Real damage with a voodoo doll. Do-it-yourself voodoo doll - manufacturing secrets that have survived to this day

Magical manipulation of energy with the aim of causing harm is called in a simple word- damage. Those who read my materials have already learned that, as a practicing magician, I do not consider damage to be something terrible, ominous, or unacceptable in the world of magic. Damage is a tool, most often it is a way not to harm initially, but to punish the offender. Our life is unfair and it happens, so magic is the only opportunity to put everything in its place.

Damage made using the Voodoo technique is rightfully in particular demand both among practicing magicians and among ordinary people, that is, those who turn to sorcerers and magicians for help. I know many rituals on how to cause damage according to Voodoo, and all of them have repeatedly proven their effectiveness and power. But it’s important to be able to properly ruin a person’s life; you can’t just make a ritual and take it as a joke.

Damage made using the Voodoo technique is rightfully in great demand both among practicing magicians and among ordinary people.

Features of damage according to Voodoo

The main feature of not only Voodoo damage, but witchcraft from the Black Continent in general is the use of a doll, a volt. If we compare Voodoo rituals using volts, we can say that this is a kind of prototype of Slavic magic rituals using a photo of the victim. Voodoo dolls are used for love spells, and for lapels, and for treatment, and for causing damage. If we take a deeper look at the topic of using the volt in rituals, we will talk about the fact that such a magical instrument keeps a much stronger and more powerful connection with its living prototype, that is, with your victim. This is what makes it possible to cause damage as efficiently as possible.

I already posted here detailed description how to create a voodoo doll according to all magic rules. So I’ll tell you about it briefly:

  1. A Voodoo doll for rituals that allow for damage must contain parts of the victim’s physical body, this could be a lock of hair, nails, or a drop of blood.
  2. Volta can only be made from natural fabric.
  3. It is advisable to give the doll as much resemblance as possible to the victim, to put the volta in the shirt from a piece of fabric from the victim’s clothing.

It's important to identify Volta with your victim.. It is necessary to perform a baptismal ritual and name the volta after the victim.

To enhance the effect, you can also download a photo of the victim from the profile social network, print and paste the face from the image onto the doll.

What types of damage are there according to Voodoo?

As in Slavic magic, in Voodoo magic there are several different types damage. This could be damage:

  • for separation;
  • to poverty;
  • corruption of celibacy;
  • for illness;
  • damage to death.

Each type of damage is dangerous in its own way, terrible in its own way, but still, in Voodoo magic, only two types of damage attract the most attention: damage to celibacy and damage to death.

Voodoo damage to celibacy

This type of damage is dangerous because a person suffers and suffers from it all his life. The crown of celibacy is actually expressed not in the fact that “they don’t marry a girl,” but in the fact that she cannot get along with anyone. And we must admit that a magician can reward such a gift not only to a woman, but also to a man. In my practice, I have encountered clients who wanted at all costs to induce celibacy on a rival or simply an enemy through Voodoo witchcraft. And this is not without reason. This is the kind of thing that can only remove Voodoo damage from a practicing magician who practices this particular type of witchcraft. And it’s not easy to find one like that. Damage to loneliness according to Voodoo has much in common with the Slavic version of damage. But there is also a difference.

To perform a celibacy ritual you will need three candles.

What is needed for the ritual

In order to perform a ritual to damage loneliness and celibacy using the Voodoo magic technique, you will need:

  • a handful of earth from an old grave where the ashes of a woman who bore the name of your victim are buried during her lifetime, when you take it, say

    “I take it not for myself, but for (name)’s destruction”;

  • three candles, but not church candles but ordinary ones;
  • tripod for a vessel;
  • vessel for melting wax;
  • 4-5 pieces of dry alcohol;
  • a piece of black fabric;
  • a skein of natural black thread;
  • photo of the victim and her physical part (nails, hair, etc.);
  • a bunch of dry grass torn from the churchyard gate.

The condition that the gunpowder must be from a registered grave is strictly fulfilled. It is also strictly necessary to fulfill the wax condition; you cannot take church candles.

How to perform the ritual

The first thing I always advise even to beginner practitioners is three days of fasting. Don't ignore this advice, it's important condition. Next, it is also important to choose the right day and period of the moon. We choose a female day, and the period of the moon is in the waning phase.

  1. The first thing to do is to clean the room where the ritual will take place at sunset on the chosen day. Remove the carpet, wash the floor clean water, let dry and cover with black cloth.
  2. Next, place a tripod in the middle, and under it place a small saucer for dry alcohol. Place the wax container on the tripod. Crumble the candles into it by removing the wick. Sprinkle some earth from the grave on top, finely cut the victim's hair or nails.
  3. Now you need to set fire to the alcohol and thoroughly melt the wax. Stir it until the earth is mixed with the wax mass. When the wax melts, you will need to carefully remove it from the vessel and while it is warm, fashion a doll. I have already told you that the easiest way is to sculpt wax onto a base. There is no need to show miracles of skill; what kind of doll will come out is normal. The main thing is that when creating it, transfer your thoughts about the enemy to it, thereby identifying it with your rival.
  4. When the doll is ready, it needs to be dressed. Sew her a shirt from dark fabric.
  5. Next, weave a wreath for the doll from the grass picked at the churchyard gate. There is no need to put it on her head, just put it aside.
  6. Now you need to carry out the baptism ritual, or more correctly, the ritual of impersonation in the victim’s doll.

Now you can proceed directly to the ritual of damaging celibacy.

We spoil celibacy

In the Voodoo spell, it is important to be able to create an energy channel between the doll and the victim. It is for this purpose that the doll is named after the victim and for this purpose hair or parts of the victim’s nails are added to it.

  1. Take the volta in your hands and put a wreath on it, saying from the dry grass:

    Here is your wedding crown (name), it crowns you with loneliness! Only then will its power disappear when it is removed from your head!

    With these words, the wreath must be set on fire.

  2. While the wreath is burning, turn the doll so that the remains sink into the wax. When the wreath burns out, say this:

    The wedding wreath went up in smoke, but the wedding took place! With these words, you introduce information into the energy flow that there has been a wedding ceremony, and the victim is now not free to find a couple.

  3. Now you need to tie the doll so that it, or rather the victim with which it is connected, cannot look for a mate. To do this, take a previously prepared skein of thread and begin to wrap it around the doll so that the legs, arms and head are wrapped. During the process you need to say this:

    “You must not wander, you must not walk, tightly bound, wedded to emptiness. And with the crown that is crowned with smoke, you wrapped yourself and disappear like that (name of the victim).”

  4. You need to repeat the spell all the time while wrapping the doll.
  5. When the volt is wrapped in a strong cocoon of thread, tie two knots tightly.

After the ritual, the doll needs to be buried in the ground and the mound should be trampled down thoroughly.

Damage to death according to Voodoo

Regarding the ritual of death, the damage to Voodoo, the practically familiar program of causing damage to death operates here. Only here the role of the photo that needs to be buried in the grave is played by a volt, a Voodoo doll.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform a death ritual you will need:

  • Voodoo doll, Volt, preferably made from wax according to all the rules (add hair, nails of the victim to the material, stick a photo of the victim on the doll’s face);
  • an old grave with the name of the victim, or a coffin of the deceased;
  • knowledge of the spell.

Knowledge the right words a very important condition, since it is the conspiracy that decides most of the effectiveness of the ritual.

How to perform the ritual

The first thing to remember is the fact that the doll must be connected to the victim by an energy channel. Here it is better to use all means, starting from particles of nails and hair, ending with the ritual of baptizing the doll with the name of the victim.

The second important factor is to be able to quietly place the volta in the coffin of the deceased, or bury it in a grave mound.

It is very important to be able to properly cleanse your energy after the ritual, because all conspiracies and rituals for death, damage, carry a colossal charge of negativity, from which you need to be able to protect yourself or pay off.

Damage is called any magical influence on a sacrifice made by a professional sorcerer. To damage someone a certain person, magicians ask for help and approval from the forces of darkness. If an amateur who does not know how to carry out the task correctly takes up the matter, the desired result will not be achieved, in addition, the actions of the would-be wizard can harm him.

During the ritual, sorcerers pay special attention to special incantations, which take the form of speech formulas with their own specific rhythm. It is thanks to them that negative energy is programmed. All other attributes of the ritual ceremony have an indirect effect on the result.

Any magic ritual looks like in the following way. A specific object is selected (depending on the ritual), the required magical text and required manipulations are pronounced over it, depending on the ritual. ultimate goal damage.

How to cause severe damage using a lining?

In black magic, a lining is a pre-made magical object. It is often made from the victim’s hair, bird feathers and bones, and animal body parts (fur, teeth, nails). After the ritual, the object is hidden in the victim’s house, for example, in a pillow, where it lies unnoticed and fulfills the mission assigned to it.

Those made in a cemetery or with the participation of cemetery objects and water with which the deceased was washed have special power ( dead water). Such conspiracies are usually made for the death of the victim.

Severe damage using the victim's personal belongings

Any item or item of clothing that the victim often uses will be suitable as a personal item. If it is not possible to get such an item, you can damage it using a photograph. Since this method works at a distance, it is very important that the performer is energetically several times stronger than the victim, otherwise nothing will work.

For damage based on photographs, it is advisable to choose photographs taken no more than a year ago. The fresher the photograph, the stronger its energy field, and, accordingly, the easier it is to transmit a negative program to the offender through space.

Voodoo doll - as a method of causing damage

In order to cause severe damage using Voodoo magic, you need to make a doll so that it at least slightly resembles the victim, and then stick needles into it, while pronouncing a special text.

In order for the damage to be more powerful, the sorcerer tries to get the victim’s clothes or some of her hair, which he uses to make a doll.

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Make a volt out of wax any day. Just create a doll out of wax. Very strongly indicate the gender characteristics - a man has a penis, a woman has large breasts. Place the volt on plate, on a plate first draw a cross and place a doll on it. Light a wax candle at the head of the head. Read:

"Thirty-three prayers of prayer,
Yes, the anathemic priest has forgotten everything in the church
Yes, by the demon himself there is a verb
Yes, those secret prayers are contaminated with filth, but driven by force
If you read a prayer, you will open the eyes of a dead man.
So I say that prayer over the wax
Yes, I will lament it over him
Yes, I give the wax tree a name:
Yes, today (name) speak to you, let your heart beat,
There's blood all around
It is said and said, and life is invested with a black prayer. Amen."

Take 4 needles and heat each needle in the flame of a black candle and say to each needle:

"With a black flame and against the terrible fury, and against dark love. Amen."

Then slaughter the chicken. If there is no chicken, then cut your hand or finger and drip the blood onto the doll. When the doll is covered in blood, hold both hands over the volt and read:

"I call out the devil of hell for this blood
Yes, a black associate, and the hearts of a hiding place
You are in charge of rage and melancholy
Yes, the heart is in a noose and the noose is in the veins
Yes it will come together and come together in a knot
Yes, a knot for ardent love
Yes, there is blood on (name)'s body
How will this blood dry up?
So (name)’s longing will begin to eat away at (name)
It will cover your eyes with a veil, but (name)’s blood will confuse you with heat.
It will twist, stir, in love (name) with (name) dries up
So the blood is shed and dried up
Yes (name) love for (name) is found and created.
That is a demon of blood and in the body (name) with ardent love. Amen."

Stick the first needle into the doll’s head and say:

“I’m depriving (name) of his mind and thoughts alone, and he’s yearning for (name)
Yes, don’t know anyone, don’t get along with anyone
A dark thought has been planted and a loving thought has been flavored in (name) by (name). Amen."

Place a second needle in the chest and say:
"There is a restless rage in your heart, let you love. Let you suffer (name)
Yes, meet everywhere with (name) look for
Yes, black melancholy is a purchase, and love rages on (name) in an attack. Amen."

The third needle into the solar plexus:

“I pierce through and press (name) with love
Don’t walk, don’t speak, don’t know your relatives
Yes, I take everything away from the world, and I nail (name) to (name). Amen."

A fourth needle into the genitals:
"What is tired and inflamed with demonic fire
Yes, today you (name) are tormented by bodily pleasure
Yes, the demonic fire inside will ignite
Yes, bodily thirst drives (name)
I want you (name) day and night (name)
Yes, the demonic love fury is restless. Amen."

After this, read the closing plot:
"Fierce love, black love has fallen from hell
Yes, bodily torment, yes, melancholy lust, and sorrowful exhaustion.
Yes, everything is shrouded in fog, and like a black arrow, right in the heart (name)
All in one move and now (name) is exhausted by the torment of love
Yes, (name)’s heart is enveloped in black melancholy
Yes, true lust, passionate lust is the visceral nature
Yes, dispersed, thirsty, restless, unquiet
Yes, with every hour, this lustful business grows and grows
This amicable affair is going away, spreading
So (name) goes from (name) to exhaustion, day and night.
So it was said, so it was said and noted by the demon himself. Amen."

Let the doll sit like this until the morning. Then burn the doll on a candle or in the forest on a fire (throw it on the coals) and say:

"The wax burns and (name) lust burns for (name)
The wax melts and (name) yearns for (name)
As the wax disappears, (name) caresses (name) with his body. Amen."


What Voodoo is is known to everyone, but many are sure that it is damage to death, zombification and working with the dead. This is wrong. With the rites and rituals of Voodoo you can heal, cast a love spell, and attract money and prosperity. Moreover, Voodoo rituals are very short (but powerful), and there are quite complex ones, requiring long preparation, trips and also in several stages.

Voodoo, for some reason, always scared people, and now people come with a request to zombify a person, destroy, kill (to which we answer “hire a killer - it will cost less”). Moreover, they themselves do not understand that they are dooming themselves to death, because evil will return a hundredfold increased. And then they wonder who damaged them? Yes, you yourself!

Now about Voodoo dolls. People who had been to centers of magic and healing came to us and told us what Voodoo dolls were made for them (or they themselves). Next, these dolls were dressed up, manipulated and ordered to be buried in a grave. The dolls were pierced with needles (according to all the rules!). Then they buried themselves in the cemetery, and the man waited for the result. After some time, he fell ill, lost his loved one (there were cases of “passing into another world”). We felt terrible after these stories, and we had only one question: “Who did you bury?”

After all, in fact, Voodoo dolls (like people) were buried in a real cemetery, in a grave with names real people. All that remains is to light a candle for the repose!

We urgently sent a man to dig up the dolls (it’s good that this turned out to be possible). Next, a ritual was performed to remove damage, cleanse and install protection. Don't work with the cemetery! This is a place of peace, there is no need to disturb the dead.

Be wary when you are sent to the graveyard! Otherworld does not like it when people invade his territory without permission. Even strong psychics do not go there without special protection, an amulet or a talisman. Why do you need to go there?

For your information: there is a magical ritual for removing damage and cleansing from negativity.

The photo is buried for three days in the ground (not in a cemetery), somewhere in beautiful place: in the forest, by the river.. And exactly three days later they pull him out of the ground. The earth takes away damage, and the currents of trees or water give health.

Witches and sorcerers use burdock (not to be confused with thistle - this is wormwood) to plant a “kikimora” in the house, an invisible spirit that causes pogroms, fires, and moving things in the house. Now this spirit is called Drum. A Voodoo-type doll is made from burdock thorns, like a woman, narrow, with an elongated head. Then they throw it into the house or bury it in the yard.

They use sow thistle. They make a kind of doll out of it, weave it and press it to the ground with a spear, saying: “If you cause damage, you will live well, you will not be destroyed, you will fall from the roots.”

And also, instead of a doll, they use mandrake root or any root vegetable (for example, carrots) that has an unusual shape that resembles a human body. There can be many manipulations with such a doll: it can cause harm or cure. (then give such a carrot, for example, to a rabbit). This damage is difficult to remove. After all, the carrot (pupa) is no longer there. Eaten.

It is known that severe damage to a Voodoo doll is nothing more than a method of inducing black damage according to the magical law of similarity.

Unholy damage in the likeness is induced through the image of the chosen target, this can be a drawing or photograph of the object. Corruption with Voodoo magic is done according to the same principle. The magic of resemblance is not exclusive to Voodoo witchcraft. This phenomenon is common and occurs in all witchcraft traditions. Including in Russian witchcraft - Black Book.

Everyone knows what a volt is - a wax doll with a victim attached. Warlocks called such a doll saffron milk cap. There is a so-called zakrut in the Russian tradition - a witchcraft doll made of herbs. The twist may look like a bag of herbs and other magical ingredients. It may look like a small sheaf of herbs and flowers standing at a forest crossroads. The twist is used for love spells, but is also suitable for damage.

So fatal damage to a Voodoo doll is one of the many ways of inducing negativity on the principle of similarity magic. For convenience, all these methods have been combined under the general name of damage through a Voodoo doll.

Powerful damage using a Voodoo doll - a curse on a person

The famous Voodoo doll, or as it is also called, the sorcerer doll can be made from almost any material - fabric, bread crumb, plasticine. Classic materials include wax and grass. A real working volt necessarily has a victim attached - hair, nails, blood, a button, a piece of clothing, etc.

How to do damage through a Voodoo doll - damage to a doll from cemetery grass

They go to the cemetery, collect dry grass, roll it into a doll and cover it with cloth. A symbolic ceremony of baptism and naming of the doll is carried out. They call it the name of the object of damage. A witchcraft doll must be equipped with a binding. As I already said, the best option are the victim's hair and nails.

They take the doll and go to the cemetery again, where they bury it between the graves in which deceased people of different sexes are buried. While burying the doll, you should cast the following Voodoo spell.

“I took it from the graveyard, I return it to the graveyard. I curse the enemy (name). He shouldn’t live in this world, but go to his cramped home as soon as possible. The grass is dry and dead, my work is strong and faithful. I seal my work with a cherished word, and I bury my enemy and remember him. Things are getting better. It will be as said. Amen".

Immediately after this is done, they leave the cemetery according to all the rules. At home they hold a wake for their enemy. They take three things that belonged to the victim of damage by Voodoo magic and give them to the poor with a request to remember them.

How to remove damage done by a Voodoo doll?

Deadly damage from a Voodoo doll can be successfully removed through the cemetery. You need to make a doll, name it after the patient, but vice versa (Masha - Asham), take it to the cemetery and bury it in the grave where the woman named Masha rests. You definitely need to give a ransom to the deceased, ask for forgiveness for the trouble, and, when you come home, arrange a memorial for Asham.

Voodoo magic is very popular now. To engage in such witchcraft - great sin. Even if you repent and decide to quit practice and go to church, the priest may not accept you. Voodoo magic is collaboration with the strongest spirits who will not leave you just because you want it so.

Therefore, you should not cause damage, no matter how angry you are.

The enemy will punish himself, because... an evil and unworthy person can never be happy, only create the illusion of well-being. But it doesn’t hurt to know how damage is done. This will help protect yourself and your family from the witchcraft of an ill-wisher.

Voodoo magic is very effective, but also very dangerous.

Damage with a doll made from cemetery grass To cause damage, they use a voodoo doll. It can be made from any material (bread crumb, fabric). But usually wax is used. For this ritual, a voodoo doll made from grass is used. Important point – dry grass is necessarily collected from the cemetery, a voodoo doll is made and covered with fabric. It must have some kind of connection to the victim. Perfect option

The finished voodoo doll must be taken to the cemetery. This is where damage can be caused. You need to find a place between the graves, where dead people of different sexes lie side by side, and bury the voodoo doll, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy. At home you can arrange a wake for your enemy. Also, three things of the person you want to spoil must be given to the poor. They should be asked to remember the person.

“I took it from the graveyard, I return it to the graveyard. I curse the enemy (name). He shouldn’t live in this world, but go to his cramped home as soon as possible. The grass is dry and dead, my work is strong and faithful. I seal my work with a cherished word, and I bury my enemy and remember him. Things are getting better. It will be as said. Amen".

After the ceremony, the finished voodoo doll must be taken to the cemetery

Ritual with a voodoo wax doll

A voodoo wax doll is molded according to all the rules. It must be doused with water three times, naming it with the name of the enemy. The voodoo doll is then wrapped in the victim's clothing. Then you need to say:

“Slave (name), your soul belongs to God, and your mortal body belongs to me.”

The preparation is complete, now you can damage it. For this, the plot is read:

“Flow, blood, flow, tear; the candle will light, the heart will beat, the heavens will open, the earth will open. Arise, pillar, from the sinful earth to the heaven of the Lord. So the Angels will sound the name of God’s servant (name) 33 times, and he will be reborn from wax to body, for my cause. And he will become a dead man (disabled, loser, etc., it all depends on the sorcerer’s goals). Just as a candle made of soft wax melts, so does it fade. Amen".

After these words, needles are stuck into the voodoo doll. You can curse the needles before the ritual.

In order for the love spell to take effect, needles are stuck into the voodoo doll.

If there is a desire to spoil death, then the voodoo doll is buried in a cemetery according to all the rules. There must be a coffin, a mound on the grave, a wake, even an “absentia funeral service” in the church.

How to determine voodoo damage

If the damage was caused by a person who understands witchcraft, then the other person can die in twenty-eight days. If a magician is fighting a person who is strong enough, smart, or spiritual, then magical attacks may not produce results. Sometimes the struggle between the sorcerer and his victim lasts for a very long time, until the death of one of them. If, under the influence of other damage, a person’s extinction occurs gradually, then the damage acts instantly. There are several signs by which you can determine that this ritual was performed on you.

  1. A person can quickly wake up and immediately fall asleep, filled with fear. When he wakes up, he sees a gray or dark fog before his eyes.
  2. The victim's face begins to darken.
  3. He experiences pain (stinging). The tongue is especially affected; blisters appear on it. Lips may become swollen. A person feels a burning sensation in his arms and hands.
  4. He is constantly tired, his mood changes, and he has suicidal tendencies.
  5. The body or its parts seem constrained, there is trembling, a feeling that ants are moving quickly along it.

If the voodoo ritual was performed by a real sorcerer, then the victim can die in twenty-eight days

All this intensifies during the Full Moon or New Moon. There is another sign - the cyclical nature of human behavior. He can be kind and affectionate for 8 days, but on the 9th he suddenly becomes aggressive, swears, and drives him out of the house. And on the 10th day he comes to his senses again and does not understand what happened to him. Then everything repeats itself. If a cycle of 9, 13 or 40 days is observed, a person could be damaged through the cemetery.

How to remove damage

It is quite difficult to remove damage on your own. It is best to contact specialists who will do this according to all the rules. If this is not possible, you can do it yourself. For the ritual you will need a voodoo candle, which can only be made by a shaman. To remove damage, you need to take White list, put a photo on it, make a circle around the photo with a pen.

Then an object with a candle (a glass) is placed in this circle. They light the candle and wait until it burns out completely on its own. When evil spirits will circle around the photo, they will be absorbed by the amulet candle. If the damage was very strong, then the candle will go out from time to time and it will be difficult to light it.

To remove damage you need voodoo candles

You can remove damage in another way, through the cemetery. To do this, you need to make a voodoo doll, but give it a special name. To do this, you need to write the patient’s name backwards: Masha - Asham, Dasha - Ashad, etc. After naming the doll with this inverted name, it is taken to the cemetery and buried in a grave where a person with the same name rests, i.e. in our case, they are looking for Dasha or Masha. The deceased needs to be given a ransom, ask for forgiveness for disturbing her. A funeral for Ashad or Asham is always held at home.

What is Voodoo magic? This is one of the areas of the art of magic, characterized by a certain perfection and complexity.

People who decide to devote themselves to studying Voodoo magic become interconnected with the spiritual and physical worlds. It may take you several years to fully understand all its power.

Those magicians who practice Voodoo claim that it has incredible power. Damage inflicted on a person with the help of Voodoo magic carries the most severe consequences. In this magical direction, the concepts of damage and Voodoo dolls cannot exist separately.

What causes Voodoo damage?

It is precisely the doll, independently made by the sorcerer, that serves as a powerful magical attribute for casting spells on a person. With its help it is also very easy to make a person susceptible to manipulation.

To create complete control over the victim, you only need to take possession of some of his material, which contains the genetic information of this person (hair, nail), in extreme cases, an ordinary photo will do.

How to make a doll for damage?

Wax is used to create the doll. The genetic parts must be clearly visible on the doll. After creating the doll, it must be given a name (the name of the victim). This is done as follows: the doll is doused with water three times, pronouncing the name of the victim out loud. If the magician has a personal item of a person (a piece of clothing) that is being damaged, the doll is wrapped in it. Then the following words are said:

“Slave (name of the victim), God owns your soul, and I own your mortal body.”

Then the needle is taken. Looking at its end, the sorcerer mentally imagines the desired curse or pronounces a spell. After this, the following words are spoken:

“Blood will flow, a tear will flow, as if a candle will light, the soul will beat, open celestial spheres, the earth will split. Rise up a pillar, from the ungodly territory to the very heavens of the Lord. Name (name of the victim) The heavenly angels will sound 33 times, and someone will be resurrected from wax right up to the body and someone will be crippled and powerless (unfortunate, needy, and so on). Just as a wax candle melts, so does (the name of the victim) fade. Amen!"

Next, the magician drives the charmed needles into various places in the energy doll’s body. This ends the ritual of causing damage. If the damage is aimed at death, then the ritual ends in the cemetery, burying the doll, observing all funeral traditions, including the presence of a coffin and a wake.