Don't forget the old stuff. Card index of games for older children

“We sell pots” (Chulmak ueny)

The players are divided into two groups. Potty children, kneeling or sitting on the grass, form a circle. Behind each pot stands a player - the owner of the pot, with his hands behind his back. The driver stands behind the circle. The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation:

Hey buddy, sell the pot!


How many rubles should I give you?

Give me three

The driver touches the pot three times (or as much as the owner agreed to sell the pot for, but no more than three rubles), and they begin running in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle three times). Whoever runs faster to an empty space in the circle takes that place, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

Rules of the game . You are only allowed to run in a circle without crossing it. Runners do not have the right to touch other players. The driver starts running in any direction. If he started running to the left, the stained one should run to the right.

"Gray Wolf" (Sary Bure)

One of the players is chosen as a gray wolf. Squatting, the gray wolf hides behind the line at one end of the area (in the bushes or in thick grass). The rest of the players are on the opposite side. The distance between the drawn lines is 20-30 m. At the signal, everyone goes into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. The leader comes out to meet them and asks (the children answer in unison):

Where are you going, friends?

We are going into the dense forest

What do you want to do there9

We'll pick raspberries there

Why do you need raspberries, children?

We'll make jam

What if a wolf meets you in the forest?

The gray wolf won't catch us!

After this roll call, everyone comes up to the place where the gray wolf is hiding and says in unison:

I'll pick berries and make jam,

My dear grandmother will have a treat

There are a lot of raspberries here, it’s impossible to pick them all,

And there are no wolves or bears to be seen at all!

After the words are out of sight, the gray wolf gets up, and the children quickly run over the line. The wolf chases them and tries to tarnish someone. He takes the prisoners to the lair - to where he himself was hiding.

Rules of the game. The person depicting the gray wolf cannot jump out, and all players cannot run away before the words are spoken. You can catch those running away only up to the house line.

“Jump-jump” (Kuchtem-kuch)

A large circle with a diameter of 15-25 m is drawn on the ground, and inside it there are small circles with a diameter of 30-35 cm for each participant in the game. The driver stands in the center of a large circle.

The driver says: “Jump!” After this word, the players quickly change places (in circles), jumping on one leg. The driver tries to take the place of one of the players, also jumping on one leg. The one who is left without a place becomes the driver.

Rules of the game. You can't push each other out of the circles. Two players cannot be in the same circle. When changing places, the circle is considered to belong to the one who joined it earlier.

"Flappers" (Abakle)

On opposite sides of the room or area are marked with two parallel lines two cities. The distance between them is 20-30 m. All children line up near one of the cities in one line: left hand on the belt, right hand extended forward with palm up.

The driver is selected. He approaches those standing near the city and says the words:

Clap and clap - this is the signal

I'm running, and you're following me!

With these words, the driver lightly slaps someone on the palm. The driver and the stained one run to the opposite city. Whoever runs faster will remain in the new city, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

Rules of the game. Until the driver touches someone's palm, you cannot run. While running, players should not touch each other.

“Take a seat” (Bush Ursh)

One of the participants in the game is chosen as the driver, and the rest of the players, forming a circle, walk holding hands. The driver follows the circle in the opposite direction and says:

Like a magpie arecochu

I won't let anyone into the house.

I cackle like a goose,

I'll slap you on the shoulder -

Having said run, the driver lightly hits one of the players on the back, the circle stops, and the one who was hit rushes from his place in the circle towards the driver. The one who runs around the circle first takes a free place, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

Rules of the game. The circle should stop immediately when you hear the word run. You are only allowed to run in a circle without crossing it. While running, you must not touch those standing in a circle.

“Traps” (Totysh uyena)

At the signal, all players scatter around the court. The driver tries to tarnish any of the players. Everyone he catches becomes his assistant. Holding hands, two of them, then three of them, four of them, etc., they catch the ones running until they catch everyone.

Rules of the game . The one whom the driver touches with his hand is considered caught. Those who are caught catch everyone else only by holding hands.

“Zhmurki” (Kuzbaylau uyen)

They draw a large circle, inside it, at the same distance from each other, they make holes-holes according to the number of participants in the game. They identify the driver, blindfold him and place him in the center of the circle. The rest take places in the hole-holes. The driver approaches the player to catch him. He, without leaving his hole, tries to dodge him, now bending over, now crouching. The driver must not only catch, but also call the player by name. If he names the name correctly, the participants in the game say: “Open your eyes!” - and the one who was caught becomes the driver. If the name is called incorrectly, the players, without saying a word, make a few claps, making it clear that the driver has made a mistake, and the game continues. Players change minks, jumping on one leg.

Rules of the game. The driver has no right to peek. During the game, no one is allowed to leave the circle. Exchange of minks is allowed only when the driver is on the opposite side of the circle.

"Interceptors" (Kuyshu ueny)

At opposite ends of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located in one of them in a line. In the middle, facing the children, is the driver. The children say the words in chorus:

We have to run fast,

We love to jump and gallop

One two three four five

No way to catch her!

After finishing these words, everyone runs scattered across the site to another house. The driver tries to tarnish the defectors. One of the stained ones becomes the driver, and the game continues. At the end of the game, the best guys who were never caught are celebrated.

Rules of the game. The driver catches the players by touching their shoulder with his hand. The stained ones go to the appointed place.


The players, holding hands, make a circle. They choose a driver - Timerbai. He stands in the center of the circle. The driver says:

Timerbai has five children,

They play together and have fun.

We swam in the fast river,

They got nasty, splashed,

Cleaned up nicely

And they dressed up beautifully.

And they didn’t eat or drink,

They ran into the forest in the evening,

We looked at each other,

They did it like this!

With the last words, the driver makes some kind of movement like this. Everyone must repeat it. Then the driver chooses someone instead of himself.

Rules of the game. Movements that have already been demonstrated cannot be repeated. The movements shown must be performed accurately. You can use various objects in the game (balls, braids, ribbons, etc.).

“Chanterelles and Hens” (Telki ham tavıklar)

At one end of the site there are chickens and roosters in a chicken coop. On the opposite side there is a fox.

Hens and roosters (from three to five players) walk around the site, pretending to peck various insects, grains, etc. When a fox creeps up on them, the roosters shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” At this signal, everyone runs to the chicken coop, and the fox rushes after them, which tries to stain any of the players.

Rules of the game. If the driver fails to stain any of the players, then he drives again.

The players line up in two lines on both sides of the court. There is a flag in the center of the site at a distance of at least 8-10 m from each team. At the signal, the players in the first rank throw the bags into the distance, trying to throw them to the flag, and the players in the second rank do the same. The best thrower from each rank is revealed, as well as the winning rank, in whose team larger number participants will throw the bags to the flag.

Rules of the game. Everything must be thrown at the signal. The team leaders keep score.

“Ball in a circle” (Teenchek uyen)

The players, forming a circle, sit down. The driver stands behind a circle with a ball, the diameter of which is 15-25 cm. At a signal, the driver throws the ball to one of the players sitting in the circle, and he moves away. At this time, the ball begins to be thrown in a circle from one player to another. The driver runs after the ball and tries to catch it on the fly. The player from whom the ball was caught becomes the driver.

Rules of the game . The ball is passed by throwing with a turn. The catcher must be ready to receive the ball. When the game is repeated, the ball is passed to the one who was left out of the game.

“Tangled Horses” (Tyshauly atlar)

The players are divided into three or four teams and line up behind the line. Flags and stands are placed opposite the line. At the signal, the first team players begin jumping, run around the flags and run back. Then the second ones run, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Rules of the game. The distance from the line to the flags and posts should be no more than 20 m. You should jump correctly, pushing off with both feet at the same time, helping with your hands. You need to run in the indicated direction (right or left).

During the course of history, each nation develops its own distinctive features of national culture. Help children understand the uniqueness, beauty, and harmony of cultures different nations folk outdoor games are called upon. This is the great cognitive and educational significance of national games. Moreover, it is quite obvious that familiarity with cultural traditions improves children's aesthetic taste.

National Games play an important role in the physical development of children. They cultivate will, courage, and the desire to win.

It is important to note that folk outdoor games were the basis for all subsequent games.

Tatarstan is located in the east of the East European Plain along the middle reaches of the Volga. The indigenous population is the Tatars. Russians, Chuvashs, Mordovians, Ukrainians, etc. also live here.

The history of Tatar games is organically connected with the history of the people, their labor activity, way of life, customs, traditions, beliefs. Tatar games form an important and integral part of the national culture of the Tatar people, they are the oldest means of physical, moral, labor and aesthetic education of the younger generation. Taken together, they synthesize elements of folk theater, folk song, children's folklore, labor and military art.

Tatar games are distinguished by the competitive, collective nature of actions, high emotionality, variability of individual actions, etc.

Some Tatar folk games are currently used in physical education classes in schools and in out-of-school organizations; not a single holiday is complete without them.

“Guess and catch up” (Chitanme, buzme)

Purpose of the game: development of attentiveness and dexterity.

The players sit on a bench or on the grass in one row. The driver sits in front. He is blindfolded.

One of the players approaches the driver, puts his hand on his shoulder and calls him by name. The driver must guess who it is. If the driver says the player's name correctly, he quickly takes off the bandage and catches up with the runner. If the driver does not guess the player's name, then another player comes up.

Rules of the game:

· if the name is named correctly, the player touches the driver on the shoulder, making it clear that he needs to run;

· as soon as the driver catches the player, he sits at the end of the column, and the caught player becomes the driver.

“We sell pots” (Chulmak ueny)

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, speed of motor reaction, strengthening of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system.

The players are divided into two groups: potty children and potty owner players. Potty children form a circle by kneeling or sitting on the grass. Behind each pot stands the player who owns the pot, with his hands behind his back. The driver stands behind the circle.

The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation:

- “Hey, buddy, sell the pot!”
- Buy it!
- How many rubles should I give you?
- Give me three.

The driver touches the owner's hand three times (or as much as the owner agreed to sell the pot for, but no more than three rubles), and they begin running in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle three times). Whoever runs faster to an empty space in the circle takes that place, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

Rules of the game:

· running is only allowed in a circle, without crossing it;

· Runners do not have the right to touch other players;

· The driver can start running in any direction. If he started running to the left, the stained one should run to the right.

“Running on the Trail” (Ezden Yegeru)

Teenagers and high school students play, 20-30 people.

Running on the trail

Description. The players are divided into; two teams and line up in two columns behind the starting line. For each team, continuous straight lines, large circles, spirals and other figures are drawn from the starting line (Fig.). The first team players begin running along the drawn lines. Having returned, they touch their hands to the second players of their teams, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. The rest run the same distance. The team that finishes the relay first wins.


1. It is not allowed to start running until the returning player touches the next one with his hand.

2. When running, you must strictly adhere to the distance lines.

"Gray Wolf" (Sary Bure)

One of the players is chosen as a gray wolf. Squatting, the gray wolf hides behind the line at one end of the area (in the bushes or in thick grass). The rest of the players are on the opposite side. The distance between the drawn lines is 20-30 m. At the signal, everyone goes into the forest to collect mushrooms and berries. The leader comes out to meet them and asks (the children answer in unison):

Where are you going, friends?

We are going into the dense forest.

What do you want to do there?

We'll pick raspberries there.

Why do you need raspberries, children?

We'll make jam.

What if a wolf meets you in the forest?

The gray wolf won't catch us!

After this roll call, everyone comes up to the place where the gray wolf is hiding and says in unison:

I'll pick berries and make jam,

My dear grandmother will have a treat.

There are a lot of raspberries here, it’s impossible to pick them all,

And there are no wolves or bears to be seen at all!

After the words are out of sight, the gray wolf gets up, and the children quickly run over the line. The wolf chases them and tries to tarnish someone. He takes the prisoners to the lair - to where he himself was hiding.

Rules of the game. The person depicting the gray wolf cannot jump out, and all players cannot run away before the words are spoken. You can catch those running away only up to the house line.

“Take a seat” (Bush uryn)

I chirp like a magpie,

I won't let anyone into the house.

I cackle like a goose,

I'll slap you on the shoulder -


Having said run, the driver lightly hits one of the players on the back, the circle stops, and the one who was hit rushes from his place in the circle towards the driver. The one who runs around the circle first takes a free place, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

Rules of the game. The circle should stop immediately when you hear the word run. You are only allowed to run in a circle without crossing it. While running, you must not touch those standing in a circle.

“Zhmurki” (Kuzbaylau uyen)

They draw a large circle, inside it, at the same distance from each other, they make holes-holes according to the number of participants in the game. They identify the driver, blindfold him and place him in the center of the circle. The rest take places in burrow holes. The driver approaches the player to catch him. He, without leaving his hole, tries to dodge him, now bending over, now crouching. The driver must not only catch, but also call the player by name. If he names the name correctly, the participants in the game say: “Open your eyes!” - and the one who was caught becomes the driver. If the name is called incorrectly, the players, without saying a word, make a few claps, making it clear that the driver has made a mistake, and the game continues. Players change minks, jumping on one leg.

Rules of the game. The driver has no right to peek. During the game, no one is allowed to leave the circle. Exchange of minks is allowed only when the driver is on the opposite side of the circle.


The players, holding hands, make a circle. They choose a driver - Timerbai. He stands in the center of the circle. The driver says:

Timerbai has five children,

They play together and have fun.

We swam in the fast river,

They got nasty, splashed,

Cleaned up nicely

And they dressed up beautifully.

And they didn’t eat or drink,

They ran into the forest in the evening

We looked at each other,

They did it like this!

With the last words, the driver makes some kind of movement like this. Everyone must repeat it. Then the driver chooses someone instead of himself.

Rules of the game. Movements that have already been demonstrated cannot be repeated. The movements shown must be performed accurately. You can use various objects in the game (balls, braids, ribbons, etc.).

“Jump-jump” (Kuchtem-kuch)

A large circle with a diameter of 15-25 m is drawn on the ground, and inside it there are small circles with a diameter of 30-35 cm for each participant in the game. The driver stands in the center of a large circle.
The driver says: “Jump!” After this word, the players quickly change places (in circles), jumping on one leg. The driver tries to take the place of one of the players, also jumping on one leg. The one who is left without a place becomes the driver.
Rules of the game. You can't push each other out of the circles. Two players cannot be in the same circle. When changing places, the circle is considered to belong to the one who joined it earlier.

"Flappers" (Abakle)

On opposite sides of the room or area, two cities are marked with two parallel lines. The distance between them is 20-30 m. All children line up near one of the cities in one line: the left hand is on the belt, the right hand is extended forward with the palm up.
The driver is selected. He approaches those standing near the city and says the words:

Clap and clap - this is the signal

I'm running, and you're following me!

With these words, the driver lightly slaps someone on the palm. The driver and the stained one run to the opposite city. Whoever runs faster will remain in the new city, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.
Rules of the game. Until the driver touches someone's palm, you cannot run. While running, players should not touch each other.

“Take a seat” (Bush uryn)

One of the participants in the game is chosen as the driver, and the rest of the players, forming a circle, walk holding hands. The driver follows the circle in the opposite direction and says:

I chirp like a magpie

I won't let anyone into the house!

I cackle like a goose,

I'll slap you on the shoulder -

Having said, run, the driver lightly hits one of the players on the back, the circle stops, and the one who was hit rushes from his place in the circle towards the driver. The one who runs around the circle first takes a free place, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.
Rules of the game. The circle should stop immediately at the word “run”. You are only allowed to run in a circle without crossing it. While running, you must not touch those standing in a circle.

“Traps” (Totysh uyena)

At the signal, all players scatter around the court. The driver tries to tarnish any of the players. Everyone he catches becomes his assistant. Holding hands, two of them, then three of them, four of them, etc., they catch the ones running until they catch everyone.
Rules of the game. The one whom the driver touches with his hand is considered caught. Those who are caught catch everyone else only by holding hands.

"Interceptors" (Kuyshu ueny)

At opposite ends of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located in one of them in a line. In the middle, facing the children, is the driver. The children say the words in chorus:

We have to run fast,

We love to jump and gallop

One two three four five

There's no way they'll catch us!

After finishing these words, everyone runs scattered across the site to another house. The driver tries to tarnish the defectors. One of the stained ones becomes the driver, and the game continues. At the end of the game, the best guys who were never caught are celebrated.
Rules of the game. The driver catches the players by touching their shoulder with his hand. The stained ones go to the appointed place.

“Chanterelles and Hens” (Telki ham tavıklar)

At one end of the site there are chickens and roosters in a chicken coop. On the opposite side there is a fox.
Hens and roosters (from three to five players) walk around the site, pretending to peck various insects, grains, etc. When a fox creeps up on them, the roosters shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” At this signal, everyone runs to the chicken coop, and the fox rushes after them, which tries to stain any of the players.
Rules of the game. If the driver fails to stain any of the players, then he drives again.

The players line up in two lines on both sides of the court. There is a flag in the center of the site at a distance of at least 8-10 m from each team. At the signal, the players in the first rank throw the bags into the distance, trying to throw them to the flag, and the players in the second rank do the same. The best thrower from each line is revealed, as well as the winning line, in whose team the largest number of participants will throw the bags to the flag.
Rules of the game. Everything must be thrown at the signal. The team leaders keep score.

“Ball in a circle” (Teenchek uyen)

The players, forming a circle, sit down. The driver stands behind a circle with a ball, the diameter of which is 15-25 cm. At a signal, the driver throws the ball to one of the players sitting in the circle, and he moves away. At this time, the ball begins to be thrown in a circle from one player to another. The driver runs after the ball and tries to catch it on the fly. The player from whom the ball was caught becomes the driver.
Rules of the game. The ball is passed by throwing with a turn. The catcher must be ready to receive the ball. When the game is repeated, the ball is passed to the one who was left out of the game.

“Tangled Horses” (Tyshauly atlar)

The players are divided into three or four teams and line up behind the line. Flags and stands are placed opposite the line. At the signal, the first team players begin jumping, run around the flags and run back. Then the second ones run, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.
Rules of the game. The distance from the line to the flags and posts should be no more than 20 m. You should jump correctly, pushing off with both feet at the same time, helping with your hands. You need to run in the indicated direction (right or left).


In the conditions of modern civilization, due to the sharp decrease in human motor activity, the role of systematic physical exercise and outdoor games is increasing.

The special significance of folk outdoor games lies in the fact that they are widely available to people of the most of different ages. Outdoor games, despite the enormous diversity associated with ethnic and other characteristics, one way or another reflect such general character traits inherent in this form of activity, as the relationship between the players and environment and knowledge of reality. The purposefulness and expediency of behavior in achieving the intended goal, associated with sudden and constantly changing conditions, the need for a wide choice of actions, require the manifestation of creative abilities, activity, and initiative. This breadth of use of opportunities, expressed in independence and relative freedom of action, combined with the implementation of voluntarily accepted or established conventions while subordinating personal interests to general ones, is associated with a vivid manifestation of emotions. All this, from a methodological point of view, characterizes outdoor play as a multifaceted, complex in impact, pedagogical means of education.

Actually Physical Culture- the same general culture with a predominance of its spiritual side, but realized in a specific way - through consciously cultivated motor activity, where motor action acts as a means of satisfying the diverse needs of a person, his self-development, self-actualization, self-knowledge and self-improvement.

The role of outdoor games in the system of physical and sports education is enormous. An outdoor game, like any other, accompanies a person throughout his childhood; outdoor games not only improve health and develop the body, but they are also a means of cultural and moral education and the introduction of a person to society. National outdoor games instill in children cultural heritage his surrounding society, preparing him to enter the big world.

Outdoor games have health, educational and educational significance and are easily accessible for family physical education. It has been proven that they improve the physical development of children and have a beneficial effect on nervous system and improve health.

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Page creation date: 2016-02-16

("Limping Fox")

Where are you going, lame fox?

Are you hobbling around on a dark night?

My dear grandmother is waiting for me,

Don't you know about that?

Why rush to her?

The fur coat is drying on the stove.

What if the fur coat catches fire?

I'll dip my fur coat in the river.

What if the water runs away from her?

It will be difficult for me then.

Well, what about the lame fox?

Can you live without a fur coat?

Don't worry, sleep, master,

When you wake up, you will understand!

("Gray wolf")

Where are you going, friends?

Children in chorus:

We are going into the dense forest.

What do you want to do there?

We'll pick raspberries there.

Why do you need raspberries, children?

We'll make jam.

The gray wolf won't catch us.

The gaming folklore of the Tatar people is rich and varied. It is also invaluable in its motor content. Walking, running, jumping, throwing, throwing, catching and other types of movements - all this can be found in Tatar folk games. Almost all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, contribute to the formation of vital skills, improvement physical development, cultivate the necessary moral and volitional qualities.

Characteristic Features Tatar folk games are competition, cooperation and teamwork, independence of actions of participants, high emotionality, etc.

The game is a social phenomenon, a historically established means of education.

The forms of the game are varied. Together with the development of human society, they are constantly improving and becoming more complex. Folk games have great educational and educational significance; with their help, various physical qualities are developed, and above all speed and dexterity. At the same time, motor skills are improved. The movements in play activities are complex and varied. As a rule, all muscle groups can be involved in them. This promotes the harmonious development of the musculoskeletal system.

Play strengthens the body of children and serves as a guarantee of health. The depth and versatility of their impact make folk games an indispensable means of educating the younger generation. Using games according to a specific system and in combination with other types physical exercise ensures high efficiency of education necessary features character.

The study of Tatar folk games has shown that there are forms of games that differ in origin and content. There are games that are a hundred or even a thousand years old.

For example, the famous philologist Mahmut Kashgari describes children's games, one of them is “Menkez-menker”. This game is still played by children under the name “Leteli-fleli” (“Ochty-ochty”).

The Tatar people have long celebrated traditional holidays, which consist of sports games. These are “Sabantuy”, “Karga Botkasy”, “Umyrzaya”, etc. Children mainly participate in the holidays. Games, dances, songs unite and unite children.

The advantage of using folk games is that they are simple and accessible and do not require special equipment. They have a lot of humor, jokes, and competitive fervor. Folk games reflect the people's sincere love for fun and movement.

Folk games strengthen the connection between generations, foster love for native land, form an interest in studying games of other nationalities.

Tatar folk game “Aksak t?lke”

("Limping Fox")

One of the guys is a “lame fox”, the other is the “master of the house” - a bear, all the other guys are chickens. “Master of the house” - in a circle, next to which there is a large circle - “chicken coop”. "Fox" - beyond the line, in the "hole".

From its hole, the fox jumps on one leg to the “owner of the house.” The fox and the bear start a conversation.

Where are you going, lame fox?

Are you hobbling around on a dark night?

My dear grandmother is waiting for me,

Don't you know about that?

Why rush to her?

The fur coat is drying on the stove.

What if the fur coat catches fire?

I'll dip my fur coat in the river.

What if the water runs away from her?

It will be difficult for me then.

Well, what about the lame fox?

Can you live without a fur coat?

Don't worry, sleep, master,

When you wake up, you will understand!

The “master of the house” goes to bed, and the fox jumps into the chicken coop. The chickens wake up and run away in different directions, and the fox, jumping on one leg, tries to stain someone. Whoever is stained becomes a fox.

Tatar folk game “Ayu-b?re”

("Gray wolf")

One of the players is “Gray Wolf”. Children go “to the forest” to pick berries. One of the players asks:

Where are you going, friends?

Children in chorus:

We are going into the dense forest.

What do you want to do there?

We'll pick raspberries there.

Why do you need raspberries, children?

We'll make jam.

What if a wolf meets you in the forest?

The gray wolf won't catch us.

Children approach the place where the gray wolf is hiding and sing:

I'll pick the berries and make jam.

There will be a treat for your beloved grandmother.

There are a lot of raspberries here, it’s hard to pick them all!

And there are no wolves or bears to be seen at all.

Then the gray wolf rises, and the children run over the line. Whoever the wolf stains, he takes to himself.

So he can stain 4-5 children, and the last one becomes a gray wolf.

" Skullcap"

Children stand in a circle to the music; the driver puts a skullcap on the neighbor’s head; when the music stops, the player who has the skullcap on his head is eliminated from the game.

"Gray wolf"

One of the players is chosen as a gray wolf. Squatting, the gray wolf hides behind the line at one end of the area (in the bushes or in thick grass). The rest of the players are on the opposite side. The distance between the drawn lines is 20-30 m. At the signal, everyone goes into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. The leader comes out to meet them and asks (the children answer in unison):

Where are you going, friends?

We are going into the dense forest.

What do you want to do there?

We'll pick raspberries there.

Why do you need raspberries, children?

We'll make jam.

What if a wolf meets you in the forest?

The gray wolf won't catch us!

After this roll call, everyone comes up to the place where the gray wolf is hiding and says in unison:

I'll pick the berries and make jam.

My dear grandmother will have a treat.

There are a lot of raspberries here, it’s impossible to pick them all,

And there are no wolves or bears to be seen at all!

After the words are out of sight, the gray wolf gets up, and the children quickly run over the line. The wolf chases them and tries to tarnish someone. He takes the prisoners to the lair - to where he himself was hiding.

Rules of the game.

The person depicting the gray wolf cannot jump out, and all players cannot run away before the words are spoken. You can catch those running away only up to the house line.

" Firecrackers"

On opposite sides of a room or area, two cities are marked with two parallel lines. The distance between them is 20-30 m. All children line up near one of the cities in one line: the left hand is on the belt, the right hand is extended forward with the palm up.

The driver is selected. He approaches those standing near the city and says the words:

Clap and clap - the signal is like this:

I’ll run away, and you’ll follow me!

With these words, the driver lightly slaps someone on the palm. The driver and the stained one run to the opposite city. Whoever runs faster will remain in the new city, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

Rules of the game.

Until the driver touches someone's palm, you cannot run. While running, players should not touch each other.

" Take a seat"

One of the participants in the game is chosen as the driver, and the rest of the players, forming a circle, walk holding hands. The driver follows the circle in the opposite direction and says:

I chirp like a magpie,

I won't let anyone into the house.

I cackle like a goose,

I'll slap you on the shoulder

Having said run, the driver lightly hits one of the players on the back, the circle stops, and the one who was hit rushes from his place in the circle towards the driver. The one who runs around the circle first takes a free place, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

Rules of the game.

The circle should stop immediately when you hear the word run. You are only allowed to run in a circle without crossing it. While running, you must not touch those standing in a circle.

" Guess and catch up"

The players sit on a bench or on the grass in one row. The driver sits in front. He is blindfolded. One of the players approaches the driver, puts his hand on his shoulder and calls him by name. The driver must guess who it is. If he guesses correctly, he quickly takes off the bandage and catches up with the runner. If the driver says the player's name incorrectly, then another player comes up. If the name is named correctly, the player touches the driver on the shoulder, making it clear that he needs to run. Rules of the game.

If the driver does not understand his friend, you can repeat the game again with him. As soon as he catches the player, the driver sits at the end of the column, and the caught one becomes the driver. The game has a strict order.

Games for children senior group preschool educational institution

Russian folk game "Bees"
Rules: two players stand motionless, depicting a beehive. Others, holding hands, huddle around them and say in a recitative:
A small cup in the hive,
The porridge in it is delicious,
I want to eat
I don't want to climb
The bees are angry, biting,
They fly terrible
They buzz well
They escort you far away.

One of the children is the “queen”, he approaches the hive and asks:
Bees are gray, blue-winged,
Fly across an open field,
Crouch to the damp earth,
Fly and fly for something sweet.
"Bees" answer:
We flew across the field,
They muttered in Turkish, collected the honey,
And in the hive the pattern was embroidered:
Without needles, without knots, without loops, without silks -
For people's needs!

The “queen” approaches the hive and throws the children to the ground, runs away, and hides.
Bee children:
The bees are flying
Noses are needles.
We sat down the hill
We sat under the tree.
Neither five nor six
There are a thousand of them.
They feed people
The huts are illuminated,
They don’t bark, they don’t bark,
And they bite painfully.
Then the “bees” “fly”, look for the “queen”, and buzz in her ears.

Objectives: to develop children’s dexterity, to cultivate interest in their native nature.

Russian folk outdoor game “Trunk Running”
Rules: the players gather near a fallen tree trunk (gymnastic bench), climb onto it, move back and forth from one edge to the other.
They gradually increase their speed and switch from walking to running, while saying in a recitative:

White birch,
Black Rose,
fragrant lily of the valley,
Fluffy dandelion
blue bell,
Don't stop!

Whoever loses his balance and slides off the trunk is out of the game. Whoever lasts longer is the winner.
Objectives: develop dexterity, balance, competitive passion.

Tatar folk outdoor game “Earth, water, fire, air”
Rules: the players gather in a circle, in the middle -
leading. He throws the ball to someone, saying one of four words (earth, water, fire, air).

If the leader says “earth,” then the one who caught the ball must quickly name an animal;
if “water” - name the fish; “air” - a bird; “fire” - wave your hands. Everyone turns around. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Objectives: develop the ability to understand nature, experience positive emotions from communicating with nature.

Tatar folk outdoor game “Swallow”
Rules: draw a circle with a diameter of 1 meter. The “swallow” and the “watchman” are chosen by lot. The “Swallow” sits in the center of the circle, crossing its legs and tucking it under itself, the “watchman” walks around - guards. The rest try to touch the swallow with their hand. The "watchman" catches. If he succeeds, then the person caught becomes a “watchman.” “Swallow” changes after changing 2-3 “watchmen”.

Objectives: continue to develop dexterity and interest in native nature.

Tatar folk outdoor game “Tangled Horses”
Rules: the players are divided into 3-4 teams, line up behind the line in columns. Opposite they place flags.
At the signal, the first players jump around the flags, return, then the second jump, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Tatar folk round dance game “Tatar fence”
Rules: choose a leader according to the counting, the rest, holding hands, walk under their clasped hands, gradually “braiding” the shadow. At the same time they sing:
Go away, you go up,
My cabbage!
Go away, you go up,
My fork!
How do I, cabbage,
don't curl,
How do I, species,
don't get tangled.
Evening on cabbage
Evening on Vilovaya
Frequent heavy rain.

Repeated several times, the main thing is not to release your hands. Objectives: to cultivate a caring attitude towards native nature, interest in Tatar games.

Bashkir folk outdoor game “Swallows and Hawks”
Rules: players are divided into two teams, stand in two rows with their backs to each other. In the water row there are “hawks”, in the other row there are “swallows”. A leader is chosen. He walks and says the beginning of words (LA- or YA-), but does not say the ending. Then the group whose name (beginning) is pronounced scatters in different directions, and another group catches up with them. Those caught are considered prisoners of the catchers.

The team with the most players at the end of the game wins.

Objectives: continue to develop interest in native nature, in Bashkir games.

Russian folk round dance game "Wreath"
Rules: go in a circle, saying:
The star dawns,
At dawn the sun will shine.
We'll go for a walk in the green garden,
We'll pick flowers and make wreaths.
We're going to the birch tree, we're going.
Bow down and let's go away.

In pairs they go to the birch tree, putting wreaths on their heads. They walk around the birch tree, hang their wreaths on it and sing:

You are already green, my wreath,
There is a pink flower in the field.
I'll put you, little wreath,
To the birch tree.

Objectives: to cultivate positive emotions, melodiousness, and the ability to coordinate movements with the text.

Junior groups

Russian folk, outdoor game “Little legs - big legs”

Big feet.
Walked along the road:
Little feet
Running along the path:

Russian folk game-fun(verbal)

This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger took a nap
This little finger is already asleep.
Fingers stood up. Hooray!
It's time for them to go for a walk.

Objectives: learn to control your body, promote speech development.

Senior groups

Russian folk outdoor game "Santa Claus"
Rules: according to the counting, “Santa Claus” is chosen, he stands in the center of the circle drawn in the snow (on the floor). Children walk in a circle and say:

Father Frost, Father Frost
Overgrew the oak tree
He brought a cartload of gifts.
Frosts are bitter,
The snow is loose,
The wind is blowing.
Blizzards are swirling.
The cold has set in,
A bridge was paved on the river.

The children run away, “Frost” catches him (whoever he touches, he “for the ice cream”, sits motionless in a circle). When three of them are frozen, they prepare a “farm” - they make a snow woman. Everyone walks around the woman and says:
Santa Claus, Santa Claus brought Baba a snowy one. Baba, baba with a hare, Get a snowball.
Then everyone throws snowballs at the woman and destroys her.

Objectives: continue to develop dexterity, interest in Russian games, creativity in complicating the rules of the game.
Russian folk round dance game “Churilki” (from the word “chur”)
Rules: according to the counting, two are chosen, one is blindfolded, the other is given bells. Everyone walks around them, singing:
Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,
The ends are gilded.
Who plays the bells?
The blind man's buff won't catch him.
Bells, bells
They rang, daredevils.
Guess where the ringing comes from?

Afterwards, the player with the bells begins to ring, and the child, blindfolded, begins to catch him. Once caught, two others are appointed. Game continues.

Bashkir folk round dance game “White Bone”
Rules: the leader is selected according to the counting rhyme. Participants stand in a line. The presenter sings:
White bone is a sign of happiness, key,
Fly to the moon
To the white snowy peaks.
He is resourceful and happy
Who will find you in time.
Throws a bone behind the line.

Nobody looks back. When the die falls, the leader says:

Look for a bone - you will find happiness soon,
And the one who is faster and more dexterous will find it.

You need to find and quietly bring the bone to the leader. If someone notices this, touches the shoulder, takes the bone, and runs to the leader. Whoever manages to bring the bone makes a wish - the participants fulfill it.

Objectives: to develop dexterity, patience, resourcefulness, active interest in folk games.

Junior groups

Russian folk game-fun “Ladushki-palms”
Rules: children perform movements, imitating the teacher:

Palms, palms,
Loud firecrackers,
Where have you been?
What did you see?

We were digging in the sand,
They put pies
Yes, yes, yes, yes, just like that,
They put pies.

The little ones are tired
The little ones slept
Yes, yes, yes, yes, just like that,
The little ones slept.

The little girls got up
The little girls were playing
Yes, yes, yes, yes, just like that,
The little girls were playing.
Objectives: to evoke positive emotions, to amuse, to amuse.

Senior groups

Russian folk word game "Nonsense"
Rules: the driver is chosen according to a counting rhyme.
Everyone makes a wish for some object.

The presenter asks questions (about actions): “What did you wash your face with today?”, “What did you eat today?”

The one whose answer is most suitable becomes the driver.

Russian folk outdoor game “Storm of the Snow Fortress”
Rules: a snow fortress 1.5 meters high is being built. WITH inside shaft - there are defenders on it.
There are shields in the corners, in front of the fortress there are three lines of defense (indicated by flags and lines):

Russian folk outdoor game “Golden Gate”
Rules: choose two drivers according to the counting rhyme. They agree which of them is “Sun” and which is “Moon”. They join hands (facing each other), the rest in a line, holding hands, walk through the mouth. Drivers say:

Golden Gate
They don't always miss.
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is prohibited
And the third time we won’t let you through.

They catch the one who did not have time to pass, and quietly ask whose side he would like to take. It rises behind either the “Sun” or the “Moon”. When everyone has made a choice, the teams perform a tug-of-war using a rope or holding hands.

Objectives: to cultivate a friendly attitude towards others, to promote socialization.

Russian folk outdoor game “Sheep”
Rules: choose drivers according to a rhyme: one is a “shepherd”, the other is a “devil”, the rest are “sheep”. The “sheep” sit on the ground in a row. The “Shepherd” walks and says:

I'm herding, I'm herding sheep,
I graze day and evening,
And when the night comes,
The devil will come and steal the sheep.

“Devil” says: “Shepherd, go home, your mother bought you a new one.”
The “shepherd” goes home and asks “mom” what she bought him. “Mother” scolds: “What could I buy you?” At this time, the “devil” carries away 1-2 sheep. The “shepherd” is counting the sheep, missing the number, and is afraid to tell the “mother.” He continues to graze, the “devil” comes again, again sends the “shepherd” home, again steals the “sheep” until he drags them all around. Then the “shepherd” confesses to “mom”, the two of them go to look for the sheep: “Knock-knock, are there any alien sheep?” They come to hell. “Devil” says no, but the “sheep” bleat. “So you are deceiving us?” And the “damn” replies: “I don’t know how they got here.” Then the mother and son make a gate, the “sheep” pass through, and the “devil” runs away.

Objectives: consolidate children’s knowledge of ancient professions (shepherd), develop dexterity.

Russian folk outdoor game "Cabbage"
Rules: place hats, scarves, scarves, and belts in the middle (this is “cabbage”). The “owner” is chosen, he depicts what he is talking about:

I'm sitting on a pebble
I play with small pegs,
I play with small pegs,
I'm planting a vegetable garden.
So that the cabbage is not stolen,
They didn’t go to the garden
Wolf and birds
Beaver and martens,
Bunny eared,
Thick-footed bear.

Children try to run into the garden, grab the cabbage and run away. Whoever the “owner” touches with his hand does not participate in the game. The player who carries away the most cabbages is the winner.

Russian folk outdoor game “Grandfather Mazai”
Rules: choose “grandfather Mazai”, the rest agree on what movements they will show:

Hello, grandfather Mazai!
Get out of the box.
We won't say where we were
We'll show you what they did.

Children depict actions (fishing, mowing, picking berries, washing). If he guesses right, the children run away and “Mazai” catches them. The one he caught was “Mazai”.

Objectives: to develop body plasticity and a sense of humor.

Russian folk outdoor game “Mill”
Rules: one child (axis) stands in the middle, rows of children (four people each) hold him by the hands or belt. Children spin around saying:

Beyond the river on the mountain.
Where the wind blows and makes noise,
The wings of the mill spin on it
Up - down, up - down.
Russian folk outdoor game
"To the Mill"

Rules: those playing in a circle go and sing:

Mill on a hummock
She spread her mustache.
Stands on seven legs
Looks at the wind
It knocks and rattles.
It's like a hundred horses are running
There is dust all around.
Flapping its wings,
It's like she's scared
But he can’t get up.
Only the grain gnaws
And rubs and crumples,
Doesn't swallow enough
The other one is full.

Inside the circle, two couples stand with their backs to each other, holding hands tightly, bent at the elbows. One bends over, the other ends up on his back with his legs raised up (until one of the couples stops and gets tired).

Tatar folk outdoor game “Selling pots”
Rules: children are divided into two groups (“potties” and “owners”). The “pots” are on their knees, the “owners” are behind the “pots”, their hands are behind their backs. The leader behind the circle touches the “owner” - the “pot”. The “owner” and the driver run in a circle towards each other. Whoever takes a seat at the potty faster wins. The remaining one becomes the leader.

Objectives: to expand children’s knowledge about the professions of the past, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards working people.

Senior groups

Russian folk outdoor game “At Grandfather Tryphon’s”
Rules: children stand in a circle and say:
Grandfather Tryphon had seven children,
Seven, seven, seven sons. .
They drank, they ate,
Everyone looked at each other.
Seven, seven, seven sons
At once they did this:
(the presenter shows the figure, everyone repeats)

Russian folk outdoor game “Chepena”
Rules: choose a chapen according to the counting rhyme. He stands in a circle and says:

Left foot, chepena (jumps on the left foot to the left). Goy-goy, chepena (players repeat).
Right foot, chepena,
Let's go ahead, chepena,
We will all dance, chepena.

Those who make mistakes must give forfeit, they begin to dance.

Objectives: develop a sense of humor.

Russian folk outdoor game “In the ring”
Rules: children sit, palms folded. The driver places his palms in the palms of everyone. He quietly puts a “ring” (pebble) on one and says:
I'm walking along the bench
Why am I burying the ring?
In mother's mansion,
Under Father's castle.
You can't guess, you can't guess.
I can’t tell you, I can’t tell you.
Those sitting answer:
We've been wondering for a long time
We have been looking for the ring for a long time.
Everything is behind strong locks,
Behind oak doors.

One of the players guesses who has the hidden ring. If he is guessing, these two run in different directions. Whoever sits in the empty seat first is the driver.

Tatar folk outdoor game “Temerbay”
Rules: children in a circle, in the center - “Temerbay”, he says:

Temerbay has five children
They play together and have fun.
We quickly swam in the river,
Splashed. Splashed.
And they dressed up beautifully,
And they didn’t eat or drink,
They ran into the forest in the evening,
We looked at each other,
We did it like this:
(the driver makes the movements, everyone repeats).
Then the driver chooses someone instead of himself. Objectives: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards elders, to consolidate the knowledge that there used to be large families with many children.

Tatar folk round dance game “Yurta”
Rules: children are divided into four subgroups, each forming a circle at the corners of the playground. In the center of each circle is a chair, on it is a scarf with a national pattern. All four circles walk and chant:

We're all guys
Let's all gather in a circle.
Let's play and dance
And let's rush to the meadow.

They march together to national music general circle. At the end of it, they run to their chairs, take a scarf, pull it on, and they get yurts. The team that first “built” the yurt wins.

Objectives: to consolidate knowledge that the home of many nomadic peoples was a yurt, to cultivate interest in folk history.

Russian folk outdoor game “Malechina-Kalechina”
Rules: choose a driver. Everyone picks up a small stick and says:

How many goals are left until evening?
Until the winter (summer) evening?

After this, place the stick on the palm or finger. The driver counts whoever can hold on longer and not drop. You can walk, squat.

Russian folk round dance game "Twig"
Rules: go to the center of the circle, chanting:

There is a twig on the tree
I'll rip it off.
Who should I give it to?
No one, no one -
Only to a dear friend.

The one chosen with a twig dances an impromptu dance. Objectives: develop expressive speech, learn to control the body.

Russian folk outdoor game “Kostromushka-Kostroma”
Rules: choose according to the rhyme “Kostroma”, she sits in the center of the circle, dozes. Children walk in circles:
She slept on the rubble.
An owl flew to her.

They stop and talk to “Kostroma”:

Kostromushka, are you alive?
On what?
On a string.

(And dozes again.)

They do a round dance again, then the answer: “On a string.” The next time it repeats it is silent. The children run away, “Kostroma” catches the children. Whoever gets caught is Kostroma.

Objectives: to consolidate knowledge that in the old days they loved to dance in circles, to evoke positive emotions, to explain the meaning of the words “zavalinka”, “Kostroma”.

Russian folk round dance game “And we were waiting for Maslenitsa”
Rules: children walk in a circle, singing;

Oh, how we waited for Maslenitsa,
They waited, waited, waited.
The peas were laid with cheese.
They watered, poured, watered.
Oh look, it’s our Maslenitsa
She went out into the yard.
And we greet her together.
Our Maslenitsa comes for only seven days,
Our Maslenitsa dear
She came to us for a short time.
We thought - for seven weeks.
It turned out - for seven days.

Objectives: to introduce the Russian folk spring holiday Maslenitsa and its history.

Russian folk outdoor game "Standart"
Rules: A ball used in tennis is required.
The driver is chosen according to a counting rhyme. He throws the ball and shouts: “Standard.” Everyone runs around the site in different directions. The driver catches the ball and marks the runners with the ball. Whomever he stains, he leads. If it was not possible to stain, then the role of the leader is played by the same child.

Objectives: to develop an optimistic outlook in children.

Russian folk outdoor game "Kondaly"
Rules: the players stand in two lines at a distance of 10 meters, holding hands tightly. There is a roll call of the ranks.

First line:
“Condals, discords, unchain us,”

The second rank answers: “Which of us?” (Name the children's names.)

The first child runs from the first rank, trying to “break”, open the hands of the second rank. If he succeeds, he takes the selected children into his line; if not, he himself remains in that line.

Objectives: to introduce the meaning of the word “condals”, to promote the development of strength, ingenuity, and to help imbue with a sense of the overall result.

Russian folk outdoor game “Five Glasses”
Rules: you need 5 plexiglass plates. Draw a square with a side of 1 meter according to the diagram

A line is drawn at a distance of 2 meters, 5 plates are stacked one on top of the other in the middle of the square, two teams play in a circle. By drawing lots they choose who will stand at the line, the team forms a column. The other team - the defenders of the square - stand near it. One by one, the throwers throw a rubber ball, trying to break the glass tower. You cannot step over the line (for this they put columns of horses). The defenders collect pieces of glass and arrange them into segments. Those who threw run away. The defenders gather in a circle, hide the ball in their clothes, the throwers try to put the glass back into the tower. The defenders prevent this. The one who has the ball marks the throwers with it (he is eliminated from the game), the ball can be passed to each other among the defenders. When the throwers manage to assemble the tower, they have won and earned 1st point. The teams change places and the game continues. Whichever team has more points wins.

Objectives: to teach to obey the rules, to be able to sense the state of peers, to develop dexterity, accuracy, and intelligence.

Bashkir folk game “Khakystash” (“Bishtat”) (game with pebbles for girls)
Rules: the order is established by a counting rhyme; if a pebble to be caught on the fly falls, the player is eliminated from the game and passes the pebbles to the next one. There are two parts in total.
The first part - the beginner throws 5 pebbles up, scattering them on the ground. The fifth of those that fell is thrown up again and the first of those scattered on the ground is picked up, the one thrown upward is caught, before it falls, and all the remaining pebbles are caught in this way. Then again all the stones scatter, and you have to catch them two at a time.
The second part - all the pebbles are thrown, you need to catch them with the back of your hand and throw them up again, catch them one at a time. Whoever completes the first and second parts wins.

Objectives: to promote the development of speed of hand movements, to develop attentiveness, and the desire to achieve speed.

Bashkir folk outdoor game “Equestrian competition”
Rules: Players stand in pairs on the starting line so as not to interfere with each other. The “horse” player - hands back, down, joins hands with the rider. Whoever comes running first (the rider) must jump up and take out a patterned scarf hanging on the stand.

Objectives: continue to introduce national traditions through games (cattle breeding is a traditional occupation of