NATO, moving east. Presentation on history on the topic “History in persons: what historical figure are we talking about? Presentation of identification marks of NATO tanks

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    Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan) Faculty of Economics Presentation on the discipline “WORLD ECONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS” Topic: “NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)” Students D101 department “Finance and Credit” Ryazanova M.V.

    Teacher: Karmalskaya E.M.

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    NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (English) OTAN- Organization du traité de l "Atlantique Nord (French) NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Russian) NATO countries on the world map The official languages ​​of NATO are English and French

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    North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO NATO NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is an alliance designed to protect not only the power of a country, but also the values ​​that this power is placed at the service of. NATO does not protect state sovereignty or someone’s geopolitical interests, but a certain type of human culture and civilization.

    Slide 4 In April 1949, after negotiations with the United States and Canada on the creation of a single North Atlantic Alliance, the Washington Treaty on Joint Defense was signed. It was joined by: Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Norway, Portugal and the USA. In March 1948, five Western European countries: Belgium, Great Britain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France signed the Brussels Treaty and created common system

    NATO defense does not have its own armed forces. All countries participating in the NATO military organization contribute forces and equipment, which together make up the integrated military structure of the Alliance. B The North Atlantic Treaty was signed on April 4, 1949 in Washington State. Iceland is the only NATO member that does not have regular armed forces; this was one of the conditions for the country's entry into the organization. Iceland has only a coast guard (Coast Guard). It was also decided to train Icelandic volunteers at bases in Norway to participate in NATO peacekeeping missions. Since July 1966, France has withdrawn from the NATO military organization, remaining a participant in the political structure of the North Atlantic Treaty. In 2009 she returned to all abandoned structures.

    Four more European states: Greece, Türkiye, Germany, Spain 1952. and 1982 In Poland Hungary Czech Republic March 12, 1999 Latvia Lithuania Estonia Slovakia Slovenia Romania Bulgaria Joined NATO Now there are already 26 countries in NATO and applications from other countries to join this international organization are being considered. 2004 B

    Slide 6

    West Germany joined. The Saarland reunited with Germany in 1957, and on October 3, 1990 - a united Germany. NATO NATO member countries Greece From 1974 to 1980, Greece did not take part in the NATO military organization due to tense relations with another member of the bloc - Turkey. Does not participate in the NATO military organization. Germany Spain

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    It was adopted on October 4, 1953 by the North Atlantic Council as the official symbol of the North Atlantic Alliance, after which a flag-raising ceremony was held in Paris.

    The NATO emblem is a white compass on a dark blue background. The circle symbolizes unity and cooperation, and the compass rose represents the common path to peace.

    Slide 8

    NATO Headquarters is the political and administrative center of the Alliance, where the main political decision-making body of NATO, the North Atlantic Council, is permanently located.

    NATO NATO Headquarters The headquarters is located in Belgium, in the north-eastern part of Brussels, on Boulevard Léopold III, 1110 Brussels, Belgium. It houses delegations of member countries, liaison and interaction bureaus or diplomatic missions of partner countries.

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    The highest political body of NATO, which consists of representatives of all member states and meets under the chairmanship of the NATO Secretary General. The North Atlantic Council may meet at the level of foreign ministers and heads of state and government. Council decisions are made unanimously. During the period between sessions, the functions of the NATO Council are performed by the NATO Permanent Council, which includes representatives of all member countries of the bloc with the rank of ambassadors.

    NATO structure North Atlantic Council (NATO Council)

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    NATO structure Military Planning Committee Since December 1966, the highest military-political body of the organization has become the Military Planning Committee, which meets twice a year at its sessions at the level of defense ministers, although formally it consists of permanent representatives. In the period between sessions, the functions of the Military Planning Committee are performed by the Standing Military Planning Committee, which includes representatives of all member countries of the bloc with the rank of ambassadors.

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    NATO structure Secretary General - the main thing executive North Atlantic Treaty Organization with international civil servant status. The Secretary General is responsible for leading the Alliance's consultation and decision-making process and ensuring that decisions are implemented. NATO SECRETARY GENERAL Anders Fogh Rasmussen Secretary General becomes statesman NATO member country. Appointed by member countries for a four-year term. Countries nominate candidates for the position and hold informal diplomatic consultations to select a suitable candidate. The final decision is made when consensus is reached on one candidate. At the end of his four-year term of office, the Secretary-General may be asked to extend that term for a further year.

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    Country Military Budget ($) Number of Armed Forces Tanks Air Force Navy Poison.

    weapons NATO member countries USA France Great Britain 636000000000 59600330000 59300000000 1 426 700 389 000 640000 11500 4000 636 7140 780 527 5681 496 120 Yes (2100 b .g.) Yes (350 b.g.) Yes (200 b.g. ) Germany Italy 45200000000 37060000000 325 000 112 000 2 521 1230 1404 564 265 158 - - Turkey Canada 22066134000 18695342000 613000 145000 3363 11 14 562 370 370 240 - - Spain 17700000000 147000 552 315 215 -

    Slide 13

    NATO member countries Netherlands Poland Greece 12000000000 11791000000 7934000000 74.100 12200 177600 152,236 1,723 17 45,418 55 122,224 - - - Norway Belgium 57250 00000 4000000000 230000 39 420 165 132 142 120 44 22 - - Portugal Denmark 3497800000 3271600000 75000 21 400 73 238 141 108 - 45 - - Romania 2900000000 90000 315 13 - Czech Republic 2170000000 12000 175 129 - - 48

    Hungary 1350000000 13000 254 322 - - Bulgaria. Lithuania 730000000 490800000 7 260 12700 201 115 254 168 340 85 - - NATO member countries NATO Slovenia 370000000 9550 82 36 - - Estonia Luxembourg 259000000 231076480 3 500 900 56 - 236 - 5 - - - Slovakia 220000000 33000 309 71 - - Latvia 87000000 5800 8 20 15 - Iceland 26000000 - - - - -

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    NATO STRATEGIC CONCEPT The new Strategic Concept, approved by NATO members in 1999, defines NATO's primary objectives as follows: to serve as the basis for stability in the Euro-Atlantic region to serve as a forum for consultations on security issues to deter and defend against any threat of aggression against any of the NATO member states to promote effective conflict prevention and actively participate in crisis management to promote the development of comprehensive partnerships, cooperation and dialogue with other countries in the Euro-Atlantic region

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    North Atlantic Treaty Organization History of Wars Official website of NATO Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO Russian translation of the North Atlantic Treaty (1949) MILITARY INFORMANT NATO Source of information

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    Thank you for your attention!

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NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (English) OTAN - Organization du traité de l "Atlantique Nord (French) NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Russian) NATO countries on the world map The official languages ​​of NATO are English and French

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NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is an alliance designed to protect not only the power of a particular country, but also the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat this power is placed in the service of. NATO does not protect state sovereignty or someone’s geopolitical interests, but a certain type of human culture and civilization.

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In April 1949, after negotiations with the United States and Canada on the creation of a single North Atlantic Alliance, the Washington Treaty on Joint Defense was signed. It was joined by: Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Norway, Portugal and the USA. In March 1948, five Western European countries: Belgium, Great Britain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France signed the Brussels Treaty and created a common defense system. NATO does not have its own armed forces. All countries participating in the NATO military organization contribute forces and equipment, which together make up the integrated military structure of the Alliance. B The North Atlantic Treaty was signed on April 4, 1949 in Washington State. Iceland is the only NATO member that does not have regular armed forces; this was one of the conditions for the country's entry into the organization. Iceland has only a coast guard (Coast Guard). It was also decided to train Icelandic volunteers at bases in Norway to participate in NATO peacekeeping missions. Since July 1966, France has withdrawn from the NATO military organization, remaining a participant in the political structure of the North Atlantic Treaty. In 2009 she returned to all abandoned structures.

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Four more European states: Greece Türkiye, Germany Spain 1952 and 1982 In Poland Hungary Czech Republic March 12, 1999 Latvia Lithuania Estonia Slovakia Slovenia Romania Bulgaria Joined NATO Now there are already 26 countries in NATO and applications from other countries to join this international organization are being considered. 2004 B

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West Germany joined. The Saarland reunited with Germany in 1957, and on October 3, 1990 - a united Germany. NATO NATO member countries Greece From 1974 to 1980, Greece did not take part in the NATO military organization due to tense relations with another member of the bloc - Turkey. Does not participate in the NATO military organization. Germany Spain

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The NATO emblem is a white compass on a dark blue background. It was adopted on October 4, 1953 by the North Atlantic Council as the official symbol of the North Atlantic Alliance, after which a flag-raising ceremony was held in Paris. The circle symbolizes unity and cooperation, and the compass rose represents a common path to peace.

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NATO Headquarters is the political and administrative center of the Alliance, where the main political decision-making body of NATO, the North Atlantic Council, is permanently located. NATO NATO Headquarters The headquarters is located in Belgium, in the north-eastern part of Brussels, on Boulevard Léopold III, 1110 Brussels, Belgium. It houses delegations of member countries, liaison and interaction bureaus or diplomatic missions of partner countries.

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The highest political body of NATO which consists of representatives of all member states and holds its meetings under the chairmanship of the NATO Secretary General. The North Atlantic Council may meet at the level of foreign ministers and heads of state and government. Council decisions are made unanimously. During the period between sessions, the functions of the NATO Council are performed by the NATO Permanent Council, which includes representatives of all member countries of the bloc with the rank of ambassadors. North Atlantic Council (NATO Council)

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Military Planning Committee Since December 1966, the highest military-political body of the organization has become the Military Planning Committee, which meets twice a year at its sessions at the level of defense ministers, although formally it consists of permanent representatives. In the period between sessions, the functions of the Military Planning Committee are performed by the Standing Military Planning Committee, which includes representatives of all member countries of the bloc with the rank of ambassadors.

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The Secretary General is the chief official of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, having the status of an international civil servant. The Secretary General is responsible for leading the Alliance's consultation and decision-making process and ensuring that decisions are implemented. NATO SECRETARY GENERAL Jens Stoltenberg A statesman from a NATO member country becomes the Secretary General. Appointed by member countries for a four-year term. Countries nominate candidates for the position and hold informal diplomatic consultations to select a suitable candidate. The final decision is made when consensus is reached on one candidate. At the end of his four-year term of office, the Secretary-General may be asked to extend that term for a further year.

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NATO STRATEGIC CONCEPT The new Strategic Concept, approved by NATO members in 1999, defines NATO's primary objectives as follows: to serve as the basis for stability in the Euro-Atlantic region to serve as a forum for consultations on security issues to deter and defend against any threat of aggression against any of the NATO member states to promote effective conflict prevention and actively participate in crisis management to promote the development of comprehensive partnerships, cooperation and dialogue with other countries in the Euro-Atlantic region

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North Atlantic Treaty Organization History of Wars Official website of NATO Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO Russian translation of the North Atlantic Treaty (1949) MILITARY INFORMANT NATO Source of information

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Ministry of General and vocational education Sverdlovsk region State budget educational institution secondary vocational education of the Sverdlovsk region "Kamyshlovsky Pedagogical College" Topic: "NATO and its role in modern world» Kamyshlov, 2014

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NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is an alliance designed to protect the power of a country and the values ​​that this power serves. NATO defends a certain type of human culture and civilization.

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NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO countries on the world map The official languages ​​of NATO are English and French

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1949 In April, after negotiations with the United States and Canada on the creation of a single North Atlantic Alliance, the Washington Joint Defense Treaty was signed. It was joined by: Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Norway, Portugal and the USA. 1948 In March, five Western European countries: Belgium, Great Britain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France signed the Brussels Treaty and created a common defense system. The North Atlantic Treaty was signed on April 4, 1949 in Washington State. Since July 1966, France has withdrawn from the NATO military organization, remaining a participant in the political structure of the North Atlantic Treaty. In 2009 she returned to all abandoned structures.

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NATO does not have its own armed forces. All countries (except Iceland) participating in the NATO military organization contribute their forces and equipment, which together make up the integrated military structure of the Alliance.

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Four more European states: -Greece -Turkey, -Germany -Spain In 1952. and 1982 Poland Hungary Czech Republic March 12, 1999 Latvia Lithuania Estonia Slovakia Slovenia Romania Bulgaria In 2004 There are now 26 countries in NATO and applications from other countries to join this international organization are being considered.

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The NATO emblem is a white compass on a dark blue background. It was adopted on October 4, 1953 by the North Atlantic Council as the official symbol of the North Atlantic Alliance, after which a flag-raising ceremony was held in Paris. The circle symbolizes unity and cooperation, and the compass rose represents a common path to peace.

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NATO Headquarters is the political and administrative center of the Alliance. NATO NATO Headquarters The headquarters is located in Belgium, in the north-eastern part of Brussels, on the Boulevard Leopold III. It houses delegations of member countries, liaison and interaction bureaus or diplomatic missions of partner countries.

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The highest political body of NATO, which consists of representatives of all member states and meets under the chairmanship of the NATO Secretary General. Council decisions are made unanimously. North Atlantic Council (NATO Council)

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Military Planning Committee Since December 1966, the highest military-political body of the organization has become the Military Planning Committee, which meets twice a year at its sessions at the level of defense ministers.

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The Secretary General is the chief official of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, having the status of an international civil servant. The Secretary General is responsible for leading the Alliance's consultation and decision-making process and ensuring that decisions are implemented. Jens Stoltenberg A statesman from a NATO member country becomes Secretary General. Appointed for a four-year term. Countries nominate candidates for the position and hold informal diplomatic consultations to select a suitable candidate. The final decision is made when consensus is reached on one candidate. At the end of his four-year term of office, the Secretary-General may be asked to extend that term for a further year. NATO SECRETARY GENERAL

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Country Military Budget ($) Number of Armed Forces Tanks Air Force Navy Poison. weapons NATO member countries USA France Great Britain 636000000000 59600330000 59300000000 1 426 700 389 000 640000 11500 4000 636 7140 780 527 5681 496 120 Yes (2100 b .g.) Yes (350 b.g.) Yes (200 b.g. ) Germany Italy 45200000000 37060000000 325 000 112 000 2 521 1230 1404 564 265 158 - - Turkey Canada 22066134000 18695342000 613000 145000 3363 11 14 562 370 370 240 - - Spain 17700000000 147000 552 315 215 -

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NATO member countries Netherlands Poland Greece 12000000000 11791000000 7934000000 74.100 12200 177600 152,236 1,723 17 45,418 55 122,224 - - - Norway Belgium 57250 00000 4000000000 230000 39 420 165 132 142 120 44 22 - - Portugal Denmark 3497800000 3271600000 75000 21 400 73 238 141 108 - 45 - - Romania 2900000000 90000 315 13 - Czech Republic 2170000000 12000 175 129 - - 48

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Hungary 1350000000 13000 254 322 - - Bulgaria. Lithuania 730000000 490800000 7 260 12700 201 115 254 168 340 85 - - NATO member countries NATO Slovenia 370000000 9550 82 36 - - Estonia Luxembourg 259000000 231076480 3 500 900 56 - 236 - 5 - - - Slovakia 220000000 33000 309 71 - - Latvia 87000000 5800 8 20 15 - Iceland 26000000 - - - - -

Once on the Internet, a friend wrote that the United States and Russia are pushing the world towards World War III. I was amazed by this statement.

Modern Russia is a raw materials appendage of highly developed Western countries. Oil, gas, timber, diamonds, metal, etc. are supplied by Russia to the world market and enable Russian oligarchs to get fabulously rich by plundering the country's natural resources. The armed forces of Russia serve the oligarchic ruling regime, in fact they protect the interests of the same oligarchs, big capital as a whole, providing it with the opportunity to continue to plunder Russia and mercilessly exploit the working people; protect from attacks by American and Western transnational corporations and banks that want to put them under their direct control natural resources Russia. That is, the Russian armed forces perform a defensive function in the interests of the ruling oligarchic class.

In the world economic table of ranks, Russia belongs to the so-called developing countries. The Putin regime sleeps and sees that they, the rulers of Russia, are recognized as their own in the West, brothers in class, the bourgeois class. But this will never happen.

Almost two centuries ago, in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was proclaimed, which became a weapon of US expansion in Latin America. Monroe Doctrine- a declaration of principles of US foreign policy, included in the message of US President J. Monroe on December 2, 1823. The doctrine expressed the decisive protest of the United States against attempts by European powers to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. At the same time, the doctrine was expansionist in nature and the formula “America for Americans,” which expressed the main content of the doctrine, actually meant “America for the USA.” In the 19th century The United States used the Monroe Doctrine for seizures and interventions in Latin American and other countries.

It was from the beginning of the 19th century. and the expansionist policy of the United States began to be pursued. At the beginning of the century, the territory of the United States was significantly expanded. In 1803, the United States bought Louisiana from France, and in 1819, Florida from Spain, which was actually captured by the United States. As a result of the war of conquest against Mexico (1846-48), the United States captured almost half of the territory of this country. In 1867, the United States bought Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million.

With the beginning of the era of imperialism, US expansionist policies intensified. During the Spanish-American War of 1898, the United States captured the Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam; in 1900-01 participated in the suppression of the popular uprising in China. In 1903, the American imperialists seized the Panama Canal zone and established their dominance there, then occupied Cuba, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic.

But US expansionist policies did not only apply to Latin America. Even in the second half of the 19th century. The US geopolitical doctrine took shape. One of its ideologists, Joshua Strong, in his work published in 1885, set the goal - US achievement of world domination . Then the most famous geopolitician of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Admiral Alfred Machan developed this theory, clarifying that the territory of Eurasia, primarily Russia, is the middle, core globe . And without establishing control over this territory, it is impossible to rule the world. It was Mahan who put forward the plan"Anaconda Loop"

. A chain of bases is being created around Russia in order to deprive it of geopolitical and strategic maneuver, to exert constant influence, to squeeze, to suffocate.

The United States was one of the initiators and organizers of the blockade against the young Soviet Republic and developed a plan for the dismemberment of Soviet Russia. After the end of World War II, the United States and Great Britain unleashed cold war , directed against the USSR, and then the countries of the socialist community. One of the instruments of this war was created in 1949.(North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO).

The Cold War began with a famous speech by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Fulton, USA, in 1946. In his speech, he launched into angry accusations against Soviet Union, accusing our country of aggressive aspirations and military claims over the entire “free Europe”. All these accusations were false from beginning to end. The Soviet Union, which made the main contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany, saving the peoples of Europe and the whole world from the brown plague of fascism, suffered the greatest losses and lay in ruins. And the main task of the country’s leadership led by Stalin was to as soon as possible heal the deep wounds caused by the war, restore the national economy and continue the successful development of the country. The Soviet Union, the most peace-loving country in the world, did not need war. The war was needed by the new contenders for world domination - the imperialist circles of the USA and Great Britain. In addition, the imperialists were afraid of the highest authority Soviet army, the victorious army and its generalissimo I.V. Stalin.

In April 1949, in Washington, 12 imperialist states - the USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Italy and Portugal announced the creation of a single military-political organization that was supposed to coordinate the actions of the military the political leadership of these countries in the fight against the Soviet Union. Legally, on April 4, 1949, a military bloc was created to ensure the collective defense of its member countries. In fact, an aggressive offensive bloc of imperialist states was born. This is evidenced by the North Atlantic Pact, signed when NATO was created. This document developed a plan for offensive operations against the Soviet Union, including the use of nuclear weapons. The initiator and organizer of this military bloc was the United States, they were supported by their closest ally Great Britain and other Western European countries.

The NATO bloc has undergone seven expansions and currently includes 29 countries. The first expansion occurred in 1952, when Greece and Türkiye joined NATO. The second expansion - 1955, West Germany (FRG) became part of the bloc. Third expansion - 1982, Spain joined the bloc.

The size of the bloc at the time of the destruction of the USSR was 16 countries.

With the disappearance of the USSR political map peace and the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, the main geopolitical opponent of the NATO bloc disappeared. However, the North Atlantic Alliance did not cease to exist, but, on the contrary, continued to expand, including the former socialist countries and republics of the USSR, reaching the borders of Russia and surrounding it with a ring of its military bases and facilities.

The fourth expansion of NATO occurred in 1999, when it included Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. The fifth expansion of the bloc took place in 2004. NATO included 7 more Eastern European and Baltic countries - Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Estonia. The bloc's sixth expansion took place in 2009, when Albania and Croatia were added. And finally, last year Montenegro was admitted to the bloc.

At the NATO summit in Brussels in July, Macedonia was officially invited to join the alliance. After its entry, the number of NATO members will increase to 30 participating countries.

NATO consists of dozens and hundreds of committees and departments, units and groups, which include both military and civilians, as well as numerous training centers for training specialists. The apparatus of the alliance itself, with headquarters in Brussels, consists of about 12 thousand civilian and military personnel. The bulk of NATO employees are based in national governments and diplomatic missions, and this is already hundreds of thousands of people. As a rule, the highest military apparatus is led by Americans.

The main governing body of the bloc is NATO Council. Its composition consists of permanent representatives of all NATO countries - ambassadors of states. The Council has a clear structure of meetings: at the ambassadorial level, meetings are held once a week, foreign ministers of the alliance meet once every six months, defense ministers and heads of state participate in meetings of the NATO Council solely on occasion. Leads the Council Secretary General alliance. It is this body that has real political power and the right to make decisions: determine NATO strategy and tactics, sign declarations, publish communiqués. It was the NATO Council that announced the beginning of the Korean and

Vietnam War , which claimed millions of human lives, gave the go-ahead for the invasion of alliance forces in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Libya, and approved the occupation of Afghanistan..

Consists of the chiefs of general staffs of the armies of the states that are members of the alliance. Only an American general can be the supreme commander of the bloc in Europe. Supreme Commander

is responsible for all military operations of the bloc in a certain region. Has the right to make recommendations to NATO politicians and military personnel. Has direct access to army headquarters, as well as to the leaders of the alliance countries on whose territory military operations are taking place. NATO Secretary General.

He oversees all NATO units and is also a co-chairman of many alliance structures. The NATO Secretary General is the face of the alliance in all external contacts of the bloc, as well as the main speaker and responsible for the actions of the bloc. It has a huge international staff of employees.

NATO's highest decision-making bodies also include the Defense Planning Committee, the General Staff, the NATO Nuclear Deterrence Group, the Rapid Reaction Group, the International Military Staff, the Economic Committee, etc.

The Alliance is conducting a systematic “military development” of the territory of the newcomers, primarily the Baltic states, where many military installations remain from the time of the Warsaw Pact.

Seven European countries - Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey - have infrastructure for basing tactical aircraft carrying nuclear weapons. The total grouping of such aircraft in peacetime amounts to more than 400 units, and in a period of threat it can be increased by one and a half times due to the additional transfer of aircraft from US territory. General number of American nuclear bombs in Europe , according to a number of sources, there are 400-480 units. Countries on whose territory tactical nuclear weapons are located separate from their armed forces

tactical aviation units that are training for a possible mission with American nuclear weapons. The fact that these weapons are aimed mainly and primarily against Russia is quite obvious, despite all the loud statements to the contrary by NATO and American politicians and military personnel. the alliance must be "able and willing to carry out operations wherever required". At the same time, the UN Security Council mandate to authorize NATO’s military actions is optional.

In fact, thereby NATO openly declared the aggressive nature of its military-political bloc, which is manifested in practice in the participation of many of its members under the leadership of the United States in armed aggressions against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria (under the guise of multinational forces that entered the country no one invited), etc.

“The essence of the Cuban missile crisis” is the Cuban Revolution. Noon. Crucial moment. Tropical storm. Confrontation between two superpowers. US reaction. Permission. Airplane engine. Exacerbation of the crisis. Accommodation. Letter from Khrushchev. Most Soviet diplomats. Caribbean crisis. Historical meaning. Tense confrontation.

“The Cold War between the USA and the USSR” - Communists of Eastern European countries. Causes " cold war" The creation of the Western European Union by the United States. Conditions. Korean War. Foreign policy USSR and the beginning of the Cold War. Dynamics of GDP and the USSR during the Second World War (billion). Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties. The purpose of the lesson.

“Cold War Politics” - USA and USSR. The scandal with the American spy plane. Creation of NATO. US forward-deployed assets. The threat of world war. US President Harry Truman. Exacerbation. Operation plan. The beginning of the Cold War. Socialist pluralism. Cold War. Ideological confrontation. General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

“The Cold War Years” - The Cuban Missile Crisis. Paradoxes. Iron curtain. Tension in the confrontation between blocs. Restraining factor. Research results. Creation of a thermonuclear bomb. Presentation of the main participants in the war. Creation of a bipolar world. Analysis of the circumstances of the beginning of the Cold War. Cold War. Confrontation between the USSR and the USA.

“The times of the Cold War” - Soviet radio stations. American leaders. Diagram. Construction of the Tagansky bunker. Cold War. Cold War Museum. The scale of the bunker. "Cold War": origins and lessons. Bunker area. Warming. The extreme severity of the confrontation. Lessons from the Cold War. End of detente. Students. Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia.

"Cubbie Crisis" - 34th US President from 1953 to 1961. The temperature inside the ship's holds often reached 50 degrees. The passage of the ships took place in extremely difficult conditions. The servicemen were buried according to naval custom - they were sewn up in a tarpaulin and lowered into the sea. The Cuban armed forces were brought to full combat readiness and general mobilization was carried out.