Mini boiler for one battery. Electric heating boilers for private houses –

The climate company Termomir offers wide range electric boilers of various capacities. Read the information or call our consultants to choose the desired model boiler

Electric boilers designed for heating private house, dacha, apartment (including for apartment heating) , various administrative, commercial and production facilities with an area from 30 to several thousand square meters. m. Electric heating optimally where there is no main gas or where there are strict requirements for the environmental friendliness of heating devices. Also, an electric boiler is often used as a backup heating option in case problems arise with the main boiler, for example, a gas one.

An electric heating boiler consists of a heat exchanger, a block heating elements, control unit and control and safety devices. Some electric boilers are equipped with a circulation pump, expansion tank, safety valve and filter. The coolant heated by electricity circulates through a system of pipes and radiators, providing space heating, as well as heating water in the boiler. An electric double-circuit boiler is used for heating and hot water supply, a single-circuit boiler is used only for heating a house, as well as for heated floors.

Compared to boilers using other types of fuel, electric boilers are cheaper, more compact, safe and silent. Connecting electric boilers is much simpler and less expensive than other types of boilers. Due to their compact size and light weight, electric boilers are wall-mounted, do not require a separate boiler room, and installation is allowed in utility or utility rooms, storerooms, kitchens, basements, and even in living rooms.
Electric boilers are easy to operate and do not create harmful emissions or foreign odors, do not require constant maintenance, expensive cleaning or regular fuel purchases.

Dependence on stable availability of electricity and high requirements to quality and reliability electrical wiring. You should also take into account the fairly high cost of electricity. To make an informed decision about purchasing an electric boiler, it is recommended to make a preliminary calculation of electricity costs.

The boiler will be used in the Russian climate on average from September to April inclusive, i.e. only 8, not 12 months a year. In autumn and spring, the boiler will be used at a minimum, in winter - at full capacity. Thanks to the built-in automation, the boiler will not operate continuously, on average about 8 hours a day, so the approximate energy costs for the year can be calculated using the following formula:

240 days X 8 hours a day X boiler power X cost of 1 kW of electricity

Electric boilers with a power of up to 12 kW are available in single-phase (220 V power) and three-phase (380 V power), and boilers with a power of more than 12 kW are only three-phase. Most electric boilers with a power of more than 6 kW allow multi-stage power adjustment.

Various remote programmers that can maintain the room temperature according to a user-specified schedule help save energy without sacrificing comfort.

To select an electric boiler, you need to find out the power of the device. Basic calculation – 1 kW of boiler power is enough to heat 10 m2 of a well-insulated room with a ceiling height of up to 3 m.
To select a specific electric boiler model, you can contact the consultants of the Termomir company. Remember that in addition to the boiler itself, it is necessary to purchase other elements of a complete heating and water supply system (radiators, pipes, pumps, thermostats, boiler and much more), so it is better to entrust the selection of equipment and its complete set to professionals.

Currently, our company’s product range includes both the best electric boilers from European manufacturers and good inexpensive Russian electric boilers.

See also:

If you need to heat a room with a large heated area, then our EOU electric boiler with a power from 60 kW to 120 kW is perfect for this. With our electric boiler, you will not need to build huge and expensive boiler rooms, since our electric heating boiler is very compact and unpretentious in operation, and most importantly, heating with it will be very economical and without overpayments for light, since the EOU heating boiler is energy-saving. Electric boilers for heating EOU of high power have been found wide application throughout Russia for heating premises of any type, for example, industrial buildings, factories, shops, apartment buildings and so on. This is understandable, since:

  • The EOU electric boiler has small sizes, so you can install it where it is convenient for you, without having to think about an expensive boiler room;
  • An electric boiler for heating an EOU is an energy-saving boiler with an efficiency of up to 98%, and therefore heating with it will be several times cheaper than with any other heating boilers. In other words, heating with our EOU heating boiler will be profitable and inexpensive;
  • The electric boiler for heating the EOU is completely fireproof in operation and has high level security in all technical parameters, is silent in operation and, moreover, environmentally friendly, since no harmful emissions occur during its operation;
  • By combining several EOU boilers together in a heating system, you can thereby significantly increase the size of the heated area;
  • The EOU electric boiler is not sensitive to possible voltage drops in the network, which is also a guarantor of the reliability of our equipment;
  • The long warranty period of the EOU boiler - 10 years, serves as another confirmation of the quality and reliability of our equipment. The service life of the heating boiler EOU is designed for 30 years;
  • The EOU heating boiler will automatically maintain the temperature you set;
  • Our EOU boilers can be installed in heating systems of any type without restrictions, and installation work The installation of the EOU is similar to that performed when installing any other heating boilers.

With our heating boilers you will have reliable and efficient autonomous system heating system that will work smoothly for many, many years, and at the same time it will be very economical and save your money.

The diameter of the plumbing thread of three-phase modifications: direct (above) and return (below) - D42 (with adapters you can change to any pipe diameter convenient for you).

You can select an electrician for this type of EOU boiler using the following link:

  • The mini-boiler is distinguished by its small dimensions, which will allow you to save precious space in your living space.
  • The good news is that they are quite easy to install. You don't have to waste your nerves and time.
  • Electrode boilers do no harm at all environment, which is very important when, for example, children live in the house.
  • This type of boiler can be installed in various closed heating systems, primarily due to its compactness and versatility. In places where network gas is not provided, an electric mini-boiler is an irreplaceable thing.
  • They can be connected to existing heating systems, in parallel with other equipment. To increase the area covered by heat, you can install several copies in one room.
  • Another advantage of using mini boilers is their reliability. Water in electrode electric water heaters increases its temperature due to the principle of transmitting electric current through its molecules.

Operating principle of electric mini-boilers

There is a certain principle of operation of an electric compact heater. It is inserted into a closed heating system. The user needs to set a certain temperature, and then this equipment will automatically provide it in the room. Range adjustable temperature next: from twenty to ninety degrees Celsius. The temperature sensor, which provides automatic settings for the device, is controlled by a magnetic starter. The boiler is equipped with a switch, which, to protect against electrical overloads, will stop heating in time. There is also a special filter designed to clean the heating system of accumulated debris. Electrode mini-boilers have the same temperature control system as refrigerators, air conditioners and irons. The user sets the number of degrees he needs. Next, the coolant reaches the set temperature. Then the thermostat comes into play, turning off the equipment until it cools down by about eight degrees. After this, the boiler turns on again. And this algorithm occurs cyclically.

Purpose of electric mini-boilers

Each device has its own special purpose. For this type of heating system, the main heating source is the coolant. But despite this, in Lately They are also used in combined heating systems.

Mini-boilers are intended:

  • for heating various types premises (residential, industrial; cottages, warehouses, gas stations, greenhouses, etc.);
  • for cooking hot water using an indirect heating boiler;
  • for use in heating structures with different ways circulation;
  • for drying wood;
  • in combined heat supply structures;
  • when creating a warm floor (heated).

As you can see, electrode mini-boilers are used quite often and not only at home.


  • small dimensions, which ensures compactness and versatility;
  • relatively inexpensive price;
  • savings, because you don’t have to pay for gas (but, frankly, electricity consumption increases significantly);
  • does not pollute the environment;
  • high efficiency ratio;
  • the user can connect the boiler to another heating system;
  • the need to build a chimney is eliminated (in private houses where gas is not installed);
  • space saving;
  • It’s quite easy to install and use;
  • automatic temperature control.

Security measures

To work with an electric mini-boiler, there are certain safety measures, as well as actions that can extend the “life” of your equipment, which must be followed:

  • there should not be a residual current device in the power supply circuit;
  • it is forbidden to connect a control lamp to contacts A1 and A2;
  • should not be used metal pipes And cast iron radiators that have already been used (or are simply old), because then the electrodes will become dirty in the system, which may require cleaning them;
  • You should not start the boiler if the coolant temperature is less than fifteen degrees Celsius. Otherwise, the system will take a very long time to warm up.

Service maintenance

Any equipment, unfortunately, tends to wear out. This happens gradually and often unnoticed by the one who uses it. Therefore, the boiler needs regular checks. It is necessary to carry out Maintenance both before the start and after the end heating season. As soon as you notice any problems, they should also be corrected immediately. This work is carried out by specially trained craftsmen.

So, electric mini-boilers are distinguished by their compactness and good price. They have a simple operating principle and are not difficult to install. Such equipment can be used both in living conditions(when heating a house, for example), and in production processes. Speaking of savings, now there are electric boilers that can consume a minimum of electricity. But, basically, costs depend on many factors: how insulated the room is, its size, and so on.

The first type is familiar to many. In them, water is heated using heating elements - metal tubes with a high-resistance wire spiral sealed inside. Electric current passing through the spiral heats it and, accordingly, the water in the container heats up. For example, an electric kettle works on the same principle.

Ion-type boilers implement the idea of ​​heating water electric shock in the absence of the heating element itself. The current conductor is the water itself, in which the electrodes are placed. Ion-type boilers are much more compact than boilers equipped with heating elements, but they require specially purified water. You can, of course, use regular tap water, and water from a well. But this should be done in the most extreme and hopeless case. At the same moment, electric mini boilers equipped with heating elements are practically “indifferent” to the water used and its hardness.

It is also necessary to mention that such electric heating installations can be the basis for heating system city ​​apartment or private country house. This is achieved thanks to a circulation pump and a built-in expansion tank. They can also be placed in a garage, greenhouse, greenhouse and other utility rooms, observing, of course, all electrical safety requirements.

If such an installation is used as an electric mini boiler room for a summer residence, then you need to be prepared for one unpleasant moment. Unfortunately, the electricity supply in rural areas still leaves much to be desired. Frequent interruptions, simple theft of electric cables, low current in the network can become a fatal factor for the entire electric heating system in winter period: frozen water will simply burst both the boiler and radiators. In this case, only prompt drainage of water from the entire system will help.

However, an electric mini-boiler room can perform the functions of a parallel (additional) heating system for a private home. These installations can be “embedded” into existing heating equipment (liquid and solid fuel heaters, AGV, etc.). Combined with modern automated systems control, these parallel systems can work for weeks (subject to a number of conditions) without human intervention.

In conclusion, it is necessary to mention that an electric mini boiler room “requires” a special power supply line, which is designed specifically for the equipment’s rating data and is automatically protected from overloads and short circuits. Usually, optional equipment and installation of the system is best ordered from the organization (company) that sells these electrical installations.

Similar materials

Electric heating energy-saving boilers are a method of organizing a convenient home autonomous heating, which is suitable for busy people who spend most of the day at work. There is no need for such a boiler.


Mini electric boilers have many distinctive features relative to other heating devices. So, in particular, the design of such a boiler provides for heating the working fluid of the heating system by transferring heat from an electric heating element. It is worth noting that these heating devices have long proven themselves to be small-sized, environmentally friendly, and easily installed units. The simplicity and convenience of the Electric Boiler design provide an excellent opportunity to carry out installation in small rooms, as well as connect them to absolutely any looped heating system.

Thanks to your design features mini electric boilers can be used where it is not possible to use gas boilers. In addition to all the above-mentioned advantages of this unit, one can also include the stability of its electronic system to voltage surges in the network.

Operating principle of an electrode boiler

The boiler design provides for connection to closed system heating. And the entire cycle of its operation is controlled using built-in automation. It is the automatic controllers that regulate temperature regime system, which can be kept between 20 and 90 degrees.

Also, a magnetic starter, which is built into the boiler controller system, monitors the drop in operating temperature and, if necessary, turns on the heating independently. After which it will also automatically turn off the system if it reaches the required temperature range. In turn, the electrical network will also be protected from possible overloads that occur when the boiler is turned on, accompanied by increased loads. And this will help the boiler circuit breaker It is he who, when critical loads on the network arise, will turn off the boiler until it is completely stabilized. The boiler system also includes coarse filters, which will protect the electric boiler from contamination and further decommissioning.

New generation mini-automatic electric boiler

The general operating principle of the unit is based on the operating principle of all such heating elements. In particular, after the boiler heats the system to the set temperature, it will automatically turn it off, and as soon as the system cools down to the minimum permissible level, electronic system will restart the boiler and begin heating the room.

  • It is worth saying that these units (electric mini-boilers) can be used for heating residential buildings, industrial warehouses, all kinds of industrial premises, country houses, and even greenhouses.
  • It is also worth noting that these devices can work with heating systems, both with natural circulation of the working fluid and with forced circulation.
  • In addition, Electric boilers can be used to prepare hot water using indirect heating boilers.
  • Electric boilers can also be used in the construction of thermal curtains, for working with “warm floors”, for drying wood, in systems with combined water and electricity supply ( wind generators, solar panels, centralized water supply, autonomous well with electric pump).

Let's consider the main criterion of this system - energy consumption. Low-power heating elements with low level energy consumption. This was achieved due to the fact that the boiler does not need to heat a large amount of coolant in the system. The most powerful heating element that is presented in this system is 1.3 kW, which is designed to heat 20 square meters. When the system is first started, to quickly warm up the heat exchanger, the heating element is turned on at full power. After the heat exchanger warms up, the system automatically switches to maintenance mode and consumes only 30% of its power. The conclusion is this: you can heat 20 square meters of living space for the price of the energy consumption of two incandescent light bulbs.

1. Built-in climate control system, allowing you to create the most

comfortable environment in each room separately;

2. This system does not dry out the air in the room.

3. Timers and sets of programs that allow you to customize

operation of the heating system, adjusting it to your work schedule and

4. Faster heating due to the use of cartridges;

5. The service life of such boilers is 15-30 years;

6. Automatic maintenance specified temperature regime;

7. Protection against overheating, freezing and leaks;

8. Child protection (locking buttons on the control panel);

9. Easy to install. You can install such a boiler yourself, without

attracting specialists;

10. Easy to operate. After spending a few minutes studying the manual

user, you can configure any operating mode of the device

And most importantly, the cost of this system for a house of 100 sq.m will be approximately 60 thousand. rubles when a water heating system with pipework, large-scale boilers, boiler rooms, etc. It will cost you about 150 thousand. rubles YOU DECIDE!

From us you can buy the most modern and very reliable electric heating boilers,

who will serve you long years. In addition, if necessary, our specialists

They will make the connection and show you how to set up the boiler. With all this, the cost

Schematic diagram of the device

An assembled mini boiler room is a relatively small unit for wall or floor mounting. Mini boiler houses can operate on a variety of energy sources, but for apartments and private houses they are most often purchased.

The main difference between a mini-boiler room and a conventional electric boiler is its configuration. Such a device contains all the components necessary for connection to the heating circuits and the effective functioning of the system as a whole. Heating boilers the assembly may have very different configurations, but the basic design elements remain unchanged:

  1. A heat exchanger with heaters is the main part of the device in which the coolant is heated. Heating elements are most often used as heating elements, and their configuration and quantity are determined by the model of the mini-boiler house and its power.
  2. Expansion tank– a reservoir containing a supply of coolant. The presence allows you to ensure that the pressure in the circuits is maintained at a constant level.
  3. Note! is not included in the heating boiler package. At the same time, the design of most assembled electric boilers provides for the possibility of connecting such devices.

  4. Hydrogroup is a device that ensures optimal distribution of coolant in the system. As a rule, the hydraulic group includes one responsible for the circulation of hot water, pressure sensors and safety valves.
  5. The control module is an electronics unit that is responsible for adjusting the basic parameters of the boiler. The control module is usually connected to a heating and pump equipment, which provides flexible system configuration.
  6. Circuits and conclusions - in addition to the main elements, the electric heating boiler assembly also includes pipes connecting all components into a single system. The design also includes pipes for connecting the supply and return lines of the heating system.

All described components of the mini-boiler room are located in a single housing. Thanks to this, the device not only turns out to be quite compact, but also looks quite neat. In situations where a heating boiler needs to be installed in a residential area, this becomes a very tangible advantage.

Electric mini-boiler rooms Protherm SKAT

An example of a mini-boiler room assembled with a classic design is electric boilers, presented in the catalog of the Alfatep online store in a fairly wide range.

These devices are characterized by the following features:

Another advantage of the system is the boiler’s freeze protection. Thus, it can be used even in those houses that are heated only periodically: when minimal care the risk of ice plugs forming, compromising the integrity of the circuits, will be eliminated.

Advantages of assembled mini boiler houses