Naphthyzin for children instructions for use. "Children's naphthyzin": indications and instructions for use

Knowing that she will soon become a happy mother, a woman always tries to reduce to zero the risks that could be dangerous for the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the baby. Unfortunately, not always and not everything in this case depends only on the expectant mother: it also happens that the threat lies behind situations that are quite harmless at first glance. One of them is: a condition that, if not diagnosed on time, can lead to complications and very unpleasant consequences.

Amniotic fluid is the liquid that is the natural habitat for the baby in the womb. Another name for amniotic fluid is amniotic fluid. But, no matter what the amniotic fluid is called, it appears for the baby throughout pregnancy. reliable protection from noise penetrating from the outside, they allow him to move freely in the uterus, “smoothing out” his movements, and thereby protect the mother from the active tremors of the baby. The amniotic fluid is located in the amniotic sac, the formation of which occurs along with the development of the baby. The amniotic sac holds the amniotic fluid, preventing it from leaking out, maintaining the environment necessary for the normal development of the fetus, and also protecting the baby from all kinds of infections.

As the baby grows, both the amniotic sac and the amount of amniotic fluid increase - by the end of pregnancy their volume can reach 1-1.5 liters. Normally, the outpouring of amniotic fluid occurs in the first stage of pregnancy: at the peak of one of the contractions and the opening of the cervix, spontaneous rupture of the amniotic membranes occurs, after which we can say that the labor process has started. However, it also happens that water leakage during pregnancy is detected long before the due date. And this situation must be identified and eliminated as quickly as possible, otherwise the consequences could be very dire.

The fact is that leakage of water during pregnancy indicates that the membranes of the fetal bladder have become thinner and its integrity is compromised. And this threatens, firstly, with infection of the fetus, and secondly, with a high probability that the birth process will begin prematurely. Any change in the number and nature of vaginal changes should alert the expectant mother and become a reason for urgent consultation with a doctor managing the pregnancy.

The most dangerous situation becomes when water leakage during pregnancy occurs in very small quantities: the amniotic fluid has neither a specific color nor a specific smell. That is, if during pregnancy it is insignificant, then the amniotic fluid, mixing with other vaginal secretions, does not make itself felt in any way. However, its leakage is almost always indicated by the fact that a pregnant woman’s underwear begins to constantly get wet, and if you put a diaper between your legs, a wet spot will form on it in the near future. In this case, you should under no circumstances delay a visit to the gynecologist: the doctor must determine whether there is leakage of water, and if so, correct the situation.

Causesleakage of water during pregnancy can be very different, but most often the thinning of the amniotic membranes is provoked either by inflammatory diseases suffered by the expectant mother, or by infectious processes currently occurring. The most common of them are colpitis and endocervicitis: gynecological diseases vaginal and uterine zones, which lead to violations of the integrity of the fetal bladder. Other reasons for this situation may be benign or malignant neoplasms of the uterus, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis (cordocenesis, amniocentesis, chorionic villus biopsy).

Determination of water leakage during pregnancy
There are several ways:
— A pregnant woman can take a smear from the vagina, the analysis of which will determine or refute the presence of amniotic fluid in the vaginal discharge.
— The most common way to detect leakage is through special rapid tests:

Such a test future mom can be done under medical supervision, or can be done at home. Sold in a pharmacy.
- Also at home You can check for water leakage using a cloth pad or a daily pad:

1. Take a clean white cotton rag, exactly white and exactly cotton - a piece of sheet will do.
We make a thick lining. We put it on.
2. Lie down on your left side and lie for 10 minutes.
Then we turn over onto our right side and lie down again for 10 minutes.
Then we lie down on our backs and lie there again for 10 minutes.
We get up, walk around the room for 10 minutes: we sit down/stand up, lean a little to the sides, but without enthusiasm.
3. We take out the gasket and look:
* if you get wet, it’s a reason to be wary;
* if there is little discharge, most likely everything is fine.
4. Straighten the cloth and dry it. Rate a dry cloth:
* if it is water, the edges of the dried stain will be brownish and uneven, because the water contains a little blood;
* if it is other discharge, there will be no brown edges. There may be mucus - a plug or something, maybe urine is leaking...
* if the rag gets wet through and through, don’t wait for it to dry - call an ambulance !
Attach a panty liner to your underwear and evaluate the result after 2-4 hours:
- if the discharge is absorbed - water;
- if the discharge remains on the surface of the pad in the form of mucus - a plug or other discharge, for example urine...

If the results of the study are disappointing, and it is discovered, it is necessary to urgently take appropriate measures. They will depend on how far along the expectant mother is: if the time of birth has not yet come, hospitalization is necessary - in a hospital setting the woman will be able to be provided necessary treatment to maintain pregnancy.

If leakage of water during pregnancy occurs closer to the scheduled due date, the doctor may decide to stimulate labor. Video
Water leakage, how to determine:

There is no need to remind that amniotic fluid is a vital, natural environment for the active growth and development of the unborn child. The waters contain fetal cells, metabolic products and biologically active ingredients, for example, hormones.

Therefore, the amount of fluid and the biochemical composition have certain parameters, the shift of which in one direction or another is fraught with not just complications, but poses a danger to the viability of the unborn baby.

Causes of untimely discharge of water

Normally, rupture of amniotic fluid occurs during physiological labor after 38–39 weeks of pregnancy. As the cervix opens and contractions intensify, the membranes of the fetal bladder rupture and some of the water comes out.

However, in a number of situations, leakage during pregnancy occurs either before the due date or later.

If signs of membrane rupture appear before labor begins, this is called early or premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

The reasons for this could be: pathological changes the membranes themselves, the cervix, polyhydramnios, anatomical features pregnant woman and pathology of the fetus:

  • large sizes;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • abnormal position in the uterus.

Sometimes the rupture occurs not in the lower pole of the bubble, but on the side. In this case, water leakage occurs slowly. Signs of pathology do not appear immediately. This condition can be diagnosed by conducting a special examination.

Diagnosis of early rupture of amniotic fluid

Like any diagnostic measures, the examination procedure includes several stages:

  1. Questioning a pregnant woman about watery discharge or an increase in its amount. We should not forget that by 38–39 weeks the amount of physiological secretions increases. Some have more, some have less. Moreover, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on bladder and any minimal load can provoke urine leakage.

  2. Examination of a pregnant woman gynecological chair.
  3. The amount of fluid in the uterus can be assessed using ultrasound.
  4. If it is possible to collect the discharge, then tests are carried out to determine the presence of hairs and epithelial scales in it.
  5. In doubtful cases, amnioscopy is used - examination of the presenting part of the fetus. This is an informative, but difficult research method, carried out using a special device - an amnioscope, which allows you to assess the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid.

How can an expectant mother detect water leakage?

How to distinguish whether this is leakage of amniotic fluid or discharge? Certainly, in the best possible way dot all the i’s, there will be a visit to the gynecologist.

However, there are situations in life when it is not possible to urgently consult a specialist and carry out the necessary tests in the doctor’s chair. In this case, in order not to waste precious time, it is recommended to take into account following tips and recommendations:

  1. The life of the fetus is impossible without amniotic fluid.
  2. Normal amniotic fluid is a colorless and transparent liquid. Their color changes if an infection occurs - they become cloudy, greenish or yellow.

  3. A simple home test to determine the nature of the leakage (water, urine, mucous discharge from the genitals). After toileting your genitals, you need to lie down on a white sheet. The perineal area should be dry. If after 15–25 minutes wet, colorless spots appear on it, then there is a high probability that this is leakage of water during pregnancy. If during the experiment a yellowish liquid with a typical odor is obtained, then it is most likely urine. Vaginal discharge is usually thicker and whitish. It is advisable not to be alone at this time, but to invite someone close to you.
  4. Sanitary pads can help carry out the same experiment.
  5. Pharmacies have special pads that allow, at the right time, to distinguish the early discharge of amniotic fluid from urine leakage.

What to do in this situation?

It is important to notice water leaks in time. This situation is fraught with serious complications:

  • infection of the fetus and the mother’s body with the development of endometritis, inflammation of the membranes;
  • premature birth;
  • weakness of the ancestral forces.

At the slightest suspicion of signs of water leakage, a pregnant woman must, without wasting time, see a gynecologist for an examination and laboratory tests. This is a reason for an emergency visit to the inpatient department.

The final decision regarding the further management of pregnancy and the timing of delivery is made by the doctor, depending on the time remaining before birth and the readiness of the mother’s body for childbirth.

When a woman's body is not ready for childbirth

If everything happens before the 35th week, then all efforts are aimed at maintaining the pregnancy. The woman is hospitalized in a hospital, prescribed strict bed rest and special medications that block uterine contractions.

Before birth

For periods exceeding 36–39 weeks, everything depends on the woman’s condition. If we are talking about a problematic pregnancy and the risk of complications is high, then, taking into account the age of the fetus, which is sufficient for life outside the mother’s womb, the issue of caesarean section is decided.

In other cases, the woman in labor and the fetus are observed under conditions of preparation and provision of physiological labor.


It is recommended to exclude sexual contacts 2 months before the expected due date. If a woman is at risk, then at 38–39 weeks it is better to go to the pregnancy pathology department for control and observation.

It is better to have a special pharmacy test in your home medicine cabinet, which allows you to find out at any time what liquid is excreted from the body - urine or water.

Often, leakage of amniotic fluid becomes a cause for concern for the expectant mother. However, not all pregnant women understand what it is and how to distinguish amniotic fluid from vaginal discharge. Let's take a closer look at the situation, name the reasons and ways to eliminate the violation.

Amniotic fluid - what is it?

Amniotic fluid is a vital environment for the embryo. By filling the amniotic sac, it prevents trauma to the fetus, creating favorable conditions. So, directly thanks to it, the baby’s body temperature is maintained at the same level. The protection that amniotic fluid provides to the unborn baby is also important.

Its volume is not constant, increasing as the gestational age increases. This process is observed throughout the entire gestation period, but water is produced unevenly. The volume is increasing every week. The maximum is reached around gestation. At this stage, the volume of amniotic fluid is 1000-1500 ml. At the same time, immediately before the birth process, its quantity decreases.

Why is leakage of amniotic fluid dangerous?

Amniotic fluid during pregnancy is vital for the unborn baby. Reducing its volume can lead to irreversible consequences. Among these, doctors identify:

  • infection of the baby inside the womb;
  • development of infectious complications in the expectant mother: , chorioamniotonitis (inflammation of the membranes of the fetus), ;
  • premature birth;
  • weak labor activity.

Causes of amniotic fluid leakage

When amniotic fluid leaks during pregnancy, a woman should consult a doctor. The main task for doctors is to determine and eliminate the cause of the disorder. At the same time, a comprehensive assessment of the situation is carried out. Among possible reasons, highlight:

  1. Diseases of an inflammatory and infectious nature in the reproductive system. As a result of such pathogenic processes, the membranes of the bladder in which the fetus is located become thinned. Due to loss of elasticity, integrity is compromised. This is possible with colpitis, endocervicitis.
  2. Isthmicocervical insufficiency. With this type of disorder, incomplete closure of the cervix is ​​noted. Because of overpressure, which is caused by an increase in the size of the fetus, protrusion of the amniotic sac occurs into the cervical canal. This leads to a violation of its integrity.
  3. Multiple pregnancy. This phenomenon is considered as a contributing factor to the development of the disorder. Due to the increased load on the walls of the fetal bladder, they cannot withstand and become damaged, causing leakage of amniotic fluid.
  4. Developmental anomalies, benign or malignant formations in the uterus. Incorrect size of the reproductive organ, the presence of cysts and tumors in it interfere with the normal growth of the baby and amniotic membranes. As a result, injury to the walls may occur.
  5. can cause amniotic fluid to leak out.

Leakage of amniotic fluid in the early stages

Leakage of amniotic fluid during pregnancy, in its short stages, can interrupt the process of bearing the baby. If the disorder develops before 20 weeks, it is not possible to save the baby’s life. In this case, infection of the membranes occurs, vital processes are disrupted, as a result of which the baby dies. A woman has her uterine cavity cleaned to prevent infection and life-threatening complications.

Leakage of amniotic fluid in the second trimester

Leakage of amniotic fluid is often detected long term. It is provoked by increased pressure on the membranes of the fetus, the mass of which increases several times. When a complication of this kind developed in the first half of the 2nd trimester (up to 22 weeks), doctors are forced to interrupt the gestational process. This helps to avoid complications that negatively affect a woman’s health.

If leakage of amniotic fluid begins after, then in most cases it has a favorable outcome. The pregnant woman is sent to a hospital, where she is monitored. Doctors carry out dynamic monitoring by performing an ultrasound and examining the condition of the bladder shell in a gynecological chair. Wherein specific treatment does not exist. The efforts of doctors are aimed at improving the condition of the pregnant woman. It all depends on how much time has passed since the start of leakage caused by a breach of the shell.

How to determine leakage of amniotic fluid?

To protect herself and her unborn baby, a pregnant woman should imagine the signs of this disorder. Leakage of amniotic fluid, the symptoms of which may be mild, has an increasing character - as it progresses, the volume of fluid increases. If the membranes are broken in a place located high from the neck, the water flows sparingly. In such cases, pregnant women may not pay attention to this phenomenon, mistaking it for vaginal discharge. Among the obvious symptoms of leakage, it is worth highlighting:

  • sudden, heavy vaginal discharge;
  • change in the nature of the discharge - it has become watery and increased in volume;
  • reduction in abdominal volume;
  • appearance .

How to distinguish discharge from leakage of amniotic fluid?

In order to be able to distinguish a violation from the norm, every pregnant woman must clearly understand what leakage of amniotic fluid looks like. Among the main manifestations:

  • an increase in the amount of fluid released during physical activity, movement, change of position;
  • tension of the pelvic muscles does not lead to the cessation of discharge (unlike spontaneous urination).

When the bladder rupture is very small, determining the pathology is only possible using a special test or smear. Women can diagnose larger tears on their own, at home. For this:

  1. Go to the toilet and completely empty your bladder.
  2. Wash thoroughly and wipe everything dry.
  3. Lay a dry and clean sheet on the sofa and lie down on it without underwear.
  4. If wet spots appear on the sheet after 15-20 minutes, there is a high probability of leakage. The effectiveness of such a simple test exceeds 80%.

What color is amniotic fluid when leaking?

The color of amniotic fluid when leaking may vary. This complicates the ability to diagnose the disorder. In most cases, the waters are clear and uncolored, so it is difficult to identify them based on marks on a sanitary pad. Occasionally, the amniotic fluid acquires a pinkish tint. When amniotic fluid becomes infected, it may become greenish, yellow, or cloudy. However, in such cases, another clinic is also noted, which helps diagnose the pathology.

Test to determine leakage of amniotic fluid

A pregnant woman can diagnose a pathological condition using special means. There are gaskets for detecting leakage of amniotic fluid. Their action is based on the color of the indicator changing depending on the medium with which contact occurred. Initially it has yellow(corresponds to vaginal pH 4.5). Other liquids give it a greenish-blue color. Amniotic fluid has the highest pH. This allows you to diagnose leakage of scanty amniotic fluid.

Tests for leakage of amniotic fluid

Talking about how to recognize leakage of amniotic fluid, doctors note that it is difficult to do this when the volume is small. In such cases, the disorder is diagnosed using laboratory methods, including:

  • a smear of vaginal discharge – “fern effect” (when the liquid dries on a glass slide, it forms a pattern similar to the named plant);
  • smear from the posterior vaginal fornix - reliable way diagnostics;
  • amniotest - is based on the intramuscular injection of a dye into the abdomen, which colors the amniotic fluid released outside (rarely used due to the high risks and cost of the reagent).

Does ultrasound detect leakage of amniotic fluid?

Leakage of amniotic fluid, the signs of which are mentioned above, can also be diagnosed using ultrasound. In such cases, on the monitor screen the doctor assesses the volume of the disorder and the location of the rupture of the amniotic membrane. For mild disorders, this technique is ineffective due to impossible visualization and the difficulty of detecting a defect in the amniotic sac.

Most pregnant women are very sensitive to their condition at the time of bearing a child. And such a decision is not without meaning, because no matter how wonderful the doctor is, he only sees you once every 7-10 days at an appointment. And if the expectant mother does not talk about her ailments or the sensations that bother her, then you may miss the moment when prompt intervention from a specialist and the provision of qualified assistance are required. Water leakage during pregnancy refers precisely to such conditions when the woman is the first to sound the alarm and, sometimes, forces the gynecologist to prescribe additional tests. What signs should alert an expectant mother? Should we insist on additional tests? We will try to understand this issue in order to help all expectant mothers recognize this condition in time.

Doctors call amniotic fluid the fluid in which the baby is located during development in the mother's womb. They protect the fragile body from pressure from the abdominal wall and internal organs, and also protect the baby from various infections. Amniotic fluid is found in the amniotic sac. Its rupture occurs after the onset of labor and is one of the signs of the onset of labor. But in some cases, a woman notices leakage of water, but there are no other symptoms of impending labor. Why does this happen and what reasons can lead to this?


Experts identify several reasons that can lead to amniotic fluid leakage. different stages pregnancy:

  • Infectious diseases characteristic of the genital area. Colpitis, endocervicitis.
  • Inflammatory processes occurring in the genital tract.
  • Neoplasms of the uterus. These can be either benign ( different kinds fibroids), and malignant tumors, regardless of their location.
  • Prenatal diagnostic methods such as chorionic villus biopsy or amniocentesis.
  • Impact external factors. The most common include falling or the use of physical force. Trying to climb onto a stepladder or stool to change curtains, traveling on crowded public transport during rush hour, when passengers can inadvertently hit you in the stomach...
  • Etc.

Premature leakage of amniotic fluid can be caused by one of the above factors or several. Try to keep their impact to a minimum.

What should an expectant mother be wary of?

Symptoms of amniotic fluid leakage can often be confused with heavy vaginal discharge, which occurs in the last stages of pregnancy. Also, slight urinary incontinence, which is also quite common in pregnant women, can be misleading. later.

Many women notice stains appearing on their underwear. They will be colorless and do not have the characteristic urine odor. It is also quite difficult to confuse them with vaginal discharge, since the waters do not have a mucous base.

In order not to miss this pathology, experts advise abandoning dark underwear and switching to lighter cotton models.

Be sure to use panty liners. This way, you will not only protect your laundry from getting dirty, but you will also be able to notice the regularity of discharge. Leakage of water does not only occur when laughing or coughing, like urinary incontinence. If you are at rest or lying in bed, you will not be immune from this process. It is on this feature that the test is based, which can be done at home.

Test to determine the problem

  • To avoid unnecessary worries and start treatment on time, doctors advise performing a simple test at home at the slightest suspicion. It will help diagnose the condition of the expectant mother and consists of several stages:
  • Going to the toilet. You should empty your bladder as much as possible. This is necessary in order to exclude urinary incontinence during the test period.
  • Going to the bathroom. Wash your genitals thoroughly and dry with a soft, clean towel. Not even a drop of moisture should remain. All procedures should be done gently, but quickly enough.

Place a clean, light sheet on the bed. And then you undress and lie down. It is necessary to lie in a calm state for at least 15-20 minutes. If during this period transparent or slightly greenish spots appear on the sheet again, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Carrying out such a test will allow you to determine with a high degree of probability that amniotic fluid is leaking. Even if, upon examination by a specialist, it turns out that you were mistaken, it is better to play it safe, because the consequences of such a condition can be very dire. After the woman is taken to a medical facility, doctors will perform several diagnostic procedures aimed at establishing the pathology.

At home, you can also perform a nitrazine test, which is based on changes in the pH of the vaginal environment. As a rule, the environment is acidic, while the amniotic fluid is slightly alkaline.

Medical examination Doctors will definitely conduct an examination using special diagnostic methods that help with high accuracy

establish the presence of pathology. The most popular and diagnostics became a smear. During the examination, the gynecologist takes a smear, which reveals crystals and particles of amniotic fluid. But it does not allow you to determine the time of leakage of water, and the picture may also be blurred if there are traces of sperm in the vagina. Ultrasound can also help determine the level of amniotic fluid.

Treatment of this pathology

Depending on at what stage of pregnancy you notice water leakage, your doctor may take appropriate measures.

  • In the early stages, water leakage, as a rule, goes completely unnoticed. The amount of liquid is still too small and the woman simply does not notice that water is beginning to be released. In the first trimester, this leads to abortion in 90% of cases.
  • For a longer period, the specialist takes a wait-and-see approach, placing the woman in a hospital for constant monitoring of her condition and the condition of the baby. Every day that doctors manage to win back the baby in the womb plays a huge role in his development. How longer woman is carrying a baby and the closer the due date natural birth, the greater the chance that the child will be born healthier and more viable. If another 6 hours have not passed since the water leaked, then the specialist prescribes antibiotics, which are aimed at preventing infection of the child in the womb, since the fetal fluid is no longer protecting it.
  • If the PDR is close enough, then the doctor may decide to stimulate the labor process if the leakage of water accelerates and ultimately leads to rupture of the membranes. If labor does not begin within 3 hours after the start of amniotic fluid leakage, then a course of medications is used to stimulate labor. Change hormonal levels with the help of drugs, it accelerates the ripening of the cervix.

The most important thing that the expectant mother should remember is that if amniotic fluid leaks, she will not be able to do anything. All that remains is to listen to the doctor’s orders and follow all his recommendations.

During the nine months of waiting for a child, the expectant mother may encounter many problems and unpleasant conditions. Fortunately, most women safely carry and give birth to a baby. However, experts note a serious pathology of pregnancy, which is a common cause of premature birth. It's about about leakage of amniotic fluid during pregnancy. This complication is diagnosed in 10% of women, often in those who previously felt quite normal. In such a situation, it is very important to promptly recognize the symptoms of water leakage during pregnancy and immediately consult a doctor. Let's look at how to determine water leakage during pregnancy, why it occurs and why it is dangerous.

Why do water leak during pregnancy?

Amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) is produced by the amnion, the inner layer of the amniotic sac, forming a closed, hermetically sealed cavity. The chorion, or outer membrane, is characterized by a denser structure and protects the amnion from damage.

Amniotic fluid protects the fetus from being squeezed by the strong muscles of the uterus, as well as from blows when a woman turns or falls. In addition, amniotic fluid takes part in the child’s nutrition. It is also important that sterile amniotic fluid prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms to the child.

There are many reasons for amniotic fluid leakage during pregnancy. Here are the ones that occur most often:

  • Cervical insufficiency. This pathology observed in 20-25% of women in the last months of pregnancy. In such a situation, the amniotic sac protrudes, making it very vulnerable;
  • Infections of the genital organs. With these diseases, the woman’s cervix rapidly ripens, resulting in the release of enzymes that stratify the placenta and soften the fetal membrane;
  • Narrow female pelvis and malpresentation of the fetus. As a rule, in this case, water leakage appears in the first stage of labor;
  • Multiple pregnancy and some anomalies of uterine development (presence of a uterine septum, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, shortened uterus);
  • Chronic diseases such as dystrophy, anemia, connective tissue diseases;
  • Bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • Illiterate use of invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis.

How to determine water leakage during pregnancy?

It is very difficult to notice the first signs of water leakage during early pregnancy. They are often mistaken for urinary incontinence; sometimes droplets of amniotic fluid mix with vaginal discharge and also go unnoticed. In order not to miss the first warning signs, you can use white panty liners. A wet spot without color or odor often indicates the beginning of water leakage.

Symptoms of water leakage during late pregnancy are difficult to ignore. The closer to the due date, the more fluid is poured out. So, 2-3 weeks before the expected start of the labor process, about 500 ml of liquid may be released, which has a peculiar odor.

Some women use a simple method to determine the presence or absence of water leakage. You need to go to the toilet briefly, then wash yourself and dry yourself thoroughly with a towel. Then you need to lie down for 15-20 minutes on a dry sheet. If wet spots appear on it as a result, it can be assumed that amniotic fluid is leaking.

You can also buy special pads in pharmacies that react to amniotic fluid. Most precise method Determining water leakage during pregnancy at home is a special pharmacy test called Amnishua. Its principle of action is based on the determination of PAGM-1 (placental alpha-1-microglobulin), which is present only in amniotic fluid, starting from early dates pregnancy. The sensitivity of this test is 98.9%, and the duration of the entire determination procedure takes no more than 5 minutes.

Danger of amniotic fluid leakage

As mentioned above, amniotic fluid performs protective function. Therefore, if water leaks during pregnancy, there is a risk of developing the following pathologies:

  • Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion;
  • Placental abruption and uterine bleeding;
  • Oxygen deficiency and suffocation of the fetus, often leading to ischemic encephalitis in the child;
  • Disorders of the birth process (excessive or insufficient activity);
  • A premature baby may experience respiratory distress.

Diagnosis and treatment of pathology

Diagnosis of water leakage during pregnancy includes several methods that are used depending on the situation. The most commonly used determination methods can be identified:

  • Gynecological examination. During the examination, the doctor asks the woman to cough, after which he visually determines the presence of water;
  • Test with nitrazine-based drugs;
  • Smear to determine amniotic fluid;
  • IGFBP-1 test;
  • Amniocentesis with dye injection.

The method of managing a patient with this pathology depends on the stage of pregnancy. If the pregnancy is less than 37 weeks, they try to maintain it as long as possible. To do this, the patient is placed in a hospital, where the necessary therapy is carried out. If the condition of the fetus or woman worsens, emergency delivery is practiced. 5 out of 5 (1 vote)