About how we will continue to live. How, Russia, will we live further? How will we live further

Sometimes we catch ourselves thinking that we don’t know how to live further. This state can be represented as a dead end or an intersection where you don’t know which way is best to turn. This happens for many reasons. First of all, not every one of us in our youth was able to choose an activity that would bring him pleasure throughout his entire life. adult life. After all, when you are 16, the last thing you think about is whether you will enjoy the profession you are studying for in 5-10-15 years. In addition, often adults who have established themselves in the profession suddenly realize that they would like to do something else.

If you find yourself at such a crossroads, then we offer you advice that will help you decide how to build your life further.

Don't try to predict the future

Not a single person on Earth can say what will happen next. Our life is full of unexpected turns. And if during this journey we do something that gives us pleasure, then we feel much happier, no matter what happens. So, perhaps you like to create your own jewelry. Try selling a few of your products. Perhaps in five years you will become a successful jewelry designer or find yourself in another type of needlework.

Learn to tolerate discomfort in order to achieve your goal

You should not rely on the fact that you will always be comfortable and comfortable in life. After all, sometimes we don’t have enough money to make our dreams come true. If you really want something very badly, then you should accept some discomfort in order to achieve your goal. For example, if you want to train sled dogs, then be prepared to sell warm apartment in the city and move to the northern regions, where winters are very harsh. However, these inconveniences will seem like a small thing to you compared to the fact that you are making your dream come true.

Accept that life is unpredictable

Anything can happen. Sometimes a lot of problems come upon us overnight. Of course, in such a situation it is very difficult to remain calm. However, you need to make an effort and try to come up with a plan further actions. Remember that a way out can be found in any situation.

Don't get distracted and waste time

We should always remember that every new day makes us older. Therefore, if you do not start striving to make your dreams come true right now, then in the end it may turn out that it is too late to change anything. After all, you don't want to reduce all your accomplishments to a few hundred Facebook posts and a list of movies and TV shows you've watched over the years. So no matter what your dream is, start taking the first steps towards it today.

Ask yourself questions

Spend time communicating with yourself. Ask yourself questions. Get to know yourself better. Reflect, write down what interests you and what you would like to achieve. Visualize your dream.

Take action

Make sure that your dream job or hobby is what you really want. So, if you dream of starting your own zoo, then get a job as a volunteer in a similar institution. Perhaps after a few days of hard work you will realize that this is not right for you at all. Or, on the contrary, you will be convinced that this is precisely your purpose, and you will gain a lot useful information, which will be useful to you in the future.

Learn to manage money correctly

If to achieve your goal you need to go to school, then it makes sense to get any job to pay for your studies in order to be able to save up a sufficient amount. Of course, later you will be able to earn a living doing what you love. But for now it is appropriate not to hope for a miracle, but to start making efforts to make your dreams come true.

Don't miss the chance

We should always be prepared for the fact that fate will give us a unique opportunity. Sometimes a person is given many chances. Don't miss them, because this doesn't happen often.

Instead of a conclusion

The main thing is to remember that nothing in life happens by itself. Therefore, if you want to achieve something, you should put in a lot of effort, and perhaps sacrifice something. So don’t waste time, but start taking steps towards your dream right now!

Historically, society has gone through several stages of development - from primitive forms to general computerization. The next stage may be the birth of a super-intelligent society, or “Society 5.0”.
The concept of the same name recently adopted by the Japanese government reconsiders literally all aspects of everyday life and formulates the conditions for creating a society that is “smart” in all areas.

New step

Societies 1.0 and 2.0 were associated with the development of agriculture - people learned not only to collect fruits from the land, but also to cultivate it to get the maximum yield. At the third stage of development, we began to enter the era industrial production. The next stage is the information society, a period when universal computerization and the development of technology determined the development of industry and the manufacturing sector of the economy. developed countries(“Industry 4.0”). A super-intelligent society implies the penetration of technology into literally all areas of our lives.

There are many prerequisites for a more rational development of society today. The population is growing, so are its needs, and at the same time life expectancy is increasing. With the birth rate declining almost everywhere, this becomes a problem: the small working-age population must take care of the older generation. Let's multiply this by the decreasing amount of the planet's internal resources - and it will become clear that society needs a qualitatively new breakthrough for further development.

Merging real and virtual

In Society 5.0, physical and cyberspace become one to solve social problems and create sustainable economic growth. Of course, for the total development of the Internet of Things and other digital technologies, it is necessary to create a broad technical infrastructure.

In Japan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible for the development of communication lines - the new generation 5G network, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is responsible for the development of new technologies. A country rising sun even entered into a cooperation agreement with Germany and the United States: Germany is responsible for industry, the United States for the Internet, and Japan for digital data processing.

A global approach to the total integration of the Internet of Things and the transition to a new level involves the development of technologies for the benefit of society. Thus, in Japan there is now an acute problem of an aging population and a shortage of work force. Modern technologies like robotic exoskeletons and devices to improve vision and hearing will help older people get involved again in labor activity and into the life of society, passing on their unique experience to the next generations. Such changes seem fantastic, but this is not such a distant stage of the Internet of Things - IoT (Internet of Things) and the Internet of Everything - IoE (Internet of Everything). Digital technologies are penetrating all areas of life.

Butterfly Effect

In the future, a leap of this kind will lead to the development of new types of business and services, and therefore to economic growth - for example, in areas such as the integrated system social protection or medicine. And technological equipment in various areas will be provided by large businesses: for example, for the development of intelligent transport and industrial systems Mitsubishi Electric is developing new types of business and services - the creation and support of 3D maps for autonomous driving based on a satellite communication system and the e-F@ctory platform in the field of industrial automation.

Today, many transformations associated with the implementation of the Society 5.0 strategy require legislative changes. A simple example: it already exists technical feasibility service elevators manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation remotely, without an engineer visiting. All data on deviations is collected on site by robots and transmitted to service stations using IoT. Existing technologies allow you to predict deviations, warn the client in advance about a possible problem and carry out a preventive inspection or replacement of parts. But according to the law, in any case, an engineer must visit the site. To be able to service elevators remotely, it is necessary to make a number of amendments to current legislation.

The Society 5.0 strategy refers to such problems as “walls” that need to be overcome on the path to a new society. There are five “walls” in total: the wall of ministries and departments, the legislative system, technology, human resources and the wall of acceptance by society. To move to a new type of concept, it is necessary to completely restructure the operation of these systems. That is why changes must occur simultaneously at two levels - at the legislative level and in the minds of citizens. And in order to understand what “Society 5.0” technologies can give us, we will give examples of their “everyday” use.

Autonomous driving

A driverless car is not a fantasy, but a reality. Thanks to digital technologies, driving can become fully automated, so the interior of the car in the near future will turn into the same habitable area as a home or office. The vehicle owner will not have to worry about breakdowns: the vehicle will be equipped with software, which will check the condition of all systems and notify in advance of the need to replace a particular part. Currently, many companies are developing unmanned vehicles, including General Motors, Volkswagen, Audi, BMW, Volvo, Nissan, Google and others. Achievements in this area can already be called impressive. For example, back in 2015, a self-driving car from the British company Delphi Automotive drove from San Francisco to New York in 9 days. In 2016, taxi service Uber began providing self-driving cars (albeit with a backup driver) to some customers in Pittsburgh. In December of the same year, Google's self-driving car project was spun off into a separate company, Waymo. One of its latest developments is a design that allows the car to automatically soften the impact in the event of an accident involving a pedestrian.

The use of autonomous driving technologies is not limited to personal use. It can be even more effective when applied to public transport. For example, since April 2011, fully automatic mini-buses have been launched at London Heathrow Airport, which have shown that they are 70% more economical than cars and 50% more efficient than conventional buses. And the list of cities in which the metro is automated to varying degrees includes several dozen. For example, in Kuala Lumpur, since 1998, carriages have been running that, in principle, do not have a driver’s cabin. One of the most technically advanced in terms of automation is the Copenhagen metro: it provides not only traffic, but also safety, including detection of obstacles on the train path and action in emergency situations.

"Smart" production

“Smart” production implies that all elements of the enterprise are connected to the Internet of things, and the use of big data allows units to operate autonomously with increased accuracy and speed without human intervention. These technologies can be used in completely different areas. For example, Newtech's RF13 robot can cut cakes very accurately using ultrasound. Based on the size of the tray, he himself determines what size portions are needed. For food producers, this means the opportunity to reduce human resources- increasing the speed and accuracy of operations and reducing the percentage of waste. Smart production technologies are also used in the lock system of the Volga-Baltic waterway.

In the future, with the help of “smart” production, deep personalization of goods is possible - that is, a mass-produced product, but made according to your sketches, taking into account your wishes and needs. In this case, manufacturers will earn most of their profits from after-sales service and maintenance, rather than from selling the main product. The trends of this trend have already begun to be implemented - for example, the Adidas company has released sneakers printed on a 3D printer.

Autonomous finance

Imagine that your car independently identifies a fuel shortage, drives up to a gas station and pays it off: it connects to a special refueling sensor that communicates with the car’s internal bank account (more precisely, with the account of its owner). All payments will be processed by robotic systems independently as needed. Many of the technologies needed for this already exist - for example, the recently launched Android Pay or Apple Pay systems allow contactless payments at physical points of sale. In this case, the cardholder’s data is not transferred to the seller - it is encrypted using so-called tokenization (a technology that allows you to secure payments using a reliable data encryption system).

Work on renewable energy sources

The battery capacity of a modern smartphone usually allows it to work in active mode for only a few hours without recharging. The future lies in devices that are sometimes thousands of times more powerful: some of them will themselves accumulate energy from renewable sources (for example, from the sun) and ultimately provide energy to your home, workplace and all your gadgets.

Already today there are developments that are approaching the ideal batteries of the future. They use alternative sources energy, say hydrogen. It has a significantly smaller impact on the environment. For example, serial a car A Toyota Mirai running on hydrogen fuel batteries produces about half a bucket of water when traveling 100 km. In January 2017, the first fuel cell forklifts were integrated into manufacturing process at the Toyota Motomachi plant in Japan, and in March 2017, the first passenger bus powered by hydrogen fuel cells, Toyota FC Bus, began transporting passengers in the center of the capital of Japan. The company has previously commissioned a number of stationary power plants using hydrogen energy to supply electricity to residential buildings.

The Japanese development strategy for “Society 5.0” is scheduled until 2022, and it is too early to predict further. In fact, this concept aims to solve current economic problems that threaten future development.

The hardest part of achieving this goal is breaking the wall of acceptance. This requires careful attention to education and promotion of the doctrine in society. The concept was created in Japan, but the fruits of its implementation, of course, can be enjoyed by all of humanity as a whole.

// Our script fails! We can't do it the way we planned! But you, Russia, are to blame, if only because you stand on the sidelines and watch how we fail! //
But in their opinion, of course, we are not just looking, namelyWe don’t give and we interfere.We are preventing them, you see, from roaming Ukraine like an anthill and promoting their interests there.
Usually, when a person accuses or criticizes someone, he is mostly mirroring himself. This is the treacherous property of the human psyche. The subconscious seeks to take out its unseemly thoughts and actions on others. It’s like in Krylov’s fable “The Monkey and the Glasses.”
Western diplomacy works with the same naive spontaneity. It’s just not entirely clear where unconscious reflection ends and deliberate deception begins. Probably both exist in parallel. As we already discussed,first they order a lie from the media, then they themselves watch it, then they begin to believe it.And also, without bothering too much,blaming others for what they do themselves.
This is their simple method - it’s easier. The Vice President of the United States is already openly sitting at the table at the head of the “Independence” government, but no - the “hand of Moscow” is to blame for all events. The Kiev clique is already moving tanks against the civilian population, but no, it’s Russia that invaded Ukraine. Westernized bandits terrorize and kill dissidents, but no - it’s the terrorists who have settled in the Southeast.
They are already so entangled in their lies that they cannot distinguish where the truth is and where their own propaganda is. They put themselves in an awkward position. Low intentions, unrighteous deeds, and at the same time the desire to keep a good face in a bad game - all this inevitably gives rise to lies. And not only.
In geopolitical reality, if you have noticed, unusual phenomena are happening now. How statesmen, and entire states commit some strange, absurd, or unusual actions, as if in a dream. In events in and around Ukraine, if expressed in terms of Transurfing, there are transit zones and -
Circles on reality
They manifest themselves in the fact that the impulse of a two-faced intention generates a reverse wave with a result directly opposite to what was expected. Looks very funny.
The USA wanted to start a fire in Ukraine, but lost Crimea. We didn't expect it at all. The eternally incomprehensible Russian mentality was at work. They were going to establish a NATO base in Crimea. Not just “would like to”, but actually intended to. They had no doubt that this would happen. Because in recent decades they have become accustomed to getting everything they set their mouths on. And then such a bummer happened.
Ukrainian Nazis wanted to force the whole of Ukraine to “jump”, but they lost the entire South-East. We've definitely lost it already. No matter what they say or do, the Southeast will no longer put up andcohabitatewith the West of Ukraine. Because the cup of patience is full. You can’t grab reality by the throat like that – you’ll get the opposite effect.
Europe wanted to have Ukraine as a cash cow, but got “mad cow disease” in the form of an armed conflict. But because there is no need to be cunning and dodge. Were you hoping to deceive? In words, accept Ukraine into the arms of the European Union, but in reality drive it into an enslaving association? In the end, they deceived themselves. And everyone continues to hope (probably due to their old-world inertia of thinking) - they have already rushed to sign the political part of the association. But you will have to regret that they did this when, instead of burly Ukraine, they get its stub without Crimea and the South-East, and even with the brown plague.
The entire West decided to impose sanctions on Russia, and in response it was hit by some unpredictable back wave. Russia, instead of being afraid and bowing its head, suddenly woke up and became animated. The Big Seven is now meeting without us - and we don’t need it - it’s us without you. The Council of Europe is depriving us of the right to vote - and we are leaving altogether, and you are left without our annual contribution of 25 million. VISA and MasterCard are trying to punish us, and then they bite our elbows - we are ours payment system we implement. They are frightening us with economic sanctions - but we are withdrawing assets from the dollar zone, and in general we will soon begin to sell our oil and gas for rubles. Our top officials are being threatened by the freezing of foreign accounts - and Putin has already managed to get them out of there. They are trying to isolate us from America and Europe - but we have India, China and half the world behind us. Finally, McDonald's closed its eateries in Crimea. This is probably the worst thing - we don’t know how we will live.
And most importantly, what are all these sanctions for? For the imaginary aggression of Russia, which they invented for themselves. The real reasons are the desire to punish Russia for no longer bending, to prevent its strengthening and flourishing. And also the secret Masonic lust to cut this whole Russia like a cake. Why not? Didn't it work out with the Union?
But if earlier, in relation to the Union, they acted carefully and patiently, now they have become insolent and swung too much - they did not calculate. That is why there are such circles in reality. And at the same time there is another effect -
Transit zones
When you think one thing and do another, reality becomes distorted. A split intention gives rise to a crooked reflection in the mirror. Too many lies, hypocrisy and arrogance are not in vain. The initiators of the evil intention themselves begin to wobble. Because they lied, they got completely confused.
The Kiev clique is rushing around and doesn’t know what to do. On the one hand, it is necessary to carry out Washington’s directives and put pressure on the Southeast. On the other hand, it’s scary, and the army doesn’t want to fight with the people. But you have to, otherwise how can you establish your “legitimacy”? What if it doesn't work out? But they are tied to Washington - you can’t just get away from them. And if the Americans cheat, they cheat everyone, right? Then the Hague Tribunal?
In general, the situation is dire for the clique, so they go to great lengths. They are digging a trench along the border. The border is closed to male Russians. UN peacekeepers are being called upon. In the media of mass lies they howl - Russia has invaded Ukraine! But since there is no actual evidence of this, we have to film our own troops and pass them off as Russian.
Another sign that they are really sick is their impotent rage against the people of the Southeast. They are not considered people - they are considered cattle. They must work there, in their mines, and keep quiet. But how is it that they do not want to obey and dare to want to live their own way? I would kill them all. But I don’t have the courage to interrupt. Therefore - vile provocations, on the sly. They surrounded them like jackals and are waiting, maybe they will starve them out, maybe where weakness will appear, they could pounce in a pack and crush them, these separatists, but they wouldn’t lose face, and they wouldn’t run into decisive resistance...
// If you don’t want to live as you were told, get away. If you want independence, then you are separatists. Your land is ours, and everything yours is ours, and you just leave with your suitcases. //
This is the position of the clique and its minions. But what’s interesting is that I’ve already gotten tired of running around in a pack, so a new trend has appeared: expel the South-East from Ukraine - in disgrace, they say. If you don’t give yourself to us, then be damned! But this seems to be also unprofitable, so we will continue to jack off and bite on the sly. Crimea certainly cannot be returned - so damn it! If you cut off the water from the Dnieper for them, it would be better if it flows into the sea.
Europe also has a difficult situation - and would like to disobey the United States, but so far it cannot - it is also dependent. They command from Washington - impose sanctions against Russia, but the Europeans don’t want to - it will turn against them, the business is tied up too tightly. So poor Europe is caught between the USA and Russia, as if between a rock and a hard place. But don’t feel sorry for her, because there’s no need to lie and dodge. We need to be more honest with Russia, and bolder with America - not to bend. Perhaps they will soon be able to - not to give in, when Russia finally rises up and sets an example.
The United States now has only one concern - to save face, to pretend that the world is unipolar, that they are the main ones in this world, that everything goes on as before. They are trying to downplay the importance of Crimea. In fact, Crimea is the beginning of the revival of Russia and the decline of US global hegemony. A sign that they are no longer obeyed, and if someone obeys, it is only out of old habit.
Obama is fussing around, traveling around the world with the goal of turning everyone against Russia. Flirting with China. This is a kind of childish diplomacy: “You don’t hang out with them - they are bad, and we are good - come with us!” Makes belated statements after the fact:
“We are not going to return Crimea by military means.”
And you won’t succeed.

“We do not intend to accept Ukraine into NATO.”
Of course, without Crimea this is no longer interesting to you. But we can’t trust you either.

“We will see how Russia fulfills the terms of the Geneva agreement.”
Look! And what does Russia have to do with it? We are not in Ukraine - it’s you who are marking time there.

“Russia is not sending troops into Ukraine because they are afraid of sanctions.”
What childish spontaneity! So, our troops are not there after all?

But still, with the same childish spontaneity, they are trying to present Russia as an aggressor and the United States as a peacemaker. Well, of course, since they became adept at stirring up internal conflicts and fighting with someone else’s hands, they became peacemakers. Wherever they stick their nose, a war will definitely begin. But they are peacemakers, bearers of democracy.
At least they changed the record, or something. Everyone has long understood what American “democracy” is worth. But those, as if not noticing that the world is changing, continue to play their record - by inertia. Out of inertia they continue to think that Russia is a backward province with worthless people and a seedy army.
But then suddenly the stereotypes collapse. The Olympics, no matter how hard they tried to denigrate it, clearly shows that Russia is not a drunken bear with earflaps, but a civilized and attractive country. And she no longer intends to follow American “democracy” in everything. And what’s most important is that Russia’s military power somehow unexpectedly manifested itself. It seems that Serdyukov’s “women’s team” served as a screen, a demonstration of the further “collapse of the army,” while Putin, with his characteristic secrecy, strengthened the armed forces without advertising this process. The collapse, it turns out, ended a long time ago - they overlooked it!
Against the backdrop of the West's hysterical attempts to capture the reflection in the mirror, Russia behaves calmly and with dignity. Being in the position of an outside observer, he allows reality to unfold in his favor. Does not respond to sanctions. Reacts to threats with a proactive demonstration of force. Focuses and consolidates. Beautiful Transurfing, one might say. Our cause is just, and therefore we have no reason to be hypocritical, and it’s not in our mentality.
The only obstacle to Russia's liberation from neocolonial dependence remains the fifth column in the bureaucracy and society. What it is, we will discuss in more detail in the future, but the example of Ukraine already clearly shows what happens when a parasite is introduced into a country and fed from the outside.
We have to return to the Ukrainian situation all the time for another reason: Ukraine itself is not at all interesting to the United States - they need Russia. Only complete control and/or division/repartition of Russia can save the dollar pyramid from an impending disaster.
Horse-Russia is still in strong economic and political dependence. But it is already starting to get out of control, which causes animal fear in its “rider”. Liberation means to usautomatic and multiple increase in living standards,without any individual Transurfing. A repeated defeat, as was the case with the Union, means again -deep and long fall.
So, in order to avoid the deja vu of 1991 from happening again, we need to see the essence of things, understand what is happening and be able to answer the question:
What do they really want?
The United States has a minimum program - to weaken Russia, tearing Ukraine away from it, to incite chaos in Ukraine in order to promote it to the East. And the maximum is to further promote your American dream:we print money and sell it to you.
// It’s not you who sell us resources and goods, but we who sell you our money. //
Do you understand the difference? Essentially, trading is the opposite. Or in other words, a global racket (buy a brick for a million). This is where it all begins and the entire geopolitical game is built on this.

They want to be sure that all transactions are paid in American dollars.
They want to isolate Russia, to present it as an outcast who cannot be trusted.
They want to control the flow of gas and oil from east to west.
They want to become a customs officer between Russia and Europe.
They want to play a dominant role throughout Eurasia.
They still want a lot of things.

For example, let Russia continue to sponsor Ukraine, and we will foment chaos there. Russia has already, since 1991, invested $250 billion there in the form of subsidies, preferences and discounts. Russia has a lot of patience - let it feed the Ukrainian economy, and we will feed the fifth column there. It is very comfortable. The fifth column will create a myth that it is Russia that is strangling Ukraine.
// Give us gas for free, and give us money in addition - it won’t stop us from hating you. //
It would be nice to force Russia to get involved in the Ukrainian conflict in order to further demonize it and justify the expansion of NATO and the further inflation of the military budget. New round cold war, a new arms race is also not bad for maintaining the dollar pyramid.
These are their real goals and intentions:dictatorship, control, controlled chaos, racketeering.Of course, it’s unpleasant to talk about all this. If it were not for the obvious and numerous crimes of the United States around the world, everything said could be attributed to some kind of obsessive paranoia, isn’t it? But a fact is a fact:the vast majority of wars and conflicts are started and waged in the interests and well-being of the United States.
Yugoslavia was bombed and torn apart. From Afghanistan through Kosovo, they did not hesitate to establish drug trafficking throughout Europe. Libya and Syria are on fire. In Iraq, since the United States got involved, there have been deaths over a million Human. Is this not enough already? And Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Korea and Vietnam, and September 11, and so on, and so on – isn’t it time to organize a new Nuremberg trial? Why is no one taking such an initiative?
Of course, this cannot continue indefinitely. They feel it, but they continue anyway. In words - la-la. In reality, it is a vile, cynical and incessant war. I can't help but feel thatThe USA is preparing some even more grandiose lie in blood,since all conceivable limits have already been passed. We'll see soon. In the meantime, we can only anxiously wait to see what they are planning to do to Ukraine during the May holidays. But in any case, the time will come, and they will answer for everything.

Of course, there are many more questions, especially if you start digging into all the sports represented at the Olympics. And in those where Russian athletes failed, and in those where their triumph was unconditional. Let the experts and specialists do it. However, there are things that I would like to understand without complex formulas, abstruse terms and chatter. Just from a common sense point of view, although sometimes this is the most difficult thing.

Question 1: Did Russia perform successfully at the Pyeongchang Games?

Formally, Russia, competing under the Olympic flag and under the name “Olympic Athletes from Russia” (OAR), showed its worst result in history in the unofficial medal standings. But if after Vancouver (3 gold, 5 silver and 7 bronze awards) in 2010 Russian fans were ashamed of our team, then today there is no reason to sprinkle ashes on their heads. On the one hand, there are only two golds (women's figure skating and hockey), on the other, Russia has a total of 17 medals. And if you remember how many contenders for medals the IOC “unhooked” from the Games, moreover, the first numbers in their sports, then the result of the young Russian team can be considered a success.

Question 2: What to do with the hockey tournament?

They say on Winter Games You can lose everything, but gold in a hockey tournament is more important than a dozen awards in moguls, halfpipe or curling. Russia took this gold for the first time (in 1992 the United Team took first place), defeating the German team in the final.

Honor and praise to the Russian hockey players, but without the NHL players the tournament turned out to be incomplete. The main rivals - Canada and the USA - were eliminated in the early stages. It is clear that there is no recipe, but it is necessary to seek a compromise with the NHL, where the stars of world hockey are gathered and whose championship was not interrupted during the Olympics.

Question 3: What to do with biathlon?

In Pyeongchang, Russian biathletes were left without awards for the first time in history. You can blame everything on the IOC’s refusal to invite Anton Shipulin to the Games, or you can remember this season’s World Cup, where stage victories for Russian biathletes were as rare as rain in the Atacama Desert. Against the backdrop of the successes of the Swedish national team, coached by Wolfgang Pichler, who is cursed in Russia, the failure is especially noticeable. A change in the leadership of the Russian Biathlon Union would be the first step towards improving the situation.

Question 4: Are Krushelnitsky and Sergeeva to blame?

We expected that at the closing ceremony of the Games our team would march under the Russian flag, but we marched under the Olympic flag due to two cases of doping already in Pyeongchang. Be that as it may, by chance or the machinations of enemies, the presence of prohibited drugs in the bodies of curler Alexander Krushelnitsky and bobsledder Nadezhda Sergeeva is their professional mistake. According to all regulations and rules, they are guilty.

Question 5: Who should bear responsibility for the doping campaign against Russia?

The inaction of the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Sports, the heads of the ROC and federations led to the fact that until the last moment Russian athletes did not know which of them would go to Pyeongchang. There are almost no Russian representatives left in the governing structures of world sports. The policy of denying the doping problem and the reluctance to fight doping led to an unprecedented political campaign being launched against our country. In the absence of dialogue, the testimony of the former head of RUSADA Grigory Rodchenkov became the main evidence of the guilt of Russian athletes, including those who were never suspected of doping. The policy of denying everything is a dead end, and there is no way out of it without changing the leadership of the Ministry of Sports.

Question 6: When should Vitaly Mutko be fired?

In the new cabinet of ministers, which will be appointed after the presidential elections in Russia, Vitaly Mutko, the former minister of sports, now deputy prime minister in charge of sports, tourism and youth policy, should not be. Dialogue is impossible between him, who has been banned for life by the IOC from the Olympic Games, and the world sports community. And without such a dialogue, it is impossible for Russia to return to the ranks of the leading sports powers.

Question 7: Who is at the head of the ROC instead of Alexander Zhukov?

Neither bad nor good can be said about the activities of Alexander Zhukov as head of the ROC. He has no influence in the world, just as he does not have it within the country. His mandate is coming to an end, so no one will regret Zhukov’s resignation as president of the ROC. Vladimir Putin’s assistant and ROC vice-president Igor Levitin is expected to take his place. last years played more table tennis. Whether Levitin has a program for reforms of Russian sports remains anyone’s guess.

Many would like to see the return of the legendary hockey player Vyacheslav Fetisov, who headed the State Committee for Physical Education and Sports until 2008. Fetisov had weight and authority in world sports authorities; under him, a conversation with Russia from a position of strength was impossible.

A full return of Russia to the Olympic family is possible only if none of the Russian athletes participating in the Games are convicted of doping. Therefore, we just have to wait until the checks are completed. If doping is discovered, the fate of our sport is not optimistic.

Question 9: When will we stop doping?

They say sports high achievements is unthinkable without doping, since the human body is not able to withstand the stress to which athletes expose themselves. However, it’s not worth pointing at asthmatics and heart patients breaking records and winning medals. We must learn to use any legal opportunities that will allow Russian athletes to be on an equal footing with their rivals. At least learn how to correctly and timely issue therapeutic permits and do not forget to indicate in their passports what cold medications the athletes took. But most importantly, doping must be condemned unanimously and universally. Those guilty of doping, including coaches and officials, should not be involved in sports-related activities or sit in government positions. Zero tolerance for doping means no doping.

Question 10: How to protect clean athletes suspended from the Games?

We must use every opportunity in sports and civil courts. Invite the best lawyers for this. Force the IOC, WADA, and federations to pay a lot of money for the injustice and violations of the law committed against pure Russian athletes who became victims of the principle of collective responsibility. Russia paid $15 million for the opportunity to regain membership in the IOC. Restoring the rights of our clean athletes has no price. But this is only possible if new people come to lead our sport. It is they who must decide how to live further.

The ruble continues to fall, there is civil strife in neighboring Ukraine, and there is a budget hole in the Chelyabinsk region. In addition, with the end of the Olympics, unfounded rumors once again arose on the Internet about the impending crisis that the holding of the Sochi Games in our country led to. Read about the difficult relationship between the crisis in Russia and the Olympic Games, socio-economic instability and the political situation in the country and region in the article “Guberniya”.

The ruble continues to fall, there is civil strife in neighboring Ukraine, and there is a budget hole in the Chelyabinsk region. In addition, with the end of the Olympics, unfounded rumors once again arose on the Internet about the impending crisis that the holding of the Sochi Games in our country led to. Read about the difficult relationship between the crisis in Russia and the Olympic Games, socio-economic instability and the political situation in the country and region in the article “Guberniya”.

Time to draw conclusions

According to the director of the Chelyabinsk branch of RANEPA, Doctor of Political Sciences Sergei Zyryanov, focusing on the past Olympics as a counterpoint that will affect changes in the political and economic life of Russia is unjustified. Of course, the fact that a fabulous amount was spent on its implementation - more than 50 billion dollars - cannot but attract public attention. Most likely, this is why there are so many guesses and forecasts about the future economic future of Russia. The political scientist also refuted the idea that the end of the games will lead to a surge in unemployment in the country. “Not only our compatriots, but also citizens from other countries worked at the Olympic venues, so I don’t think there will be any significant changes in the Russian labor market. Financial and labor resources will be smoothly transferred to the preparation of another major event that will be held in Russia in 2018 - the World Cup,” says Sergei Zyryanov.

Zyryanov’s colleague, dean of the Faculty of Management of the Chelyabinsk branch of RANEPA, candidate of philosophical sciences Sergei Domrachev, is even more optimistic: “The money is not thrown away, the infrastructure and sports facilities will be used in the future.” According to the expert, the future of the country depends on our own expectations: “Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float. If you want to create a pessimistic future, you build a negative forecast, unfavorable facts are inflated, when creating an optimistic forecast, you pay attention to positive facts and assessments.”

But according to Alexander Podoprigora, director of the consulting company Expert Council, the Olympics is not at all an event that can affect the current political and socio-economic situation in the country. Much more important in this regard is how it will respond in Russia Civil War in Ukraine. According to Podoprigora, even before the Maidan, the leadership of our country demonstrated that it was ready to follow the path of democratization, this was evidenced by the transformations associated with the elections: their transparency, loyal attitude towards the opposition (in particular, the victory of candidates independent from the party in power), changes in the law on elections, providing for the election of candidates in single-mandate constituencies, and not just according to party lists. But then the Maidan factor suddenly came into play. And now the federal government is developing its attitude to this event, reflecting on where some weakening of the centralization of power might lead. And the development of our country depends on what conclusions the authorities draw. If they decide to tighten the screws, they will accelerate the emergence of similar Maidans in Russia. The right thing, according to the expert, would be to continue the policy of democratization, increasing political and, accordingly, economic competition; it is this path that can lead to a change in the quality of institutions in our country. It will soon become clear what choice was made top management countries: will we live in a more rigid society that preserves the current situation, or will we search for sources of social dynamism, improving the quality of institutions that open the way to intensive development. In the meantime, the situation in Russian society, in particular in the Chelyabinsk region, can be characterized as a situation with highest degree uncertainty.

What country do we live in?

Experts call the political and socio-economic system that has emerged in Russia today state-monopolized oligarchic capitalism. Its advantage is that such a system effectively exploits monopolistic sources of economic development - raw materials (energy, Natural resources etc.). But at the same time, this system slows down the development of a progressive economy and cannot master such resources as innovative instrumentation and mechanical engineering, which would allow these products to enter the world market.

There is a situation in the country when the extensive path of development has already exhausted itself, and the intensive one cannot come into force, since its development rests precisely on the above-mentioned institutional obstacles - the lack of independent judiciary, free media, fair elections, a truly functioning parliament, functioning outside the corruption schemes of law enforcement agencies. Thus, any development is hampered if institutions function poorly. “Every year our roads are washed away, and money is stolen, this is the quality of institutions,” says Alexander Podoprigora, using the example of the recent “road” past of the region. “No matter how much money you pump in, it doesn’t produce real results if it can’t be controlled.”

Meanwhile, the extensive path of economic development has led us to a dead end, and it will be impossible to develop further by increasing oil and gas production and rising prices for them. The fact that energy resources have ceased to be a source of economic growth has already been recognized at the highest level. Revenues hardly cover expenses, this is also evident at the regional level: the implementation of the May presidential decrees faces problems; only through significant cuts is it possible to increase salaries for public sector employees, etc.

What do we have?

Meanwhile, the Chelyabinsk region has its own problems - a significant budget deficit. According to Sergei Zyryanov, it will take about 3-5 years to patch up the holes in the treasury, but this is possible with a GRP growth of 3%; at the end of 2012, the growth of the gross regional product was only about 1%. Known fact that there are at least two ways out of any situation, and here everything is fixable, but this requires a consistent policy. Thus, according to Zyryanov, reasonable savings, first of all, reducing expenditures on the state apparatus, reducing the number of officials is the right measure, which the new government has already begun to apply. Experts are confident that an influx of investment into the region will help restore the economic situation. Today there is a clear crisis in the region agriculture, the metallurgical industry, which does not give much reason for optimism. However, the majority of the population still does not depend on budget money, only a small part of citizens receive salaries from the treasury, the rest live off their earnings. Accordingly, it is necessary to organize opportunities for business development for these people, to make the region attractive to investors not only in words, but in deeds. Today there are no serious investment projects in the region, but major points of economic growth are emerging in the closed cities of the region. In Ozersk alone, the cost of the proposed investment project is estimated at 500 billion rubles, and this is serious tax revenue to the budget.

However, we must not forget that our economy remains tightly linked to trends in world markets. In addition, we still have low GDP growth rates. The country is also threatened by a decrease in the purchasing power of citizens, as the ruble is weakening; in January alone, there was a significant decrease in the Russian currency against the dollar by 10%, and against the euro - by 9%. The Central Bank clearly stated that it was sending the ruble to float freely. And the lack of intervention from the Central Bank can only be compensated by an increase in labor productivity, which is suffering in our country! Thus, the productivity of one conditional Russian employee is 30% lower than that of an American employee. This vicious circle is getting worse and high level property stratification in society, which, according to world experts, is one of the fundamental risk factors for 2014. But Russians, despite economic difficulties, are not ready for a revolution, says Sergei Zyryanov. "Social protest Russian society“I imagine it closed in a tin can,” says the political scientist. - To escape from this jar, he needs a tool that opens the jar and a subject who knows how to use it. But today I don’t see either the key or the hands.” Citizens express their indignation by being apolitical - for example, they do not go to the polls. And here again the question of personnel training arises; it is the high-quality training of professionals - the people of Russia's future - that will allow the country to reach a new standard of living, Sergei Domrachev is sure. So far, in terms of professional training, we are in 55th place in the world.

“When we talk about what is most important for the country in the future, we come back to the same issue again and again; the main thing in the future is to ensure the competitiveness of our country’s economy. Both in the short and medium term, but we will not be able to ensure any competitiveness if we do not switch to an innovative path of economic development. In turn, an innovative path to economic development is impossible without investment in people, education and healthcare,” Vladimir Putin said back in 2008. Apparently, slowly but surely we are moving in this direction, and the path of Russia’s development for the coming decades is clear and understandable. The main thing is not to turn off the right road.