Summary of a lesson on life safety in the preparatory school group “Magic Electricity. Summary of a lesson on life safety in the preparatory school group “Magic Electricity” Why is there a danger sign

Irina Lagodovets
Summary of a lesson on life safety in a preparatory school group " Magic electricity»

Summary of a lesson on life safety in a preparatory school group


Target: developing safe behavior skills when handling electrical appliances.


summarize children's knowledge about electrical appliances, about their purpose in everyday life;

introduce concepts « electricity» , « electricity» ;

introduce the rules for safe handling electrical appliances.


develop the ability to work with models;

develop the desire for search and cognitive activity;

develop mental activity, curiosity, and the ability to draw conclusions.


cultivate interest in understanding the world around us;

evoke the joy of discovery gained from experience.

Equipment: slides, pictures with images electrical appliances, wires

Progress of the lesson


Hello guys. Today we will talk about electricity, about safety in the house, let's play Interesting games, let's find out how electricity appears in our homes, and we will conduct interesting experiments.

Now I will read you a poem. Listen very carefully and guess what kind of helpers it talks about m:

We love our home very much,

Both cozy and dear.

But not everyone could

Redo a lot of things.

We need to clean the house,

Cook, wash,

And also iron the clothes...

How to cope with all the work!

And it’s wonderful that now

We have helpers.

They make our work easier

They save our time.

What helpers are mentioned in the poem?

How can you call these devices in one word? (electrical appliances) .


Let's play a game "Collect a picture". There are cut up pictures on your tables. Collect them and name what happened.

You named all the devices correctly, and now I suggest you play the game "What is it for":

I call electrical appliance, and you must say what actions it performs (iron, hair dryer, microwave, refrigerator, kettle, electric stove, telephone, vacuum cleaner, mixer, fan).

Do you see how much electrical appliances surround us. They are our best helpers. All of them make our life convenient and varied. Without them it would be difficult for a person. All these devices operate from electricity.


Imagine that we found ourselves in a time when people still knew nothing about electricity, and therefore about electrical appliances he didn't know and didn't think. But that man cooked his own food, washed his clothes, and cleaned his home.

Let's play a game "What is, what was". Look at the pictures, think and name which ones are modern electrical appliances replaced old things.

This is a trough. What do you think they did in it? Which electric the device has replaced it now (slide show)

Washing machine - trough;

Vacuum cleaner - broom;

Mixer - whisk;

Iron – ironing stick, charcoal iron;

Sewing machine - needle;

Electric lamp - candle;

Tape recorder - accordion, balalaika.

Well done, you completed the task. Now you know how much household appliances perfected by man, thanks to electricity.

What do you think is needed for everything? electrical appliances started working? (Children's answers).

Absolutely right. All electrical appliances run on current. But, before I tell you where the current comes from, let’s warm up a little.


Imagine that you are small particles of current running through wires (children run in a circle after each other):

The current runs through the wires (they run in a circle,

The light brings into our apartment (flashlights up)

For the devices to work

Refrigerator, monitors

Coffee grinders, vacuum cleaner

The current brought energy...



Have you rested? Now let's continue our conversation about electricity. Please listen carefully to my story.

Electric current is generated at large powerful power plants. To obtain electricity, at such stations the power of water, heat, sun, and wind is used. Then, electric Current flows through wires hidden deep underground or very high above the ground and comes into our homes, ending up in switches and sockets.

Electric The current makes a long journey through the streets and alleys, along wires and is somewhat similar to a river, only water flows in the river, and small, very small particles flow through the wires.

This wire is a track. On top she is dressed in a rubber shirt, and under it is a bundle of thin copper wires, through which current flows into houses, hospitals, schools, kindergartens.

Did you listen carefully to my story? Look at Pictures: This power station. This power station works from water - it is water, this one works from heat, which means it is thermal. This power station Powered by the sun - what is it like? (Solar). And this one works from the power of the wind - it is wind-powered.

Who remembers from my story what is the name of the path along which the current flows? Where do the wires go? (Pictures and wires).



So, let's continue our conversation about electricity. Electricity very dangerous, it can even kill, so you need to follow safety rules when working with electrical appliances. You need to communicate with them correctly. Today I will introduce you to the rules that will help you avoid trouble.

Look carefully at this picture, think and tell me what this means?

1. DO NOT put it in electrical foreign objects, especially metal ones, into the socket! Because the current, like a bridge, can move to you, seriously injure you and even kill you.

2. DO NOT touch exposed wires with your hands! Flows through a bare wire not protected by insulation. electricity, the blow of which can be fatal.

3. DO NOT touch the switched on electrical appliances wet hands ! Available swipe current, since water is a conductor electric current.

4. DO NOT leave it on electrical appliances unattended! Included electrical appliances may cause a fire. When leaving home, always check if the lights are off, if the TV, tape recorder, electric heater, iron, stove, etc.

5. DO NOT overload with work electrical appliances! A short circuit may occur, leading to a fire.

6. DO NOT use faulty sockets, electrical appliances! This can also lead to a fire.

7. DO NOT turn on electrical appliances without the permission of adults and in their absence!

If you follow these simple rules, then electricity will always be your friend.

You and I have already talked a lot about electricity. Did you remember that electricity could it be very dangerous? (Children's answers). And what do you think? Eat electricity is safe, which you can play with? (Children's answers).

But no! Electricity can be harmless. It lives on its own, and if you catch it, you can play with it in an interesting way. I invite you to conduct some educational experiments!


Ball hanging on the wall

Guys, what is this? (Balloon). Right. What do you think is in the ball? electricity? (Children's answers). And now I’ll prove to you that there is something safe that lives in a balloon. electricity. And you can even play with it.

To do this, you need to rub the ball on your hair and apply it to the wall with the side you rubbed. He became electric and therefore stuck to the wall.

Well, it's in a balloon electricity? (Children's answers).

Experience with a plastic comb

Hair become electrified, become naughty.

Conclusion: lives in hair too electricity.

Magic flowers

A piece wool fabric rub a plastic stick, slowly bring it to the flower from paper napkin and pick it up. The flowers will also rise.

Battery experience

The flashlight does not turn on without a battery, but when you put the battery in – plus – to plus, minus – to minus – it shines.

Conclusion: there is something harmless in the battery electricity.

You guys are great, you learned how to make objects magical. Now you know that in such simple objects as a comb, balloon, the napkin lives electricity, but what is it? (Safe).

So, guys, today we talked a lot about electricity and electrical appliances.

About which electrical appliances we spoke to you on class?

Who remembers how modern electrical appliances replaced old household items? The washing machine replaced which item? What about a vacuum cleaner?

Still today on we learned in class, What electricity there is something dangerous and something safe. Where is the dangerous found? electricity?

Where can we find something safe? electricity?

What rules should we follow to avoid trouble at work? electrical appliances?

The safest are refrigerators and automatic washing machines, electric kettles, microwave ovens. If something goes wrong, they turn off automatically. Audio recorders and stereo systems are practically safe. All devices that operate on batteries are absolutely safe - players, flashlights, toys.

More dangerous are televisions, computers, electric fireplaces, electric irons, electric stoves and lighting fixtures. The most dangerous are those that we turn on and off ourselves, which are not designed for long periods of continuous operation. These are coffee grinders, hair dryers, food processors, boilers.

What is the danger of electric contact with a person? There are two main reasons: the first is mechanical damage to human tissue, the second is the effect of electricity on the nervous system. As is known, the mechanism of transmission of nerve signals is based on an electrochemical nature. Simply put, man has his own electricity.

With the help of nerve signals, muscles move, including the heart, and all internal organs are coordinated and controlled. In the event of contact with a live conductor, the human body reacts to this as a signal of its own nervous system, but immeasurably more powerful. The muscles contract convulsively, coming into a state of constant tension, and relax

they fail - the incoming signal blocks the body's commands.

Finally, electrical wiring is also dangerous. A faulty appliance or damaged wiring may cause a fire. If the appliance itself or the electrical cord suddenly catches fire, under no circumstances douse the fire with water. Unplug the appliance, then cover the fire with soil from flower pots.

The smell of burning plastic may mean that the insulation has started to melt. In this case, immediately turn off all electrical appliances and light bulbs. Carefully touch the sockets to see if they are hot. If the outlet cover becomes hot, do not use it again until a professional can determine the cause of the heat. It is extremely dangerous to install non-standard fuses in electrical panels yourself. You should also not use homemade electrical appliances.

Rules for handling electrical household appliances.

- When you finish using an electrical appliance, be sure to unplug it. The exception is the refrigerator.

- If the device is heating - iron, fireplace, etc. - Do not remove it until it has completely cooled down.

- If the device fails, immediately turn it off and remove the plug from the socket. Call a specialist to repair the electrical appliance.

- If the wiring is damaged, never touch exposed wires.

- Do not plug many electrical appliances into one outlet.


21.09.2014 17:51


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Electricity- This is the ordered movement of electrical charges. The current strength in a section of the circuit is directly proportional to the potential difference (i.e., the voltage at the ends of the section) and inversely proportional to the resistance of the section of the circuit.

The nature and depth of the effect of electric current on the human body depends on the strength and type of current, the time of its action, the path through the human body, the physical and mental state of the latter.

The threshold (perceptible) current is about 1 mA. With a higher current, a person begins to feel unpleasant painful muscle contractions, and with a current of 12–15 mA, he is no longer able to control his muscular system and cannot independently tear himself away from the current source. This current is called non-releasing current. The effect of current over 25 mA on muscle tissue leads to paralysis of the respiratory muscles and respiratory arrest. With a further increase in current, fibrillation (convulsive contraction) of the heart may occur. A current of 100 mA is considered lethal.

Alternating current is more dangerous than direct current. It matters which parts of the body a person touches the current-carrying part. The most dangerous routes are those that affect the brain or spinal cord (head and arms, head – legs), heart and lungs (arms – legs).

A typical case of energized contact is contact with one pole or phase of a current source. The voltage acting on a person is called touch voltage. Particularly dangerous are areas located on the temples, back, back of the arms, legs, back of the head and neck.

The effect of electric current on the body is characterized by the main damaging factors:

1) an electric shock that excites the muscles of the body, leading to convulsions, respiratory and cardiac arrest;

2) electrical burns resulting from the release of heat when current passes through the human body. Depending on the parameters of the electrical circuit and the person’s condition, redness of the skin and a burn with formation may occur;

3) blistering or charring of tissues; When the metal melts, metallization of the skin occurs with the penetration of pieces of metal into it.

The effect of current on the body is reduced to:

1) heating;

2) electrolysis;

3) mechanical impact.

Mechanical action leads to tissue rupture, delamination, and the shock effect of fluid evaporation from body tissues.

During thermal action, overheating and functional breakdown of organs along the path of current occur.

The electrolytic effect of current is expressed in the electrolysis of fluid in the tissues of the body, changing the composition of the blood.

If there are tissue changes at the site of exposure to electric current, apply a dry aseptic bandage to the affected part of the body.

To avoid electric shock, all work on electrical equipment and devices must be carried out after disconnecting them from the electrical circuit.

Anti-static electricity protection

Constant electrostatic field (ESF) is a field of stationary charges that interacts between them.

The emergence of static electricity charges occurs during deformation, crushing (spraying) of substances, relative movement of two bodies in contact, layers of liquid and bulk materials, during intense mixing, crystallization, and also due to induction.

When dielectrics rub, excess charges appear on their surface and accumulate on dry hands. electric charges, creating a potential of up to 500 V. The potential difference between the thundercloud and the Earth reaches huge values, measured in hundreds of millions of volts, and a strong electric field arises in the air.

At favorable conditions a breakdown occurs. Charges tend to accumulate to a greater extent on the tips or bodies similar in shape to the tips.

High electric fields are created near these points. For this reason, lightning strikes high, separate objects (towers, trees, etc.), and therefore it is dangerous for a person to be in an open space during a thunderstorm or near individual trees or metal objects.

Along with natural static electric fields, in the technosphere and in everyday life, people are exposed to artificial static electric fields.

Artificial static electric fields are due to the increasing use for the manufacture of household items:

1) toys;

3) clothes;

4) for finishing the interiors of residential and public buildings;

5) for the manufacture of construction parts of production equipment;

6) equipment;

7) tools;

8) machine parts of various synthetic polymer materials;

9) dielectrics.

Permissible levels of electrostatic field strength are established in GOST 12.1.045-84.

The use of protective equipment for workers is mandatory in cases where the actual levels of electrostatic field strength at workplaces exceed 60 kV/m2.

When choosing means of protection against static electricity, the features of technological processes, the physico-chemical properties of the material being processed, the microclimate of the premises, and other things must be taken into account, which determines a differentiated approach to the development of protective measures.

Common means of protection against static electricity are reducing the generation of electrostatic charges or removing them from electrified material, which is achieved by:

1) grounding of metal and electrically conductive elements of equipment;

2) an increase in the surface and volume conductivity of dielectrics;

3) installation of static electricity neutralizers.

Grounding is carried out regardless of the use of other protection methods.

This presentation is aimed at familiarizing students with the dangers of electricity; give an idea of ​​electrical injuries and teach how to avoid them. Familiarize yourself with electrical safety and teach what to do in the event of an electrical appliance fire. Introduce first aid methods to victims.



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Slide captions:

“To distant villages, cities Who walks along the wires? Bright Majesty! This... Lesson objectives: to familiarize students with the dangers of electricity; provide an understanding of injuries and teach how to avoid them; introduce electrical safety. Electricity

Where does a person use electricity? Is electricity always beneficial? Look at the pictures and draw up electrical safety rules based on them.

10 “DO NOT” in everyday life and on the street DO NOT pull the plug from the socket by the wire DO NOT handle the wires of electrical appliances with wet hands DO NOT use faulty electrical appliances DO NOT touch sagging, broken wires or those lying on the ground DO NOT climb or even approach the transformer box DO NOT throw anything on wires or electrical installations DO NOT approach a tree if you notice anything on it broken wire DO NOT climb on supports DO NOT play under by air lines power lines DO NOT climb on the roofs of houses and buildings near which there are electric wires

Electrical safety rules Do not touch naked or bad insulated wire; Do not use faulty or homemade electrical appliances or sockets; Do not touch switched on electrical appliances with wet hands; Do not remove the plug from the socket with wet hands.

Can electricity cause a fire?

To prevent electricity from causing a fire Do not leave open wiring; Do not plug in more than three appliances; Do not use electric irons or hotplates without special fireproof stands; Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended; Do not use paper or fabric as a lampshade for light bulbs; When leaving home, turn off lights and electrical appliances

First aid for electric shock. Ensure your safety. Put on dry gloves (rubber, wool, leather, etc.), rubber boots. If possible, turn off the power source. When approaching the victim on the ground, walk in small steps, no more than 10 cm.

Remove the wire from the victim with a dry, non-conductive object (stick, plastic). Drag the victim by his clothes at least 10 meters from the point where the wire touches the ground or from live equipment.

Call (on your own or with the help of others) " ambulance" Determine the presence of a pulse in the carotid artery, the reaction of the pupils to light, and spontaneous breathing. If there are no signs of life, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

When spontaneous breathing and heartbeat are restored, place the victim in a stable lateral position.

If the victim regains consciousness, cover and warm him. Monitor his condition until medical personnel arrive; repeated cardiac arrest may occur.

Paragraph 2.4 Answer the questions on page 39

Homework Paragraph 2.4 Drawing competition “We are for safe electricity

| Materials for life safety lessons for grade 5 | Lesson plan for the academic year | Electricity

Basics of life safety
5th grade

Lesson 6

Electricity is one of the most important discoveries of mankind. Very quickly it has become so familiar that we don’t notice it. How many of you remember where electric current is used?

Electricity provides us modern lighting, heating, water supply, ventilation, work industrial enterprises, trolleybuses, trams, metro, railway, cars, computers, televisions, cooking and much more. In a word, you and I live in a world of electricity.

You come home from school, turn on the lights, turn on the TV, heat up lunch for electric stove, sit down at the computer and don’t think that if handled ineptly, electric current, which you have heard about since childhood, poses a huge and even deadly danger.

Human contact with conductors carrying electric current can result in electrical injury or electric shock.

For example, on construction site, where the electrical network is located high voltage, a person may accidentally grab the exposed wire. In this case, an electric arc can form between his body and the electric current conductor, the temperature of which is more than 3500 ° C. This may cause electrical burns. In addition, passing through the human body, the current can cause muscle contraction, resulting in ruptures of blood vessels, skin, ligaments, and even dislocations of joints and bone fractures.

Many children, especially boys, love to watch welding work. But at the same time they don’t think that the rays from electric arc, if you look at them without protective glasses, lead to inflammation of the outer membranes of the eyes, which is accompanied by severe pain, pain in the eyes, and sometimes temporary loss of vision.

Leads to more severe and even tragic consequences electric shock. For example, in the basement or attic of a house next to distribution electrical panels or near electrical substations, you can accidentally, without noticing it, even for one moment touch bare wires metal parts energized fittings. This moment will be enough for an electric current to pass through the body, which will cause convulsive muscle contraction (electric shock). The most dangerous thing in this case may be loss of consciousness with impaired cardiac activity or breathing, and the most tragic thing may be cessation of breathing and blood circulation, i.e. clinical death.

Touching (and in damp weather, even just approaching less than 5 m) to live wires that have fallen to the ground can lead to the same consequences.

To protect yourself from electric shock, you must: simple rules:

■ do not touch a bare or poorly insulated wire;
■ do not use faulty electrical appliances;
■ do not touch switched on electrical appliances with wet hands;
■ do not play near electrical substations, in attics and basements, near electrical panels;
■ do not touch (and in wet weather do not come closer than 5 m) to wires that have fallen to the ground, which may be live.


1. In what cases can electric shock occur?
2. What rules must be followed to avoid electric shock?
3. What household electrical appliances do you have at home and do you know how to use them?
4. Help parents replace a burnt out light bulb. First ask them to show you how to do it, observing all safety measures, and then do it yourself.

TASK 7. Your friend put his hand on the wire of the turned on tape recorder, and he was shocked. The wire remained in his hand. Choose from the options offered further actions and determine their order.

1. Grab the wire and tear it out of your friend’s hands.
2. Come up and see how he feels.
3. Turn off the electricity at the electrical panel.
4. Pull the wire out of the socket using a dry wooden stick.
5. Call an ambulance.
6. Call your neighbors for help.