What is the fat content of powdered milk? Use in cooking

Everyone knows about the benefits of milk - both adults and children. This product is an ingredient in a huge variety of dishes and contains a lot of useful substances. According to the opinion of a large number of people, only a product that is stored for a short time can be useful, and all long-term storage packages are “solid chemicals.” By state standards(GOST) there are several types of milk depending on the type of its processing, and none of them can be called unhealthy. The same goes for powdered milk. We suggest finding out how it is prepared and what properties it has.

What is milk powder made from: composition and calorie content

We should start with the fact that milk powder is a natural product, since the powder is made from cow's milk by condensing it and drying it in special equipment at a temperature of 150-170 degrees Celsius. Essentially, it is a milk concentrate that must be dissolved in water to give it its original appearance. It has been used since the beginning of the nineteenth century as a method of long-term storage of the drink, and today it is most popular in food production and in those regions where the supply of fresh milk in sufficient quantities is not possible. Thus, the only ingredient from which milk powder is made is natural cow's milk.

As for the calorie content of the product, it all depends on its specific type. Thus, a whole dry product has a calorie content of 550 kcal per 100 grams, and a low-fat product has approximately 370 cal. Despite its unusual shape, this milk also has a whole host of useful components in its composition:

  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, B9, B12, D, C, PP, E);
  • micro- and macroelements (sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, cobalt, selenium, manganese, sulfur, iodine, iron, etc.);
  • essential amino acids for humans.

Types of powdered milk

The principle of preparing a powdered milk product remains the same, but depending on the specific characteristics, several varieties of such powder can be distinguished:

  1. whole milk powder- the most nutritious of all types, as it has the largest percentage fat content This feature also has back side– because of this, the shelf life becomes shorter. It is this type that is most often used at home for consumption;
  2. dry low-fat product- This is whole milk that has undergone a fat removal procedure. Thus, the powder practically does not contain them, and its shelf life due to this increases to 9 months. This component can most often be found in the production of cheese, bread, confectionery, and meat industries;
  3. last type – instant powder. It is prepared by mixing the two previous varieties, moistening them and drying them again. It has great value in the production of instant food products, in particular baby cereals and infant formula.

How to properly dilute milk powder: proportions

In order to drink powdered milk or use it as a substitute for regular milk in its absence, the powder must be returned to its original form, that is, water must be added. The classic dilution ratio is 3 to 1 (one part milk - three parts warm water). Depending on specific goals, this proportion may vary.

To get a good result from this procedure, you need to follow a number of rules and recommendations:

  1. cannot be used for breeding cold water, otherwise some of the particles will simply crystallize, and this will be felt when drinking the drink;
  2. too much hot water, and especially boiling water, should also not be used - the milk will curdle in this case;
  3. it is necessary to pour water into the powder, and not vice versa, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid the appearance of lumps;
  4. You should not use a mixer while preparing milk, as this will create unnecessary foam;
  5. After dilution, you need to let the liquid sit a little.

Benefits and harms of using the product

Discussions regarding the replacement of regular milk with a powdered product in food production are often found in the media. mass media. However, research has found that the difference between a fresh drink and one reconstituted from powder is insignificant. If we talk about the benefits of the powder product, then it is almost the same as the benefits of regular milk, since it is prepared from it, only the nutritional value due to the protein, fat and carbohydrate content of dry milk, it is lower. When discussing the benefits of the product, it is worth highlighting the following aspects:

  • calcium is necessary to strengthen bone elements;
  • provides potassium normal work of cardio-vascular system;
  • vitamin A has a positive effect on vision and skin condition;
  • choline helps normalize blood cholesterol levels, etc.

Just like a regular, fresh drink, powdered milk can be harmful to the body if a person is lactose intolerant. In such a situation, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain and other symptoms cannot be ruled out. It is important to note that if we're talking about about the benefits of powdered milk, then it must be of high quality, otherwise the powder may even turn out to be dangerous. Thus, harm can be caused by unscrupulous manufacturers who add not milk fat to the product, but low-quality deodorized vegetable fats, which completely deprives the drink of important fat-soluble vitamins. That is why, when choosing powdered milk, you need to carefully study the composition and give preference only to high-quality products.

Powdered milk for gaining muscle mass

Before the appearance sports nutrition and even today, when its range is very wide, powdered milk is used by athletes to gain muscle mass as a rich source of protein. As you know, bodybuilders go on special diets to build muscle, which involve predominantly protein nutrition, and therefore it is not surprising that the product in question is often found in such a diet. During active weight gain, the substance helps increase the overall calorie intake and compensate for the lack of milk protein, which also has a positive effect on endurance. The standard portion of powdered milk for an athlete is 100 grams per day, and during the period of weight gain - 2-3 times more. And although powdered milk is also often included in the composition of modern sports mixtures, some, in order to save money, prefer to use the whole dry product.

What can you make from it at home?

Powdered milk is not only a raw material for industry that is convenient to store and transport; such an ingredient can easily get along in an ordinary kitchen, being an important component of many home recipes.

Recipe for pancakes with milk powder

To prepare pancakes or pancakes, it is not even necessary to first dilute the milk powder separately. So, to begin with, it will be enough to beat a couple of eggs, add milk powder (5 tablespoons), a pinch of salt and sugar to taste. When everything is mixed, you need to add 300 ml of warm clean water and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. All that remains is to add sifted wheat flour (about two glasses) and a couple of spoons to the liquid component vegetable oil. At this point, the dough is completely ready for further preparation of pancakes; all that remains is to heat the frying pan and pour the resulting mixture onto it in portions.

How to make burfi sweets

Burfi is a kind of sweet based on an ancient Indian recipe. It is based on milk enriched with a large variety of spices. The candy recipe is simple, but the taste is simply unique.

So, to prepare burfi you will need 400 grams of milk powder, 200 grams of granulated sugar, 250 grams of heavy cream, nuts, vanilla sugar and butter(200 grams). The cooking process involves boiling the mass. So, first you need to melt the butter, add sugar until completely dissolved, then add cream and simmer for about 5 minutes. The mass should cool down to room temperature, after which you need to add dry milk into it and start beating with a mixer. The resulting thick mass should be placed on the prepared form and sent to freezer for half an hour until everything freezes. All that remains is to cut the layer into individual candies and place a nut in each.

Roll recipe in 5 minutes

When it is necessary to quickly prepare something tasty for tea, the housewife faces a real challenge designed to demonstrate her skill. In a minimum amount of time you can prepare an excellent dessert - a roll made with powdered milk.

To create this dish you will need the following products:

  • 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • the same amount of flour and milk powder;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt and a third of a spoon of soda, quenched with vinegar.

The baking sheet must be placed in the oven in advance and left to heat up. Next, you can knead the dough: beat the eggs with sugar, add flour and dry milk, sifted through a sieve, and at the very end - soda. After everything is kneaded until smooth, you can pour the dough onto a hot baking sheet lined with parchment paper. The cake is baked very quickly - only 5 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. The finished layer is rolled into a roll with a towel and left to cool, after which it can be coated with cream. For the filling you can use sour cream - beat 200 grams of thick sour cream and 150 grams powdered sugar, add some fruit or berries.

Milk powder is a soluble powder obtained from normalized cow's milk by condensing and drying it. Powdered milk is widely used in cooking as an ingredient in various dishes. Also, milk powder is diluted in warm water and consumed like regular milk. Natural milk powder is included in many types of baby food. Compared to regular milk, milk powder has a long shelf life, which is its main advantage. At the same time, powdered milk retains all the minerals and some vitamins that are present in regular cow's milk.

Composition of milk powder

Powdered milk consists of fats, proteins, milk sugar and minerals. Skimmed milk powder (SMP) contains significantly less fat than whole milk powder (WMP), while skimmed milk powder contains more proteins and milk sugar.

Among the mineral substances that make up milk powder, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium are present in larger quantities, and selenium, zinc, copper, iron, and manganese are present in smaller quantities.

Powdered milk contains vitamins such as C, B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6), K and A.

The calorie content of skim milk powder (SMP) is 373 kcal per 100 grams of product, and whole milk powder (WMP) is 549 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Classification and types of milk powder

Powdered cow's milk can be divided into 3 types:

  1. whole milk powder (WMP);
    1. whole milk powder 20% fat;
    2. whole milk powder 25% fat;
  2. skimmed milk powder (SMP);
  3. instant milk powder;
  4. powdered milk for the production of baby food.

These types of milk differ mainly in the percentage of substances from which they consist. Instant milk powder is obtained mainly from skimmed milk powder through additional operations carried out during its manufacture, due to which the milk powder becomes more hydrophilic.

The percentage of substances included in the composition of whole milk powder (WMP) 25% fat:

  1. Milk sugar – 36.5%;
  2. Proteins – 25.5%;
  3. Fats – 25%;
  4. Minerals – 9%;
  5. Moisture – 4%.

Percentage content of substances included in the composition of skimmed milk powder (SMP):

  1. Milk sugar – 52%;
  2. Proteins – 36%;
  3. Fats – 1%;
  4. Minerals – 6%;
  5. Moisture – 5%.

Whole milk powder (WMP) and skimmed milk powder (SMP) mainly differ in fat content. Skim milk powder contains only one percent fat, less minerals than whole milk powder, but more protein, moisture and milk sugar. Due to the lack of fat, skim milk powder has a longer shelf life than whole milk powder, since fats spoil faster than other ingredients in milk powder.

Powdered milk production technology

Powdered milk is produced in accordance with GOST R 52791-2007 “Canned milk products. Powdered milk. Technical conditions" and GOST 4495-87 "Whole milk powder".

The milk powder production process consists of 9 stages:

  1. Reception and preparation of cow's milk for processing. The first stage of the technological scheme for the production of powdered milk, at which cow's milk is received in accordance with GOST 26809, after which the cow's milk is heated to 40 degrees Celsius.
  2. Cow's milk purification is a stage at which heated milk is cleaned of contaminants that may have entered the milk during milking of cows.
  3. Normalization of cow's milk is a stage at which milk is separated into cream and skim milk using special separators, after which, by introducing a certain proportion of cream into skim milk, the required fat content of cow's milk is achieved.
  4. Milk pasteurization is a stage in the technological scheme for the production of powdered milk, at which cow's milk undergoes heat treatment to cleanse it of unnecessary bacteria and microorganisms.
  5. Milk cooling is the stage at which milk is cooled in special tanks for further processing.
  6. Milk condensation is a stage in the production scheme for producing milk powder, in which the liquid is evaporated from cow's milk in special vacuum evaporation units until the milk reaches the required density.
  7. Milk homogenization is a stage in which milk is given a homogeneous structure by mechanical impact on special homogenizer machines.
  8. Milk drying is the stage in which processed milk is dried to a dry powder in special drying chambers.
  9. Packaging of powdered milk is the final stage of the technological scheme for the production of powdered milk, at which the powdered milk is packaged and sent for sale.

Breeding milk powder at home

Instructions on how to properly dilute milk powder are usually present on the product packaging, but some manufacturers do not place instructions on how to properly dilute milk powder on their product. If instructions for diluting milk powder are present on the product packaging, and if not, then you can use the tips below.

Typically, milk powder is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 8. To obtain a glass of milk with a volume of 200 milliliters, you need 5 teaspoons of milk powder or 1 heaped tablespoon. First, pour the milk powder into a glass, and then gradually add warm water and stir constantly until the milk powder is completely dissolved in the water. Using these proportions to dilute milk powder in water will produce drinking milk with a fat content of 2.5%. Before adding water, it is recommended to boil and cool until warm.

A teaspoon contains 5 grams of milk powder, and a tablespoon contains 20 grams. Knowing the proportion of 1 to 8 to obtain drinking milk with a fat content of 2.5%, you can estimate how much drinking milk can be obtained from milk powder. So, it turns out that a tablespoon of powdered milk contains 160 milliliters of drinking milk, and a teaspoon contains 40 milliliters of drinking milk with 2.5% fat content.

Powdered milk storage and shelf life

If storage conditions are properly observed, the shelf life of whole milk powder does not exceed 8 months, and that of skimmed milk powder - no more than 3 years. Powdered milk should be stored at a temperature of 0 to 10 degrees Celsius with a humidity not exceeding 85%. It is advisable to store milk powder in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Benefits of milk powder

Powdered milk is made from natural cow's milk, so it has almost all the beneficial qualities of regular milk. Powdered milk contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium in large quantities. The presence of these elements in the human body is necessary in sufficient quantities for normal functioning all organs. Calcium strengthens nails, teeth and other human bone tissue. Potassium is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain, muscles and nervous system person. Phosphorus is necessary for dental health, proper metabolic processes and restoration of the human body. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on bone growth, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and regulates blood sugar levels.

In addition, the benefit of powdered milk for the human body is that it contains vitamins C, B, K, A. Vitamin C is beneficial for the body because it strengthens the immune system, which protects the body from various infections. B vitamins have a complex positive effect on the human body, which consists in: proper operation nervous system and brain, improved memory processes, good metabolism, mental balance. Vitamin K ensures normal blood clotting, and vitamin A is very good for the eyes.

Powdered milk is beneficial for the human body in almost the same way as regular cow's milk. Powdered milk is often used to make baby food, so it is useful not only for adults, but also for children. But since powdered milk is a processing product of regular milk, it also has the disadvantages of the original product, that is, powdered milk is as harmful as regular milk.

Harm of powdered milk and contraindications

There is virtually no harm from milk powder to the human body. Powdered milk can be harmful if it was made from low-quality cow's milk with harmful impurities, then all the harmful substances will remain in the powdered milk. If high-quality cow's milk was used to make milk powder, then the milk powder will turn out harmless.

Powdered milk from unscrupulous manufacturers who add milk during its production can also be harmful. harmful components. Therefore, when purchasing powdered milk, it is important to read its composition on the package.

In addition, powdered milk can be harmful to people with lactose intolerance, just like live cow's milk. If the human body does not tolerate dairy products, then dry milk can lead to intestinal upset.

Milk powder is a soluble powder obtained by drying normalized pasteurized cow's milk. The production of milk powder is due to the longer shelf life of this product compared to regular milk.
There is also instant milk powder.
Usually diluted in warm water and consumed as a regular drink, retaining many beneficial features fresh pasteurized milk. It has wide application in cooking. Included in many types of infant formula.

Powdered milk production

Probably not each of us knows how powdered milk is made. For the first time about this product became known back in 1832, when the Russian chemist M. Dirchov founded the first production of powdered milk. Real milk powder must be made from natural cow milk. The process consists of several stages. First, the milk is normalized to the desired fat content, pasteurized and condensed in machines with high pressure. Next, the resulting mixture is homogenized and dried in special devices at temperatures of 150-180 degrees. As a result, a white powder remains - this is powdered milk, or rather its dry residue, which has lost 85% of its volume (water).
The only advantage of such a product over whole milk is the possibility of its long-term storage. Plus, it takes up little space, which is very important when transporting.
The composition of powdered milk is the same as that of whole milk, it just does not contain water. Powdered milk is produced in accordance with GOST 4495-87 “Whole milk powder” and GOST R 52791-2007 “Canned milk. Powdered milk. Technical conditions".

Composition of milk powder

Powdered milk can be whole (WCM) or skim milk (SOM). These two types of milk powder differ in the percentage of substances they contain.

Whole milk:

Fats (%) - 25
Proteins (%) - 25.5
Milk sugar (%) - 36.5
Minerals (%) - 9
Humidity (%) - 4

Skimmed milk:

Fats (%) - 1
Proteins (%) - 36
Milk sugar (%) - 52
Minerals (%) - 6
Humidity (%) - 5
Calorie content per 100 g - 1567 kJ (373 kcal)

The shelf life of whole milk powder is less than that of skim milk, since fats are susceptible to spoilage - rancidity. It should be stored at a temperature of 0 to 10 °C and a relative humidity of no higher than 85% for up to 8 months from the date of production.
Instant milk powder is made by mixing whole and skim milk powder. The mixture is moistened with steam, after which it sticks together into lumps, which are then dried again.

When properly prepared, the composition of milk powder retains most of the vitamins and almost all mineral components.
100 grams of it contain (in brackets - content in fresh milk):

- vitamin A in the amount of 0.013 mg (0.02 mg)
- vitamin B1 in the amount of 0.01 mg (0.04 mg)
- vitamin B2 - 0.02 mg (0.15 mg)
- vitamin C - 0.4 mg (1.3 mg)

In addition, milk powder contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and other macroelements, which provide comprehensive support for all body systems.

If during the production of powdered milk some of the vitamins disintegrate due to the heat treatment of the raw materials, then the mineral components are not afraid of heat treatment and are preserved in the milk powder in the same quantities as in fresh milk.
It is not surprising that powdered milk can be used as a replacement for fresh milk. It is useful because it fills the body with energy, calcium and vitamins, is easily digestible and has little effect on the overall reaction of the digestive tract. Reconstituted milk can be consumed by patients with diabetes and gastroenterological diseases.
In addition, vitamin B12, which is part of milk powder, is necessary for those who voluntarily refuse to eat meat. The obvious beneficial properties of powdered milk are also manifested in the fact that preparing a drink from it does not require boiling: when condensed and dried, it already undergoes pasteurization, which destroys various bacteria.
The only disadvantages can be considered the ability to cause allergic reactions in those who cannot tolerate fresh milk, and a reduced amount of vitamins at a fairly high energy value. This imbalance can lead to excess weight gain.

Why is powdered milk harmful?

Due to drying at high temperatures, harmful oxysterols are formed in milk powder.
Because of this, milk powder is banned in several countries.
Homogenization is also not the most useful process, during which mixing occurs with the rotor of a dispehydrator and exposure to pressure of 5-400 atmospheres through the homogenizer.
All food that is cooked under pressure is harmful to humans. And even more so under such enormous pressure.
The use of high-temperature dryers, which allow the production of maximum products per unit of time, leaves practically no vitamins in the milk powder.
Therefore, many people consider powdered milk to be harmful. The reputation of powdered milk as a healthy product is now being spoiled by various fakes, to which soy, starch and sugar are added.
It is no longer possible to call such a mixture milk, and in order not to purchase a low-quality product in the store, it is necessary to carefully check that the milk complies with GOST, and not technical specifications, and read the ingredients information on the product packaging.

How to use milk powder in cooking

Powdered milk has become very widespread in cooking and desserts.
Added to baked goods, it provides a denser consistency final product, and as part of various creams and pastes it ensures long-term storage of the finished product. Very often it is used to restore the drink.
The powder is simply mixed into the right proportions with water to obtain liquid milk, little distinguishable in taste and smell from whole pasteurized milk.
When producing milk powder, roller dryers are sometimes used. During the working process, the walls of such dryers heat up, and the milk caramelizes when it comes into contact with them. This is why powdered milk often has a “candy” smell.
Various baby formulas and feeds for feeding pets are prepared on the basis of milk powder. In some cases, this drink is more easily absorbed by the child’s body than a fresh one. mother's milk. Powdered milk can even be fermented to make yogurt.
Also, many housewives add powdered milk to whole milk for thickness. Today, unscrupulous manufacturers often produce milk reconstituted from powder under the guise of whole pasteurized milk.

To avoid such deception, when purchasing, you must carefully read the composition of the product. It must indicate only whole cow's milk.

Powdered milk is a product obtained from natural cow's milk by condensing it and drying it in special drying units. This well-known product is a soluble powder that is dissolved in warm water. The finished drink retains all its beneficial properties natural milk. This product began to be used at the beginning of the nineteenth century. First industrial production milk powder was established in 1932 by the chemist M. Dirchov.

The drink is produced by pasteurizing and condensing fresh cow's milk. Then it is homogenized and dried on spray and roller dryers at a temperature of 150-180 degrees Celsius. After drying, this product is sifted and cooled.

This product is more popular in winter period, in regions where fresh milk is supplied in limited quantities.

Composition and calorie content of milk powder

Today, whole milk, skim milk and instant milk are produced. They differ in the percentage of certain substances and in areas of application.

Whole and skim milk powder contains, respectively, 4 and 5% moisture, 26 and 36% protein, 25 and 1% fat, 37 and 52% milk sugar, 10 and 6% minerals.

The calorie content of whole milk powder is 549.3 kcal, the calorie content of skimmed milk powder is 373 kcal.

Per 100 grams of milk there is vitamin A - 0.003 mg, B1 - 0.046 mg, B2 - 2.1 mg, D - 0.57 mcg, choline - 23.6 mg, vitamin PP - 5 mg, vitamin E - 3.2 mcg , vitamin C – 4 mg, vitamin B12 – 0.4 mcg, vitamin B9 – 5 mcg.

Milk powder contains significant amounts of calcium (1000 mg), sodium (400 mg), potassium (1200 mg) and phosphorus (780 mg). Milk contains small amounts of magnesium, cobalt, molybdenum, selenium, manganese, as well as iron, iodine, sulfur and chlorine.

This drink contains all twenty essential amino acids.

Benefits of milk powder

Quite often, the media discusses the replacement of natural milk by diluted dry milk by manufacturers. What is the difference between powdered milk and fresh drink? Through analytical comparison, it has been proven that the differences between whole milk and milk reconstituted from dry powder are insignificant. The benefits of powdered milk are primarily indicated by the fact that it is made from the same natural cow's milk. However, the nutritional value of natural cow's milk is higher due to the content of proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates. The cholesterol content is approximately the same in both dry and natural milk.

Vitamin B12, contained in large quantities in milk powder, makes it useful for anemia. One hundred grams of reconstituted milk powder satisfies daily requirement body in this vitamin.

The benefits of powdered milk largely depend on its quality. Only a high-quality product can temporarily replace natural milk.

Harm of powdered milk

Powdered milk can cause significant harm if there is no enzyme in the human body that breaks down lactose. Characteristic symptoms intolerance may include diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain.

Powdered milk causes considerable harm to the human body if manufacturers do not comply with technological standards for the production of this drink. For example, some manufacturers add not milk fat to skim milk, but low-quality deodorized vegetable fats, which deprive the product of valuable fat-soluble vitamins. It is possible to detect such a violation only by laboratory research. Therefore, when choosing milk, it is advisable to give preference to well-known brands from large manufacturers.

Use of milk

To make milk from dry powder, it must be cooked. To do this you need to dilute the powder. warm water in a ratio of one to three. According to some scientists, it is best to drink milk early in the morning or late in the evening. At other times of the day, this drink can be harmful to digestion. After this, it is not recommended to eat food. You can add a little sugar or honey to the milk, as well as fennel and cardamom - they calm the nervous system.

The product is used in baby food, as well as for making bakery products, in the production of confectionery products, as an additive to sausages and meat products.

In addition, this drink is used in cosmetology to prepare masks and creams. A milk-based mask significantly improves tone and has a tightening effect. For flaky and very dry skin, a mask made from a mixture of honey and flax seeds is perfect. On dry and normal skin, it is useful to apply a mask made from a mixture of honey, egg yolk and milk.

Storage conditions

Store powdered milk powder in a dark, dry place, at an air humidity of 85% and a temperature of 0 to 10 degrees Celsius. Shelf life is up to eight months from the date of release.

According to some, powdered milk has no place in the production of milk; others are convinced that the “horror stories” are unfounded and can only harm the dairy industry. To figure this out, Roskachestvo and aif.ru turned to Elena Yurova, head of the technical and chemical control laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "VNIMI", and Andrey Danilenko, chairman of the board of Soyuzmoloko.

Roskoshestvo: In the production of which dairy and fermented milk products do manufacturers use powdered milk?

Andrey Danilenko

Chairman of the Board of Soyuzmoloko

Powdered milk is a completely legal raw material for the production of many products, including fermented milk and processed cheeses.

Elena Yurova

Head of the Technochemical Control Laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "VNIMI"

It is officially permitted to use milk powder in the production of yogurt. According to legal requirements, yogurt must contain a high content of nonfat milk solids. Therefore, any yoghurt produced in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations must be produced using it. Otherwise, the manufacturer will never reach the required standard, which is established for pure natural products - 9.5% mass fraction of SOMO (non-fat milk solids). And so does the whole world.

In addition, there are fermented milk products that are produced according to national standards. These include: yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk and other products. In principle, there is no direct need to add milk powder to prepare them. Moreover, if, for example, you produce kefir using dry milk, you will not get exactly the same product that is called kefir. It will be less tasty, thinner and more sour.

But a kefir product can also be produced from dry milk, and 100% from dry milk, because in the production of a kefir product a different starter is used (for example, a direct-introduced dry starter, and not live kefir grains). As a rule, such a kefir product is produced in the northern regions of the country, where there is no “live” raw milk, but good quality fermented milk products are needed.

According to legal requirements, it is allowed to add milk powder to the product to normalize protein due to “seasonality.” In Russia, winter is known to be long, and during this period the volume of raw milk production decreases. In order not to reduce the volume of production, manufacturers use powdered milk. This is a common practice that has been practiced since the times Soviet Union. The main thing is that the manufacturer indicates on the packaging the presence of milk powder in the product.

Another dairy product that is produced using milk powder is ice cream. In the mid-70s, ice cream factories began to appear independent of the milk processing plant, and it is now common practice for ice cream to be produced by dry mixing from whole milk powder and the necessary ingredients. It is important that the composition of the product is indicated in the labeling.

There are enterprises that process milk and produce ice cream. For example, there is such an enterprise in Vologda. Hypothetically, they can produce ice cream from both powdered and raw milk. But in in this case this is generally the exception because it is difficult to separate streams and produce large volumes of ice cream.

If we talk about international practice, in particular about Europe, then there are quite strict restrictions on the use of milk powder in food production.

Thus, powdered milk can be used in food processing only if it has certain characteristics according to the heat treatment class, the so-called thermal class. According to this parameter, all powdered milk is divided according to thermal number and thermal class, and if the milk is classified as high-temperature processing class milk, then it is allowed to be used only for animal feed or in industrial processing.

We have not yet implemented requirements for thermal class and thermal number. However, many enterprises that use milk powder in their production to produce products special purpose or functional products, for example, for baby food, such indicators as the degree of heat treatment and the so-called milk class are taken into account. They evaluate the quality of milk powder, and this is important as it ensures the production of safe and high-quality products.

RK: Do you have statistics on what percentage of “milk” on the market is made using milk powder?

A.D.: No one has official data, but this is a fairly common practice permitted by law.

E. Yu.: Until recently, it was believed that about 30% of whole milk products were made from milk powder or with its addition. In the summer-autumn period, this figure dropped to 20%. Now the situation has changed a little, as processors are reducing the use of milk powder in production, but the amount of milk powder in raw milk has increased several times. Previously, this was unprofitable, but falling prices for milk powder have led to an increase in milk powder additions to raw milk, and this is a real problem for processors.

It is difficult to deliver fresh milk to northern regions such as Magadan, Norilsk, Yakutia. And if in summer period they (except Norilsk) reduce the percentage of milk powder in dairy products, then in winter these regions switch to the production of dairy products using milk powder.

In Murmansk (it would seem enough complex region for livestock breeding and especially for maintaining a dairy herd) farms have been created using Israeli technology. Cows are kept in the barn all year round, without being allowed to go out to pasture. They feel great in these conditions and produce good quality milk. As a result, Murmansk residents no longer need to use powdered milk, with the exception of yogurt, in the production of which it is necessary.

Not everything is clear with the use of milk powder in the non-chernozem zone of the Russian Federation - this is the central region of Russia. IN Lately the number of falsifications of raw milk here has increased because large enterprises strengthen incoming control of raw milk and select high-quality raw milk. But everyone wants to sell more and receive dividends, therefore, especially in winter, there are often cases of powdered milk arriving at enterprises under the guise of raw milk.

RK: Why is milk powder added to products at all? In what cases is the production of milk and dairy products from milk powder justified?

A.D.: It is used for two purposes. The first is to increase the mass fraction of protein, if this is necessary according to technology. In this case, milk powder is added to normalized, whole or skim milk. The second is to make up for the shortage of raw milk that occurs in winter. Seasonality in the dairy industry is very high. To prevent production volume from falling when the volume of raw material production decreases, milk powder is used. It is restored to certain levels of fat, protein and nonfat solids, which are identical to those of raw milk.

Further, production is built using traditional technology - there are no changes in the technology for the production of fermented milk products using powdered milk. This is a completely normal practice, which originates in the Soviet Union, in the standards Soviet quality. This has always been the case: winter in Russia is cold, the transition from season to season is sharp, production has always been seasonal.

If the manufacturer uses milk powder, he must write about this on the packaging. The consumer can see two compositions: A – formula for summer, when there is a lot of milk; B – formula for winter, when there is little milk. The percentage of reconstituted milk in regular milk is extremely low - only to cover the shortage of raw materials, no more.

E. Yu.: Firstly, milk powder is added to increase the mass fraction of protein, if required by technology (for example, yogurt production). Secondly, as I already said, powdered milk is a product necessary for the dairy industry, because seasonality cannot be avoided. Thirdly, milk powder is traditionally used in the northern regions of the Russian Federation. Fourthly, milk powder is used to produce functional products created for certain categories of people. For example, there is food for older people, whose bodies do not have enough enzymes that can break down protein, and must be added to the product nutritional supplements And various components for enrichment, including lactic acid bacteria, which improves the absorption of milk by the body. Finally, milk powder is produced for reserve storage in case of emergencies.

RK: How is milk powder produced?

A.D.: Powdered milk is milk from which all moisture has been removed. The process of removing moisture from milk occurs in two stages.

First: milk thickens in a vacuum apparatus - it boils at a temperature of 50–60 degrees. The boiling point is lower because the vacuum apparatus creates a rarefied pressure, at which boiling occurs at a lower temperature.

Next, the milk flows through a hose into the drying tower. In the drying tower, milk is split into fine fractions under the influence of centrifugal force. While a particle of milk, already split, flies towards the wall of the drying tower, it is exposed to high temperature(about 150 degrees) - at this moment the remaining moisture evaporates, and the milk particles fall to the bottom, already dried. Next, the milk goes to sifting and packaging.

E. Yu.: When producing milk powder, the technology must be transparent. The main thing is to evaporate the moisture and leave everything that nature created in milk in the form of dry substances. This can be achieved by gentle drying using gradual, slow heat, and then very quickly drying into tiny droplets of milk. The result is milk powder, which belongs to the low-temperature processing class. This milk is absolutely safe, since during drying there is no time to form substances that can adversely affect the human body.

But sometimes outdated drying installations are used to produce milk powder, which leads to the production of low-quality milk and high-quality milk. thermal class. In this case, denatured protein is formed in the milk, and there is a possibility of the formation of benzopyrene. The use of such a product in the food industry is strictly prohibited.

Unfortunately, outwardly it is impossible to distinguish between milk powder, which belongs to the class of high-temperature or low-temperature heat treatment.
The main method of differentiation is a method that requires laboratory testing, since protein changes occur during drying. These changes need to be installed. And then it is quite simple, without any misunderstandings, to clearly determine which class milk powder belongs to and whether it can be used in the food industry.

RK: How is powdered milk different from whole milk? What is contained in whole and what is missing in dry due to heat treatment?

A.D.: Almost everything is preserved in powdered milk useful material, although the amount of vitamins, such as vitamin C, is slightly reduced. But, firstly, we do not drink milk for vitamins, we drink it for protein and calcium. And secondly, any heat treatment milk, the same pasteurization leads to absolutely the same consequences.

RK: So there is no difference between pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized milk and reconstituted milk?

A.D.: For protein and calcium - no.

E. Yu.: If the manufacturer used high-quality raw materials, followed all technological conditions, there were no failures, the correct temperature regime, then in principle we will not find any differences from whole milk. The vitamin content may be slightly reduced, but, again, this is not critical. All fat-soluble vitamins remain, which are also heat-resistant and slightly susceptible to change. Plus, all macro- and microelements are preserved. Enzymes are destroyed, but this is even good, because they can trigger the process of deterioration in the product, which can negatively affect the human body.

RK: What methods for detecting powdered milk exist?

A.D.: At the moment, developments in this area are just underway. There are no methods established legislatively at the level of the Eurasian Economic Commission in Russia.

E. Yu.: Recently, a significant number of methods have been proposed for the detection of milk powder in dairy products. But none of them can be called objective and working. FGBNU "VNIMI" has long been dealing with this problem, including the development of methods for detecting falsification. But all methods, to one degree or another, have significant disadvantages, since raw milk and reconstituted milk undergo the same technological process and the same temperature treatment.

After conducting numerous studies, we came to the conclusion that it is impossible to simply and unambiguously test dairy products for milk solids content. By the way, no country in the world has this technique.

RK: Why do you think consumers have such a negative attitude towards milk powder, what causes it?

A.D.: In other countries there are no such prejudices. This is one of dozens of myths about dairy products that are common in our country. That is why in Russia there is a federal program to combat myths - “Three dairy products a day.”

E. Yu.: Perhaps the prejudice against milk powder is due to the fact that people are convinced that if something has been done to milk, it is always bad. That is, if it has been dried, then it is definitely some kind of “chemistry”. I fought for many years to stop milk powder from being called powder. A person imagines that it is some kind of powder, and then there is an association with chemical components.

In addition, it did not play in favor of the product in 2008 and Chinese history with melamine in baby food. But, in my opinion, not everything is so simple. It is possible that melamine got into the product due to its use in production large quantity plastic pipes and containers for processing.

Only corrosion-resistant material allows the technological process to proceed safely, but the Chinese have a lot of plastic and there is the possibility of melamine migration from containers, pipes, etc.

In Russia, all stages of the technological process in dairy production are carried out using stainless steel equipment.
Currently, methods for measuring melamine in milk and dairy products have been developed, and this indicator has been introduced into TR CU 033/2013. During my practice in our country, melamine has never been detected in dairy products, and I am sure that this has nothing to do with milk drying technology. There was also an opinion that milk was adulterated with melamine to increase protein. But, in my opinion, this whole story has nothing to do with powdered milk and its production technology.

RK: By what signs can you determine whether a product contains milk powder? For example, the composition indicates normalized milk, cream or reconstituted milk.

A.D.: The composition must indicate milk powder. Normalized milk is not powdered milk, it is milk normalized by fat content: it is first pasteurized, then separated (divided into skim milk and cream), and then the cream and skim milk are mixed in the required proportion - 1.5, 2.5, 3% fat.

E. Yu.: If the composition states “reconstituted milk,” it is clear that the product is made from dry milk. If "normalized", then in this case it was not necessary to use powdered milk, because normalized is, as a rule, milk normalized for fat. For example, milk arrived at processing plant with a fat content of 4.0%. The manufacturer needs to make skim milk and cream from it, so that later, by adding cream to this skim milk, it can achieve a certain fat content: 2.5, 3.2, 3.6%.

RK: What regulatory documents allow the use of milk powder in the production of milk, cream, kefir, and so on?

A.D.: Yet again - technical regulations Customs Union 033 for milk and dairy products.

E. Yu.: For drinking milk, the use of milk powder in production is strictly prohibited, otherwise the product will be called “milk drink” or “reconstituted milk”. In principle, there is no point in using milk powder for cream, since the main component of cream is fat. This is necessary for making yogurt. For all other products - for normalization, that is, to increase protein, if raw milk came with low protein - for example, in the winter season. That is, the law does not prohibit use. The main thing is to indicate this in the product labeling.