Class hour "getting to know the class." (2) “Knowing how to be with children”: How to start

The lesson on getting to know first grade students is diagnostic in nature. The level of development of communication skills of each child and the class as a whole is diagnosed. During the lesson, the most active students in the class are identified. In the process of getting to know the teacher and classmates, the level of anxiety in children decreases. The lesson takes place in game form and has elements of creative tasks.



Dating lesson

Teachers primary classes GBOU

Gymnasium No. 205 of St. Petersburg

Shpak Ekaterina Valerievna

Fedorova Irina Arkadyevna


Create a favorable environment for students’ adaptation.


Form ideas about the calendar, calendar holidays and related traditions;

Update existing knowledge in mathematics (solving simple problems; using tasks for the formation of spatial representations; tasks for restoring number sequences);

Develop existing mathematical concepts;

Develop fine motor skills (through working with scissors and paper);

Develop the ability to work in a team;

Form an idea of ​​the rules of behavior in the classroom and school;

Expected Result:

The children got to know each other and the class as much as possible;

Reduced anxiety levels;


Colored paper, scissors, markers, glue;

Badges with children's names;

Stuffed Toys;



During the classes:

  1. Introduction. What is a housewarming party?

Today we meet you for the first time in this class. Today is a very important day for you. Perhaps one of the most important things in life is when you enter school, you become students.

Who can be called a student?

What does "good student" mean? We will find out what kind of students you will be later, but today is not about that. Almost every day we will meet in this class. Here you will get acquainted with interesting people, relax, play, learn something new and interesting.

This class will be your second home. So we can say that today is our housewarming party.

What does "housewarming" mean?

How is this holiday celebrated?

It turns out you know a lot about this holiday! Well, let's celebrate the housewarming.

2. Main part.

  1. Getting to know each other

The first thing you need to do is get to know each other. My name is..., but we’ll find out what your name is now.

Stand in a circle. I will call your names and guess. If your name is called, jump up and shout: “I’m here!” If the name is not yours, sit down and be silent. (after the game the children return to their seats)

We have a lot of different and beautiful names in our class. To make it easier for us to remember them, they are printed on these cards. Now I will distribute them to you, and you will attach them to your clothes and be sure to wear them to school (distributing badges)

2. Introduction to the class:

Each holiday has its own traditions and characteristics. For example, on a birthday, they light as many candles on the cake as the age of the birthday person; V New Year- decorate the Christmas tree; at Easter they bake Easter cakes and paint eggs, but housewarming parties have their own traditions.

Before entering the house, who is let in? Why? For what?

In fact, this tradition came to us from the distant past. It was believed that if a house is uninhabited, that is, empty, then people will settle in it evil spirits. And if you don’t kick them out, they will interfere with their owners’ lives. And among our ancestors, the cat was a sacred animal, which these spirits were very afraid of. Therefore, before entering the house, a cat was always allowed into it.

Where can we get a cat?

Let's draw!

A game:

Children are divided into three teams. On the board, three sheets of paper, each person takes turns, blindfolded, and draws a part of the cat.

They turned out to be wonderful cats. Probably, if there were any evil spirits in our class, they have all already fled. And now we will all study well.

3. classroom decoration. "Calendar and calendar holidays."

In addition to housewarming, there are many other holidays that we celebrate every year on certain days.

What holidays are these?

Look at the blackboard. Here I have pictures that show different holidays, but their order is broken. Help me restore it.

How to find out the right day? Don't forget, don't miss the holiday?

What is a “calendar”?

What types of calendars are there?

What other holidays do you celebrate at home?

And in our class we will celebrate your birthdays. Let's mark them on our calendar. These days we will definitely not forget to congratulate our classmates. And in general, I hope that we will all live together, we will not quarrel, we will not live “like a cat and a dog.”

What does this expression mean?

A game:

Children stand in a circle. One child is given a cat, and a child at a distance of “three or four children” is given a dog. The dog “hands on” catches up with the cat (to the music). And then - vice versa (without music).

Well, it turns out that even a cat and a dog can play together and not quarrel.

4. Classroom decoration. (My home is planet Earth)

Let's go back to our calendar.

What kind of city is depicted on it?

What is the name of the city in which you and I live?

What about the country?

What about the planet?

This means that our planet is our home. Tell me, how do good home owners behave?

This means that each of us must take care of our own big house- about planet earth.

How can you and I take care of her?

What is the name of the planet model?

Look, I also have a Little Globe on my poster. But he is very bored alone. Let's support him.

Poster making:

Now each of you will take a sheet of colored paper, a pencil, circle your palm, cut it out with scissors, and then write your name on your palm. And we will glue all these charming multi-colored palms onto the drawing of Little Globe. Don't let him get bored, we will always support him.

5.. Conclusion. Postcards from Globusenko.

Look, while we were working, a message appeared for us. I just can't read it. Maybe one of you can tell me.

(on the sheet it says “mirror”)

Yes, you managed to drive us away,

But we managed to do some mischief:

You can't open the chest

And you won’t receive the letter!

So, here is a chest, there really is something in it, but it cannot be opened, there is a lock. Well, it’s okay, don’t be upset! I know what needs to be done. You and I have balloons, but unusual ones, school ones have a number written on each of them. Now you and I will guess riddles, solve problems, then put all the results together and see what happens (the teacher indicates each answer with an illustration on the board).

1) Mom and dad have 3 children,

Three cute storks.

One ran away from mom and dad,

He is disobedient and stubborn.

Now the parents are sad...

How many storks have there become?


2) Of the four testicles, two

Having broken it, the mouse ran away.

Of course the mouse is wrong

But how many are left?


3) Eight naughty mice

Jumped around the cat.

The cunning cat seemed to be sleeping,

But suddenly he opened his eyes.

And I caught two mice at once

How much did you miss?


So. Ball, what number do we need? (10)

(they burst the ball, take out the key from it, open the chest. There are personal names in it Greeting Cards from Globusenko).

3. Final part.

Our class is part big house. This house is called a school. The school has its own rules and laws, which you will soon become familiar with and which every person who comes to school must comply with. And not only students come to it, but also all those people who will help you become more mature and smarter. Now we will quietly walk around the school and get to know some of them.

Tour of the school.


1 class
Lesson – introduction “First time in first grade!”
Goal: creating a favorable psychological and pedagogical environment in the classroom
stage of a child’s entry into school life.
 organizing teacher acquaintance with the class;
 individual acquaintance with each student;
 creating conditions for each student;
 creating a sense of unity among students;
 creating prerequisites for the emergence of positive motivation to
further joint learning.
 poster with a picture of a flower bed;
 flowers cut out of colored paper. The teacher's name is written on them
and the names of all students
1.Greeting from the teacher.
The first of September, the first autumn day. Look out the window... Nothing yet
speaks of the arrival of autumn, only appeared here and there yellow leaves and goes more often
rain. But you still won’t confuse this day with any other, because
The school bell rings across the country.
It also rang in our lyceum. But before we talk about what we
let's deal with what lies ahead, I want to congratulate you on the beginning
school life. I waited with great impatience, with great excitement
this day, I have been waiting for this moment, when you all sit down at your desks, when we all
Let's get together in this class and I will tell you:
Hello children! I am your teacher Svetlana Nikolaevna. I'm glad
to see you today so elegant, joyful, and some serious. IN
in your eyes I read the question: “What awaits me at school?” In your lessons

A lot of interesting things await you, you will play and learn. You will be taught
wonderful teachers whom you will meet again.
2.Getting to know each other.
You met me, but you don’t know each other yet. Of course everyone
your name, and it can be difficult to immediately remember what someone’s name is. But it's difficult
talk to a person if you don’t know your name. And we will be together
to study, and therefore you need to know all the guys in your class.
Let's get acquainted. When I say "Three four!" each on command
will say his name. Well, let's try! (Children shout out their name.)
Oh, they seemed to be shouting loudly, but I didn’t hear a single name!
Let's try something different. Let's say our names in a quiet whisper. (Children
they speak in a whisper.)
Again something is wrong. Nobody screamed, and I didn't hear anything.
Probably, guys, the point is that everyone is talking at the same time. Together
work well, play cheerfully, sing great, but answer poorly: when everything
They immediately say different words, then nothing is clear. let's try
speak in turns, one at a time, and listen to the names of the boys and girls
our class. I will approach each of you, and the one to whose shoulder I
If I touch you, he will say his name loudly and clearly. I have flowers in my hand with yours
names, I will give each one one of the flowers. (Acquaintance in progress)
Thank you! Now all the names were heard?
There are flowers with your names in front of you. Listen carefully to the task.
Flowers will help you fulfill them.
Let's grow a big one on our board flower meadow. First I
I'll plant my flower. Boys, pick up the flowers. Come to the board those whose
names begin with the letters A, D, V. (Children go out and glue on the sheet
your flowers)
I ask everyone whose name is to come to the board...
And now they will come here...
Girls, pick up your flowers too.
Those girls whose names begin with the letters A, I, C will go to the board.
(Children come out)

Guys, look how many colors we got, as many as
you. And we are all one class. This is our class!
Game “Say a name”: I point to a student, everyone shouts his name in unison.
Game “Snowball” getting to know parents. Everyone calls
the names of all previous players and your own.
3. Getting to know the office.
Guys, our class is all of us, and our class is also the room where we
we are. Look how wonderful, bright and cozy it is! But you
I’ve only recently been here and haven’t quite gotten used to it yet, right? And he comes to us
I’m also not used to it yet: he’s waiting to see if we’ll love him,
take care that we don’t offend him. Your parents made renovations here. Let's
Let's tell them "Thank you!"
Game “Floor, nose, ceiling”: children must indicate the object that
the presenter calls, and not the one he shows.
4. What do you think, is it only each of us who has a name?
Give the name of our city.
How old is our city? When did we celebrate City Day?
What do you know about your city?
Say the name of our country.
What big holiday did our country celebrate in May?
Yes, there has been no war for 65 years. All people can live and work happily. Children
can study and play. We don't want war.
5. Introduction to educational things.
But we haven’t met everyone. Who else have we forgotten about?
Listen to the riddles and try to guess them.
1. Magic wand
I have friends
This shelf
I can build
Tower, house and plane
And a huge ship! (Pencil)
2. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line.
It’s too easy to write about them!
You can also draw...
What am I? (Notebook)

3. She speaks silently
And it’s understandable and not boring
Talk to her more often
You will become four times smarter. (Book)
4. Guess what kind of thing it is -
A sharp beak, not a bird,
With this beak she
Sows - sows seeds.
Not in the field, not in the garden -
On the pages of your notebook. (Pen)
5. How boring, brothers,
Ride on someone else's back!
Someone would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run on my own. (Knapsack)

6. In a black field there is a white hare
Jumped, ran, did loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare? (Chalk)
7. In black and white
They plow every now and then.
Rub with a rag -
Blank page. (Board)
Well done! What qualities does every schoolchild need? (Attention,
A game. Let's play and see how attentive and savvy you are.
I will ask questions, and you will answer “I” in unison.
 Who loves chocolate? (kvass)
 Who loves marmalade? (a pineapple)
 Who likes pears? (orange)
 Who doesn't wash their ears? (petrol)
6. Farewell.
Today we worked great and even played.
Did you like the lesson?
What did you especially like?

Guys, I'm asking you the first one. homework. Draw what you want
I liked it today.

Every teacher sometimes has to go into complete new class. And sometimes the children themselves only get to know each other for the first time on September 1st. And these are not always first-graders. Sometimes, for example, specialized classes or classes in a newly opened school turn out to be new. In such cases, acquaintance between children can be done informally, using special games that are well known to summer camp counselors.

Dating games

7–9 years

Each age has its own characteristics, and they must be taken into account when selecting games. “Games for getting to know each other” will help create a favorable environment, liberate children and introduce them to each other in a creative and original way.

The game “Ball” is suitable for introducing children of primary school age. The presenter holds the ball in his hands and says:
Multi-colored ball
Jumps along the path
Along the path, along the path,
From birch to aspen,
From the aspen tree - turn -
Straight to Sasha's garden! (name of one of the players.)
With the last words, the presenter throws the ball up. The participants whose name has been called must catch the ball. The one who caught it becomes the leader. If the name of a participant who is not in the game is named, the presenter catches the ball and makes the next throw.

It's me
Another version of the dating game for younger age- game “This is me.” The players stand in a circle. The presenter is in the center and calls two names (of one of the children present), one is male, the other is female.
The players whose names have been called shout: “It’s me” - and change places. The presenter’s task is to take the vacant seat. The one who did not have time to take an empty seat becomes the leader.

11–13 years old

Children in grades 5–8 can be introduced using the game “Hello.”
All participants stand in a circle facing shoulder to shoulder. The driver walks along outside circle and hits one of the players. The driver and the player who was hit run in different directions along the outside of the circle.
Having met, the children shake hands, say “Hello” and say their names. Then they run further, trying to take an empty place in the circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the driver.

Who is who
Another version of the dating game is called "Who's Who?" Each player receives a piece of paper and a pencil. Five minutes after the presenter’s signal, the players must get to know each other, finding out names and who wants to become who ( future profession). You can find out anything - favorite color, favorite music, pets, etc. The received data is recorded on a piece of paper. The one who manages to learn and write down the most wins.

Let's open our hearts to each other
You can use a game called “Let's open our hearts to each other.” Each player receives a heart-shaped token on which he writes his name. The presenter walks in a circle with his hat. Players say their names out loud and put hearts in the hat. After this, the leader walks around the circle a second time.
Now the players’ task is to take one of the hearts out of the hat, read the name written on it out loud, remember who it belongs to, and give it to the owner.

The game “Helpline” will help students get to know each other collectively. Participants sit in pairs, boys opposite girls. The girls whisper their names to the boys sitting in pairs with them. After this, the boy sitting in the front row quietly tells his neighbor the name of his partner, so that the other boys do not hear. The second player tells the third the name of the first girl and the name of the one sitting opposite him, etc.
The last boy must say out loud the names of all the girls. If the name is named correctly, then the girl stands up; if not, then the girl remains sitting. After this, the girls learn the names of the boys and call them. The team that is most accurate wins.

14–16 years old

It’s good to use the game “Vanity of Vanities” to get acquainted with high school students. All participants in the game are given cards, which are divided into 9–25 cells. Each cell contains a task. The essence of the game is to write down in each cell the name of a person who loves fish, keeps a dog at home, goes hiking, etc. Here there is scope for your imagination. The more unexpected the tasks, the better.
Using this game, the teacher will not only introduce students, but will also be able to conduct primary diagnosis in the classroom - it all depends on what questions will be written in the task cells. You can identify lovers of drawing, singing, and playing the guitar. There is no winner in this game, although it is possible to mark those who complete the task first.

My partner
More free form dating game is called “My Partner”. Participants are divided into pairs. They are given 3 minutes, during which they must learn as much as possible about each other. Then everyone sits in a circle, and each player talks about his partner. Presentation style – any. Originality is encouraged.

Unusual option dating for high school students - the game “Liar”.
This game will also help you get to know each other better. 5–8 people required. Prepare forms equal to the number of players. The forms should contain questions similar to the following:
– The farthest place I was able to visit is – ________________ .
– As a child, I was forbidden to do _____, but I did it anyway.
- My hobbies - ____________.
– When I was little, I dreamed of becoming .
– I have one bad habit – .
Sheets with these questions are given to each player, and everyone must fill them out, answering all but one question truthfully. That is, one answer will be incorrect, false.
Once everyone has filled out their forms, players take turns reading their answers out loud. The other players' task is to guess which of the player's answers is false. Have them write their choice on the opposite side of their forms. Find out the number of the false answer and award a point to everyone who guessed the false answer. The one who scores the most points wins.
You can change the rules. Instead of one incorrect answer out of five, write four incorrect and one correct.

To help children remember each other’s names better, you can use the “Snowball” game. The participants of the game sit down or stand in a circle so that they can see each other. Everyone takes turns saying their name.
Each subsequent player names the names of all previous players, adding his own to them. For example, the first participant says his name, the second - the name of the first and his, the third - the name of the first, the second and his, and so on until the last player, who must name the names of everyone in the circle.
Game options:
In addition to his name, each player names a quality that begins with the first letter of his name or corresponds to his character. For example: Vera - loyalty, Sergei - brave, Natalya - tender...
Each player, calling his name, enters the circle of players, making some movement - waving his hand, limping, bending, etc. Following him, all the players take a step into the circle, calling the name of the previous player and repeating his movement.

The group is given cards divided into squares. In each square, some quality of a person is written, for example: “I like to sing”, “I have a dog”, “I play volleyball”. Everyone must find people with these characteristics and write their names on their card so that all the cells are filled.
The exercise should include those qualities that are important to the teacher: interest in specialized activities (“I love theater”), hobby groups (“I like to read science fiction”), etc.

I know how, I can teach, I want to learn
More difficult option acquaintance, which will also help the teacher conduct diagnostics in a new class - the game “I can, I can teach, I want to learn.” The players sit in a circle. Each person writes down answers to three questions on a piece of paper: what can I do, what can I teach, what do I want to learn.
Next, all players are divided into pairs, exchange pieces of paper and prepare a presentation to each other for 1–2 minutes in any form (speech, poetry, song, sketch, etc.).

You can find a few dozen more games to get acquainted with on the Igrobank website.

Lesson: teacher introduction to class

Create a favorable environment for students’ adaptation.

Form ideas about the calendar, calendar holidays and related traditions;

Develop the ability to work in a team;

Form an idea of ​​the rules of behavior in the classroom and school;

Expected Result:

The children got to know each other and the class as much as possible;

Reduced anxiety levels;

During the classes:

Introduction. What is a housewarming party?

Today we meet you for the first time in this class. Today is a very important day for you. Perhaps one of the most important things in life is when you go to school, you become students.

Who can be called a student?

What does "good student" mean? We will find out what kind of students you will be later, but today is not about that. Almost every day we will meet in this class. Here you will study, meet interesting people, relax, play, learn something new and interesting.

This class will be your second home. So we can say that today is our housewarming party.

What does "housewarming" mean?

How is this holiday celebrated?

It turns out you know a lot about this holiday! Well, let's celebrate the housewarming.

2. Main part.

Getting to know each other

The first thing you need to do is get to know each other. My name is..., but we’ll find out what your name is now.

Stand in a circle. I will call your names and guess. If your name is called, jump up and shout: “I’m here!”

We have a lot of different and beautiful names in our class. To make it easier for us to remember them, they are printed on these cards.

2. Introduction to the class:

Each holiday has its own traditions and characteristics. For example, on a birthday, they light as many candles on the cake as the age of the birthday person; on New Year's Day they decorate the Christmas tree; at Easter they bake Easter cakes and paint eggs, but housewarming parties have their own traditions.

Before entering the house, who is let in? Why? For what?

In fact, this tradition came to us from the distant past. It was believed that if a house is uninhabited, that is, empty, then evil spirits settle in it. And if you don’t kick them out, they will interfere with their owners’ lives. And among our ancestors, the cat was a sacred animal, which these spirits were very afraid of. Therefore, before entering the house, a cat was always allowed into it.

Where can we get a cat?

Let's color it!

Color the cat.

They turned out to be wonderful cats. Probably, if there were any evil spirits in our class, they have all already fled. And now we will all study well.

3.. "Calendar and calendar holidays."

In addition to housewarming, there are many other holidays that we celebrate every year on certain days.

But how do you know the right day? Don't forget, don't miss the holiday?

There is a calendar for this -

Days go by, minutes melt away,

Time flies quickly

What year is it now?

The calendar gives the answer

What a month it is outside -

We look at the calendar.

And in our class we will celebrate your birthdays. Let's mark them on our calendar. Color in the time of year you were born. These days we will definitely not forget to congratulate our classmates. And in general, I hope that we will all live together, we will not quarrel, we will not live “like a cat and a dog.”

What does this expression mean?

Children stand in a circle. One child is given a cat, and a child at a distance of “three or four children” is given a dog. The dog “hands on” catches up with the cat (to the music). And then - vice versa (without music).

Well, it turns out that even a cat and a dog can play together and not quarrel.

And in our house there will be rules:

So, the first rule of our lessons from now on will be this: “One speaks, others listen.” Second rule: “Have patience. Don’t interrupt whoever is speaking.” And the third rule: “The teacher hears and sees those who know how to raise their hands correctly” if he has something to say, ask or ask for something.

Test No. 1“I know the letters...” In front of you are colored pencils, markers, album sheet. This is what you will be working on now. Write numbers, letters, and maybe even words that you know on it, or draw what you know. You will complete this task while beautiful music is playing. But as soon as the music stops, you immediately stop what you are doing. Is the task clear? (Music plays.) The teacher walks through and signs the children’s work.

Test #2 -“Erudite” - Who is an erudite? (the one who knows almost everything) - Let's see if you can be called erudite.

I will ask questions and you will answer them. Ready?

What is the name of our country?


What is the name of our city?

What is the name of our president?

What colors are on the Russian flag?

Trial No. 3. "Preschooler"- Who can read it? Are we preschoolers now? No, but who? (Schoolchildren.) - How to turn a preschooler into a schoolchild? Maybe someone guessed it? (Remove letters d, o). Well done! Now we are (in unison) SCHOOLCHILDREN!

4. Distribution of textbooks. – Well, since you have now turned from preschoolers into real 1st grade students, the school has prepared textbooks for you, which you will use for the whole year.

- Well, who guessed what needs to be done with them at home? (With washed hands, you can look at them, leaf through them, wrap them, sign them, and insert a bookmark). The teacher speaks and shows on his textbooks. “After all, other first-graders will learn from them after you.”

Our first lesson has come to an end. Meet another friend of yours - the school bell. The bell will call you to class, and when it ends, it will ring again - ding - ding! This means the lesson is over and recess begins.