How to repair a plastic bumper with your own hands: all restoration methods. How to repair a bumper yourself if it’s cracked. The bumper has burst, what to do?

Damage to the body kit may be caused by careless driving, a traffic accident or hitting an obstacle. A damaged part spoils appearance car. Therefore, it is important to know what to do when the bumper is cracked and how to repair it yourself.

Depending on the degree of damage, methods for restoring a damaged car body element vary. Crack repair is performed using:

  • Putties

Small chips, scratches and microcracks must be covered with putty.

  • Bonding

Allows you to repair small cracks.

  • Sealing

Makes it possible to restore the body kit after receiving severe damage and the appearance of large cracks.

  • "Welding"

A plastic patch is applied. The method is applicable when the bumper is seriously split and holes appear.

To carry out the work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Construction hair dryer and soldering iron.
  • Brass mesh, staples from a construction gun, or metal tape.
  • Wide and narrow rubber spatulas.
  • Putty.
  • Epoxy resin and fiberglass patch.
  • White-Spirit, acetone or alcohol-based cleaners.
  • Spray gun.
  • Plastic solder.
  • Primer.
  • A grinding machine and wheels for it, or a block.
  • Sandpaper of different grits.
  • Mini drill or drill.
  • Clamps.
  • Paint in a can or spray can.

Bumper preparation

Damaged bumper, it is better to dismantle it. This will allow for more efficient and reliable repairs. Overall, the list preparatory work before restoring the body kit, it looks in the following way:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry the body protective element.
  2. The damaged area must be sanded and sanded. The paintwork can be removed using a sanding machine. In addition to the directly affected area, grinding should be done 3-5 centimeters near the cracks.
  3. Degrease work surface. The procedure will need to be repeated after removing each layer of paint.
  4. The edges of the cracks need to be sharpened in the form of a Latin letter V.
  5. Using a drill, drill out the crack on both sides. This will prevent it from spreading throughout the entire part.

After being carried out preparatory activities, you can proceed directly to the repair.

It is necessary to wash the bumper thoroughly. To do this, use a soap solution. In some cases, automobile detergents. For drying, use a tool such as a hair dryer.

Soldering large cracks

If the bumper bursts badly, then it is sealed. The operation allows you to give a damaged part a second life. However, you need to know how to solder a crack in the body kit. The operation is carried out in stages:

  1. Fastening the two parts of the body kit. Clamps are used for this. The two soldered surfaces are tightly applied to each other and securely fixed in this position.
  2. Soldering with outside bumper It is necessary not to leave large gaps between stitches.
  3. Reinforcement of the damaged area. Performed from the inside of the bumper. Mesh or staples are soldered into the structure. This step increases the strength of the weld.

For soldering, it is recommended to use a powerful soldering iron (at least 100 W). The tool must be held in such a way that it does not burn through the plastic. It is also worth purchasing a device with wooden handle(plastic will melt after long work tool). For more precise soldering, the tip can be sharpened and cleaned.

After soldering is completed, the body kit is ready for further use. All that remains is to give the restored part an attractive appearance.

Using a hot air gun

When repairing severe damage, use a hair dryer. With its help, the edges of cracks are melted, as a result, a strong and reliable weld appears in place of the burst part of the body kit. To make the structure more durable, use plastic strips 1cm thick. They can be purchased separately, or cut from an old donor body kit.

When soldering, use the same type of plastic from which the bumper is made. Otherwise, the seam will turn out to be non-monolithic, which will lead to rapid destruction of the structure.

The method is effective in the absence of some parts of the body kit, serious cracks and holes.

Bumper gluing

Small cracks can be sealed. This method of do-it-yourself bumper repair is most popular among motorists, as it is technologically simple and effective. As an adhesive, special glue for plastic, acetone, and liquid plastic are used. To obtain a polymer seam, a two-component 3M composition is used.

When gluing, you need to fix the bumper tightly, otherwise the halves may shift and the symmetry of the part will be disrupted. You will need to wait until the adhesive has completely dried.

Gluing with acetone is performed as follows: a substance is applied to the crack, as a result of which part of the plastic dissolves, forming a strong seam. Later, it is treated with 3M adhesive. Allow to dry and mask the traces of body kit restoration.

Alternative! Medium damage can be sealed with a mixture of glue and soda. To do this, you need to tightly connect the cracked parts, pour soda along the entire length of the crack, and apply glue to it. As a result chemical reaction a strong seam is formed.

The bumpers of modern cars are made mainly of plastic; they are damaged in a minor accident and are not hit by an obstacle.

Various car services repair body parts, some of them specialize in this type of restoration work. In order to save money, some car owners repair plastic bumpers with their own hands. What features there are when independently restoring these body elements will be discussed in the article.

As you know, there are front and rear bumpers, and the front bumper (PB) is damaged much more often than the rear bumper (RB). The PB needs repair if:

  • the paintwork is damaged;
  • there are scratches on the plastic element;
  • Cracks have formed in the bumper due to a collision with an obstacle or a minor accident.

If the front or rear of the car was hit hard, the bumper most likely cannot be repaired. But specialized car repair shops often take on the task of repairing a badly damaged plastic bumper. The whole question is whether restoration is worth the money; in some cases it is easier and cheaper to buy a new part.

The cost of repairing a PB or SB can be different; it depends on the level of car service, the degree of damage to the part, and the complexity of restoration. For example, in Moscow, restoration of a bumper can cost from 2,500 rubles, and painting one element will also cost from 5,000 rubles. There are auto repair centers that promise to repair a bumper for 500 rubles and complete the repair within one or two hours. There is no point in relying on advertising; most likely, car owners are being deceived, or the repairs are performed here poorly.

Restoring a plastic bumper

Repair of the front or rear bumper can be of varying complexity, there are main types of work that are carried out with body elements:

  • sealing cracks;
  • restoration of plastic fragments;
  • dent repair;
  • preparation for painting (cleaning, sanding);
  • primer;
  • painting;
  • restoration, repair of fasteners.

Restoring a plastic bumper requires care and precision, sufficient experience, and only a qualified craftsman can perform the job efficiently.

Repairing the bumper becomes profitable if the bumper itself is rare, installed on an expensive car, on which the car owner does not want to install a cheap “non-original”. There are also tuning bumpers - they are expensive, and the industry does not produce non-original spare parts of this kind.

If the car is budget, and the owner of the car is “hands-on,” you can try to repair the PB yourself. Much depends on the degree of damage; you can restore a slightly damaged body part with your own hands. Repairing a front bumper (with a crack) is carried out by removing the body part from the car, and to seal the crack you need to connect the edges of the damaged area - make a reliable lock.

There are special repair kits on sale, for example, from 3M. The FPRM kit includes:

  • two components of epoxy material (glue);
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • special tape.

Prepare the bumper for gluing as follows:

  • Wash the damaged area to be repaired thoroughly with soapy water and allow the plastic time to dry thoroughly;
  • We sand the area to be repaired and remove the paint coating from it. We clean the paint so that the area freed from it can be pasted with tape;
  • We grind the edges of the crack at an angle of 45 degrees; they should be in the form of wedges. We process the surface first from the inside and then from the outside; for this we use a grinder with a cleaning disk;
  • clean the treated surface with 3M 08985, wait for the degreaser to completely evaporate;
  • stick the tape on the outside of the area to be glued;
  • We fix the reinforcing mesh on the inside;
  • mix the epoxy components in a one to one ratio;
  • Apply the prepared composition to the reinforcing mesh with a spatula, push it inward, it should seal the crack;
  • heat the crack with infrared drying (6-8 minutes). If special device no for drying, let the glue dry at room temperature approximately 30 minutes;
  • remove the tape, degrease, treat the front part with an adhesion activator;
  • prepare the composition for the front side;
  • apply glue to the outside of the crack;
  • Let the parts dry again;
  • treat the dried surface abrasive wheels, first with a coarser abrasive (180), then with fine “sandpaper” (240, at the end of processing - 400);
  • we blow out the repaired area compressed air, clean with the composition from the 3M 08985 kit, wipe with a dry cloth. Now the bumper is ready for painting.

Damage to the bumper can be different - in one case it is just a crack, in another, pieces of plastic fly off upon impact. To seal a plastic element, you will need:

  • construction hair dryer;
  • angle grinder;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • soldering iron;
  • sandpaper;
  • spatulas.

The soldering iron must be powerful enough, preferably at least 100 watts.

If pieces of the bumper break off and are lost, we first modify the damaged areas and give them a rectangular or triangular shape.

We carry out the work in the following order:

If you need to solder pieces of missing plastic to the bumper, it is advisable to take plastic of the same type; the markings are usually indicated on the inside of the plastic parts.

To solder the missing pieces into the bumper, proceed as follows:

If you cannot cut the required piece exactly to size, you can cut off the plastic with a margin and solder it on the inside of the bumper. But this option is worse, since when soldering from the front part, a hole is formed around the patch.

The surface can be leveled in two ways:

  • melt everything on the outside with plastic;
  • Apply a layer of putty to the surface, then treat it.

After soldering and applying putty, we treat the surface, prime the bumper and paint.

There is no need to talk about the unreliability of the plastic bumper - drivers know how susceptible this part of the car is to damage. A careless movement, a slight blow - and it cracked, not to mention scratches, chips and other small things. Therefore, many drivers have a question about how to repair a bumper with their own hands. Properly done DIY plastic bumper repair is much more profitable than car service services, primarily in terms of financial costs. Repairing at home also allows you to do everything conscientiously and the way you see fit.

Bumper restoration

Restoring a bumper is not a very difficult job. Here it is important to know some of the subtleties that allow you to repair plastic yourself, and to have the skills to handle the tool. Before repairing a plastic bumper, it must be properly prepared. Do-it-yourself bumper repair, puttying and painting require preliminary procedures.

Preparatory procedures before repair

Let's figure out what operations are needed before repairing a plastic bumper:

  • restoration or tuning of the bumper begins with dismantling - it is more convenient to do the repair yourself if the product is removed from the car;
  • Carefully remove dirt and thoroughly wash the surface - it should be clean and dry. Do-it-yourself plastic repair requires this operation;
  • determine what it is made of. Do-it-yourself plastic repair may vary depending on what material you have to work with;
  • in those areas where the bumper will be restored, the paintwork must be removed. Before you repair the damage yourself, you will have to thoroughly clean and degrease the area around it;
  • Before repairing, drill out the crack through holes at the ends to prevent further spreading;
  • the crack has joining edges - before sealing it, a groove is made along the joints for filling with composite.

Read also: How to repair a car fender yourself

DIY bumper repair

After all of the above has been completed, you can begin repairing the plastic bumper yourself.

Basic principles during repairs

When restoring a bumper with your own hands, you need to adhere to some nuances. They repair based on whether it is thermoactive or thermosetting - before you repair the product yourself, it is important to find out.

Thermoset plastics

You can repair a body kit made of thermoactive plastic using a hair dryer or welding. Welding helps to make high-quality repairs plastic with your own hands, removing all the cracks and breaks. Do-it-yourself repairs at home are quite easy to do if we are dealing with thermoactive material.

Restoring a plastic bumper with your own hands is more difficult if the work is done with a thermosetting material. In this case, welding will not help - the thermosetting structure prevents the product from melting. Do-it-yourself plastic repairs are then carried out using reinforcement and gluing.

Soldering the bumper

Welding a crack using an electric soldering iron

Do-it-yourself restoration of plastic is done using a conventional electric soldering iron, if we are talking about a thermoactive structure. After the part has been prepared in the manner described above, you need to work according to the following algorithm:

  • connect the edges of the crack as tightly as possible and start soldering from the inside - act carefully, checking how the plastic reacts to temperature;
  • use staples from furniture stapler- implant them with reverse side at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other;
  • Using a soldering iron, immerse the staples into the part and make sure that the tips do not show on the front part. The staples are susceptible to corrosion, so they need to be hidden in plastic;
  • make a neat seam on the front part;
  • Using a machine with an abrasive wheel, sand the seam, gradually changing the abrasive to reduce the grain size;
  • use putty for plastic if sanding does not give a smooth surface;
  • Cover the part with a primer and paint it after drying.

Do-it-yourself restoration at home is carried out using a hair dryer and plastic electrodes. Before you repair the part yourself in this way, make sure that the electrodes are made of the same material.

Gluing refractory body kits

Do-it-yourself repairs to products made of fiberglass or thermosetting plastics are carried out using the gluing method.

Roll of fiberglass

In this case, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • connect the edges of the crack tightly and secure with tape;
  • prepare epoxy resin and fiberglass;
  • glue layers of fiberglass from the inside out;
  • go to the front part - fill the groove with fiberglass with epoxy resin until the surface is level;
  • after drying, grind using a machine with an abrasive tool;
  • use plastic putty to prepare the surface for priming and painting;
  • sand the putty again and cover it with several layers of primer;
  • coat the product with paint and varnish.

Structurally, the bumper device is designed to protect the body vehicle from collisions at low speeds or when hitting certain obstacles. This device is designed to absorb all the impact energy, thereby protecting the car body itself from deformation. Initially, such devices were made of metal and were quite bulky, although they coped with the task perfectly. However, fashion trends and trends have led to the use of plastic design elements.

IN modern world the bumper practically does not play the role of protection, since the elegance and aerodynamics of the device come first. The vast majority of new manufacturers do not resort to the use of metal buffers, using various types of polymers and plastics. If the vehicle has defects, then you should repair the plastic bumper yourself, but first you need to study all the materials listed below.

1. Defects that spoil the appearance of the bumper

The vehicle often operates in harsh conditions, as a result of which the bumper structure is affected by a large number of negative factors. These are sand and pebbles that fly off the wheels of other road users, collisions, collisions, rough terrain. It is all these above reasons that are the root cause of the need to repair the bumper of your car. Modern experts classify all bumper defects depending on the level of damage.

Scratches are permanent damage to the surface. They are divided into superficial And deep. If the former can only spoil the appearance, then the latter will degenerate and transform into cracks. Cavities or dents involve deformation of local bumper surfaces due to chemical and mechanical influences. Cracks are through-and-through damage to the bumper. They have different configurations and sizes, as a result of which they tend to increase in length depending on the effect of vibration. In addition, these malfunctions guarantee a decrease in the rigidity and density of the entire part. Breaks are through penetrations of the buffer walls, which imply the formation of holes.

2. Preliminary preparation of the bumper

All necessary work you need to start by directly removing the bumper from the vehicle. This is done directly so that it will be as convenient as possible to carry out repairs and reach all the necessary areas that are inaccessible with this part installed. After this, a number of certain necessary procedures will be carried out:

- thorough washing and cleaning of dirt from the bumper;

Determining the type of material that underlies the part (this is done in accordance with exactly how the manufacturer marked his product on the inside of the buffer by stamping or melting).

It is also necessary to remove the paint coating and primer in the area where all restoration robots will be carried out, both from the internal and external surfaces of the part (the coating is removed at least 1-1.5 mm from the boundaries of the defect). If cracks occur, then it is necessary to drill all their ends (this is done in order to prevent further spreading of the material), and treat the joint surfaces. In the cracks themselves through grinding machines and sandpaper, it is necessary to make certain grooves into which all repair composites will be placed.

3. The process of repairing cracks on the bumper

It is important to note that all subsequent work will directly depend on the material that served as the basis for the design and body of the bumper, both front and rear. One of the most common types of bumper damage is cracks. So, quite often the torn hole is simply not on the bumper itself, and repairing cracks using a variety of methods is not always effective. Based on these considerations, it is necessary to determine which method would be better suited to resolve such a problem. It is best to sew all parts of the cracks together using staples.

However, the use of this kind of method will necessarily take into account the material from which the vehicle's bumper is made. In this way, plastic, which is sufficiently soft and flexible, can be sewn using a stapler. However, there are cases when the bumper is made of a brittle type of plastic. In such a situation, it is impossible to use a stapler, since it can completely split the plastic of the bumper.

But still, in any case, it will first be necessary to drill out all the existing ends of the cracks in order to avoid their expansion in the future. As a result, the stitching procedure can begin. If you cannot use a stapler, then for repairs it is necessary, in addition to the repair kit, to use staplers and a soldering iron, a thin drill. Using the latter, you need to prepare holes where the staples will go. Due to their installation, using a soldering iron, you can recess them directly into the plastic of the bumper.

Of course, they often do without pre-drilling holes, since the staples are inserted by heating them. After the cracks have healed, the surface of the bumper should be degreased and covered with fiberglass, and then with putty. It is in this case that the technology will fully justify itself and its reputation.

Thus, there is no longer any need to contact service center in order to repair almost minor damage that you can fix for free yourself.

4. What is needed to repair cracks on the bumper

In order to repair the front and rear bumpers, remove all dents and cracks, and perform straightening, the motorist will have to have several professional tools available. Gas-burner or a heat gun will serve as excellent tools for straightening and repairing plastic products. Both the first and second devices have a number of positive aspects, but all of them will relate only to operation and shelf life, and not to the direct quality of work.

Quite often, motorists began to use an electric or air soldering iron, which are intended for soldering damaged elements. Some elements have temperature regulators, which is generally beyond praise. Of course, in addition to these devices, To repair the bumper, it is necessary to use other materials, which include: sanding paper, adhesion activator primer, enamel, putty for removing cracks. Using all these elements, you can repair the bumper of your car with your own hands.

Many drivers have encountered the problem of cracks appearing on their car bumpers. If it is plastic, then you can repair the damaged area yourself. There are many in various ways restoration of the aesthetic appearance of the bumper from of this material without resorting to the services of a car service.

Below we will discuss in detail the process of self-repairing damaged parts of a car body.

Types of bumpers and materials from which they are made

Modern car bumpers can be made of metal and plastic.

In turn, plastic ones can be made from 2 types of material:

  • thermoactive;
  • thermoset.

What is the difference between thermosetting plastic for car bumpers and thermosetting plastic?

The main difference between a thermoactive material is that it can be subjected to secondary heat treatment. Under the influence of high temperature, the material easily melts, becomes elastic, soft and can take any shape.

Thermosetting plastic, on the other hand, is very durable and resistant to high temperatures and mechanical damage.

Car bumpers made of thermosetting plastics, as a rule, are rarely subject to cracks due to the strength and reliability of the material.

The following types of thermoactive materials are distinguished:

  • Polyethylene - used in the production of food containers, bags, etc.;
  • Polystyrene - various insulation materials are made from them in construction, etc.;
  • Polypropylene - used in the production of auto parts, including car bumpers, food industry, etc.;
  • Polyvinyl chloride - production of insulating coatings for cables, window technologies, etc.

Thermosetting materials are divided into:

  • Polyurethane - most plastic auto parts, both small and large, are made from this type;
  • Epoxy resins - used for joining and gluing different parts;
  • Fiberglass - used in the production of heavy-duty auto parts, including bumpers;
  • Phenol resins - needed in the manufacture of small auto parts, computers. boards, etc.

How to repair minor damage to a plastic car bumper

Bumper damage occurs different types- from minor scratches and small dents to serious cracks. Small dents and scratches can be removed yourself.

If the car bumper is made of thermoactive plastic, then minor damage to it can be easily eliminated using the polishing method with special chemicals. means.

For example, if there is a shallow scratch, it can be treated universal remedy for cleaning with WD-40.

In order to polish a scratch or chip, you will need a sponge, a soft rag and a chemical reagent. First, you need to clean the damaged area from dirt and dust with a sponge and water. After applying chemical. spray or sponge. Next, the damaged area is intensively polished with a rag until no damage is visible on it.

The second way to eliminate small dents and scratches on a plastic car bumper is to straighten the damaged area with a hot air gun. The essence of the method is that the damaged surface is evenly heated construction hairdryer. Due to heat treatment, the damage is leveled and straightened.

The method is simple and does not require special skills to perform, but it is not without its drawbacks: there is a possibility of deformation of the plastic; heating with a hairdryer can only be used on unpainted areas.

Also, simple and in an inexpensive way Repairing minor damage to a plastic car bumper is a wax pencil.

With its help, scratches and chips are simply painted over. Chem. the composition of the pencil fills the damaged areas, leveling them with the general surface and forms a protective layer. The process of removing chips and dents with a wax pencil takes no more than 5 minutes.

What to do if there is a crack on the bumper - methods for repairing it

If a crack has formed on the car bumper as a result of damage, then simply cleaning and polishing this place will no longer work; in any case, it will be visible.

To repair a crack, you need to resort to more effective methods. There are several ways to repair cracks in plastic bumpers:

  1. repairing damage with liquid polymer;
  2. welding using a rod;
  3. welding the crack with a hot air gun;
  4. repairs using fiberglass;
  5. gluing plastic with a two-component composition.

Let's look at each of them in detail.

To make it easier to work with damaged areas, the car bumper must be removed and secured on a stand. Before starting the repair, you need to thoroughly clean the damaged area from dirt and dust, and if the bumper has already been repaired, then remove the remnants of the repair kit from the last time.

Experts advise treating damaged surfaces with any degreasing chemical before starting repairs. means.

Seal the crack using liquid polymer

For this method you will need: a soldering iron, fine-grained sandpaper, a knife, wire cutters, steel wire, a hot air gun, a piece of protection for the car fender liner.

Sealing process:

  1. We clean the edges of the crack with sandpaper.
  2. If the crack is long, then it must be sewn together in several places along the edges with scraps of steel wire. The edges of the wire are bent and cut off with wire cutters.
  3. Next, the edges of the crack are brought together and carefully soldered with a soldering iron.
  4. The fender liner protection is made of polymer plastic, which melts easily and is suitable for creating patches. Small strips are cut from the protection fabric (about 2-3 cm wide, 15-20 cm long and 2 mm thick), which will be patches for soldering.
  5. The place where the patch will be applied and the patch itself is cleaned with a sharp knife.
  6. We heat the damaged area with a hairdryer in the place where the patch is applied. Next, we heat the patch strip to a semi-liquid state, gradually applying it to the damaged area. This is repeated several times (with new strips) until the crack on the bumper is completely sealed.
  7. The resulting seam is cleaned with an emery wheel and prepared for painting.

Video instructions for repair using this method are given below.

  • Pros: low cost, simplicity, minimal set of materials and tools.
  • Cons: likelihood of plastic deformation when heated.

How to weld a bumper with a rod

To weld a crack with a rod you will need: a manual extruder for welding plastics, polypropylene filler rods round section or filler polyethylene rods.

Welding process:

  1. We heat the manual extruder to the required temperature and put on a special nozzle into which the filler rod is inserted.
  2. We carefully solder the damaged area, using an extruder from the molten rod to form a uniform seam along the entire perimeter of the crack.

Pros: fast, does not require special skills.

Disadvantages: plastic is subject to deformation, specific tools and materials that are not always available.

See detailed video instructions below.

Welding with a hot air gun

To weld a crack with a hot air gun, you will need: a hot air gun, a soldering iron, plastic rods, steel wire or rivets.

Welding process:

  1. We fix the torn edges of the damage and solder them with a soldering iron along the entire perimeter cracked surface. If the edges diverge greatly, you can fix them with rivets or wire staples.
  2. We heat up the hot air gun and start welding: melt the rod and place it on the crack in the plastic of the bumper, forming a seam around the perimeter of the damaged area.

Pros: fast, effective even for serious damage.

Cons: overheating may cause deformation of an intact surface.

Video instructions for using a hot air gun are below.

Repair with fiberglass

To repair a car bumper using fiberglass you will need: an emery wheel, a grinder and Sander, fiberglass, epoxy resin, fine-grained sandpaper, hardener, brush.

Repair process:

  1. Cleaning damaged areas with an emery wheel and fine-grained sandpaper.
  2. Epoxy resin is diluted in plastic container with a hardener and even layers with a brush are applied to the damaged areas.
  3. Patches are cut from fiberglass, glued to damaged areas and covered with an even layer of epoxy solution.
  4. The bumper is dried, carefully sanded with a machine and prepared for painting.

Pros: damage of any size and thickness can be repaired, suitable for thermosetting types of plastic.

Disadvantages: the reagent is toxic - work in a chemical industry is required. protection, fragility of the seal; even with a slight impact, the sealed area can crack.

Video of the fiberglass repair is below.

How to glue plastic with a two-component compound

Required tools and materials: grinder. machine, emery wheel, two-component glue, degreaser, tape, construction mesh, spatula.

Gluing process:

  1. Cleaning the damaged area with fine-grained sandpaper (emery wheel).
  2. Treating surfaces with a degreaser.
  3. The crack on the outside of the bumper is sealed with tape.
  4. From construction mesh a patch is cut out and glued to the inside of the bumper. The glue is applied on top of the damaged area in several layers. The same is done on the outside after removing the tape.
  5. Excess glue is smoothed out with a spatula. The bumper is left to dry for 30-40 minutes.
  6. The glued surface is sanded and prepared for painting.

Pros: convenient, quickly glues, retains elasticity.

Cons: not suitable for large cracks.

Detailed video instructions for gluing.

Soldering large bumper damage

This procedure is carried out using: a soldering iron, reinforcing mesh, scissors.

Soldering process:

  1. On inner side bumper at the site of damage, a pre-cut patch of reinforcing mesh is applied.
  2. Mesh patches are soldered with a soldering iron into the inner surface of the car bumper, soldering the torn edges of the crack.
  3. On the outside, soldering is also done along the seam.
  4. After soldering, the seam is cleaned and prepared for painting.

Pros: fast and reliable way repair of large cracks, availability of materials.

Cons: suitable only for thermosetting plastic; over time, the seam may come apart.