The healing properties of the Amur velvet tree and their description. Fish pie with pollock and fried potatoes. Medicinal properties of fruits.

Common parsnip, or field parsnip, or field parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) in the wild is widespread in regions with a temperate climate (central Russia, the North Caucasus, Crimea, the Urals, Altai, etc.), but is still rarely found in garden plots. True, today the popularity of parsnips is growing quite actively. In animal husbandry and beekeeping it is used as forage plant and honey plant, and in cooking - as a tasty and healthy vegetable.

A universal favorite among decorative deciduous perennials, the hosta captivates not only with the beauty of its leaves. It is durable and relatively undemanding, in right place growing long years, but it can hardly be called fast-growing. Hosta propagates easily, although to obtain spectacular, highly decorative bushes you will have to be patient. To independently increase your hosta collection, first of all, you need to remember the characteristics of this culture.

Dill spreads well by self-sowing, so many summer residents do not consider it necessary to sow this crop every year on their site. But everyone understands that dill and dill are different. And the greens of carefully grown dill in the garden are, as a rule, superior in taste and aroma to the greens of dill that grows on its own. In this article we will tell you how to have green dill in your garden beds in sufficient quantities from early spring to late autumn.

Stir-fry with beef, soy noodles, vegetables and Iceberg salad is a recipe for a quick dinner or lunch for a busy person. It takes no more than 15 minutes to prepare, and you can feed it to a couple of hungry mouths that can’t bear to wait for a fancy lunch. Stir-fry is a method of quickly frying vegetables and meat that came to us from the east. Don't be upset if you don't have a wok. kitchen utensils. A regular frying pan with a thick bottom and non-stick coating will also work.

Among plants that boast variegated foliage, alpinia claims to be not only the rarest, but also the most original crop. It simultaneously reminds of bamboos and calathea arrowroots, and sometimes even of vriesea. True, it resembles the latter only in its inflorescences. Luxurious leaves, most often covered with variegated contrasting stripes, look so modern that it is impossible not to admire the beauty of their impeccable patterns and shine.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls made from savoy cabbage with mushrooms - steamed cabbage rolls for dietary, vegetarian and lenten menus. Stuffed cabbage rolls are incredibly tasty, very appetizing, and, if applicable to food, beautiful, unlike their counterparts from white cabbage, stewed in a Dutch oven or fried in a frying pan. Savoy cabbage is tastier than white cabbage, the head is loose, it is easier to separate it into individual leaves. The color of the leaves ranges from soft green to emerald.

IN winter time Every summer resident is looking forward to spring and is happy to open the season with the first plantings of flowers and vegetable crops for seedlings. But, unfortunately, the space on the windowsill is limited, and it is not always possible to place the required number of seedlings in cups in the apartment. In addition, some of the crops may simply not sprout, some will die... And for us, summer residents, no matter how much we plant, it’s not enough! Therefore, almost every gardener buys at least some seedlings.

Growing annuals in the garden has at least two advantages over growing perennial flowers. Firstly, most popular annual plants bloom profusely throughout the growing season. Secondly, many annuals sow freely and appear in the garden year after year with minimal participation from the grower. Which annuals can be planted only once, and then, following simple techniques, can be seen in the garden every season?

You can make jellied meat and meat salad with onions from pork knuckle. The shank, especially the hind shank, is a very tasty and affordable part of the pork carcass that can feed a small company. A 2-kilogram shank will yield a bowl of meat salad and a large plate of jellied meat. There will still be some meat broth left over, which I advise you to use to cook cabbage soup or borscht. For this dish, we take a hind shank weighing from 1.7 to 2 kilograms; I advise you to ask the butcher for the meatiest one.

Eggplants require sunny but short days, medium-warm temperatures without sweltering heat, sufficient moisture, but without flooding the root system. It is quite difficult to provide such conditions in the open ground of most regions of Russia. Therefore, previously eggplants were grown only in protected soil conditions. With the development of selection, it became possible to grow eggplants in open ground not only in southern regions, but also in middle lane.

Among predator plants, the sundew rightly claims to be the brightest and most expressive beauty. This plant attracts, first of all, its unusual textures and play of colors. But the feeding mechanism of this swamp and quite hardy miracle is so exotic that it is very easy to forget about sundews as plants, primarily ornamental ones. Sundews are quite demanding when it comes to humidity, but they are not that difficult to grow in ordinary living spaces.

Chocolate cake with custard made from simple and affordable ingredients turns out to be so delicious that rarely anyone limits themselves to one piece. The sponge cakes are moist and feel like they are made from real dark chocolate, even though the recipe only calls for cocoa powder. The creamy custard is delicate and light and goes well with chocolate sponge cake. All this splendor of flavors is complemented by coconut flakes, a simple ingredient, but in this recipe, like a cherry on the cake, it comes in handy.

Although the calendar spring begins in March, it is very difficult to call this month spring. But May is already a real long-awaited spring, filled with aromas and the multicolor of awakened nature. Fresh young leaves on trees and bushes attract the eye, yearning for greenery during the long months of winter. In May, the parade of primroses continues in the garden, decorative shrubs and perennials delight with variegated foliage and flowering, and conifers are renewed.

In the middle zone, the shape of the grapes suggests the possibility of shelter on winter period, which means the guideline should be to keep the head of the bush at soil level. Even further north on big harvest there is no need to count, but for such areas there are also pruning principles. The article discusses the sleeve-fan scheme for forming a grape bush, often used in the middle zone, and the cordon scheme, which has shown itself well in regions with a more severe climate.

Beef with eggplants with vegetable sauce in the oven is a simple, very tasty and not very high-calorie dish, which is quite relevant nowadays. The sauce is made from vegetables only, no flour, sugar, milk or cream. The meat is fat-free, and yet it turns out juicy and tender. Can be replaced by chicken fillet or veal. The eggplants do not need to be fried first, just add a little salt to make them soft. I recommend preparing a light yogurt sauce for the finished dish.

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Landscape design plot

Landscape design of a site is a real art, which involves a whole group of specialists. Landscape design is distinguished by individuality, because you are unlikely to find two identical plots: each house with its surrounding area and landscape is unique. Therefore, designers and planners create a landscape design that is suitable only for you and where all your dreams are realized. Landscape design is only limited by your imagination. For example, you need to beautifully decorate your terrace for a pleasant pastime. Or maybe you are dreaming about small pond, where a cascade with murmuring water will be built. If the project includes a swimming pool, then a changing cabin is needed, and the ground around the entire perimeter must be covered with safe materials.
Having equipped a fountain, you can listen to the sound of falling water. For some, the presence of bodies of water personal plot is not necessary, then a landscape design specialist can create the appearance of the presence of water using a “dry” stream. The imagination of our landscape designers is limitless, and a photo gallery of our completed projects will help you in determining what your summer cottage should be like.
Our company employs creative individuals who are experienced and highly qualified specialists who are ready to fill your garden with life, which will bring the joy of communicating with it for many years. Our landscape design studio strives to preserve and improve the natural environment that has developed on the site. In this regard, each tree, shrub or part of the relief, at your request, will become integral organic elements of the new garden design.

Our specialists love their work and will be happy to provide any assistance! Nursery

ornamental plants We are engaged landscaping personal plots, dachas, suburban and urban areas. Our task is. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but to deliver them and plant them.

Our plant nursery employs only competent and qualified specialists in various fields. Each of us has unique knowledge of planting and replanting plants, pruning trees and shrubs, we will tell you how to properly care for your garden and give recommendations on landscape design.



Amur velvet is a perennial with a spreading crown, belonging to the Rutov family. With its impressive size, the tree can confidently claim the title of giant. Now it is actively used for landscaping parks, streets, and garden plots.

This beautiful and hardy plant performs not only decorative function, but also treats many diseases. Its other names are phellodendron, Amur cork tree. It was called cork because the surface of the bark is wrinkled and velvety.

Place of growth

The tree grows alone or in small groups. In our country, it is widespread in Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, the Khabarovsk Territory, and the Far East. It also grows in other countries - Japan, Korea, China.

Velvet prefers hills, mountain slopes no higher than seven hundred meters above sea level, and deciduous forests. This is a relict plant, considered a living natural monument. The history of its appearance comes down to the Ice Age. Cultivated specimens have now begun to be imported and bred in new territories ─ in Asia, America, Europe, and the Caucasus.


This dioecious deciduous tree is a long-liver, growing in one place for up to three centuries. Appearance has similarities with common ash.

The height reaches a maximum of 26-28 meters, and the growth rate is very rapid. The trunk thickness is 1-1.5 meters. It is covered with gray bark, velvety and soft to the touch. In young plants it is completely smooth and has a silvery tint. After cutting off the cork layer, the bark darkens.

Thanks to the powerful rod system The impressive mass of the plant is well maintained.

The dark green, odd-pinnate leaf blades are lanceolate in shape and located on the central petioles. The edges are jagged, which gives them a decorative appearance. When you rub the leaves in your palms, they give off a specific resinous smell. They bloom at the end of May or even at the beginning of summer. The crown is tent-shaped in wide areas and raised high in forest areas.

Flowers small size, inconspicuous, collected in inflorescences. The petals have a yellow-green tint. The flowering period of Amur velvet occurs at the beginning of summer. At this time, insects are actively collecting nectar. The tree blooms for the first time only in the 18-19th year of life.

The fruits have spherical shape And glossy surface, look like pearls. Inedible, have a specific smell. At most, they stay on the tree until mid-winter.

The berries ripen in September. The harvest lasts from August to early autumn. One tree produces approximately ten kilograms of berries. Before storing, be sure to dry them in the open air. One berry contains from 5 to 10 seeds. The latter have a patterned surface and a teardrop shape.


Growing phellodendron is a painstaking and meticulous process because it extends over time. To successfully grow it, certain conditions must be met. First of all, this is the right place to plant the tree. Since the breed is light-loving, the area should be well lit or at least with partial shade. Shaded places are extremely undesirable. The soil needs to be slightly acidic, moist and fertile. Sand is absolutely not suitable. Stagnation is unacceptable groundwater. The right time of year is early spring, when the earth has already warmed up a little.

Important rules:

  1. When planting, it is important to consider the lifespan of Amur velvet and its future size. There should be no buildings or communications nearby.
  2. Planting is carried out with grown seedlings. It is best if these are mature, six-year-old plants. They can be purchased in specialized stores. Since they tolerate transplantation well, they very soon take root in a new area.
  3. Planting is carried out in autumn or spring.
  4. If several trees are planted, then an interval of at least 5 meters should be maintained between them. Each specimen requires this space for a comfortable existence.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Blank landing pit. Its dimensions must exceed the size of the root system young plant by a third.
  2. If the soil has increased density, then a drainage layer consisting of crushed bricks should be laid in the hole.
  3. Sprinkle the nutrient mixture on top. Suitable composition: turf soil, humus, river sand.
  4. Spread the roots, place the seedling, sprinkle with soil.
  5. Provide the plant abundant watering. Pour a bucket of water under each specimen. Under no circumstances should the soil dry out for the first five or six days. The best option is to carry out the planting procedure in rainy weather.
  6. Mulching the soil with dry grass, tree bark, sawdust, sunflower husks.


Amur velvet can be propagated in two ways: seeds and cuttings.


For sowing, only fresh seeds from ripened fruits are taken. It is very easy to determine their maturity. If you place the fruit in water, then the ripe specimen will form oil circles. Freshly harvested seeds should be sown before winter. If sowing is planned for early spring, then they must undergo preliminary stratification for three months. This is aging in cool conditions (in a cellar or refrigerator) until germination. If such a procedure has not been carried out, then pre-soaking the seeds in hot water. This is done three or four days before sowing. Next, they are placed in the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm. The seedlings will grow better if the soil is first fertilized with potassium permanganate or phosphate fertilizers. In the future, you should loosen and mulch the soil, regularly water the area, and weed out the weeds.

The germination rate of Amur velvet is from 60 to 80%, which is a very good indicator.


Cuttings are cut in spring. For several weeks before rooting, they are buried in wet soil. This is not a very popular method because root suckers do not have high rooting ability.


While the phellodendron is young, it must be carefully and painstakingly cared for. But a matured and stronger specimen no longer requires additional attention and care.

  1. Amur velvet should be watered frequently and abundantly. Especially if dry periods occur.
  2. To prevent the soil from drying out, the area can be mulched with wood chips or peat. Another option is to plant nearby lawn grass.
  3. Feeding is carried out in the spring. Suitable fertilizers are ammonium nitrate, urea, mullein.
  4. During the same period, pruning of dried branches is done.
  5. The plant has a thick cork layer, so whitewashing the trunk is not necessary. He is not afraid of the spring sun.
  6. Frost-resistant, tolerates cold winters well. Shelter for the winter period is required only for seedlings. Tree trunk circle covered with fallen leaves. The trunk is wrapped in burlap in one or two layers.
  7. When frost damage appears on young trees, they must be treated with any antiseptic.

In general, the plant is unpretentious. In city conditions, it easily adapts even to high air pollution.

Diseases and pests

The Amur cork tree is one of those rare cases when the plant is completely unaffected by diseases and pests. This becomes a considerable benefit for gardeners involved in their cultivation.

Medicinal properties

Phellodendron found wide application V folk recipes many countries. Almost all parts of the plant are used for therapeutic purposes. They prepare decoctions, infusions and tinctures, ointments. Even in ancient times, the Chinese knew the miraculous power of the Amur cork tree. IN chemical composition Phellodendron contains saponins, tannins, and coumarins. The leaves are rich essential oils, flavonoids, phytoncides, tannins.

Preparations made on its basis have many useful and medicinal properties. They have antimicrobial, hemostatic, antipyretic, hypotensive, and fungicidal effects.

IN folk medicine the plant is used to treat a number of diseases and pathological conditions.

Among them:

  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • allergies;
  • high blood pressure;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • jades;
  • skin rashes;
  • diabetes;
  • pneumonia;
  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • stomatitis.

During treatment you will have to stop drinking coffee, strong tea, and alcoholic beverages. Also, smoking cigarettes is strictly not recommended.


Its quality and quantity directly depend on weather conditions. This is due to the fact that the flowering period is very short. In case of bad weather, bees will not be able to collect nectar, but in good weather, Amur velvet will be an excellent honey plant. Velvet honey is considered elite and has a number of unique properties. Among them:

  • long shelf life;
  • low glucose content;
  • lack of crystallization.

It's not cheap, but the price is well justified by the quality. It is used to treat tuberculosis, boost the body's immune strength and correct hormonal imbalances.


The bark is used as a source of natural cork. It is flexible, environmentally friendly, waterproof, and has increased resistance to chemicals. The valuable material is widely used for industrial purposes. Application options:

  • linoleum production;
  • wine corking;
  • production of goods for fishermen.

Cork harvesting for industrial purposes runs from mid-June to mid-August.


Has a nice color and beautiful design in all sections. She has wonderful specifications:

  • does not rot;
  • easy to process;
  • shines beautifully after good polishing;
  • not damaged by fungus.

It has found its application in furniture production.

Landscape design

We love Amur velvet landscape designers for its decorative crown. With its splendor and luxurious appearance, it can decorate any area or park area. In addition, the plant helps purify the air from bacteria. For this reason, it is highly valued in gardening construction.

The cork tree looks good in combination with barberry, juniper, thuja and other low-growing bushes. To shade the trunk, honeysuckle and currants are suitable. Joint plantings with maple, linden, birch and spruce look impressive. They resemble a fairy forest.

If you plant lawn grass under the openwork crown, this will make the area neat and well-groomed.

Gardeners who want to create a favorable atmosphere in their garden should pay attention to Amur velvet. Also, it will be of interest to collectors of relict plants and hereditary beekeepers.

  1. Botanical description
  2. Use of wood
  3. Planting and propagation

The homeland of this tree, a representative of the rue family, is the Far East. Velvet, or Amur Phellodendron (Phellodendron amurense), includes several similar varieties, found in Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory, Kuril Islands, Japan, and China. Common habitats are deciduous, deciduous-coniferous forests of plains and on mountain slopes no higher than 700 m above sea level.

Botanical description

Velvet is a relict species that existed on the planet before the Ice Age. Under normal conditions, this tree grows up to 25–28 m, the thickness of the trunks can exceed 1.5 m. It is demanding of soil, prefers fertile and loamy soils, does not grow on sandstones. It loves sun and moisture, but is insensitive to drought, as it has powerful taproots. Lives up to 250–300 years.

Velvets planted in the middle zone are quite low-growing, their height is 6–10 m. The bark is silver-gray in color, soft and thick. In young trees it is smooth and light; with age it darkens, becoming covered with deep grooves. The top layer is a porous light cork, velvety to the touch, easily separated and clearly demarcated from the yellow bast. The bark thickness of old trees can be up to 7 cm.

In single plants, the branches are spaced almost horizontally, forming a spreading tent-shaped or umbrella-shaped carved crown, starting at a short distance from the ground; the shoots of forest specimens stretch upward.

The leaves are dark green, compound, odd-pinnate, consisting of several lanceolate, narrow plates with pointed tips, alternately located on the central petioles. They bloom very late, in early June. Leaf fall, on the contrary, is early and ends by October.

Amur velvet is a dioecious plant. It blooms in July, throwing out small, inconspicuous paniculate clusters. It blooms for the first time at 16–18 years of age. Characteristic feature Phellodendron flowers, like most rutaceae, have a sharp, specific odor, also inherent in the leaves and crushed bark. You can't call him pleasant.

After pollination of the inflorescences by bees or other insects, fruit set occurs. The berries of the tree are small black shiny drupe balls about 0.5–1 cm in size, collected in small tassels.

Use of wood

There are up to 5 seeds inside the berries. They ripen in early or mid-October and remain on the branches until winter. Fruiting of velvet is abundant; 8–10 kg of fruits ripen per year on one large tree. All parts of the plant are useful. Amur velvet wood is valued for its beautiful natural pattern and high technical characteristics. The core is mainly used, since its sapwood is very narrow. The shade of the solid is light brown with dark strokes and flourishes, the core rays are almost invisible, the surface on the cuts is silky. The material warps little during the drying process, is moisture resistant, and is not damaged by fungus. It lends itself well to cutting, grinding, gluing, and impregnation. In its qualities, velvet is similar to ash, but softer and darker. It is rarely used in construction due to large quantity

knotiness. The wood is used for the production of furniture and planed veneer. Velvet is of industrial interest as a cork. Sound and heat insulating materials are made from the upper light porous part of the bark.. The quality of this raw material is in no way inferior to the famous cork tree. The layer of bark necessary for industry can be removed from trees without resorting to cutting down, but leaving them to continue to grow.

Phellodendron berries are unsuitable for food; they taste very bitter with an unpleasant resinous odor. When eaten more than 3-4 pieces can cause severe intoxication: vomiting, stomach cramps, headache.

However, these fruits have medicinal properties:

  • They, as well as the leaves and bark, contain tannins, alkaloids, coumarins, and ether compounds.
  • In folk medicine, the fruits of Amur velvet are used to treat fever, kidney diseases, dermatitis, arthritis, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
  • A decoction of berries and leaves of the tree is used as a bactericidal and anthelmintic agent.

During the flowering period of phellodendrons, bees collect a lot of honey from them.

Planting and propagation

Amur velvet fits perfectly into any landscape, giving a picturesque look to the surrounding area. It is not difficult to grow a tree in your own garden or in your local area. It can be planted on the lawn, in an ensemble with conifers, birches, oaks, and maples. Considering that over time the tree expands in width, when choosing a place it is necessary to carefully calculate at what distance from walls, fences and other plants the mature velvet will be in a few years. Underground communications should also be located to the side.

The optimal time for planting is April or the first half of September. The best way 1–2 year old seedlings are suitable. For them you need to dig holes 60 cm deep and wide, fill them with a mixture of humus, turf and leaf soil, adding a little sand. The hole should be allowed to stand for a week, then the tree can be planted.

Adult velvets are propagated by seeds or cuttings. In the first case, the seed collected in the fall must be stratified by storing it in a cool, ventilated area for 3 months. If this fails, the seeds are soaked in hot water for several days before sowing. Planting is done in a nutrient mixture of garden soil, peat and humus. Can be sown immediately open ground to a depth of 3–5 cm. In the first 2 years, you will have to carefully care for the sprouted shoots, regularly watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds. In winter, planting sites need to be mulched.

Velvet cuttings are cut in spring or summer, in early June. Before rooting, they are buried in moist soil for several weeks.


Watering is required for seedlings only in the first 2 seasons and during dry periods. Regular feeding is needed. Suitable fertilizers:

  • compost,
  • rotted manure,
  • urea,
  • complex mineral compositions.

It is necessary to periodically loosen the circle around the trunk to provide moisture to the tree's root system. To protect against drying out, you can mulch the soil with pine needles or lay turf.

Young velvets give strong growth. In the first year after planting, they increase in height by 40–50 cm, and after another 2 years they can stretch up to 1.5 m.

Pruning the crown of plants is done carefully and only in cases where they want to avoid too low branching of the trunks. Drying shoots also need to be removed. The cut areas must be treated with varnish. Adult phellodendrons are not afraid of severe frosts, but damage may appear on young trees - frost holes. They also need to be processed.

Over the course of several years, the tree will become stronger and more resistant to adverse weather, strong winds, hot sun and drought.

If you want to get a fruit-bearing tree, you need to plant male and female specimens nearby.

On the banks of the Great Amur grows beautiful and amazing tree, which is called Amur velvet. This plant is distributed throughout Far East. You can meet it in Primorsky and the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin, in the Manchurian forests, in Korea, China and Japan. This tree is considered a relic. This real natural monument grew on Earth even before the Ice Age. Nowadays, thanks to its ease of care, wood is used for landscaping many areas, streets, and parks.


The botanical name of the plant is philodendron or Amur velvet, otherwise it is called the Amur cork tree. Belongs to the Rutaceae family.

The tree has a beautiful dense openwork crown. The powerful trunk reaches 1 meter in diameter and its height is up to 30 meters. The leaves are pinnate, lanceolate in shape. They have their own specific smell, which can be felt if you stretch the leaf in your palm or rub it lightly with your fingers.

The philodendron trunk is covered with velvety, soft bark that is light brown in color.

Flowers in inflorescences are unisexual, regular, small and inconspicuous; they have petals of a greenish tint.

The berries (fruits) of the tree are black shiny drupes. They have a bitter taste and a strong specific smell. Amur velvet blooms in late spring, closer to summer. At the end of August the fruits ripen and hang on the tree until winter.

For the tree to develop well, the soil must be fertile and moist. Root system cupid is well developed, goes deep into the soil, therefore resistance to strong winds quite high.

Reproduction occurs by seeds. More often this happens with the help of birds that eat the velvet fruits. Seeds germinate in about a year. IN good conditions the tree can reach an age of 300 years.

Amur velvet: berries and their uses

Philodendron can bear fruit only once every 5-7 years. Therefore, its berries can not be found as often as we would like. The fruits are spherical in shape and resemble pearls. Their color is black, their smell is resinous, specific, and their taste is bitter.

Only in medicinal purposes Amur velvet berries are used. Reviews from those who have tried the product on themselves confirm strong effect. All thanks to the fact that the fruit contains a lot of useful substances: myrcene, geraniol, limonin, berberine, tannins, palmatine and diosmin.

The most valued berries are those that hang on the tree longer, in some cases until the first frost. One carp tree can produce up to 10 kilograms of berries. They are dried in the open air and then used for medicinal purposes. Below we will talk about this in more detail.

Amur velvet: medicinal properties

Absolutely all parts of the plant contain jatrorrhicin, felodendrin, and flavonoids. Each leaf of the tree is rich in various vitamins, essential oils, tannins; the chemical composition contains at least 10 flavonoids, vitamins C and P.

Berberine is found mostly in bast. It also contains saponins, coumarins, terpenoids, sterols, and phenolcarboxylic acids.

In addition to the above substances, cupid fruits contain up to 10% essential oils.

Thanks to all these substances, the medicinal properties of Amur velvet make it possible to use it for many diseases. In folk medicine, the plant is used in the form of infusions, tinctures, and decoctions. Not only berries are used, but also leaves, bark and flowers of the plant.

For pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, and pleurisy, a decoction of the bark and fruits is used. It has astringent, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and deodorizing properties.

Skin diseases can be cured by using decoction and bast.

As studies have confirmed, preparations based on Amur velvet have a fungicidal effect, reduce arterial pressure. When taken, resistance to sarcomas and tumors increases.

Bast is valued for its analgesic, antimicrobial, expectorant and tonic properties. Bast tincture is used for fungal and cancer diseases.


Amur velvet blooms profusely in mid-to-late July. Clusters of flowers appear first. Some trees have male flowers, others have female flowers. Berries are subsequently formed from them. The main pollinators of this plant are bees. Sometimes the wind comes to the rescue. When flowering, cupid produces plenty of nectar and pollen, so the plant is very attractive to bees.

Their honey is dark yellow in color, with a slightly greenish tint. The taste and smell are very pleasant. The quality of honey can depend on the weather. In good weather, the flowers of the tree are excellent honey plants; in bad weather, there is too little nectar on the flowers.

Velvet honey is very valuable because it contains little glucose and many useful substances. He for a long time stored and does not crystallize. Helps with the following ailments:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • influenza, ARVI, colds;
  • tonsillitis, laryngitis; bronchitis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • increased bile secretion;
  • drowsiness and fatigue;
  • weak immunity;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Contraindications for use

If you decide to use for treatment Amur velvet, contraindications must be taken into account. The plant contains a high concentration of certain substances; treatment should be carried out with caution and following the recommendations. Categories of persons for whom there is an absolute ban on use:

  • pregnant women;
  • lactation period;
  • age over 65 years;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • oncological diseases.

If treatment is carried out using berries, then it is worth considering that the norm for an adult should not exceed more than 5 berries per day. Crushed dry bark is used in quantities of no more than 10 g, and leaves - 15 g.

Honey can be used in arbitrary quantities, but those who are allergic to bee products should be extremely careful.

During treatment with Amur velvet, you should refrain from fatty foods, caffeine and alcoholic beverages. It is also better to quit smoking. It is prohibited to combine treatment with other medicinal herbs. When taking any medications You should consult your doctor about compatibility.

Use in folk medicine. Recipes

The use of Amur velvet in folk medicine is quite common. Thanks to unique composition The plant helps with many diseases. Here are the most common doctor's recipes:

Treatment with this drug is effective only when diabetes mellitus second type. Every day, early in the morning, you should eat 3-4 berries on an empty stomach. Chew thoroughly and hold in your mouth. After which do not eat or drink for 6 hours. Treatment in this way for six months will help completely normalize blood sugar. For long-standing diabetes, one course of treatment will not be enough.

Velvet bark will help after operations

Healing of surgical wounds is a long process; the use of velvet cupid will help speed it up. In this case, dry bark is used. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 100 g of bark and add 0.5 liters of water. The product should sit for two days. After this, the infusion needs to be boiled for half an hour, add 5 g of novocaine and 15 g of boric acid. Boil everything for 10 minutes. Cool, strain, squeeze out the remainder. Sterile gauze is soaked in this solution and applied to the wound. Healing occurs faster.

Leaves help increase appetite

An infusion of Amur velvet leaves is used to increase appetite. It will help improve digestion processes and increase appetite. Pour 30 g of crushed dry leaves with a glass of boiling water and close. Leave to brew for two hours. Strain the infusion and take one tablespoon before meals. Store in closed place in a cool place.

Growing a tree on the site

We have looked at the benefits and harms of Amur velvet. Of course, it prevails beneficial features, if you use the product wisely, following all recommendations.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to grow this tree on the site. I guess, yes. It is necessary to take into account the fact that when favorable conditions the tree can live up to 300 years. When choosing a place for a plant, you need to choose a place where there are no communications, there are no buildings nearby, and the paths must be at least three meters away. Don’t forget about your neighbors so that the shadow of the tree does not block their area.

Not suitable for wood sandy soils, the best substrate is cultivated loam. A hole with a depth and diameter of 0.5-0.6 m is filled with a mixture fertile soil. It is best to plant in autumn or in early spring. Ideal age seedlings 1-2 years old are considered.

The soil should always be kept moist. When the tree gets stronger, water it only when it dries out. In the first half of summer you can feed with minerals and organic fertilizers. The soil can be sodded.

Overgrown Amur velvet looks beautiful on the lawn, surrounded by ornamental shrubs. Combines with birch, maple and oak. Velvet is beautiful at any time of the year.