses and tight overalls.




GOST 23791-79



DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs


V.A. Kopeikin,Dr. Tech. Sciences (topic leader); V.S. Sorin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L. A. Lukatskaya, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L.A. Boykova; N.F. Vasilyeva, Ph.D. tech. sciences; I.R. Ladygina

INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs

Member of the Board V.I. Sychev

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated July 27, 1979 No. 129


Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to phosphate fire retardant coatings on steel applied at a factory or construction site to steel structures to improve their fire resistance.

The standard establishes the basic requirements for the coating, components for its preparation and application technology.


1.1. The coating should be used for fire protection of steel structures used indoors in a non-aggressive environment and a relative air humidity of no more than 75%.

1.2. The coating must be applied in one layer in accordance with the requirements given in the mandatory. Finishing of the coating with paints and varnishes is allowed.

1.3. The fire resistance limits of steel structures depending on the thickness of the coating layer are given in.

Thickness of fire retardant coating, mm

Fire resistance limit of structures, not less, h

1.7. Coated structures must be transported in accordance with the requirements of the SNiP chapter on the organization of construction production.

1.8. After coating, structures must be stored in dry rooms.

1.9. When transporting and storing structures at a relative air humidity of more than 75%, waterproofing should be applied to the coating surface (see mandatory appendix).

1.10. The coating consists of the following components: asbestos, liquid glass and nepheline fire retardant.

1.11. The consumption of components per 1 m 3 of coating, taking into account 10% production losses, is given in.

Name of components

Consumption per 1 m 3, kg

Liquid glass with density = 1.2 g/cm 3

Nepheline flame retardant

The moisture content of asbestos should not exceed 2%.

1.13. The coating component is potassium liquid glass with a module of 2.6 - 2.8 according to the normative and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner, or sodium liquid glass with a module of 2.6 - 2.8 in accordance with GOST 13078-67.

4.3. The density of liquid glass is determined using a hydrometer according to GOST 1300-74.

4.4. The fineness of fire retardant grinding is determined according to GOST 310.2-76.

4.5. The pressure of compressed air and the pressure of liquid glass at the outlet of the gun are controlled using a pressure gauge in accordance with GOST 8625-77.

5. Safety precautions

5.1. The work site must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.

5.2. Persons applying the coating must be provided with personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, respirators, safety glasses and tight overalls.