How to choose the right plastic windows or what to look for when choosing PVC windows? How to choose plastic windows How to choose modern plastic windows.

Plastic windows have long ceased to be a novelty, but, unfortunately, there are still cases when a lot of money spent on their installation is literally thrown away: due to an incorrectly selected design, poor-quality materials or unprofessional installation of such windows They deteriorate very quickly and, at best, require expensive repairs, and at worst, complete replacement. We have prepared information about the most important parameters that you must pay attention to when ordering and installing windows, and asked for advice from an expert from the ArchDialog agency.

Well-installed, high-quality plastic windows should serve faithfully for many years, reliably protecting your home from bad weather and street noise. They have a number of advantages over outdated wooden frames: they do not rot or rust, do not dry out from the sun or swell from moisture, do not require regular puttying and painting, have convenient opening mechanisms, are reliable, comfortable and durable in use. The only disadvantage of plastic windows is their flammability and very heavy weight. To select windows that meet the most stringent requirements, you need to pay attention to several parameters, which we will discuss in detail.


Plastic (or PVC) windows consist of a hollow multi-chamber plastic profile with metal reinforcement, double-glazed windows and fittings.


A PVC profile usually has from 2 to 8 hollow chambers. It is believed that the thicker the profile and the more chambers there are, the warmer the windows. However, you should not overpay a lot of money for an extra number of chambers: plastic already has very low heat transfer, so to save money in our climate, it is enough to install high-quality windows with a three-chamber profile, a double-glazed window and two sealing circuits - this will ensure effective heat retention indoors in cold weather season.

Double-glazed windows

Heat retention in the house is largely ensured by properly selected double-glazed windows. In residential premises it is most reliable and expedient to install windows with double-glazed windows(i.e. with 3 glasses and 2 air chambers between them). Compared to single-chamber double-glazed windows, this is a more expensive option, but the difference in price will be justified by significant savings on heating and greater comfort in winter.

Single-chamber double-glazed windows(with 2 glasses and 1 air chamber) are significantly inferior to two-chamber ones in heat retention, but their undoubted advantage is their lighter weight and affordable price. It is recommended to install windows with single-chamber double-glazed windows in regions with very warm climates or in non-residential premises: summer cottages, balconies, loggias, verandas, etc. Some manufacturers claim that their single-chamber double-glazed windows, filled with inert gas or, conversely, with highly rarefied air (“vacuum”) inside, retain heat as effectively as double-chamber double-glazed windows, and are much cheaper. However, you shouldn’t believe these marketing tricks: it’s better to pay extra once and order a high-quality double-glazed window than to suffer from the cold for many years.

Three-chamber double-glazed windows(with 4 glasses and 3 air chambers) are very heavy and require especially durable fittings and special installation technology. In addition, the four glasses included in their composition transmit light much worse compared to single-chamber and double-chamber double-glazed windows. It is recommended to use them only in the extremely cold climate of the Far North, preferably on fixed windows that cannot be opened.

Previously it was believed that the wider air chamber of glass unit, the less heat will go outside through the window. But it has now been proven that a thick air layer does not always guarantee effective heat retention: according to the law of convection warm air from the internal warm glass will rise upward, and cold air from the external cold one will fall down, replacing it. Thus, there is a constant circulation of air masses inside the glass unit, which leads to significant heat loss. Therefore, modern manufacturers are trying to reduce the distance between the glasses.


To provide additional strength to a heavy window structure, the PVC profile is reinforced with an insert, the metal thickness of which (according to German standards) must be at least 1.5 mm for ordinary windows and 2 mm for large windows. It is advisable to choose a PVC profile with closed rather than U-shaped reinforcement - it is much stronger and more durable.


When ordering plastic windows, it is very important to choose high-quality, strong fittings, especially for structures with double-glazed windows: weak fittings simply cannot withstand the weight of a heavy frame with three glasses, and within a few months after installation serious problems with the windows may begin - drafts, frame skew, difficulties with opening and closing.

Additional functions

When ordering plastic windows, you can choose the most suitable option for each home. For example, if your windows overlook a noisy road, it is very useful to take care of additional sound insulation. It is achieved by installing double-glazed windows with different glass thicknesses and different widths of air chambers between the glasses, which will dampen resonance. The function of top winter ventilation, a profile with built-in ventilation, a mosquito net and an opening regulator (“comb”) will be very useful additions to new windows.

What to look for when choosing

To avoid many problems, it is better to order windows from reliable, reputable companies. Indeed, in addition to the high quality of the windows themselves, you need confidence that they will be installed correctly: the vast majority of problems with plastic windows occur not so much because of their low quality, but because of unprofessional installation. Serious companies have a quality certificate for their products and provide a guarantee on their windows for at least 5 years. Another everyday recommendation is to hire someone you know as an assistant who has experience in ordering windows, so that if necessary, he can advise you on something or clarify some important details.

Window adjustment

During operation, any, even the highest quality windows, sag over time from heavy weight and constant loads, their mechanisms begin to work poorly, the frames shift and no longer fit tightly to the base. Therefore, all windows require periodic adjustment. If it is blowing from the window, its handle does not turn well, or there are difficulties opening and closing, this is an indicator that it is time to make an adjustment. You can adjust the window either yourself or by inviting a professional technician to your home.

The domestic window market today offers a huge number of models made of plastic profiles, for the production of which various components are used. All these products are designed to solve a wide range of problems and must be used strictly for their intended purpose. After all, their aesthetics, service life, ease of use, as well as the ability of these structures to retain heat, block out street noise, and reflect excess thermal energy from the sun depend on the equipment of windows. Our article provides basic information about all the main components and recommendations from experienced experts who will help you choose the right plastic windows from PVC profiles.

Advantages of plastic windows

One of the main advantages of modern plastic windows is that each customer can choose a product to suit their individual needs. Thanks to this, customers spend their money rationally and successfully solve the problem of creating comfortable conditions for work and living. At the same time, windows made of PVC profiles have advantages common to all types of products.


Plastic products with minimal care can last at least half a century. To do this, it is enough to carry out maintenance and not use abrasive and aggressive agents to clean window elements.


Provided that the product is installed correctly, profile systems with double-glazed windows are completely sealed structures. They do not allow air or water to pass through. All condensate formed inside the frames and sashes is drained outside by gravity through special drainage channels.


Plastic windows are easy to operate, their opening mechanisms are practically trouble-free in operation - there is virtually nothing in them to break. Active shutters open silently, do not creak during movement and do not jam. In the vast majority of cases, unbalance of opening mechanisms can be quickly eliminated by adjusting and lubricating them.

Sound and heat insulation

Even economy-category models retain heat well and block out street noise. As the class of products increases, these properties improve.

Color fastness and practicality

Plastic windows do not fade in the sun and do not change their original color. Their interior or exterior surfaces are easy to clean because the plastic does not absorb dirt.

Form stability

Polyvinyl chloride forms strong connecting seams, does not swell when exposed to moisture, does not melt under the sun, and does not crack in the cold. Reinforced profiles do not deform due to temperature changes and withstand external mechanical influences well.

Main technical characteristics of plastic windows

In Russia regulatory requirements requirements for plastic windows are listed in industry standards. All of them are most fully reflected in GOST 23166-99. It is this document that contains information about the main operational characteristics of window structures:
  1. Energy efficiency– is determined by the heat transfer resistance coefficient, which shows how much energy is lost through 1 m² of window when the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors is 1 °C. The higher this coefficient, the warmer the windows made of PVC profiles. According to GOST, its minimum permissible value is 0.35 m² °C/W, and the maximum is 0.8 m² °C/W.

  2. Tightness– includes water and breathability. In the first case, the standards determine at what pressure difference water will not leak through the elements of window structures. Current standards define a range from 150 to 600 Pa - the maximum value is considered the best. The second indicator informs how much air can penetrate through 1 m² of window at a pressure difference of 100 Pa. The air tightness of windows according to GOST varies in the range of 3-50 m³. In this case, the smaller value should be considered optimal.

  3. Light transmittance- measured by a taumeter, which shows the percentage of visible spectrum waves passing through windows. This parameter determines the light transmission coefficient, the minimum value of which cannot be less than 30% (k>0.3). At the same time, for ordinary windows, a light transmission coefficient of 50% (k>0.5) is considered suitable.

  4. Sound absorption level– shows how much windows can reduce street noise. The minimum permissible sound insulation is 25-27 dB, and the optimal one is from 34 dB.

  5. Resistance– informs buyers what pressure per unit area window structures can withstand. According to GOST, this parameter should be 200-1000 Pa or more.
This regulatory document also provides a detailed classification of products according to their modular dimensions. According to current standards, the area of ​​one door or window block made of PVC profiles cannot exceed 6 m², and each active sash should not be more than 2.5 m².
If a window seller can present not only a certificate of compliance with GOSTs, but also RAL quality standards, then this is a significant plus. These standards were developed in Germany; to comply with them, manufacturers have to comply with even more stringent requirements.

What to look for when choosing windows

Plastic windows are a complex design; its operational and aesthetic characteristics depend on many factors. To order a model that is suitable for specific operating conditions, you need to learn about everything that affects the appearance and functionality of windows.

Double-glazed windows

Several of the most important characteristics of windows simultaneously depend on these structural elements - energy efficiency, burglary resistance, sound insulation, appearance and light transmittance. Double-glazed windows have from 1 to 3 internal chambers into which argon or krypton can be pumped. The use of inert gas helps to further increase the level of noise absorption and thermal insulation of windows.
Types of double-glazed windows Individual characteristics Recommendations for use
Single- or double-chamber standard modification
For the production of these models, budget float glass 4 mm thick with good light transmittance is used.
It is advisable to use single-chamber products for use in regions with temperate and warm climates, as well as in unheated country houses. Double-chamber models are recommended not only to increase energy efficiency, but also to improve the sound-absorbing ability of windows
In the manufacture of such models, heat-strengthened or tempered glass of different thicknesses, as well as triplex, are used.
Necessary in children's rooms, recommended in living rooms, as well as in all windows on the top and first floors
Energy saving with one or two chambers
Such models are made using special glasses that are capable of transmitting rays of the visible spectrum and blocking heat waves
Promising models that help save a lot on heating costs and are suitable for use in all climatic zones of the Russian Federation
For the manufacture of these double-glazed windows, innovative glass with a combined coating is used, which works on both sides of the window - it retains heat inside the rooms and does not allow solar energy to pass through from the street.
Recommended for use with large glass areas and in rooms with windows facing the sunny side
Stained glass
Invisible heating elements are applied to the inside of the glass unit, which do not affect the light transmittance of the windows and emit heat when electricity is supplied
Allows you to simultaneously decorate windows and reduce the amount of incoming light
They are made using electrochromic glass with a layer of crystals applied on it, which can darken the window. Requires voltage supply Needed for equipping roof windows, flat roof hatches, winter gardens, greenhouses, as well as other structures with a large glazing area
Fire protection
Manufactured using triplex and a special transparent gel pumped into the internal chambers
They are used primarily in internal office and retail premises when completing interior partitions and entrance doors.
For production, glass with a crystalline coating is used, which can change the translucency of windows when voltage is applied.
Recommended for complete set office partitions, as well as windows on lower floors, in hotels and bedrooms

Each additional chamber and triplex increases the weight of the glass unit by an average of 40%. This increases the load on the fittings, so it is better, if possible, to give preference to lightweight models with similar characteristics. For example, instead of 2-chamber conventional double-glazed windows, use models with energy-efficient glass and pumped in inert gas.


Automatic opening systems are designed to facilitate the operation of windows. They are indispensable for people with disabilities, as they allow them to control the processes of opening and closing the doors without assistance. Window automation is needed in facilities with too high openings and increased wind or snow loads. It is also advisable to equip all windows integrated into the roof with such systems. Today, drive models for different designs windows that can be controlled using a switch, remote control or multifunctional central unit.


The fittings are responsible for everything related to opening windows. Thanks to the wide selection of mechanisms, today it is possible to find systems for all occasions.
Type of opening system
In what cases is it used?
Universal type of mechanism for completing all standard windows with tilt-and-turn sashes
Parallel-sliding or sliding
When equipping entrance groups in wide openings, glazing loggias or balconies, as well as completing windows with multifunctional window sills
For doors, balcony blocks, economy class windows
Combined (“Accordion” or “Book”)
Can be used in openings that are not wide enough instead of sliding or parallel-sliding mechanisms to equip glazing systems for terraces, verandas, entrance lobbies, balconies, loggias
Lifting or folding
It is mainly used when equipping high windows with lifting or folding sashes (transoms), which are located in the lower or upper part of the opening
Designed for windows with a vertical or horizontal axis of central opening
When equipping structures with upward (slider) sashes - English or Canadian windows

Devices for additional ventilation

In the autumn-winter period, it is not advisable to open the doors wide to ventilate the rooms. However, the influx fresh air is necessary all year round, so it is recommended to equip the windows with additional ventilation devices. You can choose a mortise valve that is integrated into the frame or sash structure, or a device. The second type of ventilation is a mechanism that allows you to barely open the window - a small gap is formed between the frame and the sash for fresh air to enter. Both recommended devices make it possible to ventilate rooms in the autumn-winter season without the risk of cooling the rooms.
For some models of supply ventilation valves, it is possible to equip them with temperature and humidity control sensors. The use of such devices allows you to automatically ventilate rooms.

Window shape

PVC profiles can be cut and welded together at different angles, as well as bent in different planes. Thanks to this, manufacturers produce not only rectangular or square windows, but also arched, oval, round, triangular, and trapezoidal windows. Convex or concave models with blind or active doors are also made to order. Such structures are used for glazing openings non-standard shape. Mainly in the under-roof space, attic rooms and dormer windows. Also, with the help of non-standard models, interior designers and architects implement original construction projects.

Frame design features

The availability of technologies for fixing vertical, horizontal and inclined lintels inside frames makes it possible to arbitrarily divide light openings into separate segments. Their shape and dimensions are determined individually. By installing internal PVC profiles, windows are equipped with sashes and vents where the customer needs them. This technology not only makes it possible to implement standard solutions, but also allows for the integration of rectangular sashes into triangular frames and vice versa. Thanks to this, buyers themselves shape the internal content of their windows. In addition to fixing straight lintels, it is possible to install bent profiles inside openings. This further expands the capabilities of customers.

Aesthetic characteristics of plastic windows

The appearance of windows is formed by profiles, double-glazed windows, window sills, and slopes. In some cases, roller blinds, shutters, grilles or awnings are added. Since windows are actually a typesetting constructor, today any combinations are possible. There is nothing restricting customers in this regard, as well as in the choice of decors.


The price of windows depends not only on their dimensions, but also on the configuration and complexity of the work. It is recommended to immediately take into account the cost of installation. The most inexpensive designs– fixed windows made of 2-chamber profiles with single-chamber double-glazed windows. Improving the quality and functionality of models is only possible through the use of more expensive and modern components.

Which windows are best to order?

Double-glazed windows and functional fittings are used today not only for the assembly of windows from PVC profiles, but also for the production of structures made of wood or aluminum. That is, all of the listed modifications, provided they are equipped with high-quality components, will have a high level of thermal insulation, noise absorption, and tightness. Products made of wood and aluminum cost approximately 2-2.5 times more.

This difference is relevant for both economy and standard class models. As a result, at the time of ordering best material for the manufacture of plastic, wooden or aluminum windows is selected individually based on the combination of advantages and disadvantages.

Which windows are better - plastic or aluminum?

When comparing these types of products from profile systems, there are no single universal criteria. In some cases it is better to choose aluminum windows, and in others - plastic windows. It is recommended to choose structures made from metal profile systems when glazing large-area openings, partitions in office and shopping centers, as well as constructing entrance lobbies. Sometimes aluminum windows ordered for cold glazing of balconies and loggias.
Advantages of aluminum windows
Disadvantages of structures made from aluminum profiles
Durability – products can last up to 80 years or longer
Low level of thermal insulation - even insulated products made from profiles with thermal inserts are inferior in this indicator to plastic windows
Rigidity of structures, high dimensional stability of frames and sashes with low weight
Aluminum products currently imitate wooden windows worse than windows made of laminated PVC profiles
High level of fire resistance
Aluminum allows not only cold, but also heat to pass through well, so in extreme heat, apartments and houses with such windows can overheat greatly

Which windows are better - plastic or wooden?

Thanks to the use of Euro timber in the manufacture of modern wooden windows, these products retain shape stability and do not crack. That is, manufacturers managed to get rid of the traditional disadvantages of such models. At the same time, as in the case of aluminum products, wooden windows are no better or worse than plastic windows, so the choice depends on individual factors. The determining role in this process is played by the combination of pros and cons of products, as well as the feasibility of use.
Advantages of wooden windows
Disadvantages of wooden windows
Look more expensive and elegant than products made from PVC profiles
Requires additional protection from the street
Provide natural air exchange between indoor spaces and outdoors
Despite modern manufacturing technologies and additional impregnation with protective compounds, over time they can be affected by mold or mildew.
High-quality window frames with proper care can last at least 100 years, and the durability of frames and sashes made of PVC profiles is 50 years
Production time is 2-3 times longer than that of plastic or aluminum structures

What are the requirements for a plastic profile?

In Russia, the requirements for plastic products in this category are regulated by GOST 30673-99. According to this document, polyvinyl chloride profiles are divided into classes - “A”, “B” and “C”. The best characteristics are for class “A” products, and the least requirements are for class “C” PVC profiles. GOST 30673-99 additionally shows how well plastic windows can withstand exposure ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes.


The plastic used for the manufacture of profile elements must retain its shape at 150 °C for at least 30 minutes - not crack, swell, or delaminate. The minimum temperature at which the plastic can begin to soften should be 75 °C. If polyvinyl chloride meets these requirements, this means that the products can be used on the sunny side and will allow you to quickly leave the room through window openings in the event of a fire.

Important for the profile is the impact strength indicator, which reflects the ability of PVC to resist brittle fracture. The minimum permissible value of this parameter is 15 kJ/m². Frames and sashes with such an impact strength coefficient are able to absorb energy from impacts, due to which they retain an unchanged shape and do not crumble into separate fragments under mechanical stress. To prevent window plastic from being fragile, special modifiers are added to PVC during the production process. In addition, the thickness of the internal and external walls affects the ability of the profiles to maintain their shape and retain heat.

The wall thickness of PVC profiles also affects the reliability and durability of welded joints in window structures. The higher this value, the stronger the seams. The service life of welded joints with an outer wall thickness of 3 mm is approximately 50 years. As a result, for the production of high-quality plastic windows, it is recommended to give preference to “A” class profiles.


Even when 5-chamber “A” class plastic profiles are used for the production of windows, they must be additionally reinforced. This need is dictated by the fact that products made of polyvinyl chloride are deformed in cold or heat - depending on the temperature, the profiles bend in different directions. As a result, gaps form between the active sashes and the frame, and the integrity of the installation seam is gradually compromised. Such processes entail depressurization of windows; this can only be prevented by installing steel liners in the internal chambers.

All high-quality windows today are made only from reinforced profiles. This requirement is contained in GOST 30674-99. According to the regulatory document, the minimum permissible wall thickness of the reinforcing liners is 1.2 mm. Metal profiles must be made of steel with an anti-corrosion coating, the thickness of which, according to GOST 9.303, is 9 microns. Reinforcing liners are attached to the invisible end side of the profiles using metal screws.

Both the sashes and the frames of the window units must be reinforced along the entire perimeter.

Internal chambers and installation depth

According to modern standards, PVC profiles cannot have less than 2 chambers. Number of internal cavities in constituent elements window blocks affects both the stability of their shape and energy efficiency. Today, windows made from 8-chamber profile systems have already appeared on the market. They are designed for use in regions with harsh climates and in facilities with large glass areas, where it is necessary to reduce heat loss to the minimum possible level. GOST 30673-99 provides a classification of profiles depending on their level of resistance to energy transfer.

The smaller the class, the warmer the windows. Increasing the number of cameras from 3 to 5 increases the cost of the product by an average of 10%. These costs are fully justified, since up to 30% of the total heat loss is lost through the frames. The costs of increasing the energy efficiency of the design of a window or door unit pay off quite quickly - in approximately 2-3 years.

The energy efficiency of PVC profiles is also influenced by the installation depth and the total thickness of the internal and external walls. As a result, some 4-chamber windows may be warmer than 5-chamber windows. Moreover, the installation depth depends on both the number of internal cavities and the profile class. It ranges from 58 to 90 mm and determines the stability, energy efficiency and appearance of structures.

According to GOST 30673-99, all profiles are divided into normal and frost-resistant. The first type of product is designed for operation at temperatures not lower than -20 °C, and the second is able to withstand frosts down to -45 °C.

Plastic color

In his in good condition polyvinyl chloride has a grayish color, so when making plastic for various products, coloring agents must be added to it. Currently, two types of paint-painted window profiles are mainly produced:
  • white;
  • brown.
In addition, it is used to decorate window and door blocks. During this process, a plastic film is glued to the plain white or brown surface of the profiles under pressure and at high temperature. It adheres firmly to the base and can be applied on either one or both sides of sashes and frames. Lamination film is available in a wide range of plain, fancy, and tree-like decors.

Also, when decorating PVC profiles, co-extrusion and painting methods are used. These technologies make it possible to give the surface of windows different colors. There is much more choice when painting - the entire RAL color range. However, better resistance to external influences and excellent aesthetic characteristics are achieved when a coating (plexiglass) is applied to the profile base using the co-extrusion method. Thanks to the use of this technology, PVC and decor are actually sintered at high temperatures into a single whole.

Polyvinyl chloride and plexiglass equally expand and contract with temperature changes, so this type of decorative coating is considered one of the most durable.

How to choose plastic windows for balconies and loggias

For balconies and loggias today both cold and warm glazing are used. Since the area of ​​these rooms is limited, it is recommended to equip the doors with a sliding opening system. This will help save space, since the elements of the window structure will move parallel to the frame in close proximity to it. If you still decide to use swing doors on the balcony, it is best to install a system for opening the doors outward. This will leave enough free space inside the room.

To reduce the level of heat loss, you need to use warm glazing even in cases where the balcony or loggia is not combined with the apartment. Thanks to this solution, it will be possible to increase the total energy efficiency of internal and external window structures by at least 10-15%. If French glazing to the full height of the opening is chosen for the loggia, the structures should be further insulated. Especially in cases where the loggia is combined with a living room. To do this, it is recommended to use double-glazed windows with electrical heating or energy-efficient coating.

How to choose plastic windows for an apartment

If the apartment is located on the first or last floor, the windows will need to be equipped with elements to increase the level of burglary protection. It is also recommended to limit the view from the street using reflective or stained glass windows. When further furnishing the premises on any of the floors, much depends on which rooms will have windows installed.
Recommendations for window configurations
Living room
Triplex double-glazed windows on the inside of the windows, PVC profiles and window sills selected for the interior design, decorative layout, micro-slit ventilation device, automatic control system for the microclimate in the room
Double-glazed window with shading and high level of sound insulation, supply ventilation valve
A device for micro-ventilation, blockers for opening sashes, triplex on the inside of double-glazed windows with excellent heat and sound insulation, wide window sills, devices for controlling the intensity of solar lighting
Double-glazed window with a high level of sound insulation, a device for adjusting the intensity of natural light
There are no high requirements for the level of noise reduction and energy efficiency of double-glazed windows. It is recommended to install fresh air ventilation devices and install a window

All products with active doors must be equipped with mosquito nets. If an animal lives in the apartment, you need to install “” models in all rooms. Such designs have a reinforced frame, mesh, and fastening system, so that even an overly active animal is protected from falling out of the window.

How to choose plastic windows for a private home

Choosing windows for a private house is slightly different from a similar procedure for an apartment, although the main criteria in both cases are absolutely the same. The existing difference is due to the characteristics of operation. Depending on the type of object, additional requirements are imposed on profile structures.

PVC windows for a cottage

Since at such facilities there is a high risk of entry into the house through windows, additional care must be taken to ensure burglary safety. If in apartments this requirement applies to windows on the first and last floors, then for all cottages it is always relevant. It is also desirable to ensure confidentiality.

Unlike apartments, cottages usually have a window in the bathroom. It must be equipped with fresh air ventilation valves and double-glazed windows with frosted glass, since the mirror coating is effective only during the daytime.

PVC windows for a wooden house

In houses made of timber or rounded logs, you can also install plastic windows if they are made of a laminated profile. However, with this configuration option, it should be taken into account that wooden walls will change color over time, but frames and sashes will not. In addition, when measuring and installing windows in houses made of timber and logs, you must remember that the size of openings in such buildings may vary. This process is explained both by possible shrinkage of the foundation and by seasonal moisture content in the wood.

To avoid problems with the operation of windows associated with changes in the geometry of the shapes and sizes of openings, a casing procedure is performed. To do this, additional frames are installed in the openings, which are able to compensate for deformations. They are mounted in the log house in such a way that they are able to move slightly from side to side. This technology allows you to maintain the shape of plastic windows and avoid their breakage.

PVC windows for a summer residence

If the dacha is uninhabited and empty in the autumn-winter period, it is best to order economy-class windows from a 3-chamber profile. Indeed, in such cases, a high level of energy efficiency is not required, so you should not overpay for it. In all other situations, the same criteria apply to windows for cottages as for models for cottages. To ensure safety, it is recommended to install metal shutters on the openings, which are locked from the inside. Window bars look better, but are less effective.

How to choose a window sill and slope system

Window sills today are represented by several types of practical products. It is advisable to buy them together with the windows so that the team can immediately install all the necessary elements during installation. The best combinations with plastic windows are window sills made of PVC, artificial and natural stone, as well as combined models made of plastic and pressed wood. Some characteristics of these products have significant differences. To choose the right window sill for a plastic window, it is recommended to study and compare the basic properties of models made from different materials.
Type of window sill
Plastic (PVC)
Easy to install, able to withstand medium mechanical impact, can imitate the texture of natural wood
There are restrictions on the width of the canvas, products melt after contact with too hot objects and cigarette ash (average heat resistance limit is 150 ° C), they can turn yellow if not properly cared for
Can withstand temperatures up to 180-200 °C, have a wear-resistant, beautiful surface made of laminated plastics
There are restrictions on the width of the canvas and the shape of the front surface
Fake diamond
Scratches can be easily removed from the surface, has a high level of heat resistance, and it is possible to make a radius-shaped window sill
It is necessary to pre-order products; they can be made on the basis of a frame made of material (MDF) with low moisture resistance
A natural stone
They look solid, have the highest heat resistance, and allow you to give the front end any shape
Problems are possible when inserting ventilation grilles into granite products, low level of strength of marble window sills

It is recommended to select slope systems for the decor of window sills. They are a set of sandwich panels and additional moldings - starting profile, corners, platbands. These stackable plastic structures go well with window blocks from PVC profiles. The use of such systems allows:

  • quickly improve the slopes, hide all the unevenness on the walls;
  • additionally insulate the walls around the frame;
  • give the entire window structure in the opening a single style.

There are not only internal, but also external slope systems. They are made of frost-resistant plastic or painted steel. Such external systems protect well assembly seams, hide defects on the surface of the slopes, and do not interfere with the window structure “breathing”. Depending on the modification, these products do not lose their aesthetic appeal for 15-40 years.

Design features of plastic windows

The standard design of a plastic window is a frame divided by vertical and horizontal profile partitions (imposts) with blind and active sashes. Such models are used for installation in vertical wall openings; they serve as the basis for more complex models.

Bay windows

A bay window is a multifaceted structure that protrudes forward beyond the general plane of the facade. Openings in such rooms can be glazed with windows made of PVC profiles. To do this, the individual elements of a complex system are connected to each other using connecting elements (bay windows) and form a multifaceted, completely sealed structure. Functionally, such products are no different from conventional models made of plastic profiles. With the exception of sliding and parallel-sliding systems, they can be equipped with any sash opening mechanisms and additional devices. Semicircular bay windows, depending on the glazing area, are either a solid or prefabricated structure. Some of these modifications are suitable for equipping with sliding doors.

Strip glazing

Using strip structures, it is possible to glaze linear openings with an area exceeding 6 m². Separate independent sections are connected using special connecting profiles that can compensate thermal expansions plastic. Strip glazing using structures made of PVC profiles is best suited for horizontally elongated openings on loggias, terraces, and verandas. Such multi-sectional systems are equipped with both swing and sliding mechanisms opening.

Anti-aircraft lights

This type of window structure is designed to be integrated into the roof. are equipped with blind and active doors; they can have a flat, convex, dome or pyramidal shape. Their production requires reinforced profiles and double-glazed windows, as well as an automatic control system for opening and closing windows. These structures are considered universal, as they are suitable for installation in any roof - metal, tile, concrete. Skylights are mainly integrated into flat roofs, but their installation is also possible on a pitched roof.

Winter gardens and greenhouses

Such products are a complex combination of vertical, horizontal and inclined glazing. The construction of such structures is possible only with the use of reinforced profile systems, since during operation they must withstand high wind and snow loads. For better ventilation, active shutters with remote system management. Since the total area of ​​such structures is usually quite large, it is recommended to equip them with energy-efficient double-glazed windows to reduce heat loss.

Dormer windows

Although roof windows are not complex structures consisting of several independent elements, they are fundamentally different from conventional models made of PVC profiles. Since such products are designed to be integrated into pitched roofs, they have a reinforced structure and improved waterproofing. The frame of roof windows prevents water from flowing into the interior even when the sashes are open. Experts advise equipping them with heated double-glazed windows to melt snow, and electric drives for remote control of the shutters.

How to choose a plastic window manufacturer

It is important not only to choose high-quality and suitable components for the manufacture of windows, but also to decide on the manufacturer. This is not so simple, since there is a possibility of running into scammers or a company with low responsibility. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
  1. Preference should be given to those manufacturers who have not changed the addresses of their order acceptance points for a long time.
  2. The company should have a showroom with all product samples. Moreover, for each type of profile, fittings and all other elements of window structures, the manufacturer is obliged to provide certificates of conformity.
  3. Trust the better companies that additionally provide window installation services, provide guarantees and service.
  4. You cannot deal with those contractors who promise to produce everything in 2-3 days or refuse to enter into an official contract.
  5. A small office without a showroom should alert the buyer - this is how fly-by-night companies collect advance payments for orders within 2-3 weeks and disappear.
Today, services for the manufacture and installation of structures made from PVC profiles are provided by manufacturers and dealers, who can confidently be called responsible contractors. When choosing between them, in most cases it is better to give preference to responsible dealers, although the manufacturers still enjoy great authority. This is explained by the fact that dealers always have a wider range of products, and they also have more well-equipped installation teams and an extensive network of offices. Moreover, their prices are almost always the same as those of manufacturers.

Production time

On average, the full production cycle of plastic windows, taking into account force majeure insurance, is about 2 working weeks. However, in summer and early autumn, manufacturing and installation can sometimes take up to 2 months. This is due to the fact that during the high season, manufacturers have too many orders, so they are forced to shift deadlines. To reduce the waiting time to 5-7 days, it is best to plan the event for the winter. Moreover, during periods of low customer activity, virtually all manufacturers and dealers provide good discounts. Thanks to this, you can save not only time, but also money.

Window installation

Correctly performed measurements, well-chosen components, high quality manufacturing designs are not guaranteed good characteristics windows if their installation was carried out incorrectly. Carrying out installation work must be carried out taking into account the requirements set out in GOST 30971-2012. Compliance with this technology guarantees that the windows will fully comply with the characteristics declared by the manufacturers.

Life time

When studying this issue, you need to take into account the fact that different elements of the window structure are designed to different time operation. For example, the service life of frames and sashes made of high-quality PVC profiles today is 40-50 years, and double-glazed windows remain airtight for 20 years. The durability of the fittings is the same as that of double-glazed windows - about 20 years or 20 thousand full operating cycles (opening/closing).

It is also worth paying attention not only to the durability declared by the manufacturer, but also to the warranty. If they do not exceed 3-4 years, then the windows are probably of poor quality. Responsible manufacturers today provide a guarantee of 5-10 years - the time until the first replacement of seal circuits, as they are confident in the durability of their products. To ensure your windows last as long as possible, it is recommended to have them serviced every 6-12 months.

Cost of plastic windows

The minimum price for a window with a single-chamber double-glazed window and tilt-and-turn fittings, excluding installation costs, is about 2,100 rubles per 1 m². However, such basic models are no longer popular because they are outdated. Today there is an increase in demand for energy-efficient windows of a new generation made of multi-chamber profiles (from 5 chambers) with heat-saving double-glazed windows. Their minimum price is about 3800-4000 rubles 1 m².

What to consider when ordering plastic windows

When directly ordering plastic windows, the buyer receives a lot of information in the process of communicating with a consultant or measurer. Some of the information is secondary, and it prevents some clients from concentrating on the main thing. Here are the main points to consider first when placing an order:
  1. For the European part of Russia best option configuration - 5-chamber "A" class profile and energy-efficient double-glazed windows with heat-saving (selective) coating.

  2. If the windows face a noisy side of the street with heavy traffic, it is necessary to take care of additional soundproofing of the structures. To do this, it is better to choose 2-chamber double-glazed windows with different glass thicknesses. This design absorbs noise most effectively.

  3. Products for a children's room must be equipped with shockproof glass and blockers for accidental opening of the doors. In other cases, you can optionally use the recommendations from the table published in our article.

  4. When windows are in an area of ​​prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, it is better not to use a dark profile for their manufacture. It accumulates more actively thermal energy and becomes deformed due to overheating.

  5. Although standards allow a minimum thickness of steel liners of 1.2 mm, metal profiles with a wall thickness of 1.5 mm or more are recommended for reinforcing structures.

  6. To ensure security, it is advisable to equip windows on the first and last floors not only with triplex on the outside, but also with reinforced anti-burglary fittings.

  7. The best way to protect yourself from excess sunlight will be double-glazed windows with multifunctional glass, which prevent the interior from overheating in the summer and retain heat in the winter.

  8. If the window sill is planned to be used as a multifunctional surface (table, shelf, stand), it is best to equip the window with sliding sashes. In surfaces that are large and protrude far beyond the radiator, you need to install special ventilation grilles to circulate warm air.

  9. A universal option for opening the sashes is a tilt-and-turn one with a micro-slot ventilation device.

  10. Big windows with high or heavy sashes, as well as attic models and skylights, it is recommended to immediately equip automatic systems opening.

These 10 practical tips will help you order windows that will be convenient and will not cause problems during operation. Such products will be able to keep warm in winter, protect from heat in summer, protect from noise and ensure safety. When searching for the optimal option for completing plastic windows for residential or commercial premises, many customers are interested in the opinions of friends and colleagues. In most cases, it's a waste of time. Only experienced experts have the necessary information, which in any situation is guaranteed to allow you to select high-quality windows from PVC profiles.

Window seller with 17 years of experience Oleg Nikolaevich Litvinov: “In order for the consultant to be able to select the most suitable windows, the buyer needs to formulate his requirements as clearly as possible. At the same time, the customer does not need to be embarrassed to name the budget he is counting on. Indeed, in this case, a specialist can quickly find the best option. If the offered price does not suit you a little, you should not save - it is better to wait 1-2 months to save the missing amount. After all, a simplified configuration option chosen for the sake of economy will not be able to fully solve the assigned tasks. PVC windows PVC profile Window installation Window production Fittings Double-glazed window