How to make a match gun from a wooden clothespin. How to make a pugach (match shooter) from clothespins? How to make a cannon from clothespins and matches

Every grown man was once a child. And the biggest entertainment in those happy times childhood was to play with friends in the yard. It doesn't matter what the game is, the main thing is to play. What did you play most often? Of course, there were skirmishes, war, partisans and much more - it’s impossible to list everything. And if there was an opportunity to shoot from something, then this was the ultimate dream of any boy! Slingshots, crossbows and other delights of the boys’ world simply excited the imagination. And if you blow something up all over the yard, then that’s the height of bliss! What if it is possible to shoot burning matches at a decent distance? It was, as they say now, “The Hit of the Season”! We will tell you about one of the types of boyish fun. It's called a scarecrow.

A scarecrow is a device that produces noise. The main purpose of its creation is to scare someone. In general, a scarecrow is considered to be a children's toy in the shape of a pistol, which, when used with caps, makes a loud popping sound. But there are also so-called “adult” scarecrows - blank cartridges, for example.

However, there are also many ways to make a scarecrow at home. What can this product be made from:

  1. from copper tube and a piece of plywood;
  2. from clothespins;
  3. from a metal tube;
  4. from a bicycle spoke;
  5. of two bolts and a nut;
  6. from dowels, etc.

    Show all

    The clothespin scarecrow, or, as it is also called, “Matchshooter,” was invented a very long time ago, when the Soviet Union still existed. A whole era of children was amused by this type of “weapon” when they played war with friends in the yard. The design is so simple, and the materials for its manufacture were so accessible to everyone that only the lazy or those who had never heard anything about it made a scarecrow from a clothespin. Compactness, ease of use and reliability have made the device very popular. Another feature is that it could fire both regular and incendiary shells.

    Nowadays, the clothespin scarecrow is no longer popular. One of the main reasons is that in Soviet times, clothespins were made of wood with a weak spring, but now they are made of plastic. Another important factor: now children have so much entertainment (the Internet, games, movies) that they are not even interested in doing something with their own hands. And with the development of the Internet and social networks You rarely see school-age children playing anything in the yard anymore.

    However, there are still enthusiasts! It is for them that we wrote this article, in which we will tell you in detail how to make a scarecrow from a clothespin with your own hands. So let's get started.

    Now let's move on directly to the description of what needs to be done to create this miracle weapon.

    First stage

    Disassemble the clothespin into three parts - you should have two wooden bases and a spring.

    Second phase

    Using a penknife, you need to process both halves of the clothespin base, which is not at all difficult. First, cut out a gutter on one of the wooden bases. Take your time, otherwise you might cut your fingers! Then divide the other half into two parts.

    Third stage

    Now carefully pull the spring back towards the groove so that its protrusion fits exactly into the groove. Then you need to attach the short part to the long one. To avoid mistakes, you should focus on the factory chute. The final stage: when everything fits as it should, you need to fasten all the parts with an elastic band. All is ready! As you can see, making a scarecrow is not at all difficult!

    The next thing we absolutely must do is test our creation. This is the most enjoyable stage, isn't it?

    Checking the product

    To do this, perform the following steps:

    1. 1. Pull forward top part until the spring ends up with its protrusion in the factory groove. Once you have done this, you must pull this part back until the protrusion of the clothespin is in the groove that you made.
    2. 2. Now you must select a projectile and load it. This is easy to do: slightly lift the top part. As projectiles it is best in in this case Matches or paper clips will do.
    3. 3. Then we pull back the spring until the trigger bar is released. After this there should be a shot. If so, hooray! You did everything right!

    What to do if the device does not work?

    The reason may be that the second part of the spring is not held in place. What should be done? It is necessary to deepen the groove in which the spring is held.

    You won't believe it, but even such a simple device can be upgraded! Yes, yes, don't be surprised. Now we'll tell you how.

    To the bottom of the scarecrow we glue a strip, which we cut out from matchbox. We cut out a fragment where there is sulfur for lighting matches. As a result of this improvement, the match will light up at the moment of firing.

    Safety precautions for use

    Since the scarecrow's projectile can have a range of up to five meters, never use it at home or in other areas. You should also not aim at other people, children or animals. Also keep the crossbow away from flammable objects. It is highly advisable to wear goggles to protect your eyes when using burning projectiles; caution is a good idea. Happy using!

A match shooter from a clothespin was invented back in the days Soviet Union. The common people also called him “pugach”. Schoolboys gladly used this “weapon” in their battles. Due to the simplicity of the design and components that are always available, the crossbow was very popular among high and low school students. Everyone knew how to make a scarecrow. This device is compact and can be fired with both conventional and incendiary ammunition. It depends on individual desire. Although firing fire shells had more psychological impact, since it also caused physical harm. The effectiveness of such a charge is negligible. Now this weapon has lost its former popularity. To a certain extent, this was influenced by the fact that now clothespins are mostly made of plastic, and wooden ones have a very weak spring. Plus, kids these days are lazy and not particularly hardworking. But there are still true connoisseurs of this simple weapon who would like to know the process of its manufacture. For them, further on we will talk about how to make a scarecrow with your own hands. In the hope that they will pass on this secret to others, as a result of this it will not be lost.

Basis of the device

How to make a scarecrow from a clothespin - a children's weapon from the times of the Soviet Union? The answer to this question is quite simple. Some people still use wooden clothespins.

One of them can be taken as a basis in the manufacture of this throwing weapon, which can shoot lit matches like a real military weapon.

Available materials

In this case, the following is necessary:

  1. Wooden clothespin.
  2. Rubber.


Here you will need:

  1. Penknife.
  2. Protective glasses.


In this regard, you can use:

Manufacturing process

Now let's move directly to the question of how to make a homemade scarecrow.

To do this you need:

Disassemble the clothespin itself into three parts. Namely: two halves made of wood and a spring made of metal.

With help you need to finish both halves. It's not difficult to do this. To start, you just need to cut a small groove on one of the wooden halves. Take your time, your fingers are much more valuable than any clothespin. Then divide the other half into two parts.

Then the spring must be pulled back to the indicated groove. This must be done carefully. So that its protrusion fits into this very groove.

Then attach the short piece to the long one. To avoid mistakes when assembling, before making the scarecrow, be guided by the factory grooves. Once everything is in place, you need to fasten the elements with an elastic band. That's all. The clothespin scarecrow is ready.

Remember that the indicated wooden parts should still move apart a little. That is, so much so that the upper part makes it possible to cock the spring.

Checking for “combat readiness”

In the question of how to make a scarecrow, you should take into account that this device must be ready to fire. That is, it is necessary to carry out verification. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Pull the top forward. Until the protrusion of the spring is in the factory groove on its surface. When you achieve this, then pull this part back. Until the protrusion of the clothespin is in the groove you made at the bottom of the match shooter.
  2. Then select the projectile and load it by lifting the top part of this device. In this case, regular matches or metal clips are ideal.
  3. After this, pull back the spring so that the trigger bar is released. This will result in a shot. That is, the device works.

Cause of malfunction

It may also be that the match shooter will not fire. This may be because another part of the spring is slipping out of place. Then you will have to further deepen the groove into which it goes. This malfunction occurs because the depth of the groove is not the right size.

Modernization of the device

In the future, you can improve your scarecrow. To do this, you need to glue a fragment of a matchbox with sulfur on it to its lower part. It's not hard to do. After this upgrade, matches will light up when fired. This will add additional efficiency to this device. Also, part of the matchbox can be completely replaced with a piece sandpaper. However, in this case you will have to insert the matches into the scarecrow backwards. It won't be very convenient. This problem is much easier to solve by lighting a match before firing. In this case, you should not neglect the danger posed by burning shells. Never use them indoors, do not shoot at flammable objects, and it is advisable to wear them while doing so. And of course, never aim at people or animals. The match shooter is capable of shooting at a distance of up to five meters, and sometimes even further.


Having read the above, everyone will be able to understand the question of how to make a scarecrow - a match shooter. What is needed only in this case is desire, scrupulousness and hard work.

You don’t have to be afraid to make a match shooter for your child, because making any craft together is a great time, and a finished match shooter will be no more dangerous than a store-bought gun that shoots plastic or rubber bullets, because matches in this case are not used for their intended purpose and they can be used remove the sulfur head. A match shooter can be made from a variety of available tools and materials, but in this case we’ll make it from a clothespin.


=>Narrow tape or spool of thread.


Not every clothespin is suitable for making a match shooter, and it doesn’t really matter whether it’s plastic or wooden. It is important to take a clothespin for a match fire that has a specific design. Clothespins with a spring inside used as a spacer and something similar will not work.

For a match shooter of this option, you need to use a clothespin with a spring that does not expand from the inside, but presses the part of the clothespin from the outside. Such a spring will be used as a trigger and a mechanism for pushing the match out of the match shooter.


After we have found a suitable clothespin for the match shooter, we will begin making it.

1. Let's disassemble our clothespin into parts, into a spring and two blanks.

2. On the outside of one part of the clothespin, cut a groove with a knife or other sharp cutting tool.

3. In the other part of the clothespin we make exactly the same cutout and now you can connect both elements of the match shooter and see how it will look.

5. Now we have to select one of the blanks for making two more cuts, for which the spring from the shooting clothespin will be attached. We make outer and inner transverse cuts and move on to the sixth stage of making a match shooter.

6. At this stage, along one of the parts of the workpiece, we cut a channel for loading and firing the match shooter with matches.

7. In another workpiece we make exactly the same channel.

9. At this stage of work, using tape or thread, we fasten both blanks and get a ready-made match shooter, but without the hammer and trigger mechanism.

10. In order for our match shooter to fire a shot, we will equip it with a spring that was pulled out of the clothespin at the very beginning.

12. Stretch the spring and secure its edges into the previously cut transverse notches. We insert a match and you can shoot from a match shooter.

13.After pulling the trigger inner part The spring will pop out of the recess and push the match out of the match shooter.

In order for a match shooter from a clothespin to fire again, we tension the spring, load it with a match and pull the trigger.

In this tutorial, we'll take a boring clothespin and transform it into a powerful match shooter for matches and toothpicks that can shoot them into apples and dartboards.

Step 2: What is a match gun?

The match gun is required element your tabletop weapon :) This little pocket-sized device can shoot matches 20 feet away and stick toothpicks into apples and dartboards.

Moreover, this pistol can be assembled very easily with virtually no cost.

Step 3: What you'll need

All you need for a clothespin crossbow is:

  • Wood glue
  • Simple clothespin (wooden with a metal spring)

Additional things that may help with assembly:

  • Waste paper
  • Wooden lists
  • Wooden toothpicks

Step 4: Create a small crossbow

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To create the gun, you will first have to remove the spring and place the wooden pieces of the clothespin back to back so that their notches are in the center.

Make a mark on the top of the clothespin at the notch about 1.3cm long and another mark at an angle on the bottom of the clothespin (see pictures for clarity).

For convenience, I colored the areas that need to be cut with a blue marker. Take a knife and carefully cut off all the blue colored areas.

The long channel cut in the center will be used as the barrel of the gun, so work it until the match glides along it without difficulty while both parts of the clothespin are pressed together.

The angled mark marks the spot where you need to make a small notch. This notch is needed to hold the spring when you move it from its original location.

Step 5: Glue the Wooden Pieces

It's time to glue the gun body together.

Cover the flat parts of the wood with a layer of glue and press them together. I applied a mound of glue to the paper and then carefully ran the flat parts of a clothespin over the mound, spreading the glue evenly over the surface.

After 5-10 minutes the glue should be set firmly enough to install the spring.

Step 6: Put on the spring

When putting the spring on, I found that it worked best to first place the top hook over the outer notch, then bend the spring "open" so that the second spring hook could slide into the center cavity.

The spring should snap into place without any problems. The gun is now ready for use.

Step 7: Ammo Options

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The gun is designed to fire matches, so they must slide well down the barrel.

If the barrel is too narrow, you can widen the hole using a thin drill bit.

To load our gun, simply insert a match and push it until the spring reaches the rear notch. The pistol will cock automatically and be ready to fire. If the trigger system doesn't work as expected, don't get discouraged - just work on it and adjust it until the pistol starts to cock. Each pistol is slightly different from the others, so each one needs to be modified separately.

You can hold the device like regular pistol and when you're ready to shoot, simply pull the trigger. You will be surprised how powerful such a small spring is, it unfurls in a split second and fires charges up to 6 meters away.

Now you can try shooting with toothpicks - just remove one of the sharp edges, making it flat. From a distance of about 15 cm, the gun will have enough power to stick a toothpick into an apple. Of course, the closer the gun is to the apple, the deeper the toothpick will go into it.

Step 8: Simple Improvements

If the barrel of your pistol is too large and awkward to shoot, then feel free to modify it until it suits your needs.

Now you know how to remake a regular clothespin into an interesting little tabletop gun.