Why a phone stand made from paper clips is genius. Stationery clips

Who among us doesn’t like to watch TV series or movies while cooking something in the kitchen or eating? The phone is not a laptop; it will lie flat on the table. It is, to put it mildly, uncomfortable to look at something like that. You can buy a special stand to secure your phone in a vertical position, or you can make it yourself from scrap materials. For example, these could be ordinary office clips.

How to make your own phone stand from paper clips

There are several ways to make a stand from clamps. Let's talk about simple and more complex ones.

Method with two clamps of different sizes

What you will need to make: one large clamp and a second smaller one - medium or small size. Nothing more is needed.

Buy two clamps different sizes

You only need to connect these two office tools in a certain way:

Method with two clamps of the same size

The clamps may be the same size. Then you just need to connect them differently: bend the handles of one clamp in the same way and connect them, but place them in the other clamp, not them, but the base of the clamp itself. Place the phone between the handles of the attached binder.

The stand can be made from two clamps of the same size

Another method using clamps of the same size. We will additionally need a sheet of paper in it. Its width will be equal to the width of the clips, and its length will be the height of your phone. Simply clamp the edges of the paper with clamps on both sides. The lower handles of the binders will be the base of the stand, and the upper ones will be the holders. Place your phone between the top handles.

Attach two clips to a piece of paper

One clamp method

If you only have one clamp, you can still make a stand out of it. The advantage of this option is that you can attach this stand to any object that will “take” the clip.

Additionally, you also need insulation from the wires (for the previous methods it can also be used). This is optional, but it is advisable to ensure that the paperclip does not scratch the phone. You also need a small piece of fabric and an elastic band (any kind, maybe a small one for hair or several stationery ones).

Insulation from the cable is needed to soften the landing of the phone on the stand

So, let's start assembling the stand:

  1. Carefully remove the handles from the base of the clamp and bend their upper round parts inward using pliers (use a piece of fabric so as not to scratch the handles of the clamp). These folds will help securely secure the phone to the stand.

    Remove the handles from the clamp

  2. We put the insulation on the handles, and insert the handles themselves back into the base of the clamp.

    Insert the wire into the insulation

  3. If desired, we put the insulation (already cut) on the lower edges of the clamp base.

Stationery clips or binders can be used not only for its intended purpose. Some of these methods are probably known to you, others can become a real discovery, because this simple office supplies in fact, it is a very functional thing.

In the office

You can use binders to build a real wire organizer and even use them to make it look presentable. appearance workplace:

Before and after

Find the right wire? As easy as pie!

You won't need a wallet anymore

All keys on one bunch

Have you made a grocery list and are heading to the store? Don't forget to grab a paper clip:

And your hands are free, and the list is always before your eyes

Stationery clips are so multifunctional that they will come in handy even at a party:

And no one will take someone else's glass

And won't take someone else's place

Of course, these are not all the options for using office clips; in fact, there are many more. We will tell you about other methods next time. Follow our blog.

A paper clip has long been used not only in the office, but also in everyday life. One of non-standard solutions- making a smartphone stand.

How to make a smartphone stand from paper clips with your own hands - methods with video instructions

All options for using binders as stands are very practical. They will help the smartphone owner comfortably watch videos, read, and also take static photos. To create a clamp, clamps of different sizes are used, but most often large ones. Exist as the most simple ways secure the phone and are quite intricate.

Sometimes auxiliary materials are used, such as rubber bands or paper. Additional precautions are recommended for some stand versions:

Simple one-clip stand

One binder is enough to install your smartphone in a position convenient for viewing. big size. This is the most quick way, however, it cannot be called gentle.

Option of two large binders

Binders of the same size are connected to each other different methods, while a practical result is obtained in all cases.

Method of binders of different sizes

To make the stand you will need one large stationery tool and one smaller one.

Using clamps and rubber bands

Rubber bands for money not only further strengthen the structure, but also prevent the smartphone from sliding. Depending on the options, you may need one or more rubber clamps.

Clip and paper method

A simple option for using a large stationery clip and an A4 sheet. The paper folds several times and serves as a soft stand, and the binder serves as a support for a smartphone.

To fix your smartphone in a position that is comfortable for your eyes, you do not need to purchase a special stand. You can quickly make it yourself from stationery clips.

AND Ideas for rest and relaxation of office workers.
Some Western companies came to the conclusion that office worker needs to be done from time to timeshort breaks

And take a break from your immediate responsibilities for rest and unloading.
The advice is to take up some simple game, preferably collectively. At these moments it is removed operating voltage,
there are jokes and thus, is unintentionally created warm atmosphere, which helps team building.

And this in turn will lead to more productive work in the future. Your attention Several ideas are proposed that can be used for

a short respite for office workers.


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you can do it yourself using improvised materials

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Problems for office nerds

Dodecahedron of 120 paper clips without a drop of glue and other fasteners

Möbius strip made of 110 multi-colored paper clips Only six clamps... It would seem that the most simple design

. Try it! The secret is that when creating such a thing, your fingers should not be strained any more than when using normal clamps.

Сosidodecahedron of 30 clamps. Shadow theater on the office table.

The working day was not in vain... preliminary preparation in the form of accumulation of coins. But the result is masterpiece!