Numerical mandala. Numerological Code and Numerical Mandala of a Person

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Individual sacred mandala It evokes in a person a strong impulse of special energies, gives the rhythm that allows him to capture and perceive various cosmic energies, including the subtle world. Only a mandala built on the basis of the date, first and last name of a person has the greatest energy power.

1. Calculation of the entity number. 06.05.1987 = 9 .The essence number, consisting of the sum of numbers (6, 5, 7 = 6 + 5 + 7 = 18 = 9):

  • 6 of the physical body, birthday number - our health (06 = 0+6 = 6)
  • 5 of the Astral body, the number of the month of birth - our emotions (05= 0+5=5)
  • 7 Mental body, number of the year of birth - our thoughts (1987 = 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 25 = 7)

2. Calculation of personality numbers. Arina Dobrikova = 9.1.Personality numbers consisting of numbers (9 and 1)

  • 9 Goals (name) = (Arina) 1 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 1 = 18 = 9
  • 1 Help from ancestors (family egregor) = (Dobrikova) 5 + 7 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 3 + 1 = 37 = 10 = 1

3. Calculation of the golden (alchemical) number. 05/06/1987 Arina Dobrikova = 1. Golden (alchemical) number, consisting of the sum (9, 9, 1 = 9 + 9 + 1 = 19 = 10 = 1):

  • 9 Essence Numbers
  • 9, 1 Personality numbers (goal and egregor)

With the help of vibrations of this number, a person can correct his destiny and influence the world around him.

4. Key line.

  • Key 1 = 9-1 (entity number = 9, surname number = 1)
  • Key 2 = 9-9 (entity number = 9, name number =9)
  • Key 3 = 9-9 (first name number = 9, last name number =9)

Shows the capabilities of a person, which can only be realized by combining the programs of the essence (number of the date of birth) and personality (number of the first name and number of the surname).

5. Personality lock line.

  • Lock 1 = 1-9 (golden (alchemical) number = 1, essence number = 9)
  • Lock 2 = 1-9 (golden (alchemical) number = 1, name number = 9)
  • Lock 3 = 1-1 (golden (alchemical) number = 1, surname number = 1)

The personality lock represents the energetic connection from the golden (alchemical) number to the program numbers of the essence (number of date of birth) and personality (number of last name, first name) and determines the highest goal for which a person came into this world.

6. Graphic construction of a numerical mandala.

The graphic construction of a number mandala is carried out in a working square, with numbers from 1 to 9.

We connect the numbers of the recorded number series (date of birth + first name + last name) with lines and complete the graphical construction with the “key” and “lock” lines and put everything into a square and it will look like this:

6+5 +1 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 5 + 7 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 3 + 1

Adding keys and locks.

  • Key 1 = 9-1 Key 2 = 9-9 Key 3 = 9-9
  • Lock 1 = 1-9 Lock 2 = 1-9 Lock 3 = 1-1

We remove everything “unnecessary” and the numerical Mandala will look like in the following way.

Sacred mandala.

Around the number mandala we describe a regular octagon, around the latter - a protective square, and finally, around the square - a circle (symbol of the Universe). From the four vertices of the octagon there emerge, as it were, four radiating antennas (antennas for communication with Space). The color scheme symbolizes the elements: yellow - earth, red - fire, green - wood, white - metal and blue - water.

The sacred mandala must be included in the color energy flows, and the degree (of a person’s aura) must be taken into account.

The graph shows that due to the corresponding color range it is necessary to strengthen the energy of the second, third, fifth chakras (aura), and for this we use the dominance of orange, yellow and blue colors.

We connect both mandalas and get an individual sacred mandala.

We put effort into the mandala (goals, good luck, health, etc.) and get its final version. This is how a person’s individual sacred mandala is created.

Practice healing the body with the help of a mandala.

Find a comfortable place. Place the image on your lap or place it in front of you..
Relax as much as possible, take any position that is comfortable for you and look at the mandala. Immersing yourself in its outlines and gamut, connect with it through the color channel of health. IN in this example This pink color. Converse verbally or mentally with the mandala. Imagine that SHE is alive - a point in the part of the universe that listens to you and understands everything. Pleasant music will only strengthen your connection.

Formulate your desire-intention, for example: “Let my illnesses disappear, list them, and my biofield become dense, powerful and reliable.” Imagine that through the health channel the mandala, like a pump, draws out your illnesses, transforms, cleanses and throws them into the endless space of space. After this, mentally return to that period of life when you were healthy and happy.

You can stay in this state for as long as you want, from 5 minutes to infinity. If you fall asleep, it's for the better - recovery is much more effective during sleep.

Amulets, protection using a mandala.

It is enough just to use the mandala as protection, place it in the room where you are. To enhance the effect, give the mandala a code for your protection, for example: Using the energies of your hands and mentally form around it an information-energy colored (according to the golden alchemical number) contour-shield against the influence of harmful energies environment, evil thoughts and bad intentions of people, as well as the actions of various creatures." Such a talisman can be carried with you, and can also be placed in the interior of a car, on front door, windows, wallet, any things that are with you most of the time.

Activate the mandala with the words: “I provide protection from the harmful energies of the world around me.” “No evil entity will penetrate through you (mandala).”


It is enough to place the mandala in the room where your creative “workshop” is located. Mentally surround it with a colored halo for good luck (according to your year of birth).

Charging water.

Water is a living substance; scientists around the world have proven that it reacts to various external vibrations through changes in its structure. Water is the only substance on the planet that can be stored in liquid, solid (ice) and gaseous (steam) form. A mandala can positively influence water by structuring it in a special way, making it a positive environment for our health.

Pour in glass vessel raw water, cover it with a mandala image (the image can be attached to the bottom or side of a container with water) and mentally or out loud formulate your desire-intention, which can be like this: “Let this container of water be charged with energy that will purify the water from all harmful impurities and water will remove toxins from my body, help get rid of... (list your illnesses), calm me down nervous system …».

It should be noted. that all your wishes and intentions were extremely sincere, simple and spoken with faith in success. Typically, such water is ready for use within a few hours. To enhance the charging effect, you can use several images at once, for example, put one under the bottom of the container, and cover it with the other on top.

Water charged in this way is suitable for cooking, watering flowers, holding water, etc. It can be used as a “concentrate”, adding small portions to plain water Thus, after some time, all the water will absorb charged energy and become structured.

Mandala helps accelerate your spiritual development. It should be used to manage your life energy - Qi, to get rid of stress, depression, experiences (finitude of existence, loneliness, guilt, etc.), chronic fatigue, age-related crises.

Mandala is a living Being and, after working with it, do not forget to thank it!

It must be remembered that if you constantly work with the mandala, it will become for you an effective tool for using your internal energy, the “key” to your hidden resources.

An example from my practice of creating a family amulet.

  • Karina: Vladimir, please make a calculation of the family protective mandala? You have the details of my family members. What will a family protective amulet look like?

Your family meditation protective mandala looks like this.

It is based on your family number mandala.

Which contains a mandala for you (Karina) and your mother (Elena).

The graphic construction of the Mandala is carried out in a working square, which is divided into nine parts, each of which contains numbers from 1 to 9. This creates three levels of numbers.

The numbers in the square are arranged according to the occupied area. This square is called the Force square. The sum of the horizontal rows and diagonals is the number 6 (6, 15, 24, 15, 15), and the sum of the vertical ones forms the numbers of the periodic trinity: 3 (12), 6 (15) and 9 (18).
The number 6 is the number of a person, and the numbers of the periodic trinity can be defined as follows:
3 - masculine principle with the principle of trinity;
6 - the feminine principle, which is seen as the opposition of the masculine principle to itself (3+3);
9 is a neutral force that holds both principles together in a state of equilibrium and forms integrity with them (3+6, 3+3+3).

The initial data for constructing a numerological Mandala are: date of birth, as well as the person’s last name, first name and patronymic. Numerological analysis of this information is carried out in the language symbolism in which a person lives. A change in the living environment (country, language environment) changes a person’s karmic task and the method of its implementation. Full name analysis is carried out based on the vibrating method known in occultism. This method is based on theosophical addition and reduction of numbers. All letters of the surname, first name, patronymic after theosophical abbreviation are reduced to the numerological series from 1 to 9. This system is therefore called the nine-arcanum.

But there may be other options, if you neglect the signs Ё, Ъ, ь - in Russian and J, V, W - in Latin, then the correspondence tables will look different.

We will choose the following main vibration table, according to which the numerological code will be built:

As an example, let's take the following data: birthday - November 17, 1953; surname - Gaisinsky; name - Vadim; patronymic - Yakovlevich.
In accordance with the main vibration table, we build a number series for this person:
Last name - Gaisinsky = 4121161312(we got this series by assigning a number to each letter of the surname)
Name - Vadim = 31515.
Patronymic - Yakovlevich = 637346317.
By combining the full name, we get the number series: 412 116 1312 31515 637346317
Date of Birth: 11/17/1953. By combining it with the last row obtained, we get the final number series:

17111953 4121161312 31515 63734617

Let us make a theosophical reduction of each component of the number series:
Date of Birth consists of:
Birth Numbers 17=1+7=8
Birth Month 11=1 + 1=2
Year of birth 1953=1+9+5+3=18=1+8 = 9
The sum of the numbers of the day, month and year of birth is: 8+2+9=19=1+9=10=1+0=1
Last name 4+1+2+1+1+6+1+3+1+2=22=2+2=4
Name 3+1+5+1+5=15=1+5=6
Middle name 6+3+7+3+4+6+3+1+7=40=4+0=4

Let's analyze the information received. Birth Number = 8 is the vibration of Uranus. It corresponds to the vibrations of the physical body. Birth month = 2 is the vibration of the Moon. So, exactly Lunar cycles have the greatest influence on the astral body - the basis of energy and emotions. Year of birth = 9 corresponds to the vibrations of Neptune. These are vibrations of the Mental body, so Neptune will determine thoughts and their direction. Last name =4 - Mercury. The surname is the vibrational number of the Egregor to which the person is connected. Mercury will determine contacts, movements, the nature of obtaining information, strong-willed orientation, and mental activity. This is the number of learning, rapid response and quality change. Mercury is the mediator of life. His task is to transform the strength of spirit and manifest it in real life.
Middle name = 4, also vibrations of Mercury. The patronymic is a way for a person to adapt to the world. Mercury in this case gives high survival, adaptability, conformity, responsibility, and efficiency.

Let's find the sum of all key (total) numbers:
These are the vibrations of Venus. What this number represents and how it affects a person’s life is discussed in detail in the analysis of the numerological Mandala.
Thus, we built a number series and obtained all the main vibration numbers.

When describing and constructing a graphic numerological Mandala, we will use concepts introduced in the astroesoteric school of T. N. Zyurnyaeva.

The word “Mandala” is used in all world religions and languages, and among all peoples it is a sacramental symbol. In Sanskrit, the word “Mandala” means “platform of the universe.” The Mandala image consists of several geometric shapes which are considered sacred in all religions. In the center is an image of a human Mandala, which has a certain hidden meaning and a certain interpretation. There are seven energy flows in space - seven rays, which directly or transforming through planetary radiations and radiations of the zodiacal constellations affect the vibrational flows of man. An entity is born that contains a set of vibrational flows of the etheric, physical, astral and mental bodies. These vibrational flows can be represented in a system of numbers that symbolically represent certain vibrations. Numerology studies various operations with numerical vibrations. In the same number system one can represent the vibrations of the planets solar system and zodiacal constellations, that is, in the same system of numbers we can consider the connection between the vibrational flows of human essence and planetary and zodiacal radiations.

Numbers that reflect the vibrational flows of a person’s essence are a code that is contained in a person’s full date of birth.

For example, the date of birth 12/25/1909 has the following vibration numbers:

25=2+5=7 - vibrational number (in 9 - arcane system) of the ethereal-physical body;

12=1+2=3 - vibrational number of the astral body;

1909=1+9+0+9=19=1+9=10=1+0=1 - vibrational number of the mental body;

25 12 1909=(2+5)+(1+2)+(1+9+0+9)=7+3+1=11=1+1=2 - vibrational number of the essence.

Let's consider the connection between numbers and planetary vibrations. This is a dynamic solar series:

It is built in the working square of the Mandala, divided into nine small squares, in which numbers from 1 to 9 are inscribed. The numbers are inscribed on three levels from left to right:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

In our example:

We connect all the numbers with vectors, the direction of the vectors is sequential from one number to another from left to right: 25, 51, 12, etc. "0" is skipped. If a number is repeated, then an additional dot is placed next to it. If a vector is repeated, it is represented by an additional arrow on the previous vector. If the line is complete (these are lines 1-3, 1-7, 1-9, 2-8, 3-7, 3-9, 4-6, 7-9), then an arrow is not placed on it, but above it (for example, for a full line 1-9) an air arrow of short length is depicted, closer to “9” and also directed towards “9”. If the full line is repeated, then a second air arrow is drawn parallel to the first. The total vector 2-9 (vibrational number of the essence) is obtained by connecting the first digit (2) of the numerological series of the essence with the last (9).

First name, patronymic, last name can also be represented as numbers in the nine-arcan system. The name symbolizes the purpose of life; patronymic - a way of adaptation in life; the surname is the vibrational number of the egregor to which the person is connected. In this case, each letter is replaced by the corresponding number, determined according to Table 6.

Example: Nina Ivanovna Smirnova

6 16 1 ================= 14 == 5;
(6+1+6+1) (1+4)

1 3 1 6 7 3 6 1 ========= 28 == 10 == 1;
(1+3+1+6+7+3+6+1) (2+8) (1+0)

1 5 1 9 6 7 3 1 ========= 33 == 6;
(1+5+1+9+6+7+3+1) (3+3)

Nina Ivanovna Smirnova: 5+1+6 =12=1+2=3 - vibration number of a person.

The personality mandala is shown in Fig. 69b.

Golden number = vibrational number of the essence + vibrational number of the personality = 2+3 = 5.

Table 6. Russian alphabet in the nine-arcan system
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In our example full vibration the row looks like this:

The entity code is an energetic connection from the entity number (in in this case 2) to the last digit of the year of birth (9).

The “lock” of the personality is an energetic connection from the golden number (5) to the numerical vibration of the last digit of the surname (1).

We superimpose the Personality Mandala onto the Essence Mandala.

The Essence Mandala superimposed on the Personality Mandala represents combined individual graphic numerological Mandala, which is the goal of our constructions.

We enclose the mandala in a square (Fig. 69c), then we describe a regular octagon around it, around the latter - again a square, and, finally, around the square - a circle. From the four vertices of the octagon there emerge, as it were, four radiating antennas. That's what it is individual graphic numerological Mandala, which we will use for meditation. In Fig. 69g shown perfect mandala(that is, a Mandala in which all connections are symmetrical). An individual graphic Mandala lacks many lines (vibrational flows) that a perfect Mandala has, which is extremely rare in individual people.

The construction of an individual Mandala and meditation on it causes a certain impulse in the subconscious and gives access to the subtle planes of the Universe. The mandala acts as a means of comprehending the depths of the subconscious. By tuning into our Mandala, we join a special Universal rhythm that unites the Macro- and Microcosm, promoting the perception of cosmic energy and the development of intuition. This rhythm, to which a person tunes, contributes to the capture, perception and transformation of cosmic energy.

The graphic individual numerological Mandala will interest us in two aspects:

1. From the point of view of fine-tuning the subconscious to P-diagrams, which we will use in system diagnostics.

2. To decipher the karmic line (working off karmic debts, ancestral curse, a person’s development for future incarnations from the position of karma, that is, fulfilling karmic tasks).

To fine-tune the P-diagrams, we draw an individual graphic numerological Mandala on cardboard, cut it out and place it on the P-diagrams used in the process.

A decoding of all lines of the individual graphic numerological Mandala is presented in the work. Here we note the following.

The karmic line is the line 1-4-7. The absence of this line indicates very serious problems that constantly arise in a person’s life. If in individual mandala line 1-7 is missing, this means that the person bears the curse of the family. In this case, the person is deprived of the opportunity to independently express himself in contacts (choose friends, etc.), his logical thinking is blocked. If the 4-7 line is missing, then this is a hidden curse. If there is a line 1-7 in the Mandala, but not 4-7, then this is also a hidden curse. The absence of line 1-4 suggests that the person himself does not bear the curse, but was born from a person with a family curse. The absence of line 4-7 indicates that independence of contacts and logical thinking was blocked in the family. A woman can get rid of such a curse when she goes under the protection of another egregor on a legal basis, that is, she gets married and there is a 4-7 or 7-4 connection in her husband’s surname. A man can do the same by taking his wife’s surname. You can change your name or give the appropriate name to the expected child. You can not change your first or last name, but by realizing the sin of your family or your own, through sincere repentance, repentance, through prayers and then compiling the appropriate vibration series, you can achieve the appearance of vibrations above the missing line, which is established by the R-method (pendulum over the missing line begins to rotate clockwise, whereas before it was rotating counterclockwise).

The presence of the 3-6-9 line indicates that the person’s future is determined (mature karma). Mature karma is understood as a process that has become irreversible, for example, birth in one or another part of the world, environment, belonging to a certain family, the inability to independently choose one’s environment, etc.). In addition, one of the manifestations of mature karma is a set of actions and events that are also inevitable and subject to implementation.

Line 1-7 - line of the past, 2-8 - line of the present, 3-9 - line of the future, 1-3 - line of the beginning of life, 4-6 - middle period, 7-9 - result, final period.

Almost all people have the 1-4-7 line. It shows what a person has gained in past lives, whether he uses the experience accumulated in past incarnations, or pays for what he has done in past incarnations.

The average vertical line of a true 2-5-8 is rare. A person with this line actively acts and lives in the present. This line indicates that a person has the qualities of a magician. Line 2-5 - white magician, line 5-8 - black magician. A magician is a person who actually acts at the present moment and can influence the people around him at this moment.

The right vertical 3-6-9 is the line of the future, that is, a person lives and acts in the name of the future. In the absence of this line, a person has greater freedom of choice, but, on the other hand, this indicates a difficult moral state, an initial violation of harmony in the inner world.

Horizontal lines symbolize different periods life. Top line 1-3 - initial period life, average - middle period, Bottom part- final period. Each period is approximately equal to the cycle of Saturn - 29 years. Most people have an upper horizontal line and indicate the possibility of starting any business. People with a full line 1-3 are pioneers, they plow virgin soil, and someone else achieves success and benefits from the results. Availability midline 4-6 speaks of a person’s pronounced organizational abilities. The presence of line 7-9 indicates that a person is taking advantage of the results of his own business or that started by someone else.

If at least one of the lines of the past is missing (1-4, 4-7, 1-7), it is necessary to determine what sin was committed in past incarnations, which led or can lead to karmic illness or very difficult circumstances in real life, and also what a person’s karmic debts are in real life.

To do this, we ask a clearly formulated question, for example: “In what incarnations did I commit a sin that led me to karmic illness (or to constant failures in my personal life, or to certain difficult circumstances, etc.)?” According to Fig. 71 we determine in how many incarnations this sin was committed, and according to Fig. 83 we determine the number of the first incarnation, the second, etc.

Next, using the P-diagram (Fig. 94), we determine that cardinal sin, which led to karmic retribution in real life. You just need to accurately formulate the question: “What is the main sin committed in incarnations... (the numbers of incarnations obtained from Fig. 83 are called) led me in this incarnation, for example, to karmic disease?”


Or when family curse: “What kind of sin led me to the disease... (called an organ, gland or system, but not called a medical diagnosis)?” After deep awareness of this sin, sincere repentance, a vibration series is compiled with the following principle: “I am compiling a vibrational series that eliminates the karmic engram embedded in the V, X, XVII incarnations and associated with sin, for example, “disrespect for parents.”

Each person has different number series and a special number code in their life, which determines much in their destiny, the effect of which can be seen and realized only through the analysis of the number mandala. Using this code, a person can evoke and tune into the flow of energy necessary for his harmonization and objective perception of the world.
Each person has main, defining numbers to which he is initially tuned (in accordance with his karma). It is to these vibrations that we most react and perceive them on three levels: physical, astral and mental. They are not always realized by a person, but they always act. The result of their action is manifested in the material world.

The numerological code is based on three fundamental principles of the Universe:

Active principle (yang)- this is the golden alchemical number through which a person influences the world.
Middle start (den)- this is the number of the essence, which indicates on what the individual harmony of the three human bodies is built: physical, astral and mental.
Passive beginning (yin)- this is the personality number through which a person perceives the world and reacts to it.
These numbers, like others that are important for a person, are calculated not using special tables, but based on ordinary passport data - the date of birth and the person’s first name, patronymic and last name.
The calculation of a person’s key life numbers is carried out using nine numbers in the natural series. Numbers of the natural series from 1 to 9 are associated with letters of the Russian alphabet according to the so-called<девяти арканной>system of Russian cabalism.
Here is a table of the relationship between numbers and letters of the Russian alphabet in this system:

Table 1
Russian cabalistics

3 4 5 6 7 8
A b V G d e e and h
And th To l m n O P R
at f X ts h w
b uh Yu I

Date of birth, first name, patronymic and last name are considered in the language system in which the person lives. If a person moved to a country where they speak a different language, then his numerological code will change, as well as his life task and the ways of realizing it. A person’s personality in the rhythms of another country will be tuned to different vibrations and realized differently.

Each number of the natural series in the solar dynamic system, which is used in constructing a numerical mandala, correlates with the energies and functions of the planets of the solar system in which we live, as follows:

1- Sun 6 - Venus,
2- Moon 7 - Saturn,
3- Mars 8 - Uranus,
4- Mercury 9 - Neptune.
5- Jupiter

Main parts of the numerology code

Date of Birth- the primary determining vibration for a person. These are the main numbers that reflect its essence. The numbers of the date of birth indicate on what the individual harmony of the essence of a person and his three bodies is built: physical, astral and mental.
Birthday- vibrational number of the day, used to harmonize the human physical body, is the number of the physical body;
Date of birth month- used to harmonize a person’s energy and emotions, this is the number of the astral body;
Year of birth- the number of the mental body, human thoughts - the most subtle spiritual plane available to us in awareness and control at the level of everyday life.
The sum of the vibrations of these three bodies corresponds to the vibrational number of essence.

Last name number- will indicate the number of the egregor to which the person is connected.
An egregor is an independently developing object in the subtle world. It arises when a certain group of people begins to think in the same way, and the mental matter they secrete reaches a certain size. The life of the egregor is supported by the energies that arise when people perform certain rituals and customs. The connection between a person and his egregor (family, nation, religion, science, art, politics, numbers, etc.) is two-way. A person not only supports and strengthens the egregor with his thoughts and actions, but the egregor also gives the person support and protection.
A numerological egregor is a person’s mental attitude towards certain goals in life, ways of realizing them, expressed by numbers in the natural series from 1 to 9, associated with the action of the planets of the solar system. A person’s interaction with an egregor is determined by his own mood. You should not cultivate negative thoughts and unsuccessful options for implementing things. On the contrary, by tuning into the number of your egregor, having thought through all conceivable options for a successful and favorable outcome of the matter, you will receive help and support. We must remember him more often, consult with him, tune in to his numerical wave and look for the results of his activities in the life around us. Support for an egregor can come in the form of an overheard conversation between passers-by, a phrase heard on the radio or television, a thought that arose while reading a newspaper or book, etc.
The egregor number imposes on a person a certain task that he must perform in life in order to support his egregor and receive protection from it in specific matters that the egregor needs.
In Russian, the endings of the surnames of husband and wife are different, this leads to the fact that they are tuned to different numbers egregora. As a rule, women's surnames end in<а>(Ivanova, Petrova, Sidorova), which makes the egregor number of a woman one more than that of a man. This makes women attuned to more subtle vibrations.

Name number- this is the number of the purpose of life. Parents, giving a name to a child, determine its purpose.
Middle name number is a number whose vibration determines our relationship with our ancestors and the form of adaptation in the present through the connection of generations. It inclines a person to adapt to life and act in it in a certain way:
Golden alchemical number- this is the sum of the numbers of the essence (date of birth) and personality (I.O.F.) of a person. With the help of vibrations of this number, a person influences the world and corrects his destiny.

Recording a person's numerological code

The numerological code is written in three lines:
First line - entity numbers
Second line - personality numbers
The third line is the number of the golden alchemical number

1.5.6.= 3
7.5.3.= 6
3.9.= 9

(draw in a square!!!)

Rice. 2 Correct recording of a person’s numerological code

A person’s numerological code is sacred information and is subject to special protection using the square in which it is placed.

3. Graphic construction of the mandala

The graphic construction of the mandala is carried out in a working square, divided into nine small squares, into which numbers from 1 to 9 are entered.
The numbers in the squares are inscribed on three levels from left to right.

  • The top level (1,2,3) is the Sun, Moon and Mars
  • The middle level (4,5,6) is Mercury, Jupiter, Venus
  • The lower level (7,8,9) is Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

The energy of numbers in the working square of the mandala moves from one level to another, from the end point of one level to the first point of the next.

Fig.3 Working square of the number mandala
(should be square!!!)

The procedure for graphically constructing a human numerical mandala

Fig.4 Human numerical mandala

1. There is no need to draw a mandala square. The drawing is carried out using nine pre-arranged points.

Fig.5 Preparation of a numerical mandala (square)

First, the mandala of the essence is depicted in red (in the book it is a bold line). The numbers of the recorded number series of the date of birth in the working square of the mandala are connected by lines on which the direction of connecting the numbers is indicated by an arrow. If this is a short line between two adjacent numbers, then the arrow is placed directly on the line at its end. For example, 8 - 5 or 6 - 8. If it is a long horizontal or vertical or diagonal line, then the air arrow is placed above the line on the outside of the square at the end of the line. For example, 2 - 8. Above the diagonals (1 - 9), arrows are placed inside the square. Two identical numbers in a row are depicted as one dot next to this number, where a line with an arrow has already been drawn. The entity code is highlighted with a double red line - 3 - 8.
If the code consists of the same number, then a red dot is placed next to this number, which is surrounded by a double red circle. For example, 2-2 or 7-7.
2. The red dotted line represents the first key between the essence and the personality, from the last digit of the year to the first digit of the name. This is the so-called<пуповина>. If this is a repetition of the same number, then this is represented by a dot in the dotted circle 8 - 8.
3. We, as it were, “put” personality on the essence. Starting from the first digit of the name, all the digits of the first name, patronymic, and surname are connected in a row in the working square of the mandala in blue (depicted in the book as a thin line), except for two connections: between the last digit of the name and the first digit of the patronymic; the last digit of the middle name and the first digit of the last name. These connections are drawn with blue dotted lines (9-1, 7-1).
If such a connection has already been depicted previously in red or blue, then a blue dotted line is drawn parallel to it indicating the direction of the ray.
If the previous connection of two numbers is repeated, then a second arrow is placed on the existing line in the same direction.
If there are two or more in a number line identical numbers, then one arrow is drawn, and dots are placed next to this number to highlight this repetition of numbers. If two numbers in a row - one dot and one arrow, if three numbers in a row - two dots and one arrow.
If two numbers in a row appear in a certain key, this is represented by a dot in a dotted circle.
4. The construction of the mandala is completed by a line<замка>, it is drawn from the golden number to the last digit of the surname with a double blue line indicating the direction. If<замок>consists of repeating numbers, this is represented by a dot in a double blue circle 3-3.
Each line in the mandala is interpreted separately. The presence or absence of some lines indicates what a person is like. That is why energy vibrations are so carefully divided into different plans, which arise when connecting different programs. For example, goal and adaptation number series. Very often, it is in this connection that men receive magical abilities; women practically do not have such an opportunity.
The mandala looks like this. The basis - the essence - is highlighted in red. Blue personality lines can cover this base, then a blue line is drawn parallel to the red line indicating the direction. If the blue line passes along the blue line for the second time, then a second arrow is placed on the existing blue line.
If there was a short connection, and then a long one appeared, then the short connection is drawn before the long one and placed on top
air arrow in the right direction. If the same number appears in a row in a row, then a dot is placed next to this number in the mandala, i.e. this point seems to deepen. If an air connection already existing in the mandala is repeated, then another arrow is marked on this air arrow.

Modern methods of getting rid of internal problems and relieving tension are rapidly gaining popularity. Not so long ago, people began to be interested in the question of how to draw a mandala. Every day more and more people are learning about it, because this method has one significant advantage, which is that you can easily draw a mandala yourself with pencils on a regular sheet of paper, without using any unusual aids.


Before drawing a mandala for beginners, you need to understand what its essence is, because this is not just a symmetrical drawing, but a so-called visual prayer.

Mandala is one of the most common symbols of Buddhism, and translated this word means “wheel” or “circle”. This pattern is always symmetrical, and it consists mainly of simple geometric shapes. The center of the mandala, as a rule, is not depicted visually.

Traditional drawings

In Eastern countries, the mandala acts as a method of concentrating one’s own consciousness, as well as overcoming its boundaries. The most common pattern is a circle with a square inside. It, in turn, contains another circle, consisting of exactly eight petals of a beautiful lotus. On each of the four sides of the square there is a T-shaped door, which faces, respectively, all cardinal directions.

It is customary for Buddhist supporters to draw a mandala with sand. different colors. It is believed that it personifies the image of the entire Universe and is dedicated to one Buddhist deity. The monks depict the pattern using ancient technique, called sand painting. It consists in the fact that colored sand is poured in a thin stream through a metal cone, due to which all the lines are perfectly straight.

While drawing a mandala, a person reflects all of his internal state on a piece of paper. Identical mandalas, as well as completely similar people in everything, do not exist in the world.

Many philosophers argue that this visual prayer allows you to go beyond the boundaries of consciousness, thereby achieving internal integrity. She is able to restore order in the psychic universe of the individual.


As mentioned below, the mandala consists of certain symbols that have different meaning. Among them:

  • triangles - are a symbol of movement;
  • squares - mean house/temple;
  • circles - symbolize the Universe;
  • the star is an exclusively male symbol;
  • cross - shows the choice of path;
  • flower - a symbol of the female gender;
  • lines of different widths - are applied chaotically, depending on the person’s condition at the moment.

A competent master can ask any person to draw a mandala, and then independently decipher it and draw conclusions about the deep state of the soul.

A wide line means a desire to isolate yourself from the outside world, aggression and withdraw into yourself. Thin and broken lines indicate that the person gets along quite well with others, is sociable, smiling and responsive. If the diagram contains many winding lines, then most likely the artist is a woman, and an overly emotional and sensual one. But if the author is a man, then he is under stress and cannot understand what to do in a difficult situation.

But how to draw mandalas step by step, using the necessary symbols, is written below. The most important thing is to clearly know which figures should be depicted in your own drawing.


Knowing only the meaning of the symbols, a person still does not know how to draw mandalas correctly. To create a magical picture, colors are also used, each of which has its own meaning:

  1. Red is the color of passion, strength and energy. It indicates the work of the heart at a slightly accelerated rhythm, the internal burning of fire. People who use this color have enormous potential, have clear life goals and always strive forward. The absence of red gives cause for alarm. This means passivity, depression, or a standard lack of vitamins that the human body needs.
  2. Yellow - symbolizes excessive optimism and good spirits. This color is used quite often creative personalities who have found their calling in the field of culture.
  3. Green is the color of life. He affirms the naturalness of man and his real sincerity. A large number of the green color in the picture speaks of peace of mind and the ability to combine two principles - masculine (which symbolizes yellow) and feminine (denotes the color blue).
  4. Blue means calm and serious intentions. The color speaks of powerful intuition, wisdom and the ability to see and know more than others.
  5. Brown is the pure color of earth. The abundance of this tone means a lack of feeling of security, and also speaks of a desire to land.
  6. Orange - reflects the internal charge of energy. People who use this color in the mandala are most often big bosses or simply leaders, as it signifies a thirst for self-realization and self-affirmation.
  7. Black is the opposite of color or its complete absence. Since ancient times, it has meant emptiness, non-existence. Too much black tone in the mandala speaks of internal burnout, emptiness of the individual.

DIY mandala

Before you draw a mandala, you should know that it can be depicted not only on paper. A visual prayer can also be drawn in sand, woven or embroidered with thread, carved or burned into wood, and so on.

Drawing refers to art therapy. When a person creates a drawing, he is completely immersed in this process and opens his inner self. A mandala is a mirror of a person and his mental state, so you need to create it by listening to your inner voice.

Step-by-step instruction

Now it's time to learn how to draw a mandala. To do this, you need to take colored paints/pencils/pastels, a large sheet of paper (A4 or larger), and a simple pencil.

Let's draw a mandala step by step:

  1. To begin with, a circle is drawn that fills maximum space, and then 4 lines intersecting in the center.
  2. Next, you need to think carefully about which figures to draw and in what order.
  3. Now you need to start drawing the first figures, starting strictly from the center, gradually expanding the drawing. If a person does not understand well how to draw a mandala, then he should give freedom to his hands, let them themselves reflect on paper the state of their soul. If the circle is not enough, then you can easily go beyond it.
  4. Having completed drawing the outline, it's time to move on to coloring. You need to choose colors intuitively or just close your eyes and choose at random.
  5. When the drawing is completely completed, you need to move it a little further away from you and take a good look at it to find any flaws and correct them.

Mandala of love

People are often interested in the question of how to learn to draw love mandalas in order to attract the person they like. Indeed, many people put love first. And even if outwardly a person denies this fact, then inside he has an insane desire to find that very “his person” and never lose him. Love is a real source of life, inspiration and unbridled joy, which is why it must be preserved and increased.

As a rule, a love mandala contains an image of a flower, as well as lines of different widths and shapes. Colors are selected only in accordance with their own associations with romance, relationships, and so on.

Program for creating mandalas

Unfortunately, not every person can draw a pattern on their own, despite its simplicity. But even if there is no time or desire, then a program specially designed for computer and mobile devices will help you draw mandalas much faster, and a person will only need to print the finished drawing and receive motivation from it for new achievements.

Mandala Painter

The most common program is Mandala Painter, which is currently available for download in several modifications. It allows you to draw not only the main picture, but also the background to it, and for greater immersion in the process, special music is provided.

In the program, the user independently selects the shapes and their colors, and they are automatically arranged in a circle. Those people who want to color the mandala in reality can draw only the outline using the program, and then print the drawing.